path: root/app/src/main/kotlin/com/pitchedapps/frost/web/DebugWebView.kt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-04Added new “marketplace items” filterdevIván Ávalos
2022-07-01Fixed ads filter and added new “suggested posts” filterIván Ávalos
2021-04-17Remove koin dependency in productionAllan Wang
2021-04-17Injection checkpointAllan Wang
2021-04-17Update theme providers and readd koin modulesAllan Wang
2021-01-12Convert all theme access to themeproviderAllan Wang
2021-01-12Create themeproviderAllan Wang
2021-01-10Start converting pref colors into themeProvider colorsAllan Wang
2021-01-10Fix koin importsAllan Wang
2020-07-18Split prefs into segmentsAllan Wang
2020-07-18Create prefs packageAllan Wang
2020-05-23Create full size image cssAllan Wang
2020-02-23Remove koincomponent from activities and apply spotlessAllan Wang
2020-02-23Move prefs to service locatorAllan Wang
2019-12-30Apply spotless and update changelogAllan Wang
2019-09-07Remove desktop and mobile user agent defAllan Wang
2019-04-21Wrap all db calls using our own contextAllan Wang
2019-04-13Update user agent (#1400)Allan Wang
2019-04-04Merge mute specific fixes (#1386)Allan Wang
2019-03-31Apply spotlessv2.2.3Allan Wang
2019-03-31Remove round icon settingsAllan Wang
2019-03-04Allow hiding stories (#1361)Allan Wang
2019-01-05Remove reactivex from debuggerAllan Wang
2018-12-28Fully remove anko, resolves #1184Allan Wang
2018-12-24Enhancement/ktlint (#1259)Allan Wang
2018-12-23Migrate to androidx (#1257)Allan Wang
2018-09-27Add tests and move header hider to cssAllan Wang
2018-03-21Feature/bugsnag (#807)Allan Wang
2018-03-11Enhancement/debug mode (#779)Allan Wang
2018-01-07Enhancement/debug (#605)Allan Wang
2018-01-07Feature/website debug (#603)Allan Wang