path: root/legacy/web/app/view/edit/UsersController.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'legacy/web/app/view/edit/UsersController.js')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/web/app/view/edit/UsersController.js b/legacy/web/app/view/edit/UsersController.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e810435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/legacy/web/app/view/edit/UsersController.js
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 - 2017 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org)
+ * Copyright 2016 - 2017 Andrey Kunitsyn (andrey@traccar.org)
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+Ext.define('Traccar.view.edit.UsersController', {
+ extend: 'Traccar.view.edit.ToolbarController',
+ alias: 'controller.users',
+ requires: [
+ 'Traccar.view.dialog.User',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Devices',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Groups',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Geofences',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Calendars',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Users',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.ComputedAttributes',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Drivers',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.SavedCommands',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Notifications',
+ 'Traccar.view.permissions.Maintenances',
+ 'Traccar.view.BaseWindow',
+ 'Traccar.model.User'
+ ],
+ objectModel: 'Traccar.model.User',
+ objectDialog: 'Traccar.view.dialog.User',
+ removeTitle: Strings.settingsUser,
+ init: function () {
+ Ext.getStore('Users').load();
+ this.lookupReference('userUsersButton').setHidden(!Traccar.app.getUser().get('administrator'));
+ this.lookupReference('userDriversButton').setHidden(
+ Traccar.app.getVehicleFeaturesDisabled() || Traccar.app.getBooleanAttributePreference('ui.disableDrivers'));
+ this.lookupReference('userAttributesButton').setHidden(
+ Traccar.app.getBooleanAttributePreference('ui.disableComputedAttributes'));
+ this.lookupReference('userCalendarsButton').setHidden(
+ Traccar.app.getBooleanAttributePreference('ui.disableCalendars'));
+ this.lookupReference('userCommandsButton').setHidden(Traccar.app.getPreference('limitCommands', false));
+ this.lookupReference('userMaintenancesButton').setHidden(
+ Traccar.app.getVehicleFeaturesDisabled() || Traccar.app.getBooleanAttributePreference('ui.disableMaintenance'));
+ },
+ onEditClick: function () {
+ var dialog, user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ dialog = Ext.create('Traccar.view.dialog.User', {
+ selfEdit: user.get('id') === Traccar.app.getUser().get('id')
+ });
+ dialog.down('form').loadRecord(user);
+ dialog.show();
+ },
+ onAddClick: function () {
+ var user, dialog;
+ user = Ext.create('Traccar.model.User');
+ if (Traccar.app.getUser().get('administrator')) {
+ user.set('deviceLimit', -1);
+ }
+ if (Traccar.app.getUser().get('expirationTime')) {
+ user.set('expirationTime', Traccar.app.getUser().get('expirationTime'));
+ }
+ dialog = Ext.create('Traccar.view.dialog.User');
+ dialog.down('form').loadRecord(user);
+ dialog.show();
+ },
+ onDevicesClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.getStore('AllGroups').load();
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.deviceTitle,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkDevicesView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'deviceId',
+ storeName: 'AllDevices',
+ linkStoreName: 'Devices',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onGroupsClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.settingsGroups,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkGroupsView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'groupId',
+ storeName: 'AllGroups',
+ linkStoreName: 'Groups',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onGeofencesClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedGeofences,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkGeofencesView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'geofenceId',
+ storeName: 'AllGeofences',
+ linkStoreName: 'Geofences',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onNotificationsClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedNotifications,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkNotificationsView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'notificationId',
+ storeName: 'AllNotifications',
+ linkStoreName: 'Notifications',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onCalendarsClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedCalendars,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkCalendarsView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'calendarId',
+ storeName: 'AllCalendars',
+ linkStoreName: 'Calendars',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onUsersClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.settingsUsers,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkUsersView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'managedUserId',
+ storeName: 'Users',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onAttributesClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedComputedAttributes,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkComputedAttributesView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'attributeId',
+ storeName: 'AllComputedAttributes',
+ linkStoreName: 'ComputedAttributes',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onDriversClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedDrivers,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkDriversView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'driverId',
+ storeName: 'AllDrivers',
+ linkStoreName: 'Drivers',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onCommandsClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedSavedCommands,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkSavedCommandsView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'commandId',
+ storeName: 'AllCommands',
+ linkStoreName: 'Commands',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onMaintenancesClick: function () {
+ var user = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
+ Ext.create('Traccar.view.BaseWindow', {
+ title: Strings.sharedMaintenance,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'linkMaintenancesView',
+ baseObjectName: 'userId',
+ linkObjectName: 'maintenanceId',
+ storeName: 'AllMaintenances',
+ linkStoreName: 'Maintenances',
+ baseObject: user.getId()
+ }
+ }).show();
+ },
+ onSelectionChange: function (selection, selected) {
+ var disabled = selected.length === 0;
+ this.lookupReference('userDevicesButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userGroupsButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userGeofencesButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userNotificationsButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userCalendarsButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userAttributesButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userDriversButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userCommandsButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userMaintenancesButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('userUsersButton').setDisabled(disabled || selected[0].get('userLimit') === 0);
+ this.callParent(arguments);
+ }