path: root/web/l10n/ar.json
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2024-04-06 09:17:52 -0700
committerAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2024-04-06 09:17:52 -0700
commitb392a4af78e01c8e0f50aad5468e9583675b24be (patch)
tree0a4fd7c4ee020e0829817853469979d4e998a69a /web/l10n/ar.json
parent94cadecda794358a53995c276697919eaf540466 (diff)
Move to the legacy folder
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l10n/ar.json')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 600 deletions
diff --git a/web/l10n/ar.json b/web/l10n/ar.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f4c9d8..00000000
--- a/web/l10n/ar.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "جاري التحميل...",
- "sharedHide": "إخفاء",
- "sharedSave": "حفظ",
- "sharedUpload": "Upload",
- "sharedSet": "ضبط",
- "sharedCancel": "إلغاء",
- "sharedCopy": "Copy",
- "sharedAdd": "إضافة",
- "sharedEdit": "تعديل",
- "sharedRemove": "حذف",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "حذف العنصر؟",
- "sharedNoData": "No data",
- "sharedSubject": "Subject",
- "sharedYes": "نعم",
- "sharedNo": "لا",
- "sharedKm": "كم",
- "sharedMi": "ميل",
- "sharedNmi": "معرف العداد المحلي",
- "sharedMeters": "m",
- "sharedFeet": "ft",
- "sharedKn": "عقدة",
- "sharedKmh": "كم/ساعه",
- "sharedMph": "ميل/ساعة",
- "sharedHour": "ساعه",
- "sharedMinute": "دقيقة",
- "sharedSecond": "ثانية",
- "sharedDays": "أيام",
- "sharedHours": "ساعات",
- "sharedMinutes": "دقائق",
- "sharedDecimalDegrees": "درجات عشرية",
- "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "درجات عشرية للدقائق",
- "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "درجات دقائق للثواني",
- "sharedName": "الاسم",
- "sharedDescription": "الوصف",
- "sharedSearch": "بحث",
- "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
- "sharedGeofence": "السياج الجغرافي",
- "sharedGeofences": "السياجات الجغرافية",
- "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
- "sharedNotifications": "التنبيهات",
- "sharedNotification": "إشعار",
- "sharedAttributes": "الخصائص",
- "sharedAttribute": "خاصية",
- "sharedDrivers": "السائقون",
- "sharedDriver": "السائق",
- "sharedArea": "منطقة",
- "sharedSound": "صوت التنبيهات",
- "sharedType": "النوع",
- "sharedDistance": "المسافة",
- "sharedHourAbbreviation": "س",
- "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "د",
- "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "ث",
- "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "جهد كهربائي",
- "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "تيار",
- "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "جالون",
- "sharedLiter": "ليتر",
- "sharedImpGallon": "جالون الإمبراطورية",
- "sharedUsGallon": "جالون أمريكي",
- "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "لتر/ساعة",
- "sharedGetMapState": "الحصول على حالة الخريطة",
- "sharedComputedAttribute": "السمة المحصاة",
- "sharedComputedAttributes": "السمات المحصاة",
- "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "التحقق من السمة المحصاة",
- "sharedExpression": "العبارة الجبرية",
- "sharedDevice": "جهاز",
- "sharedTest": "Test",
- "sharedTestNotification": "ارسل تنبيه تجريبي",
- "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
- "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
- "sharedCalendar": "التقويم",
- "sharedCalendars": "التقويمات",
- "sharedFile": "ملف",
- "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
- "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
- "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
- "sharedSelectFile": "حدد ملف",
- "sharedPhone": "هاتف",
- "sharedRequired": "اجباري",
- "sharedPreferences": "التفضيلات",
- "sharedPermissions": "الصلاحيات",
- "sharedConnections": "الاتصالات",
- "sharedExtra": "إضافي",
- "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
- "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
- "sharedTypeString": "نص",
- "sharedTypeNumber": "رقم",
- "sharedTypeBoolean": "منطقية",
- "sharedTimezone": "منطقة زمنية",
- "sharedInfoTitle": "معلومات",
- "sharedSavedCommand": "أمر مخزن",
- "sharedSavedCommands": "أوامر مخزنة",
- "sharedNew": "جديد...",
- "sharedShowAddress": "إظهار العنوان",
- "sharedShowDetails": "تفاصيل إضافية",
- "sharedDisabled": "معطل",
- "sharedMaintenance": "صيانة",
- "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "المراكم",
- "sharedAlarms": "الإنذارات",
- "sharedLocation": "الموقع",
- "sharedImport": "استيراد",
- "sharedColumns": "Columns",
- "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
- "sharedLogs": "Logs",
- "sharedLink": "Link",
- "calendarSimple": "Simple",
- "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
- "calendarOnce": "Once",
- "calendarDaily": "Daily",
- "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
- "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
- "calendarDays": "Days",
- "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
- "calendarMonday": "Monday",
- "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
- "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
- "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
- "calendarFriday": "Friday",
- "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
- "attributeShowGeofences": "Show Geofences",
- "attributeSpeedLimit": "الحد الأقصى للسرعة",
- "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
- "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
- "attributePolylineDistance": "مسافة متعددة الخطوط",
- "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "تقرير: إهمال عداد المسافة",
- "attributeWebReportColor": "الويب: لون التقرير",
- "attributeDevicePassword": "الرقم السري للجهاز",
- "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
- "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "بداية عدم فعالية الجهاز",
- "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "فترة عدم فعالية الجهاز",
- "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "المعالجة: نسخ السمات",
- "attributeColor": "اللون",
- "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "الويب: طول العرض المباشر للمسار",
- "attributeWebSelectZoom": "الويب: التقريب عند التحديد",
- "attributeWebMaxZoom": "ويب: التكبير الأقصى",
- "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
- "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
- "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
- "attributeMailSmtpHost": "البريد: مستضيف الـ SMTP",
- "attributeMailSmtpPort": "البريد: منفذ الـ SMTP",
- "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "البريد: تمكين SMTP SSL",
- "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "البريد: مطلوب SMTP SSL",
- "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "البريد: تمكين SMTP SSL",
- "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "البريد: وثوق بـ SMTP SSL",
- "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "البريد: بروتوكولات SMTP SSL",
- "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "البريد: SMTP من",
- "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "البريد: تفعيل مصادقة SMTP",
- "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "البريد: أسم مستخدم الـ SMTP",
- "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "البريد: كلمة مرور الـ SMTP",
- "attributeUiDisableSavedCommands": "UI: Disable Saved Commands",
- "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
- "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
- "attributeUiDisableEvents": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل الأحداث",
- "attributeUiDisableVehicleFeatures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Features",
- "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل السائقين",
- "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل السمات المحصاة",
- "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل التقويمات",
- "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل الصيانة",
- "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "واجهة المستخدم: إخفاء سمات الموقع",
- "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
- "attributeNotificationTokens": "رموز الإشعارات",
- "attributePopupInfo": "Popup Info",
- "errorTitle": "خطأ",
- "errorGeneral": "معطيات غير صحيحة او مخالفة للصلاحيات",
- "errorConnection": "خطأ في الاتصال",
- "errorSocket": "خطأ في اتصال حزم البيانات",
- "errorZero": "لا يمكن ان تكون صفر",
- "userEmail": "البريد الالكتروني",
- "userPassword": "كلمة المرور",
- "userAdmin": "مدير النظام",
- "userRemember": "تذكر",
- "userExpirationTime": "انتهاء الصلاحية",
- "userDeviceLimit": "الحد الأقصى للأجهزة",
- "userUserLimit": "الحد الأقصى للمستخدمين",
- "userDeviceReadonly": "جهاز للقراءة فقط",
- "userLimitCommands": "تقييد الاوامر",
- "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
- "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
- "userToken": "رمز",
- "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
- "userTemporary": "Temporary",
- "loginTitle": "تسجيل الدخول",
- "loginLanguage": "اللغة",
- "loginReset": "Reset Password",
- "loginRegister": "تسجيل جديد",
- "loginLogin": "تسجيل الدخول",
- "loginOpenId": "Login with OpenID",
- "loginFailed": "البريد الالكتروني أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة",
- "loginCreated": "تم تسجيل مستخدم جديد",
- "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
- "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
- "loginLogout": "تسجيل الخروج",
- "loginLogo": "الشعار",
- "loginTotpCode": "One-time Password Code",
- "loginTotpKey": "One-time Password Key",
- "devicesAndState": "الأجهزة والحالة",
- "deviceSelected": "Selected Device",
- "deviceTitle": "الأجهزة",
- "devicePrimaryInfo": "Device Title",
- "deviceSecondaryInfo": "Device Detail",
- "deviceIdentifier": "المعرف",
- "deviceModel": "الطراز",
- "deviceContact": "بيانات التواصل",
- "deviceCategory": "الصنف",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "آخر تحديث",
- "deviceCommand": "أمر",
- "deviceFollow": "متابعة",
- "deviceTotalDistance": "المسافة الكلية",
- "deviceStatus": "الحالة",
- "deviceStatusOnline": "متصل",
- "deviceStatusOffline": "غير متصل",
- "deviceStatusUnknown": "غير معروف",
- "deviceRegisterFirst": "Register your first device",
- "deviceIdentifierHelp": "IMEI, serial number or other id. It has to match the identifier device reports to the server.",
- "deviceShare": "Share Device",
- "groupDialog": "مجموعة",
- "groupParent": "مجموعة",
- "groupNoGroup": "لا توجد مجموعة",
- "settingsTitle": "الإعدادات",
- "settingsUser": "الحساب",
- "settingsGroups": "المجموعات",
- "settingsServer": "الخادم",
- "settingsUsers": "المستخدمون",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "وحدة المسافة",
- "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "وحدة السرعة",
- "settingsVolumeUnit": "وحدة الحجم",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "صيغة 12-ساعة",
- "settingsCoordinateFormat": "صيغة الإحداثيات",
- "settingsServerVersion": "Server Version",
- "settingsAppVersion": "App Version",
- "settingsConnection": "Connection",
- "settingsDarkMode": "Dark Mode",
- "settingsTotpEnable": "Enable One-time Password",
- "settingsTotpForce": "Force One-time Password",
- "settingsServiceWorkerUpdateInterval": "ServiceWorker Update Interval",
- "settingsUpdateAvailable": "There is an update available.",
- "settingsSupport": "Support",
- "reportTitle": "التقارير",
- "reportScheduled": "Scheduled Reports",
- "reportDevice": "الجهاز",
- "reportGroup": "المجموعة",
- "reportFrom": "من",
- "reportTo": "الى",
- "reportShow": "إظهار",
- "reportClear": "تفريغ الحقول",
- "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
- "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
- "linkStreetView": "Street View",
- "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
- "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
- "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
- "positionValid": "صالح",
- "positionAccuracy": "الدقة",
- "positionLatitude": "خط العرض",
- "positionLongitude": "خط الطول",
- "positionAltitude": "ارتفاع عن سطح البحر",
- "positionSpeed": "السرعة",
- "positionCourse": "الإتجاه",
- "positionAddress": "العنوان",
- "positionProtocol": "بروتوكول",
- "positionDistance": "المسافة",
- "positionRpm": "دورة في الدقيقة",
- "positionFuel": "الوقود",
- "positionPower": "الطاقة",
- "positionBattery": "بطارية",
- "positionRaw": "خام",
- "positionIndex": "قائمة",
- "positionHdop": "HDOP",
- "positionVdop": "VDOP",
- "positionPdop": "PDOP",
- "positionSat": "أقمار صناعية",
- "positionSatVisible": "الأقمار الصناعية المرئية",
- "positionRssi": "RSSI",
- "positionGps": "GPS",
- "positionRoaming": "التجوال",
- "positionEvent": "حدث",
- "positionAlarm": "إنذار",
- "positionStatus": "الحالة",
- "positionOdometer": "عداد المسافة",
- "positionServiceOdometer": "عداد مسافة الصيانة",
- "positionTripOdometer": "عداد مسافة الرحلة",
- "positionHours": "الساعات",
- "positionSteps": "الخطوات",
- "positionInput": "مدخلات",
- "positionHeartRate": "Heart Rate",
- "positionOutput": "نواتج",
- "positionBatteryLevel": "مستوى البطارية",
- "positionFuelConsumption": "الوقود المستهلك",
- "positionRfid": "RFID",
- "positionVersionFw": "نسخة البرنامج",
- "positionVersionHw": "نسخة الجهاز",
- "positionIgnition": "إشعال",
- "positionFlags": "أعلام",
- "positionCharge": "شحن",
- "positionIp": "عنوان البروتوكول",
- "positionArchive": "أرشفة",
- "positionVin": "رقم الهيكل",
- "positionApproximate": "تقريبي",
- "positionThrottle": "الخانق",
- "positionMotion": "الحركة",
- "positionArmed": "الانذار مفعل",
- "positionAcceleration": "التسارع",
- "positionTemp": "Temperature",
- "positionDeviceTemp": "حرارة الجهاز",
- "positionCoolantTemp": "Coolant Temperature",
- "positionOperator": "المشغل",
- "positionCommand": "أمر",
- "positionBlocked": "محظور",
- "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
- "positionObdSpeed": "سرعة OBD",
- "positionObdOdometer": "عداد مسافة OBD",
- "positionDrivingTime": "Driving Time",
- "positionDriverUniqueId": "معرف فريد للسائق",
- "positionCard": "Card",
- "positionImage": "صورة",
- "positionVideo": "Video",
- "positionAudio": "صوت",
- "serverTitle": "اعدادت الخادم",
- "serverZoom": "تقريب",
- "serverRegistration": "تسجيل",
- "serverReadonly": "متابعة فقط",
- "serverForceSettings": "إجبار الإعدادات",
- "serverAnnouncement": "الإعلانات",
- "serverName": "Server Name",
- "serverDescription": "Server Description",
- "serverColorPrimary": "Color Primary",
- "serverColorSecondary": "Color Secondary",
- "serverLogo": "Logo Image",
- "serverLogoInverted": "Inverted Logo Image",
- "serverChangeDisable": "Disable Server Change",
- "serverDisableShare": "Disable Device Sharing",
- "mapTitle": "خريطة",
- "mapActive": "Active Maps",
- "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
- "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
- "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
- "mapOpenRailwayMap": "OpenRailwayMap",
- "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
- "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
- "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
- "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
- "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
- "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
- "mapLayer": "طبقة الخريطة",
- "mapCustom": "مخصص (XYZ)",
- "mapCustomArcgis": "مخصص (ArcGIS)",
- "mapCustomLabel": "خريطة مخصصة",
- "mapCarto": "خرائط Carto Base",
- "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
- "mapGoogleRoad": "Google Road",
- "mapGoogleHybrid": "Google Hybrid",
- "mapGoogleSatellite": "Google Satellite",
- "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
- "mapBingKey": "مفتاح خرائط Bing",
- "mapBingRoad": "خرائط الطرق Bing",
- "mapBingAerial": "خرائط جوية Bing",
- "mapBingHybrid": "خرائط هجينة Bing",
- "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
- "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
- "mapYandexMap": "خرائط Yandex",
- "mapYandexSat": "خرائط صورية Yandex",
- "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
- "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
- "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox للشوارع",
- "mapMapboxStreetsDark": "Mapbox Streets Dark",
- "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox بالخارج",
- "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox بالقمر الصناعي",
- "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
- "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
- "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
- "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
- "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
- "mapLocationIqDark": "LocationIQ Dark",
- "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
- "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
- "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
- "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
- "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
- "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
- "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
- "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
- "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
- "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
- "mapShapePolygon": "مضلع",
- "mapShapeCircle": "دائرة",
- "mapShapePolyline": "متعدد الضلوع",
- "mapLiveRoutes": "مسار حي",
- "mapDirection": "Show Direction",
- "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
- "mapPoiLayer": "طبقة POI نقاط الإهتمام",
- "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
- "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
- "mapDefault": "Default Map",
- "stateTitle": "حالة",
- "stateName": "خاصية",
- "stateValue": "قيمة",
- "commandTitle": "أمر",
- "commandSend": "ارسال",
- "commandSent": "تم ارسال الامر",
- "commandQueued": "الامر في قائمة الانتظار",
- "commandUnit": "وحدة",
- "commandCustom": "أمر مخصص",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "تعريف الجهاز",
- "commandPositionSingle": "تقرير مفرد",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "تقارير دورية",
- "commandPositionStop": "ايقاف التقرير",
- "commandEngineStop": "ايقاف المحرك",
- "commandEngineResume": "استئناف المحرك",
- "commandAlarmArm": "بدء تشغيل المنبه",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "تعطيل المنبه",
- "commandAlarmDismiss": "إيقاف المنبه",
- "commandSetTimezone": "حدد المنطقة الزمنية",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "اطلب صورة",
- "commandPowerOff": "اطفاء الجهاز",
- "commandRebootDevice": "أعد تشغيل الجهاز",
- "commandFactoryReset": "إعادة ضبط المصنع",
- "commandSendSms": "إرسال رسالة قصيرة",
- "commandSendUssd": "إرسال الـ USSD",
- "commandSosNumber": "ظبط رقم الطوارئ",
- "commandSilenceTime": "حدد التوقيت الصامت",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "ضبط سجل الهاتف",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "رسالة صوتية",
- "commandOutputControl": "التحكم بالإخراج",
- "commandVoiceMonitoring": "مراقبة صوتية",
- "commandSetAgps": "تعيين GPS المساعد",
- "commandSetIndicator": "تعيين المؤشر",
- "commandConfiguration": "ضبط",
- "commandGetVersion": "الحصول على الإصدار",
- "commandFirmwareUpdate": "تحديث البرنامج المشغل",
- "commandSetConnection": "تعيين اتصال",
- "commandSetOdometer": "تعيين عداد المسافة",
- "commandGetModemStatus": "الحصول على حالة المودم",
- "commandGetDeviceStatus": "الحصول على حالة الجهاز",
- "commandSetSpeedLimit": "ضبط حد السرعة",
- "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
- "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
- "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
- "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
- "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
- "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
- "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
- "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
- "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
- "commandFrequency": "التكرر",
- "commandTimezone": "إزاحة المنطقة الزمنية",
- "commandMessage": "رسالة",
- "commandRadius": "القطر",
- "commandEnable": "تفعيل",
- "commandData": "بيانات",
- "commandIndex": "قائمة",
- "commandPhone": "رقم الهاتف",
- "commandServer": "خادم",
- "commandPort": "منفذ",
- "eventAll": "جميع الأحداث",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "الحالة متصل",
- "eventDeviceUnknown": "الحالة غير معروف",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "الحالة غير متصل",
- "eventDeviceInactive": "الجهاز غير مفعل",
- "eventQueuedCommandSent": "Queued command sent",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "الجهاز يتحرك",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "الجهاز متوقف",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "تجاوز للسرعة",
- "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "انخفاض الوقود",
- "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
- "eventCommandResult": "نتيجة الأمر",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "دخول المنطقة الجغرافية",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "خروج من المنطقة الجغرافية",
- "eventAlarm": "إنذار",
- "eventIgnitionOn": "اشعال المحرك",
- "eventIgnitionOff": "ايقاف المحرك",
- "eventMaintenance": "حان وقت الصيانة",
- "eventTextMessage": "تم استلام رسالة نصية",
- "eventDriverChanged": "تم تغيير السائق",
- "eventMedia": "Media",
- "eventsScrollToLast": "الانتقال للأخير",
- "eventsSoundEvents": "Sound Events",
- "eventsSoundAlarms": "Sound Alarms",
- "alarmGeneral": "عام",
- "alarmSos": "استغاثة",
- "alarmVibration": "اهتزاز",
- "alarmMovement": "حركة",
- "alarmLowspeed": "سرعة منخفضة",
- "alarmOverspeed": "تجاوز السرعة",
- "alarmFallDown": "سقوط",
- "alarmLowPower": "طاقة منخفضة",
- "alarmLowBattery": "انخفاض البطارية",
- "alarmFault": "خلل",
- "alarmPowerOff": "اطفاء",
- "alarmPowerOn": "تشغيل",
- "alarmDoor": "باب",
- "alarmLock": "اقفال",
- "alarmUnlock": "فتح",
- "alarmGeofence": "سياج جغرافي",
- "alarmGeofenceEnter": "دخول السياج الجغرافي",
- "alarmGeofenceExit": "الخروج من السياج الجغرافي",
- "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "انقطاع هوائي القمر الصناعي",
- "alarmAccident": "حادث",
- "alarmTow": "جر",
- "alarmIdle": "خامل",
- "alarmHighRpm": "دوران في الدقيقة عالٍ",
- "alarmHardAcceleration": "تسارع شديد",
- "alarmHardBraking": "كبح فرامل شديد",
- "alarmHardCornering": "انعطاف شديد",
- "alarmLaneChange": "تغيير الممر",
- "alarmFatigueDriving": "قيادة في حالة تعب",
- "alarmPowerCut": "انقطاء الطاقة",
- "alarmPowerRestored": "استعادة الطاقة",
- "alarmJamming": "التشويش",
- "alarmTemperature": "الحرارة",
- "alarmParking": "اصطفاف",
- "alarmBonnet": "غطاء محرك السيارة",
- "alarmFootBrake": "فرامل القدم",
- "alarmFuelLeak": "تسرب وقود",
- "alarmTampering": "عبث وتلاعب",
- "alarmRemoving": "الازالة",
- "notificationType": "نوع التنبيه",
- "notificationAlways": "جميع الاجهزة",
- "notificationNotificators": "قنواة",
- "notificatorCommand": "Command",
- "notificatorWeb": "ويب",
- "notificatorMail": "البريد",
- "notificatorSms": "رسائل قصيرة",
- "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
- "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
- "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
- "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
- "reportReplay": "إعادة تشغيل",
- "reportCombined": "Combined",
- "reportRoute": "مسار",
- "reportEvents": "الأحداث",
- "reportTrips": "رحلات",
- "reportStops": "وقفات",
- "reportSummary": "ملخص",
- "reportDaily": "الملخص اليومي",
- "reportChart": "رسم بياني",
- "reportConfigure": "تهيئة",
- "reportEventTypes": "أنواع الأحداث",
- "reportChartType": "نوع الرسم البياني",
- "reportShowMarkers": "إظهار العلامات",
- "reportExport": "تصدير",
- "reportEmail": "تقرير بالبريد",
- "reportSchedule": "Schedule",
- "reportPeriod": "الفترة",
- "reportCustom": "مخصص",
- "reportToday": "اليوم",
- "reportYesterday": "أمس",
- "reportThisWeek": "هذا الاسبوع",
- "reportPreviousWeek": "الاسبوع السابق",
- "reportThisMonth": "هذا الشهر",
- "reportPreviousMonth": "الشهر السابق",
- "reportDeviceName": "إسم الجهاز",
- "reportAverageSpeed": "متوسط السرعة",
- "reportMaximumSpeed": "السرعة القصوى",
- "reportEngineHours": "ساعات عمل المحرك",
- "reportDuration": "المدة الزمنية",
- "reportStartDate": "تاريخ البدء",
- "reportStartTime": "وقت البدء",
- "reportStartAddress": "عنوان البدء",
- "reportEndTime": "وقت النهاية",
- "reportEndAddress": "عنوان النهاية",
- "reportSpentFuel": "الوقود المستنفد",
- "reportStartOdometer": "بدء عداد المسافة",
- "reportEndOdometer": "إنهاء Odometer",
- "statisticsTitle": "إحصائيات",
- "statisticsCaptureTime": "وقت الالتقاط",
- "statisticsActiveUsers": "المستخدمون النشطون",
- "statisticsActiveDevices": "الاجهزة النشطة",
- "statisticsRequests": "طلبات",
- "statisticsMessagesReceived": "الرسائل المستلمة",
- "statisticsMessagesStored": "الرسائل المخزنة",
- "statisticsGeocoder": "طلبات Geocoder",
- "statisticsGeolocation": "طلبات تحديد الموقع الجغرافي",
- "categoryArrow": "سهم",
- "categoryDefault": "افتراضي",
- "categoryAnimal": "حيوان",
- "categoryBicycle": "دراجة هوائية",
- "categoryBoat": "قارب",
- "categoryBus": "حافلة",
- "categoryCar": "سيارة",
- "categoryCamper": "Camper",
- "categoryCrane": "رافعة ونش",
- "categoryHelicopter": "طائرة مروحية",
- "categoryMotorcycle": "دراجة نارية",
- "categoryOffroad": "رباعية",
- "categoryPerson": "شخص",
- "categoryPickup": "شاحنة صغيرة",
- "categoryPlane": "طائرة",
- "categoryShip": "سفينة",
- "categoryTractor": "جرار زراعى",
- "categoryTrain": "قطار",
- "categoryTram": "Tram",
- "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
- "categoryTruck": "شاحنة",
- "categoryVan": "نقل",
- "categoryScooter": "سكوتر",
- "maintenanceStart": "بداية",
- "maintenancePeriod": "فترة"
-} \ No newline at end of file