path: root/modern/src/resources
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2022-10-20 17:24:53 -0700
committerAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2022-10-20 17:24:53 -0700
commit31a3c0964dde50a083c4b60d81a1bdaef34f3086 (patch)
tree9b54d61488de8ad31ec034a951231dd01987a566 /modern/src/resources
parentb3b724dd8ccd7b2e6a7bb88465165b1ca54fe50d (diff)
Duplicate localization files
Diffstat (limited to 'modern/src/resources')
56 files changed, 29975 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n b/modern/src/resources/l10n
deleted file mode 120000
index 11bf5a89..00000000
--- a/modern/src/resources/l10n
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../../../web/l10n \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/af.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/af.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c2a5e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/af.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Laai tans...",
+ "sharedHide": "Verberg",
+ "sharedSave": "Stoor",
+ "sharedSet": "Stel",
+ "sharedCancel": "Kanselleer",
+ "sharedAdd": "Sit by",
+ "sharedEdit": "Redigeer",
+ "sharedRemove": "Verwyder",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Verwyder item",
+ "sharedNoData": "Geen data",
+ "sharedYes": "Ja",
+ "sharedNo": "Nee",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Uur",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuut",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekonde",
+ "sharedDays": "dae",
+ "sharedHours": "ure",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minute",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Desimale grade",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Grade Desimale minute",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Grade minute sekondes",
+ "sharedName": "Naam",
+ "sharedDescription": "Beskrywing",
+ "sharedSearch": "Soek",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geografiese omheining",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geografiese omheinings",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Kennisgewings",
+ "sharedNotification": "Kennisgewing",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attribute",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribuut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Bestuurders",
+ "sharedDriver": "Bestuurder",
+ "sharedArea": "Gebied",
+ "sharedSound": "Kennisgewing klank",
+ "sharedType": "Tiepe",
+ "sharedDistance": "Afstand",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "u",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "I",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "V.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Kry Kaartstaat",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Berekende attribuut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Berekende attribute",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Kontroleer Berekende attribuut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Uitdrukking",
+ "sharedDevice": "Toestel",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Stuur Toets Kennisgewing",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalenders",
+ "sharedFile": "Lêer",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Soek Toestelle",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sorteer Volgens",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Selekteer Lêer",
+ "sharedPhone": "Foon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Word Vereis",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Voorkeure",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Toelaatbaarhede",
+ "sharedConnections": "Verbindings",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Nommer",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boole",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Tydsone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Gestoorde Bevel",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Gestoorde Bevele",
+ "sharedNew": "Nuut...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Wys Adres",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Addisionele besonderhede",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Buite aksie gestel",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Onderhoud",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akkumulators ",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Kolomme",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Spoedgrens",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polielynafstand",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Verslag: Ignoreer Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Rapporteer kleur",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Toestelwagwoord",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Verwerking: Kopieër attribute",
+ "attributeColor": "Kleur",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Regstreekse Roete Lengte",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom op Kies",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Pos: SMTP-gasheer",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Pos: SMTP-poort",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Pos: SMTP STARTTLS Aktiveer",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Pos: SMTP STARTTLS word vereis",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Pos: SMTP SSL Aktiveer",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Pos: SMTP SSL Vertrou",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Pos: SMTP SSL-protokolle",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Pos: SMTP vanaf",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Pos: SMTP Auth Aktiveer",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Pos: SMTP-gebruikersnaam",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Pos: SMTP wagwoord",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: deaktiveer gebeure",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: deaktiveer voertuig eienskappe",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: deaktiveer bestuurders",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: deaktiveer berekende attribute",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: deaktiveer kalenders",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: deaktiveer onderhoud",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Verberg posisie attribute",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Fout",
+ "errorGeneral": "Ongeldige parameters of beperking oortreding",
+ "errorConnection": "Verbindings fout",
+ "errorSocket": "Web aansluiting verbinding fout",
+ "errorZero": "Kan nie nul wees nie",
+ "userEmail": "E-pos",
+ "userPassword": "Wagwoord",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Onthou",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Verval",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Toestel Limiet",
+ "userUserLimit": "Gebruiker Limiet",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Toestel Leesalleen",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Beperk Bevele",
+ "userDisableReports": "Deaktiveer Verslae",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Teken aan",
+ "loginLanguage": "Taal",
+ "loginReset": "Herstel Wagwoord",
+ "loginRegister": "Registreer",
+ "loginLogin": "Teken aan",
+ "loginFailed": "Verkeerde e-posadres of wagwoord",
+ "loginCreated": "Nuwe gebruiker is geregistreer",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Nuwe wagwoord is ingestel",
+ "loginLogout": "Teken uit",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Toestelle en staat",
+ "deviceTitle": "Toestelle",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifiseerder",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontak",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorie",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Laaste Opdatering",
+ "deviceCommand": "Bevel",
+ "deviceFollow": "Volg",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Totale Afstand",
+ "deviceStatus": "Toestand",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Aanlyn",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Van lyn af",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Onbekend",
+ "groupDialog": "Groep",
+ "groupParent": "Groep",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Geen Groep",
+ "settingsTitle": "Instellings",
+ "settingsUser": "Rekening",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groepe",
+ "settingsServer": "Bediener",
+ "settingsUsers": "Gebruikers",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Afstand Eenheid",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Spoed Eenheid",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Eenheid",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-uur Formaat",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koördinate Formaat",
+ "reportTitle": "Verslae",
+ "reportDevice": "Toestel",
+ "reportGroup": "Groep",
+ "reportFrom": "Van",
+ "reportTo": "Na",
+ "reportShow": "Wys",
+ "reportClear": "Maak skoon",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Toestel Tyd",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Geldig",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Akkuraatheid",
+ "positionLatitude": "Breedtegraad",
+ "positionLongitude": "Lengtegraad",
+ "positionAltitude": "Hoogte",
+ "positionSpeed": "Spoed",
+ "positionCourse": "Koers",
+ "positionAddress": "Adres",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Afstand",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Brandstof",
+ "positionPower": "Krag",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Rou",
+ "positionIndex": "Indeks",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelliete",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Sigbare Satelliete",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Wandel",
+ "positionEvent": "Gebeurtenis",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Diens Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Reis Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Ure",
+ "positionSteps": "Stappe",
+ "positionInput": "Inset",
+ "positionOutput": "Uitset",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batteryvlak",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Brandstofverbruik",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware-weergawe",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardeware weergawe",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ontsteking",
+ "positionFlags": "Vlae",
+ "positionCharge": "Herlaai",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Argiveer",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Benader",
+ "positionThrottle": "Versneller",
+ "positionMotion": "Beweging ",
+ "positionArmed": "Gereed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Versnelling",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatuur",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Toestel Temperatuur",
+ "positionOperator": "Operateur",
+ "positionCommand": "Bevel",
+ "positionBlocked": "Geblokkeer",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Spoed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Bestuurder unieke identiteit",
+ "positionImage": "Beeld",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Bedienerinstellings",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrasie",
+ "serverReadonly": "Leesalleen",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Dwing instellings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Kaart",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Sleutel",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Kaartlaag",
+ "mapCustom": "Pasgemaak (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Pasgemaak (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Pasgemaakte kaart",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Kaart Sleutel",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Kaart Pad",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Kaart Lug",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Kaart Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Kaart",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satelliet",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Toegang Sleutel",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Sleutel",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Toegang Sleutel",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Sleutel",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Sleutel",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Veelhoek",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Sirkel",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Veelhoeklyn",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Lewendige Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Vlak",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Toestand",
+ "stateName": "Attribuut",
+ "stateValue": "Waarde",
+ "commandTitle": "Bevel",
+ "commandSend": "Stuur",
+ "commandSent": "Bevel gestuur",
+ "commandQueued": "Bevel in ry",
+ "commandUnit": "Eenheid",
+ "commandCustom": "Pasgemaakte bevel",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Toestel Identifisering",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel Verslag",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodiese Verslag",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Halt Verslag",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Engin Stop",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Engin Herbegin",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Aktivering Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Onaktivering Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Stel Tydsone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Versoek Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Skakel Toestel Af",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Herbegin Toestel",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Stuur SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Stuur USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Stel SOS Nommer",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Stel Stil Tyd",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Stel Telefoon boek",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Stemboodskap",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Uitsetbeheer",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Stemmonitering",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Stel AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Stel aanwyser",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfigureer",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Kry weergawe",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Opdateer firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Stel Verbinding",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Stel Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Kry Modemstatus",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Kry Toestel Gestel",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Stel spoedbeperking",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Stel Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Stel Spoed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekwensie",
+ "commandTimezone": "Tydsone Verreken",
+ "commandMessage": "Boodskap",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "In Staat Stel",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeks",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefoon nommer",
+ "commandServer": "Bediener",
+ "commandPort": "Poort",
+ "eventAll": "Alle gebeure",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status aanlyn",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status onbekend",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status vanlyn",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Toestel in beweging",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Toestel tot stilstand gekom",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Spoedgrens oortree",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Brandstofval",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Bevel resultaat",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geografiese omheining binnegegaan",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geografiese omheining verlaat",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ontsteking aan",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ontsteking af",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Onderhoud vereis",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Teks boodskap ontvang",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Bestuurder geruil",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Blaai na laaste",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Algemeen",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrasie",
+ "alarmMovement": "Beweging",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Lae Spoed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Spoed oortreding",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Val af",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Lae krag",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Batteryvlak laag",
+ "alarmFault": "Fout",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Krag af",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Krag aan",
+ "alarmDoor": "Deur",
+ "alarmLock": "Sluit",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Oopsluit",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geografiese omheining",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geografiese omheining binnegegaan",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geografiese omheining verlaat",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna gesny",
+ "alarmAccident": "Ongeluk",
+ "alarmTow": "Sleep",
+ "alarmIdle": "Luier",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Hoë RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Harde Versnelling",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Harde Remming",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Harde Draai",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Baanverandering",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Moeg Bestuur",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Kragonderbreking",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Krag herstel",
+ "alarmJamming": "Seinverstoring",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatuur",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkeer",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Enjinkap",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Voetrem",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Brandstoflek",
+ "alarmTampering": "Peuter",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Verwydering",
+ "notificationType": "Kennisgewing Soort",
+ "notificationAlways": "Alle Toestelle",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanale",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Pos",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Roete",
+ "reportEvents": "Gebeure",
+ "reportTrips": "Ritte",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Opsomming",
+ "reportDaily": "Daaglikse Opsomming",
+ "reportChart": "Grafiek",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigureer",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Gebeurtenistipes",
+ "reportChartType": "Grafiek Soort",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Wys Merkers",
+ "reportExport": "Uitvoer",
+ "reportEmail": "E-pos Verslag",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periode",
+ "reportCustom": "Pasgemaak",
+ "reportToday": "Vandag",
+ "reportYesterday": "Gister",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Hierdie Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Vorige Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Hierdie Maand",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Vorige Maand",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Toestel Naam",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Gemiddelde Spoed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimum Spoed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engin Ure",
+ "reportDuration": "Duur",
+ "reportStartDate": "Begindatum",
+ "reportStartTime": "Begin tyd",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Begin Adres",
+ "reportEndTime": "Einde tyd",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Einde Adres",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Brandstof Gebruik",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Begin",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer Einde",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistieke",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Vang tyd vas",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktiewe Gebruikers",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktiewe Toestelle",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Versoeke",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Boodskappe ontvang",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Boodskappe gestoor",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geokodeerder Versoeke",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geoligging Versoeke",
+ "categoryArrow": "Pyl",
+ "categoryDefault": "Verstrek",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Dier",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Fiets",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boot",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Kar",
+ "categoryCrane": "Hyskraan",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorfiets",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Veeldoelig",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persoon",
+ "categoryPickup": "Bakkie",
+ "categoryPlane": "Vliegtuig",
+ "categoryShip": "Skip",
+ "categoryTractor": "Trekker",
+ "categoryTrain": "Trein",
+ "categoryTram": "Trem",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Trok",
+ "categoryVan": "Paneelwa",
+ "categoryScooter": "Moffiebike",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Aan",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periode"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ar.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ar.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d821eae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ar.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "جاري التحميل...",
+ "sharedHide": "إخفاء",
+ "sharedSave": "حفظ",
+ "sharedSet": "ضبط",
+ "sharedCancel": "إلغاء",
+ "sharedAdd": "إضافة",
+ "sharedEdit": "تعديل",
+ "sharedRemove": "حذف",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "حذف العنصر؟",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "نعم",
+ "sharedNo": "لا",
+ "sharedKm": "كم",
+ "sharedMi": "ميل",
+ "sharedNmi": "معرف العداد المحلي",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "عقدة",
+ "sharedKmh": "كم/ساعه",
+ "sharedMph": "ميل/ساعة",
+ "sharedHour": "ساعه",
+ "sharedMinute": "دقيقة",
+ "sharedSecond": "ثانية",
+ "sharedDays": "أيام",
+ "sharedHours": "ساعات",
+ "sharedMinutes": "دقائق",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "درجات عشرية",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "درجات عشرية للدقائق",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "درجات دقائق للثواني",
+ "sharedName": "الاسم",
+ "sharedDescription": "الوصف",
+ "sharedSearch": "بحث",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "السياج الجغرافي",
+ "sharedGeofences": "السياجات الجغرافية",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "التنبيهات",
+ "sharedNotification": "إشعار",
+ "sharedAttributes": "الخصائص",
+ "sharedAttribute": "خاصية",
+ "sharedDrivers": "السائقون",
+ "sharedDriver": "السائق",
+ "sharedArea": "منطقة",
+ "sharedSound": "صوت التنبيهات",
+ "sharedType": "النوع",
+ "sharedDistance": "المسافة",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "س",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "د",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "ث",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "جهد كهربائي",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "تيار",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "جالون",
+ "sharedLiter": "ليتر",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "جالون الإمبراطورية",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "جالون أمريكي",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "لتر/ساعة",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "الحصول على حالة الخريطة",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "السمة المحصاة",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "السمات المحصاة",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "التحقق من السمة المحصاة",
+ "sharedExpression": "العبارة الجبرية",
+ "sharedDevice": "جهاز",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "ارسل تنبيه تجريبي",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "التقويم",
+ "sharedCalendars": "التقويمات",
+ "sharedFile": "ملف",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "حدد ملف",
+ "sharedPhone": "هاتف",
+ "sharedRequired": "اجباري",
+ "sharedPreferences": "التفضيلات",
+ "sharedPermissions": "الصلاحيات",
+ "sharedConnections": "الاتصالات",
+ "sharedExtra": "إضافي",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "نص",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "رقم",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "منطقية",
+ "sharedTimezone": "منطقة زمنية",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "معلومات",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "أمر مخزن",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "أوامر مخزنة",
+ "sharedNew": "جديد...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "إظهار العنوان",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "تفاصيل إضافية",
+ "sharedDisabled": "معطل",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "صيانة",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "المراكم",
+ "sharedAlarms": "الإنذارات",
+ "sharedLocation": "الموقع",
+ "sharedImport": "استيراد",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "الحد الأقصى للسرعة",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "مسافة متعددة الخطوط",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "تقرير: إهمال عداد المسافة",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "الويب: لون التقرير",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "الرقم السري للجهاز",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "بداية عدم فعالية الجهاز",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "فترة عدم فعالية الجهاز",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "المعالجة: نسخ السمات",
+ "attributeColor": "اللون",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "الويب: طول العرض المباشر للمسار",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "الويب: التقريب عند التحديد",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "ويب: التكبير الأقصى",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "البريد: مستضيف الـ SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "البريد: منفذ الـ SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "البريد: تمكين SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "البريد: مطلوب SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "البريد: تمكين SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "البريد: وثوق بـ SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "البريد: بروتوكولات SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "البريد: SMTP من",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "البريد: تفعيل مصادقة SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "البريد: أسم مستخدم الـ SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "البريد: كلمة مرور الـ SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل الأحداث",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل مزايا المركبات",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل السائقين",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل السمات المحصاة",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل التقويمات",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "واجهة المستخدم: تعطيل الصيانة",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "واجهة المستخدم: إخفاء سمات الموقع",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "رموز الإشعارات",
+ "errorTitle": "خطأ",
+ "errorGeneral": "معطيات غير صحيحة او مخالفة للصلاحيات",
+ "errorConnection": "خطأ في الاتصال",
+ "errorSocket": "خطأ في اتصال حزم البيانات",
+ "errorZero": "لا يمكن ان تكون صفر",
+ "userEmail": "البريد الالكتروني",
+ "userPassword": "كلمة المرور",
+ "userAdmin": "مدير النظام",
+ "userRemember": "تذكر",
+ "userExpirationTime": "انتهاء الصلاحية",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "الحد الأقصى للأجهزة",
+ "userUserLimit": "الحد الأقصى للمستخدمين",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "جهاز للقراءة فقط",
+ "userLimitCommands": "تقييد الاوامر",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "رمز",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "تسجيل الدخول",
+ "loginLanguage": "اللغة",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "تسجيل جديد",
+ "loginLogin": "تسجيل الدخول",
+ "loginFailed": "البريد الالكتروني أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة",
+ "loginCreated": "تم تسجيل مستخدم جديد",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "تسجيل الخروج",
+ "loginLogo": "الشعار",
+ "devicesAndState": "الأجهزة والحالة",
+ "deviceTitle": "الأجهزة",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "المعرف",
+ "deviceModel": "الطراز",
+ "deviceContact": "بيانات التواصل",
+ "deviceCategory": "الصنف",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "آخر تحديث",
+ "deviceCommand": "أمر",
+ "deviceFollow": "متابعة",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "المسافة الكلية",
+ "deviceStatus": "الحالة",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "متصل",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "غير متصل",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "غير معروف",
+ "groupDialog": "مجموعة",
+ "groupParent": "مجموعة",
+ "groupNoGroup": "لا توجد مجموعة",
+ "settingsTitle": "الإعدادات",
+ "settingsUser": "الحساب",
+ "settingsGroups": "المجموعات",
+ "settingsServer": "الخادم",
+ "settingsUsers": "المستخدمون",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "وحدة المسافة",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "وحدة السرعة",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "وحدة الحجم",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "صيغة 12-ساعة",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "صيغة الإحداثيات",
+ "reportTitle": "التقارير",
+ "reportDevice": "الجهاز",
+ "reportGroup": "المجموعة",
+ "reportFrom": "من",
+ "reportTo": "الى",
+ "reportShow": "إظهار",
+ "reportClear": "تفريغ الحقول",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "صالح",
+ "positionAccuracy": "الدقة",
+ "positionLatitude": "خط العرض",
+ "positionLongitude": "خط الطول",
+ "positionAltitude": "ارتفاع عن سطح البحر",
+ "positionSpeed": "السرعة",
+ "positionCourse": "الإتجاه",
+ "positionAddress": "العنوان",
+ "positionProtocol": "بروتوكول",
+ "positionDistance": "المسافة",
+ "positionRpm": "دورة في الدقيقة",
+ "positionFuel": "الوقود",
+ "positionPower": "الطاقة",
+ "positionBattery": "بطارية",
+ "positionRaw": "خام",
+ "positionIndex": "قائمة",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "أقمار صناعية",
+ "positionSatVisible": "الأقمار الصناعية المرئية",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "التجوال",
+ "positionEvent": "حدث",
+ "positionAlarm": "إنذار",
+ "positionStatus": "الحالة",
+ "positionOdometer": "عداد المسافة",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "عداد مسافة الصيانة",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "عداد مسافة الرحلة",
+ "positionHours": "الساعات",
+ "positionSteps": "الخطوات",
+ "positionInput": "مدخلات",
+ "positionOutput": "نواتج",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "مستوى البطارية",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "الوقود المستهلك",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "نسخة البرنامج",
+ "positionVersionHw": "نسخة الجهاز",
+ "positionIgnition": "إشعال",
+ "positionFlags": "أعلام",
+ "positionCharge": "شحن",
+ "positionIp": "عنوان البروتوكول",
+ "positionArchive": "أرشفة",
+ "positionVin": "رقم الهيكل",
+ "positionApproximate": "تقريبي",
+ "positionThrottle": "الخانق",
+ "positionMotion": "الحركة",
+ "positionArmed": "الانذار مفعل",
+ "positionAcceleration": "التسارع",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "حرارة الجهاز",
+ "positionOperator": "المشغل",
+ "positionCommand": "أمر",
+ "positionBlocked": "محظور",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "سرعة OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "عداد مسافة OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "معرف فريد للسائق",
+ "positionImage": "صورة",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "صوت",
+ "serverTitle": "اعدادت الخادم",
+ "serverZoom": "تقريب",
+ "serverRegistration": "تسجيل",
+ "serverReadonly": "متابعة فقط",
+ "serverForceSettings": "إجبار الإعدادات",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "الإعلانات",
+ "mapTitle": "خريطة",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "طبقة الخريطة",
+ "mapCustom": "مخصص (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "مخصص (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "خريطة مخصصة",
+ "mapCarto": "خرائط Carto Base",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "مفتاح خرائط Bing",
+ "mapBingRoad": "خرائط الطرق Bing",
+ "mapBingAerial": "خرائط جوية Bing",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "خرائط هجينة Bing",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "خرائط Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "خرائط صورية Yandex",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox للشوارع",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox بالخارج",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox بالقمر الصناعي",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "مضلع",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "دائرة",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "متعدد الضلوع",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "مسار حي",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "طبقة POI نقاط الإهتمام",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "حالة",
+ "stateName": "خاصية",
+ "stateValue": "قيمة",
+ "commandTitle": "أمر",
+ "commandSend": "ارسال",
+ "commandSent": "تم ارسال الامر",
+ "commandQueued": "الامر في قائمة الانتظار",
+ "commandUnit": "وحدة",
+ "commandCustom": "أمر مخصص",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "تعريف الجهاز",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "تقرير مفرد",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "تقارير دورية",
+ "commandPositionStop": "ايقاف التقرير",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ايقاف المحرك",
+ "commandEngineResume": "استئناف المحرك",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "بدء تشغيل المنبه",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "تعطيل المنبه",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "إيقاف المنبه",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "حدد المنطقة الزمنية",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "اطلب صورة",
+ "commandPowerOff": "اطفاء الجهاز",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "أعد تشغيل الجهاز",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "إعادة ضبط المصنع",
+ "commandSendSms": "إرسال رسالة قصيرة",
+ "commandSendUssd": "إرسال الـ USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "ظبط رقم الطوارئ",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "حدد التوقيت الصامت",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "ضبط سجل الهاتف",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "رسالة صوتية",
+ "commandOutputControl": "التحكم بالإخراج",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "مراقبة صوتية",
+ "commandSetAgps": "تعيين GPS المساعد",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "تعيين المؤشر",
+ "commandConfiguration": "ضبط",
+ "commandGetVersion": "الحصول على الإصدار",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "تحديث البرنامج المشغل",
+ "commandSetConnection": "تعيين اتصال",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "تعيين عداد المسافة",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "الحصول على حالة المودم",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "الحصول على حالة الجهاز",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "ضبط حد السرعة",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "التكرر",
+ "commandTimezone": "إزاحة المنطقة الزمنية",
+ "commandMessage": "رسالة",
+ "commandRadius": "القطر",
+ "commandEnable": "تفعيل",
+ "commandData": "بيانات",
+ "commandIndex": "قائمة",
+ "commandPhone": "رقم الهاتف",
+ "commandServer": "خادم",
+ "commandPort": "منفذ",
+ "eventAll": "جميع الأحداث",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "الحالة متصل",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "الحالة غير معروف",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "الحالة غير متصل",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "الجهاز غير مفعل",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "الجهاز يتحرك",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "الجهاز متوقف",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "تجاوز للسرعة",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "انخفاض الوقود",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "نتيجة الأمر",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "دخول المنطقة الجغرافية",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "خروج من المنطقة الجغرافية",
+ "eventAlarm": "إنذار",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "اشعال المحرك",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "ايقاف المحرك",
+ "eventMaintenance": "حان وقت الصيانة",
+ "eventTextMessage": "تم استلام رسالة نصية",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "تم تغيير السائق",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "الانتقال للأخير",
+ "alarmGeneral": "عام",
+ "alarmSos": "استغاثة",
+ "alarmVibration": "اهتزاز",
+ "alarmMovement": "حركة",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "سرعة منخفضة",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "تجاوز السرعة",
+ "alarmFallDown": "سقوط",
+ "alarmLowPower": "طاقة منخفضة",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "انخفاض البطارية",
+ "alarmFault": "خلل",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "اطفاء",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "تشغيل",
+ "alarmDoor": "باب",
+ "alarmLock": "اقفال",
+ "alarmUnlock": "فتح",
+ "alarmGeofence": "سياج جغرافي",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "دخول السياج الجغرافي",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "الخروج من السياج الجغرافي",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "انقطاع هوائي القمر الصناعي",
+ "alarmAccident": "حادث",
+ "alarmTow": "جر",
+ "alarmIdle": "خامل",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "دوران في الدقيقة عالٍ",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "تسارع شديد",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "كبح فرامل شديد",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "انعطاف شديد",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "تغيير الممر",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "قيادة في حالة تعب",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "انقطاء الطاقة",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "استعادة الطاقة",
+ "alarmJamming": "التشويش",
+ "alarmTemperature": "الحرارة",
+ "alarmParking": "اصطفاف",
+ "alarmBonnet": "غطاء محرك السيارة",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "فرامل القدم",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "تسرب وقود",
+ "alarmTampering": "عبث وتلاعب",
+ "alarmRemoving": "الازالة",
+ "notificationType": "نوع التنبيه",
+ "notificationAlways": "جميع الاجهزة",
+ "notificationNotificators": "قنواة",
+ "notificatorWeb": "ويب",
+ "notificatorMail": "البريد",
+ "notificatorSms": "رسائل قصيرة",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "إعادة تشغيل",
+ "reportRoute": "مسار",
+ "reportEvents": "الأحداث",
+ "reportTrips": "رحلات",
+ "reportStops": "وقفات",
+ "reportSummary": "ملخص",
+ "reportDaily": "الملخص اليومي",
+ "reportChart": "رسم بياني",
+ "reportConfigure": "تهيئة",
+ "reportEventTypes": "أنواع الأحداث",
+ "reportChartType": "نوع الرسم البياني",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "إظهار العلامات",
+ "reportExport": "تصدير",
+ "reportEmail": "تقرير بالبريد",
+ "reportPeriod": "الفترة",
+ "reportCustom": "مخصص",
+ "reportToday": "اليوم",
+ "reportYesterday": "أمس",
+ "reportThisWeek": "هذا الاسبوع",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "الاسبوع السابق",
+ "reportThisMonth": "هذا الشهر",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "الشهر السابق",
+ "reportDeviceName": "إسم الجهاز",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "متوسط السرعة",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "السرعة القصوى",
+ "reportEngineHours": "ساعات عمل المحرك",
+ "reportDuration": "المدة الزمنية",
+ "reportStartDate": "تاريخ البدء",
+ "reportStartTime": "وقت البدء",
+ "reportStartAddress": "عنوان البدء",
+ "reportEndTime": "وقت النهاية",
+ "reportEndAddress": "عنوان النهاية",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "الوقود المستنفد",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "بدء عداد المسافة",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "إنهاء Odometer",
+ "statisticsTitle": "إحصائيات",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "وقت الالتقاط",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "المستخدمون النشطون",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "الاجهزة النشطة",
+ "statisticsRequests": "طلبات",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "الرسائل المستلمة",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "الرسائل المخزنة",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "طلبات Geocoder",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "طلبات تحديد الموقع الجغرافي",
+ "categoryArrow": "سهم",
+ "categoryDefault": "افتراضي",
+ "categoryAnimal": "حيوان",
+ "categoryBicycle": "دراجة هوائية",
+ "categoryBoat": "قارب",
+ "categoryBus": "حافلة",
+ "categoryCar": "سيارة",
+ "categoryCrane": "رافعة ونش",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "طائرة مروحية",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "دراجة نارية",
+ "categoryOffroad": "رباعية",
+ "categoryPerson": "شخص",
+ "categoryPickup": "شاحنة صغيرة",
+ "categoryPlane": "طائرة",
+ "categoryShip": "سفينة",
+ "categoryTractor": "جرار زراعى",
+ "categoryTrain": "قطار",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "شاحنة",
+ "categoryVan": "نقل",
+ "categoryScooter": "سكوتر",
+ "maintenanceStart": "بداية",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "فترة"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/az.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/az.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b327208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/az.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Yükləmə...",
+ "sharedHide": "Gizlətmək",
+ "sharedSave": "Yadda saxlamaq",
+ "sharedSet": "Qurmaq",
+ "sharedCancel": "Ləğv etmək",
+ "sharedAdd": "Əlavə etmək",
+ "sharedEdit": "Redaktə etmək",
+ "sharedRemove": "Silmək",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Elementi silmək?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mil",
+ "sharedNmi": "m.mil",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Düyün",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/saat",
+ "sharedMph": "mil/saat",
+ "sharedHour": "Saat",
+ "sharedMinute": "Dəqiqə",
+ "sharedSecond": "Saniyə",
+ "sharedDays": "Günlər",
+ "sharedHours": "Saatlar",
+ "sharedMinutes": "Dəqiqələr",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Onluq dərəcələr",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Dərəcələr Onluq Dəqiqələr",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Dərəcələr Dəqiqələr Saniyələr",
+ "sharedName": "Ad",
+ "sharedDescription": "Təsvir",
+ "sharedSearch": "Axtarış",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geozona",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geozonalar",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Bildirişlər",
+ "sharedNotification": "Bildirişlər",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributlar",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Sürücülər",
+ "sharedDriver": "Sürücü",
+ "sharedArea": "Ərazi",
+ "sharedSound": "Səsli xəbərdarlıq",
+ "sharedType": "Tip",
+ "sharedDistance": "Məsafə",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "dəq",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "litr/saat",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Xəritənin vəziyyətini almaq",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Hesablanan atribut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Hesablanan atributlar",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Hesablanan atributu yoxlamaq",
+ "sharedExpression": "İfadə",
+ "sharedDevice": "Cihaz",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Test bildirişi göndərmək",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Təqvim",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Təqvimlər",
+ "sharedFile": "Fayl",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Fayl seçin",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Məcburi",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Tənzimləmələr",
+ "sharedPermissions": "İzinlər",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Əlavə",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Sətir",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Rəqəm",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Məntiqi dəyəri",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Saat qurşağı",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Məlumat",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Tarif Saxlamish",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Tarifler Saxlamish",
+ "sharedNew": "yeni",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "şou ünvan",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "şikəst",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "təmir",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "akkumulyatorlar",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Sürət həddi",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline məsafə",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Hesabat: Odometri rədd etməki",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Veb: Hesabat rəngi",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Cihazın şifrəsi",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Emal: Atributların üzünün köçürülməsi",
+ "attributeColor": "Rəng",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Veb: Onlayn marşrutun uzunluğu",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Veb: Seçim zamanı böyütmə",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Veb: Maksimum böyütmə",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Poçt: SMTP Hostu",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Poçt: SMTP Portu",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Poçt: SMTP STARTTLS-i aktiv etmək",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Poçt: SMTP STARTTLS tələb olunur",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Poçt: SMTP SSL-i aktiv etmək",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Poçt: SMTP SSL etibar",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Poçt: SMTP SSL protokolları",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Poçt: SMTP göndərən",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Poçt: SMTP autentifikasiyasını aktiv etmək",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Poçt: SMTP istifadəçi adı",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Poçt: SMTP şifrə",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: şikəst vaqiəler",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Avtomobil funksiyalarını deaktiv etmək",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Sürücüləri deaktiv etmək",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Hesablanılan atributları deaktiv etmək",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Təqvimləri deaktiv etmək",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI : Vəzifə xüsusiyyətlərini gizləyin",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Xəta",
+ "errorGeneral": "Yanlış parametrlər və ya məhdudiyyətlərin pozulması",
+ "errorConnection": "Bağlantı xətası",
+ "errorSocket": "Veb socket bağlantı xətası",
+ "errorZero": "Sıfır ola bilməz",
+ "userEmail": "E-poçt",
+ "userPassword": "Şifrə",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrator",
+ "userRemember": "Yadda saxla",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Bitmə vaxtı",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Cihaz məhdudiyyəti",
+ "userUserLimit": "İstifadəçilərin məhdudiyyəti",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Sadəcə cihaza baxış",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Komandaları məhdudlaşdırın",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Açar",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Giriş",
+ "loginLanguage": "Dil",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Qeydiyyat",
+ "loginLogin": "Giriş",
+ "loginFailed": "Yanlış e-poçt ünvanı və ya şifrə",
+ "loginCreated": "Yeni istifadəçi qeydiyyatdan keçmişdir",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Çıxış",
+ "loginLogo": "Giriş",
+ "devicesAndState": "Cihaz və vəziyyəti",
+ "deviceTitle": "Cihaz",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "İdentifikator",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kateqoriya",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Son yenilənmə",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komanda",
+ "deviceFollow": "Əməl etmək",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Ümumi hərəkət məsafəsi",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Onlayn",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offlayn",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Naməlum",
+ "groupDialog": "Qrup",
+ "groupParent": "Qrup",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Qrupsuz",
+ "settingsTitle": "Tənzimləmələr",
+ "settingsUser": "İstifadəçi Hesabı",
+ "settingsGroups": "Qruplar",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "İstifadəçilər",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Məsafə vahidi",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Sürət",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Həcm vahidi",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 saatlıq format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinatlar formatı",
+ "reportTitle": "Hesabatlar",
+ "reportDevice": "Cihaz",
+ "reportGroup": "Qrup",
+ "reportFrom": "dan",
+ "reportTo": "dək",
+ "reportShow": "Göstərmək",
+ "reportClear": "Təmizləmək",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Düzgünlük",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Dəqiqlik",
+ "positionLatitude": "En dairəsi",
+ "positionLongitude": "Uzunluq dairəsi",
+ "positionAltitude": "Hündürlük",
+ "positionSpeed": "Sürət",
+ "positionCourse": "İstiqamət",
+ "positionAddress": "Ünvan",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Məsafə",
+ "positionRpm": "Dönmələr",
+ "positionFuel": "Yanacaq",
+ "positionPower": "Qidalanma",
+ "positionBattery": "Batareya",
+ "positionRaw": "Natamamlar",
+ "positionIndex": "İndeks",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Peyklər",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Görünən peyklər",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Hadisə",
+ "positionAlarm": "Həyəcan",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometr",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Xidmət odometri",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Gediş odometri",
+ "positionHours": "Saatlar",
+ "positionSteps": "Addımlar",
+ "positionInput": "Daxilolmalar",
+ "positionOutput": "Çıxışlar",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batareya səviyyəsi",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Yanacaq sərfiyyatı",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Tikilmə versiyası",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Metal versiyası",
+ "positionIgnition": "İşə düşmə",
+ "positionFlags": "Bayraqlar",
+ "positionCharge": "Yükləmə",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arxiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Təxmini",
+ "positionThrottle": "Drossel",
+ "positionMotion": "Hərəkət",
+ "positionArmed": "Mühafizə",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Sürətlənmə",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Cihazın temperaturu",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Komanda",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloklama",
+ "positionDtcs": "Səhvlər",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD sürət",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD odometr",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Sürücü İD-si",
+ "positionImage": "Şəkil",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "səs",
+ "serverTitle": "Server tənzimləmələri",
+ "serverZoom": "Yaxınlaşma",
+ "serverRegistration": "Qeydiyyat",
+ "serverReadonly": "Sadəcə baxış",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Tənzimləmələri sürətləndirmək",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Xəritə",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Xəritə qatı",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Çoxbucaq",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Dairə",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Xətt",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Canlı marşrutlar",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI təbəqə",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Vəziyyət",
+ "stateName": "Parametr",
+ "stateValue": "Dəyər",
+ "commandTitle": "Komanda",
+ "commandSend": "Göndərmək",
+ "commandSent": "Komandir göndərildi",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Vahidlər",
+ "commandCustom": "İstifadəçi komandası",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Cihazın identifikasiyası",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Birdəfəlik təqib",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Təqibi başlamaq",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Təqibi dayandırmaq",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Mühərriki bloklamaq",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Mühərriki blokdan çıxarmaq",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Siqnalizasiyanı aktivləşdirmək",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Siqnalizasiyanı deaktivləşdirmək",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Saat qurşağını tənzimləmək",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Şəkil tələb etmək",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Cihazı yenidən yükləmək",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMS göndərmək",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD göndərmək",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS nömrəni tənzimləmək",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Sükut vaxtını tənzimləmək",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefon kitabçasını tənzimləmək",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Səsli ismarıc",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Çıxışın yoxlanması",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Səs yoxlaması",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS-i tənzimləmək",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "İndikatoru tənzimləmək",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiqurasiya",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Versiyanı müəyyənləşdirmək",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Tikilməni yeniləmək",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Bağlantını tənzimləmək",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Odometri tənzimləmək",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Modemin vəziyyətini müəyyənləşdirmək",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Cihazın vəziyyətini müəyyənləşdirmək",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Tezlik",
+ "commandTimezone": "Vaxt zonasının yerdəyişməsi",
+ "commandMessage": "İsmarıc",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Verilənlər",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeks",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefon nömrəs",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Bütün hadisələr",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "vəziyyət online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "vəziyyət unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "vəziyyət offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Cihaz hərəkət edir",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Aygıt durdu",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Sürət həddi aşıldı",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Yanacaq düşməsi",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Komanda nəticəsi",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "qudok",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Texniki xidmətə ehtiyac var",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Mətn ismarıcı alındı",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Sonadək fırlanma",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "fəlakət siqnalı",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "düşərgə",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Ayaq əyləci",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Yanacaq sızması",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Çıxarma",
+ "notificationType": "Xəbərdarlıq növü",
+ "notificationAlways": "Bütün Cihazlar",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanallar",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Marşrut",
+ "reportEvents": "Hadisələr",
+ "reportTrips": "Gedişlər",
+ "reportStops": "Dayanacaqlar",
+ "reportSummary": "Xülasə",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Diaqram",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfiqurasiya etmək",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Hadisənin tipi",
+ "reportChartType": "Diaqram tipi",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Markerləri göstərmək",
+ "reportExport": "Eksport",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Dövr",
+ "reportCustom": "Xüsusi",
+ "reportToday": "Bu gün",
+ "reportYesterday": "Dünən",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Bu həftə",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Əvvəlki həftə",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Bu ay",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Əvvəlki Ay",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Cihazın adı",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Orta sürət",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimal sürə",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Mühərrik saatları",
+ "reportDuration": "Davamiyyəti",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Başlanğıc vaxtı",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Başlanğıc ünvanı",
+ "reportEndTime": "Qurtarma vaxtı",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Qurtarma ünvanı",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Yanacaq işləndi",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Yığım vaxtı",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktiv istifadəçilər",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktiv cihazlar",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Sorğular",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "İsmarıclar alındı",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "İsmarıclar yadda saxlanıldı",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geokoder sorğuları",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolokasiya sorğuları",
+ "categoryArrow": "Ox",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default rejimi",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Heyvan",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Velosiped",
+ "categoryBoat": "Qayıq",
+ "categoryBus": "Avtobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Avtomobil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Vertolyot",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motosikl",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "İnsan",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pikap",
+ "categoryPlane": "Təyyarə",
+ "categoryShip": "Gəmi",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "qatar",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Yük maşını",
+ "categoryVan": "Furqon",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Başlamaq",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Dövr"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/bg.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/bg.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a3efa8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/bg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Зареждане...",
+ "sharedHide": "Скрий",
+ "sharedSave": "Запази",
+ "sharedSet": "Настрой",
+ "sharedCancel": "Отказ",
+ "sharedAdd": "Добави",
+ "sharedEdit": "Редактирай",
+ "sharedRemove": "Премахни",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Потвърди премахването!",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "км",
+ "sharedMi": "мил",
+ "sharedNmi": "Морска миля",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "възел",
+ "sharedKmh": "км/ч",
+ "sharedMph": "мил/ч",
+ "sharedHour": "Час",
+ "sharedMinute": "Минута",
+ "sharedSecond": "Секунда",
+ "sharedDays": "дни",
+ "sharedHours": "часа",
+ "sharedMinutes": "мин.",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Градуси",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Градуси, минути",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Градуси, минути, секунди",
+ "sharedName": "Име",
+ "sharedDescription": "Описание",
+ "sharedSearch": "Търси",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Зона",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Зони",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Известия",
+ "sharedNotification": "Известиe",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Параметри",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Параметър",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Шофьори",
+ "sharedDriver": "Шофьор",
+ "sharedArea": "Район",
+ "sharedSound": "Тон на известията",
+ "sharedType": "Тип",
+ "sharedDistance": "Разстояние",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ч.",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "мин.",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "сек.",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "лит.",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "гал.",
+ "sharedLiter": "Литър",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Британски галон",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Американски галон",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "л/ч",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Състояние на картата",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Изчислен параметър",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Изчислени параметри",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Провери изчисления параметър",
+ "sharedExpression": "Израз",
+ "sharedDevice": "Устройство",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Изпрати пробно известие",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Календар",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Календари",
+ "sharedFile": "Архив",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Избери архив",
+ "sharedPhone": "Телефон",
+ "sharedRequired": "Задължително",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Предпочитания",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Разрешения",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Допълнително",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Условие",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Номер",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Часова зона",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Инфо",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Запазена команда",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Запазени команди",
+ "sharedNew": "Нова команда",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Покажи адреса",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Блокиран",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Обслужване",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Акумулатор",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Аларми",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Ограничение на скоростта",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Дължина на линията",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Отчет: Игнорирай километража",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Цвят на Отчета",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Парола на устройството",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Обработка: копиране на сензори",
+ "attributeColor": "Цвят",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Дължина на дирята",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Приближи избраното",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Максимално приближение",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Поща: SMTP хост",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Поща: SMTP порт",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Поща: SMTP STARTTLS активирай",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Поща: SMTP STARTTLS задължително",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Поща: SMTP SSL активирай",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Поща: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Поща: SMTP SSL протокол",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Поща: SMTP от",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Поща: SMTP Auth активирай",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Поща: SMTP потребител",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Поща: SMTP парола",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "Деактивирай Събития",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "Деактивирай МПС параметрите",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "Деактивирай Шофьори",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "Деактивирай изчислените параметри",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "Деактивирай Календара",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "Деактивирай Обслужване",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "Скрий атрибутите на позицията",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Грешка",
+ "errorGeneral": "Невалидни параметри",
+ "errorConnection": "Грешка във връзката",
+ "errorSocket": "Грешка в WebSocket връзката",
+ "errorZero": "Не може да бъде нула",
+ "userEmail": "Пощенска кутия",
+ "userPassword": "Парола",
+ "userAdmin": "Администратор",
+ "userRemember": "Запомни",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Изтичане",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Макс. брой у-ва",
+ "userUserLimit": "Макс. брой потребители",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Заключи устройството",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Ограничи командите",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Жетон",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Вход",
+ "loginLanguage": "Език",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Регистрация",
+ "loginLogin": "Вход",
+ "loginFailed": "Грешен потребител или парола",
+ "loginCreated": "Регистриран нов потребител",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Изход",
+ "loginLogo": "Лого",
+ "devicesAndState": "Устройства и състояние",
+ "deviceTitle": "Обекти",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Идентификатор",
+ "deviceModel": "Модел",
+ "deviceContact": "Контакт",
+ "deviceCategory": "Категория",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Последно обновяване",
+ "deviceCommand": "Команда",
+ "deviceFollow": "Следвай",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Общ пробег",
+ "deviceStatus": "Статус",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "На линия",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Няма връзка",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Неизвестен",
+ "groupDialog": "Група",
+ "groupParent": "Група",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Без група",
+ "settingsTitle": "Настройки",
+ "settingsUser": "Профил",
+ "settingsGroups": "Групи",
+ "settingsServer": "Сървър",
+ "settingsUsers": "Потребители",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Мерна единица за разстояние",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Мерна единица за скорост",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Мерна единица за обем",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 часов формат",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Формат на координатите",
+ "reportTitle": "Отчети",
+ "reportDevice": "Устройство",
+ "reportGroup": "Група",
+ "reportFrom": "От",
+ "reportTo": "До",
+ "reportShow": "Покажи",
+ "reportClear": "Изчисти",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Валидност",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Точност",
+ "positionLatitude": "Географска Ширина",
+ "positionLongitude": "Географска Дължина",
+ "positionAltitude": "Надморска височина",
+ "positionSpeed": "Скорост",
+ "positionCourse": "Посока",
+ "positionAddress": "Адрес",
+ "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
+ "positionDistance": "Разстояние",
+ "positionRpm": "Обороти",
+ "positionFuel": "Гориво",
+ "positionPower": "Захранване",
+ "positionBattery": "Батерия",
+ "positionRaw": "Необработен",
+ "positionIndex": "Индекс",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Сателити",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Видими сателити",
+ "positionRssi": "GSM сигнал",
+ "positionGps": "ДжиПиЕс",
+ "positionRoaming": "Роуминг",
+ "positionEvent": "Събитие",
+ "positionAlarm": "Аларма",
+ "positionStatus": "Статус",
+ "positionOdometer": "Километраж",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Служебен километраж",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Километраж пътуване",
+ "positionHours": "Часове",
+ "positionSteps": "Стъпки",
+ "positionInput": "Входни данни",
+ "positionOutput": "Изходящи данни",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Батерия %",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Разход на гориво",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Фърмуеър версия",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Версия на апаратурата",
+ "positionIgnition": "На контакт",
+ "positionFlags": "Флагове",
+ "positionCharge": "Зареждане",
+ "positionIp": "АйПи",
+ "positionArchive": "Архив",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Приблизително",
+ "positionThrottle": "Газ",
+ "positionMotion": "В движение",
+ "positionArmed": "Активиран",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Ускорение",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Температура на устройството",
+ "positionOperator": "Оператор",
+ "positionCommand": "Команда",
+ "positionBlocked": "Блокиран",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD скорост",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD километраж",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Идентификатор на шофьора",
+ "positionImage": "Изображение",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Звук",
+ "serverTitle": "Настройки на сървъра",
+ "serverZoom": "Приближение",
+ "serverRegistration": "Регистрация",
+ "serverReadonly": "Ограничени права",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Наложи настройките",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Карта",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Карта",
+ "mapCustom": "По избор (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "По избор (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Потребителска карта",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Ключ за Bing Maps",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing карта хибрид",
+ "mapBaidu": "Байду",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex карта",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex сателитна карта ",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Уикимедия",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Многоъгълник",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Кръг",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Линия",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Маршрут",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI слой",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Състояние",
+ "stateName": "Параметър",
+ "stateValue": "Стойност",
+ "commandTitle": "Команда",
+ "commandSend": "Изпрати",
+ "commandSent": "Командата изпратена",
+ "commandQueued": "Командата на изчакване",
+ "commandUnit": "Мерна ед.",
+ "commandCustom": "Персонализирана команда",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Идентификатор на устройството",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Единичен доклад",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Периодичен доклад",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Спри доклада",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Спри двигателя",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Стартирай двигателя",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Активирай Аларма",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Деактивирай Аларма",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Задай часова зона",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Изискай снимка",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Изключи устройството",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Рестартирай устройството",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Изпрати SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Изпрати USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Задай SOS номер",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Задай \"Тих час\"",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Задай тел. указател",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Гласово съобщение",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Изходен контрол",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Гласово наблюдение",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Настрой AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Настрой индикатор",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Конфигурация",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Получи версията",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Обнови фърмуеър",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Настрой връзката",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Настрой километража",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Виж състоянието на модема",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Виж състоянието на устройството",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Честота",
+ "commandTimezone": "Компенсация на часовата зона",
+ "commandMessage": "Съобщение",
+ "commandRadius": "Радиус",
+ "commandEnable": "Активирай",
+ "commandData": "Данни",
+ "commandIndex": "Индекс",
+ "commandPhone": "Телефонен номер",
+ "commandServer": "Сървър",
+ "commandPort": "Порт",
+ "eventAll": "Всички събития",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Статус на линия",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Статус неизвестен",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Статус без връзка",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Обектът в движение",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Обектът спря",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Ограничението на скоростта превишено",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Спад на горивото",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Резултат от командата",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Влизане в зона",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Излизане от зона",
+ "eventAlarm": "Аларма",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Запалването включено",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Запалването изключено",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Необходимо е обслужване",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Получен SMS",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Шофьорът се смени",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Отиди на последния",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Общи",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Вибрация",
+ "alarmMovement": "Движение",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Ниска скорост",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Превишена скорост",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Падане",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Ниска мощност",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Слаба батерия",
+ "alarmFault": "Повреда",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Захранването изключено",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Захранването включено",
+ "alarmDoor": "Врата",
+ "alarmLock": "Заключи",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Отключи",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Зона",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Влизане в зона",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Излизане от зона",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS антената откачена",
+ "alarmAccident": "Инцидент",
+ "alarmTow": "Дърпане",
+ "alarmIdle": "В покой",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Високи обороти",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Рязко ускорение",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Рязко спиране",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Рязко завиване",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Смяна на лентите",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Уморен водач",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Захранването прекъснато",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Захранването възстановено",
+ "alarmJamming": "Заглушаване",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Температура",
+ "alarmParking": "Паркиране",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Капак",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Спирачен педал",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Теч на гориво",
+ "alarmTampering": "Намеса ",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Премахване",
+ "notificationType": "Тип на известието",
+ "notificationAlways": "Всички устройства",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Канали",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Интернет",
+ "notificatorMail": "Поща",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Маршрут",
+ "reportEvents": "Събития",
+ "reportTrips": "Пътувания",
+ "reportStops": "Престой",
+ "reportSummary": "Общо",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Графика",
+ "reportConfigure": "Конфигуриране",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Тип събития",
+ "reportChartType": "Тип на графиката",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Покажи маркери",
+ "reportExport": "Експорт",
+ "reportEmail": "Имейл отчет",
+ "reportPeriod": "Период",
+ "reportCustom": "По избор",
+ "reportToday": "Днес",
+ "reportYesterday": "Вчера",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Тази седмица",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Предната седмица",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Този месец",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Предният месец",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Име на обект",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Средна скорост",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Максимална скорост",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Машиночас",
+ "reportDuration": "Продължителност",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Начален час",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Начален адрес",
+ "reportEndTime": "Краен час",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Краен адрес",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Изразходвано гориво",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Одометър Старт",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Одометър Стоп",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Статистики",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Дата",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Активни потребители",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Активни устройства",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Повиквания",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Приети съобщения",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Запазени съобщения",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Запитвания за адрес",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Запитвания за позиция",
+ "categoryArrow": "Стрелка",
+ "categoryDefault": "По подразбиране",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Животно",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Колело",
+ "categoryBoat": "Лодка",
+ "categoryBus": "Автобус",
+ "categoryCar": "Кола",
+ "categoryCrane": "Кран",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Въртолет",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Мотор",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Джип",
+ "categoryPerson": "Човек",
+ "categoryPickup": "Пикап",
+ "categoryPlane": "Самолет",
+ "categoryShip": "Кораб",
+ "categoryTractor": "Трактор",
+ "categoryTrain": "Влак",
+ "categoryTram": "Трамвай",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Тролейбус",
+ "categoryTruck": "Камион",
+ "categoryVan": "Ван",
+ "categoryScooter": "Скутер",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Старт",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Период"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/bn.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/bn.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..721e3b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/bn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "লোড হচ্ছে ...",
+ "sharedHide": "লুকিয়ে রাখুন",
+ "sharedSave": " সংরক্ষণ করুন",
+ "sharedSet": "স্থাপন করুন",
+ "sharedCancel": " বাতিল করুন",
+ "sharedAdd": "যুক্ত করুন",
+ "sharedEdit": "সম্পাদন করুন",
+ "sharedRemove": "অপসারণ করুন",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "আইটেম অপসারণ?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "কিমি",
+ "sharedMi": "মাইল",
+ "sharedNmi": "নটিক্যাল মাইল",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "কিলোনটিক্যাল",
+ "sharedKmh": "কিমি / ঘঃ",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "ঘন্টা",
+ "sharedMinute": "মিনিট",
+ "sharedSecond": "সেকেন্ড",
+ "sharedDays": "দিন",
+ "sharedHours": "ঘন্টা",
+ "sharedMinutes": "মিনিট",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "দশমিক ডিগ্রী",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "ডিগ্রি দশমিক মিনিট",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "ডিগ্রি মিনিট সেকেন্ড",
+ "sharedName": "নাম",
+ "sharedDescription": "বিবরণ / বর্ণনা",
+ "sharedSearch": "অনুসন্ধান / খোঁজা",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "জিওফেন্স / ভৌগোলিক বেষ্টনী",
+ "sharedGeofences": "জিওফেন্স / ভৌগোলিক বেষ্টনী",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "অধিসূচনা সামুহ",
+ "sharedNotification": "অধিসূচনা",
+ "sharedAttributes": "বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী / গুণাবলী",
+ "sharedAttribute": "বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী / গুণাবলী",
+ "sharedDrivers": "চালক সমুহ",
+ "sharedDriver": "চালক",
+ "sharedArea": "এলাকা",
+ "sharedSound": "অধিসূচনা শব্দ",
+ "sharedType": "ধরন",
+ "sharedDistance": "দূরত্ব",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ঘ",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "মি",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "সে",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "গ্যালন",
+ "sharedLiter": "লিটার",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "ইম্পেরিয়াল গ্যালন",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "আমেরিকি গ্যালন",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "মানচিত্রের অবস্থা",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "অভিব্যক্তি",
+ "sharedDevice": "ডিভাইস",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "পঞ্জিকা",
+ "sharedCalendars": "পঞ্জিকাগুলি",
+ "sharedFile": "File",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Select File",
+ "sharedPhone": "ফোন",
+ "sharedRequired": "অবশ্যক",
+ "sharedPreferences": "পছন্দসমূহ",
+ "sharedPermissions": "অনুমতিসমূহ",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "অতিরিক্ত",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "স্ট্রিং",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "নম্বর",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "টাইমজোন",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "ঠিকানা দেখান",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "ডিভাইসের গতি সীমা",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "ওয়েব: রিপোর্টের রঙ",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "ডিভাইস পাসওয়ার্ড",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "রং",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "ত্রুটি",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "সংযোগ ত্রুটি",
+ "errorSocket": "ওয়েব সকেট সংযোগ ত্রুটি",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "ইমেইল",
+ "userPassword": "পাসওয়ার্ড",
+ "userAdmin": "অ্যাডমিন",
+ "userRemember": "মনে রাখো",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "ডিভাইসের গতি সীমা",
+ "userUserLimit": "ব্যবহারকারীর সীমা",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "ডিভাইস রিড অনলি",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "টোকেন",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "লগইন",
+ "loginLanguage": "ভাষা",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "নিবন্ধন",
+ "loginLogin": "লগইন",
+ "loginFailed": "ভুল ইমেল এড্রেস বা পাসওয়ার্ড",
+ "loginCreated": "নতুন ব্যবহারকারী নিবন্ধিত হয়েছে",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "লগ আউট",
+ "loginLogo": "লোগো",
+ "devicesAndState": "ডিভাইস ও অবস্থা",
+ "deviceTitle": "ডিভাইস",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifier",
+ "deviceModel": "মডেল",
+ "deviceContact": "যোগাযোগ",
+ "deviceCategory": "বিভাগ",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "সর্বশেষ আপডেট",
+ "deviceCommand": "কমান্ড",
+ "deviceFollow": "Follow",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "সম্পুর্ণ দুরত্ব",
+ "deviceStatus": "অবস্থা",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "অনলাইন",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "অফলাইন",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "অজানা",
+ "groupDialog": "গ্রুপ",
+ "groupParent": "গ্রুপ",
+ "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
+ "settingsTitle": "সেটিংস",
+ "settingsUser": "অ্যাকাউন্ট",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groups",
+ "settingsServer": "সার্ভার",
+ "settingsUsers": "Users",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Reports",
+ "reportDevice": "ডিভাইস",
+ "reportGroup": "গ্রুপ",
+ "reportFrom": "From",
+ "reportTo": "To",
+ "reportShow": "দেখাও",
+ "reportClear": "পরিষ্কার",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valid",
+ "positionAccuracy": "সঠিকতা",
+ "positionLatitude": "অক্ষাংশ",
+ "positionLongitude": "দ্রাঘিমাংশ",
+ "positionAltitude": "উচ্চতা",
+ "positionSpeed": "গতি",
+ "positionCourse": "Course",
+ "positionAddress": "ঠিকানা",
+ "positionProtocol": "প্রোটোকল",
+ "positionDistance": "দূরত্ব",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "জ্বালানি",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "ব্যাটারি",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS/জিপিএস",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "ঘটনা",
+ "positionAlarm": "অ্যালার্ম / সংকেত",
+ "positionStatus": "অবস্থা",
+ "positionOdometer": "ওডোমিটার",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "সার্ভিস ওডোমিটার",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "ঘন্টা",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "ইনপুট",
+ "positionOutput": "আউটপুট",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "ব্যাটারি স্তর",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "জ্বালানি খরচ",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "ফার্মওয়্যার সংস্করণ",
+ "positionVersionHw": "হার্ডওয়্যার সংস্করণ",
+ "positionIgnition": "ইগনিশন",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "চার্জ",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "আর্কাইভ / সংরক্ষাণাগার",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "আনুমানিক",
+ "positionThrottle": "থ্রটল / নির্গমন নিয়ন্ত্রণ",
+ "positionMotion": "গতি",
+ "positionArmed": "রক্ষিত করা",
+ "positionAcceleration": "ত্বরণ",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "ডিভাইসের তাপমাত্রা",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "কমান্ড",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "সার্ভার সেটিংস ",
+ "serverZoom": "জুম্",
+ "serverRegistration": "নিবন্ধন",
+ "serverReadonly": "রিড অনলি",
+ "serverForceSettings": "ফোর্স সেটিংস",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "মানচিত্র",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "মানচিত্র স্তর",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "বহুভুজ",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "বৃত্ত / বৃত্তাকার",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "পলিলাইন",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "State",
+ "stateName": "বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী / গুণাবলী",
+ "stateValue": "মান",
+ "commandTitle": "কমান্ড",
+ "commandSend": "পাঠান",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "ইউনিট",
+ "commandCustom": "Custom command",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "ডিভাইস সনাক্তকরণ",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "একক রিপোর্টিং",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "পর্যায়ক্রমিক রিপোর্ট",
+ "commandPositionStop": "রিপোর্টিং বন্ধ করা",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ইঞ্জিন বন্ধ",
+ "commandEngineResume": "ইঞ্জিন পুনরায় চালু করুন",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "রক্ষিত করার অ্যালার্ম / সংকেত",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "অরক্ষিত করার অ্যালার্ম / সংকেত",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "টাইমজোন সেট করুন",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "রিবুট ডিভাইস",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "ভয়েস বার্তা",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "ফ্রিকোয়েন্সি",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "বার্তা",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "উপাত্ত / ডেটা",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "ফোন নম্বর",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "সকল ঘটনা",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ প্রয়োজন",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "কনফিগার",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "মার্কার দেখাও",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "ডিভাইসের নাম",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Duration",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "শুরুর সময় ",
+ "reportStartAddress": "শুরুর ঠিকানা",
+ "reportEndTime": "শেষ সময়",
+ "reportEndAddress": "শেষ ঠিকানা",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "ব্যয়িত জ্বালানি",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "পরিসংখ্যান",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "সময় ক্যাপচার",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "সক্রিয় ব্যবহারকারীগণ",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "সক্রিয় ডিভাইস",
+ "statisticsRequests": "রিকোয়েস্টসমূহ",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "তীর",
+ "categoryDefault": "ডিফল্ট",
+ "categoryAnimal": "পশু",
+ "categoryBicycle": "সাইকেল",
+ "categoryBoat": "নৌকা",
+ "categoryBus": "বাস",
+ "categoryCar": "কার",
+ "categoryCrane": "ক্রেন",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "হেলিকপ্টার",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "মোটরসাইকেল",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "ব্যক্তি",
+ "categoryPickup": "পিকআপ",
+ "categoryPlane": "প্লেন",
+ "categoryShip": "জাহাজ",
+ "categoryTractor": "ট্র্যাক্টর",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "ট্রাক",
+ "categoryVan": "ভ্যান",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ca.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ca.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ff30a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ca.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Carregant…",
+ "sharedHide": "Ocultar",
+ "sharedSave": "Guardar",
+ "sharedSet": "Establir",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancel·lar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Afegir",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Eliminar",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Eliminar element?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Sense dades",
+ "sharedYes": "Sí",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "Km",
+ "sharedMi": "MI",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Nusos",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minut",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segon",
+ "sharedDays": "Dies",
+ "sharedHours": "Hores",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuts",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Graus amb decimals",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Graus i Minuts amb decimals",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Graus Minuts i Segons",
+ "sharedName": "Nom",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descripció",
+ "sharedSearch": "Cercar",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo-Zona",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-Zones",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificacions",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificació",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributs",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Conductors",
+ "sharedDriver": "Conductor",
+ "sharedArea": "Àrea",
+ "sharedSound": "So de notificació",
+ "sharedType": "Tipus",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distància",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "g",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litre",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Galó Imp.",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Galó U.S.",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "L/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Obtenir Estat del Mapa",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atribut calculat",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Atributs calculats",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Revisar atribut calculat",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expressió",
+ "sharedDevice": "Dispositiu",
+ "sharedTest": "Prova",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Enviar notificació de prova",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Canals de prova",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Prova d'\\expressió",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendari",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendaris",
+ "sharedFile": "Arxiu",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Buscar Dispositius",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Ordenar per",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtrar en el Mapa",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Seleccioni arxiu",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telèfon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Obligatori",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferències",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permisos",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connexions",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Cadena",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Número",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Booleà",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Zona Horària",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informació",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comanda guardada",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comandes guardades",
+ "sharedNew": "Nou…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Mostrar carrer",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Més detalls",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deshabilitat",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Manteniments",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Acumulador",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmes",
+ "sharedLocation": "Ubicació",
+ "sharedImport": "Importar",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columnes",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Arrossegueu i deixeu anar un fitxer aquí o feu clic",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrència",
+ "calendarOnce": "Una vegada",
+ "calendarDaily": "Diari",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Setmanal",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Mensual",
+ "calendarDays": "Dies",
+ "calendarSunday": "Diumenge",
+ "calendarMonday": "Dilluns",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Dimarts",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Dimecres",
+ "calendarThursday": "Dijous",
+ "calendarFriday": "Divendres",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Dissabte",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Límit de velocitat",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Llindar de caiguda de combustible",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Llindar d\\\\'augment del combustible",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distància de polilínea",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Informe: Ignorar el odòmetre",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Color de l\\'informe",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Contrasenya de dispositiu",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Imatge del dispositiu",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Inici d\\'inactivitat del dispositiu",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Període de inactivitat del dispositiu",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processant: Còpia dels atributs",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Longitud de la ruta en directe",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: fer zoom al seleccionar",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom màxim",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Correu: Servidor SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Correu: Port SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Correu: Habilitar SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Correu: SMTP STARTTLS requerit",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Correu: Habilitar SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Correu: SMTP SSL de confiança",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Correu: SMTP SSL protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Correu: SMTP desde",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Correu: Habilitar autenticació SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Correu: Nom d\\'usuari SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Correu: Contrasenya SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Deshabilitar Grups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Deshabilitar esdeveniments",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Deshabilitar característiques del vehicle",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Deshabilitar Conductors",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Deshabilitar Atributs calculats",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Deshabilitar Calendari",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Deshabilitar Manteniment",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ocultar Atributs de Posició",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Deshabilitar Idioma de inici de sessió",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notificació Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Error",
+ "errorGeneral": "Paràmetres no vàlids o fora dels límits",
+ "errorConnection": "Error en la connexió",
+ "errorSocket": "Error del Web-Socket",
+ "errorZero": "No pot ser zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Contrasenya",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrador",
+ "userRemember": "Recordar",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Caducitat",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Límit de dispositius",
+ "userUserLimit": "Límit d\\'usuaris",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Dispositiu de sòls lectura",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limitar Comandes",
+ "userDisableReports": "Deshabilitar Informes",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token Accés",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Iniciar sessió",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginReset": "Reiniciar contrasenya",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrar-se",
+ "loginLogin": "Iniciar sessió",
+ "loginFailed": "Email o contrasenya incorrecta",
+ "loginCreated": "S'ha registrat un usuari nou",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Comprova el teu email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "S'ha creat la nova contrasenya",
+ "loginLogout": "Tancar Sessió",
+ "loginLogo": "Logotipus",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositius i Estat",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositius",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contacte",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categoria",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Actualització",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comanda",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distància Total",
+ "deviceStatus": "Estat",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "En línia",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Fora de línia",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Desconegut",
+ "groupDialog": "Grup",
+ "groupParent": "Grup",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sense grup",
+ "settingsTitle": "Preferències",
+ "settingsUser": "Compte",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grups",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Usuaris",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unitat de Distància",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Unitat d\\'Altitud",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unitat de Velocitat",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unitat de Volum",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format de 12h.",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format de Coordenades",
+ "reportTitle": "Informes",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositius",
+ "reportGroup": "Grup",
+ "reportFrom": "Desde",
+ "reportTo": "Fins",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Netejar",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Hora registrada",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Hora del Dispositiu",
+ "positionServerTime": "Hora del Servidor",
+ "positionValid": "Vàlida",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precisió",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitud",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocitat",
+ "positionCourse": "Rumb",
+ "positionAddress": "Adreça",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
+ "positionDistance": "Distància",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Combustible",
+ "positionPower": "Energia",
+ "positionBattery": "Bateria",
+ "positionRaw": "Cru",
+ "positionIndex": "Índex",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satèl·lits",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satèl·lits Visibles",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Esdeveniment",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarma",
+ "positionStatus": "Estat",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odòmetre",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Odòmetre de manteniment",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Odòmetre de viatge",
+ "positionHours": "Hores",
+ "positionSteps": "Passos",
+ "positionInput": "Entrada",
+ "positionOutput": "Sortida",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nivell de bateria",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consum de combustible",
+ "positionRfid": "RFDI",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versió del firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versió del hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Encès",
+ "positionFlags": "Banderes",
+ "positionCharge": "Càrrega",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arxiu",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Aproximat",
+ "positionThrottle": "Accelerador",
+ "positionMotion": "Moviment",
+ "positionArmed": "Armat",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleració",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura del dispositiu",
+ "positionOperator": "Operador",
+ "positionCommand": "Comanda",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocat",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Velocitat OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odòmetre OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID única del conductor",
+ "positionImage": "Imatge",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Àudio",
+ "serverTitle": "Paràmetres del servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registre",
+ "serverReadonly": "Sòls lectura",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forçar aquests paràmetres",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Mostrar anunci",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Mapes actius",
+ "mapOverlay": "Capa sobre el mapa",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Capa personalitzada",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Capes del Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Personalitzat (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Personalitzat (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Mapa Personalitzat",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Clau Bing Maps",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps - Carretera",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps - Aèro",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps - Híbrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satèl·lite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cercle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polilínia",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rutes en Directe",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Ubicació Actual",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Capa POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Agrupar Marcadors",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Mostrar Mapes en la selecció",
+ "stateTitle": "Estat",
+ "stateName": "Paràmetre",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comanda",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandSent": "Comanda enviat",
+ "commandQueued": "Comanda en cua",
+ "commandUnit": "Unitat",
+ "commandCustom": "Comanda personalitzada",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificació al Dispositiu",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Informe Únic",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Informe Periòdic",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Aturar informe",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Apagar motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Desblocar Encès de Motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Armar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desarmar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Descartar Alarma",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Establir Zona Horària",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Sol·licitar Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Apagar dispositiu",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositiu",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Valors de fàbrica",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Enviar USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Establir el número SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Establir horari de silenci",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Establir contacte",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Missatge de veu",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Control de Sortides",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitoratge de Veu",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Establir AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Establir indicador",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuració",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Obtenir Versió",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Actualitzar Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Establir Connexió",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Establir Odòmetre",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Obtenir Estat del Mòdem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Obtener Estat del Dispositiu",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Establir Límit de Velocitat",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Mode Estalvi de Energia",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Mode Estalvi d'Energia Profund",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Establir Alarma de Geo-Zona",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Establir Alarma de Bateria",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Establir Alarma de SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Establir eliminar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Establir Alarma d'Hora",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Establir Alarma de Velocitat",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Establir Alarma de Caiguda",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Establir Alarma de Vibració",
+ "commandFrequency": "Freqüència",
+ "commandTimezone": "Compensació de zona horaria",
+ "commandMessage": "Missatge",
+ "commandRadius": "Ràdio",
+ "commandEnable": "Activat",
+ "commandData": "Dades",
+ "commandIndex": "Índex",
+ "commandPhone": "Número de Telèfon",
+ "commandServer": "Servidor",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Tots els events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositiu en Línia",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Dispositiu en estat Desconegut",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispositiu Fora de Línia",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Dispositiu Inactiu",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositiu en Moviment",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositiu Aturat",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Excés del límit de Velocitat",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Pèrdua de Combustible",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultat de la comanda",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrada a la Geo-Zona",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Sortida de la Geo-Zona",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarma",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignició ON",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignició OFF",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Es requereix manteniment",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Missatge de text rebut",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "El conductor ha canviat",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Desplaçar-se fins l'últim",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibració",
+ "alarmMovement": "Moviment",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Baixa Velocitat",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Excés de Velocitat",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Alarma de caiguda",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Energia baixa",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Bateria Baixa",
+ "alarmFault": "Alarma de error",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Apagat",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Encès",
+ "alarmDoor": "Porta",
+ "alarmLock": "Blocat",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Desblocat",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "El Dispositiu ha entrat a la Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "El Dispositiu ha sortit de la Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antena del GPS tallada",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Grua d'arrossegament",
+ "alarmIdle": "Repòs",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Revolucions altes",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Acceleració brusca",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frenada extrema",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Gir brusc",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Canvi de carril",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Conducció amb fatiga",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Energia desconectada",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Energia restaurada",
+ "alarmJamming": "Interferència",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Aparcament",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capó",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Fre de peu",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuga de combustible",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulació",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Eliminant",
+ "notificationType": "Tipus de Notificació",
+ "notificationAlways": "Tots els dispositius",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canals",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Correu",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Repetir",
+ "reportRoute": "Ruta",
+ "reportEvents": "Esdeveniments",
+ "reportTrips": "Viatges",
+ "reportStops": "Parades",
+ "reportSummary": "Resum",
+ "reportDaily": "Resum diari",
+ "reportChart": "Gràfica",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configurar",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipus d'esdeveniment",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipus de gràfica",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Mostrar marcadors",
+ "reportExport": "Exportar",
+ "reportEmail": "Informe per correu",
+ "reportPeriod": "Període",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalitzat",
+ "reportToday": "Avui",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ahir",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Setmana Actual",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Setmana Anterior",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Mes Actual",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Mes Anterior",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nom",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocitat Mitjana",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocitat Màxima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Hores de Motor",
+ "reportDuration": "Durada",
+ "reportStartDate": "Data Inical",
+ "reportStartTime": "Hora Inical",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Adreça Inicial",
+ "reportEndTime": "Hora Final",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Adreça Final",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Combustible consumit",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odòmetre inical",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odòmetre final",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Estadístiques",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Data de captura",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Usuaris Actius",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispositius Actius",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Peticions",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Missatges rebuts",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Missatges guardats",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Sol·licituds del codificador geogràfic",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Sol·licituds de geolocalització",
+ "categoryArrow": "Fletxa",
+ "categoryDefault": "Predeterminat",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicleta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Vaixell",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobús",
+ "categoryCar": "Automòbil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Grua",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicòpter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocicleta",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Totterreny",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persona",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avió",
+ "categoryShip": "Vaixell",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tren",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvia",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Troleibús",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camió",
+ "categoryVan": "Furgoneta",
+ "categoryScooter": "Moto",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Iniciar",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Període"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/cs.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bf92431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Načítám...",
+ "sharedHide": "Skrýt",
+ "sharedSave": "Uložit",
+ "sharedSet": "Nastavit",
+ "sharedCancel": "Zrušit",
+ "sharedAdd": "Přidat",
+ "sharedEdit": "Změnit",
+ "sharedRemove": "Odstranit",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstranit položku?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Ano",
+ "sharedNo": "Ne",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hodina",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
+ "sharedDays": "dny",
+ "sharedHours": "hodiny",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuty",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Desetinné stupně",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Desetinné minuty",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Desetinné sekundy",
+ "sharedName": "Jméno",
+ "sharedDescription": "Popis",
+ "sharedSearch": "Hledat",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Zóna",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Zóny",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Upozornění",
+ "sharedNotification": "Upozornění",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributy",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Řidiči",
+ "sharedDriver": "Řidič",
+ "sharedArea": "Oblast",
+ "sharedSound": "Zvuk upozornění",
+ "sharedType": "Typ",
+ "sharedDistance": "Vzdálenost",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litr",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Britský galon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Americký galon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Získat stav mapy",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Vypočítaná vlastnost",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Vypočítané vlastnosti",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Zkontrolovat vypočítanou vlastnost",
+ "sharedExpression": "Výraz",
+ "sharedDevice": "Zařízení",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Odeslat testovací oznámení",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendář",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendáře",
+ "sharedFile": "Soubor",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Vybrat soubor",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Povinné",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Nastavení",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Oprávnění",
+ "sharedConnections": "Připojení",
+ "sharedExtra": "Volitelné",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Řetězec",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Číslo",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Logická hodnota",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Časová zóna",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Uložený příkaz",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Uložené příkazy",
+ "sharedNew": "Nový...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Zobrazit adresu",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Více podrobností",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Zakázáno",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Údržba",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Stavy měřidel",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmy",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokace",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Rychlostní limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Vzdálenost křivky",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Počítadlo kilometrů",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Barva reportu",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Heslo zařízení",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Počátek nečinnosti zařízení",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Období nečinnosti zařízení",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Procesuji: Kopírování vlastností",
+ "attributeColor": "Barva",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Aktuální délka trasy",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Přiblížit při výběru",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximální přiblížení",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP server",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS povolit",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS vyžadováno",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL povolit",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL důvěřovat",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL protokoly",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP od",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP povolení ověřování",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP uživatelské jméno",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP heslo",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Zakázat události",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Zakázat funkce vozidel",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Zakázat řidiče",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Zakázat vypočítané vlastnosti",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Zakázat kalendáře",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Zakázat údržbu",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Skrýt atributy pozice",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notifikační tokeny",
+ "errorTitle": "Chyba",
+ "errorGeneral": "Nesprávné parametry nebo překročení omezení",
+ "errorConnection": "Chyba spojení",
+ "errorSocket": "Chyba připojení webového socketu",
+ "errorZero": "Nemůže být nula",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Heslo",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Zapamatovat",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Konec platnosti",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limit zařízení",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limit uživatele",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Zařízení pouze pro čtení",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit příkazů",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Přihlášení",
+ "loginLanguage": "Jazyk",
+ "loginReset": "Obnovit Heslo",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrace",
+ "loginLogin": "Přihlášení",
+ "loginFailed": "Nesprávný email nebo heslo",
+ "loginCreated": "Nový uživatel byl zaregistrován",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Zkontroluj si email ",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Nové heslo je nastaveno",
+ "loginLogout": "Odhlášení",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Zařízení a stav",
+ "deviceTitle": "Zařízení",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikace",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorie",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Poslední změna",
+ "deviceCommand": "Příkaz",
+ "deviceFollow": "Sledovat",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Celková vzdálenost",
+ "deviceStatus": "Stav",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Neznámý",
+ "groupDialog": "Skupina",
+ "groupParent": "Skupina",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Žádná skupina",
+ "settingsTitle": "Nastavení",
+ "settingsUser": "Účet",
+ "settingsGroups": "Skupiny",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Uživatelé",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jednotka vzdálenosti",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Jednotka rychlosti",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Jednotka objemu",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hodinový formát",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formát souřadnic",
+ "reportTitle": "Reporty",
+ "reportDevice": "Zařízení",
+ "reportGroup": "Skupina",
+ "reportFrom": "Od",
+ "reportTo": "Komu",
+ "reportShow": "Zobrazit",
+ "reportClear": "Vyprázdnit",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Správný",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Přesnost",
+ "positionLatitude": "Šířka",
+ "positionLongitude": "Délka",
+ "positionAltitude": "Výška",
+ "positionSpeed": "Rychlost",
+ "positionCourse": "Směr",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresa",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Vzdálenost",
+ "positionRpm": "otáček",
+ "positionFuel": "Palivo",
+ "positionPower": "Energie",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterie",
+ "positionRaw": "Čisté",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelity",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Viditelné satelity",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Událost",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Počítadlo kilometrů",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Servisní počítadlo kilometrů",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Počítadlo kilometrů cesty",
+ "positionHours": "Hodiny",
+ "positionSteps": "Kroky",
+ "positionInput": "Vstup",
+ "positionOutput": "Výstup",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Úroveň baterie",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Spotřeba paliva",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Verze firmwaru",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Verze hardwaru",
+ "positionIgnition": "Zapalování",
+ "positionFlags": "Příznaky",
+ "positionCharge": "Nabití",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Přibližný",
+ "positionThrottle": "Škrtící klapka",
+ "positionMotion": "Pohyb",
+ "positionArmed": "Odjištěno",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Akcelerace",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Teplota zařízení",
+ "positionOperator": "Operátor",
+ "positionCommand": "Příkaz",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokované",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTC",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD rychlost",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD počítadlo kilometrů",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Unikátní ID ridiče",
+ "positionImage": "Obraz",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Zvuk",
+ "serverTitle": "Nastavení serveru",
+ "serverZoom": "Přiblížení",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrace",
+ "serverReadonly": "Pouze pro čtení",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Vynutit nastavení",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Oznámení",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Vrstva mapy",
+ "mapCustom": "Vlastní (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Vlastní (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Vlastní mapa",
+ "mapCarto": "Základní mapy nákladu",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps klíč",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps silniční",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Letecký",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybridní",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex mapa",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex satelitní",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox ulice",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox venkovní",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox satelit",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Základní",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybridní",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Mnohoúhelník",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Kruh",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Křivka",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Trasy živě",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Současná pozice",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Vrstva s POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Stav",
+ "stateName": "Atribut",
+ "stateValue": "Hodnota",
+ "commandTitle": "Příkaz",
+ "commandSend": "Odeslat",
+ "commandSent": "Příkaz odeslán",
+ "commandQueued": "Příkaz zařazen do fronty",
+ "commandUnit": "Jednotka",
+ "commandCustom": "Volitelný příkaz",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikace zařízení",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Jednotný report",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pravidelný report",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Zastavit report",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Zastavit motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Nastartovat motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Aktivovat alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Deaktivovat alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Zrušit alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Nastavit časovou zónu",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Vyžádat fotku",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Vypnout zařízení",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Restartovat zařízení",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Obnovit nastavení",
+ "commandSendSms": "Odeslat SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Odeslat USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Nastavit SOS číslo",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Nastavit čas tichého módu",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Nastavit telefonní seznam",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Hlasová zpráva",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Ovládání výstupu",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitorování hlasu",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Nastavit AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Nastavit indikátor",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Nastavení",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Zjistit verzi",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Aktualizovat firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Nastavit spojení",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Nastavit počítadlo kilometrů",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Získat stav modemu",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Získat stav zařízení",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Nastavit rychlostní limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvence",
+ "commandTimezone": "Ofset časové zóny",
+ "commandMessage": "Zpráva",
+ "commandRadius": "Okruh",
+ "commandEnable": "Povolit",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonní číslo",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Všechny události",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status neznámý",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Zařízení je neaktivní",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Zařízení se přesouvá",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Zařízení bylo zastaveno",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Rychlostní limit překročen",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Pokles paliva",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Výsledek příkazu",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Vstoupeno do geozóny",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geozóna opuštěna",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Zážeh zapnutý",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Zážeh vypnutý",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Vyžadována údržba",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Obdržena textová zpráva",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Řidič vyměněn",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Posunout na poslední",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Hlavní",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrace",
+ "alarmMovement": "Pohyb",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Nízká rychlost",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Překročení rychlosti",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Pád",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Nízký výkon",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Nízké napětí baterie",
+ "alarmFault": "Chyba",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Vypnout",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Zapnout",
+ "alarmDoor": "Dveře",
+ "alarmLock": "Zamknout",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Odemknout",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geozóna",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Vstup do geozóny",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Konec geozóny",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Odpojení GPS antény",
+ "alarmAccident": "Nehoda",
+ "alarmTow": "Vlek",
+ "alarmIdle": "Nečinnost",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Vysoké ot/min",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Silná akcelerace",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Silné brždění",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Jízda smykem",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Změna pruhu",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Únava při řízení",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Výpadek napájení",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Napájení obnoveno",
+ "alarmJamming": "Zaseknutí",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Teplota",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkování",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Kapota",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Nožní brzda",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Únik paliva",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulování",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Odstraňuji",
+ "notificationType": "Typ oznámení",
+ "notificationAlways": "Všechna zařízení",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanály",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Přehrát",
+ "reportRoute": "Trasa",
+ "reportEvents": "Události",
+ "reportTrips": "Cesty",
+ "reportStops": "Zastávky",
+ "reportSummary": "Souhrn",
+ "reportDaily": "Denní přehled",
+ "reportChart": "Graf",
+ "reportConfigure": "Nastavit",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Typy událostí",
+ "reportChartType": "Typ grafu",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Zobrazit značky",
+ "reportExport": "Exportovat",
+ "reportEmail": "Zaslat report mailem",
+ "reportPeriod": "Období",
+ "reportCustom": "Vlastní",
+ "reportToday": "Dnes",
+ "reportYesterday": "Včera",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Tento týden",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Minulý týden",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Tento měsíc",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Minulý měsíc",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Jméno zařízení",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Průměrná rychlost",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximální rychlost",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motohodiny",
+ "reportDuration": "Trvání",
+ "reportStartDate": "Počáteční datum",
+ "reportStartTime": "Čas startu",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Adresa startu",
+ "reportEndTime": "Čas konce",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Adresa konce",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spotřebované palivo",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Start počítadla kilometrů",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Konec počítadla kilometrů",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistiky",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Čas zachycení",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktivní uživatelé",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktivní zařízení",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Požadavky",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Obdržené zprávy",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Uložené zprávy",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Požadavky Geocodera",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Požadavky Geolokace",
+ "categoryArrow": "Šipka",
+ "categoryDefault": "Výchozí",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Zvíře",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Kolo",
+ "categoryBoat": "Loď",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Auto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Jeřáb",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikoptéra",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocykl",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Osoba",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Letadlo",
+ "categoryShip": "Loď",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Vlak",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvaj",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolejbus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Nákladní auto",
+ "categoryVan": "Dodávka",
+ "categoryScooter": "Koloběžka",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Perioda"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/da.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/da.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53adfbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/da.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Indlæser... ",
+ "sharedHide": "Skjul",
+ "sharedSave": "Gem",
+ "sharedSet": "Indstil",
+ "sharedCancel": "Fortryd",
+ "sharedAdd": "Tilføj",
+ "sharedEdit": "Rediger",
+ "sharedRemove": "Fjern",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Fjern enhed?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Ja",
+ "sharedNo": "Nej",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "Nml",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "knob",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/t",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Time",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minut",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekund",
+ "sharedDays": "dage",
+ "sharedHours": "timer",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutter",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimal grader",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Grader decimal minutter",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Grader decimal sekunder",
+ "sharedName": "Navn",
+ "sharedDescription": "Beskrivelse",
+ "sharedSearch": "Søg",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifikationer",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notifikation",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Egenskaber",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Egenskab",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Chauffører",
+ "sharedDriver": "Chauffør",
+ "sharedArea": "Område",
+ "sharedSound": "Advarsels lyd",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Afstand",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "t",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "I",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Motorhjelm",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Amerikansk gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/time",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Kort status",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Udregnet attribut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Udregnede attributter",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Kontroller udregnet attribut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Udtryk",
+ "sharedDevice": "Enhed",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test notifikation",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendere",
+ "sharedFile": "Fil",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Vælg fil",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Krævet",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Foretrukne",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Tilladelser",
+ "sharedConnections": "Forbindelser",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "tekststreng",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "ciffer",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolsk",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Tidszone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Gemt kommando",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Gemte Kommandoer",
+ "sharedNew": "Ny...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Vis adresse",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Flere detailer",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deaktiveret",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Vedligeholdelse",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akkumulatorer",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmer",
+ "sharedLocation": "Beliggenhed",
+ "sharedImport": "Importer",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Hastigheds grænse",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline afstand",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapport: Ignorer odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web : Rapport farve",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Enheds kodeord",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Start af enhedens inaktivitet",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Enheds inaktivitetsperiode",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Bearbejder: Kopier attribut",
+ "attributeColor": "Farve",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: live rute længde",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom ved vælg",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimal zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail : SMTP port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP slå SSL til",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Brugernavn",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Kodeord",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "Deaktiver begivenheder",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "Deaktiver køretøjets funktioner",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "Deaktiver chauffører",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "Deaktiver beregnede attributter",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "Deaktiver kalendere",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "Deaktiver vedligeholdelse",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "Skjul positionsattributter",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notifikations Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Fejl",
+ "errorGeneral": "ulovlig parameter ",
+ "errorConnection": "Tilslutning fejl",
+ "errorSocket": "Web tilslutnings fejl",
+ "errorZero": "Kan ikke være nul",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Kodeord",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Husk",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Udløb",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Enheds grænse",
+ "userUserLimit": "Bruger grænse",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Enhed kun læsbar",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Begrænset kommandoer",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Log på",
+ "loginLanguage": "Sprog",
+ "loginReset": "Nulstille kodeord",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrer",
+ "loginLogin": "Log på",
+ "loginFailed": "Fejl i email adresse eller kodeord",
+ "loginCreated": "Ny bruger er registreret",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Tjek din e-mail",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Ny adgangskode er indstillet",
+ "loginLogout": "Log af",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Enheder og status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Enheder",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Imei nr",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategori",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Seneste opdatering",
+ "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Følg",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "On-line",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Off-line",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Ukendt",
+ "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
+ "groupParent": "Gruppe",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Ingen gruppe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Indstillinger",
+ "settingsUser": "Konto",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupper",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Brugere",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Afstands enhed",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hastigheds enhed",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume enhed",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 timers format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinats format",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapporter",
+ "reportDevice": "Enhed",
+ "reportGroup": "Gruppe",
+ "reportFrom": "Fra",
+ "reportTo": "Til",
+ "reportShow": "Vis",
+ "reportClear": "Ryd",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valid",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Nøjagtighed",
+ "positionLatitude": "Breddegrad",
+ "positionLongitude": "Længdegrad",
+ "positionAltitude": "Højde",
+ "positionSpeed": "Hastighed",
+ "positionCourse": "Kurs",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresse",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "Omdr.",
+ "positionFuel": "Brændstof",
+ "positionPower": "Strøm",
+ "positionBattery": "Batteri",
+ "positionRaw": "Rå",
+ "positionIndex": "Indeks",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelitter",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Synlige satelitter",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Hændelse",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Km tæller",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Km tæller",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip tæller",
+ "positionHours": "timer",
+ "positionSteps": "Skridt",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batteri niveau",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Brændstof forbrug",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Tænding på ",
+ "positionFlags": "Flag",
+ "positionCharge": "Oplad",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arkiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Cirka",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gas",
+ "positionMotion": "Bevægelse",
+ "positionArmed": "Armeret",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Enheds temperatur",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatør",
+ "positionCommand": "Kommando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokeret",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTC's",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Hastighed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD km tæller",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Chaufførs unikke ID",
+ "positionImage": "Billede",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Lyd",
+ "serverTitle": "Server indstillinger",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrering",
+ "serverReadonly": "Læs",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Gennemtving opdatering",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Meddelelse",
+ "mapTitle": "Kort",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Kort opsætning",
+ "mapCustom": "Brugerdefineret (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Brugerdefineret (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Brugerdefineret kort",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Kort",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellit",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox gader",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox udendørs",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox satellit",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cirkel",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live ruter",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Lag",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Parameter",
+ "stateValue": "Værdi",
+ "commandTitle": "Kommando",
+ "commandSend": "Send",
+ "commandSent": "Kommando sendt",
+ "commandQueued": "Kommando i kø",
+ "commandUnit": "Enhed",
+ "commandCustom": "Skræddersyet kommando",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Enheds id",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel rapport",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk Rapportering",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stop Rapportering",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Stop motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Genstart motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Armer alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå alarm fra",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Afvis alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Sæt tidszone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Tag billede",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Sluk for enhed",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Genstart enhed",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Gendan fabriksindstillinger",
+ "commandSendSms": "send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Angiv SOS nummer",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Angiv lydløs tid",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Angiv telefonbog",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Tale meddelelse",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output kontrol",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Stemmeovervågning",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Konfigurer AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Gem indikator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiguration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Hent version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Opdater irmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Konfigurer forbindelse",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Konfigurer kilometertæller",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Hent Modem status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Hent enheds status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Indstil hastighedsgrænse",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
+ "commandTimezone": "Tidszone forskel",
+ "commandMessage": "Meddelelse",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "aktiver",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeks",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefon nummer",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Alle begivenheder",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status ukendt",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Enhed inaktiv",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Enheden bevæger sig",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Enheden stoppet",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Hastighedsgrænsen overskredet",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Brændstoffald",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultat af kommando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence indtastet",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence forladt",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Tænding tændt",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Tænding slukket",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Vedligeholdelse krævet",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Tekst besked modtaget",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Chaufførskift",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Rul til sidste",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Generel",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Bevægelse",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Lav hastighed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Hastighedsoverskridelse",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fald",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Lav strøm",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Lavt batteri",
+ "alarmFault": "Fejl",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Sluk",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Tænd",
+ "alarmDoor": "Dør",
+ "alarmLock": "Lås",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Lås op",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS-antennesnit",
+ "alarmAccident": "Ulykke",
+ "alarmTow": "Bugseret",
+ "alarmIdle": "Ledig",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Høj RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hård acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hård bremsning",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hård sving",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Vognbaneskift",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Træthedskørsel",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Strømafbrydelse",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Strøm genoprettet",
+ "alarmJamming": "Fastklemning",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatur",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkering",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Motorhjelm",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Fodbremse",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Brændstoflækage",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Fjerner",
+ "notificationType": "Type af notifikation",
+ "notificationAlways": "Alle enheder",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanaler",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Genafspil",
+ "reportRoute": "Rute",
+ "reportEvents": "Begivenheder",
+ "reportTrips": "Ture",
+ "reportStops": "Antal stop",
+ "reportSummary": "Resume",
+ "reportDaily": "Daglig opsummering",
+ "reportChart": "Graf",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigurer",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Begivenheds typer",
+ "reportChartType": "Graf type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Vis markeringer",
+ "reportExport": "Eksporter",
+ "reportEmail": "Email rapport",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periode",
+ "reportCustom": "Brugerdefineret",
+ "reportToday": "I dag",
+ "reportYesterday": "I går",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Denne uge",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Forrige uge",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Denne måned",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Forrige måned",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Enheds navn",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Gennemsnits hastighed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum hastighed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motor aktiv timer",
+ "reportDuration": "Varighed",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start dato",
+ "reportStartTime": "Start tidspunkt",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start adresse",
+ "reportEndTime": "Slut tidspunkt",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Slut adresse",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Brændstof forbrug",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Kilometertæller start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Kilometertæller slut",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistik",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Noter tid",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktive brugere",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktive enheder",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Anmodninger",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Meddelelser modtaget",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Meddelelser gemt",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geokoder opslag",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation opslag",
+ "categoryArrow": "Pil",
+ "categoryDefault": "Standard",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Dyr",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Cykel",
+ "categoryBoat": "Båd",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Bil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcykel",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Off-road",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup ",
+ "categoryPlane": "Fly",
+ "categoryShip": "Skib",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tog",
+ "categoryTram": "Sporvogn",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Bybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Lastbil",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periode"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/de.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/de.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c2df217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/de.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Lade...",
+ "sharedHide": "Ausblenden",
+ "sharedSave": "Speichern",
+ "sharedSet": "Übernehmen",
+ "sharedCancel": "Abbrechen",
+ "sharedAdd": "Hinzufügen",
+ "sharedEdit": "Bearbeiten",
+ "sharedRemove": "Entfernen",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Objekt entfernen?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Keine Daten",
+ "sharedYes": "Ja",
+ "sharedNo": "Nein",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Stunde",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minute",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunde",
+ "sharedDays": "Tage",
+ "sharedHours": "Stunden",
+ "sharedMinutes": "Minuten",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Dezimalgrad",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Dezimalgrad Minuten",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Grad Minuten Sekunden",
+ "sharedName": "Name",
+ "sharedDescription": "Beschreibung",
+ "sharedSearch": "Suchen",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon-Skalierung",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo-Zaun",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-Zäune",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Geozaun erstellen",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
+ "sharedNotification": "Benachrichtigung",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Eigenschaften",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Eigenschaft",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Fahrer",
+ "sharedDriver": "Fahrer",
+ "sharedArea": "Gebiet",
+ "sharedSound": "Benachrichtigungston",
+ "sharedType": "Typ",
+ "sharedDistance": "Entfernung",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallonen",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallonen",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Aktuelle Position übernehmen",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Berechneter Wert",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Berechnete Werte",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Berechneten Wert prüfen",
+ "sharedExpression": "Ausdruck",
+ "sharedDevice": "Gerät",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Testbenachrichtigung senden",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Kanäle testen",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Ausdruck testen",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalender",
+ "sharedFile": "Datei",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Geräte suchen",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sortieren nach",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Auf Karte filtern",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Datei auswählen",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Erforderlich",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Einstellungen",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Berechtigungen",
+ "sharedConnections": "Verbindungen",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primär",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Sekundär",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Text",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Nummer",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolesche Variable",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Zeitzone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Gespeicherter Befehl",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Gespeicherte Befehle",
+ "sharedNew": "Neu...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Adresse anzeigen",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deaktiviert",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Wartung",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Zählerstände",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarme",
+ "sharedLocation": "Ort",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Spalten",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Datei hierhin ziehen oder klicken",
+ "calendarSimple": "Einfach",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Wiederholung",
+ "calendarOnce": "Einmalig",
+ "calendarDaily": "Täglich",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Wöchentlich",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monatlich",
+ "calendarDays": "Tage",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sonntag",
+ "calendarMonday": "Montag",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Dienstag",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Mittwoch",
+ "calendarThursday": "Donnerstag",
+ "calendarFriday": "Freitag",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Samstag",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Höchstgeschwindigkeit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Schwelle",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Schwelle",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyliniendistanz",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Bericht: Kilometerzähler ignorieren",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Berichtsfarbe",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Gerätepasswort",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Gerätebild",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Geräteinaktivität Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Geräteinaktivität Periode",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Aktiv: Werte kopieren",
+ "attributeColor": "Farbe",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Länge der Liveroute",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Mit Auswahl vergrößern",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximaler Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Gerätenamen",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS aktivieren",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS erforderlich",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL aktivieren",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Vertrauensstufe",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protokolle",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Absender",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Authentifizierung aktivieren",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Benutzername",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Passwort",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Attribute deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Gruppen deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "Oberfläche: Ereignisse deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "Oberfläche: Fahrzeugfunktionen deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "Oberfläche: Fahrer deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "Oberfläche: Berechnete Werte deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "Oberfläche: Kalender deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "Oberfläche: Wartung deaktivieren",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "Oberfläche: Positionsattribute ausblenden",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Loginsprache deaktivieren",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Benachrichtungsschlüssel",
+ "errorTitle": "Fehler",
+ "errorGeneral": "Ungültige Eingabe oder keine Berechtigung",
+ "errorConnection": "Verbindungsfehler",
+ "errorSocket": "Web Socket Verbindungsfehler",
+ "errorZero": "Darf nicht leer sein",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Passwort",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Erinnern",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Ablaufdatum",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Gerätelimit",
+ "userUserLimit": "Benutzerlimit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Gerät nur Betrachten",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Befehle begrenzen",
+ "userDisableReports": "Berichte deaktivieren",
+ "userFixedEmail": "Änderung der E-Mailadresse verbieten",
+ "userToken": "Schlüssel",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Account löschen",
+ "loginTitle": "Anmeldung",
+ "loginLanguage": "Sprache",
+ "loginReset": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrieren",
+ "loginLogin": "Anmelden",
+ "loginFailed": "Falsche Emailadresse oder Passwort",
+ "loginCreated": "Neuer Benutzer wurde registriert",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Prüfen Sie Ihre E-Mails",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Neues Passwort gespeichert",
+ "loginLogout": "Abmelden",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Geräte und Status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Geräte",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Kennung",
+ "deviceModel": "Modell",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Symbol",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Letzte Aktualisierung",
+ "deviceCommand": "Befehl",
+ "deviceFollow": "Folgen",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Kilometerzähler",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unbekannt",
+ "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
+ "groupParent": "Gruppe",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Keine Gruppe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Einstellungen",
+ "settingsUser": "Benutzerkonto",
+ "settingsGroups": "Gruppen",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Benutzer",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Entfernungseinheit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Höhe Einheit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Geschwindigkeitseinheit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volumeneinheit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 Stunden Format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinatenformat",
+ "reportTitle": "Berichte",
+ "reportDevice": "Gerät",
+ "reportGroup": "Gruppe",
+ "reportFrom": "Von",
+ "reportTo": "Bis",
+ "reportShow": "Anzeigen",
+ "reportClear": "Leeren",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Gerätezeit",
+ "positionServerTime": "Serverzeit",
+ "positionValid": "Gültig",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Genauigkeit",
+ "positionLatitude": "Breitengrad",
+ "positionLongitude": "Längengrad",
+ "positionAltitude": "Höhe",
+ "positionSpeed": "Geschwindigkeit",
+ "positionCourse": "Richtung",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresse",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
+ "positionDistance": "Distanz",
+ "positionRpm": "Drehzahl",
+ "positionFuel": "Treibstoff",
+ "positionPower": "Versorgungsspannung",
+ "positionBattery": "Batterie",
+ "positionRaw": "Roh",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelliten",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Sichtbare Satelliten",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Ereignis",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometerzähler",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Kilometerzähler - Service",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Kilometerzähler - Trip",
+ "positionHours": "Stunden",
+ "positionSteps": "Schritte",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batteriestand",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Kraftstoffverbrauch",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Zündung",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Laden",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Geschätzt",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gasstellung",
+ "positionMotion": "Bewegung",
+ "positionArmed": "Gesichert",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Beschleunigung",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatur",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Gerätetemperatur",
+ "positionOperator": "Bediener",
+ "positionCommand": "Befehl",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blockiert",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Geschwindigkeit",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Kilometerzähler",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Eindeutige ID des Fahrers",
+ "positionImage": "Bild",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Server Einstellungen",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoomen",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrierung zulassen",
+ "serverReadonly": "Nur Lesen",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Einstellungen erzwingen",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Ankündigung",
+ "mapTitle": "Karte",
+ "mapActive": "Aktive Karte",
+ "mapOverlay": "Karten Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Benutzerdefiniertes Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Wolken",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Niederschlag",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Luftdruck",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperatur",
+ "mapLayer": "Karten Layer",
+ "mapCustom": "Benutzerdefiniert (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Benutzerdefiniert (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Benutzerdefinierte Karte",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Strassenkarte",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Luftbilder",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Material-Überwachung",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Kreis",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polylinie",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Route",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Momentaner Standort",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Ebene",
+ "mapClustering": "Marker zusammenfassen",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Karte bei Auswahl anzeigen",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Parameter",
+ "stateValue": "Wert",
+ "commandTitle": "Befehl",
+ "commandSend": "Senden",
+ "commandSent": "Befehl gesendet",
+ "commandQueued": "Befehl eingereiht",
+ "commandUnit": "Einheit",
+ "commandCustom": "Benutzerdefinierter Befehl",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Gerätekennung",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Einzelne Meldung",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Regelmäßige Meldungen",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Meldungen beenden",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Motor gestoppt",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Motor gestartet",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Scharf schalten",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Unscharf schalten",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Alarm abstellen",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Zeitzone festlegen",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Foto anfordern",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Gerät ausschalten",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Gerät neustarten",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Zurücksetzen auf Werkseinstellungen",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMS senden",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD senden",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS-Nummer festlegen",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Ruhezeit festlegen",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefonbuch festlegen",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Sprachnachricht",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Berichtsteuerung",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Stimmenmonitor",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS einstellen",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Blinker setzen",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiguration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Version abfragen",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Firmware upgraden",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Verbindung aufbauen",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Kilometerzähler einstellen",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Modemstatus abrufen",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Gerätestatus abrufen",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Tempolimit einstellen",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Energiesparmodus",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Geozaun-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Batterie-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "SOS-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Demontage-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Uhr-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Geschwinidkeits-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Sturz-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Vibrations-Alarm einstellen",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequenz",
+ "commandTimezone": "Zeitzonendifferenz",
+ "commandMessage": "Nachricht",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Aktivieren",
+ "commandData": "Daten",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Rufnummer",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Alle Ereignisse",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unbekannt",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Gerät inaktiv",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Gerät in Bewegung",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Gerät gestoppt",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Tempolimit überschritten",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Treibstoffleck",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Anstieg der Tankfüllung",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Ergebnis des Befehls",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geozaun betreten",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geozaun verlassen",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Zündung an",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Zündung aus",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Wartung erforderlich",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Textnachricht empfangen",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Fahrer gewechselt",
+ "eventMedia": "Medien",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Zur Neuesten scrollen",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Allgemein",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Bewegung",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Geringe Geschwindigkeit",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Sturz",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Geringe Spannung",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Geringer Batteriestand",
+ "alarmFault": "Fehler",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Ausschalten",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Einschalten",
+ "alarmDoor": "Tür",
+ "alarmLock": "Sperren",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Entsperren",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geozaun",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geozaun betreten",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence verlassen",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenne entfernt",
+ "alarmAccident": "Unfall",
+ "alarmTow": "Abschleppen",
+ "alarmIdle": "Ruhezustand",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Hohe Drehzahl",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Starke Beschleunigung",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Starkes Bremsen",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Scharfes Kurvenfahren",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Spurwechsel",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Müdigkeitserkennung",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Stromversorgung unterbrochen",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Stromversorgung wiederhergestellt",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatur",
+ "alarmParking": "Parken",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Haube",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Betriebsbremse",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Treibstoffleck",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulation",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Entfernen",
+ "notificationType": "Art der Benachrichtigung",
+ "notificationAlways": "Alle Geräte",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanäle",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Abspielen",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Ereignis",
+ "reportTrips": "Fahrten",
+ "reportStops": "Stopps",
+ "reportSummary": "Zusammenfassung",
+ "reportDaily": "tägliche Übersicht",
+ "reportChart": "Diagramm",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigurieren",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Ereignisarten",
+ "reportChartType": "Diagramm Typ",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Zeige Markierungen",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "E-Mail Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Zeitraum",
+ "reportCustom": "Eigene",
+ "reportToday": "Heute",
+ "reportYesterday": "Gestern",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Diese Woche",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Letzte Woche",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Dieser Monat",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Letzer Monat",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Gerätename",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Höchstgeschwindigkeit",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Betriebsstunden",
+ "reportDuration": "Dauer",
+ "reportStartDate": "Beginn",
+ "reportStartTime": "Startzeit",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Startort",
+ "reportEndTime": "Zielzeit",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Zielort",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Kraftstoffverbrauch",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Kilometerstand Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Kilometerstand Ende",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistiken",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Zeitpunkt",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktive Benutzer",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktive Geräte",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Anfragen",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Empfangene Nachrichten",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Gespeicherte Nachrichten",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Anfragen",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Anfragen",
+ "categoryArrow": "Pfeil",
+ "categoryDefault": "Standard",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Tier",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Fahrrad",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boot",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Auto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorrad",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Flugzeug",
+ "categoryShip": "Schiff",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Zug",
+ "categoryTram": "Straßenbahn",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Oberleitungsbus",
+ "categoryTruck": "LKW",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Roller",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periode"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/el.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/el.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c10efab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/el.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Φόρτωση...",
+ "sharedHide": "Απόκρυψη",
+ "sharedSave": "Αποθήκευση",
+ "sharedSet": "Θέσε",
+ "sharedCancel": "Άκυρο",
+ "sharedAdd": "Προσθήκη",
+ "sharedEdit": "Επεξεργασία",
+ "sharedRemove": "Διαγραφή",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Διαγραφη στοιχείου;",
+ "sharedNoData": "Χωρίς δεδομένα",
+ "sharedYes": "Ναι",
+ "sharedNo": "Όχι",
+ "sharedKm": "χλμ",
+ "sharedMi": "μίλια",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "κόμβοι",
+ "sharedKmh": "χλμ/ώρα",
+ "sharedMph": "μίλια/ώρα",
+ "sharedHour": "Ώρα",
+ "sharedMinute": "Λεπτά",
+ "sharedSecond": "Δευτερόλεπτα",
+ "sharedDays": "ημέρες",
+ "sharedHours": "ώρες",
+ "sharedMinutes": "λεπτά",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Μοίρες",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Λεπτά μοίρας",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Δεύτερα μοίρας",
+ "sharedName": "Όνομα",
+ "sharedDescription": "Περιγραφή",
+ "sharedSearch": "Αναζήτηση",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Γεωφράχτης",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Γεωφράχτες",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις",
+ "sharedNotification": "Ειδοποίηση",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Παράμετροι",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Παράμετρος",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Οδηγοί",
+ "sharedDriver": "Οδηγός",
+ "sharedArea": "Περιοχή",
+ "sharedSound": "Ήχος ειδοποίησης",
+ "sharedType": "Τύπος",
+ "sharedDistance": "Απόσταση",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ώ",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "λ",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "δ",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "γαλόνι",
+ "sharedLiter": "Λίτρο",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Γαλόνι Αγγλικό",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Γαλόνι ΗΠΑ",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "λ/ώ",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Κατάσταση χάρτη",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Υπολογισμένο χαρακτηριστικό",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Υπολογισμένα χαρακτηριστικά",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Ελέξτε την υπολογισμένη ιδιότητα",
+ "sharedExpression": "Έκφραση",
+ "sharedDevice": "Συσκευή",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Αποστολή δοκιμαστικής ειδοποίησης",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Ημερολόγιο",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Ημερολόγια",
+ "sharedFile": "Αρχείο",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Αναζήτηση συσκευών",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Ταξινόμηση κατά",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Φίλτρο στον χάρτη",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Επιλογή αρχείου",
+ "sharedPhone": "Τηλέφωνο",
+ "sharedRequired": "Απαραίτητο",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Προτιμήσεις",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Άδειες",
+ "sharedConnections": "Συνδέσεις",
+ "sharedExtra": "Επιπλέον",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Αλφαριθμητικό",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Αριθμός",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Αληθές/Ψευδές",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Ζώνη ώρας",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Πληροφορίες",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Αποθηκευμένη Εντολή",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Αποθηκευμένες Εντολές",
+ "sharedNew": "Νέο...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Δείξε Διεύθυνση",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Συντήρηση",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Συσσωρευτές",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Συναγερμοί",
+ "sharedLocation": "Τοποθεσία",
+ "sharedImport": "Εισαγωγή",
+ "sharedColumns": "Στήλες",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Όριο ταχύτητας",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Πολυγραμμική Απόσταση",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Αναφορά: Αγνόηση οδομέτρου",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Διαδίκτυο: Χρώμα Αναφοράς",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Κωδικός συσκευής",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Αρχή αδράνειας συσκευής",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Περίοδος αδράνειας συσκευής",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Επεξεργασία: Αντιγραφή Ιδιοτήτων",
+ "attributeColor": "Χρώμα",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Ιστός: Μήκος Ζωντανής Διαδρομής",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Ιστός: Επιλογή μεγέθυνσης",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Διαδίκτυο: Μέγιστη Μεγέθυνση",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Αλληλογραφία: Εξυπηρετητής SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Αλληλογραφία: Θύρα SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Αλληλογραφία: Ενεργοποίηση SMTP STARTLLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Αλληλογραφία: Απαιτούμενο SMTP STARTLLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Αλληλογραφία: Ενεργοποίηση SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Αλληλογραφία: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Αλληλογραφία: SMTP SSL Πρωτόκολλα",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Αλληλογραφία: SMTP Από",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Αλληλογραφία: Ενεργοποίηση Πιστοποίησης SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Αλληλογραφία: Κωδικός SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Αλληλογραφία: SMTP Συνθηματικό",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "Διεπαφή: Απενεργοποίηση Γεγονότων",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "Διεπαφή: Απενεργοποίηση Χαρακτηριστικών Οχήματος",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "Διεπαφή: Απενεργοποίηση Οδηγών",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "Διεπαφή: Απενεργοποίηση Υπολογισμένων Ιδιοτήτων",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "Διεπαφή: Απενεργοποίηση Ημερολογίων",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Απενεργοποίηση συντήρησης",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "Διεπαφή: Απόκρυψη Ιδιοτήτων Θέσης",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Διακριτικά ειδοποίησης",
+ "errorTitle": "Σφάλμα",
+ "errorGeneral": "Μη έγκυρες παράμετροι ή παραβίαση περιορισμών",
+ "errorConnection": "Σφάλμα σύνδεσης",
+ "errorSocket": "Σφάλμα σύνδεσης στο διαδίκτυο",
+ "errorZero": "Δεν μπορεί να είναι μηδέν",
+ "userEmail": "Ηλ. διεύθυνση",
+ "userPassword": "Συνθηματικό",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Απομνημόνευση",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Λήξη",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Όριο συσκευής",
+ "userUserLimit": "Όριο χρήστη",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Συσκευή μόνο για Ανάγνωση",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Όριο Εντολών",
+ "userDisableReports": "Απανεργοποίηση αναφορών",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Λεκτικό",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Σύνδεση",
+ "loginLanguage": "Γλώσσα",
+ "loginReset": "Επαναφορά κωδικού",
+ "loginRegister": "Εγγραφή",
+ "loginLogin": "Σύνδεση",
+ "loginFailed": "Εσφαλμένη διεύθυνση ή εσφαλμένο συνθηματικό",
+ "loginCreated": "Ο νέος χρήστης καταχωρήθηκε.",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Ελέγξτε τα email σας",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Το νέο συνθηματικό αποθηκεύθηκε",
+ "loginLogout": "Αποσύνδεση",
+ "loginLogo": "Λογότυπο",
+ "devicesAndState": "Κατάσταση συσκευών",
+ "deviceTitle": "Συσκευές",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Αναγνωριστικό",
+ "deviceModel": "Μοντέλο",
+ "deviceContact": "Επαφή",
+ "deviceCategory": "Κατηγορία",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Τελευταία ενημέρωση",
+ "deviceCommand": "Εντολή",
+ "deviceFollow": "Ακολουθώ",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Συνολική απόσταση",
+ "deviceStatus": "Κατάσταση",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Σε σύνδεση",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Χωρίς σύνδεση",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Άγνωστο",
+ "groupDialog": "Ομάδα",
+ "groupParent": "Ομάδα",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Χωρίς Ομάδα",
+ "settingsTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις",
+ "settingsUser": "Λογαριασμός",
+ "settingsGroups": "Ομάδες",
+ "settingsServer": "Εξυπηρετητής",
+ "settingsUsers": "Χρήστες",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Μονάδα Απόστασης",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Μονάδα Ταχύτητας",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Μονάδα Όγκου",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12ώρη μορφή",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Τύπος Συντεταγμένων",
+ "reportTitle": "Αναφορές",
+ "reportDevice": "Συσκευή",
+ "reportGroup": "Ομάδα",
+ "reportFrom": "Από",
+ "reportTo": "Έως",
+ "reportShow": "Προβολή",
+ "reportClear": "Καθαρισμός",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Διόρθωση χρόνου",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Χρόνος συσκευής",
+ "positionServerTime": "Χρόνος Διακομιστή",
+ "positionValid": "Έγκυρο",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Ακρίβεια",
+ "positionLatitude": "Γ. πλάτος",
+ "positionLongitude": "Γ. μήκος",
+ "positionAltitude": "Υψόμετρο",
+ "positionSpeed": "Ταχύτητα",
+ "positionCourse": "Πορεία",
+ "positionAddress": "Διεύθυνση",
+ "positionProtocol": "Πρωτόκολλο",
+ "positionDistance": "Απόσταση",
+ "positionRpm": "ΣΑΛ",
+ "positionFuel": "Καύσιμο",
+ "positionPower": "Ισχύς",
+ "positionBattery": "Συσσωρευτής",
+ "positionRaw": "Ακατέργαστο",
+ "positionIndex": "Δείκτης",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Δορυφόροι",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Ορατοί Δορυφόροι",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Περιαγωγή",
+ "positionEvent": "Γεγονός",
+ "positionAlarm": "Συναγερμός",
+ "positionStatus": "Κατάσταση",
+ "positionOdometer": "Οδόμετρο",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Υπηρεσία Οδόμετρου",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Οδόμετρο Διαδρομής",
+ "positionHours": "Ώρες",
+ "positionSteps": "Βήματα",
+ "positionInput": "Είσοδος",
+ "positionOutput": "Έξοδος",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Επίπεδο Συσσωρευτή",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Κατανάλωση καυσίμου",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Έκδοση λογισμικού",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Έκδοση υλικού",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ανάφλεξη",
+ "positionFlags": "Σημαίες",
+ "positionCharge": "Φόρτιση",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Αρχείο",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Κατά προσέγγιση",
+ "positionThrottle": "Γκάζι",
+ "positionMotion": "Κίνηση",
+ "positionArmed": "Ενεργοποιημένο",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Επιτάχυνση",
+ "positionTemp": "Θερμοκρασία",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Θερμοκρασία συσκευής",
+ "positionOperator": "Χειριστής",
+ "positionCommand": "Εντολή",
+ "positionBlocked": "Αποκλεισμένο",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Ταχύτητα OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Χιλιομετρητής OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Αναγνωριστικό οδηγού",
+ "positionImage": "Εικόνα",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Ήχος",
+ "serverTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις εξυπηρετητή",
+ "serverZoom": "Εστίαση",
+ "serverRegistration": "Εγγραφή",
+ "serverReadonly": "Μόνο για ανάγνωση",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Επιβολή ρυθμίσεων",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Αναγγελία",
+ "mapTitle": "Χάρτης",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Επιλογή χάρτη",
+ "mapCustom": "Προσαρμοσμένο (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Προσαρμοσμένο (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Προσαρμοσμένος χάρτης",
+ "mapCarto": "Βασικοί χάρτες Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Κλειδί Bing Maps",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Υβριδικοί Χάρτες Bing",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Χάρτης Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Δορυφορικός Yandex",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Οδικός Mapbox",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Υπαίθριος Mapbox",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Δορυφορικός Mapbox",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "Βασικός MapTiler",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "Υβριδικός MapTiler",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "Οδική ΤοποθεσίαIQ",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Πολύγωνο",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Κύκλος",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Πολύγραμμο",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Ζωντανές διαδρομές",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Τρέχουσα τοποθεσία",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Επίπεδο POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Ομαδοποίηση δεικτών",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Εμφάνιση χάρτη κατά την επιλογή",
+ "stateTitle": "Κατάσταση",
+ "stateName": "Παράμετρος",
+ "stateValue": "Τιμή",
+ "commandTitle": "Εντολή",
+ "commandSend": "Αποστολή",
+ "commandSent": "Εντολή εστάλη",
+ "commandQueued": "Εντολή σε ουρά",
+ "commandUnit": "Μονάδα",
+ "commandCustom": "Προσαρμοσμένη εντολή",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Αναγνωριστικό συσκευής",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Ενιαία αναφορά",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Περιοδικές αναφορές",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Λήξη αναφορών",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Κλείσιμο",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Επανεκκίνηση",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Ενεργοποίηση συναγερμού",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Απενεργοποίηση συναγερμού",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Απενεργοποίηση συναγερμού",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Καθορισμός ζώνης ώρας",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Αίτημα για φωτογραφία",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Απενεργοποίηση συσκευής",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Επανεκκίνηση συσκευής",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Επαναφορά εργοστασιακών ρυθμίσεων",
+ "commandSendSms": "Αποστολή γραπτού μηνύματος (SMS)",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Αποστολή USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Καθορισμός αριθμού SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Καθορισμός χρόνου σιωπής",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Καθορισμός τηλεφωνικού καταλόγου",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Φωνητικό μήνυμα",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Έλεγχος αποτελεσμάτων",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Παρακολούθηση Φωνής",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Ρύθμιση AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Θέσε Δείκτη",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Διαμόρφωση",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Λήψη Έκδοσης",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Ενημέρωση λογισμικού",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Θέσε Σύνδεση",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Θέσε Οδόμετρο",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Λήψη Κατάσταση Αποδιαμορφωτή",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Λήψη Κατάστασης Συσκευής",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Ρύθμιση ορίου ταχύτητας",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Λειτουργία εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Λειτουργία βαθύ ύπνου",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Ρύθμιση συναγερμού Geofence",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Ρύθμιση συναγερμού μπαταρίας",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Ρύθμιση συναγερμού SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Ρύθμιση αφαίρεσης συναγερμού",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Ρύθμιση ξυπνητηριού",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Ρύθμιση συναγερμού ταχύτητας",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Ρύθμιση συναγερμού πτώσης",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Ρύθμιση συναγερμού κραδασμών",
+ "commandFrequency": "Συχνότητα",
+ "commandTimezone": "Μετατόπιση ζώνης ώρας",
+ "commandMessage": "Μήνυμα",
+ "commandRadius": "Ακτίνα",
+ "commandEnable": "Ενεργοποίηση",
+ "commandData": "Δεδομένα",
+ "commandIndex": "Δείκτης",
+ "commandPhone": "Τηλεφωνικός αριθμός",
+ "commandServer": "Εξυπηρετητής",
+ "commandPort": "Θύρα",
+ "eventAll": "Όλα τα γεγονότα",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Κατάσταση σε σύνδεση",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Άγνωστη κατάσταση",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Κατάσταση εκτός σύνδεσης",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Αδρανής συσκευή",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Συσκευή εν κινήσει",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Συσκευή σε στάση",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Υπέρβαση ορίου ταχύτητας",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Πτώση καυσίμων",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Αποτέλεσμα εντολής",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Είσοδος σε γεωφράκτη",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Είσοδος από γεωφράκτη",
+ "eventAlarm": "Συναγερμός",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ανάφλεξη αναμμένη",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Σβηστή ανάφλεξη",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Απαιτείται συντήρηση",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Ελήφθη γραπτό μήνυμα",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Ο οδηγός άλλαξε",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Κύλιση στο τέλος",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Γενικά",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Δόνηση",
+ "alarmMovement": "Κίνηση",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Χαμηλή ταχύτητα",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Υπέρβαση ορίου ταχύτητας",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Πτώση",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Χαμηλή ισχύς",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Χαμηλή μπαταρία",
+ "alarmFault": "Σφάλμα",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Απενεργοποίηση",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Ενεργοποίηση",
+ "alarmDoor": "Πόρτα",
+ "alarmLock": "Κλείδωμα",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Ξεκλείδωμα",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Γεωφράκτης",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Είσοδος σε γεωφράκτη",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Είσοδος από γεωφράκτη",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Αποκοπή κεραίας GPS",
+ "alarmAccident": "Ατύχημα",
+ "alarmTow": "Ρυμούλκηση",
+ "alarmIdle": "Αδρανές",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Υψηλές στροφές μηχανής",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Απότομη επιτάχυνση",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Απότομο φρενάρισμα",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Απότομο στρίψιμο",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Αλλαγή λωρίδας",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Κόπωση Οδήγησης",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Απώλεια ενέργειας",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Ισχύς αποκαταστάθηκε",
+ "alarmJamming": "Παρεμβολές",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Θερμοκρασία",
+ "alarmParking": "Στάθμευση",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Καπό",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Ποδόφρενο",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Διαρροή καυσίμου",
+ "alarmTampering": "Παραποίηση",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Αφαίρεση",
+ "notificationType": "Τύπος ειδοποίησης",
+ "notificationAlways": "Όλες οι συσκευές",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Κανάλια",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Επανάληψη",
+ "reportRoute": "Διαδρομή",
+ "reportEvents": "Γεγονότα",
+ "reportTrips": "Ταξίδια",
+ "reportStops": "Στάσεις",
+ "reportSummary": "Περίληψη",
+ "reportDaily": "Επισκόπιση ημέρας",
+ "reportChart": "Διάγραμμα",
+ "reportConfigure": "Διαμόρφωση",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tύποι γεγονότος",
+ "reportChartType": "Τύπος διαγράμματος",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Δείξε Δείκτες",
+ "reportExport": "Εξαγωγή",
+ "reportEmail": "Αποστολή αναφοράς με email",
+ "reportPeriod": "Περίοδος",
+ "reportCustom": "Προσαρμοσμένος",
+ "reportToday": "Σήμερα",
+ "reportYesterday": "Χθες",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Τρέχουσα Εβδομάδα",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Προηγούμενη Εβδομάδα",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Τρέχων Μήνας",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Προηγούμενος Μήνας",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Όνομα συσκευής",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Μέση ταχύτητα",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Μέγιστη ταχύτητα",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Ώρες Μηχανής",
+ "reportDuration": "Διάρκεια",
+ "reportStartDate": "Ημερομηνία έναρξης",
+ "reportStartTime": "Ώρα έναρξης",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Διεύθυνση αφετηρίας",
+ "reportEndTime": "Ώρα λήξης",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Διεύθυνση τερματισμού",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Κατανάλωση καυσίμων",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Έναρξη χιλιομετρητή",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Τέλος χιλιομετρητή",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Στατιστικά",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Ώρα Καταγραφής",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Ενεργοί Χρήστες",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Ενεργές Συσκευές",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Αιτήματα",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Εισερχόμενα Μυνήματα",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Αποθηκευμένα Μυνήματα",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Αιτήματα Γεωκωδικοποιητή",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Αιτήματα Γεωτοποθέτησης",
+ "categoryArrow": "Βέλος",
+ "categoryDefault": "Προκαθορισμένο",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Ζώο",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Ποδήλατο",
+ "categoryBoat": "Πλοίο",
+ "categoryBus": "Λεωφορείο",
+ "categoryCar": "Αυτοκίνητο",
+ "categoryCrane": "Γερανός",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Ελικόπτερο",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Μοτοσικλέτα",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Εκτός δρόμου",
+ "categoryPerson": "Άτομο",
+ "categoryPickup": "Αγροτικό",
+ "categoryPlane": "Αεροπλάνο",
+ "categoryShip": "Πλοίο",
+ "categoryTractor": "Ρυμουλκό",
+ "categoryTrain": "Τραίνο",
+ "categoryTram": "Τραμ",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Τρόλεϊ",
+ "categoryTruck": "Φορτηγό",
+ "categoryVan": "Κλειστό Φορτηγό",
+ "categoryScooter": "Σκούτερ",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Εκκίνηση",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Περίοδος"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/en.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/en.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6d43e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Loading...",
+ "sharedHide": "Hide",
+ "sharedSave": "Save",
+ "sharedSet": "Set",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancel",
+ "sharedAdd": "Add",
+ "sharedEdit": "Edit",
+ "sharedRemove": "Remove",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remove item?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hour",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minute",
+ "sharedSecond": "Second",
+ "sharedDays": "days",
+ "sharedHours": "hours",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimal Degrees",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Degrees Decimal Minutes",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Degrees Minutes Seconds",
+ "sharedName": "Name",
+ "sharedDescription": "Description",
+ "sharedSearch": "Search",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Area",
+ "sharedSound": "Notification Sound",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distance",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Get Map State",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Device",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendars",
+ "sharedFile": "File",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Select File",
+ "sharedPhone": "Phone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Required",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Timezone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Error",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Connection error",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket connection error",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Password",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Remember",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Device Limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "User Limit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Device Readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Login",
+ "loginLanguage": "Language",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Register",
+ "loginLogin": "Login",
+ "loginFailed": "Incorrect email address or password",
+ "loginCreated": "New user has been registered",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Logout",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Devices and State",
+ "deviceTitle": "Devices",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifier",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Category",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
+ "deviceCommand": "Command",
+ "deviceFollow": "Follow",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "Group",
+ "groupParent": "Group",
+ "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
+ "settingsTitle": "Settings",
+ "settingsUser": "Account",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groups",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Users",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Reports",
+ "reportDevice": "Device",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "From",
+ "reportTo": "To",
+ "reportShow": "Show",
+ "reportClear": "Clear",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valid",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Accuracy",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
+ "positionSpeed": "Speed",
+ "positionCourse": "Course",
+ "positionAddress": "Address",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Server Settings",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registration",
+ "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Force Settings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Map",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Map Layer",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "State",
+ "stateName": "Attribute",
+ "stateValue": "Value",
+ "commandTitle": "Command",
+ "commandSend": "Send",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Unit",
+ "commandCustom": "Custom command",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodic Reporting",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stop Reporting",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Engine Stop",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Engine Resume",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequency",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Maintenance required",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Show Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Device Name",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Duration",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Start Time",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
+ "reportEndTime": "End Time",
+ "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistics",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Capture Time",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Active Users",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requests",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Arrow",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicycle",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Car",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcycle",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Plane",
+ "categoryShip": "Ship",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truck",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e600a841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Cargando…",
+ "sharedHide": "Ocultar",
+ "sharedSave": "Guardar",
+ "sharedSet": "Establecer",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Añadir",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Eliminar",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "¿Eliminar elemento?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Sin datos",
+ "sharedYes": "Si",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "Km",
+ "sharedMi": "MI",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Nudos",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
+ "sharedDays": "Días",
+ "sharedHours": "Horas",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutos",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Grados",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Minutos",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Segundos",
+ "sharedName": "Nombre",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descripción",
+ "sharedSearch": "Buscar",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Escala de los iconos",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo-Zona",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-Zonas",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Crear Geo-Zona",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificaciones",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificación",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Conductores",
+ "sharedDriver": "Conductor",
+ "sharedArea": "Área",
+ "sharedSound": "Sonido de notificación",
+ "sharedType": "Tipo",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distancia",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "I",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "Galón",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litro",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Galón Imp.",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Galón U.S.",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "L/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Obtener Estado del Mapa",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atributo calculado",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Atributos calculados",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Revisar atributo calculado",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expresión",
+ "sharedDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Enviar notificación de prueba",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Canales Test",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Expresión Test",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendario",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendarios",
+ "sharedFile": "Archivo",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Buscar Dispositivos",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Ordenar por",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtrar en Mapa",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Seleccione archivo",
+ "sharedPhone": "Teléfono",
+ "sharedRequired": "Obligatorio",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferencias",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permisos",
+ "sharedConnections": "Conexiones",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Principal",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secundario",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Cadena",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Número",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Booleano",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Zona Horaria",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Información",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comando guardado",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comandos guardados",
+ "sharedNew": "Nuevo…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Mostrar calle",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Más detalles",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deshabilitado",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Mantenimientos",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Acumulador",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmas",
+ "sharedLocation": "Ubicación",
+ "sharedImport": "Importar",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columnas",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Arrastra y suelta el archivo aquí o pulsa",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrente",
+ "calendarOnce": "Una vez",
+ "calendarDaily": "Diario",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Semanal",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Mensual",
+ "calendarDays": "Días",
+ "calendarSunday": "Domingo",
+ "calendarMonday": "Lunes",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Martes",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "calendarThursday": "Jueves",
+ "calendarFriday": "Viernes",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Sábado",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Límite de velocidad",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Umbral de pérdida de combustible",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Umbral del subida de combustible",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distancia de polilínea",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Reporte: Ignorar el odómetro",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Color de reporte",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Contraseña de dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Imagen del dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Inicio de inactividad del dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Periodo de inactividad del dispositivo",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Procesando: Copia de atributos",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Longitud de la ruta en directo",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: hacer zoom al seleccionar",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom máximo",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Nombres de Dispositivo",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Correo: Servidor SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Correo: Puerto SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Correo: Habilitar SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Correo: SMTP STARTTLS requerido",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Correo: Habilitar SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Correo: SMTP SSL de confianza",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Correo: SMTP SSL protocolos",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Correo: SMTP desde",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Correo: Habilitar autenticación SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Correo: Nombre de usuario SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Correo: Contraseña SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Deshabilitar Atributos",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Deshabilitar Grupos",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Deshabilitar panel Eventos",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Deshabilitar características del vehículo",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Deshabilitar Conductores",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Deshabilitar Atributos calculados",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Deshabilitar Calendario",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Deshabilitar Mantenimiento",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ocultar Atributos de Posición",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Deshabilitar Idioma de inicio de sesión",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Error",
+ "errorGeneral": "Parámetros no válidos o fuera de los límites",
+ "errorConnection": "Error en la conexión",
+ "errorSocket": "Error del Web-Socket",
+ "errorZero": "No puede ser cero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Contraseña",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrador",
+ "userRemember": "Recordar",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Caducidad",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Límite de dispositivos",
+ "userUserLimit": "Límite de usuarios",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Dispositivo de solo lectura",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limitar Comandos",
+ "userDisableReports": "Deshabilitar Reportes",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No cambiar email",
+ "userToken": "Token Acceso",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Borrar cuenta",
+ "loginTitle": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginReset": "Reiniciar contraseña",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrarse",
+ "loginLogin": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "loginFailed": "Email o contraseña incorrecta",
+ "loginCreated": "Se ha registrado un nuevo usuario",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Comprueba tu email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Se ha creado la nueva contraseña",
+ "loginLogout": "Cerrar Sesión",
+ "loginLogo": "Logotipo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivos y Estado",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceModel": "Modelo",
+ "deviceContact": "Contacto",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categoría",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Actualización",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distancia Total",
+ "deviceStatus": "Estado",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "En línea",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Fuera de línea",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Desconocido",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupo",
+ "groupParent": "Grupo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sin grupo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Preferencias",
+ "settingsUser": "Cuenta",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Usuarios",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unidad de Distancia",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Unidad de Altitud",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unidad de Velocidad",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unidad de Volumen",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12h.",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formato de Coordenadas",
+ "reportTitle": "Reportes",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivos",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupo",
+ "reportFrom": "Desde",
+ "reportTo": "Hasta",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Limpiar",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Hora ajustada",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Hora del Dispositivo",
+ "positionServerTime": "Hora del Servidor",
+ "positionValid": "Válida",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precisión",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitud",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocidad",
+ "positionCourse": "Rumbo",
+ "positionAddress": "Dirección Calle",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
+ "positionDistance": "Distancia",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Combustible",
+ "positionPower": "Energía",
+ "positionBattery": "Batería",
+ "positionRaw": "Crudo",
+ "positionIndex": "Índice / Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satélites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satélites Visibles",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Evento",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarma",
+ "positionStatus": "Estado",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odómetro",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Odómetro de mantenimiento",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Odómetro de viaje",
+ "positionHours": "Horas",
+ "positionSteps": "Pasos",
+ "positionInput": "Entrada",
+ "positionOutput": "Salida",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nivel de batería",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consumo de combustible",
+ "positionRfid": "RFDI",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versión de firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versión de hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Encendido",
+ "positionFlags": "Banderas",
+ "positionCharge": "Carga",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archivo",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Aproximado",
+ "positionThrottle": "Acelerador",
+ "positionMotion": "Movimiento",
+ "positionArmed": "Armado",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Aceleración",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura del dispositivo",
+ "positionOperator": "Operador",
+ "positionCommand": "Comando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloqueado",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Velocidad OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odómetro OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID única del conductor",
+ "positionImage": "Imagen",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Ajustes del servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registro",
+ "serverReadonly": "Solo lectura",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forzar estos ajustes",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Mostrar anuncio",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Mapas activos",
+ "mapOverlay": "Capa sobre el mapa",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Capa personalizada",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Capas del Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Personalizado (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "ArcGIS Personalizado",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Mapa Personalizado",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps - Carretera",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps - Aéreo",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps - Híbrido",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satélite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polilínea",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rutas en Directo",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Ubicación Actual",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Capa POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Agrupar Marcadores",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Mostrar Mapas en la selección",
+ "stateTitle": "Estado",
+ "stateName": "Parámetro",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comando",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandSent": "Comando enviado",
+ "commandQueued": "Comando en cola",
+ "commandUnit": "Unidad",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificación de Dispositivo",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Reporte Único",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Reporte Periódico",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Detener Reporte",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Apagar motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Desbloquear Encendido de Motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Armar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desarmar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Descartar Alarma",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Establecer Zona Horaria",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Solicitar Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Apagar dispositivo",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Valores de fábrica",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Enviar USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Establecer el número SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Establecer horario de silencio",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Establecer contacto",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensaje de voz",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Control de Salidas",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitoreo de Voz",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Establecer AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Establecer indicador",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuración",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Obtener Versión",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Actualizar Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Establecer Conexión",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Establecer Odómetro",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Obtener Estatus de Módem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Obtener Estatus de Dispositivo",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Establecer Límite de Velocidad",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Modo Ahorro de Energía",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Modo Ahorro de Energía Profundo",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Establecer Alarma de Geo-Zona",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Establecer Alarma de Batería",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Establecer Alarma de SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Establecer Alarma de Desmontaje",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Establecer Alarma de Hora",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Establecer Alarma de Velocidad",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Establecer Alarma de Caída",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Establecer Alarma de Vibración",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequencia",
+ "commandTimezone": "Compensación de zona horaria",
+ "commandMessage": "Mensaje",
+ "commandRadius": "Radio",
+ "commandEnable": "Activado",
+ "commandData": "Datos",
+ "commandIndex": "Índice",
+ "commandPhone": "Número de Teléfono",
+ "commandServer": "Servidor",
+ "commandPort": "Puerto",
+ "eventAll": "Todos los eventos",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositivo en Línea",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Dispositivo en estado Desconocido",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispositivo Fuera de Línea",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Dispositivo Inactivo",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo en Movimiento",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo Detenido",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Excedido el límite de Velocidad",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Perdida de Combustible ",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Incremento de combustible",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultado del comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrada en la Geo-Zona",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Salida de la Geo-Zona",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarma ",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Llave encendido ON",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Llave encendido OFF",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Se requiere mantenimiento",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Mensaje de texto recibido",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "El conductor ha cambiado",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Desplazarse hasta el último",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibración",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movimiento",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Baja Velocidad",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Exceso de Velocidad ",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Alarma de caída",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Energía baja",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Batería Baja",
+ "alarmFault": "Alarma de fallo",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Apagado",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Encendido",
+ "alarmDoor": "Puerta",
+ "alarmLock": "Bloqueado",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Desbloquear",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "El Dispositivo ha entrado a la Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "El Dispositivo ha salido de la Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antena del GPS Cortada ",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accidente",
+ "alarmTow": "Grúa de arrastre",
+ "alarmIdle": "Reposo",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Altas revoluciones",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Aceleración brusca",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frenada extrema",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Giro brusco",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Cambio de carril",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Conducción fatigosa",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Energía desconectada",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Energía restaurada",
+ "alarmJamming": "Interferencia",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Aparcamiento",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capó",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Freno de pie",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuga de combustible",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulación",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Eliminando",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificación",
+ "notificationAlways": "Todos los dispositivos",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canales",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Correo",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Repetición Ruta",
+ "reportRoute": "Ruta",
+ "reportEvents": "Eventos",
+ "reportTrips": "Viajes",
+ "reportStops": "Paradas",
+ "reportSummary": "Resumen",
+ "reportDaily": "Resumen diario",
+ "reportChart": "Gráfica",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configurar",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipos de evento",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipo de gráfica",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Mostrar marcadores",
+ "reportExport": "Exportar",
+ "reportEmail": "Reporte por correo",
+ "reportPeriod": "Período",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalizado",
+ "reportToday": "Hoy",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ayer",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Semana Actual",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Semana Anterior",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Mes Actual",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Mes Anterior",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nombre",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocidad media",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocidad máxima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Horas motor",
+ "reportDuration": "Duración",
+ "reportStartDate": "Fecha de inicio",
+ "reportStartTime": "Hora de Inicio",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Dirección de Inicio",
+ "reportEndTime": "Hora de Fin",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Dirección de Fin",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Combustible consumido",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odómetro inical",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odómetro final",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Estadísticas",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Fecha de captura",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Usuarios activos",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispositivos activos",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Peticiones",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Mensajes recibidos",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Mensajes almacenados",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Solicitudes al codificador geográfico",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Solicitudes de geolocalización",
+ "categoryArrow": "Flecha",
+ "categoryDefault": "Prederminado",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicleta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Barco",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobús",
+ "categoryCar": "Automóvil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Grúa",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicóptero",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocicleta",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Todoterreno",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persona",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avión",
+ "categoryShip": "Barco",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Trén",
+ "categoryTram": "Tranvía",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolebús",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camión",
+ "categoryVan": "Furgoneta",
+ "categoryScooter": "Moto",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Iniciar",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Período"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/fa.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/fa.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0777905b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/fa.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "در حال بارگزارى ...",
+ "sharedHide": "مخفی",
+ "sharedSave": "ذخيره",
+ "sharedSet": "تنظیم",
+ "sharedCancel": "انصراف",
+ "sharedAdd": "اضافه كردن",
+ "sharedEdit": "ویرایش",
+ "sharedRemove": "پاک کردن",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "پاک کردن آیتم",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "Km",
+ "sharedMi": "Mile",
+ "sharedNmi": "مایل دریایی",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "گره دریایی",
+ "sharedKmh": "Km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "M/h",
+ "sharedHour": "ساعت",
+ "sharedMinute": "دقيقه",
+ "sharedSecond": "ثانيه",
+ "sharedDays": "روز",
+ "sharedHours": "ساعت",
+ "sharedMinutes": "دقیقه",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "درجه اعشار",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "درجه اعشار دقیقه",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "درجه اعشار ثانیه",
+ "sharedName": "نام",
+ "sharedDescription": "توضیحات",
+ "sharedSearch": "جستجو",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "حصار جغرافیایی",
+ "sharedGeofences": "حصارهای جغرافیایی",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "رویدادها",
+ "sharedNotification": "اطلاعیه",
+ "sharedAttributes": "ویژگی ها",
+ "sharedAttribute": "ویژگی",
+ "sharedDrivers": "رانندگان",
+ "sharedDriver": "راننده",
+ "sharedArea": "محدوده",
+ "sharedSound": "صدای هشدار",
+ "sharedType": "نوع خط",
+ "sharedDistance": "طول مسیر",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "گالن",
+ "sharedLiter": "لیتر",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "گالن UK",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "گالن US",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "دریافت نقشه وضعیت",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "ویژگی محاسبه شده",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "ویژگیهای محاسبه شده",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "بررسی ویژگی محاسبه شده",
+ "sharedExpression": "اصطلاح",
+ "sharedDevice": "دستگاه",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "ارسال تست اخطار",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "تقویم",
+ "sharedCalendars": "تقویمها",
+ "sharedFile": "فایل",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "انتخاب فایل",
+ "sharedPhone": "تلفن",
+ "sharedRequired": "ضروری",
+ "sharedPreferences": "تنظیمات",
+ "sharedPermissions": "دسترسیها",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "بیشتر",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "رشته",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "شماره",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "بولی",
+ "sharedTimezone": "منطقه زمانی",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "اطلاعات",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "دستور ذخیره شده",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "دستورات ذخیره شده",
+ "sharedNew": "جدید...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "نمایش آدرس",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "غیرفعال شده",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "تعمیر و نگهداری",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "باطری",
+ "sharedAlarms": "هشدارها",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "محدودیت سرعت",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "مسافت چند مسیری",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "گزارش : بدون کیلومتر شمار",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "وب : گزارش رنگ",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "رمز عبور ردیاب",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "در حال پردازش : کپی ویژگیها",
+ "attributeColor": "رنگ",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "وب : طول جاده آنلاین",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "وب : زوم با انتخاب",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "بیشترین زوم",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "ایمیل : هاست SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "ایمیل : پورت SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "ایمیل : SMTP STARTTLS فعال",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "ایمیل : SMTP STARTTLS ضروری است",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "ایمیل : SMTP SSL فعال",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "ایمیل : SMTP SSL معتبر",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "ایمیل : پروتکلهای SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "ایمیل : SMTP ازطرف",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "ایمیل : معتبر سازی SMTP فعال",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "ایمیل : نام کاربری SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "ایمیل : رمز عبور SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "وقایع غیرفعال",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "غیرفعالسازی عملیات خودرو",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "غیرفعالسازی رانندگان",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "غیرفعالسازی محاسبات",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "غیرفعالسازی تقویم",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "تعمیر غیر فعال",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "مخفی شدن موقعیت صفات",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "خطا",
+ "errorGeneral": "پارامترهای نامعتبر یا نقص محدودیت",
+ "errorConnection": "خطا در اتصال",
+ "errorSocket": "ایراد اتصال سوکت وب",
+ "errorZero": "صفر نمیشود",
+ "userEmail": "ایمیل",
+ "userPassword": "رمز عبور",
+ "userAdmin": "مدیر",
+ "userRemember": "ذخیره",
+ "userExpirationTime": "انقضاء",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "محدودیت دستگاه",
+ "userUserLimit": "محدودیت کاربر",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "دستگاه فقط خواندنی",
+ "userLimitCommands": "دستورات محدود",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "رمز یکبار",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "ورود",
+ "loginLanguage": "انتخاب زبان",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "ثبت نام",
+ "loginLogin": "ورود",
+ "loginFailed": "نام كاربرى يا گذرواژه اشتباه است",
+ "loginCreated": "ثبت نام با موفقيت انجام شد",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "خروج",
+ "loginLogo": "لوگو",
+ "devicesAndState": "دستگاه ها و وضعیت",
+ "deviceTitle": "دستگاهها",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "سريال دستگاه",
+ "deviceModel": "مدل",
+ "deviceContact": "تماس",
+ "deviceCategory": "دسته بندی",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "آخرين بروزرسانى",
+ "deviceCommand": "فرمان",
+ "deviceFollow": "تعقیب",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "کل مسافت",
+ "deviceStatus": "وضعیت",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "آنلاین",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "آفلاین",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "نامعلوم",
+ "groupDialog": "گروه",
+ "groupParent": "گروه",
+ "groupNoGroup": "بدون گروه",
+ "settingsTitle": "تنظيمات",
+ "settingsUser": "حساب كاربرى",
+ "settingsGroups": "گروه ها",
+ "settingsServer": "سرور",
+ "settingsUsers": "کاربر",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "واحد مسافت",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "واحد سرعت",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "واحد حجم",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "فرمت 12 ساعتی",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "فرمت مختصاتی",
+ "reportTitle": "گزارشات ",
+ "reportDevice": "دستگاه",
+ "reportGroup": "گروه",
+ "reportFrom": "از",
+ "reportTo": "تا",
+ "reportShow": "نمایش",
+ "reportClear": "خالی کردن",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "معتبر",
+ "positionAccuracy": "دقت",
+ "positionLatitude": "عرض جغرافيايى",
+ "positionLongitude": "طول جغرافيايى",
+ "positionAltitude": "ارتفاع",
+ "positionSpeed": "سرعت",
+ "positionCourse": "دوره",
+ "positionAddress": "آدرس",
+ "positionProtocol": "پروتکل",
+ "positionDistance": "مسافت",
+ "positionRpm": "دور / دقیقه",
+ "positionFuel": "سوخت",
+ "positionPower": "روشن بودن",
+ "positionBattery": "باطری",
+ "positionRaw": "خالص",
+ "positionIndex": "شاخص",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "ماهواره ها",
+ "positionSatVisible": "ماهواره های قابل مشاهده",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "رومینگ",
+ "positionEvent": "رویداد",
+ "positionAlarm": "هشدار",
+ "positionStatus": "وضعیت",
+ "positionOdometer": "کیلومتر شمار",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "سرویس کیلومتر شمار",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "کیلومتر شمار مسافت",
+ "positionHours": "ساعت",
+ "positionSteps": "مراحل",
+ "positionInput": "ورود",
+ "positionOutput": "خروج",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "وضعیت باطری",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "مصرف سوخت",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "ورژن فلش",
+ "positionVersionHw": "ورژن سخت افزار",
+ "positionIgnition": "روشن بودن",
+ "positionFlags": "نشانها",
+ "positionCharge": "شارژ",
+ "positionIp": "آی پی",
+ "positionArchive": "آرشیو",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "تقریبی",
+ "positionThrottle": "دریچه گاز",
+ "positionMotion": "حرکت",
+ "positionArmed": "مسلح",
+ "positionAcceleration": "شتاب",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "دمای دستگاه",
+ "positionOperator": "اوپراتور",
+ "positionCommand": "کد دستوری",
+ "positionBlocked": "بلوکه",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "سرعت OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "کیلومتر شمار ODB",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "کد شناسایی راننده",
+ "positionImage": "تصویر",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "صدا",
+ "serverTitle": "تنظیمات سرور",
+ "serverZoom": "بزرگنمایی",
+ "serverRegistration": "ثبت نام",
+ "serverReadonly": "فقط خواندنی",
+ "serverForceSettings": "تنظیمات اجباری",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "نقشه",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "لایه های نقشه",
+ "mapCustom": "سفارشی (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "سفارشی (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "نقشه اختیاری",
+ "mapCarto": "نقشه کارتو",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "کلید نقشه Bing",
+ "mapBingRoad": "نقشه جاده Bing",
+ "mapBingAerial": "نقشه هوایی Bing",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "نقشه هیبریدی Bing",
+ "mapBaidu": "بایدو",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "نقشه یاندکس",
+ "mapYandexSat": "ماهواره یاندکس",
+ "mapWikimedia": "ویکی مدیا",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "چند ضلعی",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "دایره ",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "چند خطی",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "تعقیب مسیر",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "لایه POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "وضعیت",
+ "stateName": "ویژگی",
+ "stateValue": "مقدار",
+ "commandTitle": "ارسال دستور به دستگاه",
+ "commandSend": "ارسال",
+ "commandSent": "ارسال دستور",
+ "commandQueued": "دستور در صف",
+ "commandUnit": "واحد",
+ "commandCustom": "دستور سفارشی",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "شناسایی دستگاه",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "گزارش ساده",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "گزارشات چندوضعیتی",
+ "commandPositionStop": "توقف گزارش",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ایست موتور",
+ "commandEngineResume": "ادامه موتور",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "آلارم فعال",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "آلارم غیر فعال",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "تنظیم ساعت محلی",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "درخواست عکس",
+ "commandPowerOff": "خاموش شدن دستگاه",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "ریست کردن دستگاه",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "ارسال پیام کوتاه",
+ "commandSendUssd": "ارسال کد USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "انتخاب شماره مدیر ",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "تنظیم زمان سکوت",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "تنظیم دفترچه تلفن",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "پیام صوتی",
+ "commandOutputControl": "تنظیمات خروجی ",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "کنترل صوتی",
+ "commandSetAgps": "تنظیم AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "ایجاد شاخص",
+ "commandConfiguration": "پیکر بندی",
+ "commandGetVersion": "دریافت نگارش",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "به روز رسانی فریمور",
+ "commandSetConnection": "تنظیم ارتباط",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "تنظیم کیلومتر شمار",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "دریافت وضعیت مودم",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "دریافت وضعیت دستگاه",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "تاخیر ارسال",
+ "commandTimezone": "فاصله زمانی مبدا",
+ "commandMessage": "پیام",
+ "commandRadius": "شعاع",
+ "commandEnable": "فعال",
+ "commandData": "دیتا",
+ "commandIndex": "فهرست",
+ "commandPhone": "شماره تلفن",
+ "commandServer": "سرور",
+ "commandPort": "پورت",
+ "eventAll": "همه رویدادها",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "وضعیت آنلاین",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "وضعیت نامعلوم",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "وضعیت آفلاین",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "حرکت دستگاه",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "ایست دستگاه",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "محدودیت سرعت بالا",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "افت سوخت",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "نتیجه ارسال دستور",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "ورود محدوده جغرافیایی",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "خروج محدوده جغرافیایی",
+ "eventAlarm": "هشدار",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "سویچ روشن",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "سوئیچ خاموش",
+ "eventMaintenance": "نیاز به تعمیر",
+ "eventTextMessage": "پیامک دریافت شد",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "تعویض راننده",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "اسکرول تا آخر",
+ "alarmGeneral": "اصلی",
+ "alarmSos": "درخواست کمک",
+ "alarmVibration": "لرزش",
+ "alarmMovement": "جابجایی",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "سرعت کم",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "سرعت بالا",
+ "alarmFallDown": "سقوط",
+ "alarmLowPower": "انرژی کم",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "باطری کم",
+ "alarmFault": "ایراد",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "خاموش",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "روشن",
+ "alarmDoor": "در",
+ "alarmLock": "قفل",
+ "alarmUnlock": "باز کردن",
+ "alarmGeofence": "جغرافیایی",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "ورود محدوده جغرافیایی",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "خروج محدوده جغرافیایی",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "قطع آنتن GPS",
+ "alarmAccident": "تصادف",
+ "alarmTow": "یدک کش",
+ "alarmIdle": "بیکار",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "دورموتور بالا",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "شتاب تند",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "ترمز تند",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "زاویه شدید",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "تغییر مسیر",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "رانندگی خسته",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "قطع ولتاژ",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "برگشت ولتاژ",
+ "alarmJamming": "مسدود",
+ "alarmTemperature": "دما",
+ "alarmParking": "پارکینگ",
+ "alarmBonnet": "صندوق",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "پدال ترمز",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "نشت باک",
+ "alarmTampering": "دستکاری",
+ "alarmRemoving": "حذف",
+ "notificationType": "تعیین نوع رویداد ",
+ "notificationAlways": "همه ردیابها",
+ "notificationNotificators": "کانالها",
+ "notificatorWeb": "وب",
+ "notificatorMail": "ایمیل",
+ "notificatorSms": "پیامک",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "مسیر های پیموده شده ",
+ "reportEvents": "رویداد ها",
+ "reportTrips": "مسافرتها",
+ "reportStops": "توقفها",
+ "reportSummary": "خلاصه وضعیت ",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "نمودار",
+ "reportConfigure": "تنظیمات",
+ "reportEventTypes": "نوع رویدادها",
+ "reportChartType": "نوع نمودار",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "نمایش علامتها",
+ "reportExport": "خروجی فایل",
+ "reportEmail": "گزارش پست الکترونیکی",
+ "reportPeriod": "بازه",
+ "reportCustom": "سفارشی",
+ "reportToday": "امروز",
+ "reportYesterday": "دیروز",
+ "reportThisWeek": "هفته جاری",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "هفته قبلی",
+ "reportThisMonth": "ماه جاری",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "ماه قبلی",
+ "reportDeviceName": "نام دستگاه ",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "سرعت میانگین",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "حداکثر سرعت",
+ "reportEngineHours": "مدت زمان روشن بودن وسیله",
+ "reportDuration": "مسافت",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "زمان شروع",
+ "reportStartAddress": "آدرس شروع",
+ "reportEndTime": "زمان پایانی",
+ "reportEndAddress": "آدرس پایانی",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "مصرف سوخت",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "شروع کیلومترشمار",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "پایان کیلومتر شمار",
+ "statisticsTitle": "گزارشات",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "زمان ضبط",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "کاربران فعال",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "ردیابهای فعال",
+ "statisticsRequests": "درخواستها",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "پیامهای دریافتی",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "پیامها ذخیره",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "درخواست محدوده",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "درخواستهای محدوده",
+ "categoryArrow": "فلش",
+ "categoryDefault": "پیش فرض",
+ "categoryAnimal": "حیوان",
+ "categoryBicycle": "دوچرخه",
+ "categoryBoat": "قایق",
+ "categoryBus": "اتوبوس",
+ "categoryCar": "خودرو",
+ "categoryCrane": "جرثقیل",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "هلی کوپتر",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "موتورسیکلت",
+ "categoryOffroad": "شاسی بلند",
+ "categoryPerson": "شخص",
+ "categoryPickup": "وانت",
+ "categoryPlane": "هواپیما",
+ "categoryShip": "کشتی",
+ "categoryTractor": "تراکتور",
+ "categoryTrain": "قطار",
+ "categoryTram": "تراموا",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "تریلر",
+ "categoryTruck": "تریلی",
+ "categoryVan": "ون",
+ "categoryScooter": "اسکوتر",
+ "maintenanceStart": "شروع",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "بازه"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/fi.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/fi.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3141578a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/fi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Ladataan...",
+ "sharedHide": "Piilota",
+ "sharedSave": "Tallenna",
+ "sharedSet": "Aseta",
+ "sharedCancel": "Peruuta",
+ "sharedAdd": "Lisää",
+ "sharedEdit": "Muokkaa",
+ "sharedRemove": "Poista",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Poista kohde?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Ei dataa",
+ "sharedYes": "Kyllä",
+ "sharedNo": "Ei",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Tunti",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuutti",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunti",
+ "sharedDays": "päivää",
+ "sharedHours": "tuntia",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuuttia",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Desimaaliasteet",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Asteet ja desimaaliminuutit",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Asteet, minuutit ja sekunnit",
+ "sharedName": "Nimi",
+ "sharedDescription": "Kuvaus",
+ "sharedSearch": "Haku",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Kuvakkeiden skaalaus",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geoaita",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geoaidat",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Luo geoaita",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Ilmoitukset",
+ "sharedNotification": "Ilmoitus",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Ominaisuudet",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Ominaisuus",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Kuljettajat",
+ "sharedDriver": "Kuljettaja",
+ "sharedArea": "Alue",
+ "sharedSound": "Ilmoitusääni",
+ "sharedType": "Tyyppi",
+ "sharedDistance": "Matka",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gallona",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litra",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Brittiläinen gallona",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Amerikkalainen gallona",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Hae kartan tila",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Laskettu ominaisuus",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Lasketut ominaisuudet",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Tarkista laskettu ominaisuus",
+ "sharedExpression": "Lauseke",
+ "sharedDevice": "Laite",
+ "sharedTest": "Testaa",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Lähetä testi-ilmoitus",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Testaa kanavia",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Testaa lauseke",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalenteri",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalenterit",
+ "sharedFile": "Tiedosto",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Etsi laitteita",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Lajittele",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Suodata kartalla",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Valitse tiedosto",
+ "sharedPhone": "Puhelin",
+ "sharedRequired": "Vaadittavat",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Asetukset",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Käyttöoikeudet",
+ "sharedConnections": "Yhteydet",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Merkkijono",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Numero",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Totuusarvo",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Aikavyöhyke",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Tallennettu komento",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Tallennetut komennot",
+ "sharedNew": "Uusi...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Näytä osoite",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Lisätietoja",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Poistettu käytöstä",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Huolto",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Laskurit",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Hälytykset",
+ "sharedLocation": "Sijainti",
+ "sharedImport": "Tuo",
+ "sharedColumns": "Sarakkeet",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Vedä ja pudota tiedosto tähän tai klikkaa",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Nopeusrajoitus",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Polttoaineen vähenemisen raja-arvo",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Polttoaineen lisäämisen raja-arvo",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Etäisyys murtoviivaan",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Raportti: Älä huomioi matkamittaria",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Raportin väri",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Laitteen salasana",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Laitteen kuva",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Laitteen epäaktiivisuuden alku",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Laitteen epäaktiivisuuden jakso",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Laskenta: Kopioi ominaisuudet",
+ "attributeColor": "Väri",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live-reitin pituus",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Lähennys valittaessa",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Suurin lähennys",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram keskustelu ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover käyttäjäavain",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover laitteiden nimet",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Email: SMTP-isäntäpalvelin",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Email: SMTP-portti",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Email: SMTP STARTTLS:n aktivointi",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Email: SMTP STARTTLS vaaditaan",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Email: SMTP SSL:n aktivointi",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Email: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Email: SMTP SSL -protokollat",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Email: SMTP-lähettäjä",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Email: SMTP-tunnistautumisen aktivointi",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Email: SMTP-käyttäjätunnus",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Email: SMTP-salasana",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Piilota ominaisuudet",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Piilota ryhmät",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Piilota tapahtumat",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Piilota ajoneuvojen ominaisuudet",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Piilota kuljettajat",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Piilota lasketut ominaisuudet",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Piilota kalenterit",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Piilota huolto",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Piilota sijainnin ominaisuudet",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Piilota kielivalinta kirjautumisesta",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Ilmoitustunnukset",
+ "errorTitle": "Virhe",
+ "errorGeneral": "Epäkelvot parametrit tai rajoitteiden rikkomus",
+ "errorConnection": "Yhteysvirhe",
+ "errorSocket": "WebSocket-yhteysvirhe",
+ "errorZero": "Ei voi olla nolla",
+ "userEmail": "Sähköposti",
+ "userPassword": "Salasana",
+ "userAdmin": "Ylläpito",
+ "userRemember": "Muista",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Vanheneminen",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Laiteraja",
+ "userUserLimit": "Käyttäjäraja",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Laitteet vain luettavissa",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Rajoita komentoja",
+ "userDisableReports": "Poista raportit käytöstä",
+ "userFixedEmail": "Ei sähköpostiosoitteen vaihtoa",
+ "userToken": "Todennustunnus",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Poista tili",
+ "loginTitle": "Kirjaudu",
+ "loginLanguage": "Kieli",
+ "loginReset": "Nollaa salasana",
+ "loginRegister": "Rekisteröidy",
+ "loginLogin": "Kirjaudu",
+ "loginFailed": "Virheellinen sähköposti tai salasana",
+ "loginCreated": "Uusi käyttäjä on rekisteröity",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Tarkista sähköpostisi",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Uusi salasana asetettu",
+ "loginLogout": "Kirjaudu ulos",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Laitteet ja Tilat",
+ "deviceTitle": "Laitteet",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Tunniste",
+ "deviceModel": "Malli",
+ "deviceContact": "Yhteyshenkilö",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategoria",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Viimeisin päivitys",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komento",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seuraa",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Kokonaismatka",
+ "deviceStatus": "Tila",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Tuntematon",
+ "groupDialog": "Ryhmä",
+ "groupParent": "Ryhmä",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Ei ryhmää",
+ "settingsTitle": "Asetukset",
+ "settingsUser": "Tili",
+ "settingsGroups": "Ryhmät",
+ "settingsServer": "Palvelin",
+ "settingsUsers": "Käyttäjät",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Matkayksikkö",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Korkeusyksikkö",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Nopeusyksikkö",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Tilavuusyksikkö",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-tunnin formaatti",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinaattien formaatti",
+ "reportTitle": "Raportit",
+ "reportDevice": "Laite",
+ "reportGroup": "Ryhmä",
+ "reportFrom": "Mistä",
+ "reportTo": "Mihin",
+ "reportShow": "Näytä",
+ "reportClear": "Tyhjennä",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google kartat",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple kartat",
+ "linkStreetView": "Katunäkymä",
+ "positionFixTime": "Sijaintiaika",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Laitteen aika",
+ "positionServerTime": "Palvelimen aika",
+ "positionValid": "Kelvollinen",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Tarkkuus",
+ "positionLatitude": "Leveysaste",
+ "positionLongitude": "Pituusaste",
+ "positionAltitude": "Korkeus",
+ "positionSpeed": "Nopeus",
+ "positionCourse": "Suunta",
+ "positionAddress": "Osoite",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokolla",
+ "positionDistance": "Matka",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Polttoaine",
+ "positionPower": "Virta",
+ "positionBattery": "Akku",
+ "positionRaw": "Raaka",
+ "positionIndex": "Indeksi",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelliitteja",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Näkyviä satelliitteja",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Verkkovierailu",
+ "positionEvent": "Tapahtuma",
+ "positionAlarm": "Hälytys",
+ "positionStatus": "Tila",
+ "positionOdometer": "Matkamittari",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Huollon matkamittari",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trippimittari",
+ "positionHours": "Tuntia",
+ "positionSteps": "Askeleita",
+ "positionInput": "Sisääntulo",
+ "positionOutput": "Ulostulo",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Akun varaus",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Polttoaineen kulutus",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Laiteohjelmiston versio",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Laitteiston versio",
+ "positionIgnition": "Virta (sytytys)",
+ "positionFlags": "Liput",
+ "positionCharge": "Lataus",
+ "positionIp": "IP-osoite",
+ "positionArchive": "Arkisto",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Likimääräinen",
+ "positionThrottle": "Kaasupoljin",
+ "positionMotion": "Liike",
+ "positionArmed": "Hälytys kytketty",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Kiihtyvyys",
+ "positionTemp": "Lämpötila",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Laitteen lämpötila",
+ "positionOperator": "Operaattori",
+ "positionCommand": "Komento",
+ "positionBlocked": "Estetty",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTC:t",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD-nopeus",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD-matkamittari",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Kuljettajan ID",
+ "positionImage": "Kuva",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Ääni",
+ "serverTitle": "Palvelinasetukset",
+ "serverZoom": "Lähennys",
+ "serverRegistration": "Rekisteröinti",
+ "serverReadonly": "Vain luku",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Pakota asetukset",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Ilmoitus",
+ "mapTitle": "Kartta",
+ "mapActive": "Aktiiviset kartat",
+ "mapOverlay": "Karttapäällys",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Oma karttapäällys",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API-avain",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather pilvet",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather sade",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather ilmanpaine",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather tuuli",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather lämpötila",
+ "mapLayer": "Karttataso",
+ "mapCustom": "Oma kartta (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Oma kartta (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Oma kartta",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto-pohjakartat",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps -avain",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps -tiet",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps -ilmakuva",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps -hybridi",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex-kartta",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex-satelliittikuva",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox kadut",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox ulkoilu",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox satelliitti",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox pääsyavain",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTile perus",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API-avain",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ kadut",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ pääsyavain",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom perus",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom liikenne",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom liikenneonnettomuudet",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API-avain",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here perus",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here satellitti",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here liikenne",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API-avain",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Monikulmio",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Ympyrä",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Murtoviiva",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live-reitit",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Nykyinen sijainti",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Kohdepistetaso",
+ "mapClustering": "Merkkien ryvästäminen",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Näytä kartta valittaessa",
+ "stateTitle": "Tila",
+ "stateName": "Ominaisuus",
+ "stateValue": "Arvo",
+ "commandTitle": "Komento",
+ "commandSend": "Lähetä",
+ "commandSent": "Komento lähetetty",
+ "commandQueued": "Komento jonossa",
+ "commandUnit": "Yksikkö",
+ "commandCustom": "Oma komento",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Laitteen tunnistus",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Yksittäinen raportointi",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Määräaikaisraportointi",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Lopeta raportointi",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Sammuta moottori",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Palauta moottori",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Hälytys päälle",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Hälytys pois",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Hylkää hälytys",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Aseta aikavyöhyke",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Pyydä kuva",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Sammuta laite",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Käynnistä laite uudelleen",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Tehdasasetusten palautus",
+ "commandSendSms": "Lähetä tekstiviesti",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Lähetä USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Aseta SOS-numero",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Aseta hiljainen aika",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Aseta osoitekirja",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Ääniviesti",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Ulostulon ohjaus",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Äänitarkkailu",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Aseta AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Aseta indikaattori",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfigurointi",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Pyydä versio",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Päivitä laiteohjelmisto",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Aseta yhteys",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Aseta matkamittari",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Pyydä modeemin tila",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Pyydä laitteen tila",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Aseta nopeusrajoitus",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Virransäästötila",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Syväunitila",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Aseta geoaitahälytys",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Aseta akkuhälytys",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Aseta SOS-hälytys",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Aseta poistettu hälytys",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Aseta aikahälytys",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Aseta nopeushälytys",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Aseta kaatumishälytys",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Aseta tärinähälytys",
+ "commandFrequency": "Taajuus",
+ "commandTimezone": "Aikavyöhykkeen poikkeama",
+ "commandMessage": "Viesti",
+ "commandRadius": "Säde",
+ "commandEnable": "Ota käyttöön",
+ "commandData": "Tieto",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeksi",
+ "commandPhone": "Puhelinnumero",
+ "commandServer": "Palvelin",
+ "commandPort": "Portti",
+ "eventAll": "Kaikki tapahtumat",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Tila online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Tila tuntematon",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Tila offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Laite epäaktiivinen",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Laite liikkuu",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Laite pysähtynyt",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Nopeusrajoitus ylitetty",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Polttoaineen väheneminen",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Polttoaineen lisääminen",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Komennon tulos",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Laite saapui geoaitaan",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Laite poistui geoaidasta",
+ "eventAlarm": "Hälytykset",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Sytytysvirta päällä",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Sytytysvirta pois päältä",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Huoltoa tarvitaan",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Tekstiviesti vastaanotettu",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Kuljettaja vaihtunut",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Vieritä viimeiseen",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Yleinen",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Tärinä",
+ "alarmMovement": "Liike",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Alhainen nopeus",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Ylinopeus",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Kaatuminen",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Alhainen virta",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Alhainen akun varaus",
+ "alarmFault": "Vikaantuminen",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Virran sammutus",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Virran käynnistys",
+ "alarmDoor": "Ovi",
+ "alarmLock": "Lukittu",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Lukitus avattu",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geoaita",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geoaitaan saapuminen",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geoaidasta poistuminen",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS antennivika",
+ "alarmAccident": "Onnettomuus",
+ "alarmTow": "Hinaus",
+ "alarmIdle": "Tyhjäkäynti",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Korkea kierrosluku",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Nopea kiihdytys",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Nopea jarrutus",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Kova käännös",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Kaistan vaihto",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Väsyneenä ajaminen",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Sähkökatko",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Sähkökatkon loppuminen",
+ "alarmJamming": "Häirintä",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Lämpötila",
+ "alarmParking": "Pysäköinti",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Konepelti",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Jalkajarru",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Polttoainevuoto",
+ "alarmTampering": "Peukalointi",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Siirto",
+ "notificationType": "Ilmoituksen tyyppi",
+ "notificationAlways": "Kaikki laitteet",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanavat",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Sähköposti",
+ "notificatorSms": "Tekstiviesti",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Toista",
+ "reportRoute": "Reitti",
+ "reportEvents": "Tapahtumat",
+ "reportTrips": "Matkat",
+ "reportStops": "Pysähdykset",
+ "reportSummary": "Yhteenveto",
+ "reportDaily": "Päivittäinen yhteenveto",
+ "reportChart": "Kuvaaja",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfiguroi",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tapahtumatyypit",
+ "reportChartType": "Kuvaajatyypit",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Näytä merkit",
+ "reportExport": "Vie",
+ "reportEmail": "Sähköpostiraportti",
+ "reportPeriod": "Jakso",
+ "reportCustom": "Oma",
+ "reportToday": "Tänään",
+ "reportYesterday": "Eilen",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Tällä viikolla",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Viime viikolla",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Tässä kuussa",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Viime kuussa",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Laitteen nimi",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Keskinopeus",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Suurin nopeus",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Käyttötunnit",
+ "reportDuration": "Kesto",
+ "reportStartDate": "Aloituspäivä",
+ "reportStartTime": "Aloitusaika",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Aloitusosoite",
+ "reportEndTime": "Lopetusaika",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Lopetusosoite",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Käytetty polttoaine",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Matkamittari alussa",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Matkamittari lopussa",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Tilastot",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Tarkasteluaika",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktiivisia käyttäjiä",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktiivisia laitteita",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Pyyntöjä",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Viestejä vastaanotettu",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Viestejä tallennettu",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geokoodauspyyntöjä",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Sijaintipyyntöjä",
+ "categoryArrow": "Nuoli",
+ "categoryDefault": "Oletus",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Eläin",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Polkupyörä",
+ "categoryBoat": "Vene",
+ "categoryBus": "Bussi",
+ "categoryCar": "Auto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Nosturi",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopteri",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Moottoripyörä",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Maastoajoneuvo",
+ "categoryPerson": "Henkilö",
+ "categoryPickup": "Lava-auto",
+ "categoryPlane": "Lentokone",
+ "categoryShip": "Laiva",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktori",
+ "categoryTrain": "Juna",
+ "categoryTram": "Raitiovaunu",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Johdinauto",
+ "categoryTruck": "Kuorma-auto",
+ "categoryVan": "Pakettiauto",
+ "categoryScooter": "Potkulauta",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Alku",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Huoltoväli"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/fr.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1432cb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Chargement...",
+ "sharedHide": "Cacher",
+ "sharedSave": "Enregistrer",
+ "sharedSet": "Régler",
+ "sharedCancel": "Annuler",
+ "sharedAdd": "Ajouter",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editer",
+ "sharedRemove": "Effacer",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Effacer objet?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Aucune donnée",
+ "sharedYes": "Oui",
+ "sharedNo": "Non",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "nd",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Heure",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minute",
+ "sharedSecond": "Seconde",
+ "sharedDays": "jours",
+ "sharedHours": "heures",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Degrés Décimaux",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Degrés Décimaux Minutes",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Degrés Minutes Secondes",
+ "sharedName": "Nom",
+ "sharedDescription": "Description",
+ "sharedSearch": "Recherche",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Périmètre virtuel",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Périmètres virtuels",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributs",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Pilotes",
+ "sharedDriver": "Pilote",
+ "sharedArea": "Aire",
+ "sharedSound": "Son de notification",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distance",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litre",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Gallon impérial",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Gallon US",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "État de la carte",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Attribut calculé",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Attributs calculés",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Verifier l'attribut calculé",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Appareil",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Test d'envoi de notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendrier",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendriers",
+ "sharedFile": "Fichier",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Recherche appareils",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Trier par",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtrer sur la carte",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Sélectionner un fichier",
+ "sharedPhone": "Téléphone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Requis",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Préférences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connexions",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Chaîne de caractères",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Nombre",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Booléen",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Fuseau horaire",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Information",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Commande sauvegardée",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Commandes sauvegardées ",
+ "sharedNew": "Nouveau",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Montrer adresse",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Plus de détails",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Désactivé",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Entretien",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulateurs",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmes",
+ "sharedLocation": "Localisation",
+ "sharedImport": "Importer",
+ "sharedColumns": "Colonnes",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Limite de vitesse",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distance polyligne",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapport: Ignorer l'odomètre",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: couleur du rapport",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Mot de passe de l'appareil",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Image de l'appareil",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Début d'inactivité de l'appareil",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Période d'inactivité de l'appareil",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "En cours: Copie des attributs",
+ "attributeColor": "Couleur",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Longueur de route en temps réel",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoomer à la sélection",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom maximum",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: Hôte SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: Port SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: Activer SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: Requérir SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: Activer SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: Trust SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: Protocoles SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: Activer l'authentification",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: Nom d'utilisateur",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: Mot de passe",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Désactiver groupes",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Désactiver évènements ",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Désactiver les fonctionalités véhicule",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Désactiver les conducteurs",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Désactiver les attributs calculés",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Désactiver les calendiers",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Désactiver l'entretien",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Cacher Attributs de Position",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Désactiver choix des languges",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Jeton de notification",
+ "errorTitle": "Erreur",
+ "errorGeneral": "Paramètres invalides ou violation de contrainte",
+ "errorConnection": "Erreur de connexion",
+ "errorSocket": "Erreur de connexion au socket web",
+ "errorZero": "Ne peut être zéro",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Mot de Passe",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Rappel",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limite de l'appareil",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limite d'utilisateurs",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Appareil - Lecture seule",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Commandes de limite",
+ "userDisableReports": "Désactiver les rapports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Jeton",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Identification",
+ "loginLanguage": "Langue",
+ "loginReset": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
+ "loginRegister": "Inscription",
+ "loginLogin": "Se connecter",
+ "loginFailed": "Adresse email ou mot de passe incorrect",
+ "loginCreated": "Nouvel utilisateur enregistré",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Vérifiez vos emails",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Le nouveau mot de passe est défini",
+ "loginLogout": "Déconnexion",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Appareils et État",
+ "deviceTitle": "Appareils",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifiant",
+ "deviceModel": "Modèle",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Catégorie",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Dernière mise à jour",
+ "deviceCommand": "Commande",
+ "deviceFollow": "Suivre",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distance totale",
+ "deviceStatus": "Statut",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "En ligne",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Hors ligne",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Inconnu",
+ "groupDialog": "Groupe",
+ "groupParent": "Groupe",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sans groupe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Paramètres",
+ "settingsUser": "Compte",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groupes",
+ "settingsServer": "Serveur",
+ "settingsUsers": "Utilisateurs",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unité de distance",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Unité d'altitude",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unité de vitesse",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unité de volume",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format d'heure - 12 heures",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format des coordonées",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapports",
+ "reportDevice": "Appareil",
+ "reportGroup": "Groupe",
+ "reportFrom": "De",
+ "reportTo": "À",
+ "reportShow": "Afficher",
+ "reportClear": "Effacer",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Horodatage",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valide",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Précision",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
+ "positionSpeed": "Vitesse",
+ "positionCourse": "Orientation",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresse",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocole",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "t/m",
+ "positionFuel": "Carburant",
+ "positionPower": "Courant",
+ "positionBattery": "Batterie",
+ "positionRaw": "Brut",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "Dilution de précision horizontale",
+ "positionVdop": "Dilution de précision horizontale",
+ "positionPdop": "Dilution de précision de position",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satellites visibles",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Itinérance",
+ "positionEvent": "Évènement",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "positionStatus": "Statut",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odomètre",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Odomètre d'entretien",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Odomètre de voyage",
+ "positionHours": "Heures",
+ "positionSteps": "Etapes",
+ "positionInput": "Entrée de données",
+ "positionOutput": "Sortie de données",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Niveau de batterie",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consommation de carburant",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Version du micrologiciel",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Version du matériel",
+ "positionIgnition": "Allumage",
+ "positionFlags": "Drapeau",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "Numéro de chassis",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximatif",
+ "positionThrottle": "Accélérateur",
+ "positionMotion": "Mouvement",
+ "positionArmed": "Armé",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Accélération",
+ "positionTemp": "Température",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Température de l'appareil",
+ "positionOperator": "Opérateur",
+ "positionCommand": "Commande",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloqué",
+ "positionDtcs": "Code erreur",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Vitesse OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odomètre OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID unique du pilote",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Paramètres de serveur",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Inscription",
+ "serverReadonly": "Lecture seule",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forcer les paramètres",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Avis",
+ "mapTitle": "Carte",
+ "mapActive": "Cartes actives",
+ "mapOverlay": "Superposition de cartes",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Superposition personnalisée",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Couche cartographique",
+ "mapCustom": "Personnalisé (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Personnalisé (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Carte Personnalisée",
+ "mapCarto": "Cartographie Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Clé Bing Maps",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybride",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satelitte",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygone",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cercle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyligne",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Routes en direct",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Localisation actuelle",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Couche Point d'intérêt",
+ "mapClustering": "Regroupement des marqueurs",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Afficher la carte lors de la sélection",
+ "stateTitle": "État",
+ "stateName": "Paramètre",
+ "stateValue": "Valeur",
+ "commandTitle": "Commande",
+ "commandSend": "Envoyer",
+ "commandSent": "Commande envoyée",
+ "commandQueued": "Commande mise en queue",
+ "commandUnit": "Unité",
+ "commandCustom": "Commande personnalisée",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identification de l'appareil",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Rapport de position unique",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Périodicité du rapport de position",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Arrêt du rapport de position",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Arrêt moteur",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Démarrage moteur",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Activer l'alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Désactiver l'alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Ignorer l'alarme",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Régler le fuseau horaire",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Demander une photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Eteindre l'appareil",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Redémarrer l'appareil",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Réinitialisation d'usine",
+ "commandSendSms": "Envoyer un SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Envoyer un USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Régler le n° SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Définir le temps de silence",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Définir l'annuaire",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Message vocal",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Contrôle de la sortie",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Moniteur vocal",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Fixer l'AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Définir l'indicateur",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Acquérir la version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Mettre à jour le firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Fixer la connexion",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Fixer l'odomètre",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Acquérir le statut du modem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Acquérir le statut du périphérique",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Définir la limite de vitesse",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Fréquence",
+ "commandTimezone": "Décalage horaire",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Rayon",
+ "commandEnable": "Activer",
+ "commandData": "Données",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Numéro de téléphone",
+ "commandServer": "Serveur",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Tous les événements",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Statut: en ligne",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Statut: inconnu",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Statut: hors ligne",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Appareil inactif",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Appareil en mouvement",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Appareil arrêté",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Vitesse limite dépassée",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Perte de carburant",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Résultat de la commande",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrée dans le périmètre virtuel",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Sortie du périmètre virtuel",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Contact mis",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Contact coupé",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Entretien requis",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Message textuel reçu",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Changement de conducteur",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Faire défiler jusqu'à la fin",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Général",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Mouvement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Basse vitesse",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Vitesse trop haute",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Chute",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Tension basse",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Batterie basse",
+ "alarmFault": "Défaut",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Eteindre",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Allumer",
+ "alarmDoor": "Porte",
+ "alarmLock": "Verrouiller",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Déverrouiller",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Périmètre virtuel",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Entrée dans le périmètre virtuel",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Sortie du périmètre virtuel",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antenne GPS coupée",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Remorquage",
+ "alarmIdle": "Au repos",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Tours par minute élevés",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Accélération brusque",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Freinage brusque",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Virage sec",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Changement de bande",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Conduite en état de fatigue",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Courant coupé",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Courant restauré",
+ "alarmJamming": "Brouillage",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Température",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capot",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Frein à pied",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuite de carburant",
+ "alarmTampering": "Altération",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Retrait",
+ "notificationType": "Type de notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "Tous les appareils",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canaux",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Évènements",
+ "reportTrips": "Trajets",
+ "reportStops": "Arrêts",
+ "reportSummary": "Résumé",
+ "reportDaily": "Rapport journalier",
+ "reportChart": "Graphique",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configurer",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Types d'évènements",
+ "reportChartType": "Type de graphique",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Montrer les marqueurs",
+ "reportExport": "Exporter",
+ "reportEmail": "Rapport par email",
+ "reportPeriod": "Période",
+ "reportCustom": "Personnalisé",
+ "reportToday": "Aujourd'hui",
+ "reportYesterday": "Hier",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Cette semaine",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "La semaine dernière",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Ce mois-ci",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Le mois dernier",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nom de l'appareil",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Vitesse moyenne",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Vitesse maximum",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Heures du moteur",
+ "reportDuration": "Durée",
+ "reportStartDate": "Date de départ",
+ "reportStartTime": "Heure de départ",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Adresse de départ",
+ "reportEndTime": "Date de fin",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Adresse de fin",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Consommation de carburant",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Départ de l'odomètre",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Arrêt de l'odomètre",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistiques",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Heure de capture",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Utilisateurs actifs",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Appareils actifs",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requêtes",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages reçus",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages stockés",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Requêtes de géocodage",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Requêtes de géolocalisation",
+ "categoryArrow": "Flèche",
+ "categoryDefault": "Par défaut",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Vélo",
+ "categoryBoat": "Bateau",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Voiture",
+ "categoryCrane": "Grue",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Hélicoptère",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Moto",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Véhicule tout-terrain",
+ "categoryPerson": "Personne",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avion",
+ "categoryShip": "Bateau",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tracteur",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camion",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Départ",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Période"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/he.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/he.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edf84f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/he.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "טוען...",
+ "sharedHide": "הסתר",
+ "sharedSave": "שמירה",
+ "sharedSet": "הגדרה",
+ "sharedCancel": "ביטול",
+ "sharedAdd": "הוספה",
+ "sharedEdit": "עריכה",
+ "sharedRemove": "הסרה",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "הסרת פריט",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "ק\"מ",
+ "sharedMi": "מייל",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "קשר",
+ "sharedKmh": "ק\"מ/שעה",
+ "sharedMph": "מייל/שעה",
+ "sharedHour": "שעה",
+ "sharedMinute": "דקה",
+ "sharedSecond": "שנייה",
+ "sharedDays": "ימים",
+ "sharedHours": "שעות",
+ "sharedMinutes": "דקות",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "מעלות עשרוניות",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "מעלות ודקות עשרוניות",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "מעלות, דקות ושניות",
+ "sharedName": "שם",
+ "sharedDescription": "תיאור",
+ "sharedSearch": "חיפוש",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "גדר וירטואלית",
+ "sharedGeofences": "גדרות וירטואליות",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "התראות",
+ "sharedNotification": "התראה",
+ "sharedAttributes": "תכונות",
+ "sharedAttribute": "תכונה",
+ "sharedDrivers": "נהגים",
+ "sharedDriver": "נהג",
+ "sharedArea": "איזור",
+ "sharedSound": "צליל התראה",
+ "sharedType": "סוג",
+ "sharedDistance": "מרחק",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ש'",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "דק'",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "שנ'",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "ל",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "גלון",
+ "sharedLiter": "ליטר",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "גלון",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "גלון",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "ליטר/ שעה",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "הגדר מהמפה",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "תכונה ממוחשבת",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "תכונה ממוחשבת",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "בדוק תכונות ממוחשבות",
+ "sharedExpression": "ביטוי",
+ "sharedDevice": "התקן",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "שלח הודעת בדיקה",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "יומן",
+ "sharedCalendars": "יומנים",
+ "sharedFile": "קובץ",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "בחר קובץ",
+ "sharedPhone": "טלפון",
+ "sharedRequired": "נדרש",
+ "sharedPreferences": "עדיפויות",
+ "sharedPermissions": "הרשאות",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "תוספת",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "מחרוזת",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "מספר",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "בוליאני",
+ "sharedTimezone": "אזור זמן",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "פרטים",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "פקודות שמורות",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "פקודות שמורות",
+ "sharedNew": "חדש",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "הצג כתובת",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "מושבת",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "תחזוקה",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "מצברים",
+ "sharedAlarms": "אזעקות",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "הגבלת מהירות",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "מרחק מצולע",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "דוח : התעלם ממד המרחק",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "אתר : בחר צבע",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "סיסמת התקן ",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "עיבוד: העתקת תכונות",
+ "attributeColor": "צבע",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "ממשק : אורך מסלול זמן אמת",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "אתר : בחר הפעלת זום",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "אתר : זום מקסימלי",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "כתובת שרת דואר SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "שרת דואר: פורט גישה ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "אפשר מייל מאובטח באמצעות TLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "נדרש SMTP STARTTLS ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "אפשר SSL לשרת דואר",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "דואר:SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "פרוטוקול חיבור SSL לשרת דואר",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "כתובת השולח ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "אפשר אימות לSMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "שם משתמש SMTP ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "סיסמת SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "ממשק: בטל ארועים",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "ממשק: בטל תכונות רכב",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "ממשק : בטל נהגים ",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "ממשק : בטל תכונה ממוחשבת",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "ממשק : בטל יומנים",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "אל תציג :תחזוקה",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "ממשק : הסתר מיקום תכונות",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "שגיאה",
+ "errorGeneral": "גורם לא בתוקף או הפרת אילוצים ",
+ "errorConnection": "בעייה בחיבור",
+ "errorSocket": "בעיית רשת",
+ "errorZero": "ערך לא יכול להיות אפס",
+ "userEmail": "אימייל",
+ "userPassword": "סיסמה",
+ "userAdmin": "מנהל",
+ "userRemember": "זכור אותי",
+ "userExpirationTime": "תוקף",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "מגבלת מכשירים",
+ "userUserLimit": "מגבלת משתמשים",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "מכשירים - לקריאה בלבד",
+ "userLimitCommands": "הגבל פקודות ",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "אסימון",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "כניסה",
+ "loginLanguage": "שפה",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "הרשם",
+ "loginLogin": "כניסה",
+ "loginFailed": "אימייל או סיסמה שגויים",
+ "loginCreated": "משתמש חדש נרשם",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "יציאה",
+ "loginLogo": "לוגו",
+ "devicesAndState": "מכשירים וסטטוס",
+ "deviceTitle": "מכשירים",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "מזהה",
+ "deviceModel": "דגם",
+ "deviceContact": "איש קשר",
+ "deviceCategory": "קטגוריה",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "עודכן לאחרונה",
+ "deviceCommand": "פקודה",
+ "deviceFollow": "עקוב",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "מרחק כולל",
+ "deviceStatus": "סטטוס",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "מחובר",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "מנותק",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "מצבו אינו ידוע",
+ "groupDialog": "קבוצה",
+ "groupParent": "קבוצה",
+ "groupNoGroup": "ללא קבוצה",
+ "settingsTitle": "הגדרות",
+ "settingsUser": "חשבון",
+ "settingsGroups": "קבוצות",
+ "settingsServer": "שרת",
+ "settingsUsers": "משתמשים",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "יח מרחק",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "יח מהירות ",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "יחידת נפח",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "פורמט של 12 שעות",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "פורמט קואורדינטות",
+ "reportTitle": "דו\"חות",
+ "reportDevice": "מכשיר",
+ "reportGroup": "קבוצה",
+ "reportFrom": "מ-",
+ "reportTo": "עד",
+ "reportShow": "הצג",
+ "reportClear": "נקה",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "תקין",
+ "positionAccuracy": "דיוק",
+ "positionLatitude": "קו רוחב",
+ "positionLongitude": "קו אורך",
+ "positionAltitude": "גובה",
+ "positionSpeed": "מהירות",
+ "positionCourse": "מסלול",
+ "positionAddress": "כתובת",
+ "positionProtocol": "פרוטוקול",
+ "positionDistance": "מרחק",
+ "positionRpm": "סל\"ד ",
+ "positionFuel": "דלק",
+ "positionPower": "כוח",
+ "positionBattery": "סוללה",
+ "positionRaw": "גלם",
+ "positionIndex": "אינדקס",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "לווינים",
+ "positionSatVisible": "לווניינים בשימוש ",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "מערכת איתור לוונית ",
+ "positionRoaming": "נדידה",
+ "positionEvent": "אירוע",
+ "positionAlarm": "התראה",
+ "positionStatus": "סטטוס",
+ "positionOdometer": "מד מרחק",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "טיפול לפי ספידומטר",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "מד מרחק נסיעה",
+ "positionHours": "שעות",
+ "positionSteps": "צעדים",
+ "positionInput": "כניסה",
+ "positionOutput": "יציאה",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "רמת הסוללה",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "צריכת דלק",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "גרסת קושחה",
+ "positionVersionHw": "גרסת חומרה",
+ "positionIgnition": "הצתה",
+ "positionFlags": "איתות -סימון",
+ "positionCharge": "טעינה",
+ "positionIp": "כתובת IP",
+ "positionArchive": "ארכיון",
+ "positionVin": "מס זיהוי רכב יצרן",
+ "positionApproximate": "משוער",
+ "positionThrottle": "מצערת",
+ "positionMotion": "תנועה",
+ "positionArmed": "דרוך",
+ "positionAcceleration": "תאוצה",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "טמפרטורת המכשיר",
+ "positionOperator": "מפעיל",
+ "positionCommand": "פקודה",
+ "positionBlocked": "חסום",
+ "positionDtcs": "מערכת תקשורת טקטית מבוזרת",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "מהירות לפי OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "מד מרחק OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "מזהה נהג יחודי",
+ "positionImage": "תמונה",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "קול",
+ "serverTitle": "הגדרות שרת",
+ "serverZoom": "זום",
+ "serverRegistration": "הרשמה",
+ "serverReadonly": "לקריאה בלבד",
+ "serverForceSettings": "כפה הגדרות",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "מפה",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "שכבת מפה",
+ "mapCustom": "מותאם (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "מפה מותאמת (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "מפה מותאמת ",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps\n",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "מפתח מפות בינג",
+ "mapBingRoad": "מפות כביש בינג",
+ "mapBingAerial": "מפות אוויריות בינג",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "מפות היברדיות בינג",
+ "mapBaidu": "מפות סיניות ביידו",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "מפות רוסיות Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "מפות רוסיות לווין Yandex",
+ "mapWikimedia": "ויקימדיה",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "פוליגון",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "מעגל",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "צלע",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "מסלול נסיעה",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "שכבת נק' עניין",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "מצב",
+ "stateName": "תכונה",
+ "stateValue": "ערך",
+ "commandTitle": "פקודה",
+ "commandSend": "שליחה",
+ "commandSent": "פקודה נשלחה",
+ "commandQueued": "הפקודה ממתינה ",
+ "commandUnit": "יחידה",
+ "commandCustom": "פקודה בהתאמה אישית",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "זיהוי מכשיר",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "דו\"ח יחיד",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "דיווח תקופתי",
+ "commandPositionStop": "עצור דיווח",
+ "commandEngineStop": "דומם מנוע",
+ "commandEngineResume": "הפעל מנוע",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "הפעלת אזעקה",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "נטרול אזעקה",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "קבע איזור זמן",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "בקשה לתמונה",
+ "commandPowerOff": "כיבוי התקן ",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "איתחול המכשיר",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "שלח סמס",
+ "commandSendUssd": "שלח נתוני שירות משלימים לא מובנים",
+ "commandSosNumber": "קבע מספר חירום",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "קבע משך זמן הדממה",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "הגדר ספר טלפונים",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "הודעה קולית",
+ "commandOutputControl": "בקרת פלט",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "האזנה ",
+ "commandSetAgps": "הפעל AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "הגדר מד ",
+ "commandConfiguration": "תצורה",
+ "commandGetVersion": "קבל גרסה",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "עדכן גרסת חומרה",
+ "commandSetConnection": "הגדר תקשורת",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "הגדר מד מרחק",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "הבא מצב מודם",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "הבא מצב התקן ",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "תדירות",
+ "commandTimezone": "איזון אזור זמן ",
+ "commandMessage": "הודעה",
+ "commandRadius": "רדיוס",
+ "commandEnable": "מאופשר",
+ "commandData": "נתונים",
+ "commandIndex": "אינדקס",
+ "commandPhone": "טלפון",
+ "commandServer": "שרת",
+ "commandPort": "פורט",
+ "eventAll": "כל ההתראות",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "מצב אונליין",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "מצב לא ידוע",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "מצב מנותק",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "ההתקן בתנועה",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "ההתקן עצר",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "חרג מהמהירות המותרת ",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "שחרור מיכל דלק",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "תוצאות הפקודה",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "נכנס אל האזור המתוחם",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "יצא מהאזור המתוחם",
+ "eventAlarm": "התראה",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "התנעה",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "מנוע נכבה",
+ "eventMaintenance": "תחזוקה נדרשת",
+ "eventTextMessage": "התקבלה הודעת טקסט",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "נהג הוחלף",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "גלול אל האחרון",
+ "alarmGeneral": "כללי",
+ "alarmSos": "חירום",
+ "alarmVibration": "ויברציה",
+ "alarmMovement": "תנועה",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "מהירות נמוכה",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "עבר מהירות מותרת",
+ "alarmFallDown": "ליפול",
+ "alarmLowPower": "מצבר חלש",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "סוללה חלשה",
+ "alarmFault": "תקלה",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "כיבוי",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "הדלקה",
+ "alarmDoor": "דלת",
+ "alarmLock": "נעילה",
+ "alarmUnlock": "פתיחה",
+ "alarmGeofence": "גדר וירטואלית ",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "נכנס לתחום המוגדר",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "יצא מהתחום המוגדר",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "ניתוק GPS",
+ "alarmAccident": "תאונה",
+ "alarmTow": "גרירה",
+ "alarmIdle": "מצב מנוחה",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "סלד גבוה",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "האצה קשה",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "בלם יד",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "פניה חדה",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "סטיה מהנתיב",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "עייפות נהיגה",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "ניתוק",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "חשמל חזר",
+ "alarmJamming": "שיבוש",
+ "alarmTemperature": "טמפרטורה",
+ "alarmParking": "חניה",
+ "alarmBonnet": "מכסה מנוע",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "בלם ",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "דליפת דלק",
+ "alarmTampering": "מפריע",
+ "alarmRemoving": "מסיר",
+ "notificationType": "סוג ההתראה",
+ "notificationAlways": "כל ההתקנים",
+ "notificationNotificators": "ערוצים",
+ "notificatorWeb": "אתר",
+ "notificatorMail": "מייל",
+ "notificatorSms": "סמס",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "מסלול",
+ "reportEvents": "אירועים",
+ "reportTrips": "נסיעות",
+ "reportStops": "עצירות",
+ "reportSummary": "סיכום",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "תרשים",
+ "reportConfigure": "הגדר",
+ "reportEventTypes": "סוגי אירועים",
+ "reportChartType": "סוג תרשים",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "הצג חצים",
+ "reportExport": "יצוא",
+ "reportEmail": "דוח במייל",
+ "reportPeriod": "תקופה",
+ "reportCustom": "מותאם אישית",
+ "reportToday": "היום",
+ "reportYesterday": "אתמול",
+ "reportThisWeek": "השבוע",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "שבוע שעבר",
+ "reportThisMonth": "חודש נוכחי",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "חודש קודם",
+ "reportDeviceName": "שם המכשיר",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "מהירות ממוצעת",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "מהירות מירבית",
+ "reportEngineHours": "שעות מנוע",
+ "reportDuration": "משך הנסיעה",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "זמן התחלה",
+ "reportStartAddress": "נקודת מוצא",
+ "reportEndTime": "זמן סיום",
+ "reportEndAddress": "נקודת יעד",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "צריכת דלק",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "ספידומטר קמ התחלתי",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "ספידומטר קמ סוף ",
+ "statisticsTitle": "סטטיסטיקה",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "פרק זמן",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "משתמשים פעילים",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "מכשירים פעילים",
+ "statisticsRequests": "בקשות",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "הודעות שהתקבלו",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "הודעות שנשמרו",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "בקשת מיקום גיאוגרפי\n",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "בקשות מיקום גיאוגרפי",
+ "categoryArrow": "חץ",
+ "categoryDefault": "ברירת מחדל",
+ "categoryAnimal": "חיה",
+ "categoryBicycle": "אופניים",
+ "categoryBoat": "סירה",
+ "categoryBus": "אוטובוס",
+ "categoryCar": "רכב פרטי",
+ "categoryCrane": "מנוף",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "מסוק",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "אופנוע",
+ "categoryOffroad": "רכב שטח",
+ "categoryPerson": "אדם",
+ "categoryPickup": "משאית קלה",
+ "categoryPlane": "מטוס",
+ "categoryShip": "ספינה",
+ "categoryTractor": "טרקטור",
+ "categoryTrain": "רכבת",
+ "categoryTram": "חשמלית ",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "אוטובוס",
+ "categoryTruck": "משאית",
+ "categoryVan": "מסחרית",
+ "categoryScooter": "קטנוע",
+ "maintenanceStart": "התחל",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "פרק זמן "
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/hi.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/hi.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b55bc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/hi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "लोड हो रहा है...",
+ "sharedHide": "छिपाना",
+ "sharedSave": "सुरक्षित करें",
+ "sharedSet": "स्वीकृति दें",
+ "sharedCancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "sharedAdd": "जोड़ें",
+ "sharedEdit": "संपादित करें",
+ "sharedRemove": "हटाएं",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "आइटम हटाएं ?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "हाँ",
+ "sharedNo": "नहीं",
+ "sharedKm": "किमी / किलोमीटर",
+ "sharedMi": "एम आई",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "के.एन.",
+ "sharedKmh": "किमी / घंटा",
+ "sharedMph": "मील प्रति घंटा",
+ "sharedHour": "घंटा",
+ "sharedMinute": "मिनट",
+ "sharedSecond": "सैकंड",
+ "sharedDays": "दिन",
+ "sharedHours": "घंटे",
+ "sharedMinutes": "मिनट",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "दशमलव डिग्री",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "डिग्री दशमलव मिनट",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "डिग्री मिनट सेकेंड",
+ "sharedName": "नाम",
+ "sharedDescription": "विवरण",
+ "sharedSearch": "खोजें",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "जिओफेंस / भूगौलिक परिधि",
+ "sharedGeofences": "जिओफेंसस / भूगौलिक परिधियां",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "सूचनाएं",
+ "sharedNotification": "अधिसूचना",
+ "sharedAttributes": "एक से अधिक गुण",
+ "sharedAttribute": "गुण",
+ "sharedDrivers": "ड्राइवर",
+ "sharedDriver": "ड्राइवर",
+ "sharedArea": "क्षेत्र",
+ "sharedSound": "ध्वनि",
+ "sharedType": "टाइप/प्रकार",
+ "sharedDistance": "दूरी",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "एच",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "एम",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "गैल",
+ "sharedLiter": "लीटर",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. गैलन",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. गैलन",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "मानचित्र की स्तिति प्रदान करें",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "गणना गुण",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "गणना गुण",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "गणना गुण की जांच करें",
+ "sharedExpression": "अभिव्यक्ति",
+ "sharedDevice": "उपकरण",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "कसौटी अधिसूचना भेजें",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "कैलेंडर",
+ "sharedCalendars": "कैलेंडर",
+ "sharedFile": "फ़ाइल",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "फ़ाइल का चयन करें",
+ "sharedPhone": "फ़ोन",
+ "sharedRequired": "अपेक्षित",
+ "sharedPreferences": "प्राथमिकताएं",
+ "sharedPermissions": "अनुमतियां",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "अतिरिक्त",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "समय क्षेत्र",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "जानकारी",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "संग्रहीत आदेश",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "संग्रहीत आदेश",
+ "sharedNew": "नई…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "पता दिखाएं",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "अक्षम करें",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "रखरखाव",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "गति सीमा",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "पॉलीलाइन दूरी",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "रिपोर्ट: ओडोमीटर को अनदेखा करें",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "वेब: रिपोर्ट रंग",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "उपकरण पासवर्ड",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "प्रसंस्करण: गुण कॉपी करें",
+ "attributeColor": "रंग",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "वेब: लाइव मार्ग लंबाई",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "वेब: ज़ूम पर चुनना",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "वेब: अधिकतम ज़ूम",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "मेल: एसएमटीपी होस्ट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "मेल: एसएमटीपी पोर्ट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "मेल: एसएमटीपी स्टार्ट्स सक्षम करें",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "मेल: एसएमटीपी स्टार्टल्स आवश्यक है",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "मेल: एसएमटीपी एसएसएल सक्षम करें",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "मेल: एसएमटीपी एसएसएल ट्रस्ट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "मेल: एसएमटीपी एसएसएल प्रोटोकॉल",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "मेल: एसएमटीपी से",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "मेल: एसएमटीपी प्रमाण सक्षम करें",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "मेल: एसएमटीपी उपयोगकर्ता नाम",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "मेल: एसएमटीपी पासवर्ड",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "यूआई: घटनाओं को अक्षम करें",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "यूआई: वाहन विशेषताएं अक्षम करें",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "यूआई: ड्राइवर्स को अक्षम करें",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "यूआई: गणना गुणों को अक्षम करें",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "यूआई: कैलेंडर अक्षम करें",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "यूआई: स्थिति गुण छुपाएं",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "त्रुटि",
+ "errorGeneral": "अमान्य पैरामीटर या बाधाओं का उल्लंघन",
+ "errorConnection": "कनेक्शन त्रुटि",
+ "errorSocket": "वेब सॉकेट कनेक्शन त्रुटि",
+ "errorZero": "शून्य नहीं हो सकता",
+ "userEmail": "ईमेल",
+ "userPassword": "पासवर्ड / गोपनीय शब्द",
+ "userAdmin": "एडमिन / व्यवस्थापक",
+ "userRemember": "याद रखें",
+ "userExpirationTime": "समय सीमा समाप्ति",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "उपकरण सीमा",
+ "userUserLimit": "उपयोगकर्ता सीमा",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "उपकरण केवल पढ़ने के लिए",
+ "userLimitCommands": "सीमा कमांड",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "टोकन",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "लॉगिन / प्रवेश करें",
+ "loginLanguage": "भाषा",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "रजिस्टर / पंजीकृत करें",
+ "loginLogin": "लॉगिन / प्रवेश करें",
+ "loginFailed": "ई-मेल पता या पासवर्ड गलत है",
+ "loginCreated": "नया उपयोगकर्ता पंजीकृत हो गया है",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "लॉगआउट / निष्कासन करें",
+ "loginLogo": "लोगो",
+ "devicesAndState": "उपकरण एवम स्तिति",
+ "deviceTitle": "उपकरण",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "पहचानकर्ता",
+ "deviceModel": "आदर्श",
+ "deviceContact": "संपर्क",
+ "deviceCategory": "श्रेणी",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "आखिरी अद्यतन / ताज़ा जानकारी",
+ "deviceCommand": "आदेश",
+ "deviceFollow": "पालन / अनुकरण करें",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "कुल दूरी",
+ "deviceStatus": "स्थिति",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "ऑनलाइन",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "ऑफ़लाइन",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "अज्ञात",
+ "groupDialog": "समूह",
+ "groupParent": "समूह",
+ "groupNoGroup": "कोई समूह नहीं",
+ "settingsTitle": "सेटिंग्स",
+ "settingsUser": "अकाउंट / लेखा",
+ "settingsGroups": "ग्रुप्स / एक से अधिक समूह",
+ "settingsServer": "सर्वर",
+ "settingsUsers": "एक से अधिक उपयोगकर्ता",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "दूरी इकाई",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "स्पीड यूनिट",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "वॉल्यूम यूनिट",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 - घंटा का प्रारूप",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "समन्वय प्रारूप",
+ "reportTitle": "रिपोर्ट्स / एक से अधिक रिपोर्ट / विवरण",
+ "reportDevice": "उपकरण",
+ "reportGroup": "समूह",
+ "reportFrom": "से",
+ "reportTo": "तक",
+ "reportShow": "दिखाएं",
+ "reportClear": "स्पष्ट / साफ़",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "मान्य / वैध",
+ "positionAccuracy": "शुद्धता",
+ "positionLatitude": "अक्षांश / अक्षरेखा",
+ "positionLongitude": "देशान्तर",
+ "positionAltitude": "ऊंचाई",
+ "positionSpeed": "गति",
+ "positionCourse": "मार्ग",
+ "positionAddress": "पता",
+ "positionProtocol": "प्रोटोकॉल",
+ "positionDistance": "दूरी",
+ "positionRpm": "आरपीएम",
+ "positionFuel": "ईंधन",
+ "positionPower": "शक्ति",
+ "positionBattery": "बैटरी",
+ "positionRaw": "कच्चा",
+ "positionIndex": "सूची",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "उपग्रहों",
+ "positionSatVisible": "दृश्यमान उपग्रह",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "जीपीएस",
+ "positionRoaming": "रोमिंग",
+ "positionEvent": "घटना",
+ "positionAlarm": "अलार्म",
+ "positionStatus": "स्थिति",
+ "positionOdometer": "ओडोमीटर",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "सेवा ओडोमीटर",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "ट्रिप ओडोमीटर",
+ "positionHours": "घंटे",
+ "positionSteps": "कदम",
+ "positionInput": "इनपुट",
+ "positionOutput": "उत्पादन",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "बैटरी स्तर",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "ईंधन उपभोग",
+ "positionRfid": "आरएफआईडी",
+ "positionVersionFw": "फर्मवेयर संस्करण",
+ "positionVersionHw": "हार्डवेयर संस्करण",
+ "positionIgnition": "इग्निशन",
+ "positionFlags": "झंडे",
+ "positionCharge": "चार्ज",
+ "positionIp": "आईपी",
+ "positionArchive": "पुरालेख",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "लगभग",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "चलती",
+ "positionArmed": "हथियारबंद",
+ "positionAcceleration": "त्वरण",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "उपकरण तापमान",
+ "positionOperator": "ऑपरेटर",
+ "positionCommand": "आदेश",
+ "positionBlocked": "अवरुद्ध",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "ओबीडी गति",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "ओबीडी ओडोमीटर",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "चालक अद्वितीय आईडी",
+ "positionImage": "छवि",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "ऑडियो",
+ "serverTitle": "सर्वर की सेटिंग्स",
+ "serverZoom": "ज़ूम",
+ "serverRegistration": "पंजीकरण",
+ "serverReadonly": "केवल पठीय / पड़ने के लिए",
+ "serverForceSettings": "बल सेटिंग्स",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "मानचित्र",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "मानचित्र की परत",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "बिंग मैप्स की कुंजी",
+ "mapBingRoad": "बिंग मैप्स रोड / सड़क",
+ "mapBingAerial": "बिंग मैप्स एरियल",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "बिंग मैप्स हाइब्रिड",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "यांडेक्स मानचित्र",
+ "mapYandexSat": "यांडेक्स सैटेलाइट",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "बहुभुज",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "वृत्त",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "पाली लाइन",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "लाइव मार्ग",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "पीओआई परत",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "स्थिति / अवस्ता",
+ "stateName": "गुण",
+ "stateValue": "मान / वेल्यु",
+ "commandTitle": "आदेश",
+ "commandSend": "भेजें / प्रेषित करें",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "इकाई",
+ "commandCustom": "विशिष्ट रूप से निर्मित मेसेज / संदेश",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "उपकरण की पहचान",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "एक बार की रिपोर्टिंग",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "आवधिक रिपोर्टिंग",
+ "commandPositionStop": "रिपोर्टिंग रोकें",
+ "commandEngineStop": "इंजन बंद",
+ "commandEngineResume": "इंजन फिर से शुरू",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "अलार्म लगाएं",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "अलार्म हटाएं",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "समय क्षेत्र सेट करें",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "फोटो मँगवाएं",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "उपकरण बंद करके पुन्ह आरंभ करें",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "एसएमएस भेजें / प्रेषित करें",
+ "commandSendUssd": "यूएसएसडी कोड भेजें / प्रेषित करें",
+ "commandSosNumber": "एसओएस / एमर्जेन्सी फोन नंबर सेट करें",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "खामोशी का समय सेट करें",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "फोनबुक सेट करें",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "ध्वनि संदेश / वाय्स मेसेज",
+ "commandOutputControl": "आउटपुट नियंत्रण",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "आवाज निगरानी",
+ "commandSetAgps": "एजीपीएस सेट करें",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "संकेतक सेट करें",
+ "commandConfiguration": "विन्यास",
+ "commandGetVersion": "संस्करण प्राप्त करें",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "फर्मवेयर अपडेट करें",
+ "commandSetConnection": "कनेक्शन सेट करें",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "ओडोमीटर सेट करें",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "मोडेम स्थिति प्राप्त करें",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "उपकरण स्थिति प्राप्त करें",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "फ्रीक्वेंसी / आवृत्ति",
+ "commandTimezone": "टाइमज़ोन ऑफ़सेट",
+ "commandMessage": "संदेश / मेसेज",
+ "commandRadius": "त्रिज्या",
+ "commandEnable": "सक्षम करें",
+ "commandData": "डाटा / आंकड़े",
+ "commandIndex": "अनुक्रमणिका",
+ "commandPhone": "फोन नंबर",
+ "commandServer": "सर्वर",
+ "commandPort": "पोर्ट",
+ "eventAll": "सभी घटनाएँ / इवेंट्स",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "आदेश / क्मांड का परिणाम",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "रखरखाव की आवश्यकता है",
+ "eventTextMessage": "पाठ संदेश प्राप्त हुआ",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "अंतिम तक स्क्रॉल करें",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "सूचना का प्रकार",
+ "notificationAlways": "सभी उपकरण",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "मार्ग",
+ "reportEvents": "घटनाएँ / इवेंट्स",
+ "reportTrips": "यात्राएँ / ट्रिप्स",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "सारांश",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "चार्ट",
+ "reportConfigure": "समनुरूप / कन्फिगर करें",
+ "reportEventTypes": "घटनाओं / इवेंट्स के प्रकार",
+ "reportChartType": "चार्ट टाइप",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "मार्कर दिखाएं",
+ "reportExport": "निर्यात",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "अवधि",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "आज",
+ "reportYesterday": "कल",
+ "reportThisWeek": "इस सप्ताह",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "पिछले सप्ताह",
+ "reportThisMonth": "इस महीने",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "पिछले महीने",
+ "reportDeviceName": "उपकरण / उपकरण का नाम",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "औसत गति",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "अधिकतम गति",
+ "reportEngineHours": "इंजन के घंटे",
+ "reportDuration": "अवधि",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "समय का आरंभ",
+ "reportStartAddress": "प्रारंभ पता",
+ "reportEndTime": "अंतिम समय",
+ "reportEndAddress": "अंत पता",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "ईंधन खर्च",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "आंकड़े",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "समय कैप्चर करें",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "सक्रिय उपयोगकर्ता",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "सक्रिय उपकरण",
+ "statisticsRequests": "अनुरोध",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "संदेश प्राप्त हुए",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "संदेश संग्रहीत",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "जियोकोडर अनुरोध",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "जियोलोकेशन अनुरोध",
+ "categoryArrow": "तीर",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "पशु",
+ "categoryBicycle": "साइकिल",
+ "categoryBoat": "नाव",
+ "categoryBus": "बस",
+ "categoryCar": "कार",
+ "categoryCrane": "क्रेन",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "हेलीकाप्टर",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "मोटरसाइकिल",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "व्यक्ति",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "विमान",
+ "categoryShip": "जहाज़",
+ "categoryTractor": "ट्रैक्टर",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "ट्रक",
+ "categoryVan": "वैन",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "प्रारंभ",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "अवधि"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/hr.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/hr.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cb1399b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/hr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Učitavanje...",
+ "sharedHide": "Sakrij",
+ "sharedSave": "Spremi",
+ "sharedSet": "Postavi",
+ "sharedCancel": "Poništi",
+ "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
+ "sharedEdit": "Uredi",
+ "sharedRemove": "Ukloni",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Ukloniti stavku?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Da",
+ "sharedNo": "Ne",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "čv",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Sat",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
+ "sharedDays": "dani",
+ "sharedHours": "sati",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuta",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimalni stupnjevi",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Stupnjevi u decimalnim minutama",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Stupnjevi u minutama i sekundama",
+ "sharedName": "Ime",
+ "sharedDescription": "Opis",
+ "sharedSearch": "Pretraži",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo-ograda",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-ograde",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Obavijesti",
+ "sharedNotification": "Obavijest",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributi",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Vozači",
+ "sharedDriver": "Vozač",
+ "sharedArea": "Područje",
+ "sharedSound": "Zvuk obavijesti",
+ "sharedType": "Tip",
+ "sharedDistance": "Udaljenost",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "galon",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litra",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imperijalni galon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "američki galon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Dohvati stanje karte",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Izračunati atribut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Izračunati atributi",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Provjeri izračunati atribut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Izraz",
+ "sharedDevice": "Uređaj",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Pošalji testnu obavijest",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendari",
+ "sharedFile": "Datoteka",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Odaberi datoteku",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Potrebno",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Postavke",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Dozvole",
+ "sharedConnections": "Veze",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Broj",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Vremenska zona",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Snimljena naredba",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Snimljene naredbe",
+ "sharedNew": "Novo",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Prikaži adresu",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Više detalja",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Isključeno",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Održavanje",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Varijable",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmi",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokacija",
+ "sharedImport": "Uvoz",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Ograničenje brzine",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Udaljenost linijom",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Izvještaj: ignoriraj kilometražu",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Boja izvještaja",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Lozinka uređaja",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Neaktivnost uređaja",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Vrijeme neaktivnosti uređaja",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Obrada: Kopiraj atribute",
+ "attributeColor": "Boja",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Udaljenost rute uživo",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Približi kod odabira",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimalni zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP poslužitelj",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS uključen",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS potreban",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL uključen",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL protokoli",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP pošiljatelj",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP uključi autentikaciju",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP korisničko ime",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP lozinka",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Isključi događaje",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Isključi značajke vozila",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Isključi vozače",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Isključi izračunate atribute",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Isključi kalendare",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Isključi održavanje",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Sakrij atribute pozicioniranja",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Token za notifikacije",
+ "errorTitle": "Greška",
+ "errorGeneral": "Nevažeći parametri ili kršenje ograničenja",
+ "errorConnection": "Greška konekcije",
+ "errorSocket": "WebSocket konekcijska greška",
+ "errorZero": "Ne može biti nula.",
+ "userEmail": "E-mail",
+ "userPassword": "Lozinka",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrator",
+ "userRemember": "Zapamti",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Vrijeme isteka",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Maksimalni broj uređaja",
+ "userUserLimit": "Maksimalni broj korisnika",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Onemogući dodavanje uređaja",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Ograniči komande",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Prijava",
+ "loginLanguage": "Jezik",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registracija",
+ "loginLogin": "Prijava",
+ "loginFailed": "Netočna e-mail adresa ili password",
+ "loginCreated": "Registiran je novi korisnik",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Odjava",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Uređaji i stanje",
+ "deviceTitle": "Uređaji",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorija",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Zadnje ažuriranje",
+ "deviceCommand": "Naredba",
+ "deviceFollow": "Prati",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Ukupna udaljenost",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Nepoznato",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupa",
+ "groupParent": "Grupa",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Bez grupe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Postavke",
+ "settingsUser": "Račun",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupe",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Korisnici",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jedinica udaljenosti",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Jedinica brzine",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Mjerna jedinica za volumen",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-satno vrijeme",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format koordinata",
+ "reportTitle": "Izvještaji",
+ "reportDevice": "Uređaj",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupa",
+ "reportFrom": "Od",
+ "reportTo": "Za",
+ "reportShow": "Prikaži",
+ "reportClear": "Očisti",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Važeće",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Preciznost",
+ "positionLatitude": "Širina",
+ "positionLongitude": "Dužina",
+ "positionAltitude": "Visina",
+ "positionSpeed": "Brzina",
+ "positionCourse": "Kurs",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresa",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Udaljenost",
+ "positionRpm": "O/min",
+ "positionFuel": "Gorivo",
+ "positionPower": "Napajanje",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterija",
+ "positionRaw": "Sirovi podaci",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Sateliti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Vidljivi sateliti",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roming",
+ "positionEvent": "Događaj",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Stanje",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometraža",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Kilometara do servisa",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Kilometraža puta",
+ "positionHours": "Sati",
+ "positionSteps": "Koraci",
+ "positionInput": "Ulaz",
+ "positionOutput": "Izlaz",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Razina baterije",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Potrošnja goriva",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Verzija firmwarea",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Verzija hadrvera",
+ "positionIgnition": "Paljenje",
+ "positionFlags": "Zastavice",
+ "positionCharge": "Punjenje",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arhiva",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Približno",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gas",
+ "positionMotion": "Kretanje",
+ "positionArmed": "Aktivirano",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Ubrzavanje",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura uređaja",
+ "positionOperator": "Operater",
+ "positionCommand": "Naredba",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokirano",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTC kodovi",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD brzina",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD kilometraža",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Vozačev jedinstveni ID",
+ "positionImage": "Slika",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Postavke poslužitelja",
+ "serverZoom": "Povećanje",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registracija",
+ "serverReadonly": "Samo pregledavanje",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Nametni postavke",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Najava",
+ "mapTitle": "Karta",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Sloj karte",
+ "mapCustom": "Prilagođeno (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Prilagođeno (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Prilagođena karta",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox ulice",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox izvana",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox satelit",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Mnogokut",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Krug",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Razlomljena linija",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rute uživo",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Točke interesa sloj",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Stanje",
+ "stateName": "Atribut",
+ "stateValue": "Vrijednost",
+ "commandTitle": "Naredba",
+ "commandSend": "Pošalji",
+ "commandSent": "Naredba poslana",
+ "commandQueued": "Naredba u redu čekanja",
+ "commandUnit": "Jedinica",
+ "commandCustom": "Prilagođena naredba",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikacija uređaja",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Jedan izvještaj",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodično izvješćivanje",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Zaustavi izvješćivanje",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Zaustavi motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Pokreni motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Aktiviraj alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Deaktiviraj alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Zanemari alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Postavi vremensku zonu",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Zatraži sliku",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Isključi uređaj",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Ponovno pokretanje uređaja",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Pošalji SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Pošalji USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Postavi SOS broj",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Postavi vrijeme tišine",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Postavi imenik",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Glasovna poruka",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Kontrola izlaza",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Nadzor glasa",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Postavi AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Postavi indikator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiguracija",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Provjeri verzij",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Nadogradi firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Postavi vezu",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Postavi odometar",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Dohvati status modema",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Dohvati status uređaja",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Učestalost",
+ "commandTimezone": "Korekcija vremenske zone",
+ "commandMessage": "Poruka",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Uključ",
+ "commandData": "Podaci",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeks",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonski broj",
+ "commandServer": "Poslužitelj",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Svi događaji",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status nepoznat",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Uređaj neaktivan",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Uređaj se pomiče",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Uređaj zaustavljen",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Prekoračeno ograničenje brzine",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Pad količine goriva",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Rezultat naredbe",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Ulaz u geo-ogradu",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Izlaz iz geo-ograde",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Vozilo upaljeno",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Vozilo isključeno",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Potrebno održavanje",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Primljena tekstualna poruka",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Vozač promijenjen",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Pomakni na zadnji",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Općenito",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibracija",
+ "alarmMovement": "Pokret",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Niska brzina",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Prekoračena brzina",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Pad",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Niska energija",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Nizak napon baterije",
+ "alarmFault": "Greška",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Gašenje vozila",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Paljenje vozila",
+ "alarmDoor": "Vrata",
+ "alarmLock": "Zaključavanje",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Otključavanje",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo-ograda",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Ulaz u geo-ogradu",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Izlaz iz geo-ograde",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS antena uklonjena",
+ "alarmAccident": "Nesreća",
+ "alarmTow": "Vuča",
+ "alarmIdle": "Prazan hod",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Visoki okretaji",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Naglo kretanje",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Naglo kočenje",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Nagli ulaz u zavoj",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Promjena trake",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Umorna vožnja",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Napajanje uklonjeno",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Napajanje vraćeno",
+ "alarmJamming": "Ometanje",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Hauba",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Kočnica",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Curenje goriva",
+ "alarmTampering": "Petljanje",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Uklanjanje",
+ "notificationType": "Tip obavijesti",
+ "notificationAlways": "Svi uređaji",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanali",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Email",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Ponovi",
+ "reportRoute": "Ruta",
+ "reportEvents": "Događaji",
+ "reportTrips": "Putovanja",
+ "reportStops": "Zaustavljanja",
+ "reportSummary": "Sažetak",
+ "reportDaily": "Dnevni izvještaj",
+ "reportChart": "Graf",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfiguriraj",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Vrste događaja",
+ "reportChartType": "Vrsta grafa",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Pokaži markere",
+ "reportExport": "Izvoz",
+ "reportEmail": "Izvještaj emailom",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Prilagođeno",
+ "reportToday": "Danas",
+ "reportYesterday": "Jučer",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Ovaj tjedan",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Prošli tjedan",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Ovaj mjesec",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Prošli mjesec",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Ime uređaja",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Prosječna brzina",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimalna brzina",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Sati rada motora",
+ "reportDuration": "Trajanje",
+ "reportStartDate": "Početni datum",
+ "reportStartTime": "Početno vrijeme",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Početna adresa",
+ "reportEndTime": "Vrijeme završetka",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Završna adresa",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Potrošeno goriva",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Početna kilometraža",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Završna kilometraža",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistike",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Vrijeme dohvaćanja",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktivnih korisnika",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktivnih uređaja",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Zahtjeva",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Poruka primljeno",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Poruka spremljeno",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder zahtjevi",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolokacijski zahtjevi",
+ "categoryArrow": "Strelica",
+ "categoryDefault": "Zadano",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Životinja",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicikl",
+ "categoryBoat": "Brod",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Automobil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Dizalica",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocikl",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Osoba",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avion",
+ "categoryShip": "Brod",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Vlak",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvaj",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolejbus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Kamion",
+ "categoryVan": "Kombi",
+ "categoryScooter": "Skuter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/hu.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/hu.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5874fff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/hu.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Betöltés...",
+ "sharedHide": "Elrejt",
+ "sharedSave": "Mentés",
+ "sharedSet": "Beállít",
+ "sharedCancel": "Mégse",
+ "sharedAdd": "Hozzáadás",
+ "sharedEdit": "Szerkesztés",
+ "sharedRemove": "Törlés",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Biztosan törli?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Nincs adat",
+ "sharedYes": "Igen",
+ "sharedNo": "Nem",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "láb",
+ "sharedKn": "csomó",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Óra",
+ "sharedMinute": "Perc",
+ "sharedSecond": "Másodperc",
+ "sharedDays": "nap",
+ "sharedHours": "óra",
+ "sharedMinutes": "perc",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimális fok",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Fok decimális percben",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Fok decimális másodpercben",
+ "sharedName": "Név",
+ "sharedDescription": "Leírás",
+ "sharedSearch": "Keresés",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geokerítés",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geokerítések",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Értesítések",
+ "sharedNotification": "Értesítés",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Tulajdonságok",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Tulajdonság",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Sofőrök",
+ "sharedDriver": "Sofőr",
+ "sharedArea": "Terület",
+ "sharedSound": "Értesítési hang",
+ "sharedType": "Típus",
+ "sharedDistance": "Távolság",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ó",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "p",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "mp",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gallon",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Angolszász gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Amerikai Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Térkép állapot lekérés",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Számított attribútum",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Számított attribútumok",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Számított attribútum ellenőrzése",
+ "sharedExpression": "Kifejezés",
+ "sharedDevice": "Eszköz",
+ "sharedTest": "Teszt",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Próba értesítés küldése",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Teszt csatornák",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test kifejezés",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Naptár",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Naptárak",
+ "sharedFile": "Fájl",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Eszközök keresése",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Rendezés",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Szűrés a térképen",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Fájl kiválasztása",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Kötelező",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferenciák",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Jogosultságok",
+ "sharedConnections": "Kapcsolatok",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Szöveg",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Szám",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Logikai",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Időzóna",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Elmentett parancs",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Elmentett Parancsok",
+ "sharedNew": "Új...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Cím megjelenítése",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "További részletek",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Letiltva",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Karbantartás",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akkumulátorok",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Riasztások",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokáció",
+ "sharedImport": "Importálás",
+ "sharedColumns": "Oszlopok",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Sebesség határ",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Vonaltávolság",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Jelentés: Odométer figyelmen kívül hagyása",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Jelentés színe",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Eszköz jelszó",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Eszköz kép",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Eszköz inaktivitás kezdete",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Eszköz inaktivitás periódus",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Feldolgozás: Attribútumok másolása",
+ "attributeColor": "Szín",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Élő útvonal hossz",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: közelítés a kiválasztáson",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximális Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "SMTP kiszolgáló",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "SMTP port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "SMTP STARTTLS engedélyezése",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "SMTP STARTTLS szükséges",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "SMTP SSL engedélyezése",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "SMTP SSL Protokollok",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "SMTP Feladó",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "SMTP autentikáció engedélyezése",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "SMTP felhasználónév",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "SMTP jelszó",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Csoportok letiltása",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Események letiltása",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Eszköz képességeinek leállítása",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Sofőrök letiltása",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Számított attribútumok letiltása",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Naptárak letiltása",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Karbantartás letiltása",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Pozíciós attribútumok elrejtése",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Bejelentkezés nyelv letiltás",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Értesítés tokenek",
+ "errorTitle": "Hiba",
+ "errorGeneral": "Érvénytelen paraméterek vagy integritási szabályok megsértése",
+ "errorConnection": "Kapcsolódási hiba",
+ "errorSocket": "Kapcsolódási hiba",
+ "errorZero": "Nem lehet nulla",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Jelszó",
+ "userAdmin": "Adminisztrátor",
+ "userRemember": "Megjegyez",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Lejárat",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Eszköz limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "Felhasználólimit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Eszköz csak olvasható",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Parancsok listázása",
+ "userDisableReports": "Riportok letiltása",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Bejelentkezés",
+ "loginLanguage": "Nyelv",
+ "loginReset": "Jelszó reset",
+ "loginRegister": "Regisztráció",
+ "loginLogin": "Bejelentkezés",
+ "loginFailed": "Hibás email vagy jelszó",
+ "loginCreated": "Az új felhasználó sikeresen létrehozva",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Ellenőrizd az emailedet",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Új jelszó beállítva",
+ "loginLogout": "Kilépés",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Eszközök és állapotuk",
+ "deviceTitle": "Eszközök",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Azonosító",
+ "deviceModel": "Modell",
+ "deviceContact": "Kapcsolat",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategória",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Utolsó frissítés",
+ "deviceCommand": "Parancs",
+ "deviceFollow": "Követ",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Teljes távolság",
+ "deviceStatus": "Státusz",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Elérhető",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Ismeretlen",
+ "groupDialog": "Csoport",
+ "groupParent": "Csoport",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Nincs Csoport",
+ "settingsTitle": "Beállítások",
+ "settingsUser": "Fiók",
+ "settingsGroups": "Csoportok",
+ "settingsServer": "Szerver",
+ "settingsUsers": "Felhasználók",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Távolság egysége",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Magasság mértékegység",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Sebesség egysége",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Térfogat egysége",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-órás formátum",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordináta formátuma",
+ "reportTitle": "Jelentések",
+ "reportDevice": "Eszköz",
+ "reportGroup": "Csoport",
+ "reportFrom": "Kezdő dátum:",
+ "reportTo": "Végső dátum:",
+ "reportShow": "Mutat",
+ "reportClear": "Töröl",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Idő beállítás",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Eszköz idő",
+ "positionServerTime": "Szerver idő",
+ "positionValid": "Valós",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Pontosság",
+ "positionLatitude": "Szélességi fok",
+ "positionLongitude": "Hosszúsági fok",
+ "positionAltitude": "Magasság",
+ "positionSpeed": "Sebesség",
+ "positionCourse": "Irány",
+ "positionAddress": "Cím",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
+ "positionDistance": "Távolság",
+ "positionRpm": "Fordulat",
+ "positionFuel": "Üzemanyag",
+ "positionPower": "Áramforrás",
+ "positionBattery": "Akkumulátor",
+ "positionRaw": "Nyers",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Műholdak",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Látható műholdak",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Esemény",
+ "positionAlarm": "Riasztás",
+ "positionStatus": "Státusz",
+ "positionOdometer": "Megtett út",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Szerviz megtett út",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Utazás megtett út",
+ "positionHours": "Órák",
+ "positionSteps": "Lépések",
+ "positionInput": "Bemenet",
+ "positionOutput": "Kimenet",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Akkumulátor szint",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fogyasztás",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware verzió",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardver verzió",
+ "positionIgnition": "Gyújtás",
+ "positionFlags": "Zászlók",
+ "positionCharge": "Töltés",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arhív",
+ "positionVin": "Alvázszám",
+ "positionApproximate": "Megközelít",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gázkar",
+ "positionMotion": "Mozgás",
+ "positionArmed": "Élesített",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Gyorsulás",
+ "positionTemp": "Hőmérséklet",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Eszköz hőmérséklet",
+ "positionOperator": "Operátor",
+ "positionCommand": "Parancs",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokkolt",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCk",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "ODB sebesség",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "ODB megtett út",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Sofőr egyedi azonosítója",
+ "positionImage": "Kép",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Hang",
+ "serverTitle": "Szerver beállítások",
+ "serverZoom": "Nagyítás",
+ "serverRegistration": "Regisztráció",
+ "serverReadonly": "Csak olvasható",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Erő beállítások",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Bejelentés",
+ "mapTitle": "Térkép",
+ "mapActive": "Aktív térképek",
+ "mapOverlay": "Térkép réteg",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Egyedi réteg",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Felhőtérkép",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Csapadéktérkép",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Nyomás",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Széltérkép",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Hőtérkép",
+ "mapLayer": "Térkép réteg",
+ "mapCustom": "Egyedi (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Egyedi (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Egyedi térkép",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps kulcs",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex térkép",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Műhold",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Rendelkezésre állási felmérés",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox utca",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox kültéri",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox műhold",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Alap",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Alap",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Forgalom",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Balesetek",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Alap",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Műhold",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Forgalom",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Poligon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Kör",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Vonallánc",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Élő útvonalak",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Jelenlegi pozíció",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI réteg",
+ "mapClustering": "Jelölő csoportosítás",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Térkép mutatása a kijelölésen",
+ "stateTitle": "Helyzet",
+ "stateName": "Paraméter",
+ "stateValue": "Érték",
+ "commandTitle": "Parancs",
+ "commandSend": "Küld",
+ "commandSent": "Parancs elküldve",
+ "commandQueued": "Parancs várakozik",
+ "commandUnit": "Egység",
+ "commandCustom": "Egyedi parancs",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Eszköz azonosító",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Egyszeri jelentés",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pozició küldés",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Pozició küldés vége",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Motor letiltás",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Motor engedélyezés",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Riasztó élesítés",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Riasztó kikapcsolás",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Riasztás némítása",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Időzóna beállítás",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Kép lekérés",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Készülék kikapcsolás",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Eszköz újraindítása",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Gyári visszaállítás",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMS küldés",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD küldés",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS szám beállítás",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Csendes idő beállítás",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefonkönyv beállítás",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Hangüzenet",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Kimenet Ellenőrzés",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Hangfelügyelet",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS beállítása",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Jelölő beállítása",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiguráció",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Verzió beszerzése",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Firmware frissítése",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Kapcsolat beállítása",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Távolságmérés beállítása",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Modem állapotának lekérdezése",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Eszköz állapotának lekérdezése",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Sebességhatár beállítása",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Energiatakarékos mód",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Mélyalvás mód",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Zóna riasztás beállítás",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Akkumulátor riasztás beállítás",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "SOS riasztás beállítása",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Eltávolítás riasztás beállítása",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Óra riasztás beállítása",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Sebesség riasztás beállítása",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Leesés riasztás beállítása",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Rezgés riasztás beállítása",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvencia",
+ "commandTimezone": "Időzóna eltoása",
+ "commandMessage": "Üzenet",
+ "commandRadius": "Sugár",
+ "commandEnable": "Engedélyez",
+ "commandData": "Adat",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonszám",
+ "commandServer": "Szerver",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Minden esemény",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Státusz online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Státusz ismeretlen",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Státusz offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Eszköz inaktív",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Eszköz mozgásban",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Eszköz megállt",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Sebességhatár túllépés",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Üzemanyag vesztés",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Parancs eredmény",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Beléptett a területbe",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Kilépett a területből",
+ "eventAlarm": "Riasztás",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Gyújtás be",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Gyújtás ki",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Karbantartás szükséges",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Szöveges üzenet érkezett",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Vezető váltás",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Utolsóhoz ugrás",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Általános",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Rezgés",
+ "alarmMovement": "Mozgás",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Alacsony sebesség",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Gyorshajtás",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Leesett",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Alacsony feszültség",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Alacsony töltöttség",
+ "alarmFault": "Meghibásodás",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Kikapcsolva",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Bekapcsolva",
+ "alarmDoor": "Ajtó",
+ "alarmLock": "Zárás",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Nyitás",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Terület",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Belépés a területre",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Kilépés a területről",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS jelvesztés",
+ "alarmAccident": "Baleset",
+ "alarmTow": "Vontatás",
+ "alarmIdle": "Tétlen",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Magas fordulatszám",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Erős gyorsítás",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Erős fékezés",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hirtelen kanyarodás",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Sávváltás",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Veszélyes vezetés",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Áramvesztés",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Áram helyreállítva",
+ "alarmJamming": "Zavarás",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Hőmérséklet",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkolás",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Motorház",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Fék",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Üzemanyag szivárgás",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulálás",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Eltávolítás",
+ "notificationType": "Értesítés Típusa",
+ "notificationAlways": "Minden eszköz",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Csatornák",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Levelezés",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Tűzoltóság",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Visszajátszás",
+ "reportRoute": "Útvonal",
+ "reportEvents": "Események",
+ "reportTrips": "Utazások",
+ "reportStops": "Megállók",
+ "reportSummary": "Összegzés",
+ "reportDaily": "Napi összesítés",
+ "reportChart": "Diagram",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfiguráció",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Esemény típusok",
+ "reportChartType": "Diagram típusa",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Jelölők megjelenítése",
+ "reportExport": "Exportálás",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Riport",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periódus",
+ "reportCustom": "Egyéni",
+ "reportToday": "Ma",
+ "reportYesterday": "Tegnap",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Ez a hét",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Előző hét",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Ez a hónap",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Előző hónap",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Eszköz neve",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Átlagos sebesség",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximális sebesség",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motorjárat órák",
+ "reportDuration": "Időtartam",
+ "reportStartDate": "Kezdés dátuma",
+ "reportStartTime": "Indulás ideje",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Induló címe",
+ "reportEndTime": "Megérkezés ideje",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Megérkezés címe",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Elhasznált üzemanyag",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Kilométer start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Kilométer Vég",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statisztika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Rögzítés ideje",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktív felhasználók",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktív eszközök",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Kérések",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Fogadott üzenetek",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Tárolt üzenetek",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder kérések",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geopozíció kérések",
+ "categoryArrow": "Nyíl",
+ "categoryDefault": "Alapértelmezett",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Állat",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicikli",
+ "categoryBoat": "Csónak",
+ "categoryBus": "Busz",
+ "categoryCar": "Autó",
+ "categoryCrane": "Daru",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorbicikli",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Terep",
+ "categoryPerson": "Személy",
+ "categoryPickup": "Platós",
+ "categoryPlane": "Repülő",
+ "categoryShip": "Hajó",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Vonat",
+ "categoryTram": "Villamos",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolibusz",
+ "categoryTruck": "Kamion",
+ "categoryVan": "Teherkocsi",
+ "categoryScooter": "Roller",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periódus"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/id.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/id.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d3229a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/id.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Memuat...",
+ "sharedHide": "Sembunyikan",
+ "sharedSave": "Simpan",
+ "sharedSet": "Setel",
+ "sharedCancel": "Batal",
+ "sharedAdd": "Tambah",
+ "sharedEdit": "Ubah",
+ "sharedRemove": "Hapus",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Hapus Item?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mp/h",
+ "sharedHour": "Jam",
+ "sharedMinute": "Menit",
+ "sharedSecond": "Detik",
+ "sharedDays": "Hari",
+ "sharedHours": "Jam",
+ "sharedMinutes": "Menit",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Derajat Desimal",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Menit Derajat Desimal",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Menit Detik Derajat",
+ "sharedName": "Nama",
+ "sharedDescription": "Deskripsi",
+ "sharedSearch": "Cari",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Batas Wilayah",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Semua Batas Wilayah",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifikasi",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Semua Atribut",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Antarmuka",
+ "sharedDriver": "Antarmuka",
+ "sharedArea": "Area",
+ "sharedSound": "Notifikasi Suara",
+ "sharedType": "Tipe",
+ "sharedDistance": "Jarak",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Dapatkan Status Peta",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atribut Terkomputerisasi",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Semua Atribut Terkomputerisasi",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Pilih Atribut Terkomputerisasi",
+ "sharedExpression": "Ekspresi",
+ "sharedDevice": "Perangkat",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Kirim Test Notifikasi",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Semua Kalender",
+ "sharedFile": "Berkas",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Pilih Berkas",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telepon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Diperlukan",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferensi",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Kewenangan",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Nomor",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Pilihan",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Zona Waktu",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Perintah Tersimpan",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "Baru...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Batas Kecepatan",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Laporan: Biarkan Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Warna Laporan",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Sandi Perangkat",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Memproses: Salin Semua Atribut",
+ "attributeColor": "Warna",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Panjang Rute Aktif",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Perbesar Saat Pilih",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Aktif",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Diperlukan",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Aktif",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Terpercaya",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protokol",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Pengirim",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Otorisasi Aktif",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Pengguna",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Sandi",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI : Nonaktifkan Fitur Kendaraan",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI : Nonaktifkan Antarmuka",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI : Nonaktifkan Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI : Nonaktifkan Kalender",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Bermasalah",
+ "errorGeneral": "Semua Parameter Salah Atau Salah Aturan",
+ "errorConnection": "Koneksi Bermasalah",
+ "errorSocket": "Koneksi Web Socket Bermasalah",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Sandi",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Diingat",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Kadaluarsa",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Batas Perangkat",
+ "userUserLimit": "Batas Pengguna",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Perangkat Hanya Dilihat",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Masuk",
+ "loginLanguage": "Bahasa",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Daftar",
+ "loginLogin": "Masuk",
+ "loginFailed": "Email Atau Password Salah",
+ "loginCreated": "Pengguna Baru Telah Terdaftar",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Keluar",
+ "loginLogo": "Lambang",
+ "devicesAndState": "Perangkat Dan Status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Semua Perangkat",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Pengindetifikasi",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontak",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategori",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Terbaru",
+ "deviceCommand": "Perintah",
+ "deviceFollow": "Ikuti",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Jarak",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Aktif",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Tidak Aktif",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Tidak Diketahui",
+ "groupDialog": "Grup",
+ "groupParent": "Grup",
+ "groupNoGroup": "No Grup",
+ "settingsTitle": "Pengaturan",
+ "settingsUser": "Akun",
+ "settingsGroups": "Semua Grup",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Pengguna",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format 12 Jam",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format Koordinat",
+ "reportTitle": "Semua Laporan",
+ "reportDevice": "Perangkat",
+ "reportGroup": "Grup",
+ "reportFrom": "Dari",
+ "reportTo": "Ke",
+ "reportShow": "Tampilkan",
+ "reportClear": "Bersihkan",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Validitas",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Akurasi",
+ "positionLatitude": "Lintang",
+ "positionLongitude": "Bujur",
+ "positionAltitude": "Ketinggian",
+ "positionSpeed": "Kecepatan",
+ "positionCourse": "Arah",
+ "positionAddress": "Alamat",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Jarak",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "BBM",
+ "positionPower": "Tenaga",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterai",
+ "positionRaw": "Mentah",
+ "positionIndex": "Indek",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Peristiwa",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Odometer Perbaikan",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Odometer Perjalanan",
+ "positionHours": "Semua Jam",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Masukan",
+ "positionOutput": "Keluaran",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Level Battery",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Konsumsi BBM",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versi Firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versi Hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Mesin",
+ "positionFlags": "Semua Bendera",
+ "positionCharge": "Pengisian",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arsip",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Perkiraan",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Gerakan",
+ "positionArmed": "Aktif",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Akselerasi",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Suhu Perangkat",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Perintah",
+ "positionBlocked": "Diblok",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Kecepatan OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odometer OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID Unik Antarmuka",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Semua Pengaturan Server",
+ "serverZoom": "Perbesar",
+ "serverRegistration": "Pendaftaran",
+ "serverReadonly": "Hanya Dilihat",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Semua Pengaturan Paksa",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Peta",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Layer Peta",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Peta Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Key Peta Bing",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Peta Jalan Bing",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Peta Udara Bing",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Peta Bing Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Peta Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Satelit Yandex",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Poligon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Lingkaran",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Garis Poli",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rute Aktif",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Atribut",
+ "stateValue": "Nilai",
+ "commandTitle": "Perintah",
+ "commandSend": "Kirim",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Unit",
+ "commandCustom": "Perintah Buatan",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikasi Perangkat",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Laporan Tunggal",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Laporan Berkala",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stop Laporan",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Matikan Mesin",
+ "commandEngineResume": "HIdupkan Mesin",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Alarm Aktif",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Alarm Tidak Aktif",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Setel Zona Waktu",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Permintaan Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Hidupkan Ulang Perangkat",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Kirim SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Kirim USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Kirim Nomor Darurat",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Setel Waktu DIam",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Setel Buku Telepon",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Pesan Suara",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Kontrol Output",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Setel Indikasi",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekuensi",
+ "commandTimezone": "Zona Waktu Tidak Tepat",
+ "commandMessage": "Pesan",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeks",
+ "commandPhone": "Nomor Telepon",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Semua Peristiwa",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Hasil Perintah",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Perlu Perbaikan",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Pesan Teks Diterima",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Bergulir Ke Terakhir",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Tipe Notifikasi",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Rute",
+ "reportEvents": "Semua Peristiwa",
+ "reportTrips": "Perjalanan",
+ "reportStops": "Berhenti",
+ "reportSummary": "Ringkasan",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Grafik",
+ "reportConfigure": "Pengaturan",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipe Peristiwa",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipe Grafik",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Tampilkan Tanda",
+ "reportExport": "Ekspor",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nama Perangkat",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Kecepatan Rata-rata",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Kecepatan Tertinggi",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Durasi Mesin",
+ "reportDuration": "Durasi",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Waktu Awal",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Alamat Awal",
+ "reportEndTime": "Waktu Akhir",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Alamat Akhir",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "BBM Terpakai",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistik",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Waktu Didapat",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Pengguna Aktif",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Perangkat Aktif",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Permintaan",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Pesan Diterima",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Pesan Disimpan",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Permintaan Geocoder",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Permintaan Geolokasi",
+ "categoryArrow": "Panah",
+ "categoryDefault": "Pengaturan Awal",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Hewan",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Sepeda",
+ "categoryBoat": "Perahu",
+ "categoryBus": "Bis",
+ "categoryCar": "Mobil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Sepeda Motor",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Orang",
+ "categoryPickup": "Jemput",
+ "categoryPlane": "Pesawat",
+ "categoryShip": "Kapal Laut",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truk",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/it.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/it.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c47da7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/it.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Caricamento...",
+ "sharedHide": "Nascondi",
+ "sharedSave": "Salva",
+ "sharedSet": "Imposta",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancella",
+ "sharedAdd": "Aggiungi",
+ "sharedEdit": "Modifica",
+ "sharedRemove": "Rimuovi",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Rimuovere oggetto?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Si",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Ora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Secondo",
+ "sharedDays": "giorni",
+ "sharedHours": "ore",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuti",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Gradi",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Gradi Minuti",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Gradi Minuti Secondi",
+ "sharedName": "Nome",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descrizione",
+ "sharedSearch": "Cerca",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo Area",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo Area",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifiche",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notifica",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributi",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attributo",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Guidatori",
+ "sharedDriver": "Guidatore",
+ "sharedArea": "Area",
+ "sharedSound": "Suono Notifica",
+ "sharedType": "Tipo",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distanza",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litri",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Galloni imperiali",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Galloni USA",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Ottieni Stato Mappa",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Attributo Calcolato",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Attributi Calcolati",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Controlla Attributo Calcolato",
+ "sharedExpression": "Espressione",
+ "sharedDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Invia Test Notifica",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendario",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendari",
+ "sharedFile": "File",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Cerca Dispositivi",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Seleziona file",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefono",
+ "sharedRequired": "Richiesto",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferenze",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permessi",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connessioni",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Stringa",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Numero",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Booleano",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Fuso Orario",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informazioni",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comando Salvato",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comandi Salvati",
+ "sharedNew": "Nuovo…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Mostra Indirizzo",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Dettagli Aggiuntivi",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disattivato",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Manutenzione",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulatori",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Allarmi",
+ "sharedLocation": "Posizione",
+ "sharedImport": "Importa",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Limite Di Velocità",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distanza Polylinea",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapporto: Ignora Odometro",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Colore Rapporto",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Password Dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Inizio Inattività Dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Periodo Inattività Dispositivo",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Elaborazione: Copia Attributi",
+ "attributeColor": "Colore",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Lunghezza Percorso in Diretta",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom Su Selezione",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom Massimo",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: Host SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: Porta SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: Attiva STARTTLS SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: Richiesto STARTTLS SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: Attiva SSL SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: Fiducia SSL SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: Protocolli SSL SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Da",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: Attiva Autenticazione SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: Nome Utente SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: Password SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disattiva Eventi",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disattiva Caratteristiche Veicolo",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disattiva Autisti",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disattiva Attributi Calcolati",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disattiva Calendari",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disattiva Manutenzione",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Nascondi Attributi Posizione",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Token di Notifica",
+ "errorTitle": "Errore",
+ "errorGeneral": "Parametri non validi o violazione dei vincoli",
+ "errorConnection": "Errore di connessione",
+ "errorSocket": "Errore connessione web socket",
+ "errorZero": "Non può essere zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Password",
+ "userAdmin": "Amministratore",
+ "userRemember": "Ricorda",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Scadenza",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limite Dispositivo",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limite Utente",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Dispositivo in Sola Lettura",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limita Comandi",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disattiva Rapporti",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Accesso",
+ "loginLanguage": "Lingua",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrazione",
+ "loginLogin": "Accesso",
+ "loginFailed": "Indirizzo email o password errati",
+ "loginCreated": "Un nuovo utente si è registrato",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Controlla la tua email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Nuova password impostata",
+ "loginLogout": "Esci",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivi e Stato",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivi",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificativo",
+ "deviceModel": "Modello",
+ "deviceContact": "Contatto",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categoria",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Ultimo Aggiornamento",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Segui",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distanza Totale",
+ "deviceStatus": "Stato",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Sconosciuto",
+ "groupDialog": "Gruppo",
+ "groupParent": "Gruppo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Nessun Gruppo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Impostazioni",
+ "settingsUser": "Profilo",
+ "settingsGroups": "Gruppi",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Utenti",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unità distanza",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unità velocità",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unità volume",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato 12 ore",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formato Coordinate",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapporti",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "reportGroup": "Gruppo",
+ "reportFrom": "Da",
+ "reportTo": "A",
+ "reportShow": "Visualizza",
+ "reportClear": "Pulisci",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valido",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precisione",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitudine",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitudine",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitudine",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocità",
+ "positionCourse": "Percorso",
+ "positionAddress": "Indirizzo",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocollo",
+ "positionDistance": "Distanza",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Carburante",
+ "positionPower": "Energia",
+ "positionBattery": "Batteria",
+ "positionRaw": "Puro",
+ "positionIndex": "Indice",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelliti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satelliti Visibili",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Evento",
+ "positionAlarm": "Allarme",
+ "positionStatus": "Stato",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometro",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Servizio Odometrico",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Parziale Odometro",
+ "positionHours": "Ore",
+ "positionSteps": "Passi",
+ "positionInput": "Ingresso",
+ "positionOutput": "Uscita",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Livello batteria",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consumo carburante",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versione Firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versione Hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Accensione",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Carica",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archivio",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approssimato",
+ "positionThrottle": "Acceleratore",
+ "positionMotion": "Movimento",
+ "positionArmed": "Armato/Attivo",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Accelerazione",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura Dispositivo",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatore",
+ "positionCommand": "Comando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloccato",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Velocità OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odometro OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID Univoco Guidatore",
+ "positionImage": "Immagine",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Impostazioni Server",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrazione",
+ "serverReadonly": "Sola lettura",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forza Impostazioni",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Annuncio",
+ "mapTitle": "Mappa",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Layer Mappa",
+ "mapCustom": "Personalizzata (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Personalizzata (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Mappa Personalizzata",
+ "mapCarto": "Mappe base di Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Chiave Mappa",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Mappa Stradale",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Mappa Aerea",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Mappa ibrida",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Mappa",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Poligono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cerchio",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polylinea",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Diretta Tragitti",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Posizione Corrente",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Layer POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Stato",
+ "stateName": "Attributo",
+ "stateValue": "Valore",
+ "commandTitle": "Commando",
+ "commandSend": "Invia",
+ "commandSent": "Comando inviato",
+ "commandQueued": "Comando accodato",
+ "commandUnit": "Unità",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando Personalizzato",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificativo Dispositivo",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Rapporto Singolo",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Rapporti Periodici",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Ferma Rapporti",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Ferma Motore",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Riavvio Motore",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Attiva Allarme",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disattiva Allarme",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Ignora Allarme",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Imposta Fuso Orario",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Richiedi Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Spegni Dispositivo",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Riavvia Dispositivo",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Invia SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Invia USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Imposta Numero SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Imposta Orario Silenzio",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Imposta Rubrica",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Messaggio Vocale",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Controllo Uscita",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitoraggio Vocale",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Imposta AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Imposta Indicatore",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configurazione",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Rileva Versione",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Aggiorna Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Imposta Connessione",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Imposta Odometro",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Rileva Stato Modem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Rileva Stato Dispositivo",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Imposta Limite Velocità",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequenza",
+ "commandTimezone": "Differenza Fuso Orario",
+ "commandMessage": "Messaggio",
+ "commandRadius": "Raggio",
+ "commandEnable": "Attiva",
+ "commandData": "Dati",
+ "commandIndex": "Indice",
+ "commandPhone": "Numero Telefonico",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Porta",
+ "eventAll": "Tutti gli Eventi",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Connesso al server",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Stato sconosciuto",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Disconnesso dal Server",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Dispositivo non attivo",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo in movimento",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Il dispositivo si è fermato",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Limite di velocità superato",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Perdita di carburante",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Risultato comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrato nella Geo Area",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Uscito dalla Geo Area",
+ "eventAlarm": "Allarme",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Accensione inserita",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Accensione disinserita",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Richiesta manutenzione",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Messaggio di testo ricevuto",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Guidatore cambiato",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scorri fino all'ultimo",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Generale",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrazione",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movimento",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Bassa Velocità",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Velocità Eccessiva",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Caduta",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Energia Bassa",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Batteria Scarica",
+ "alarmFault": "Guasto",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Spegni",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Accendi",
+ "alarmDoor": "Porta",
+ "alarmLock": "Blocca",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Sblocca",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo Area",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Ingresso Geo Area",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Uscita Geo Area",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antenna GPS scollegata",
+ "alarmAccident": "Incidente",
+ "alarmTow": "Inclinazione",
+ "alarmIdle": "Inattivo",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "RPM Elevati",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Accelerazione Brusca",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frenata Brusca",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Curva Stretta",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Cambio Corsia",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Affaticamento guidatore",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Energia scollegata",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Energia ripristinata",
+ "alarmJamming": "Disturbatore Frequenze",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parcheggio",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Cofano",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Freno a pedale",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Perdita carburante",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manomissione",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Rimozione",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo Notifica",
+ "notificationAlways": "Tutti i Dispositivi",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canali",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Email",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Percorso",
+ "reportEvents": "Eventi",
+ "reportTrips": "Viaggi",
+ "reportStops": "Fermate",
+ "reportSummary": "Sommario",
+ "reportDaily": "Riassunto Giornaliero",
+ "reportChart": "Grafico",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configura",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipi Evento",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipo Grafico",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Mostra i Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Esporta",
+ "reportEmail": "Rapporto Email",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periodo",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalizzato",
+ "reportToday": "Oggi",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ieri",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Settimana Corrente",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Settimana Precedente",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Mese Corrente",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Mese Precedente",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nome Dispositivo",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocità Media",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocità Massima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Ore di Guida",
+ "reportDuration": "Durata",
+ "reportStartDate": "Data di partenza",
+ "reportStartTime": "Ora di Partenza",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Indirizzo di Partenza",
+ "reportEndTime": "Ora di Arrivo",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Indirizzo di Arrivo",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Carburante Consumato",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometro Inizio",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometro Fine",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistiche",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Tempo di Cattura",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Utenti Attivi",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispositivi Attivi",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Richieste",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messaggi Ricevuti",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messaggi Salvati",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Richieste Geocoder",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Richieste Geolocalizzazione",
+ "categoryArrow": "Freccia",
+ "categoryDefault": "Predefinita",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animale",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicletta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Barca",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Automobile",
+ "categoryCrane": "Gru",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Elicottero",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Moto",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Fuoristrada",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persona",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Aeroplano",
+ "categoryShip": "Nave",
+ "categoryTractor": "Trattore",
+ "categoryTrain": "Treno",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Filobus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camion",
+ "categoryVan": "Furgone",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Inizio",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periodo"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ja.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ja.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83f9c977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ja.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "読み込み中...",
+ "sharedHide": "非表示",
+ "sharedSave": "保存",
+ "sharedSet": "設定",
+ "sharedCancel": "キャンセル",
+ "sharedAdd": "追加",
+ "sharedEdit": "編集",
+ "sharedRemove": "削除",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "アイテムを削除しますか?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "時間",
+ "sharedMinute": "分",
+ "sharedSecond": "秒",
+ "sharedDays": "日",
+ "sharedHours": "時間",
+ "sharedMinutes": "分",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "DEG形式(度)",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "DMM形式(度分)",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "DMS形式(度分秒)",
+ "sharedName": "名前",
+ "sharedDescription": "説明",
+ "sharedSearch": "検索",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "ジオフェンス",
+ "sharedGeofences": "ジオフェンス",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "通知",
+ "sharedNotification": "通知",
+ "sharedAttributes": "属性",
+ "sharedAttribute": "属性",
+ "sharedDrivers": "ドライバー",
+ "sharedDriver": "ドライバー",
+ "sharedArea": "エリア",
+ "sharedSound": "通知サウンド",
+ "sharedType": "タイプ",
+ "sharedDistance": "距離",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "リットル",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "英ガロン",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "米ガロン",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "地図から情報を取得",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "算出属性",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "算出属性",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "算出属性を確認",
+ "sharedExpression": "式",
+ "sharedDevice": "デバイス",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "テスト通知を送信",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "カレンダー",
+ "sharedCalendars": "カレンダー",
+ "sharedFile": "ファイル",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "ファイルを選択",
+ "sharedPhone": "電話",
+ "sharedRequired": "必須項目",
+ "sharedPreferences": "環境設定",
+ "sharedPermissions": "アクセス許可",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "拡張",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "文字列",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "数値",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "論理値",
+ "sharedTimezone": "タイムゾーン",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "情報",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "保存したコマンド",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "保存したコマンド",
+ "sharedNew": "新規…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "住所を表示",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "無効",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "メンテナンス",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "蓄電池",
+ "sharedAlarms": "警報",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "速度制限",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "経路距離",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "レポート: 走行距離計を無視する",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: レポートの色",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "デバイスパスワード",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "デバイス非アクティブ開始",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "デバイス非アクティブ期間",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "処理中: 属性のコピー",
+ "attributeColor": "色",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: リアルタイム経路長",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: 選択時にズーム",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: 最大化",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "メール: SMTP ホスト",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "メール: SMTP ポート",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "メール: SMTP STARTTLS 有効",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "メール: SMTP STARTTLS 要求",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "メール: SMTP SSL 有効",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "メール: SMTP SSL 信頼",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "メール: SMTP SSL プロトコル",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "メール: SMTP 元",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "メール: SMTP 認証有効",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "メール: SMTP ユーザー名",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "メール: SMTP パスワード",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: イベントを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: 車両の機能を無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: ドライバーを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: 計算された属性を無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: カレンダーを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: メンテナンスを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: 位置属性を非表示にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "エラー",
+ "errorGeneral": "無効なパラメータまたは制約違反",
+ "errorConnection": "接続エラー",
+ "errorSocket": "Web ソケット接続エラー",
+ "errorZero": "0にはできません。",
+ "userEmail": "メール",
+ "userPassword": "パスワード",
+ "userAdmin": "管理者",
+ "userRemember": "記憶する",
+ "userExpirationTime": "有効期限",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "デバイス制限",
+ "userUserLimit": "ユーザー制限",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "デバイス読み取り専用",
+ "userLimitCommands": "リミットコマンド",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "トークン",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "ログイン",
+ "loginLanguage": "言語",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "登録",
+ "loginLogin": "ログイン",
+ "loginFailed": "メールアドレスまたはパスワードが間違っています",
+ "loginCreated": "新しいユーザーが登録されました",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "ログアウト",
+ "loginLogo": "ロゴ",
+ "devicesAndState": "デバイスと状態",
+ "deviceTitle": "デバイス",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "ID",
+ "deviceModel": "モデル",
+ "deviceContact": "連絡先",
+ "deviceCategory": "カテゴリー",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "最終更新",
+ "deviceCommand": "コマンド",
+ "deviceFollow": "デバイスを追跡",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "総距離",
+ "deviceStatus": "ステータス",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "オンライン",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "オフライン",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "不明",
+ "groupDialog": "グループ",
+ "groupParent": "グループ",
+ "groupNoGroup": "グループなし",
+ "settingsTitle": "設定",
+ "settingsUser": "アカウント",
+ "settingsGroups": "グループ",
+ "settingsServer": "サーバー",
+ "settingsUsers": "ユーザー",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "距離の単位",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "速度の単位",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "容量の単位",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 時間形式",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "座標形式",
+ "reportTitle": "レポート",
+ "reportDevice": "デバイス",
+ "reportGroup": "グループ",
+ "reportFrom": "開始日時",
+ "reportTo": "終了日時",
+ "reportShow": "詳細",
+ "reportClear": "クリア",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "測位",
+ "positionAccuracy": "正確な位置",
+ "positionLatitude": "緯度",
+ "positionLongitude": "経度",
+ "positionAltitude": "高度",
+ "positionSpeed": "速度",
+ "positionCourse": "方角",
+ "positionAddress": "場所",
+ "positionProtocol": "プロトコル",
+ "positionDistance": "距離",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "燃料",
+ "positionPower": "電源",
+ "positionBattery": "バッテリー",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "インデックス",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "衛星の位置",
+ "positionSatVisible": "衛星の表示",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "ローミング",
+ "positionEvent": "イベント",
+ "positionAlarm": "警報",
+ "positionStatus": "ステータス",
+ "positionOdometer": "走行距離計",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "サービス走行距離計",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "トリップ走行距離計",
+ "positionHours": "時間",
+ "positionSteps": "ステップ",
+ "positionInput": "入力",
+ "positionOutput": "出力",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "バッテリーレベル",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "燃料消費",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "ファームウェアバージョン",
+ "positionVersionHw": "ハードウェアバージョン",
+ "positionIgnition": "イグニッション",
+ "positionFlags": "フラグ",
+ "positionCharge": "充電",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "アーカイブ",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "近似",
+ "positionThrottle": "スロットル",
+ "positionMotion": "運動",
+ "positionArmed": "強化",
+ "positionAcceleration": "加速",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "デバイス温度",
+ "positionOperator": "運用",
+ "positionCommand": "コマンド",
+ "positionBlocked": "ブロック",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTC",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD 速度",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD 走行距離計",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ドライバー固有ID",
+ "positionImage": "画像",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "音声",
+ "serverTitle": "サーバー設定",
+ "serverZoom": "拡大縮小",
+ "serverRegistration": "新規ユーザー登録を許可",
+ "serverReadonly": "読み取り専用",
+ "serverForceSettings": "強制的に設定",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "地図",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "使用する地図",
+ "mapCustom": "カスタム (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "カスタム (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "カスタム地図",
+ "mapCarto": "Cartoベースマップ",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bingマップキー",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bingマップ",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing航空写真マップ",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bingハイブリッドマップ",
+ "mapBaidu": "百度地図",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandexマップ",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex衛星写真マップ",
+ "mapWikimedia": "ウィキメディア",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "多角形",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "円形",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "折れ線形",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "リアルタイム経路",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI レイヤー",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "詳細",
+ "stateName": "属性",
+ "stateValue": "値",
+ "commandTitle": "コマンド",
+ "commandSend": "送信",
+ "commandSent": "コマンドを送信した。",
+ "commandQueued": "コマンド実行待ち",
+ "commandUnit": "単位",
+ "commandCustom": "カスタムコマンド",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "デバイス ID",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "シングルレポート",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "定期レポート",
+ "commandPositionStop": "レポートを停止",
+ "commandEngineStop": "エンジン停止",
+ "commandEngineResume": "エンジン再始動",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "警報開始",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "警報解除",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "タイムゾーンを設定",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "写真をリクエスト",
+ "commandPowerOff": "デバイス電源 OFF",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "デバイスを再起動",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMSを送信",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSDを送信",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS送信先電話番号",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "通知OFF時間帯",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "電話帳設定",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "音声メッセージ",
+ "commandOutputControl": "コマンド出力制御",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "音声モニタ",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS を設定",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "通知設定",
+ "commandConfiguration": "設定",
+ "commandGetVersion": "バージョンを取得",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "ファームウェアを更新",
+ "commandSetConnection": "接続を設定",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "走行距離計を設定",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "モデムのステータスを取得",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "デバイスのステータスを取得",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "周期",
+ "commandTimezone": "世界標準時との時差",
+ "commandMessage": "メッセージ",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "有効",
+ "commandData": "データー",
+ "commandIndex": "コマンド一覧",
+ "commandPhone": "電話番号",
+ "commandServer": "サーバー",
+ "commandPort": "ポート",
+ "eventAll": "全てのイベント",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "オンライン状態",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "状態不明",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "オフライン状態",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "デバイス非アクティブ",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "デバイス移動中",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "デバイス停止中",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "速度制限を超過",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "燃料残量低下",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "コマンドの実行結果",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "ジオフェンスに進入しました。",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "ジオフェンスから退出しました。",
+ "eventAlarm": "警報",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "イグニッション ON",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "イグニッション OFF",
+ "eventMaintenance": "メンテナンスが必要です。",
+ "eventTextMessage": "テキストメッセージを受信しました。",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "ドライバーが交代しました。",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "最後にスクロール",
+ "alarmGeneral": "全般",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "振動",
+ "alarmMovement": "移動",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "低速",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "速度超過",
+ "alarmFallDown": "転倒",
+ "alarmLowPower": "電力低下",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "バッテリー残量低下",
+ "alarmFault": "測位失敗",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "電源 OFF",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "電源 ON",
+ "alarmDoor": "ドア",
+ "alarmLock": "ロック",
+ "alarmUnlock": "ロック解除",
+ "alarmGeofence": "ジオフェンス",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "ジオフェンスに進入",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "ジオフェンスから退出",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPSアンテナ切断",
+ "alarmAccident": "事故",
+ "alarmTow": "牽引",
+ "alarmIdle": "アイドリング",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "高 RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "急加速",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "急ブレーキ",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "急転回",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "車線変更",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "過労運転",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "電源カット",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "電源が復旧した。",
+ "alarmJamming": "ジャミング",
+ "alarmTemperature": "温度",
+ "alarmParking": "駐車",
+ "alarmBonnet": "ボンネット",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "フットブレーキ",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "燃料漏れ",
+ "alarmTampering": "窃盗",
+ "alarmRemoving": "取り外し",
+ "notificationType": "通知の種別",
+ "notificationAlways": "すべてのデバイス",
+ "notificationNotificators": "チャンネル",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "メール",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "移動経路",
+ "reportEvents": "イベント",
+ "reportTrips": "走行距離",
+ "reportStops": "停止",
+ "reportSummary": "概要",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "グラフ",
+ "reportConfigure": "設定",
+ "reportEventTypes": "イベント種別",
+ "reportChartType": "表示するグラフ",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "マーカーを表示",
+ "reportExport": "エクスポート",
+ "reportEmail": "Eメールレポート",
+ "reportPeriod": "期間",
+ "reportCustom": "カスタム",
+ "reportToday": "今日",
+ "reportYesterday": "昨日",
+ "reportThisWeek": "今週",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "先週",
+ "reportThisMonth": "今月",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "先月",
+ "reportDeviceName": "デバイス名",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "平均速度",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "最高速度",
+ "reportEngineHours": "エンジン稼働時間",
+ "reportDuration": "期間",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "開始日時",
+ "reportStartAddress": "出発地",
+ "reportEndTime": "終了日時",
+ "reportEndAddress": "到着地",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "燃料消費量",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "走行距離計開始",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "走行距離計終了",
+ "statisticsTitle": "統計",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "位置補足時間",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "稼働中ユーザー",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "稼働中デバイス",
+ "statisticsRequests": "リクエスト",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "受信したメッセージ",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "保存したメッセージ",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "ジオコーダーリクエスト",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "ジオロケーションリクエスト",
+ "categoryArrow": "矢印",
+ "categoryDefault": "未指定",
+ "categoryAnimal": "動物",
+ "categoryBicycle": "自転車",
+ "categoryBoat": "ボート",
+ "categoryBus": "バス",
+ "categoryCar": "乗用車",
+ "categoryCrane": "クレーン",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "ヘリコプター",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "オートバイ",
+ "categoryOffroad": "オフロード",
+ "categoryPerson": "個人",
+ "categoryPickup": "ピックアップ",
+ "categoryPlane": "航空機",
+ "categoryShip": "船舶",
+ "categoryTractor": "トラクター",
+ "categoryTrain": "鉄道",
+ "categoryTram": "トラム",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "トロリーバス",
+ "categoryTruck": "トラック",
+ "categoryVan": "バン",
+ "categoryScooter": "スクーター",
+ "maintenanceStart": "メンテナンス開始",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "メンテナンス終了"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ka.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ka.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78ea5dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ka.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "იტვირთება...",
+ "sharedHide": "დამალვა",
+ "sharedSave": "შენახვა",
+ "sharedSet": "დაყენება",
+ "sharedCancel": "უარყოფა",
+ "sharedAdd": "დამატება",
+ "sharedEdit": "შეცვლა",
+ "sharedRemove": "წაშლა",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "გსურთ წაშლა ?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "დიახ",
+ "sharedNo": "არა",
+ "sharedKm": "კმ",
+ "sharedMi": "მლ",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "კმ/სთ",
+ "sharedMph": "მლ/სთ",
+ "sharedHour": "საათი",
+ "sharedMinute": "წუთი",
+ "sharedSecond": "წამი",
+ "sharedDays": "დღეები",
+ "sharedHours": "საათები",
+ "sharedMinutes": "წუთები",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "ათობითი გრადუსი",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "გრადუსი ათეული წუთები",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "გრადუსი ათეული წამები",
+ "sharedName": "დასახელება",
+ "sharedDescription": "აღწერილობა",
+ "sharedSearch": "ძებნა",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "გეოზონა",
+ "sharedGeofences": "გეოზონები",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "შეტყობინებები",
+ "sharedNotification": "შეტყობინება",
+ "sharedAttributes": "ატრიბუტები",
+ "sharedAttribute": "ატრიბუტი",
+ "sharedDrivers": "მძღოლები",
+ "sharedDriver": "მძროლი",
+ "sharedArea": "ფართობი",
+ "sharedSound": "შეტყობინების Sound",
+ "sharedType": "ტიპი",
+ "sharedDistance": "დისტანცია",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ს",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "ჭ",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "წ",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "ვ",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "ლ",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "გალონი",
+ "sharedLiter": "ლიტრი",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "ინგლისური გალონი",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "ამერიკული გალონი",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "ლ/სთ",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "რუკის მდგომარეობა",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "გამოთვილითი ატრიბუტი",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "გამოთვილითი ატრიბუტები",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "შეამოწმეთ გამოთვილითი ატრიბუტი",
+ "sharedExpression": "გამოსახულება",
+ "sharedDevice": "ოწყობილობა",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "სატესტო შეტყობინების გაგზავნა",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "კალენდარი",
+ "sharedCalendars": "კალენდრები",
+ "sharedFile": "ფაილი",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "აირჩიე ფაილი",
+ "sharedPhone": "ტელეფონი",
+ "sharedRequired": "სავალდებულოა",
+ "sharedPreferences": "პრეფერენციები",
+ "sharedPermissions": "უფლებები",
+ "sharedConnections": "კავშირები",
+ "sharedExtra": "დამატებითი",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "სტრიქონი",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "ნომერი",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "ლოგიკური",
+ "sharedTimezone": "დროის სარტყელი",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "ინფორმაცია",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "შენახული ბრძანებება",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "შენახული ბრძანებები",
+ "sharedNew": "ახალი…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "მისამართის ჩვენება",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "უფრო ვრცლად",
+ "sharedDisabled": "გამორთულია",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "მომსახურება",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "აკუმულატორები",
+ "sharedAlarms": "სიგნალიზაცია",
+ "sharedLocation": "ლოკაცია",
+ "sharedImport": "იმპორტი",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "სიჩქარის ლიმიტი",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "ტეხილის მანძილი",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: ოდომეტრობის იგნორირება",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: რეპორტის ფერი",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "მოწყობილობის პაროლი",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "მოწყობილობის უმოქმედობის დაწყება",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "მოწყობილობის უმოქმედობის პერიოდი",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "დამუშავება: ატრიბუტების კოპირება",
+ "attributeColor": "ფერი",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: ცოცხალი მარშრუტის სიგრძე",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: მასშტაბის არჩევა",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: მაქსიმალური ზუმი",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP ჰოსტი",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP პორტი",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS ჩართვა",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS სავალდებულოა",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL ჩართვა",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL ნდობა",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL პროტოკოლი",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP საიდან",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP აუტენტიფიკაციის ჩართვა",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP სახელი",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP პაროლი",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: მოვლენების გამორთვა",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: ავტომობილის მახასიათებლების გამორთვა",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: მძღოლების გამორთვა",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: გამოთვლითი ატრიბუტების გამორთვა",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: კალენდრის გამორთვა",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: ტექნიკური მომსახურება გამორთვა",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: პოზიციის ატრიბუტების დამალვა",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "შეტყობინების ნიშნები",
+ "errorTitle": "შეცდომა",
+ "errorGeneral": "პარამეტრების ან შეზღუდვების არასწორი დარღვევა",
+ "errorConnection": "კავშირის შეცდომა",
+ "errorSocket": "ვებგვერდის კავშირის შეცდომა",
+ "errorZero": "არ შეიძლება იყოს ნული",
+ "userEmail": "ელ-ფოსტა",
+ "userPassword": "პაროლი",
+ "userAdmin": "ადმინი",
+ "userRemember": "დამიმახსოვრე",
+ "userExpirationTime": "ვადის გასვლა",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "მოწყობილობის ლიმიტი",
+ "userUserLimit": "მომხმარებლის ლიმიტი",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "მოწყობილობა მხოლოდ წაკითხვით",
+ "userLimitCommands": "შეზღუდული ბრძანებები",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "ტოკენი",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "ავტორიზაცია",
+ "loginLanguage": "ენა",
+ "loginReset": "პაროლის განულება",
+ "loginRegister": "რეგისტრაცია",
+ "loginLogin": "შესვლა",
+ "loginFailed": "არასწორი ელ-ფოსტა ან პაროლი",
+ "loginCreated": "ახალი მომხარებელი დარეგისტრირდა",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "შეამოწმეთ თქვენი ელექტორნული ფოსტა",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "ახალი პაროლი დაყენებულია",
+ "loginLogout": "გამოსვლა",
+ "loginLogo": "ლოგო",
+ "devicesAndState": "მოწყობილობები და სტატუსი",
+ "deviceTitle": "მოწყობილობები",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "იდენტიფიკატორი",
+ "deviceModel": "მოდელი",
+ "deviceContact": "კონტაქტი",
+ "deviceCategory": "კატეგორია",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "ბოლო განახლება",
+ "deviceCommand": "ბრძანება",
+ "deviceFollow": "გაყოლა",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "მთლიანი მანძილი",
+ "deviceStatus": "სტატუსი",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "ონლაინ რეჟიმი",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "ოფლაინ რეჟიმი",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "უცნობი",
+ "groupDialog": "ჯგუფი",
+ "groupParent": "ჯგუფი",
+ "groupNoGroup": "ჯგუფის გარეშე",
+ "settingsTitle": "პარამეტრები",
+ "settingsUser": "პროფილი",
+ "settingsGroups": "ჯგუფები",
+ "settingsServer": "სერვერი",
+ "settingsUsers": "მომხამრებლები",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "მანძილის ერთეული",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "სიჩქარის ერთეული",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "მოცულობის ერთეული",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-საათიანი ფორმატი",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "კოორდინატების ფორმატი",
+ "reportTitle": "რეპორტები",
+ "reportDevice": "მოწყობილობა",
+ "reportGroup": "ჯგუფი",
+ "reportFrom": "დან",
+ "reportTo": "მდე",
+ "reportShow": "ჩვენება",
+ "reportClear": "გასუფთავება",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "ვარგისი",
+ "positionAccuracy": "სიზუსტე",
+ "positionLatitude": "განედი",
+ "positionLongitude": "გრძედი",
+ "positionAltitude": "სიმაღლე",
+ "positionSpeed": "სიჩქარე",
+ "positionCourse": "კურსი",
+ "positionAddress": "მისამართი",
+ "positionProtocol": "პროტოკოლი",
+ "positionDistance": "დისტანცია",
+ "positionRpm": "ბრუნი წუთში",
+ "positionFuel": "საწვავი",
+ "positionPower": "სიმძლავრე",
+ "positionBattery": "აკუმულატორი",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "ინდექსი",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "თანამგზავრები",
+ "positionSatVisible": "ხილული თანამგზავრები",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "როუმინგი",
+ "positionEvent": "მოვლენა",
+ "positionAlarm": "სიგნალიზაცია",
+ "positionStatus": "სტატუსი",
+ "positionOdometer": "ოდომეტრი",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "ოდომეტრის სერვისი",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "მოგზაურობის ოდომეტრი",
+ "positionHours": "საათები",
+ "positionSteps": "ნაბიჯები",
+ "positionInput": "შემავალი",
+ "positionOutput": "გამავალი",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "აკუმულატორის დონე",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "საწვავის მოხმარება",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "მიკროპროგრამის ვერსია",
+ "positionVersionHw": "მოწყობილობის ვერსია",
+ "positionIgnition": "ავტ. ანთების კლიტე",
+ "positionFlags": "მონიშვნა",
+ "positionCharge": "დამუხტვა",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "არქივი",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "მიახლოებითი",
+ "positionThrottle": "დროსელი",
+ "positionMotion": "მოძრაობა",
+ "positionArmed": "დაცული",
+ "positionAcceleration": "აჩქარება",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "მოწყობილობის ტემპერატურა",
+ "positionOperator": "ორიენტაცია",
+ "positionCommand": "ბრძანება",
+ "positionBlocked": "დაბლოკილია",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD სიჩქარე",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD ოდომეტრი",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "მძღოლის უნიკალური N",
+ "positionImage": "სურათი",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "აუდიო",
+ "serverTitle": "სერვერის პარამეტრები",
+ "serverZoom": "ზუმი",
+ "serverRegistration": "რეგისტრაცია",
+ "serverReadonly": "მხოლოდ ნახვის",
+ "serverForceSettings": "იძულებითი პარამეტრები",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "განცხადება",
+ "mapTitle": "რუკა",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "რუკის ფენა",
+ "mapCustom": "მორგებული (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "მორგებული (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "მორგებული რუკა",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto ძირითადი რუკა",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps გასაღები",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps გზები",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps საჰაერო",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps ჰიბრიდული",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex რუკა",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex თანამგზავრული",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox ქუჩები",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox ღია ცის ქვეშ",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox სატელიტი",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "მრავალკუთხედი",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "წრე",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "ტეხილი ხაზები",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "ცოცხალი მარშრუტები",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI ფენა",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "სტატუსი",
+ "stateName": "ატრიბუტი",
+ "stateValue": "მნიშვნელობა",
+ "commandTitle": "ბრძანება",
+ "commandSend": "გაგზავნა",
+ "commandSent": "ბრძანება გაიგზავნილია",
+ "commandQueued": "ბრძანება რიგშია",
+ "commandUnit": "ერთეული",
+ "commandCustom": "მორგებული ბრძანება",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "მოწყობილობის იდენტიფიკაცია",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "ერთჯერადი რეპორტი",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "პერიოდული რეპორტი",
+ "commandPositionStop": "რეპორტის შეჩერება",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ძრავის გამორთვა",
+ "commandEngineResume": "ძრავის ჩართვა",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Arm სიგნალიზაცია",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "სიგნალიზაციის გამორთვა",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "სიგნალიზაციის გათავისუფლება",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "დროის სარტყელის დაყენება",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "ფოტოს მოთხოვნა",
+ "commandPowerOff": "მოწყობილობის გამორთვა",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "მოწყობილობის გადატვირთვა",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "ქარხნულ პარამეტრებზე დაბრუნება",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMS გაგზავნა",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD გაგზავნა",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS ნომრის დაყენება",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "დუმილის დროის დაყენება",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "სატელეფონო წიგნაკის დაყენება",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "ხმოვანი შეტყობინება",
+ "commandOutputControl": "გამსლელის კონტროლი",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "ხმოვანი მონიტორინგი",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS-ის დაყენება",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "ინდიკატორის დაყენება",
+ "commandConfiguration": "კონფიგურაცია",
+ "commandGetVersion": "ვერსიის მიღება",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "მიკროპროგრამის განახლება",
+ "commandSetConnection": "კავშირის დაყენება",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "ოდომეტრის დაყენება",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "მოდემის სტატუსი",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "მოწყობილობის სტატუსი",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "სიჩქარის ლიმიტის დაყენება",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "სიხშირე",
+ "commandTimezone": "დროის სარტყელი ბიჯი",
+ "commandMessage": "შეტყობინება",
+ "commandRadius": "რადიუსი",
+ "commandEnable": "ჩართვა",
+ "commandData": "თარიღი",
+ "commandIndex": "ინდექსი",
+ "commandPhone": "ტელეფონის N",
+ "commandServer": "სერვერი",
+ "commandPort": "პორტი",
+ "eventAll": "ყველა მოვლენა",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "ონლაინ სტატუსი",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "უცნობი სტატუსი",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "ოფლაინ სტატუსი",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "მოწყობილობა არააქტიურია",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "მოწყობილობა მოძრაობს",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "მოწყობილობა გაჩერებულია",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "სიჩქარის ლიმიტი გადაჭარბებულია",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "საწვავის დაქცევა",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "ბრძანების შედეგი",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "გეოზონა დაყენებულია",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "გეოზონა გამორთულია",
+ "eventAlarm": "სიგნალიზაცია",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "ავტ. ანთაება ჩართულია",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "ავტ. ანთაება გამორთულია",
+ "eventMaintenance": "საჭიროა ტექნიკური სამუშაოების ჩატარება",
+ "eventTextMessage": "მიღებულია ტექსტური შეტყობინება",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "მძღოლის ცვლილება",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "გადაახვიეთ ბოლომდე",
+ "alarmGeneral": "საერთო",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "ვიბრაცია",
+ "alarmMovement": "მოძრაობა",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "დაბალი სიჩქარე",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "სიჩქარის გადაჭარბება",
+ "alarmFallDown": "დაცემა",
+ "alarmLowPower": "დაბალი სიმძლავრე",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Დამჯდარი ელემენტი",
+ "alarmFault": "გაუმართავობა",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Გამორთულია",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "ჩართულია",
+ "alarmDoor": "კარები",
+ "alarmLock": "დაკეტილია",
+ "alarmUnlock": "გაღებულია",
+ "alarmGeofence": "გეოზონა",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "გეოზონში შესვლა",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "გეოზონიდან გამოსვლა",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS ანტენის კონფიგურაცია",
+ "alarmAccident": "ინციდენტი",
+ "alarmTow": "ბუქსირი",
+ "alarmIdle": "უქმი სვლის რეჟიმი",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "მაღალი RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "მძიმე აჩქარება",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "მყარი დამუხრუჭება",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "მყარი მოხვევა",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "მოძრაობის ზოლის ცვლილება",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "დაღლილობის მართვა",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "კვების გამორთვა",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "კვება აღდგენილია",
+ "alarmJamming": "ჭექითი ცვეთა",
+ "alarmTemperature": "ტემპერატურა",
+ "alarmParking": "პარკინგი",
+ "alarmBonnet": "კაპოტი",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "ფეხის მუხრუჭი",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "საწვავის გაჟონვა",
+ "alarmTampering": "ჩარევა",
+ "alarmRemoving": "ამოღება",
+ "notificationType": "შეტყობინების ტიპი",
+ "notificationAlways": "ყველა მოწყობილობა",
+ "notificationNotificators": "არხები",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "გამეორება",
+ "reportRoute": "მარშრუტი",
+ "reportEvents": "მოვლენები",
+ "reportTrips": "მოგზაურობები",
+ "reportStops": "გაჩერებები",
+ "reportSummary": "ჯმი",
+ "reportDaily": "ყოველდღიური რეზიუმე",
+ "reportChart": "დიაგრამა",
+ "reportConfigure": "კონფიგურაცია",
+ "reportEventTypes": "მოვლენის ტიპი",
+ "reportChartType": "დიაგრამის ტიპი",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "მარკერების ჩვენება",
+ "reportExport": "ექსპორტი",
+ "reportEmail": "რეპორტი მეილზე",
+ "reportPeriod": "პერიოდი",
+ "reportCustom": "ხელოვნური",
+ "reportToday": "დღეს",
+ "reportYesterday": "გუშინ",
+ "reportThisWeek": "ეს კვირა",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "წინა კვირა",
+ "reportThisMonth": "ეს თვე",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "წინა თვე",
+ "reportDeviceName": "მოწყობილობსი სახელი",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "საშუალო სიჩქარე",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "მაქსიმალური სიჩქარე",
+ "reportEngineHours": "მოტოსაათი",
+ "reportDuration": "ხანგრძლივობა",
+ "reportStartDate": "დაწყების თარიღი",
+ "reportStartTime": "დაწყების დრო",
+ "reportStartAddress": "დაწყების მისამართი",
+ "reportEndTime": "დამთავრების დრო",
+ "reportEndAddress": "დამთავრების მისამართი",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "დახარჯული საწვავი",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "ოდომეტრის სტარტი",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "ოდომეტრის გაჩერება",
+ "statisticsTitle": "სტატისტიკა",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "დროის დაწყება",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "აქტიური მომხმარებლები",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "აქტიური მოწყობილობები",
+ "statisticsRequests": "მოთხოვნები",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "შეტყობინება მიღებულია",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "შეტყობინებები შენახულია",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "გეოკოდერის მოთხოვნა",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "გეოლოკაციის მოთხოვნა",
+ "categoryArrow": "ისარი",
+ "categoryDefault": "ნაგულისხმევი",
+ "categoryAnimal": "ცხოველი",
+ "categoryBicycle": "მოტოციკლი",
+ "categoryBoat": "ნავი",
+ "categoryBus": "ავტობუსი",
+ "categoryCar": "ავტომანქანა",
+ "categoryCrane": "ამწე",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "შვეულფრენი",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "მოტოციკლი",
+ "categoryOffroad": "ოფროუდი",
+ "categoryPerson": "ადამინაი",
+ "categoryPickup": "პიკაპი",
+ "categoryPlane": "პლანერი",
+ "categoryShip": "გემი",
+ "categoryTractor": "ტრაქტორი",
+ "categoryTrain": "მატარებელი",
+ "categoryTram": "ტრამვაი",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "ტროლეიბუსი",
+ "categoryTruck": "სატვირთო",
+ "categoryVan": "ფურგონი",
+ "categoryScooter": "სკუტერი",
+ "maintenanceStart": "დაწყება",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "პერიოდი"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/kk.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/kk.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b20e9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/kk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Жүктеу...",
+ "sharedHide": "Жасыру",
+ "sharedSave": "Сақтау",
+ "sharedSet": "Орнату",
+ "sharedCancel": "Болдырмау",
+ "sharedAdd": "Енгізу",
+ "sharedEdit": "Түзету",
+ "sharedRemove": "Жою",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Элементті жою?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "км",
+ "sharedMi": "мили",
+ "sharedNmi": "теңіз мили",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "тораптар",
+ "sharedKmh": "км/сағ",
+ "sharedMph": "миля/сағ",
+ "sharedHour": "Сағаттар",
+ "sharedMinute": "Минуттар",
+ "sharedSecond": "Секундтар",
+ "sharedDays": "күндер",
+ "sharedHours": "сағат",
+ "sharedMinutes": "минут",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Ондық Градустар",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Градустар Ондық Минуттар",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Градустар Минуттар Секундтар",
+ "sharedName": "Атауы",
+ "sharedDescription": "Сипаттамасы",
+ "sharedSearch": "Іздеу",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Геозона",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Геозоналар",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Ескертулер",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Атрибуттар",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Атрибут",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Аймақ",
+ "sharedSound": "Дыбыстық Ескерту",
+ "sharedType": "Түр",
+ "sharedDistance": "Қашықтық",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "с",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "м",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Картаның Жағдайын Білу",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Құрылғы",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Тестілік Хабарландыру Жіберу",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Күнтізбе",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Күнтізбелер",
+ "sharedFile": "Файл",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Файлды таңдау",
+ "sharedPhone": "Телефон",
+ "sharedRequired": "Міндетті",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Баптау",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Рұқсат",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Экстра",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Сағаттық белдеу",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Жылдамдықты Шектеу",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Есеп: одометр елемеу",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Веб: Түсі Есеп",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Құрылғы Құпия Сөз",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Өңдеу: атрибуттары көшіру",
+ "attributeColor": "Түс",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Веб: Белсенді Маршруттың Ұзындығы",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Пошта: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Пошта: SMTP SSL Включить",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Пошта: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Пошта: SMTP SSL Протокол ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Пошта: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Пошта: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Пошта: SMTP Пайдаланушы",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Пошта: SMTP Құпиясөз",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Қате",
+ "errorGeneral": "Қолайсыз бұзылуы параметрлері немесе шектеулер",
+ "errorConnection": "Қосылу қатесі",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket біріктіру қатесі",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Құпиясөз",
+ "userAdmin": "Әкімші",
+ "userRemember": "Еске сақтау",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Қолданылу мерзімі",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Құрылғыларды Шектеу",
+ "userUserLimit": "Қолданушылар Лимиті",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Құрылғыларды қарау ғана",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Кілт",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Кіру",
+ "loginLanguage": "Тіл",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Тіркеу",
+ "loginLogin": "Кіру",
+ "loginFailed": "Қате email немесе пароль",
+ "loginCreated": "Жаңа қолданушы тіркелді",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Шығу",
+ "loginLogo": "Логотип",
+ "devicesAndState": "Құрылғылар және Жай - күйлер",
+ "deviceTitle": "Құрылғылар",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Идентификатор",
+ "deviceModel": "Моделі",
+ "deviceContact": "Байланыс",
+ "deviceCategory": "Санат",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Соңғы жаңарту",
+ "deviceCommand": "Команда",
+ "deviceFollow": "Ілесу",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Жалпы Тармақ",
+ "deviceStatus": "Мәртебе",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Онлайн",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Оффлайн",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Белгісіз",
+ "groupDialog": "Топ",
+ "groupParent": "Топ",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Топсыз",
+ "settingsTitle": "Баптау",
+ "settingsUser": "Аккаунт",
+ "settingsGroups": "Топтар",
+ "settingsServer": "Сервер",
+ "settingsUsers": "Қолданушылар",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 сағаттық пішім",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Координат пішімі",
+ "reportTitle": "Есептер",
+ "reportDevice": "Құрылғы",
+ "reportGroup": "Топ",
+ "reportFrom": "Бастап",
+ "reportTo": "Дейін",
+ "reportShow": "Көрсету",
+ "reportClear": "Тазарту",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Туралық",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Нақтылық",
+ "positionLatitude": "Ендігі",
+ "positionLongitude": "Ұзақтығы",
+ "positionAltitude": "Биіктігі",
+ "positionSpeed": "Жылдамдық",
+ "positionCourse": "Бағыты",
+ "positionAddress": "Мекен-жай",
+ "positionProtocol": "Хаттама",
+ "positionDistance": "Қашықтық",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Отын",
+ "positionPower": "Қуат көзі",
+ "positionBattery": "Аккумулятор",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Серверді баптау",
+ "serverZoom": "Жақындау",
+ "serverRegistration": "Тіркеу",
+ "serverReadonly": "Тек қарап шығу",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Баптауды жылдамдату",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Карта",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Карта қабаты",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps кілті",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps жолдары",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Жер серігі",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Будан",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Яндекс Карталар",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Яндекс Жер серіктері",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Көпбұрыш",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Шеңбер",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Сызық",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Нақты бағыттар",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Жай күйі",
+ "stateName": "Параметрі",
+ "stateValue": "Мағынасы",
+ "commandTitle": "Команда",
+ "commandSend": "Жіберу",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Бірліктер",
+ "commandCustom": "Қолданушылар командасы",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Құрылғы идентификациясы",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Біржолғы қадағалау",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Қадағалауды бастау",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Қадағалауды болдырмау",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Қозғалтқышты бұғаттау",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Қозғалтқышты бұғаттан шығару",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Сигнал жабдығын іске қосу",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Сигнал жабдығын істен айыру",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Сағаттық белдеуді баптау",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Фото сұрау",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Құрылғыны қайта жүктеу",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "СМС жіберу",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD жіберу",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Төтенше нөмірді баптау",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Тыныштық уақытын баптау",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Телефон анықтамасын баптау",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Дыбыстық хабарлама",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Шығуды бақылау",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Индикаторды орнату",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Жиілік",
+ "commandTimezone": "Уақытша аймақты жылжыту",
+ "commandMessage": "Хабарлама",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Мәліметтер",
+ "commandIndex": "Индексі",
+ "commandPhone": "Телефон нөмірі",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Барлық",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Команда нәтижесі",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Қызмет көрсету геозону",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Мәтіндік хабарлама алынды",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Ескерту түрі",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Бағыт",
+ "reportEvents": "Оқиғалар",
+ "reportTrips": "Сапарлар",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Мәлімет",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Диаграмма",
+ "reportConfigure": "Конфигурациялау",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Оқиға түрі",
+ "reportChartType": "Түр Диаграммалар",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Маркерлер көрсету",
+ "reportExport": "Экспорт",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Құрылғы атауы",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Орташа жылдамдық",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Максималды жылдамдық",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Мотосағат",
+ "reportDuration": "Ұзақтығы",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Бастапқы уақыт",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Бастапқы мекен-жай",
+ "reportEndTime": "Ақырғы уақыт",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Ақырғы мекен-жай",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Отын пайдаланылды",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Статистика",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Жинау уақыты",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Белсенді қолданушылар",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Белсенді құрылғылар",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Сұраныстар",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Хабарлама алынды",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Хабарлама сақталды",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Геокодер Сұраулар",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Геолокация Сұраулар",
+ "categoryArrow": "Тетік",
+ "categoryDefault": "Қалып бойынша",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Жануар",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Велосипед",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Автобус",
+ "categoryCar": "Автомобиль",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Мотоцикл",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Адам",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Ұшақ",
+ "categoryShip": "Кеме",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Жүк автомобилі",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/km.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/km.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7fb7def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/km.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "កំពុងផ្ទុក...",
+ "sharedHide": "លាក់",
+ "sharedSave": "រក្សារទុក",
+ "sharedSet": "កំណត់",
+ "sharedCancel": "បោះបង់",
+ "sharedAdd": "បន្ថែម",
+ "sharedEdit": "កែសម្រួល",
+ "sharedRemove": "យកចេញ",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "យកចំណុចចេញ",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "គ.ម",
+ "sharedMi": "ម៉ាយ",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "គ.ម/ម៉ោង",
+ "sharedMph": "ម៉ាយក្នុងមួយម៉ោង",
+ "sharedHour": "ម៉ោង",
+ "sharedMinute": "នាទី",
+ "sharedSecond": "វិនាទី",
+ "sharedDays": "days",
+ "sharedHours": "hours",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "អង្សាទសភាគ",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "អង្សាទសភាគនាទី",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "អង្សានាទីវិនាទី",
+ "sharedName": "ឈ្មោះ",
+ "sharedDescription": "បរិយាយ",
+ "sharedSearch": "ស្វែងរក",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "កំណត់ភូមិសាស្ត្រ",
+ "sharedGeofences": "កំណត់ភូមិសាស្ត្រ",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "ការជូនដំណឹង",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "គុណលក្ខណៈ",
+ "sharedAttribute": "គុណលក្ខណៈ",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "តំបន់",
+ "sharedSound": "Notification Sound",
+ "sharedType": "ប្រភេទ",
+ "sharedDistance": "ចម្ងាយ",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ម៉ោង",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "នាទី",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "ទទួលបានការកំណត់ផែនទី",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "ឧបករណ៍",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "ប្រតិទិន",
+ "sharedCalendars": "ប្រតិទិន",
+ "sharedFile": "ឯកសារ",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "ជ្រើសឯកសារ",
+ "sharedPhone": "Phone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Required",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Timezone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "កំហុស",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "កំហុសក្នុងការតភ្ជាប់",
+ "errorSocket": "កំហុសក្នុងការតភ្ជាប់ Web socket",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "អ៊ីម៉ែល",
+ "userPassword": "ពាក្យសម្ងាត់",
+ "userAdmin": "អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រង",
+ "userRemember": "សូមចងចាំ",
+ "userExpirationTime": "ការផុតកំណត់",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "កំណត់ចំនួនឧបករណ៍",
+ "userUserLimit": "កំណត់ចំនួនអ្នកប្រើ",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "ឧបករណ៍បានតែអាន",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "សញ្ញាសម្ងាត់",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "ចូល",
+ "loginLanguage": "ភាសា",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "ចុះឈ្មោះ",
+ "loginLogin": "ចូល",
+ "loginFailed": "អាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីម៉ែលឬពាក្យសម្ងាត់មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "loginCreated": "អ្នកប្រើថ្មីត្រូវបានចុះបញ្ជី",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "ចាកចេញ",
+ "loginLogo": "រូបសញ្ញា",
+ "devicesAndState": "ឧបករណ៍និងសភាព",
+ "deviceTitle": "ឧបករណ៍",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "គ្រឿងសម្គាល់",
+ "deviceModel": "គំរូ",
+ "deviceContact": "ទំនក់ទំនង",
+ "deviceCategory": "ប្រភេទ",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "ទិន្នន័យចុងក្រោយ",
+ "deviceCommand": "ពាក្យបញ្ជា",
+ "deviceFollow": "តាមដាន",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "ចម្ងាយសរុប",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "ក្រុម",
+ "groupParent": "ក្រុម",
+ "groupNoGroup": "គ្មានក្រុម",
+ "settingsTitle": "ការកំណត់",
+ "settingsUser": "គណនី",
+ "settingsGroups": "ក្រុម",
+ "settingsServer": "ម៉ាស៊ីនមេ",
+ "settingsUsers": "អ្នកប្រើ",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "ទំរង់ 12 ម៉ោង",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "ទំរង់កូអរដោនេ",
+ "reportTitle": "របាយការណ៍",
+ "reportDevice": "ឧបករណ៍",
+ "reportGroup": "ក្រុម",
+ "reportFrom": "ពី",
+ "reportTo": "ទៅកាន់",
+ "reportShow": "បង្ហាញ",
+ "reportClear": "ដើម្បីជម្រះ",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "សុពលភាព",
+ "positionAccuracy": "ភាពត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "positionLatitude": "រយៈទទឹង",
+ "positionLongitude": "រយៈបណ្ដោយ",
+ "positionAltitude": "កម្ពស់",
+ "positionSpeed": "ល្បឿន",
+ "positionCourse": "ធ្វើដំណើរ",
+ "positionAddress": "អាសយដ្ឋាន",
+ "positionProtocol": "ពិធីការ",
+ "positionDistance": "ចម្ងាយ",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "ការកំណត់ម៉ាស៊ីនមេ",
+ "serverZoom": "ពង្រីក",
+ "serverRegistration": "ការចុះឈ្មោះ",
+ "serverReadonly": "អាច​បាន​តែ​អាន",
+ "serverForceSettings": "ការកំណត់កម្លាំង",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "ផែនទី",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "ស្រទាប់ផែនទី",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "ផែនទីគោល Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "គន្លឹះផែនទី Bing",
+ "mapBingRoad": "ផ្លូវ​​​លើផែនទី​​​Bing",
+ "mapBingAerial": "ផែនទីពីលើអាកាស​​​​​​​​​​​​Bing",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "ពហុកោណ",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "រង្វង់",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "ពហុបន្ទាត់",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "ផ្លូវបន្តផ្ទាល់",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "សភាព",
+ "stateName": "គុណលក្ខណៈ",
+ "stateValue": "តម្លៃ",
+ "commandTitle": "ពាក្យបញ្ជា",
+ "commandSend": "បញ្ជូន",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "ឯកតា",
+ "commandCustom": "ពាក្យបញ្ជាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "អត្តសញ្ញាណឧបករណ៍",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "របាយការណ៍រួមមួយ",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "របាយការណ៍តាមកាលកំណត់",
+ "commandPositionStop": "បញ្ឈប់ការបញ្ជូនទិន្នន័យ",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ម៉ាស៊ីនបានបញ្ឈប់",
+ "commandEngineResume": "ម៉ាស៊ីនបានបន្ត",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "ចាប់ផ្តើមសំឡេងរោទិ៍",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "បញ្ឈប់សំឡេងរោទិ៍",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "កំណត់តំបន់ពេលវេលា",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "ស្នើសុំរូបថត",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "ឧបករណ៍ចាប់ផ្ដើមឡើងវិញ",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "ផ្ញើ SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "ផ្ញើ USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "កំណត់លេខ SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "កំណត់ម៉ោងភាពស្ងប់ស្ងាត់",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "ដើម្បីកំណត់សៀវភៅទូរស័ព្ទ",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "សារជាសំឡេង",
+ "commandOutputControl": "ការត្រួតពិនិត្យទិន្នផល",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "កំណត់ចំណាំ",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "ជាញឹកញាប់",
+ "commandTimezone": "តំបន់ពេលវេលា",
+ "commandMessage": "សារ",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "ទិន្នន័យ",
+ "commandIndex": "សន្ទស្សន៍",
+ "commandPhone": "លេខទូរសព្ទ",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ទាំងអស់",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "លទ្ធផលពាក្យបញ្ជា",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "ថែទាំត្រូវការជាចាំបាច់",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "ប្រភេទការជូនដំណឹង",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "ផ្លូវ",
+ "reportEvents": "ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍",
+ "reportTrips": "ការ​ធ្វើដំណើរ",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "សេចក្តីសង្ខេប",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "គំនូសតាង",
+ "reportConfigure": "កំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ",
+ "reportEventTypes": "ប្រភេទព្រឹត្តិការណ៍",
+ "reportChartType": "ប្រភេទគំនូសតាង",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "បង្ហាញសញ្ញាសម្គាល់",
+ "reportExport": "ការនាំចេញ",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "ឈ្មោះឧបករណ៍",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "ល្បឿន​មធ្យម",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "ល្បឿនអតិបរមា",
+ "reportEngineHours": "ម៉ោងម៉ាស៊ីន",
+ "reportDuration": "រយៈពេល",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "ម៉ោងចាប់ផ្តើម",
+ "reportStartAddress": "អាសយដ្ឋានចាប់ផ្តើម",
+ "reportEndTime": "ម៉ោងបញ្ចប់",
+ "reportEndAddress": "អាសយដ្ឋានចុង",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "ការចំណាយប្រេងឥន្ធនៈ",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "ស្ថិតិ",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "ពេលការចាប់យក",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់សកម្ម",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "ឧបករណ៍សកម្ម",
+ "statisticsRequests": "សំណើ",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "សារដែលបានទទួល",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "សារដែលបានរក្សាទុក",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "ព្រួញ",
+ "categoryDefault": "លំនាំដើម",
+ "categoryAnimal": "សត្វ",
+ "categoryBicycle": "កង់",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "រថយន្ដក្រុង",
+ "categoryCar": "រថយន្ត",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "ម៉ូតូ",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "មនុស្ស",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "យន្តហោះ",
+ "categoryShip": "នាវា",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "រថយន្តដឹកទំនិញ",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ko.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ko.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..094a3fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ko.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "로딩중...",
+ "sharedHide": "숨기기",
+ "sharedSave": "저장",
+ "sharedSet": "설정",
+ "sharedCancel": "취소",
+ "sharedAdd": "추가",
+ "sharedEdit": "수정",
+ "sharedRemove": "제거",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "항목제거?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "시",
+ "sharedMinute": "분",
+ "sharedSecond": "초",
+ "sharedDays": "일",
+ "sharedHours": "시간",
+ "sharedMinutes": "분",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "십진법",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "도 십진수 분",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "도 분 초",
+ "sharedName": "이름",
+ "sharedDescription": "설명",
+ "sharedSearch": "찾기",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "보호지역",
+ "sharedGeofences": "보호지역",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "알림",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "속성",
+ "sharedAttribute": "속성",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "면적",
+ "sharedSound": "알림소리",
+ "sharedType": "유형",
+ "sharedDistance": "거리",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "지도 상태 가져 오기",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "장치",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "테스트 알림 보내기",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "달력",
+ "sharedCalendars": "달력",
+ "sharedFile": "화일",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "화일을 선택하세요.",
+ "sharedPhone": "전화",
+ "sharedRequired": "필수",
+ "sharedPreferences": "환경 설정",
+ "sharedPermissions": "권한",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "특별한 것",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "시간대",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "오류",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "연결오류",
+ "errorSocket": "웹 소켓 연결 오류",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "이메일",
+ "userPassword": "비밀번호",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "기억",
+ "userExpirationTime": "만료",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "장치 제한",
+ "userUserLimit": "사용자 제한",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "읽기전용 장치",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "토큰",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "로그인",
+ "loginLanguage": "언어",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "등록",
+ "loginLogin": "로그인",
+ "loginFailed": "이메일주소 또는 비밀번호가 맞지않습니다.",
+ "loginCreated": "새로운 사용자가 등록되었습니다.",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "로그아웃",
+ "loginLogo": "로고",
+ "devicesAndState": "장치와 상태",
+ "deviceTitle": "장치",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "식별자",
+ "deviceModel": "모델",
+ "deviceContact": "접촉",
+ "deviceCategory": "범주",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "마지막 수정",
+ "deviceCommand": "명령",
+ "deviceFollow": "따름",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "전체 거리",
+ "deviceStatus": "상태",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "온라인",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "오프라인",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "모름",
+ "groupDialog": "그룹",
+ "groupParent": "그룹",
+ "groupNoGroup": "그룹 없음",
+ "settingsTitle": "설정",
+ "settingsUser": "계정",
+ "settingsGroups": "그룹",
+ "settingsServer": "서버",
+ "settingsUsers": "사용자",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12시간 형식",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "좌표 형식",
+ "reportTitle": "보고서",
+ "reportDevice": "장치",
+ "reportGroup": "그룹",
+ "reportFrom": "부터",
+ "reportTo": "에게",
+ "reportShow": "표시",
+ "reportClear": "초기화",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "유효",
+ "positionAccuracy": "정확성",
+ "positionLatitude": "위도",
+ "positionLongitude": "경도",
+ "positionAltitude": "고도",
+ "positionSpeed": "속도",
+ "positionCourse": "코스",
+ "positionAddress": "주소",
+ "positionProtocol": "프로토콜",
+ "positionDistance": "거리",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "서버설정",
+ "serverZoom": "줌",
+ "serverRegistration": "등록",
+ "serverReadonly": "읽기전용",
+ "serverForceSettings": "강제설정",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "지도",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "지도 계층",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "카토 지도",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "빙 지도키",
+ "mapBingRoad": "빙 도로지도",
+ "mapBingAerial": "빙 항공지도",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "다각형",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "원형",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "폴리라인",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "실시간 경로",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "상태",
+ "stateName": "속성",
+ "stateValue": "값",
+ "commandTitle": "명령",
+ "commandSend": "보내기",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "단위",
+ "commandCustom": "고객명령",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "장치식별",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "단일보고",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "정기보고",
+ "commandPositionStop": "보고중지",
+ "commandEngineStop": "엔진정지",
+ "commandEngineResume": "엔진이력",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "경보",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "경보해제",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "시간대설정",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "사진요청",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "장치재실행",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "문자보내기",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD보내기",
+ "commandSosNumber": "긴급번호설정",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "고요한 시간설정",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "전화번호부설정",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "음성메세지",
+ "commandOutputControl": "출력제어",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "지표 설정",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "주기",
+ "commandTimezone": "시간대 옵셋",
+ "commandMessage": "메세지",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "데이타",
+ "commandIndex": "인덱스",
+ "commandPhone": "전화번호",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "모든 이벤트",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "명령결과",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "유지보수가 필요",
+ "eventTextMessage": "텍스트 메세지 받았습니다.",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "알림 유형",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "노선",
+ "reportEvents": "이벤트",
+ "reportTrips": "여행",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "요약",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "차트",
+ "reportConfigure": "구성",
+ "reportEventTypes": "이벤트유형",
+ "reportChartType": "차트유형",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "마커표시",
+ "reportExport": "수출",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "장치이름",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "평균속도",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "최대속도",
+ "reportEngineHours": "엔진시간",
+ "reportDuration": "기간",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "시작시간",
+ "reportStartAddress": "시작주소",
+ "reportEndTime": "종료시간",
+ "reportEndAddress": "종료주소",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "사용한 연료",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "통계",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "캡처시간",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "활동사용자",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "활동장치",
+ "statisticsRequests": "요청",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "받은 메시지",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "저장한 메세지",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "화살",
+ "categoryDefault": "디폴트",
+ "categoryAnimal": "동물",
+ "categoryBicycle": "자전거",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "버스",
+ "categoryCar": "차",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "오토바이",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "사람",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "비행기",
+ "categoryShip": "배",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "트럭",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/lo.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/lo.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72b50214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/lo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "ກຳລັງໂຫລດ...",
+ "sharedHide": "Hide",
+ "sharedSave": "ບັນທຶກ",
+ "sharedSet": "Set",
+ "sharedCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "sharedAdd": "ເພີ່ມ",
+ "sharedEdit": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "sharedRemove": "ລົບອອກ",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "ລົບລາຍການນີ້ບໍ່?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "ກມ.",
+ "sharedMi": "ໄມລ໌",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "ນ໊ອດ",
+ "sharedKmh": "ກມ. /ຊມ.",
+ "sharedMph": "ໄມລ໌ຕໍ່ຊົ່ວໂມງ",
+ "sharedHour": "ຊົ່ວໂມງ",
+ "sharedMinute": "ນາທີ",
+ "sharedSecond": "ວິນາທີ",
+ "sharedDays": "days",
+ "sharedHours": "hours",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimal Degrees",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Degrees Decimal Minutes",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Degrees Minutes Seconds",
+ "sharedName": "ຊື່",
+ "sharedDescription": "ລັກສະນະ",
+ "sharedSearch": "ຄົ້ນຫາ",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "ເຂດພື້ນທີ່",
+ "sharedGeofences": "ເຂດພື້ນທີ່",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "ການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "ຄຸນລັກສະນະ",
+ "sharedAttribute": "ຄຸນລັກສະນະ",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "ພື້ນທີ່",
+ "sharedSound": "Notification Sound",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distance",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Get Map State",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Device",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendars",
+ "sharedFile": "File",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Select File",
+ "sharedPhone": "Phone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Required",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Timezone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "ຜິດພາດ",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ຜິດພາດ",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket connection error",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "ອີເມວ",
+ "userPassword": "ລະຫັດຜ່ານ",
+ "userAdmin": "ຜູ້ເບິ່ງແຍງລະບົບ",
+ "userRemember": "ຈື່ໄວ້",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Device Limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "User Limit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Device Readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "ເຂົ້າສູ່ລະບົບ",
+ "loginLanguage": "ພາສາ",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "ລົງທະບຽນ",
+ "loginLogin": "ເຂົ້າສູ່ລະບົບ",
+ "loginFailed": "ທີ່ຢູ່ອີເມວຫລືລະຫັດຜ່ານບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ",
+ "loginCreated": "ຜູ້ໃຊ້ໃຫມ່ ໄດ້ຮັບການລົງທະບຽນ",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "ອອກຈາກລະບົບ",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "ອຸປະກອນແລະສະຖານະ",
+ "deviceTitle": "ເຄື່ອງ/ອຸປະກອນ",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "ລະບຸເລກອຸປະກອນ",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Category",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "ແກ້ໄຂລ່າສຸດ",
+ "deviceCommand": "ຄຳສັ່ງ",
+ "deviceFollow": "ຕິດຕາມ",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "ກຸ່ມ",
+ "groupParent": "ກຸ່ມ",
+ "groupNoGroup": "ບໍ່ຈັດໃນກຸ່ມ",
+ "settingsTitle": "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າ",
+ "settingsUser": "ບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້",
+ "settingsGroups": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າກຸ່ມ",
+ "settingsServer": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າລະບົບ",
+ "settingsUsers": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າຜູ້ໃຊ້ງານ",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "ຮູບແບບເວລາ 12 ຊົ່ວໂມງ",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "ລາຍງານ",
+ "reportDevice": "ລາຍງານເຄື່ອງ/ອຸປະກອນ",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "ຈາກ",
+ "reportTo": "ໄປເຖິງ",
+ "reportShow": "ສະແດງ",
+ "reportClear": "ລົບລ້າງລາຍງານ",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "ຖືກຕ້ອງ",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Accuracy",
+ "positionLatitude": "ລາຕິຈູດ",
+ "positionLongitude": "ລອງຈິຈູດ",
+ "positionAltitude": "ລະດັບຄວາມສູງ",
+ "positionSpeed": "ຄວາມໄວ",
+ "positionCourse": "ທິດທາງ",
+ "positionAddress": "ທີ່ຢູ່",
+ "positionProtocol": "ໂປຣໂຕຄໍລ໌",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າເຊີເວີ້",
+ "serverZoom": "ຂະຫຍາຍ +/-",
+ "serverRegistration": "ລົງທະບຽນ",
+ "serverReadonly": "ອ່ານໄດ້ຢ່າງດຽວ",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Force Settings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "ແຜ່ນທີ",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "ຊັ້ນແຜ່ນທີ",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps ສຳຄັນ",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps ຖະຫນົນ",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps ທາງອາກາດ",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "ໂພລີກອນ",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "ວົງກົມ",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "ສະຖານະ",
+ "stateName": "ຄຸນລັກສະນະ",
+ "stateValue": "ມູນຄ່າ",
+ "commandTitle": "ຄຳສັ່ງ",
+ "commandSend": "ສົ່ງ",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "ຫນ່ວຍ",
+ "commandCustom": "ຄຳສັ່ງກຳຫນົດເອງ",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "ໝາຍເລກອຸປະກອນ",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "ລາຍງານຕ່ຳແຫນ່ງດຽວ",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "ແກ້ໄຂຕ່ຳແຫນ່ງ",
+ "commandPositionStop": "ຕ່ຳແຫນ່ງ ຢຸດ",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ດັບເຄື່ອງຈັກ",
+ "commandEngineResume": "ຕິດເຄື່ອງຈັກຄືນໃຫມ່",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນຕິດຕໍ່ສາຂາ",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນຍົກເລີກຕິດຕໍ່ສາຂາ",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າເຂດເວລາ",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "ສັ່ງຖ່າຍຮູບ",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "ຣີບູດ",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "ສົ່ງ SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າເລກໝາຍໂທສຸກເສີນ SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າຊ່ວງເວລາຢຸດນິ່ງ",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າສະໝຸດໂທລະສັບ",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "ຂໍ້ຄວາມສຽງ",
+ "commandOutputControl": "ຄວບຄຸມຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ສົ່ງອອກ",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "ຄວາມຖີ່",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "ຜົນຮັບຈາກຄຳສັ່ງ",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Maintenance required",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "ຊະນິດການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Show Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Device Name",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Duration",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Start Time",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
+ "reportEndTime": "End Time",
+ "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistics",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Capture Time",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Active Users",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requests",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Arrow",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicycle",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Car",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcycle",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Plane",
+ "categoryShip": "Ship",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truck",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/lt.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/lt.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9edefc41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/lt.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Kraunasi..",
+ "sharedHide": "Paslėpti",
+ "sharedSave": "Išsaugoti",
+ "sharedSet": "Nustatyti",
+ "sharedCancel": "Atšaukti",
+ "sharedAdd": "Pridėti",
+ "sharedEdit": "Redaguoti",
+ "sharedRemove": "Ištrinti",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Pašalinti objektą?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Taip",
+ "sharedNo": "Ne",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "jurmylė",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "mazgai",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Valanda(-os)",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minutė(-es)",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekundė(-es)",
+ "sharedDays": "dienos",
+ "sharedHours": "valandos",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutės",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Laipsniai ir jų dalys",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Laipsniai minutės ir jų dalys",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Laipsniai minutės sekundės",
+ "sharedName": "Pavadinimas",
+ "sharedDescription": "Aprašymas",
+ "sharedSearch": "Paieška",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Georiba",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Georibos",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Perspėjimai",
+ "sharedNotification": "Pranešimas",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Parametrai",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Parametras",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Vairuotojai",
+ "sharedDriver": "Vairuotojas",
+ "sharedArea": "Plotas",
+ "sharedSound": "Perspėjimo garsas",
+ "sharedType": "Tipas",
+ "sharedDistance": "Atstumas",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "I",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "galonas",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litras",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Standartinis galonas",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "JAV galonas",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Gauti žemėlapio buseną",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Apskaičiuotas parametras",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Apskaičiuoti parametrai",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Patikrinti apskaičiuotą parametrą",
+ "sharedExpression": "Išraiška",
+ "sharedDevice": "Prietaisas",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Siųsti bandomąjį perspėjimą",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendorius",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendoriai",
+ "sharedFile": "Failas",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Parinkite failą",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefonas",
+ "sharedRequired": "Privalomas",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Pasirinkimai",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Leidimai",
+ "sharedConnections": "Susijungimai",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Tekstas",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Skaičius",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Loginis",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Laiko zona",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Užsaugota komanda",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Užsaugotos komandos",
+ "sharedNew": "Naujas...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Rodyti adresą",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Daugiau informacijos",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Išjungtas",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Aptarnavimas",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokacija",
+ "sharedImport": "Importuoti",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Greičio limitas",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Linijos atstumas",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Ataskaita: Ignoruoti odometrą",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Ataskaitos spalva",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Įrenginio slaptažodis",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Įrenginio neaktyvumo pradžia",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Įrenginio neaktyvumo trukmė",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Apdorojimas: Kopijuoti atributus",
+ "attributeColor": "Spalva",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Tiesioginio maršruto ilgis",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Išdidinti pažymėjus",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximalus išdidinimas",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP adresas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP prievadas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS įjungtas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTLS privalomas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL įjungtas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL protokolai",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Siuntėjas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP autentifikacija įjungta",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP prisijungimas",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP slaptažodis",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Išjungti įvykius",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Išjungti mašinos funkcijas",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Išjungti vairuotojus",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Išjungti apskaičiuotus parametrus",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Išjungti kalendorius",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Išjungti aptarnavimus",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Slėpti pozicijos adresą",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Klaida",
+ "errorGeneral": "Netinkami parametrai ar apribojimų pažeidimas",
+ "errorConnection": "Ryšio klaida",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket prisijungimo klaida",
+ "errorZero": "Negali būti nulis",
+ "userEmail": "Vartotojo vardas",
+ "userPassword": "Slaptažodis",
+ "userAdmin": "Administratorius",
+ "userRemember": "Prisiminti",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Galiojimas",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Prietaiso limitas",
+ "userUserLimit": "Vartotojo limitas",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Prietaisai skaitymo rėžimu",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Apriboti komandas",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Prisijungimas",
+ "loginLanguage": "Kalba",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registruotis",
+ "loginLogin": "Prisijungti",
+ "loginFailed": "Neteisingas el.paštas ir/ar slaptažodis",
+ "loginCreated": "Registracija sėkminga",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Atsijungti",
+ "loginLogo": "Logotipas",
+ "devicesAndState": "Prietaisai ir Statusas",
+ "deviceTitle": "Prietaisai",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikacinis kodas",
+ "deviceModel": "Modelis",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontaktas",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorija",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Naujausias atnaujinimas",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komanda",
+ "deviceFollow": "Sekti",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Viso distancija",
+ "deviceStatus": "Statusas",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Prisijungęs",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Neprisijungęs",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Nežinoma",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupė",
+ "groupParent": "Grupė",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Nenurodyta grupė",
+ "settingsTitle": "Nustatymai",
+ "settingsUser": "Paskyra",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupės",
+ "settingsServer": "Serveris",
+ "settingsUsers": "Vartotojai",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Atstumo vieneta",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Greičio vienetai",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Tūrio vienetai",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-val formatas",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinačių formatas",
+ "reportTitle": "Ataskaitos",
+ "reportDevice": "Prietaisas",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupė",
+ "reportFrom": "Nuo",
+ "reportTo": "Iki",
+ "reportShow": "Rodyti",
+ "reportClear": "Valyti",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Galiojantis",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Tikslumas",
+ "positionLatitude": "Platuma",
+ "positionLongitude": "Ilguma",
+ "positionAltitude": "Aukštis",
+ "positionSpeed": "Greitis",
+ "positionCourse": "Kryptis",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresas",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokolas",
+ "positionDistance": "Atstumas",
+ "positionRpm": "APM",
+ "positionFuel": "Kuras",
+ "positionPower": "Energija",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterija",
+ "positionRaw": "Neapdoroti duomenys",
+ "positionIndex": "Indeksas",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Palydovai",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Matomi palydovai",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Tarptinklinis ryšys",
+ "positionEvent": "Įvykis",
+ "positionAlarm": "Signalas",
+ "positionStatus": "Statusas",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometras",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Serviso odometras",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Kelionės odometras",
+ "positionHours": "Valandos",
+ "positionSteps": "Žingsniai",
+ "positionInput": "Įvestis",
+ "positionOutput": "Išvestis",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Baterijos lygis",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Kuro suvartojimas",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Programinės įrangos versija",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Techninės įrangos versija",
+ "positionIgnition": "Degimas",
+ "positionFlags": "Žymeklis",
+ "positionCharge": "Krovimas",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archyvas",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Apytikslis",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Judantis",
+ "positionArmed": "Uždėtas",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Akseleracija",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Įrenginio temperatūra",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatorius",
+ "positionCommand": "Komanda",
+ "positionBlocked": "Užblokuotas",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD greitis",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD odometras",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Vairuotojo unikalus ID",
+ "positionImage": "Atvaizdas",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Garso įrašas",
+ "serverTitle": "Serverio nustatymai",
+ "serverZoom": "Priartinimas",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registracija",
+ "serverReadonly": "Skaitymo",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Priverstiniai nustatymai",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Pranešimai",
+ "mapTitle": "Žemėlapis",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Žemėlapio sluoksnis",
+ "mapCustom": "Pasirinktas (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Pasirinktas (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Pasirinktas žemėlapis",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto žemėlapiai",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps raktas",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Keliai",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Palydovas",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Mišrus",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex žemėlapis",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Palydovinis",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox gatvės",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Palydovinis",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygonas",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Apskritimas",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polilinija",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Tiesioginiai maršrutai",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Lankytinų vietų sluoksnis",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Būklė",
+ "stateName": "Parametras",
+ "stateValue": "Reikšmė",
+ "commandTitle": "Komanda",
+ "commandSend": "Siųsti",
+ "commandSent": "Komanda nusiųsta",
+ "commandQueued": "Komanda eilėje",
+ "commandUnit": "Vienetas",
+ "commandCustom": "Vartotojo komanda",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Įrenginio identifikacija",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Vienkartinė ataskaita",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodinės ataskaitos",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stabdyti ataskaitas",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Stabdyti variklį",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Paleisti variklį",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Uždėti signalą",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Nuimti signalą",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Nustatyti laiko zoną",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Gauti nuotrauką",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Perkrauti prietaisą",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Siųsti SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Siųsti USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Nustatyti SOS numerį",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Nustatyti tylos laiką",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Nustatyti adresatų knygą",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Balso žinutė",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Įšvesties kontrolė",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Balso stebėjimas",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Nustatyti A-GPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Nustatyti Indikatorių",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfigūracija",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Gauti versiją",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Atnaujinti programinę įrangą",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Nustatyti prisijungimą",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Nustatyti odometrą",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Gauti modemo statusą",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Gauti įrenginio statusą",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Dažnis",
+ "commandTimezone": "Laiko zonos pataisa",
+ "commandMessage": "Žinutė",
+ "commandRadius": "Spindulys",
+ "commandEnable": "Įgalinti",
+ "commandData": "Duomenys",
+ "commandIndex": "Indeksas",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefono numeris",
+ "commandServer": "Serveris",
+ "commandPort": "Prievadas",
+ "eventAll": "Visi įvykiai",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Komandos rezultatas",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Aptarnavimo poreikis",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Gauta tekstinė žinutė",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Slinkti iki paskutinio",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Įspėjimo tipas",
+ "notificationAlways": "Visi prietaisai",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Maršrutas",
+ "reportEvents": "Įvykiai",
+ "reportTrips": "Kelionės",
+ "reportStops": "Sustojimai",
+ "reportSummary": "Suvestinė",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Diagrama",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigūruoti",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Įvykių tipai",
+ "reportChartType": "Diagramų tipai",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Rodyti žymeklius",
+ "reportExport": "Eksportuoti",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periodas",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Šiandien",
+ "reportYesterday": "Vakar",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Šią savaitę",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Praėjusią savaitę",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Šį mėnesį",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Praėjusį mėnesį",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Prietaiso vardas",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Vidutinis greitis",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimalus greitis",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Variklio valandos",
+ "reportDuration": "Trukmė",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Pradžios laikas",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Pradžios adresas",
+ "reportEndTime": "Pabaigos laikas",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Pabaigos adresas",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Suvartoto kuro",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Užfiksuotas laikas",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktyvus vartotojai",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktyvūs prietaisai",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Prašymai",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Žinutė gauta",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Žinutė išsaugota",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geokoderio užklausos",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolokacijos užklausos",
+ "categoryArrow": "Rodyklė",
+ "categoryDefault": "Numatytas",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Gyvūnas",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Dviratis",
+ "categoryBoat": "Valtis",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobusas",
+ "categoryCar": "Automobilis",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kranas",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Sraigtasparnis",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motociklas",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Bekelės transportas",
+ "categoryPerson": "Asmuo",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pikapas",
+ "categoryPlane": "Lėktuvas",
+ "categoryShip": "Laivas",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktorius",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Vilkikas",
+ "categoryVan": "Autobusiuskas",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Pradėti",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periodas"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/lv.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/lv.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..606b2813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/lv.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Ielādē...",
+ "sharedHide": "Paslēpt",
+ "sharedSave": "Saglabāt",
+ "sharedSet": "Iestatīt",
+ "sharedCancel": "Atcelt",
+ "sharedAdd": "Pievienot",
+ "sharedEdit": "Rediģēt",
+ "sharedRemove": "Dzēst",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Izdzēst?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Nav datu",
+ "sharedYes": "Jā",
+ "sharedNo": "Nē",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "jū",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Stunda",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minūte",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunde",
+ "sharedDays": "dienas",
+ "sharedHours": "stundas",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minūtes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimāldaļas",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Decimālgrādu minūtes",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Decimālgrādu sekundes",
+ "sharedName": "Vārds",
+ "sharedDescription": "Apraksts",
+ "sharedSearch": "Meklēt",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geolaukums",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geolaukumi",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Paziņojumi",
+ "sharedNotification": "Paziņojums",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Vērtības",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Vērtība",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Vadītāji",
+ "sharedDriver": "Vadītājs",
+ "sharedArea": "Laukums",
+ "sharedSound": "Paziņojuma skaņa",
+ "sharedType": "Tips",
+ "sharedDistance": "Attālums",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litri",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imperiālie galoni",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "ASV galoni",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Saņemt kartes stāvokli",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Aprēķināmās vērtības",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Aprēķinātās vērtības",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Pārbaudīt aprēķinātās vērtības",
+ "sharedExpression": "Izteiksme",
+ "sharedDevice": "Ierīce",
+ "sharedTest": "Pārbaude",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Nosūtīt testa paziņojumu",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendārs",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendāri",
+ "sharedFile": "Fails",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Meklēt ierīces",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Kārtot pēc",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Izvēlieties failu",
+ "sharedPhone": "Tālrunis",
+ "sharedRequired": "Obligāts",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Izvēlnes",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Atļaujas",
+ "sharedConnections": "Savienojumi",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Teksts",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Skaitlis",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Laika zona",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saglabatā komanda",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saglabātās komandas",
+ "sharedNew": "Jauns...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Rādīt adresi",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Vairāk detaļu",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Atspējots",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Uzturēšana",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akumulatori",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Trauksmes",
+ "sharedLocation": "Atrašanās vieta",
+ "sharedImport": "Importēt",
+ "sharedColumns": "Kolonnas",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Ātruma ierobežojums",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Maršruta Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Ziņojums: Ignorēt Odometru",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Atskaites krāsa",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Ierīces parole",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Ierīces attēls",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Ierīces Neaktivitātes Sākšana",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Ierīces Neaktivitātes Periods",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Apstrāde: Kopē Atribūtus",
+ "attributeColor": "Krāsa",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Reāllaika Ceļa Garums",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Palielināt Iezīmēto",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimālais zooms",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "E-pasts: SMTP adrese ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "E-pasts: SMTP Ports",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "E-pasts: Ieslēgt SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "E-pasts: Nepieciešams SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "E-pasts: Iespējot SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "E-pasts: SMTP SSL Uzticams",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "E-pasts: SMTP SSL Protokoli",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "E-pats: SMTP Forma",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "E-pats: SMTP Autentif. Ieslēgta",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "E-pats: SMTP Lietotājvārds",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "E-pats: SMTP Parole",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Atslēgt notikumus",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Atslēgt transporta iespējas",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Atslēgt vadītājus",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Atslēgt aprēķinātos atribūtus",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Atslēgt kalendārus",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Atslegt Apkopi",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Slēpt pozīcijas atribūtus",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Paziņojumu Žetoni",
+ "errorTitle": "Kļūda",
+ "errorGeneral": "Kļūdaini parametri vai satur kļūdas",
+ "errorConnection": "Savienojuma kļūda",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket savienojuma kļūda",
+ "errorZero": "Nevar būt nulle",
+ "userEmail": "E-pasts",
+ "userPassword": "Parole",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrators",
+ "userRemember": "Atcerēties",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Derīguma termiņš",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Ierīču Limits",
+ "userUserLimit": "Lietotāju Limits",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Tikai lasāma ierīce",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Ierobežot komandas",
+ "userDisableReports": "Atslēgt Atskaites",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Zīme",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Dzēst Kontu",
+ "loginTitle": "Lietotājvārds",
+ "loginLanguage": "Valoda",
+ "loginReset": "Atiestatīt paroli",
+ "loginRegister": "Reģistrēties",
+ "loginLogin": "Ieiet",
+ "loginFailed": "Kļūdains e-pasts vai parole",
+ "loginCreated": "Jauns lietotājs tika veiksmīgi reģistrēts ",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Pārbaudiet savu e-pastu",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Jaunā parole saglabāta",
+ "loginLogout": "Iziet",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Ierīces un to statusi",
+ "deviceTitle": "Ierīces",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikators",
+ "deviceModel": "Modelis",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakti",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorija",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Pēdējā atjaunošana",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komanda",
+ "deviceFollow": "Sekojiet",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Kopējais attālums",
+ "deviceStatus": "Statuss",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Tiešsaistē",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Bezsaistē",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Nezināms",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupa",
+ "groupParent": "Grupa",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Neviena grupa",
+ "settingsTitle": "Iestatījumi",
+ "settingsUser": "Konts",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupas",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Lietotāji",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Attāluma mērvienība",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Augstuma mērvienība",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Ātruma mērvienība",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Tilpuma mērvienība",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-h Formāts",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinātu formāts",
+ "reportTitle": "Atskaites",
+ "reportDevice": "Ierīce",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupa",
+ "reportFrom": "No",
+ "reportTo": "Līdz",
+ "reportShow": "Parādīt",
+ "reportClear": "Notīrīt",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google kartes",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Ielas skats",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Ierīces laiks",
+ "positionServerTime": "Servera Laiks",
+ "positionValid": "Derīgs",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precizitāte",
+ "positionLatitude": "Platums",
+ "positionLongitude": "Garums",
+ "positionAltitude": "Augstums",
+ "positionSpeed": "Ātrums",
+ "positionCourse": "Kurss",
+ "positionAddress": "Adrese",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokols",
+ "positionDistance": "Attālums",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Degviela",
+ "positionPower": "Jauda",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterija",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelīti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Redzamie satelīti",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Viesabonēšana",
+ "positionEvent": "Notikums",
+ "positionAlarm": "Trauksme",
+ "positionStatus": "Statuss",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometrs",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Servisa nobraukums",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Nobraukums",
+ "positionHours": "Stundas",
+ "positionSteps": "Soļi",
+ "positionInput": "Ievade",
+ "positionOutput": "Izvade",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Baterijas līmenis",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Degvielas patēriņš",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Programmatūras versija",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Aparatūras versija",
+ "positionIgnition": "Aizdedze",
+ "positionFlags": "Marķieri",
+ "positionCharge": "Lādējas",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arhīvs",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Aptuvenais",
+ "positionThrottle": "Akselerators",
+ "positionMotion": "Kustība",
+ "positionArmed": "Aizsargāts",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Paātrinājums",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatūra",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Ierīces Temperatūra",
+ "positionOperator": "Operators",
+ "positionCommand": "Komanda",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloķēts",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Ātrums",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "ODB Nobraukums",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Vadītāja unikālais ID",
+ "positionImage": "Attēls",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Skaņa",
+ "serverTitle": "Servera iestatījumi ",
+ "serverZoom": "Palielinājums",
+ "serverRegistration": "Reģistrācija",
+ "serverReadonly": "Tikai lasāms",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Pāriestatīt Iestatījumus",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Paziņojums",
+ "mapTitle": "Karte",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Kartes slānis",
+ "mapCustom": "Personalizēts (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Personalizēts (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Personalizēta karte",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetKarte",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Karšu Atslēga",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Karšu Ceļi",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Karšu Apgabals",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Hibrīdkarte",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Kartes",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satelliti",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Ielas",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satelīts",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here vienkāršā",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here hibrīda",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here satelītu",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Daudzstūris",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Aplis",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Lauzta līnija",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Reāllaika Maršruti",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Pašreizējā atrašanās vieta",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Slānis",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Stāvoklis",
+ "stateName": "Īpašības",
+ "stateValue": "Vērtība",
+ "commandTitle": "Komanda",
+ "commandSend": "Sūtīt",
+ "commandSent": "Komanda nosūtīta",
+ "commandQueued": "Komanda ierindota",
+ "commandUnit": "Vienība",
+ "commandCustom": "Pielāgota komanda",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Ierīces Identifikācija",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Vienas Reizes Atskaite",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodiska Atskaite",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Apturēt Atskaites",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Motora Slāpēšana",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Motora Startēšana",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Aktivizēt Trauksmi",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Izslēgt Trauksmi",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Atslēgt Paziņojumu",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Iestatīt Laika Zonu",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Pieprasīt Fotoattēlu",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Izslēgt Ierīci",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Pārstartēt Ierīci",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Sākotnējā režīma iestatīšana",
+ "commandSendSms": "Nosūtīt Īsziņu",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Nosūtīt USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Iestatīt SOS numuru",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Iestatīt Klusuma Laiku",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Iestatīt Tālruņa Grāmatu",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Balss Ziņojums",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Izejas Kontrole",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Balss uzraudzība",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Uzstādīt AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Iestatīt Indikatoru",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfigurācija",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Saņemt versiju",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Atjaunot programmatūru",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Iestatīt savienojumu",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Iestatīt odometru",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Saņemt modema statusu",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Saņemt ierīces statusu",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Iestatīt ātruma limitu",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Iestatīt akulumatora brīdinājumu",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Biežums",
+ "commandTimezone": "Laika Joslas Nobīde",
+ "commandMessage": "Ziņa",
+ "commandRadius": "Rādiuss",
+ "commandEnable": "Iespējot",
+ "commandData": "Datums",
+ "commandIndex": "Indekss",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefona Numurs",
+ "commandServer": "Serveris",
+ "commandPort": "Ports",
+ "eventAll": "Visi Notikumi",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Statuss aktīvs",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Statuss nezināms",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Statuss bezsaistē",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Ierīce neaktīva",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Ierīce pārvietojas",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Ierīce apturēta",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Ātruma limits pārsniegts",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Degvielas kritums",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Komandas rezultāts",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Ienāca apgabalā",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Pameta apgabalu",
+ "eventAlarm": "Trauksme",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Aizdedze Iesl.",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Aizdedze Izsl.",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Nepieciešama tehniskā apkope",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Saņemta īsziņa",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Mainījies vadītājs",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Ritināt Uz Pēdējo",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Vispārēji",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrācija",
+ "alarmMovement": "Kustība",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Zems Ātrums",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Ātruma pārsniegšana",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Savienojuma Pārrāvums",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Zema Enerģija",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Tukša Baterija",
+ "alarmFault": "Kļūda",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Barošana Izsl.",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Barošana Iesl.",
+ "alarmDoor": "Durvis",
+ "alarmLock": "Slēgt",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Atslēgt",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Apgabals",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Ienākšana Apgabalā",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Apgabala pamešana",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antena Atvienota",
+ "alarmAccident": "Negadījums",
+ "alarmTow": "Vilkšana",
+ "alarmIdle": "Tukšgaita",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Augsti Apgriezieni",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Straujšs paātrinājums",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Strauja Bremzēšana",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Strauja Manevrēšana",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Joslas Maiņa",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Neadekvāta Braukšana",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Barošana Noslēgta",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Barošana Atjaunota",
+ "alarmJamming": "Sastrēgums",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatūra",
+ "alarmParking": "Stāvvieta",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Motora pārsegs",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Kājas bremze",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Degvielas noplūde",
+ "alarmTampering": "Iespaido",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Noņem",
+ "notificationType": "Ziņojuma Tips",
+ "notificationAlways": "Visas ierīces",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanāli",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "e-pasts",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Atkārtot",
+ "reportRoute": "Maršruts",
+ "reportEvents": "Notikumi",
+ "reportTrips": "Braucieni",
+ "reportStops": "Pieturas",
+ "reportSummary": "Kopsavilkums",
+ "reportDaily": "Dienas Kopsavilkums",
+ "reportChart": "Grafiks",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigurēt",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Notikumu Veidi",
+ "reportChartType": "Grafika Veids",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Rādīt Marķierus",
+ "reportExport": "Eksportēt",
+ "reportEmail": "e-pasta Ziņojums",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periods",
+ "reportCustom": "Pielāgoti",
+ "reportToday": "Šodien",
+ "reportYesterday": "Vakar",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Šonedēļ",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Iepriekšējā nedēļa",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Šis mēnesis",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Iepriekšējais mēnesis",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Ierīces Nosaukums",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Vidējais Ātrums",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimālais Ātrums",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motorstundas",
+ "reportDuration": "Ilgums",
+ "reportStartDate": "Sākuma Datums",
+ "reportStartTime": "Sākuma Laiks",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Sākuma Adrese",
+ "reportEndTime": "Beigu Laiks",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Beigu Adrese",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Patērētā Degviela",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometra sākums",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometra beigas",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Uzņemšanas Laiks",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktīvie Lietotāji",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktīvās Ierīces",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Pieprasījumi",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Saņemtie Ziņojumi",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Saglabātie Ziņojumi",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Pieprasījumi",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Atrašanās Vietu Pieprasījumi",
+ "categoryArrow": "Bultiņa",
+ "categoryDefault": "Noklusējums",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Dzīvnieks",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Velosipēds",
+ "categoryBoat": "Laiva",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobuss",
+ "categoryCar": "Automašīna",
+ "categoryCrane": "Celtnis",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopters",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocikls",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Bezceļnieks",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persona",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pikaps",
+ "categoryPlane": "Lidmašīna",
+ "categoryShip": "Kuģis",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktors",
+ "categoryTrain": "Vilciens",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvajs",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolejbuss",
+ "categoryTruck": "Smagā mašīna",
+ "categoryVan": "Busiņš",
+ "categoryScooter": "Skrejritenis",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Sākt",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periods"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ml.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ml.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d659528d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ml.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "ലോഡുചെയ്യുന്നു ..",
+ "sharedHide": "മറയ്ക്കുക",
+ "sharedSave": "സേവ്",
+ "sharedSet": "സെറ്റ്",
+ "sharedCancel": "റദ്ദാക്കുക",
+ "sharedAdd": "ചേര്‍ക്കുക",
+ "sharedEdit": "തിരുത്തുക",
+ "sharedRemove": "നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "ഐറ്റം നീക്കം ചെയ്യട്ടെ ?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "കി.മീ.",
+ "sharedMi": "മൈൽ",
+ "sharedNmi": "നൗട്ടിക്കൽ മൈൽ",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "കനോട്സ്",
+ "sharedKmh": "കിലോമീറ്റർ /മണിക്കൂർ",
+ "sharedMph": "മൈൽസ് / മണിക്കൂർ",
+ "sharedHour": "മണിക്കൂർ",
+ "sharedMinute": "മിനിറ്റ്",
+ "sharedSecond": "സെക്കന്റ്",
+ "sharedDays": "ദിവസങ്ങൾ ",
+ "sharedHours": "മണിക്കൂറുകൾ",
+ "sharedMinutes": "മിനിറ്റ് ",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "ദശാംശ ഡിഗ്രി",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "ഡിഗ്രി ദശാംശ മിനിറ്റ് ",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "ഡിഗ്രി മിനിറ്റ് സെക്കൻഡ് ",
+ "sharedName": "പേര്",
+ "sharedDescription": "വിവരണം",
+ "sharedSearch": "സെർച്ച് ",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "ജിയോഫെൻസ് ",
+ "sharedGeofences": "ജിയോഫെൻസെസ് ",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "അറിയിപ്പുകൾ",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "അട്രീബൂട്ട്സ് ",
+ "sharedAttribute": "അട്രീബൂട്ട്",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "ഏരിയ",
+ "sharedSound": "അറിയിപ്പ് ശബ്ദം",
+ "sharedType": "ടൈപ്പ്",
+ "sharedDistance": "ദൂരം ",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "മണിക്കൂർ ",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "മിനിറ്റ് ",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "വോൾട്ട് ",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "ലിറ്റർ ",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "ലിറ്റർ / മണിക്കൂർ ",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "മാപ് സ്റ്റേറ്റ് ലഭ്യമാക്കുക ",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "കമ്പ്യൂട്ടേഡ്‌ അട്രീബൂട്ട് ",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "കമ്പ്യൂട്ടേഡ്‌ അട്രിബൂട്ടുകൾ ",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "കമ്പ്യൂട്ടേഡ്‌ അട്രീബൂട്ട് പരിശോധിക്കുക ",
+ "sharedExpression": "എക്സ്പ്രെഷൻ ",
+ "sharedDevice": "വാഹനം",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "ടെസ്റ്റ് നോട്ടിഫിക്കേഷൻ അയക്കുക ",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "കലണ്ടർ ",
+ "sharedCalendars": "കലണ്ടറുകൾ ",
+ "sharedFile": "ഫയൽ ",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "sharedPhone": "ഫോൺ",
+ "sharedRequired": "അനിവാര്യം",
+ "sharedPreferences": "ഇഷ്ടങ്ങൾ ",
+ "sharedPermissions": "പെർമിഷനുകൾ",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "എക്സ്ട്രാ ",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "സ്ട്രിംഗ്",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "നമ്പർ ",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "ബൂളിയാൻ ",
+ "sharedTimezone": "ടൈം സോൺ ",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "ഇൻഫോ ",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "സ്പീഡ് ലിമിറ്റ്‌ ",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "എറർ !",
+ "errorGeneral": "പാരാമീറ്റർ എറർ !",
+ "errorConnection": "കണക്ഷൻ എറർ !",
+ "errorSocket": "വെബ് സോക്കറ്റ് കണക്ഷൻ എറർ !",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "ഇമെയിൽ",
+ "userPassword": "പാസ്സ്‌വേർഡ് ",
+ "userAdmin": "അഡ്മിൻ ",
+ "userRemember": "ഓർത്തിരിക്കുക ",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Device Limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "User Limit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Device Readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "ലോഗിൻ ചെയ്യുക ",
+ "loginLanguage": "ഭാഷ",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "രെജിസ്റ്റർ ",
+ "loginLogin": "അകത്തു പ്രവേശിക്കുക",
+ "loginFailed": "തെറ്റായ ഇമെയിൽ വിലാസവും പാസ്വേഡും",
+ "loginCreated": "പുതിയ ഉപയോക്താവ് രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്തു",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "പുറത്തുകടക്കുക",
+ "loginLogo": "ലോഗോ",
+ "devicesAndState": "സാധനങ്ങളിന് നില ",
+ "deviceTitle": "സാധനങ്ങളിന് ",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "ഐഡന്റിഫയർ",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Category",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
+ "deviceCommand": "Command",
+ "deviceFollow": "Follow",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "ഗ്രൂപ്പ്",
+ "groupParent": "Group",
+ "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
+ "settingsTitle": "Settings",
+ "settingsUser": "Account",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groups",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Users",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Reports",
+ "reportDevice": "ഉപകരണം",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "From",
+ "reportTo": "To",
+ "reportShow": "Show",
+ "reportClear": "Clear",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valid",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Accuracy",
+ "positionLatitude": "അക്ഷാംശം",
+ "positionLongitude": "രേഖാംശം",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
+ "positionSpeed": "വേഗം",
+ "positionCourse": "Course",
+ "positionAddress": "Address",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Server Settings",
+ "serverZoom": "വലുതാക്കിയോ ചെറുതാക്കിയോ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "serverRegistration": "രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ",
+ "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Force Settings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "ഭൂപടം",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Map Layer",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "State",
+ "stateName": "Attribute",
+ "stateValue": "Value",
+ "commandTitle": "Command",
+ "commandSend": "Send",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Unit",
+ "commandCustom": "Custom command",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodic Reporting",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stop Reporting",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Engine Stop",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Engine Resume",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequency",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Maintenance required",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Show Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Device Name",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Duration",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Start Time",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
+ "reportEndTime": "End Time",
+ "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistics",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Capture Time",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Active Users",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requests",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Arrow",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicycle",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Car",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcycle",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Plane",
+ "categoryShip": "Ship",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truck",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/mn.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/mn.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc320cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/mn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Ачааллаж байна...",
+ "sharedHide": "Нуух",
+ "sharedSave": "Хадгалах",
+ "sharedSet": "Тааруулах",
+ "sharedCancel": "Цуцлах",
+ "sharedAdd": "Нэмэх",
+ "sharedEdit": "Засах",
+ "sharedRemove": "Хасах",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Үүнийг устгах уу?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Тийм",
+ "sharedNo": "Үгүй",
+ "sharedKm": "км",
+ "sharedMi": "миль",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Зангилаа",
+ "sharedKmh": "км/ц",
+ "sharedMph": "миль/цаг",
+ "sharedHour": "Цаг",
+ "sharedMinute": "Минут",
+ "sharedSecond": "Секунд",
+ "sharedDays": "өдөр",
+ "sharedHours": "цаг",
+ "sharedMinutes": "минут",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Градус 10-тын бутархай",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Градус Минут нь 10-тын бутархай",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Градус Минут Секунд",
+ "sharedName": "Нэр",
+ "sharedDescription": "Тайлбар",
+ "sharedSearch": "Хайх",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Хязгаарлалт",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Хязгаарлалтууд",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Мэдэгдэлүүд",
+ "sharedNotification": "Мэдэгдэл",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Утгууд",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Утга",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Жолооч нар",
+ "sharedDriver": "Жолооч",
+ "sharedArea": "Талбай",
+ "sharedSound": "Дуут дохио",
+ "sharedType": "Төрөл",
+ "sharedDistance": "Зай",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "цаг",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "мин",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "сек",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "Вольт",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "л",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "галлон",
+ "sharedLiter": "литр",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Англи галлон",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Америк галлон",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "литр/цаг",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Зургийн нөхцөл хуулбарлах",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Тооцолсон утга",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Тооцолсон утганууд",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Тооцолсон утга шалгах",
+ "sharedExpression": "Илэрхийлэл",
+ "sharedDevice": "Төхөөрөмж",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Туршилтын мэдэгдэл илгээх",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Календар",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Календарууд",
+ "sharedFile": "Файл",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Файл сонгох",
+ "sharedPhone": "Утас",
+ "sharedRequired": "Шаардлагатай",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Тохиргоо",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Зөвшөөрөл",
+ "sharedConnections": "Холболт",
+ "sharedExtra": "Нэмэлт",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Бутархай утга",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Тоон утга",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Логик утга",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Цагийн бүс",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Мэдээлэл",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Хадгалсан комманд",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Хадгалсан коммандууд",
+ "sharedNew": "Шинэ...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Хаягийг харуулах",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Хүчингүй",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Засвар үйлчилгээ",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Хуримтлагдах утга",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Дохиолол",
+ "sharedLocation": "Байрлал",
+ "sharedImport": "Оруулах",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Хурдны хязгаар",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Тайлан: Хянахын гүйлт тооцоохгүй",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Веб: Тайлангийн өнгө",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Төхөөрөмжийн нууц үг",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Төхөөрөмж Хэзээ унтсан",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Төхөөрөмж Унтсан хугацаа",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Боловсруулж байна: Утга хуулж байна",
+ "attributeColor": "Өнгө",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Алдаа",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Холболтын алдаа",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket connection error",
+ "errorZero": "Нойл утга байж болохгүй",
+ "userEmail": "Имэйл",
+ "userPassword": "Нууц үг",
+ "userAdmin": "Админ",
+ "userRemember": "Санах",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Device Limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "User Limit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Device Readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Нэвтрэх",
+ "loginLanguage": "Хэл",
+ "loginReset": "Нууц үг сэргээх",
+ "loginRegister": "Бүртгүүлэх",
+ "loginLogin": "Нэвтрэх",
+ "loginFailed": "Имэйл хаяг эсвэл нууц үг буруу байна",
+ "loginCreated": "Шинэ хэрэглэгч бүртгэгдлээ",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Имэйлээ шалгана уу",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Системээс гарах",
+ "loginLogo": "Лого",
+ "devicesAndState": "Devices and State",
+ "deviceTitle": "Төхөөрөмжүүд",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifier",
+ "deviceModel": "Модел",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Category",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
+ "deviceCommand": "Комманд",
+ "deviceFollow": "Follow",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Статус",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "Бүлэг",
+ "groupParent": "Бүлэг",
+ "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
+ "settingsTitle": "Тохиргоонууд",
+ "settingsUser": "Account",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groups",
+ "settingsServer": "Сервер",
+ "settingsUsers": "Хэрэглэгчид",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Зайн нэгж",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Хурдны нэгж",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Эзэлхүүний нэгж",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-цагийн формат",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Тайлангууд",
+ "reportDevice": "Төхөөрөмж",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "From",
+ "reportTo": "To",
+ "reportShow": "Харуулах",
+ "reportClear": "Clear",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valid",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Accuracy",
+ "positionLatitude": "Өргөрөг",
+ "positionLongitude": "Уртраг",
+ "positionAltitude": "Өндөр",
+ "positionSpeed": "Хурд",
+ "positionCourse": "Course",
+ "positionAddress": "Хаяг",
+ "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Түлш",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Батарей",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Индекс",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Статус",
+ "positionOdometer": "Гүйлт",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Комманд",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Серверийн тохиргоо",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registration",
+ "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Force Settings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Map",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Map Layer",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "State",
+ "stateName": "Attribute",
+ "stateValue": "Value",
+ "commandTitle": "Command",
+ "commandSend": "Send",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Нэгж",
+ "commandCustom": "Custom command",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodic Reporting",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stop Reporting",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Engine Stop",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Engine Resume",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequency",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Maintenance required",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Show Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Имэйл тайлан",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Өнөөдөр",
+ "reportYesterday": "Өчигдөр",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Энэ долоо хоног",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Өмнөх долоо хоног",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Энэ сар",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Өмнөх сар",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Төхөөрөмжийн нэр",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Дундаж хурд",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Дээд хурд",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Хугацаа",
+ "reportStartDate": "Эхлэх өдөр",
+ "reportStartTime": "Эхлэх цаг",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
+ "reportEndTime": "End Time",
+ "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Статистик",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Capture Time",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Идэвхитэй хэрэглэгчид",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Идэвхитэй төхөөрөмжүүд",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requests",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Arrow",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicycle",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Car",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcycle",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Plane",
+ "categoryShip": "Ship",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truck",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ms.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ms.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ecd5ff33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ms.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Memuatkan...",
+ "sharedHide": "Hide",
+ "sharedSave": "Simpan",
+ "sharedSet": "Set",
+ "sharedCancel": "Batal",
+ "sharedAdd": "Tambah",
+ "sharedEdit": "Ubah",
+ "sharedRemove": "Hapus",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Hapuskan item?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Jam",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minit",
+ "sharedSecond": "Saat",
+ "sharedDays": "days",
+ "sharedHours": "hours",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimal Degrees",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Degrees Decimal Minutes",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Degrees Minutes Seconds",
+ "sharedName": "Name",
+ "sharedDescription": "Description",
+ "sharedSearch": "Search",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Area",
+ "sharedSound": "Notification Sound",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distance",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Get Map State",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Device",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendars",
+ "sharedFile": "File",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Select File",
+ "sharedPhone": "Phone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Required",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Timezone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Ralat",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Ralat penyambungan",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket connection error",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Emel",
+ "userPassword": "Katalaluan",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Remember",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Device Limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "User Limit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Device Readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Log masuk",
+ "loginLanguage": "Bahasa",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Daftar",
+ "loginLogin": "Log masuk",
+ "loginFailed": "Kesalahan emel atau katalaluan",
+ "loginCreated": "Pengguna baru telah didaftarkan",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Keluar",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Peranti dan State",
+ "deviceTitle": "Peranti",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "IMEI/ID",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Category",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Kemaskini Terakhir",
+ "deviceCommand": "Arahan",
+ "deviceFollow": "Ikut",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "Group",
+ "groupParent": "Group",
+ "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
+ "settingsTitle": "Tetapan",
+ "settingsUser": "Akaun",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groups",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Pengguna",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Laporan",
+ "reportDevice": "Peranti",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "Daripada",
+ "reportTo": "Ke",
+ "reportShow": "Papar",
+ "reportClear": "Kosongkan",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Sah",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Accuracy",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitud",
+ "positionSpeed": "Kelajuan",
+ "positionCourse": "Course",
+ "positionAddress": "Alamat",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Tetapan Server",
+ "serverZoom": "Besarkan",
+ "serverRegistration": "Pendaftaran",
+ "serverReadonly": "Baca Sahaja",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Force Settings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Peta",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Map Layer",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Negeri",
+ "stateName": "Atribut",
+ "stateValue": "Nilai",
+ "commandTitle": "Arahan",
+ "commandSend": "Hantar",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Unit",
+ "commandCustom": "Custom command",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Laporan Berkala",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Hentikan Laporan",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Matikan Enjin",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Hidupkan Enjin",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekuensi",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Maintenance required",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Show Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Device Name",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Duration",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Start Time",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
+ "reportEndTime": "End Time",
+ "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistics",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Capture Time",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Active Users",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requests",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Arrow",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicycle",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Car",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcycle",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Plane",
+ "categoryShip": "Ship",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truck",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/nb.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/nb.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95af2dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/nb.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Laster...",
+ "sharedHide": "Skjul",
+ "sharedSave": "Lagre",
+ "sharedSet": "Sett",
+ "sharedCancel": "Avbryt",
+ "sharedAdd": "Legg til",
+ "sharedEdit": "Endre",
+ "sharedRemove": "Fjern",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Fjern element?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nm",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/t",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Time",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minutt",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekund",
+ "sharedDays": "dager",
+ "sharedHours": "timer",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutter",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Desimalgrader",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Grader desimalminutter",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Grader minutter sekund",
+ "sharedName": "Navn",
+ "sharedDescription": "Beskrivelse",
+ "sharedSearch": "Søk",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "geo-gjerde",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-gjerder",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Varsler",
+ "sharedNotification": "Varsel",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributter",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Egenskap",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Sjåfører",
+ "sharedDriver": "Sjåfør",
+ "sharedArea": "Område",
+ "sharedSound": "Varslingslyd",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Avstand",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "t",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Britisk Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Amerikansk Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/t",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Få karttilstand",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Utregnede atributter",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Utregnede atributter",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Sjekk utregnede atributter",
+ "sharedExpression": "Uttrykk",
+ "sharedDevice": "Enhet",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send testvarsling",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendere",
+ "sharedFile": "Fil",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Velg fil",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Nødvendig",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Innstillinger",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Tilgang",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Streng",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Nummer",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolsk",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Tidssone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Lagret kommando",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Lagrede kommandoer",
+ "sharedNew": "Ny",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Vis adresse",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deaktivert",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Vedlikehold",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Målere",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmer",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Fartsgrense",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polylinjedistanse",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapport: Ignorer odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Rapport farge",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Enhetspassord",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Behandling: Kopier egenskaper",
+ "attributeColor": "Farge",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live rute lengde",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Skaler ved valg",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimal forstørring",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP-vert",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP-port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: Aktiver SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS påkrevd",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: Aktiver SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL tillit",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL protokoller",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Fra",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "E-post: Aktiver SMTP autentisering",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP brukernavn",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP passord",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Deaktiver hendelser",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Deaktiver kjøretøysfunksjoner",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Deaktiver sjåfører",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Deaktiver utregnede egenskaper",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Deaktiver kalendere",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Deaktiver Vedlikehold",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Skjul posisjonsegenskaper",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Feil",
+ "errorGeneral": "Ugyldige parametere eller begrensingsbrudd",
+ "errorConnection": "Forbindelse feilet",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket tilkoblingsfeil",
+ "errorZero": "Kan ikke være null",
+ "userEmail": "E-post",
+ "userPassword": "Passord",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Husk",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Utløpstid",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Enhetsgrense",
+ "userUserLimit": "Brukergrense",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Skrivebeskyttet enhet",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Begrens kommandoer",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Symbol",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Logg inn",
+ "loginLanguage": "Språk",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrer",
+ "loginLogin": "Logg inn",
+ "loginFailed": "Feil e-post eller passord",
+ "loginCreated": "Ny bruker har blitt registrert",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Logg ut",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Enheter og status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Enheter",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
+ "deviceModel": "Modell",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategori",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Sist oppdatert",
+ "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Følg",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total distanse",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Tilkoblet",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Frakoblet",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Ukjent",
+ "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
+ "groupParent": "Gruppe",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Ingen gruppe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Innstillinger",
+ "settingsUser": "Konto",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupper",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Brukere",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Avstandsenhet",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hastighetsenhet",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volumenhet",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Tolvtimersformat",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinatformat",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapporter",
+ "reportDevice": "Enhet",
+ "reportGroup": "Gruppe",
+ "reportFrom": "Fra",
+ "reportTo": "Til",
+ "reportShow": "Vis",
+ "reportClear": "Nullstill",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Gyldig",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Nøyaktighet",
+ "positionLatitude": "Breddegrad",
+ "positionLongitude": "Lengdegrad",
+ "positionAltitude": "Høyde",
+ "positionSpeed": "Hastighet",
+ "positionCourse": "Retning",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresse",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
+ "positionDistance": "Avstand",
+ "positionRpm": "r/min",
+ "positionFuel": "Drivstoff",
+ "positionPower": "Spenning",
+ "positionBattery": "Batteri",
+ "positionRaw": "Rå",
+ "positionIndex": "Register",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelitter",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Synlige satelitter",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Nettveksling (Roaming)",
+ "positionEvent": "Hendelse",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometerteller",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Turmåler",
+ "positionHours": "Timer",
+ "positionSteps": "Steg",
+ "positionInput": "Inngang",
+ "positionOutput": "Utgang",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batterinivå",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Drivstofforbruk",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Fastvareversjon",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Maskinvareversjon",
+ "positionIgnition": "Tenning",
+ "positionFlags": "Status indikatorer",
+ "positionCharge": "Lade",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arkiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Tilnærmet",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gasspedal",
+ "positionMotion": "Bevegelse",
+ "positionArmed": "Slått På",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Akselerasjon",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Enhetstemperatur",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatør",
+ "positionCommand": "Kommando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokkert",
+ "positionDtcs": "Diagnosefeilkoder",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD hastighet",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD kilometerteller",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Sjåførunik ID",
+ "positionImage": "Bilde",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Lyd",
+ "serverTitle": "Serverinnstillinger",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registering",
+ "serverReadonly": "Skrivebeskyttet",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Tving innstillinger",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Kart",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Kartlag",
+ "mapCustom": "Tilpasset (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Tilpasset (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Tilpasset kart",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto basiskart",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps-nøkkel",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps-veg",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps-flyfoto",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Kart Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satelitt",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Mangekant",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Sirkel",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polylinje",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live rute",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI-lag",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Egenskap",
+ "stateValue": "Verdi",
+ "commandTitle": "Kommando",
+ "commandSend": "Send",
+ "commandSent": "Kommando er sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Kommando er satt i kø",
+ "commandUnit": "Enhet",
+ "commandCustom": "Egendefinert kommando",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Enhetsidentifikasjon",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel-rapportering",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk rapportering",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stopp rapportering",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Stopp motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Fortsett motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Slå alarm på",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå alarm av",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Sett tidssone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Be om foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Skru av enhet",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Omstart enhet",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Sett SOS-nummer",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Sett stilletid",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Sett telefonbok",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Talemelding",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Utgangkontroll",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Stemmeovervåking",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Sett AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Sett Indikator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Oppsett",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Vis versjon",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Oppdater fastvare",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Angi tilkobling",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Angi kilometerteller",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Få modemtilstand",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Få enhetstilstand",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
+ "commandTimezone": "Tidszoneforskyvning",
+ "commandMessage": "Melding",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Aktiver",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Register",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonnummer",
+ "commandServer": "Tjener",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Alle hendelser",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Enhetsstatus ukjent",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Enheten beveger seg",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Enhet stoppet",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Fartsgrense overskredet",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Drivstoffall",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Kommandoresultat",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Ankommet geogjerde",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Forlatt geogjerde",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Tenning på",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Tenning av",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Vedlikehold Kreves",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Tekst melding mottatt",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Sjåfør endret",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Vis siste",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Generell",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrasjon",
+ "alarmMovement": "Bevegelse",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Lav hastighet",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Høgt turtall",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Lite strøm",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Lavt batterinivå",
+ "alarmFault": "Feil",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Spenning av",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Spenning På",
+ "alarmDoor": "Dør",
+ "alarmLock": "Lås",
+ "alarmUnlock": "lås opp",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo-gjerde",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Ankommet Geogjerde",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Forlatt Geogjerde",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS-Antenne Fjernet",
+ "alarmAccident": "Ulykke",
+ "alarmTow": "Tauing",
+ "alarmIdle": "Tomgang",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Høyt turtall",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Akselerasjon",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Oppbremsing",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard svingning",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Filskifte",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Tretthetskjøring",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Spenning Kuttet",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Spenning Gjenopprettet",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Tempratur",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkering",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Panser",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Bremsepedal",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Drivstofflekasje",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tukling",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Fjerner",
+ "notificationType": "Varseltype",
+ "notificationAlways": "Alle enheter",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanaler",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Rute",
+ "reportEvents": "Hendelser",
+ "reportTrips": "Turer",
+ "reportStops": "Stopp",
+ "reportSummary": "Oppsumering",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Diagram",
+ "reportConfigure": "Sett opp",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Hendelsestyper",
+ "reportChartType": "Diagramtype",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Vis markører",
+ "reportExport": "Eksporter",
+ "reportEmail": "E-post-rapport",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periode",
+ "reportCustom": "Egendefinert",
+ "reportToday": "Idag",
+ "reportYesterday": "I går",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Denne uken",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Forrige uke",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Denne måneden",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Forrige måned",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Enhetsnavn",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Gjennomsnittshastighet ",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimumshastighet",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motortimer",
+ "reportDuration": "Varighet",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Starttidspunkt",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Startadresse",
+ "reportEndTime": "Sluttidspunkt",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Sluttadresse",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Brukt drivstoff",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Kilometerteller start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Kilometerteller stopp",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistikk",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Opptakstidspunkt",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktive brukere",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktive enheter",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Forespørsler",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Meldinger mottatt",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Meldinger lagret",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder-forespørsler",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation-forespørsler",
+ "categoryArrow": "Pil",
+ "categoryDefault": "Standard",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Dyr",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Sykkel",
+ "categoryBoat": "Båt",
+ "categoryBus": "Buss",
+ "categoryCar": "Bil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorsykkel",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Terrengkjøretøy",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Fly",
+ "categoryShip": "Skip",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tog",
+ "categoryTram": "Trikk",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Strømbuss",
+ "categoryTruck": "Lastebil",
+ "categoryVan": "Varebil",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periode"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ne.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ne.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69c5f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ne.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "लोड हुँदै ",
+ "sharedHide": "लुकाउने ",
+ "sharedSave": "सुरक्षित गर्ने ",
+ "sharedSet": "सेट गर्ने ",
+ "sharedCancel": "रद्ध गर्ने ",
+ "sharedAdd": "थप्ने",
+ "sharedEdit": "सच्याउने",
+ "sharedRemove": "हटाउने ",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "हटाउने हो?",
+ "sharedNoData": "डाटा छैन",
+ "sharedYes": "हो",
+ "sharedNo": "छैन",
+ "sharedKm": "कि मि ",
+ "sharedMi": "माइल",
+ "sharedNmi": "नटिकल माइल",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "किलो नट ",
+ "sharedKmh": "कि मि /घण्टा ",
+ "sharedMph": "माइल /घण्टा ",
+ "sharedHour": "घण्टा ",
+ "sharedMinute": "मिनेट ",
+ "sharedSecond": "सेकेन्ड ",
+ "sharedDays": "दिन ",
+ "sharedHours": "घण्टा ",
+ "sharedMinutes": "मिनेट",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "डेसिमल डिग्री ",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "डिग्री डेसिमल मिनेट ",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "डिग्री मिनेट सेकेन्ड ",
+ "sharedName": "नाम ",
+ "sharedDescription": "विवरण ",
+ "sharedSearch": "खोज्ने ",
+ "sharedIconScale": "आइकन स्केल",
+ "sharedGeofence": "भू परिधि ",
+ "sharedGeofences": "भू परिधिहरू ",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "geofence सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्",
+ "sharedNotifications": "सूचनाहरु ",
+ "sharedNotification": "सूचना ",
+ "sharedAttributes": "विशेषताहरू",
+ "sharedAttribute": "विशेषता",
+ "sharedDrivers": "चालकहरु ",
+ "sharedDriver": "चालक ",
+ "sharedArea": "क्षेत्र ",
+ "sharedSound": "सूचना ध्वनि ",
+ "sharedType": "प्रकार ",
+ "sharedDistance": "दूरी ",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "घ ",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "मि",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "से ",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "भोल्ट ",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "ई",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "ग्या",
+ "sharedLiter": "लिटर ",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "ग्यालन ",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "अमेरिकी ग्यालन ",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "ई/घ",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "नक्साको स्थिति पाउने ",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "गणना गरिएको विशेषता",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "गणना गरिएको विशेषताहरू",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "गणना गरिएको विशेषता जाँच गर्नुहोस्",
+ "sharedExpression": "अभिव्यक्ति",
+ "sharedDevice": "यन्त्र ",
+ "sharedTest": "परीक्षण",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "परीक्षण सूचना पठाउनुहोस्",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "परीक्षण च्यानलहरू",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "परीक्षण अभिव्यक्ति",
+ "sharedCalendar": "पात्रो",
+ "sharedCalendars": "पात्रोहरू",
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+ "sharedSelectFile": "फाइल चयन गर्नुहोस्",
+ "sharedPhone": "फोन",
+ "sharedRequired": "आवश्यक छ",
+ "sharedPreferences": "प्राथमिकताहरू",
+ "sharedPermissions": "अनुमतिहरू",
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+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "बूलियन",
+ "sharedTimezone": "समय क्षेत्र",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "जानकारी",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "संचित आदेश",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "संचित आदेशहरू",
+ "sharedNew": "नयाँ...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "ठेगाना देखाउनुहोस्",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "थप विवरण",
+ "sharedDisabled": "अक्षम",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "मर्मत",
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+ "sharedImport": "आयात",
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+ "calendarSimple": "सरल",
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+ "calendarDays": "दिनहरू",
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+ "calendarMonday": "सोमबार",
+ "calendarTuesday": "मंगलबार",
+ "calendarWednesday": "बुधबार",
+ "calendarThursday": "बिहीबार",
+ "calendarFriday": "शुक्रबार",
+ "calendarSaturday": "शनिबार",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "गति सिमित",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "इन्धन ड्रप थ्रेसहोल्ड",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "इन्धन वृद्धि थ्रेसहोल्ड",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "बहुरेखा दूरि",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "प्रतिबेदन: ओडोमिटर वेवास्ता",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "वेब: प्रतिबेदन रङ्ग",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "यन्त्र गोप्य शब्द",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "उपकरण फोटो",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "यन्त्र निष्क्रियता सुरु",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "यन्त्र निष्क्रियता अवधि",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "प्रशोधन: प्रतिलिपि विशेषताहरू",
+ "attributeColor": "रङ्ग",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "वेब: प्रत्यक्ष मार्ग लम्बाई",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "वेब: जूम अन चयन गर्नुहोस्",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "वेब: अधिकतम जुम",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "टेलिग्राम च्याट आईडी",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover प्रयोगकर्ता कुञ्जी",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover उपकरण नामहरू",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "मेल: SMTP होस्ट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "मेल: SMTP पोर्ट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "मेल: SMTP STARTTLS सक्षम गर्नुहोस्",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "मेल: SMTP STARTTLS आवश्यक छ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "मेल: SMTP SSL सक्षम गर्नुहोस्",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "मेल: SMTP SSL ट्रस्ट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "मेल: SMTP SSL प्रोटोकलहरू",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "मेल: SMTP बाट",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "मेल: SMTP प्रमाणीकरण सक्षम गर्नुहोस्",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "मेल: SMTP प्रयोगकर्ता नाम",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "मेल: SMTP पासवर्ड",
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+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: अक्षम घटनाहरू",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: अक्षम सवारी बिशेषताहरू",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: अक्षम ड्राईभरहरू",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: गणना गरिएका विशेषताहरू असक्षम पार्नुहोस्",
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+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: अक्षम मर्मत",
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+ "errorTitle": "त्रुटी",
+ "errorGeneral": "अवैध प्यारामिटर वा बाधा उल्लङ्घन",
+ "errorConnection": "जडान मा त्रुटी भयो ",
+ "errorSocket": "वेब सकेट जडान त्रुटि",
+ "errorZero": "शून्य हुन सक्दैन",
+ "userEmail": "इ मेल ",
+ "userPassword": "गोप्य शब्द ",
+ "userAdmin": "ब्यबस्थापक",
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+ "userExpirationTime": "मिति समाप्ति",
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+ "userUserLimit": "प्रयोगकर्ता सिमित",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "यन्त्र पढ्ने मात्र",
+ "userLimitCommands": "सिमित आदेशहरू",
+ "userDisableReports": "रिपोर्टहरू असक्षम गर्नुहोस्",
+ "userFixedEmail": "कुनै इमेल परिवर्तन छैन",
+ "userToken": "टोकन",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "खाता मेटाउनुहोस्",
+ "loginTitle": "लगिन गर्ने ",
+ "loginLanguage": "भाषा ",
+ "loginReset": "पासवर्ड रिसेट",
+ "loginRegister": "दर्ता गर्ने",
+ "loginLogin": "भित्रिने ",
+ "loginFailed": "इ मेल वा गोप्य शब्द गलत भयो ",
+ "loginCreated": "नया प्रयोगकर्ता दर्ता भयो ",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "आफ्नो इमेल जाँच गर्नुहोस्",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "नयाँ पासवर्ड सेट गरिएको छ",
+ "loginLogout": "बाहिरिने ",
+ "loginLogo": "लोगो",
+ "devicesAndState": "यन्त्रहरू तथा अवस्था ",
+ "deviceTitle": "यन्त्रहरू ",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "परिचायक ",
+ "deviceModel": "मोडेल",
+ "deviceContact": "सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्",
+ "deviceCategory": "वर्ग",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "अन्तिम अपडेट ",
+ "deviceCommand": "आदेश ",
+ "deviceFollow": "पिछा गर्ने ",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "कुल दूरि",
+ "deviceStatus": "स्थिति",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "अनलाईन",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "अफलाईन",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "अज्ञात",
+ "groupDialog": "समुह",
+ "groupParent": "समुह",
+ "groupNoGroup": "समुह नभएको",
+ "settingsTitle": "सेटिङ्ग ",
+ "settingsUser": "खाता ",
+ "settingsGroups": "समुहहरू",
+ "settingsServer": "सर्भर ",
+ "settingsUsers": "प्रयोगकर्ताहरु ",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "दूरि एकाई",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "उचाई एकाइ",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "गति एकाई",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "आयातन एकाई",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-घण्टे ढाचाँ",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "निर्देशांक ढाचाँ",
+ "reportTitle": "प्रतिबेदनहरु ",
+ "reportDevice": "यन्त्र ",
+ "reportGroup": "समुह",
+ "reportFrom": "बाट ",
+ "reportTo": "सम्म ",
+ "reportShow": "देखाउने ",
+ "reportClear": "सफा गर्ने ",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "गुगल नक्शा",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "एप्पल नक्शा",
+ "linkStreetView": "सडक दृश्य",
+ "positionFixTime": "समय तय गर्नुहोस्",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "उपकरण समय",
+ "positionServerTime": "सर्भर समय",
+ "positionValid": "ठिक",
+ "positionAccuracy": "शुद्धता",
+ "positionLatitude": "अक्षांश",
+ "positionLongitude": "देशान्तर ",
+ "positionAltitude": "उचाई ",
+ "positionSpeed": "गति ",
+ "positionCourse": "दिशा ",
+ "positionAddress": "ठेगाना ",
+ "positionProtocol": "प्रोटोकल ",
+ "positionDistance": "दूरि",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "ईन्धन",
+ "positionPower": "शक्ति",
+ "positionBattery": "ब्याट्री",
+ "positionRaw": "कच्चा",
+ "positionIndex": "अनुक्रमणिका",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "भू-उपग्रहहरू",
+ "positionSatVisible": "देखिने भू-उपग्रहहरू",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "जिपियस्",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "घटना",
+ "positionAlarm": "अलार्म",
+ "positionStatus": "स्थिति",
+ "positionOdometer": "ओडोमिटर",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service ओडोमीटर",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "ट्रिप ओडोमीटर",
+ "positionHours": "घण्टा",
+ "positionSteps": "पाइलाहरू",
+ "positionInput": "निवेश",
+ "positionOutput": "आउटपुट",
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+ "positionFuelConsumption": "इन्धन खपत",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "फर्मवेयर संस्करण",
+ "positionVersionHw": "हार्डवेयर संस्करण",
+ "positionIgnition": "प्रज्वलन",
+ "positionFlags": "झण्डाहरू",
+ "positionCharge": "चार्ज",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "अभिलेख",
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+ "positionApproximate": "अनुमान",
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+ "positionMotion": "गति",
+ "positionArmed": "सशस्त्र",
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+ "positionTemp": "तापक्रम",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "यन्त्र तापक्रम",
+ "positionOperator": "सञ्चालक",
+ "positionCommand": "आदेश",
+ "positionBlocked": "अवरुद्ध",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD गति",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD ओडोमिटर",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "चालक अद्वितीय आईडी",
+ "positionImage": "छवि",
+ "positionVideo": "भिडियो",
+ "positionAudio": "ध्वनि",
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+ "serverAnnouncement": "घोषणा",
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+ "mapActive": "सक्रिय नक्शा",
+ "mapOverlay": "नक्सा ओभरले",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "अनुकूलन ओभरले",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API कुञ्जी",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather बादलहरू",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather वर्षा",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather दबाब",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather पवन",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather तापमान",
+ "mapLayer": "नक्शा को तह ",
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+ "mapCustomArcgis": "अनुकूलन (ArcGIS)",
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+ "mapCarto": "कार्टो आधारनक्सा",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "बिंग नक्शाको चाबी (कि) ",
+ "mapBingRoad": "बिंग नक्शा (सडक)",
+ "mapBingAerial": "बिंग नक्शा (एरियल)",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "बाईडु",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "यान्डेक्स नक्सा",
+ "mapYandexSat": "यान्डेक्स भू-उपग्रह",
+ "mapWikimedia": "विकिमिडिया",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "आयुध सर्वेक्षण",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "म्यापबक्स सडकहरू",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "आउटडोर आउटडोर",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "म्यापबक्स उपग्रह",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "म्यापबक्स पहुँच टोकन",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler आधारभूत",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler हाइब्रिड",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API कुञ्जी",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "स्थानIQ सडकहरू",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ पहुँच टोकन",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "टमटम बेसिक",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom यातायात प्रवाह",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "टमटम ट्राफिक घटनाहरू",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "यहाँ ट्राफिक प्रवाह",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "बहुभुज",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "वृत्त",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "बहुरेखा",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "प्रत्यक्ष मार्गहरू",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "वर्तमान स्थान",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI तह",
+ "mapClustering": "मार्कर क्लस्टरिङ",
+ "mapOnSelect": "चयनमा नक्सा देखाउनुहोस्",
+ "stateTitle": "अवस्था ",
+ "stateName": "बिषेशता",
+ "stateValue": "मूल्य ",
+ "commandTitle": "आदेश ",
+ "commandSend": "पठाउने ",
+ "commandSent": "आदेश पठाइयो",
+ "commandQueued": "कमाण्ड पङ्क्तिबद्ध",
+ "commandUnit": "इकाई ",
+ "commandCustom": "अनुकुल आदेश",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "यन्त्र पहिचान",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "एकल प्रतिबेदन",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "आवधिक प्रतिबेदन ",
+ "commandPositionStop": "प्रतिबेदन बन्द गर्ने ",
+ "commandEngineStop": "इन्जिन बन्द गर्ने ",
+ "commandEngineResume": "इन्जिन खोल्ने ",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "हात चेतावनी",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "निशस्त्र अलार्म",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "अलार्म खारेज गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "समय क्षेत्र सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "फोटो अनुरोध",
+ "commandPowerOff": "पावर अफ यन्त्र",
+ "commandRebootDevice": " यन्त्र रिबुट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory रिसेट",
+ "commandSendSms": "एसएमएस पठाउनुहोस्",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD पठाउनुहोस्",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS नम्बर सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "मौन समय सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "फोनबुक सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "आवाज सन्देश",
+ "commandOutputControl": "आउटपुट नियन्त्रण",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "आवाज निगरानी",
+ "commandSetAgps": "जिपियस् सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "सूचक सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandConfiguration": "कन्फिगरेसन",
+ "commandGetVersion": "संस्करण प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "फर्मवेयर अपडेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSetConnection": "जडान सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "ओडोमिटर सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "मोदेमको स्थिति जान्नुहोस्",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "यन्त्रको स्थिति जान्नुहोस्",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "गति सीमा सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "पावर बचत मोड",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "गहिरो निद्रा मोड",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Geofence अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "ब्याट्री अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "SOS अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "अलार्म हटाउनुहोस् सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "घडी अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "गति अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "पतन अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "कम्पन अलार्म सेट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandFrequency": "आव्रती ",
+ "commandTimezone": "समय क्षेत्र अफसेट",
+ "commandMessage": "सन्देश",
+ "commandRadius": "त्रिज्या",
+ "commandEnable": "सक्षम गर्नुहोस्",
+ "commandData": "डाटा",
+ "commandIndex": "अनुक्रमणिका",
+ "commandPhone": "फोन नम्बर",
+ "commandServer": "सर्भर",
+ "commandPort": "पोर्ट",
+ "eventAll": "सबै घटना",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "अनलाईन स्थिति",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "अज्ञात स्थिति",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "अफलाईन स्थिति",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "यन्त्र निष्क्रिय छ",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "यन्त्र चलिरहेको छ",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "यन्त्र रोकियो",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "गति सिमा नाघ्यो",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "इन्धन खस्यो",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "इन्धन बढ्यो",
+ "eventCommandResult": "आदेश परिणाम",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence प्रवेश गर्नुभयो",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence बाहिर निस्कियो",
+ "eventAlarm": "अलार्म",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "इग्निशन अन",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "इग्निशन बन्द",
+ "eventMaintenance": "मर्मत आवश्यक",
+ "eventTextMessage": "पाठ सन्देश प्राप्त भयो",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "चालक परिवर्तन भयो",
+ "eventMedia": "मिडिया",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "अन्तिममा स्क्रोल गर्नुहोस्",
+ "alarmGeneral": "सामान्य",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "कम्पन",
+ "alarmMovement": "आन्दोलन",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "कम गति",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "अधिक गति",
+ "alarmFallDown": "तल झर्नु",
+ "alarmLowPower": "कम शक्ति",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "कम ब्याट्री",
+ "alarmFault": "गल्ती",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "पावर अफ",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "चालु गर",
+ "alarmDoor": "ढोका",
+ "alarmLock": "ताला",
+ "alarmUnlock": "अनलक गर्नुहोस्",
+ "alarmGeofence": "जियोफेन्स",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence निकास",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "काटिएको जिपियस् आन्टेना",
+ "alarmAccident": "दुर्घटना",
+ "alarmTow": "टो",
+ "alarmIdle": "निष्क्रिय",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "उच्च RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "हार्ड एक्सेलेरेशन",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "कडा ब्रेकिङ",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "कडा कुना",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "लेन परिवर्तन",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "थकान ड्राइभिङ",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "पावर कट",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "शक्ति पुनर्स्थापित",
+ "alarmJamming": "जामिङ",
+ "alarmTemperature": "तापक्रम",
+ "alarmParking": "पार्किङ",
+ "alarmBonnet": "बोनेट",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "फुट ब्रेक",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "इन्धन चुहावट",
+ "alarmTampering": "छेडछाड",
+ "alarmRemoving": "हटाउँदै",
+ "notificationType": "सुचना प्रकार",
+ "notificationAlways": "सबै उपकरणहरू",
+ "notificationNotificators": "च्यानलहरू",
+ "notificatorWeb": "वेब",
+ "notificatorMail": "पत्र",
+ "notificatorSms": "यसएमयस",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "फायरबेस",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "ट्रयाकर",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "टेलिग्राम",
+ "notificatorPushover": "पुशओभर",
+ "reportReplay": "रिप्ले",
+ "reportRoute": "रुट",
+ "reportEvents": "घटनाहरू",
+ "reportTrips": "यात्राहरू",
+ "reportStops": "रोकिन्छ",
+ "reportSummary": "सारांश",
+ "reportDaily": "दैनिक सारांश",
+ "reportChart": "मानचित्र",
+ "reportConfigure": "कन्फिगर ",
+ "reportEventTypes": "घटना प्रकार",
+ "reportChartType": "मानचित्र प्रकार",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "मार्करहरू देखाउनुहोस्",
+ "reportExport": "निकास",
+ "reportEmail": "प्रतिबेदन ई-मेल गर्ने",
+ "reportPeriod": "अवधि",
+ "reportCustom": "अनुकुल",
+ "reportToday": "आज",
+ "reportYesterday": "हिजो",
+ "reportThisWeek": "हालको हप्ता",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "अघिल्लो हप्ता",
+ "reportThisMonth": "हालको महिना",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "अघिल्लो महिना",
+ "reportDeviceName": "यन्त्र नाम",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "औसत गति",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "अधिकतम गति",
+ "reportEngineHours": "इन्जिन घण्टा",
+ "reportDuration": "अवधि",
+ "reportStartDate": "सुरू मिति",
+ "reportStartTime": "शुरु समय",
+ "reportStartAddress": "शुरु ठेगाना",
+ "reportEndTime": "अन्त्य समय",
+ "reportEndAddress": "अन्त्य ठेगाना",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "खर्चित ईन्धन",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "ओडोमिटर सुरु",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "ओडोमिटर अन्त्य",
+ "statisticsTitle": "तथ्याङ्क ",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "समय कब्जा",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "सक्रिय प्रयोगकर्ता",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "सक्रिय यन्त्रहरू",
+ "statisticsRequests": "अनुरोधहरू",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "सन्देशहरू प्राप्त भयो",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "सन्देशहरू भण्डारण गरियो",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "जियोकोडर अनुरोधहरू",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "भौगोलिक स्थान अनुरोधहरू",
+ "categoryArrow": "तीर",
+ "categoryDefault": "पुर्वनिर्धारित",
+ "categoryAnimal": "जनावर ",
+ "categoryBicycle": "साइकल ",
+ "categoryBoat": "डुंगा ",
+ "categoryBus": "बस ",
+ "categoryCar": "कार ",
+ "categoryCrane": "क्रेन ",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "हेलिकप्टर ",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "मोटरसाइकल ",
+ "categoryOffroad": "कच्ची बाटो ",
+ "categoryPerson": "व्यक्ति ",
+ "categoryPickup": "पिकअप ",
+ "categoryPlane": "हवाइजहाज ",
+ "categoryShip": "जहाज ",
+ "categoryTractor": "ट्रयाक्टर",
+ "categoryTrain": "रेल",
+ "categoryTram": "ट्राम",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "ट्रलिबस",
+ "categoryTruck": "ट्रक ",
+ "categoryVan": "भ्यान ",
+ "categoryScooter": "स्कुटर",
+ "maintenanceStart": "शुरु",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "अवधि"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/nl.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/nl.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86ea4c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/nl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Laden...",
+ "sharedHide": "Verberg",
+ "sharedSave": "Opslaan",
+ "sharedSet": "Instellen",
+ "sharedCancel": "Annuleren",
+ "sharedAdd": "Toevoegen",
+ "sharedEdit": "Bewerken",
+ "sharedRemove": "Verwijderen",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Item verwijderen?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Geen gegevens",
+ "sharedYes": "Ja",
+ "sharedNo": "Nee",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mijl",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "knopen",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mijl per uur",
+ "sharedHour": "Uur",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuut",
+ "sharedSecond": "Seconde",
+ "sharedDays": "dagen",
+ "sharedHours": "uren",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuten",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimale graden",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Graden decimale minuten",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Graden minuten/seconden",
+ "sharedName": "Naam",
+ "sharedDescription": "Omschrijving",
+ "sharedSearch": "Zoeken",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geografisch gebied",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geografische gebieden",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificatie",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificatie",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributen",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribuut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Bestuurders",
+ "sharedDriver": "Bestuurder",
+ "sharedArea": "Gebied",
+ "sharedSound": "Notificatiegeluid",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Afstand",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "u",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "imperial gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/u",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Haal kaartstatus op",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Berekend attribuut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Berekende attributen",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Controleer berekend attribuut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Uitdrukking",
+ "sharedDevice": "Apparaat",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Stuur testnotificatie",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Testkanalen",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Testexpressie",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalenders",
+ "sharedFile": "Bestand",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Zoek apparaten",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sorteer op",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter op kaart",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Selecteer bestand",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefoon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Verplicht",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Voorkeuren",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Rechten",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connecties",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Tekst",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Getal",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Tijdzone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Opgeslagen commando",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Opgeslagen commando's",
+ "sharedNew": "Nieuw...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Toon adres",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Meer details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Uitgeschakeld",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Onderhoud",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmen",
+ "sharedLocation": "Locatie",
+ "sharedImport": "Importeren",
+ "sharedColumns": "Kolommen",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Sleep en plaats hier een bestand of klik hier",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Snelheidslimiet",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polylijn afstand",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapport: negeer odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: rapportkleur",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Apparaatwachtwoord",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Apparaatafbeelding",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Start van inactiviteit",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Inactiviteitperiode",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Verwerking: kopieer attributen",
+ "attributeColor": "Kleur",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: live routelengte",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: zoomen tijdens selecteren",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: maximaal zoomniveau",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP poort",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTL ingeschakeld",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTL vereist",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL ingeschakeld",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL vertrouwd",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL protocollen",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP van",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP authenticatie ingeschakeld",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP gebruikersnaam",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP wachtwoord",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: attributen uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: groepen uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Gebeurtenissen uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: voertuigfuncties uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: bestuurders uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: berekende attributen uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: kalenders uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Onderhoud uitschakelen",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Verberg positie-eigenschappen",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: logintaal uitschakelen",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notificatietokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Fout",
+ "errorGeneral": "Ongeldige parameters of overschrijding van beperkingen",
+ "errorConnection": "Verbindingsfout",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket verbindingsfout",
+ "errorZero": "Mag niet nul zijn",
+ "userEmail": "E-mail",
+ "userPassword": "Wachtwoord",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrator",
+ "userRemember": "Onthouden",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Verloopdatum",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Apparaatlimiet",
+ "userUserLimit": "Gebruikerlimiet",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Apparaat alleen-lezen",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limiteer commando's",
+ "userDisableReports": "Rapporten uitschakelen",
+ "userFixedEmail": "Geen e-mail aanpassing",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Geen account",
+ "loginTitle": "Inloggen",
+ "loginLanguage": "Taal",
+ "loginReset": "Wachtwoord herstellen",
+ "loginRegister": "Registreren",
+ "loginLogin": "Inloggen",
+ "loginFailed": "Onjuist e-mailadres of wachtwoord",
+ "loginCreated": "De nieuwe gebruiker is geregistreerd",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check je e-mail",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Het wachtwoord is ingesteld",
+ "loginLogout": "Afmelden",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Apparaten en status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Apparaten",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifier",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categorie",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Laatste update",
+ "deviceCommand": "Commando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Volgen",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Totale afstand",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Onbekend",
+ "groupDialog": "Groep",
+ "groupParent": "Groep",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Geen groep",
+ "settingsTitle": "Instellingen",
+ "settingsUser": "Account",
+ "settingsGroups": "Groepen",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Gebruikers",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Afstandseenheid",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Hoogte eenheid",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Snelheidseenheid",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume-eenheid",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-uurs indeling",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coördinatenformaat ",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapportages",
+ "reportDevice": "Apparaat",
+ "reportGroup": "Groep",
+ "reportFrom": "Van",
+ "reportTo": "Naar",
+ "reportShow": "Laat zien",
+ "reportClear": "Leegmaken",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Tijd aanpassen",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Tijd van apparaat",
+ "positionServerTime": "Tijd van server",
+ "positionValid": "Geldig",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Nauwkeurigheid",
+ "positionLatitude": "Breedtegraad",
+ "positionLongitude": "Lengtegraad",
+ "positionAltitude": "Hoogte",
+ "positionSpeed": "Snelheid",
+ "positionCourse": "Koers",
+ "positionAddress": "Adres",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
+ "positionDistance": "Afstand",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Brandstof",
+ "positionPower": "Stroom",
+ "positionBattery": "Accu",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellieten",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Zichtbare satellieten",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roamen",
+ "positionEvent": "Gebeurtenis",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Reis odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Uur",
+ "positionSteps": "Stappen",
+ "positionInput": "Invoer",
+ "positionOutput": "Uitvoer",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Accuniveau",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Brandstofverbruik",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware versie",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware versie",
+ "positionIgnition": "Contact",
+ "positionFlags": "Vlaggen",
+ "positionCharge": "Lading",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archief",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Benadering",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Beweging",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Versnelling",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatuur",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Apparaattemperatuur",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Commando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Geblokkeerd",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD snelheid",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Bestuurder uniek ID",
+ "positionImage": "Afbeelding",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Geluid",
+ "serverTitle": "Serverinstellingen",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registratie",
+ "serverReadonly": "Alleen lezen",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Instellingen forceren",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Aankondiging",
+ "mapTitle": "Kaart",
+ "mapActive": "Actieve kaarten",
+ "mapOverlay": "Kaartlaag",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Aangepaste laag",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API sleutel",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather wolken",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather neerslag",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather luchtdruk",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather temperatuur",
+ "mapLayer": "Kaart laag",
+ "mapCustom": "Aangepast (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Aangepast (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Aangepaste map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps sleutel",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Wegen",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Luchtfoto",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps hybride",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex kaart",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex satelliet",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "MapBox toegangsleutel",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API sleutel",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ toegangsleutel",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom basis",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom verkeersstromen",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom verkeersincidenten",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API sleutel",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here basis",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here hybride",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here satelliet",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here verkeersstromen",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API sleutel",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygoon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cirkel",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polylijn",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Huidige locatie",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI laag",
+ "mapClustering": "Markeringen clusteren",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Toon kaart bij selectie",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Parameter",
+ "stateValue": "Waarde",
+ "commandTitle": "Commando",
+ "commandSend": "Verstuur",
+ "commandSent": "Commando verstuurd",
+ "commandQueued": "Commando in de wachtrij geplaatst",
+ "commandUnit": "Eenheid",
+ "commandCustom": "Aangepast commando",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Apparaatidentificatie",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel commando",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodiek rapporteren",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stop rapporteren",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Motor stoppen",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Motor hervatten",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Alarm aan",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Alarm uit",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Alarm negeren",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Tijdzone instellen",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Vraag foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Apparaat uitschakelen",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Herstart apparaat",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Naar fabrieksinstellingen",
+ "commandSendSms": "Stuur SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Stuur USDD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Stel SOS-nummer in",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Stel 'Stille tijd' in",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Bewerk telefoonboek",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Spraakbericht",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Stel output in",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Stemmonitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS instellen",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Indicator instellen",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuratie",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Versie ophalen",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Firmware bijwerken",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Connectie instellen",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Odometer instellen",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Modemstatus opvragen",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Apparaatstatus opvragen",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Snelheidslimiet instellen",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Batterijspaarstand",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Diepe slaapstand",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Geofence-alarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Accualarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "SOS-alarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Verwijderalarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Klokalarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Snelheidsalarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Probleemalarm instellen",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Trilalarm instellen",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequentie",
+ "commandTimezone": "Tijdzoneverschil",
+ "commandMessage": "Bericht",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Inschakelen",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefoonnummer",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Poort",
+ "eventAll": "Alle gebeurtenissen",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status onbekend",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Einde van inactiviteit",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Apparaat beweegt",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Apparaat gestopt",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Snelheidslimiet overschreden",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Brandstofafname",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Commando resultaat",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence binnengegaan",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence verlaten",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ontsteking aan",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ontsteking uit",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Onderhoud vereist",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Tekstbericht ontvangen",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Bestuurder veranderd",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll naar laatste",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Algemeen",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Trilling",
+ "alarmMovement": "Beweging",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Lage snelheid",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Snelheidsoverschreiding",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Gevallen",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Lage stroom",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Laag accuniveau",
+ "alarmFault": "Fout",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Uitgeschakeld",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Ingeschakeld",
+ "alarmDoor": "Deur",
+ "alarmLock": "Afgesloten",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Geopend",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence binnengegaan",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence verlaten",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS antenne verbroken",
+ "alarmAccident": "Ongeluk",
+ "alarmTow": "Gesleept",
+ "alarmIdle": "Rust",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Hoge TPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Harde versnelling",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Harde remming",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Scherpe bocht",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Rijbaanwisseling",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Vermoeid rijden",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Stroomonderbreking",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Stroom hersteld",
+ "alarmJamming": "Verstoring",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatuur",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkeren",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Motorkap",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Voetrem",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Brandstoflek",
+ "alarmTampering": "Knoeien",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Verwijderd",
+ "notificationType": "Notificatietype",
+ "notificationAlways": "Alle apparaten",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanalen",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "E-mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Opnieuw afspelen",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Gebeurtenissen",
+ "reportTrips": "Ritten",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Samenvatting",
+ "reportDaily": "Dagelijkse samenvatting",
+ "reportChart": "Grafiek",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configureer",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Gebeurtenistypen",
+ "reportChartType": "Grafiektype",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Toon markeringen",
+ "reportExport": "Exporteren",
+ "reportEmail": "E-mailrapport",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periode",
+ "reportCustom": "Aangepast",
+ "reportToday": "Vandaag",
+ "reportYesterday": "Gisteren",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Deze week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Vorige week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Deze maand",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Vorige maand",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Apparaatnaam",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Gemiddelde snelheid",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximale snelheid",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Draaiuren motor",
+ "reportDuration": "Duur",
+ "reportStartDate": "Startdatum",
+ "reportStartTime": "Starttijd",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Beginadres",
+ "reportEndTime": "Eindtijd",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Eindadres",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Verbruikte brandstof",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer einde",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistieken",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Opnametijd",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Actieve gebruikers",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Actieve apparaten",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Verzoeken",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Ontvangen berichten",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Opgeslagen berichten",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoderverzoeken",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocatieverzoeken",
+ "categoryArrow": "Aanwijzer",
+ "categoryDefault": "Standaard",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Dier",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Fiets",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boot",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Auto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kraan",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motor",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persoon",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Vliegtuig",
+ "categoryShip": "Schip",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Trein",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Vrachtwagen",
+ "categoryVan": "Busje",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periode"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/nn.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/nn.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebe94c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/nn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Lastar...",
+ "sharedHide": "Gøym",
+ "sharedSave": "Lagre",
+ "sharedSet": "Sett",
+ "sharedCancel": "Avbryt",
+ "sharedAdd": "Legg til",
+ "sharedEdit": "Endre",
+ "sharedRemove": "Fjern",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Fjern element?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nm",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/t",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Time",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minutt",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekund",
+ "sharedDays": "dagar",
+ "sharedHours": "timar",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuttar",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Disimalgrader",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Desimalminutter",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Grader minuttar sekund",
+ "sharedName": "Namn",
+ "sharedDescription": "Beskriving",
+ "sharedSearch": "Søk",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo-gjerde",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-gjerde",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Varsel",
+ "sharedNotification": "Varsel",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Eigenskapar",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Eigenskap",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Sjåførar",
+ "sharedDriver": "Sjåfør",
+ "sharedArea": "Område",
+ "sharedSound": "Varslingslyd",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Avstand",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "t",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Britisk gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Amerikansk gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/t",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Få karttilstand",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Berekna eigenskap",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Berekna eigenskapar",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Sjekk berekna eigenskaper",
+ "sharedExpression": "Uttrykk",
+ "sharedDevice": "Eining",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send testvarsel",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendrar",
+ "sharedFile": "Fil",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Velg fil",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Naudsynt",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Innstillingar",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Løyve",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Streng",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Nummer",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolsk",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Tidssone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Lagra kommando",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Lagra kommandoar",
+ "sharedNew": "Ny...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Vis adresse",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deaktiver",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Vedlikehald",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akkumulatorar",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmar",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Fartsgrense",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polylinjedistanse",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapporter: Ignorer kilometerteljar",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Rapportfarge",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Einingspassord",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Prosesser: Kopier eigenskapar",
+ "attributeColor": "Farge",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live rute lengde",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Skaler ved val",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimal forstørring",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "E-post: SMTP-vert",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "E-post: SMTP-port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "E-post: aktiver SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "E-post: SMTP STARTTLS nøydsynt",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "E-post: aktiver SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "E-Post: SMTP SSL tillit",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "E-post: SMTP SSL protokollar",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "E-post: SMTP Frå",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "E-post: Aktiver SMTP autentisering",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "E-post: SMTP brukarnamn",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "E-post: SMTP passord",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Deaktiver hendingar",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Deaktiver køyretøy-funksjonar",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Deaktiver Sjåførar",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Deaktiver Berekna eigenskaper",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Deaktiver kalendrar",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": " UI: Deaktiver vedlikehald",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Gøym posisojonseigenskapar",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Feil",
+ "errorGeneral": "ugyldige parameterar eller avgrensingsbrot",
+ "errorConnection": "Forbindelse feila",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket tilkoplingsfeil",
+ "errorZero": "Kan ikkje vere null",
+ "userEmail": "E-post",
+ "userPassword": "Passord",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Hugs",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Utløp",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Einingsgrense",
+ "userUserLimit": "Brukargrense",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Eining skrivebeskytta",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Avgrens kommandoar",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Symbol",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Logg inn",
+ "loginLanguage": "Språk",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrer",
+ "loginLogin": "Logg inn",
+ "loginFailed": "Feil e-post eller passord",
+ "loginCreated": "Ny brukar har blitt registrert",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Logg ut",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Einingar og status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Einingar",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategori",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Sist oppdatert",
+ "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Følj",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total avstand",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Tilkopla",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Fråkopla",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Ukjend",
+ "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
+ "groupParent": "Gruppe",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Inga gruppe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Innstillingar",
+ "settingsUser": "Konto",
+ "settingsGroups": "Gruppar",
+ "settingsServer": "Tenar",
+ "settingsUsers": "Brukarar",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Avstanseining",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hastighetseining",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volumeining",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Tolvtimersformat",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinatformat",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapportar",
+ "reportDevice": "Eining",
+ "reportGroup": "Gruppe",
+ "reportFrom": "Frå",
+ "reportTo": "Til",
+ "reportShow": "Syn",
+ "reportClear": "Nullstill",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Gyldig",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Nøyaktigheit",
+ "positionLatitude": "Breddegrad",
+ "positionLongitude": "Lengdegrad",
+ "positionAltitude": "Høgde",
+ "positionSpeed": "Hastigheit",
+ "positionCourse": "Retning",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresse",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
+ "positionDistance": "Avstand",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Drivstoff",
+ "positionPower": "Kraft",
+ "positionBattery": "Batteri",
+ "positionRaw": "Rå",
+ "positionIndex": "Register",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelittar",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Synlege satelittar",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Nettveksling (Roaming)",
+ "positionEvent": "Hending",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometerteljar",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service kilometerteljar",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Turmålar",
+ "positionHours": "Timar",
+ "positionSteps": "Steg",
+ "positionInput": "Inngang",
+ "positionOutput": "Utgang",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batterinivå",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Drivstoff-forbruk",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Fastvareversjon",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Maskinvareversjon",
+ "positionIgnition": "Tenning",
+ "positionFlags": "Status indikatorar",
+ "positionCharge": "Lade",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arkiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Tilnærma",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gasspedal",
+ "positionMotion": "Rørsle",
+ "positionArmed": "Armert",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Akselerasjon",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Einingstemperatur",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatør",
+ "positionCommand": "Kommando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokert",
+ "positionDtcs": "Diagnosefeilkoder",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD-hastigheit",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD kilometerteljar",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Sjåførunik ID",
+ "positionImage": "Bilete",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Lyd",
+ "serverTitle": "Tenarinnstillingar",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registering",
+ "serverReadonly": "Skrivebeskytta",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Tving innstillingar",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Kart",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Kartlag",
+ "mapCustom": "Tilpassa (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Tilpassa (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Tilpassa kart",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto basiskart",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps-nøkkel",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps-veg",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps-flyfoto",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing kart hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex kart",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex satellitt",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Mangekant",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Sirkel",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polylinje",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live ruter",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI-lag",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Eigenskap",
+ "stateValue": "Verdi",
+ "commandTitle": "Kommando",
+ "commandSend": "Send",
+ "commandSent": "Kommando sendt",
+ "commandQueued": " Kommando lagt i kø",
+ "commandUnit": "Eining",
+ "commandCustom": "Eigendefinert kommando",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Einingsidentifikasjon",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel-rapportering",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk rapportering",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stopp rapportering",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Stopp motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Fortsett motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Slå alarm på",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå alarm av",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Sett opp tidssone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Be om foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Skru av eining",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Omstart eining",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SMS-nummer",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Sett stilletid",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Sett telefonkatalog",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Talemelding",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Utgangkontroll",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Stemmeovervaking",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Sett AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Sett indikator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Oppsett",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Syn versjon",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Oppdater fastvare",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Sett tilkopling",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set kilometerteljar",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Syn Modemstatus",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Synd einingstatus",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
+ "commandTimezone": "Tidszoneforskyving",
+ "commandMessage": "Melding",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Aktiver",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Register",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonnummer",
+ "commandServer": "Tenar",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Alle hendingar",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status tilkopla",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status ukjend",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status fråkopla",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Eining rører seg",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Eining stoppa",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Fartsgrense overstige",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fall i drivstoff",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Kommandoresultat",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Innkommen Geo-gjerde",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Forlate Geo-gjerde",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Tenning på",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Tenning av",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Vedlikehald nøydsynt",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Tekstmelding motteken",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Sjåfør endra",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Syn siste",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Generell",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrasjon",
+ "alarmMovement": "Rørsle",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Låg hastigheit",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Høgt turtal",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Lite straum",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Lågt batterinivå",
+ "alarmFault": "Feil",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Straum fråkopla",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Straum tilkopla",
+ "alarmDoor": "Dør",
+ "alarmLock": "Lås",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Lås opp",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo-gjerde",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Innanfor Geo-gjerde",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Utanfor Geo-gjerde",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS-antenne fjerna",
+ "alarmAccident": "Ulykke",
+ "alarmTow": "Tauing",
+ "alarmIdle": "Tomgang",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Høgt turtal",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard akselerasjon",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard oppbremsing",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard vending",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Filskifte",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Trøyttleikskøyring",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Straum fråkopla",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": " Straumtilførsel atterreist",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatur",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkering",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Motorpanser",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Bremsepedal",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Drivstofflekkasje",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tukling",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Fjerning",
+ "notificationType": "Varseltype",
+ "notificationAlways": "Alle einingar",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanalar",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Vev",
+ "notificatorMail": "E-post",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Rute",
+ "reportEvents": "Hendingar",
+ "reportTrips": "Turar",
+ "reportStops": "Stopp",
+ "reportSummary": "Oppsumering",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Graf",
+ "reportConfigure": "Set opp",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Hendingstypar",
+ "reportChartType": "Graf type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Syn markørar",
+ "reportExport": "Eksporter",
+ "reportEmail": "E-post-rapport",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periode",
+ "reportCustom": "Tilpassa",
+ "reportToday": "Idag",
+ "reportYesterday": "I går",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Denne veka",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Forrige veke",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Denne månaden",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Forrige månad",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Einingsnamn",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Gjennomsnittshastighet",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimumshastighet",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motortimar",
+ "reportDuration": "Varigheit",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Starttidspunkt",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Startadresse",
+ "reportEndTime": "Sluttidspunkt",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Sluttadresse",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Brukt drivstoff",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Kilometerteljar start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Kilometerteljar stop",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistikk",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Opptakstid",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktive brukarar",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktive einingar",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Førespurnadar",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Meldingar motteke",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Meldingar lagra",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder-førespurnader",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation-førespurnader",
+ "categoryArrow": "Pil",
+ "categoryDefault": "Standard",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Dyr",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Sykkel",
+ "categoryBoat": "Båt",
+ "categoryBus": "Buss",
+ "categoryCar": "Bil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorsykkel",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Fly",
+ "categoryShip": "Skip",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tog",
+ "categoryTram": "Trikk",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybuss",
+ "categoryTruck": "Lastebil",
+ "categoryVan": "Varebil",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Periode"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/pl.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/pl.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcb59a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/pl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Wczytywanie...",
+ "sharedHide": "Ukryj",
+ "sharedSave": "Zapisz",
+ "sharedSet": "Ustaw",
+ "sharedCancel": "Anuluj",
+ "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
+ "sharedEdit": "Edytuj",
+ "sharedRemove": "Usuń",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Usunąć obiekt?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Brak danych",
+ "sharedYes": "Tak",
+ "sharedNo": "Nie",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Godzina",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
+ "sharedDays": "dni",
+ "sharedHours": "godziny",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuty",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Stopnie Dziesiętne",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Stopnie Dziesiętne Minuty",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Stopnie Minuty Sekundy",
+ "sharedName": "Nazwa",
+ "sharedDescription": "Opis",
+ "sharedSearch": "Szukaj",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Skala ikon",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Nadzór",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Nadzory",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Utwórz obszar monitorowany",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Powiadomienia",
+ "sharedNotification": "Powiadomienie",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atrybuty",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atrybut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Kierowcy",
+ "sharedDriver": "Kierowca",
+ "sharedArea": "Strefa",
+ "sharedSound": "Dźwięk powiadomienia",
+ "sharedType": "Typ",
+ "sharedDistance": "Odległość",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "g",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litr",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Galon Ang.",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Galon U.S.",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Pobierz stan mapy",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Obliczony atrybut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Obliczone atrybuty",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Sprawdź obliczony atrybut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Wyrażenie",
+ "sharedDevice": "Urządzenie",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Wyślij powiadomienie testowe",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Kanały testowe",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Wyrażenie testowe",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendarz",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendarze",
+ "sharedFile": "Plik",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Szukaj urządzeń",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sortuj według",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtruj na mapie",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Wybierz plik",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Wymagane",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferencje",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Uprawnienia",
+ "sharedConnections": "Połączenia",
+ "sharedExtra": "Dodatkowe",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Podstawowy",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Drugorzędny",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Tekst",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Liczba",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Wartość binarna",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Strefa czasowa",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informacja",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Zapisane polecenie",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Zapisane polecenia",
+ "sharedNew": "Nowy...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Pokaż adres",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Więcej szczegółów",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Wyłączony",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Konserwacja",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akumulatory",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmy",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokalizacja",
+ "sharedImport": "Importuj",
+ "sharedColumns": "Kolumny",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Przeciągnij i upuść plik tutaj lub kliknij",
+ "calendarSimple": "Prosty",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Powtarzalny",
+ "calendarOnce": "Jednorazowy",
+ "calendarDaily": "Codzienny",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Tygodniowy",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Miesięczny",
+ "calendarDays": "Dzienny",
+ "calendarSunday": "Niedziela",
+ "calendarMonday": "Poniedziałek",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Wtorek",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Środa",
+ "calendarThursday": "Czwartek",
+ "calendarFriday": "Piątek",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Sobota",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Ograniczenie prędkości",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Próg spadku paliwa",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Próg wzrostu paliwa",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Dystans łamanej",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Raport: Ignoruj licznik kilometrów",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Kolor raportu",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Hasło urządzenia",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Zdjęcie urządzenia",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Początek nieaktywności urządzenia",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Okres nieaktywności urządzenia",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Przetwarzanie: Kopiuj atrybuty",
+ "attributeColor": "Kolor",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Długość ścieżki na żywo",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Sieć: Powiększ po zaznaczeniu",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Strona: Maksymalne przybliżenie",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Identyfikator czatu Telegram",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Klucz użytkownika Pushover",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Nazwy urządzeń Pushover",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Poczta: Nazwa hosta SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Poczta: Port SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Poczta: SMTP STARTTLS - Włącz",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Poczta: SMTP STARTTLS - Wymagane ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Poczta: SMTP SSL - Włącz",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Poczta: SMTP SSL - Ufaj ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Poczta: SMTP SSL - Protokoły ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Poczta: SMTP - Od",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Poczta: SMTP - Włącz autoryzację",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Poczta: SMTP - Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Poczta: SMTP - Hasło",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Wyłącz atrybuty",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Wyłącz grupy",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Wyłącz zdarzenia",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Wyłącz funkcje pojazdu",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Wyłącz kierowców",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Wyłącz obliczone atrybuty",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Wyłącz kalendarze",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Wyłącz konserwację",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ukryj atrybuty pozycji",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Wyłącz język logowania",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Tokeny powiadomień",
+ "errorTitle": "Błąd",
+ "errorGeneral": "Nieprawidłowe parametry lub naruszenie ograniczeń",
+ "errorConnection": "Błąd przy połączeniu",
+ "errorSocket": "Błąd połączenia gniazda sieciowego",
+ "errorZero": "Nie może być zerem",
+ "userEmail": "E-mail",
+ "userPassword": "Hasło",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrator",
+ "userRemember": "Zapamiętaj",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Wygaśnięcie",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limit urządzeń",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limit użytkownika",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Urządzenie do odczytu",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Ogranicz polecenia",
+ "userDisableReports": "Wyłącz raporty",
+ "userFixedEmail": "Bez zmiany adresu e-mail",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Usuń konto",
+ "loginTitle": "Login",
+ "loginLanguage": "Język",
+ "loginReset": "Zresetuj hasło",
+ "loginRegister": "Rejestracja",
+ "loginLogin": "Zaloguj",
+ "loginFailed": "Nieprawidłowy adres e-mail lub hasło",
+ "loginCreated": "Nowy użytkownik został zarejestrowany",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Sprawdź swój e-mail",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Nowe hasło zostało ustawione",
+ "loginLogout": "Wyloguj",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Urządzenia i stan",
+ "deviceTitle": "Urządzenia",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identyfikator",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategoria",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Ostatnia aktualizacja",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komenda",
+ "deviceFollow": "Podążaj",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Całkowity dystans",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Nieznany",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupa",
+ "groupParent": "Grupa",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Brak grupy",
+ "settingsTitle": "Ustawienia",
+ "settingsUser": "Konto",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupy",
+ "settingsServer": "Serwer",
+ "settingsUsers": "Użytkownicy",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jednostka odległości",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Jednostka wysokości",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Jednostka prędkości",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Jednostka objętości",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format 12-godz.",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format współrzędnych",
+ "reportTitle": "Raporty",
+ "reportDevice": "Urządzenie",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupa",
+ "reportFrom": "Z",
+ "reportTo": "Do",
+ "reportShow": "Pokaż",
+ "reportClear": "Wyczyść",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Mapy Google",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Mapy Apple",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Napraw czas",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Czas urządzenia",
+ "positionServerTime": "Czas serwera",
+ "positionValid": "Aktywny",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Dokładność",
+ "positionLatitude": "Szerokość",
+ "positionLongitude": "Długość",
+ "positionAltitude": "Wysokość",
+ "positionSpeed": "Prędkość",
+ "positionCourse": "Kurs",
+ "positionAddress": "Adres",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokół",
+ "positionDistance": "Odległość",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Paliwo",
+ "positionPower": "Moc",
+ "positionBattery": "Bateria",
+ "positionRaw": "Surowy",
+ "positionIndex": "Indeks",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelity",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Widoczne satelity",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Zdarzenie",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Drogomierz",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Drogomierz usługi",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Drogomierz podróży",
+ "positionHours": "Godziny",
+ "positionSteps": "Kroki",
+ "positionInput": "Wejście",
+ "positionOutput": "Wyjście",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Poziom baterii",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Zużycie paliwa",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Wersja firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Wersja sprzętu",
+ "positionIgnition": "Zapłon",
+ "positionFlags": "Flagi",
+ "positionCharge": "Ładowanie",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archiwum",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Przybliżony",
+ "positionThrottle": "Przepustnica",
+ "positionMotion": "Ruch",
+ "positionArmed": "Uzbrojony",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Przyśpieszenie",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura urządzenia",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Polecenie",
+ "positionBlocked": "Zablokowany",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Prędkość OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Drogomierz OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Unikalny ID kierowcy",
+ "positionImage": "Obraz",
+ "positionVideo": "Wideo",
+ "positionAudio": "Dźwięk",
+ "serverTitle": "Ustawienia serwera",
+ "serverZoom": "Powiększenie",
+ "serverRegistration": "Rejestracja",
+ "serverReadonly": "Tylko do odczytu",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Wymuś ustawienia",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Komunikat",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Aktywne mapy",
+ "mapOverlay": "Nakładka mapy",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Niestandardowa nakładka",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "Klucz API OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "Chmury OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "Opady OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "Ciśnienie OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "Wiatr OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "Temperatura OpenWeather",
+ "mapLayer": "Rodzaj mapy",
+ "mapCustom": "Własny (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Własny (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Własna mapa",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Spis uzbrojenia",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Token dostępu do Mapboxa",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "Klucz API MapTiler",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "Token dostępu LocationIQ",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "Podstawowy TomTom",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "Ruch drogowy TomTom",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "Wypadki drogowe TomTom",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "Klucz API TomTom",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Podstawowy Here",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Hybrydowy Here",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Satelitarny Here",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Ruch drogowy Here",
+ "mapHereKey": "Klucz API Here",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Wielokąt",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Okrąg",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Krzywa",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Ścieżki na żywo",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Aktualna lokalizacja",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Warstwa POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Grupowanie znaczników",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Pokaż mapę w zaznaczeniu",
+ "stateTitle": "Stan i lokalizacja",
+ "stateName": "Właściwość",
+ "stateValue": "Wartość",
+ "commandTitle": "Komenda",
+ "commandSend": "Wyślij",
+ "commandSent": "Polecenie wysłane",
+ "commandQueued": "Polecenie zakolejkowane",
+ "commandUnit": "Jednostka",
+ "commandCustom": "Własna komenda",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identyfikacja urządzenia",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Pojedyncze raportowanie",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Okresowy raport",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Zatrzymaj raportowanie",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Silnik - Stop",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Silnik - Wznów",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Włączanie alarmu",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Wyłączanie alarmu",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Odwołaj alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Ustaw strefę czasową",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Żądanie zdjęcia\n",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Wyłącz urządzenie",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Zresetuj urządzenie",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Przywrócenie ustawień fabrycznych",
+ "commandSendSms": "Wyślij SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Wyślij USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Ustaw numer SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Ustaw czas milczenia",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Ustaw książkę adresową",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Wiadomość głosowa",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Kontrola wyjścia",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitorowanie głosu",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Ustaw AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Ustaw znacznik",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiguracja",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Pobierz wersję",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Aktualizuj firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Ustaw połączenie",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Ustaw drogomierz",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Pobierz status modemu",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Pobierz status urządzenia",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Ustaw ograniczenie prędkości",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Tryb oszczędzania energii",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Tryb głębokiego uśpienia",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Ustaw alarm nadzoru",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Ustaw alarm baterii",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Ustaw alarm SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Ustaw usunięcie alarmu",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Ustaw alarm zegara",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Ustaw alarm prędkości",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Ustaw alarm upadku",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Ustaw alarm wibracji",
+ "commandFrequency": "Częstotliwość",
+ "commandTimezone": "Przesunięcie strefy czasowej",
+ "commandMessage": "Wiadomość",
+ "commandRadius": "Promień",
+ "commandEnable": "Włącz",
+ "commandData": "Dane",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Numer telefonu",
+ "commandServer": "Serwer",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Wszystkie zdarzenia",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status nieznany",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Urządzenie nieaktywne",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Urządzenie się porusza",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Urządzenie zatrzymane",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Przekroczono ograniczenie prędkości",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Utrata paliwa",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Wzrost paliwa",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Rezultat polecenia",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Wkroczono w obszar monitorowany",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Opuszczono obszar monitorowany",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Zapłon włączony",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Zapłon wyłączony",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Wymagana konserwacja",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Odebrano wiadomość tekstową",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Zmieniana kierowcy",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Przewiń do ostatniego",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Ogólny",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "WIbracja",
+ "alarmMovement": "Ruch",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Niska prędkość",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Przekroczenie prędkości",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Upadek",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Mało energii",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Niski stan baterii",
+ "alarmFault": "Błąd",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Wyłączenie zasilania",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Włączenie zasilania",
+ "alarmDoor": "Drzwi",
+ "alarmLock": "Zamknięty",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Otwarty",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Obszar monitorowany",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Obszar monitorowany wejście",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Obszar monitorowany wyjście",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Odłączenie anteny GPS",
+ "alarmAccident": "Wypadek",
+ "alarmTow": "Holowanie",
+ "alarmIdle": "Bezczynność",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Wysokie obroty silnika",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Mocne przyśpiesznie",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Mocne hamowanie",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Ostre zakręty",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Zmiana pasa ruchu",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Zmęczenie",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Odcięcie zasilania",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Zasilanie przywrócone",
+ "alarmJamming": "Zakłócanie",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkowanie",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Maska",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Hamulec nożny",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Wyciek paliwa",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulacja",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Usuwanie",
+ "notificationType": "Rodzaj powiadomienia",
+ "notificationAlways": "Wszystkie urządzenia",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanały",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Sieć",
+ "notificatorMail": "Poczta",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Odtwórz",
+ "reportRoute": "Trasa",
+ "reportEvents": "Zdarzenia",
+ "reportTrips": "Podróże",
+ "reportStops": "Zatrzymania",
+ "reportSummary": "Podsumowanie",
+ "reportDaily": "Podsumowanie dzienne",
+ "reportChart": "Wykres",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfiguracja",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Rodzaje zdarzeń",
+ "reportChartType": "Typ wykresu",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Pokaż znaczniki",
+ "reportExport": "Eksportuj",
+ "reportEmail": "Raport e-mailowy",
+ "reportPeriod": "Okres",
+ "reportCustom": "Własny",
+ "reportToday": "Dzisiaj",
+ "reportYesterday": "Wczoraj",
+ "reportThisWeek": "W tym tygodniu",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "W poprzednim tygodniu",
+ "reportThisMonth": "W tym miesiącu",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "W poprzednim miesiącu",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nazwa urządzenia",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Średnia prędkość",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksymalna prędkość",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Czas pracy silnika",
+ "reportDuration": "Czas trwania",
+ "reportStartDate": "Data początkowa",
+ "reportStartTime": "Czas uruchomienia",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Adres początkowy",
+ "reportEndTime": "Czas końcowy",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Adres końcowy",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Zużyte paliwo",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Start drogomierza",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Stop drogomierza",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statystyki",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Czas zapisu",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktywni użytkownicy",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktywne urządzenia",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Żądania",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Odebrane wiadomości",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Zapisane wiadomości",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Żądania Geokodera",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Żądania geolokacji",
+ "categoryArrow": "Strzałka",
+ "categoryDefault": "Domyślny",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Zwierzę",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Rower",
+ "categoryBoat": "Łódź",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Samochód",
+ "categoryCrane": "Dźwig",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Śmigłowiec",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocykl",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Pojazd terenowy",
+ "categoryPerson": "Osoba",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Samolot",
+ "categoryShip": "Statek",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Pociąg",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramwaj",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolejbus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Ciężarówka",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Skuter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Okres"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/pt.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/pt.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9b0486f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/pt.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "A Carregar...",
+ "sharedHide": "Ocultar",
+ "sharedSave": "Guardar",
+ "sharedSet": "Conjunto",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Adicionar",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Remover",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remover item?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Sim",
+ "sharedNo": "Não",
+ "sharedKm": "Km",
+ "sharedMi": "Mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "Nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Km/h",
+ "sharedKmh": "Km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "Mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
+ "sharedDays": "Dias",
+ "sharedHours": "Horas",
+ "sharedMinutes": "Minutos",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Graus Decimais",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Graus Decimais Minutos",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Graus Decimais Segundos",
+ "sharedName": "Nome",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descrição",
+ "sharedSearch": "Pesquisar",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Cerca Geográfica",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Cercas Geográficas",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificações",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificação",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Condutores",
+ "sharedDriver": "Condutor",
+ "sharedArea": "Área",
+ "sharedSound": "Notificação Sonora",
+ "sharedType": "Tipo",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distância",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "Volts",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "Litros",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "Gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litro",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Galão Imp.",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Galão U.S.",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "Litros/Hora",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Obter Estado do Mapa",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Verificar Atributos",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expressão",
+ "sharedDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Enviar Notificação Teste",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendário",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendários",
+ "sharedFile": "Ficheiro",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Seleccionar Ficheiro",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Exigido",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferências",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissões",
+ "sharedConnections": "Conexões",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Corda",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Número",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boleano",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Fuso-Horário",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informação",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comando Gravado",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comandos Gravados",
+ "sharedNew": "Novo...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Mostrar Morada",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Mais Detalhes",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Desativado",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Manutenção",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Acumuladores",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmes",
+ "sharedLocation": "Localização",
+ "sharedImport": "Importar",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Limite de Velocidade",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distância Polilinha",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Relatório: Ignorar Conta-Quilómetros",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Cor do Relatório",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Password do Dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Inicio da Inatividade do Dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Período de Inatividade do Dispositivo",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processando: Cópia dos Atributos",
+ "attributeColor": "Cor",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Comprimento da Rota ao Vivo",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom na Selecção",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom Máximo",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: Alojamento SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: Porta SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Activo",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Necessário",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Activo",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Verificado",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP Protocolos SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP de",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Autenticação Activa",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: Utilizador SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: Password SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Desativar Eventos",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Desativar Caracteristicas",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Desativar Condutores",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Desativar Atributos",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Desativar Calendários",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "Desativar Manutenção",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ocultar Atributos de Localização",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Tokens de Notificação",
+ "errorTitle": "Erro",
+ "errorGeneral": "Parâmetros Inválidos",
+ "errorConnection": "Erro de conexão",
+ "errorSocket": "Erro de Conexão",
+ "errorZero": "Não pode ser zero",
+ "userEmail": "Utilizador",
+ "userPassword": "Senha",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrador",
+ "userRemember": "Relembrar",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expira em:",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limite de Dispositivos",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limite de Utilizadores",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Leitura de Dispositivo",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limite de Comandos",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Símbolo",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Entrar",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registar",
+ "loginLogin": "Entrar",
+ "loginFailed": "Dados incorrectos ou inexistentes",
+ "loginCreated": "Novo utilizador foi registado",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Sair",
+ "loginLogo": "Logótipo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivos e Estados",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceModel": "Modelo",
+ "deviceContact": "Contacto",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categoria",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Ultima Actualização",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distancia Total",
+ "deviceStatus": "Estado",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Desconhecido",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupo",
+ "groupParent": "Grupo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sem Grupo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Configurações",
+ "settingsUser": "Conta",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Utilizadores",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unidade de Distância",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unidade de Velocidade",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unidade de Volume",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato 12 Horas",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formato das Coordenadas",
+ "reportTitle": "Relatórios",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupo",
+ "reportFrom": "De",
+ "reportTo": "Para",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Limpar",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Válido",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precisão",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocidade",
+ "positionCourse": "Direcção",
+ "positionAddress": "Morada",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
+ "positionDistance": "Distância",
+ "positionRpm": "Rpm",
+ "positionFuel": "Combustível",
+ "positionPower": "Potência",
+ "positionBattery": "Bateria",
+ "positionRaw": "Aberto",
+ "positionIndex": "Início",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satelites Visiveis",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Evento",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "positionStatus": "Estado",
+ "positionOdometer": "Conta-Quilómetros",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Serviço Conta-Quilómetros",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Conta-Quilómetros de Viagem",
+ "positionHours": "Horas",
+ "positionSteps": "Posições",
+ "positionInput": "Dentro",
+ "positionOutput": "Fora",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nível da Bateria",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consumo de Combustível",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versão de Firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versão de Hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignição",
+ "positionFlags": "Bandeiras",
+ "positionCharge": "Carregar",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arquivo",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Aproximação",
+ "positionThrottle": "Acelerador",
+ "positionMotion": "Movimento",
+ "positionArmed": "Armado",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Aceleração",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura do Dispositivo",
+ "positionOperator": "Operador",
+ "positionCommand": "Comando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloqueado",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Velocidade OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Conta-Quilómetros OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Identificação do Condutor",
+ "positionImage": "Imagem",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Configurações do Servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registo",
+ "serverReadonly": "Apenas Leitura",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forçar Configurações",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Anúncio",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Aspecto do Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Padrão (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Padrão (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Mapa Personalizado",
+ "mapCarto": "Mapa Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Mapa Bing Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Mapa Bing Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Mapa Bing Aéreo",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Mapa Bing Híbrido",
+ "mapBaidu": "Mapa Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Mapa Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Mapa Yandex Satélite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Mapa Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Ruas",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox ao ar livre",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satélite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Circulo",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Linha Polígono",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rotas ao Vivo",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Camada POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Estado",
+ "stateName": "Parâmetro",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comando",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandSent": "Comando Enviado",
+ "commandQueued": "Comando foi para a fila",
+ "commandUnit": "Unidade",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando Personalizado",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificação do Dispositivo",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Relatórios Únicos",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Relatório Periódico",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Parar Posição",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Parar Motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Desbloqueio do Motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Armar Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desarmar Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Alarme Dispensado",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Definir Fuso Horário",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Solicitar Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Dispositivo Desligado",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar Dispositivo",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Enviar USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Definir Numero SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Definir Tempo de Silencio",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Definir Agenda",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensagem de Voz",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Controlo de Saída",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitorização de Voz",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Definir AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Definir Indicador",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuração",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Obter Versão",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Actualizar Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Estabelecer Ligação",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Conta-Quilómetros",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Estado do Modem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Obter Estado do Dispositivos",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequência",
+ "commandTimezone": "Deslocamento do Fuso Horário",
+ "commandMessage": "Mensagem",
+ "commandRadius": "Radiação",
+ "commandEnable": "Ativar",
+ "commandData": "Dados",
+ "commandIndex": "Inicio",
+ "commandPhone": "Número de Telefone",
+ "commandServer": "Servidor",
+ "commandPort": "Porta",
+ "eventAll": "Todos os Eventos",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositivo Conectado",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Estado do dispositivo desconhecido",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Estado Desligado",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Dispositivo Inativo",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo em Movimento",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo Parado",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Atingido o Excesso de Velocidade",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Perda de Combústivel",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultado do Comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrou na Cerca Geográfica",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Saiu da Cerca Geográfica",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignição Ligada",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignição Desligada",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Necessária Manutenção",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Mensagem de Texto Recebida",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Alteração de Condutor",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Puxar para o Fim",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Geral",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibração",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movimento",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Baixa Velocidade",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Excesso de Velocidade",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Queda",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Potência Baixa",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Bateria Fraca",
+ "alarmFault": "Falha",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Desligado",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Ligado",
+ "alarmDoor": "Porta",
+ "alarmLock": "Bloqueio",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Desbloqueio",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Cerca Geográfica",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Entrada na Cerca Geográfica",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Saída da Cerca Geográfica",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Corte de Antena GPS",
+ "alarmAccident": "Acidente",
+ "alarmTow": "Reboque",
+ "alarmIdle": "Inútil",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "RPM Alta",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Aceleração Brusca",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Travagem Brusca",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Viragem Brusca",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Mudança de Faixa",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Condução Cansada",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Alarme de Corte de Corrente",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Alarme de Energia Restaurado",
+ "alarmJamming": "Alarme de Bloqueio",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Estacionamento",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Alarme do Capô",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Alarme de Travão de Mão",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Perda de Combustivel",
+ "alarmTampering": "Adulteração",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removendo",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificação",
+ "notificationAlways": "Todos os Dispositivos",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Vias",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "E-Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Histórico de Rotas",
+ "reportEvents": "Eventos",
+ "reportTrips": "Viagens",
+ "reportStops": "Paragens",
+ "reportSummary": "Resumo",
+ "reportDaily": "Resumo Diário",
+ "reportChart": "Gráfico",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configurar",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipos de Eventos",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipo de Gráfico",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Mostrar Marcadores",
+ "reportExport": "Exportar",
+ "reportEmail": "Relatório de Email",
+ "reportPeriod": "Periodo",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalização",
+ "reportToday": "Hoje",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ontem",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Esta Semana",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Semana Passada",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Este Mês",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Mês Passado",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nome do Dispositivo",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocidade Média",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocidade Máxima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Duração Ligado",
+ "reportDuration": "Duração",
+ "reportStartDate": "Data de Início",
+ "reportStartTime": "Hora de Inicio",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Morada Inicial",
+ "reportEndTime": "Hora de Fim",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Morada Final",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Combustível Gasto",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Início do Conta-Quilómetros",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Fim do Conta-Quilómetros",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Estatísticas",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Data",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Utilizadores Activos",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispositivos Activos",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Pedidos",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Mensagens Recebidas",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Mensagens Armazenadas",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Pedidos de Codificador Geográfico",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Pedidos de Geo Localização",
+ "categoryArrow": "Seta",
+ "categoryDefault": "Padrão",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicleta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Barco",
+ "categoryBus": "Autocarro",
+ "categoryCar": "Carro",
+ "categoryCrane": "Guindaste",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicóptero",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Mota",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Jipe",
+ "categoryPerson": "Pessoa",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avião",
+ "categoryShip": "Barco",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Comboio",
+ "categoryTram": "Eléctrico",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Autocarro Eléctrico",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camião",
+ "categoryVan": "Caravana",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Iniciar",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Período"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/pt_BR.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/pt_BR.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7c7e781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Carregando...",
+ "sharedHide": "Esconder",
+ "sharedSave": "Salvar",
+ "sharedSet": "Aplicar",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Adicionar",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Remover",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remover item?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Sem dados",
+ "sharedYes": "Sim",
+ "sharedNo": "Não",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "Milhas Náuticas",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
+ "sharedDays": "dias",
+ "sharedHours": "horas",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutos",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Graus Decimais",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Graus Minutos Decimais",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Graus Minutos Segundos",
+ "sharedName": "Nome",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descrição",
+ "sharedSearch": "Busca",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Escala do ícone",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geocerca",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geocercas",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Criar cerca",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificações",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificação",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Motoristas",
+ "sharedDriver": "Motorista",
+ "sharedArea": "Área",
+ "sharedSound": "Som de notificação",
+ "sharedType": "Tipo",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distância",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "L",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "Galão",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litro",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Galão",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Galão",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "L/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Obter estado do mapa",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atributo Calculado",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Atributos Calculados",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Verificar Atributo Calculado",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expressão",
+ "sharedDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "sharedTest": "Teste",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Enviar notificação de teste",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Canais de Teste",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Expressão de teste",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendário",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendários",
+ "sharedFile": "Arquivo",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Pesquisar Dispositivos",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Organizar por",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtrar no mapa",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Selecionar Arquivo",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Necessário",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferências",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissões",
+ "sharedConnections": "Conexões",
+ "sharedExtra": "Adicional",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Texto",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Número",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Lógico",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Fuso horário",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informação",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comando Salvo",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comandos Salvos",
+ "sharedNew": "Novo...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Mostrar Endereço",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Mais Detalhes",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Desativado",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Manutenção",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Contadores",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmes",
+ "sharedLocation": "Localização",
+ "sharedImport": "Importar",
+ "sharedColumns": "Colunas",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Arraste e solte um arquivo aqui ou clique",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simples",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recorrência",
+ "calendarOnce": "Uma vez",
+ "calendarDaily": "Diariamente",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Semanalmente",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Mensalmente",
+ "calendarDays": "Dias",
+ "calendarSunday": "Domingo",
+ "calendarMonday": "Segunda-feira",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Terça-feira",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Quarta-feira",
+ "calendarThursday": "Quinta-feira",
+ "calendarFriday": "Sexta-feira",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Sábado",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Limite de Velocidade",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Limite de decréscimo de combustível",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Limite de acréscimo de combustível",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distância da Polilinha",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Relatório: Ignorar Odômetro",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Cor do Relatório",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Senha do Dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Imagem",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Início de inatividade do dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Período de inatividade do dispositivo",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processamento: Copiar Atributos",
+ "attributeColor": "Cor",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Comprimento da Rota ao Vivo",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom Selecionado",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom Máximo",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "ID do Chat do Telegram",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Chave de usuário do Pushover",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Nomes de dispositivos do Pushover",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Email: Host SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Email: Porta SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Email: Ativar STARTTLS (SMTP)",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Email: SMTP START TLS Obrigatório",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Email: Ativar SSL (SMTP)",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Email: Certificado SSL (SMTP)",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Email: Protocolo SSL (SMTP)",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Email: Remetente",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Email: Ativar Autenticação (SMTP)",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Email: Nome de Usuário (SMTP)",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Email: Senha (SMTP)",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Desativar atributos",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Desabilitar Grupos",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Eventos Desativados",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Desativar Características do Veículo",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Desativar Motoristas",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Desativar Atributos Calculados",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Desativar Calendários",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Desativar Manutenção",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ocultar os atributos de posição",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Desativar idioma de login",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Token de Notificação",
+ "errorTitle": "Erro",
+ "errorGeneral": "Parâmetros inválidos ou violação de restrições",
+ "errorConnection": "Erro de conexão",
+ "errorSocket": "Erro na conexão com Web Socket",
+ "errorZero": "Não pode ser zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Senha",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Lembrar",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiração",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limite de dispositivos",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limite de Usuários",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Dispositivos somente leitura",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limite de Comandos",
+ "userDisableReports": "Desabilitar Relatórios",
+ "userFixedEmail": "Sem alteração de e-mail",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Conta deletada",
+ "loginTitle": "Login",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginReset": "Redefinir senha",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrar",
+ "loginLogin": "Entrar",
+ "loginFailed": "Email ou senha incorretos",
+ "loginCreated": "Novo usuário registrado",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Verifique seu e-mail",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Nova senha definida",
+ "loginLogout": "Sair",
+ "loginLogo": "Logotipo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivo e Estado",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceModel": "Modelo",
+ "deviceContact": "Contato",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categoria",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Atualização",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distância total",
+ "deviceStatus": "Estado",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Conectado",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Desconectado",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Desconhecido",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupo",
+ "groupParent": "Grupo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sem Grupo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Configurações",
+ "settingsUser": "Conta",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Usuários",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unidade de Distância",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unidade",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unidade de Velocidade",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unidade de Volume",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12 Horas",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formato de coordenadas",
+ "reportTitle": "Relatórios",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupo",
+ "reportFrom": "De",
+ "reportTo": "Para",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Limpar",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Definir tempo",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Hora do dispositivo",
+ "positionServerTime": "Hora do servidor",
+ "positionValid": "Válido",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precisão",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocidade",
+ "positionCourse": "Direção",
+ "positionAddress": "Endereço",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
+ "positionDistance": "Distância",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Combustível",
+ "positionPower": "Potência",
+ "positionBattery": "Bateria",
+ "positionRaw": "Bruto",
+ "positionIndex": "Índice",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Sátelites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satélites Visíveis",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Evento",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "positionStatus": "Estado",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odômetro",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Odômetro de Serviço",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Odômetro de Viagem",
+ "positionHours": "Horas",
+ "positionSteps": "Passos",
+ "positionInput": "Entrada",
+ "positionOutput": "Saída",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nível de Bateria",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consumo de Combustível",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versão de Firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versão de Hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignição",
+ "positionFlags": "Sinais",
+ "positionCharge": "Carga",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arquivar",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Estimado",
+ "positionThrottle": "Acelerador",
+ "positionMotion": "Movimento",
+ "positionArmed": "Alarme Ativado",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Aceleração",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura do Dispositivo",
+ "positionOperator": "Operadora",
+ "positionCommand": "Comando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloqueado",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Velocidade OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odômetro OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Identificador Único Motorista",
+ "positionImage": "Imagem",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Áudio",
+ "serverTitle": "Configurações do Servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registro",
+ "serverReadonly": "Somente leitura",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forçar configurações",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Anúncio",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Mapas ativos",
+ "mapOverlay": "Sobreposição de mapa",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Sobreposição personalizada",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Nuvens",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitação",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressão",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Vento",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperatura",
+ "mapLayer": "Camada de Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Personalizar mapa",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Mapas API Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Mapas Estradas",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Mapas Aéreo",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Mapas Híbrido",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Mapa Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Satélite Yandex",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Levantamento de artilharia",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Ruas",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox ao ar livre",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satélite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Token de Acesso",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Básico",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Híbrido",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler Chave API",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Ruas",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Token de Acesso",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Fluxo de Tráfego",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Incidentes de Tráfego",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basico",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Fluxo de Tráfego",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polilinha",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rotas ao Vivo",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Localização atual",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Camada POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Agrupamento de marcadores",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Mostrar mapa na seleção",
+ "stateTitle": "Estado",
+ "stateName": "Atributo",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comando",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandSent": "Comando enviado",
+ "commandQueued": "Comando na fila",
+ "commandUnit": "Unidade",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificação do dispositivo",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Relatório avulso",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Atualização Periódica",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Parar Atualização",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Desligar Motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Religar Motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Ativar Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desativar Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Ignorar Alarme",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Definir fuso horário",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Pegar foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Desligar o Dispositivo",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Restauração de fábrica",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Enviar USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Definir numero SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Definir Tempo no Silencioso",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Definir lista telefônica",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensagem de voz",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Controle de saída",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitoramento de Voz",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Definir AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Definir Indicador",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuração",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Obter Versão",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Atualizar Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Definir Conexão",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Definir Odômetro",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Obter Status do Modem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Obter status do dispositivo",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Definir limite de velocidade",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Modo de economia de energia",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Modo de Sono Profundo",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Definir Alarme de Geofence",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Definir Alarme de Bateria",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Definir Alarme SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Definir Remoção de Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Definir Horário de Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Definir Velocidade de Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Definir Falha de Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Definir Alarme de Vibração",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequência",
+ "commandTimezone": "Ajuste de Fuso horário",
+ "commandMessage": "Mensagem",
+ "commandRadius": "Raio",
+ "commandEnable": "Habilitar",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Índice",
+ "commandPhone": "Número de Telefone",
+ "commandServer": "Servidor",
+ "commandPort": "Porta",
+ "eventAll": "Todos Eventos",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status desconhecido",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Dispositivo inativo",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo movendo",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo parado",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Excedido o limite de velocidade",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Queda de combustível",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Acréscimo de combustível",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultado do comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrada na cerca virtual",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Saída da cerca virtual",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignição ligada",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignição desligada",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Manutenção necessária",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Mensagem de texto recebida",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Condutor alterado",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Rolar para o último",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Geral",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrando",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movendo",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Velocidade baixa",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Alta velocidade",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Cair",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Carga Baixa",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Bateria baixa",
+ "alarmFault": "Falha",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Alimentação desligada",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Alimentação ligada",
+ "alarmDoor": "Porta",
+ "alarmLock": "Bloqueado",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Desbloqueado",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Cerca virtual",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Entrando na cerca virtual",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Saiu da Cerca virtual",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antena de GPS cortada",
+ "alarmAccident": "Acidente",
+ "alarmTow": "Rebocar",
+ "alarmIdle": "Ocioso",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Alta Rotação",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Aceleração brusca",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frenagem brusca",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Curva Acentuada",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Mudança de Faixa",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Condutor Cansado",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Alimentação cortada",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Alimentação restaurada",
+ "alarmJamming": "Interferência",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Estacionamento",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capô",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Freio de mão",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Vazamento de combustível",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulando",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removendo",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificação",
+ "notificationAlways": "Todos os Dispositivos",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canais",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "E-Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Empurrar",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Rota",
+ "reportEvents": "Eventos",
+ "reportTrips": "Viagens",
+ "reportStops": "Paradas",
+ "reportSummary": "Resumo",
+ "reportDaily": "Resumo Diário",
+ "reportChart": "Gráfico",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configurar",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipos de Eventos",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipo do Gráfico",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Mostrar Marcadores",
+ "reportExport": "Exportar",
+ "reportEmail": "Relatório de E-mail",
+ "reportPeriod": "Período",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalizadas",
+ "reportToday": "Hoje",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ontem",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Esta Semana",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Semana Anterior",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Este Mês",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Mês Anterior",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nome do Dispositivo",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocidade Média",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocidade Máxima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Horas ligado",
+ "reportDuration": "Duração",
+ "reportStartDate": "Data de Início",
+ "reportStartTime": "Hora inicial",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Endereço inicial",
+ "reportEndTime": "Hora final",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Endereço final",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Gasto de Combustível",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Início do odômetro",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Fim do odômetro",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Estatísticas",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Tempo de Captura",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Usuários ativos",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispositivos ativos",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Pedidos",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Mensagens Recebidas",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Mensagens armazenadas",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Solicitações de Geocódigo",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Solicitações de Geolocalização",
+ "categoryArrow": "Seta",
+ "categoryDefault": "Padrão",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicleta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Barco",
+ "categoryBus": "Ônibus",
+ "categoryCar": "Carro",
+ "categoryCrane": "Guindaste",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicóptero",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocicleta",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Pessoa",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pick-up",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avião",
+ "categoryShip": "Navio",
+ "categoryTractor": "Trator",
+ "categoryTrain": "Trem",
+ "categoryTram": "Bonde",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Ônibus Elétrico",
+ "categoryTruck": "Caminhão",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Patinete Elétrico",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Começar",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Período"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ro.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ro.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fe5e55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ro.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Se încarcă",
+ "sharedHide": "Ascunde",
+ "sharedSave": "Salvează",
+ "sharedSet": "Seteaza",
+ "sharedCancel": "Anulează",
+ "sharedAdd": "Adaugă",
+ "sharedEdit": "Modifică",
+ "sharedRemove": "Elimină",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Ștergeți obiectul?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "Mile nautice",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Oră",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minut",
+ "sharedSecond": "Secundă",
+ "sharedDays": "Zile",
+ "sharedHours": "Ore",
+ "sharedMinutes": "Minute",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Grade zecimale",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Grade minute",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Grade minute secunde",
+ "sharedName": "Nume",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descriere",
+ "sharedSearch": "Căutare",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificările",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificare",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atribute",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribute",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivere",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Area",
+ "sharedSound": "Sunet notificare",
+ "sharedType": "Tip",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distanţă",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "litru",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "UK Galon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "US Galon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Cere status harta",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atribut Calculat",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Atribute Calculate",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Verifica atributul calculat",
+ "sharedExpression": "expresie",
+ "sharedDevice": "Echipament",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Trimite notificare de test",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendare",
+ "sharedFile": "Fisier",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Selecteaza fisierul",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Necesar",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferinte",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permisiuni",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Suplimentar",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "caracter",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "numar",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Fus orar",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comanda Salvata",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comenzi Salvate",
+ "sharedNew": "Nou",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Arata Adresa",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Dezactivat",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Intretinere",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Acumulatori",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarme",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Limita de viteza",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distanta Linie Multipla",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Raport: Ignora kilometrajul",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Culoare raport",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Parola dispozitiv",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Procesare: Copiaza atributele",
+ "attributeColor": "Culoare",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Lungime rute",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Mareste la Selectie",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom Maxim",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: Activeaza SMTP STARTTLS ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS necesar",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: Activeaza SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: Protocol SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP expeditor",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: Activeaza autentificare SMTP ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP utilizator",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP parola",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Dezactivare Evenimente",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Dezactivare Detalii Vehicul",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Dezactivare Drivere",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Dezactivare Atribute Calculate",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Dezactivare Calendar",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Dezactivare Mentenanta",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ascunde Atributele de Pozitionare",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Eroare",
+ "errorGeneral": "Parametri invalizi",
+ "errorConnection": "Eroare de conexiune",
+ "errorSocket": "Eroare conectare socket",
+ "errorZero": "Nu poate fi zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Parolă",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Ţine minte",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expirare",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limitare echipament",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limita utilizator",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Dispozitiv doar citire",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Comenzi pentru limite",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Autentificare",
+ "loginLanguage": "Limbă",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Înregistrare",
+ "loginLogin": "Intră în cont",
+ "loginFailed": "E-mail sau parolă incorectă",
+ "loginCreated": "Un utilizator nou a fost înregistrat",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Deconectare",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Stare dispozitive",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispozitive",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificator",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categorie",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Ultima actualizare",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comandă",
+ "deviceFollow": "Urmareste",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distanta totala",
+ "deviceStatus": "Stare",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Conectat",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Deconectat",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Necunoscut",
+ "groupDialog": "Grup",
+ "groupParent": "Grup",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Nici-un grup",
+ "settingsTitle": "Setări",
+ "settingsUser": "Cont",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupuri",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Utilizatori",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unitate de masura pentru distanta",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unitate de masura viteza",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unitate de masura Volum",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-oră",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format coordonate",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapoarte",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispozitiv",
+ "reportGroup": "Grup",
+ "reportFrom": "De la ",
+ "reportTo": "Până la",
+ "reportShow": "Arată",
+ "reportClear": "Sterge",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Valabil",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precizie",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitudine",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitudine",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitudine",
+ "positionSpeed": "Viteză",
+ "positionCourse": "Curs",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresă",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
+ "positionDistance": "Distanta",
+ "positionRpm": "Turatia",
+ "positionFuel": "Nivel combustibil",
+ "positionPower": "Alimentare",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterie",
+ "positionRaw": "Brut",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP Eroare pe orizontala",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP Eroare pe verticala",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP Eroarea pozitiei",
+ "positionSat": "Sateliti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Sateliti Vizibili",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Migrare",
+ "positionEvent": "Eveniment",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarma",
+ "positionStatus": "Stare",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometraj",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Valoare kilometraj service",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Kilometraj tronson",
+ "positionHours": "Ore",
+ "positionSteps": "Pasi",
+ "positionInput": "Intrare",
+ "positionOutput": "Iesire",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nivel baterie",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consum combustibil",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Vesiune firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versiune hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Contact motor",
+ "positionFlags": "Marcaj",
+ "positionCharge": "Incarca",
+ "positionIp": "Adresa IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arhiva",
+ "positionVin": "Numar identificare vehicul (VIN)",
+ "positionApproximate": "Aproximeaza",
+ "positionThrottle": "Pedala acceleratie",
+ "positionMotion": "Miscare",
+ "positionArmed": "Armat",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleratie",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura echipament",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Comenzi",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocat",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Viteza OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Kilometraj OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Identificator Unic Sofer",
+ "positionImage": "Imagine",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Setări server",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Înregistrare",
+ "serverReadonly": "Doar citire",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Configurare fortata",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Hartă",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Strat Hartă",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Harta Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Cheie Hărți Bing",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Hartă Drumuri",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Hartă Aeriană",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Harta Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Satelit Yandex",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Poligon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cerc",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polilinie",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rute in timp real",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI ",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Stare",
+ "stateName": "Atribut",
+ "stateValue": "Valoare",
+ "commandTitle": "Comandă",
+ "commandSend": "Trimite",
+ "commandSent": "Comanda trimisa",
+ "commandQueued": "Comanda adaugata in coada",
+ "commandUnit": "Unitate",
+ "commandCustom": "Comandă personalizată",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificare dispozitiv",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Raportarea unică",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Raportarea Periodică",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Oprire Raportare",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Blocare Motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Deblocare Motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Activare Alarmă",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Dezactivare alarmă",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Setare Fus Orar",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Cere Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Oprire Dispozitiv",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Repornire Dispozitiv",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Trimite SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Trimite USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set număr SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Timp Silențios",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Agendă telefonică",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mesaj Vocal",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Controlul de ieșire",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitorizare Audio",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Setari AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Seteaza indicatorul",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configurare",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Afla Versiunea",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Actualizare Software",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Setari Conexiune",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Setari Distanta",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Afla starea Modem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Afla starea Dispozitivului",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frecvenţă",
+ "commandTimezone": "Diferenta fus orar",
+ "commandMessage": "Mesaj",
+ "commandRadius": "Raza",
+ "commandEnable": "Activeaza",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefon",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Toate evenimentele",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status on-line",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status necunoscut",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status off-line",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispozitivul se deplaseaza",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispozitiv Oprit",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Viteza maxima depasita",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Scadere nivel carburant",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Rezultat comandă",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Acces perimetru",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Perimetru a fost parasit",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarma",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Contact pornit",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Contact oprit",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Intretinere necesara",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Mesaj test primit",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Sofer schimbat",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Deruleaza la sfarsit",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibratii",
+ "alarmMovement": "Miscare",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Viteza redusa",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Viteza depasita",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Reducere",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Putere redusa",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Nivel scazut baterie",
+ "alarmFault": "Eroare",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Pornit",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Oprit",
+ "alarmDoor": "Usa",
+ "alarmLock": "Blocare",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Deblocare",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Perimetru restrictionat",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Acces Perimetru",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Parasire perimetru",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antena GPS taiata",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tractare",
+ "alarmIdle": "In asteptare",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Turatie ridicata",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Accelerare Puternica",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frana de Urgenta",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Viraj Brusc",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Schimbare Banda",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Condus in stare de oboseala",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Taiere Alimentare",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Alimentare restabilita",
+ "alarmJamming": "Bruiaj",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parcare",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capota",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Frana de serviciu",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Pierdere combustibil",
+ "alarmTampering": "Acces neautorizat",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Indepartare",
+ "notificationType": "Tip de notificare",
+ "notificationAlways": "Toate dispozitivele",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canale",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Ruta",
+ "reportEvents": "Evenimente",
+ "reportTrips": "Tronsoane",
+ "reportStops": "Opriri",
+ "reportSummary": "Sumar",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Grafic",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configureaza",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipuri evenimente",
+ "reportChartType": "Tip grafic",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Arata punctele",
+ "reportExport": "Exporta",
+ "reportEmail": "Raport Email",
+ "reportPeriod": "Perioada",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalizat",
+ "reportToday": "Astazi",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ieri",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Saptamana Curenta",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Saptamana Anterioara",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Luna Aceasta",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Luna Anterioara",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nume dispozitiv",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Viteză medie",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Viteză Maximă",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Ore motor",
+ "reportDuration": "Durata",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Ora start",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Adresa de start",
+ "reportEndTime": "Ora sfarsit",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Adresa finala",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Combustibil consumat",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Inceput Kilometraj",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Finalizare Kilomteraj",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistici",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Timpul ",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Utilizatori activi",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispozitive active",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Solicitari",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Mesaje primite",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Mesaje salvate",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Solicitari de geocodare",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Solicitari de localizare",
+ "categoryArrow": "Sageata",
+ "categoryDefault": "Implicit",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicleta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Barca",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobuz",
+ "categoryCar": "Masina",
+ "categoryCrane": "Macara",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Elicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocicleta",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Teren Accidentat",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persoana",
+ "categoryPickup": "Papuc",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avion",
+ "categoryShip": "Nava",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tren",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvai",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolebuz",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camion",
+ "categoryVan": "Duba",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Perioada"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ru.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ru.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0bfd8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ru.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Загрузка...",
+ "sharedHide": "Скрыть",
+ "sharedSave": "Сохранить",
+ "sharedSet": "Установить",
+ "sharedCancel": "Отмена",
+ "sharedAdd": "Добавить",
+ "sharedEdit": "Редактировать",
+ "sharedRemove": "Удалить",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Удалить элемент?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Да",
+ "sharedNo": "Нет",
+ "sharedKm": "км",
+ "sharedMi": "мили",
+ "sharedNmi": "м.мили",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "уз",
+ "sharedKmh": "км/ч",
+ "sharedMph": "миль/ч",
+ "sharedHour": "Часы",
+ "sharedMinute": "Минуты",
+ "sharedSecond": "Секунды",
+ "sharedDays": "дней",
+ "sharedHours": "часов",
+ "sharedMinutes": "минут",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Десятичные градусы",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Градусы Десятичные минуты",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Градусы Минуты Секунды",
+ "sharedName": "Имя",
+ "sharedDescription": "Описание",
+ "sharedSearch": "Поиск",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Геозона",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Геозоны",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Уведомления",
+ "sharedNotification": "Уведомление",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Атрибуты",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Атрибут",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Водители",
+ "sharedDriver": "Водитель",
+ "sharedArea": "Область",
+ "sharedSound": "Звуковое уведомление",
+ "sharedType": "Тип",
+ "sharedDistance": "Расстояние",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ч",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "м",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "с",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "В",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "л",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "галлон",
+ "sharedLiter": "Литр",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Имп. галлон",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Галлон США",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "л/ч",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Получить состояние карты",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Вычисляемый атрибут",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Вычисляемые атрибуты",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Проверить вычисляемый атрибут",
+ "sharedExpression": "Выражение",
+ "sharedDevice": "Устройство",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Отправить тестовое уведомление",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Календарь",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Календари",
+ "sharedFile": "Файл",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Выбрать файл",
+ "sharedPhone": "Телефон",
+ "sharedRequired": "Обязательные",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Настройки",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Разрешения",
+ "sharedConnections": "Соединения",
+ "sharedExtra": "Экстра",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Строка",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Число",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Логическое значение",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Часовой пояс",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Инфо",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Сохраненная команда",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Сохраненные команды",
+ "sharedNew": "Новый...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Показать адрес",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Подробнее",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Отключен",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Обслуживание",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Аккумуляторы",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Тревоги",
+ "sharedLocation": "Расположение",
+ "sharedImport": "Импортировать",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Ограничение скорости",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Расстояние от линии",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Отчет: Игнорировать одометер",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Веб: Цвет отчета",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Пароль устройтва",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Бездействие Устройства Начало",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Бездействие Устройства Период",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Обработка: Копирование атрибутов",
+ "attributeColor": "Цвет",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Веб: Длина онлайн маршрута",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Веб: Увеличение при выборе",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Веб: Максимальное увеличение",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Почта: SMTP хост",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Почта: SMTP порт",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Почта: Включить SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Почта: Необходим SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Почта: Включить SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Почта: Доверие SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Почта: Протоколы SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Почта: SMTP отправитель",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Почта: Включить SMTP аутентификацию",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Почта: SMTP имя пользователя",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Почта: SMTP пароль",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Отключить события",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Отключить автомобильные функции",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Отключить водителей",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Отключить вычисляемые атрибуты",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Отключить календари",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Отключить обслуживание",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Скрывать атрибуты",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Токены Уведомлений",
+ "errorTitle": "Ошибка",
+ "errorGeneral": "Неправильные параметры или нарушение ограничений",
+ "errorConnection": "Ошибка соединения",
+ "errorSocket": "Ошибка web socket соединения",
+ "errorZero": "Не может быть нулевым",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Пароль",
+ "userAdmin": "Администратор",
+ "userRemember": "Запомнить",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Срок действия",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Ограничение устройств",
+ "userUserLimit": "Лимит пользователей",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Только просмотр устройств",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Ограничение команд",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Ключ",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Вход",
+ "loginLanguage": "Язык",
+ "loginReset": "Сброс Пароля",
+ "loginRegister": "Регистрация",
+ "loginLogin": "Вход",
+ "loginFailed": "Неправильный email адрес или пароль",
+ "loginCreated": "Новый пользователь зарегистрирован",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Проверьте свою электронную почту",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Новый пароль установлен",
+ "loginLogout": "Выход",
+ "loginLogo": "Логотип",
+ "devicesAndState": "Устройства и состояния",
+ "deviceTitle": "Устройства",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Идентификатор",
+ "deviceModel": "Модель",
+ "deviceContact": "Контакт",
+ "deviceCategory": "Категория",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Последнее обновление",
+ "deviceCommand": "Команда",
+ "deviceFollow": "Следовать",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Общий пробег",
+ "deviceStatus": "Статус",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Онлайн",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Оффлайн",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Неизвестный",
+ "groupDialog": "Группа",
+ "groupParent": "Группа",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Без группы",
+ "settingsTitle": "Настройки",
+ "settingsUser": "Аккаунт",
+ "settingsGroups": "Группы",
+ "settingsServer": "Сервер",
+ "settingsUsers": "Пользователи",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Единица расстояния",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Единица скорости",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Единица объема",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-часовой формат",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Формат координат",
+ "reportTitle": "Отчеты",
+ "reportDevice": "Устройство",
+ "reportGroup": "Группа",
+ "reportFrom": "С",
+ "reportTo": "По",
+ "reportShow": "Показать",
+ "reportClear": "Очистить",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Корректность",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Точность",
+ "positionLatitude": "Широта",
+ "positionLongitude": "Долгота",
+ "positionAltitude": "Высота",
+ "positionSpeed": "Скорость",
+ "positionCourse": "Направление",
+ "positionAddress": "Адрес",
+ "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
+ "positionDistance": "Расстояние",
+ "positionRpm": "Обороты",
+ "positionFuel": "Топливо",
+ "positionPower": "Питание",
+ "positionBattery": "Батарея",
+ "positionRaw": "Сырые данные",
+ "positionIndex": "Индекс",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Спутники",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Видимые спутники",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Роуминг",
+ "positionEvent": "Событие",
+ "positionAlarm": "Тревога",
+ "positionStatus": "Статус",
+ "positionOdometer": "Одометр",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Одометр обслуживания",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Одометр поездки",
+ "positionHours": "Часы",
+ "positionSteps": "Шаги",
+ "positionInput": "Входы",
+ "positionOutput": "Выходы",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Уровень заряда батареи",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Расход топлива",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Версия прошивки",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Версия железа",
+ "positionIgnition": "Зажигание",
+ "positionFlags": "Флаги",
+ "positionCharge": "Заряд",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Архив",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Приблизительный",
+ "positionThrottle": "Дроссель",
+ "positionMotion": "Движение",
+ "positionArmed": "Охрана",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Ускорение",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Температура устройства",
+ "positionOperator": "Оператор",
+ "positionCommand": "Команда",
+ "positionBlocked": "Блокировка",
+ "positionDtcs": "Ошибки",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD скорость",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD одометр",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID водителя",
+ "positionImage": "Изображение",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Аудио",
+ "serverTitle": "Настройки сервера",
+ "serverZoom": "Приближение",
+ "serverRegistration": "Регистрация",
+ "serverReadonly": "Только просмотр",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Форсировать настройки",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Объявление",
+ "mapTitle": "Карта",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Слой карты",
+ "mapCustom": "Пользовательский (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Пользовательский (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Пользовательская карта",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Ключ Bing Maps",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Дороги",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Спутник",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Гибрид",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Яндекс Карты",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Яндекс Спутник",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Викимедиа",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Улицы",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Топография",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Спутник",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Многоугольник",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Круг",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Линия",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": " Живые маршруты",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Текущее Местоположение",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Слой POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Состояние",
+ "stateName": "Параметр",
+ "stateValue": "Значение",
+ "commandTitle": "Команда",
+ "commandSend": "Отправить",
+ "commandSent": "Команда отправлена",
+ "commandQueued": "Команда добавлена в очередь",
+ "commandUnit": "Единицы",
+ "commandCustom": "Пользовательская команда",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Идентификация устройства",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Разовое отслеживание",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Начать отслеживание",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Отменить отслеживание",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Заблокировать двигатель",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Разблокировать двигатель",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Активировать сигнализацию",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Деактивировать сигнализацию",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Отключить Сигнализацию",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Настроить часовой пояс",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Запросить фото",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Выключить устройство",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Перезагрузить устройство",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Сброс к Заводским Настройкам",
+ "commandSendSms": "Отправить СМС",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Отправить USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Настроить экстренный номер",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Настроить время тишины",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Настроить телефонную книгу",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Голосовое сообщение",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Контроль выхода",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Голосовой контроль",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Настроить AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Настроить индикатор",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Конфигурация",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Запросить версию",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Обновить прошивку",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Настроить соединение",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Настроить одометр",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Запросить состояние модема",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Запросить состояние устройства",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Установить Ограничение Скорости",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Частота",
+ "commandTimezone": "Смещение временной зоны",
+ "commandMessage": "Сообщение",
+ "commandRadius": "Радиус",
+ "commandEnable": "Включить",
+ "commandData": "Данные",
+ "commandIndex": "Индекс",
+ "commandPhone": "Номер телефона",
+ "commandServer": "Сервер",
+ "commandPort": "Порт",
+ "eventAll": "Все события",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Статус онлайн",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Статус неизвестен",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Статус оффлайн",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Устройство неактивно",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Устройство двигается",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Устройство остановилось",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Превышено ограничение скорости",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Слив топлива",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Результат команды",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Вход в геозону",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Выход из геозоны",
+ "eventAlarm": "Тревога",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Зажигание включено",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Зажигание выключено",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Требуется обслуживание",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Текстовое сообщение получено",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Водитель изменен",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Прокрутка до конца",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Общее",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Вибрация",
+ "alarmMovement": "Движение",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Низкая скорость",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Превышение скорости",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Падение",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Низкий уровень питания",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Батарея разряжена",
+ "alarmFault": "Неисправность",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Выключение",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Включение",
+ "alarmDoor": "Дверь",
+ "alarmLock": "Закрыто",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Открыто",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Геозона",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Вход в геозону",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Выход из геозоны",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Отключение GPS-антенны",
+ "alarmAccident": "Авария",
+ "alarmTow": "Буксировка",
+ "alarmIdle": "Простой",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Высокие обороты",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Резкое ускорение",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Резкое торможение",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Резкий поворот",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Смена полосы",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Усталость водителя",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Отключение питания",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Питание восстановлено",
+ "alarmJamming": "Заглушено",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Температура",
+ "alarmParking": "Парковка",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Капот",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Ножной тормоз",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Утечка топлива",
+ "alarmTampering": "Вмешательство",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Извлечение",
+ "notificationType": "Тип уведомления",
+ "notificationAlways": "Все устройства",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Каналы",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Веб",
+ "notificatorMail": "Почта",
+ "notificatorSms": "СМС",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Воспроизвести",
+ "reportRoute": "Маршрут",
+ "reportEvents": "События",
+ "reportTrips": "Поездки",
+ "reportStops": "Остановки",
+ "reportSummary": "Сводка",
+ "reportDaily": "Ежедневная Сводка",
+ "reportChart": "Диаграмма",
+ "reportConfigure": "Конфигурировать",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Тип события",
+ "reportChartType": "Тип диаграммы",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Показать маркеры",
+ "reportExport": "Экспорт",
+ "reportEmail": "Отчет по почте",
+ "reportPeriod": "Период",
+ "reportCustom": "Пользовательский",
+ "reportToday": "Сегодня",
+ "reportYesterday": "Вчера",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Текущая неделя",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Предыдущая неделя",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Текущий месяц",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Предыдущий месяц",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Имя устройства",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Средняя скорость",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Максимальная скорость",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Моточасы",
+ "reportDuration": "Длительность",
+ "reportStartDate": "Дата Начала",
+ "reportStartTime": "Начальное время",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Начальный адрес",
+ "reportEndTime": "Конечное время",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Конечный адрес",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Использовано топлива",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Одометр, начало",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Одометр, окончание",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Статистика",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Время сбора",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Активные пользователи",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Активные устройства",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Запросы",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Сообщений получено",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Сообщений сохранено",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Запросы геокодера",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Запросы геолокации",
+ "categoryArrow": "Стрелка",
+ "categoryDefault": "По умолчанию",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Животное",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Велосипед",
+ "categoryBoat": "Лодка",
+ "categoryBus": "Автобус",
+ "categoryCar": "Автомобиль",
+ "categoryCrane": "Кран",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Вертолет",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Мотоцикл",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Внедорожник",
+ "categoryPerson": "Человек",
+ "categoryPickup": "Пикап",
+ "categoryPlane": "Самолёт",
+ "categoryShip": "Корабль",
+ "categoryTractor": "Трактор",
+ "categoryTrain": "Поезд",
+ "categoryTram": "Трамвай",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Троллейбус",
+ "categoryTruck": "Грузовой автомобиль",
+ "categoryVan": "Фургон",
+ "categoryScooter": "Скутер",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Начало",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Период"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/si.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/si.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32e472e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/si.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "පූරණය ස්ථානයේ...",
+ "sharedHide": "සඟවන්න",
+ "sharedSave": "සුරකින්න",
+ "sharedSet": "සකසන්න",
+ "sharedCancel": "සිදු කරන්න",
+ "sharedAdd": "එක් කරන්න",
+ "sharedEdit": "සංස්කරණය",
+ "sharedRemove": "ඉවත් කරන්න",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "අයිතමය ඉවත් කරන්නද?",
+ "sharedNoData": "දත්ත නැත",
+ "sharedYes": "ඔව්",
+ "sharedNo": "නැත",
+ "sharedKm": "කි.මී.",
+ "sharedMi": "සැතපුම්",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "එම්",
+ "sharedFeet": "අඩි",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "කි.මී/පැ",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "පැය",
+ "sharedMinute": "විනාඩි",
+ "sharedSecond": "තත්පර",
+ "sharedDays": "දවස්",
+ "sharedHours": "පැය",
+ "sharedMinutes": "විනාඩි",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "දශම සඳහා",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "අංශක දශම මිනිත්තු",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "දශම පිළිබඳව තප්පර",
+ "sharedName": "නම",
+ "sharedDescription": "සවිස්තරය",
+ "sharedSearch": "සොයන්න",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "භූ වැටිය",
+ "sharedGeofences": "භූ වැටි",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "දැනුම්දීම්",
+ "sharedNotification": "දැනුම්දීම",
+ "sharedAttributes": "උපලක්ෂණ",
+ "sharedAttribute": "උපලක්ෂණය",
+ "sharedDrivers": "රියදුරන්",
+ "sharedDriver": "රියදුරු",
+ "sharedArea": "ප්‍රදේශය",
+ "sharedSound": "දැනුම්දීමේ ශබ්දය",
+ "sharedType": "වර්ගය",
+ "sharedDistance": "දුර",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "පැ.",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "මි.",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "තත්.",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "වී",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "එල්",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "ගැලුම්",
+ "sharedLiter": "ලීටර",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. ගැලන්",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "එක්සත් ජනපද ගැලෝන්",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "සිතියම් තත්ත්වය",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "කළ ගුණය",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "සිදු කළ ගුණාංග",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "කළ ගුණය පරීක්ෂා කරන්න",
+ "sharedExpression": "ප්රකාශනය",
+ "sharedDevice": "වැනි",
+ "sharedTest": "පරීක්ෂණය",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "අත්හදාබැලීමේ දැනුම්දීම යවන්න",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "පරීක්ෂණ නාලිකා",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "පරීක්ෂණ ප්රකාශනය",
+ "sharedCalendar": "දින දසුන",
+ "sharedCalendars": "දින දසුන්",
+ "sharedFile": "ගොනුව",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "සෙවුම් උපාංග",
+ "sharedSortBy": "අනුව තෝරන්න",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "සිතියම මත පෙරහන් කරන්න",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "ගොනුව තෝරන්න",
+ "sharedPhone": "දුරකථනය",
+ "sharedRequired": "අවශයි",
+ "sharedPreferences": "මනාපයන්",
+ "sharedPermissions": "අවසර",
+ "sharedConnections": "සම්බන්ධතා",
+ "sharedExtra": "අමතර",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "නූල්",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "අංකය",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "බූලියන්",
+ "sharedTimezone": "වේලා කලාපය",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "තොරතුරු",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "විධානය සුරකින ලදී",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "විධාන සුරකින",
+ "sharedNew": "අලුත්…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "ලිපිනය පෙන්වන්න",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "වැඩිපුර විස්තර",
+ "sharedDisabled": "අබල කර ඇත",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "නඩත්තුව",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "සමුච්චය කරන්නන්",
+ "sharedAlarms": "අනතුරු ඇඟවීම්",
+ "sharedLocation": "ස්ථානය",
+ "sharedImport": "ආනයන",
+ "sharedColumns": "තීරු",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "වේග සීමාව",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "බහු රේඛා දුර",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "වාර්තාව: සැතපුම්මානය නොසලකන්න",
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+ "loginFailed": "වි-තැපැල් ලිපිනය හෝ මුරපදය වැරදිය!",
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+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API යතුර",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "විවෘත කාලගුණ වලාකුළු",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "විවෘත කාලගුණ වර්ෂාපතනය",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "විවෘත කාලගුණ පීඩනය",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "විවෘත කාලගුණ සුළඟ",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "විවෘත කාලගුණ උෂ්ණත්වය",
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+ "mapCustomArcgis": "අභිරුචි (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "අභිරුචි සිතියම",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "බිං මැප්ස් යතුර",
+ "mapBingRoad": "බිං මැප්ස් පාර",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "යාන්ඩෙක්ස් සිතියම",
+ "mapYandexSat": "යාන්ඩෙක්ස් චන්ද්‍රිකාව",
+ "mapWikimedia": "විකිමීඩියා",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "යුධෝපකරණ සමීක්ෂණය",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "සිතියම් පෙට්ටි වීදි",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox එළිමහන්",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox චන්ද්‍රිකාව",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox ප්රවේශ ටෝකනය",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler මූලික",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API යතුර",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ වීදි",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ ප්‍රවේශ ටෝකනය",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom මූලික",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom රථවාහන ප්රවාහය",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom රථවාහන සිදුවීම්",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API යතුර",
+ "mapHereBasic": "මෙන්න Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "මෙන්න Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "මෙන්න සැටලයිට්",
+ "mapHereFlow": "මෙන්න Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "මෙන්න API යතුර",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "බහුඅශ්‍රය",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "වෘත්තය",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "බහු රේඛාව",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "සජීවී මාර්ග",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "වත්මන් ස්ථානය",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI ස්තරය",
+ "mapClustering": "සලකුණු පොකුරු කිරීම",
+ "mapOnSelect": "තේරීම මත සිතියම පෙන්වන්න",
+ "stateTitle": "තත්ත්වය",
+ "stateName": "ගුණාංගය",
+ "stateValue": "අගය",
+ "commandTitle": "විධානය",
+ "commandSend": "යවන්න",
+ "commandSent": "විධානය යවා ඇත",
+ "commandQueued": "විධානය පෝලිමේ",
+ "commandUnit": "සඳහා",
+ "commandCustom": "අභිරුචි විධානය",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "හඳුනා ගැනීම",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "තනි වාර්තාව",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "ආවර්තිතාව වාර්තා කරන්න",
+ "commandPositionStop": "වාර්තා කිරීම නවත්වන්න",
+ "commandEngineStop": "එන්ජින් නැවතුම",
+ "commandEngineResume": "එන්ජින් Resume",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "ආම් එලාම්",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "අනතුරු ඇඟවීම නිරායුධ කරන්න",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "එලාමය අස් කරන්න",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "කලාපය සකසන්න",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "ඡායාරූප ඉල්ලීම",
+ "commandPowerOff": "උපාංගය ක්‍රියා විරහිත කරන්න",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "අපට යළි ආරම්භ කරන්න",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "කර්මාන්තශාලා යළි පිහිටුවීම",
+ "commandSendSms": "කෙටි පණිවිඩ යවන්න",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD යවන්න",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS අංකය සකසන්න",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "නිශ්ශබ්දතාවයේ වේලාව සකසන්න",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "දුරකථනපොත සකසන්න",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "සඳහා පණිවිඩය",
+ "commandOutputControl": "ප්රතිදාන පාලනය",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "හඬ නිරීක්ෂණ",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS සකසන්න",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "දර්ශකය සකසන්න",
+ "commandConfiguration": "වින්‍යාසය",
+ "commandGetVersion": "සහ ගන්න",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "ස්ථිරාංගය යථාවත්කාල කරන්න",
+ "commandSetConnection": "සම්බන්ධතාවය සකසන්න",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "සැතපුම්මානය සකසන්න",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "මෝඩමය තත්ත්වය ලබා ගන්න",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "ලබා ගැනීමේ තත්ත්වය ගන්න",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "වේග සීමාව සකසන්න",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "බලශක්ති ඉතිරිකිරීමේ මාදිලිය",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "ගැඹුරු නින්ද මාදිලිය",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Geofence එලාම් සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "බැටරි එලාම් සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "SOS එලාම් සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "ඉවත් කිරීමේ අනතුරු ඇඟවීම සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "ඔරලෝසු එලාම් සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "වේග අනතුරු ඇඟවීම සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "වැටීම අනතුරු ඇඟවීම සකසන්න",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "කම්පන එලාම් සකසන්න",
+ "commandFrequency": "සංඛ්යාතය",
+ "commandTimezone": "කාල කලාප ඕෆ්සෙට්",
+ "commandMessage": "පණිවිඩය",
+ "commandRadius": "ආරය",
+ "commandEnable": "සබල කරන්න",
+ "commandData": "දත්ත",
+ "commandIndex": "දර්ශකය",
+ "commandPhone": "දුරකථන අංකය",
+ "commandServer": "සේවාදායකයා",
+ "commandPort": "වරාය",
+ "eventAll": "සියලු සිදුවීම්",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "මාර්ගගත තත්ත්වය",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "තත්ත්වය නොදනී",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "නොබැඳි තත්ත්වය",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "උපාංගය අක්‍රියයි",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "උපාංගය චලනය",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "උපාංගය නතර විය",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "වේග සීමාව ඉක්මවා ඇත",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "ඉන්ධන පහත වැටීම",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "විධානයේ ප්‍රකාශය",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence ඇතුල් විය",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence ඉවත් විය",
+ "eventAlarm": "අනතුරු ඇඟවීම",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "ගිනි දැල්වීම",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "ජ්වලනය නිවා දමයි",
+ "eventMaintenance": "නඩත්තු කිරීම අවශ්ය වේ",
+ "eventTextMessage": "කෙටි පණිවිඩයක් ලැබිණි",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "රියදුරු වෙනස් විය",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "අන්තිමට අනුචලනය කරන්න",
+ "alarmGeneral": "ජනරාල්",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "කම්පනය",
+ "alarmMovement": "චලනය",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "අඩු වේගය",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "අධික වේගය",
+ "alarmFallDown": "වැටෙන්න",
+ "alarmLowPower": "අඩු බලය",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "අඩු බැටරි",
+ "alarmFault": "වරද",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "බලය අක්‍රියයි",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "පවර් ඔන්",
+ "alarmDoor": "දොර",
+ "alarmLock": "අගුළු දමන්න",
+ "alarmUnlock": "අගුළු හරින්න",
+ "alarmGeofence": "භූ වැට",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence පිටවීම",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS ඇන්ටෙනා කැපීම",
+ "alarmAccident": "අනතුරක්",
+ "alarmTow": "ඇදගෙන යාම",
+ "alarmIdle": "නිෂ්ක්‍රීයයි",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "ඉහළ ආර්පීඑම්",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "දෘඪ ත්වරණය",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "දැඩි තිරිංග",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "මංතීරු වෙනස් කිරීම",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "තෙහෙට්ටුව රිය පැදවීම",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "විදුලි කප්පාදුව",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "බලය යථා තත්ත්වයට පත් විය",
+ "alarmJamming": "හිරවීම",
+ "alarmTemperature": "උෂ්ණත්වය",
+ "alarmParking": "වාහන නැවැත්වීම",
+ "alarmBonnet": "බොනට්",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "ෆුට් බ්‍රේක්",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "ඉන්ධන කාන්දු වීම",
+ "alarmTampering": "විකෘති කිරීම",
+ "alarmRemoving": "ඉවත් කිරීම",
+ "notificationType": "දැනුම්දීම් වර්ග",
+ "notificationAlways": "සියලුම උපාංග",
+ "notificationNotificators": "නාලිකා",
+ "notificatorWeb": "වෙබ්",
+ "notificatorMail": "තැපෑල",
+ "notificatorSms": "කෙටි පණිවිඩ",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "ගිනි පදනම",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "ට්රැකර්",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "විදුලි පණිවුඩ",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "නැවත ධාවනය කරන්න",
+ "reportRoute": "ගමන් කිරීමට",
+ "reportEvents": "සිද්ධි",
+ "reportTrips": "චාරිකා",
+ "reportStops": "නැවතීම්",
+ "reportSummary": "සාරාංශය",
+ "reportDaily": "දෛනික සාරාංශය",
+ "reportChart": "සටහන",
+ "reportConfigure": "වින්‍යාසගත කරන්න",
+ "reportEventTypes": "සිදුවීම් වර්ග",
+ "reportChartType": "ප්‍රස්ථාර වර්ගය",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "සලකුණු පෙන්වන්න",
+ "reportExport": "නිර්යාත",
+ "reportEmail": "ඊමේල් වාර්තාව",
+ "reportPeriod": "කාලය",
+ "reportCustom": "අභිරුචි",
+ "reportToday": "අද",
+ "reportYesterday": "කටයුතු",
+ "reportThisWeek": "මෙම සතිය",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "පසුගිය සතියේ",
+ "reportThisMonth": "මෙම මාසය",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "පසුගිය මාසය",
+ "reportDeviceName": "ඇතුලත්වේ නම",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "සාමාන්‍ය වේගය",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "උපරිම වේගය",
+ "reportEngineHours": "එන්ජින් පැය",
+ "reportDuration": "කාලසීමාව",
+ "reportStartDate": "ආරම්භක දිනය",
+ "reportStartTime": "ආරම්භක වේලාව",
+ "reportStartAddress": "ආරම්භ ලිපිනය",
+ "reportEndTime": "අවසානය",
+ "reportEndAddress": "අවසාන ලිපිනය",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "වැයවූ ඉන්ධන",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer ආරම්භය",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer අවසානය",
+ "statisticsTitle": "සංඛ්යාලේඛන",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "අල්ලා ගැනීමේ කාලය",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "ක්‍රියාකාරී පරිශීලකයින්",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "ක්රියාකාරී උපාංග",
+ "statisticsRequests": "ඉල්ලීම්",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "ලැබුණු පණිවිඩ",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "ගබඩා කර ඇති පණිවිඩ",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "භූ කේත ඉල්ලීම්",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "භූගෝලීය ඉල්ලීම්",
+ "categoryArrow": "ඊතලය",
+ "categoryDefault": "පෙරනිමි",
+ "categoryAnimal": "සතුන්",
+ "categoryBicycle": "පාපැදිය",
+ "categoryBoat": "බෝට්ටුව",
+ "categoryBus": "බස්",
+ "categoryCar": "මෝටර් රථ",
+ "categoryCrane": "දොඹකරය",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "හෙලිකොප්ටරය",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "යතුරුපැදිය",
+ "categoryOffroad": "පාරෙන් පිට",
+ "categoryPerson": "පුද්ගලයා",
+ "categoryPickup": "අවුලා ගන්න",
+ "categoryPlane": "ගුවන්යානය",
+ "categoryShip": "නැව",
+ "categoryTractor": "ට්රැක්ටරය",
+ "categoryTrain": "දුම්රිය",
+ "categoryTram": "ට්‍රෑම් රථය",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "ට්රොලිබස්",
+ "categoryTruck": "ට්රක් රථය",
+ "categoryVan": "වෑන්",
+ "categoryScooter": "ස්කූටරය",
+ "maintenanceStart": "ආරම්භය",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "කාලය"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/sk.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sk.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..548cb4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Načítava...",
+ "sharedHide": "Schovať",
+ "sharedSave": "Uložiť",
+ "sharedSet": "Nastaviť",
+ "sharedCancel": "Zrušiť",
+ "sharedAdd": "Pridať",
+ "sharedEdit": "Upraviť",
+ "sharedRemove": "Odstrániť",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstrániť položku?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "Km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "Km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hodina",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minúta",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
+ "sharedDays": "dni",
+ "sharedHours": "hodiny",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minúty",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Desatinné stupne",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Stupne desatinných minút",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Stupne desatinných sekúnd",
+ "sharedName": "Meno",
+ "sharedDescription": "Popis",
+ "sharedSearch": "Hľadať",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifikácie",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notifikácia",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atribúty",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribút",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Vodiči",
+ "sharedDriver": "Vodič",
+ "sharedArea": "Oblasť",
+ "sharedSound": "Notifikačný zvuk",
+ "sharedType": "Typ",
+ "sharedDistance": "Vzdialenosť",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Britský galón",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Americký galón",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Získať mapu štátu",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Výraz",
+ "sharedDevice": "Zariadenie",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Pošli skúšobnú notifikáciu",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendár",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendáre",
+ "sharedFile": "Súbor",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Vyberte súbor",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefón",
+ "sharedRequired": "Požadované",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferencie",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Povolenia",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Reťazec",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Číslo",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Binárna hodnota",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Časová zóna",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informácie",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Uložený príkaz",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Uložené príkazy",
+ "sharedNew": "Nový...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Zobraziť adresu",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Vypnuté",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Upozornenia",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Limit rýchlosti",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignoruj kilometrovník",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Farba reportu",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Heslo zaridenia",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Farba",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximálne priblíženie",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "E-Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "E-Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "E-Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Zapnuté",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "E-Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Povinná",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: Povolenie SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protokoly",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Od",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Používateľské meno",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Heslo",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Zakázať udalosti",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Zakázať vodičov",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Zakázať kalendáre",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Chyba",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Chyba pripojenia",
+ "errorSocket": "Chyba pripojenia web konektora",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "E-mail",
+ "userPassword": "Heslo",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Zapamätať",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Uplynutie platnosti",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limit zariadenia",
+ "userUserLimit": "Obmedzenie používateľov",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Zariadenie len na čítanie",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Prihlásenie",
+ "loginLanguage": "Jazyk",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrovať",
+ "loginLogin": "Prihlásenie",
+ "loginFailed": "Nesprávna e-mailová adresa alebo heslo",
+ "loginCreated": "Nový užívateľ sa zaregistroval",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Odhlásiť",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Zariadenia a Status",
+ "deviceTitle": "Zariadena",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikátor",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategória",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Posledný update",
+ "deviceCommand": "Príkaz",
+ "deviceFollow": "Nasleduj",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Celková vzdialenosť",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Neznáme",
+ "groupDialog": "Skupina",
+ "groupParent": "Skupina",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Žiadna skupina",
+ "settingsTitle": "Nastavenia",
+ "settingsUser": "Účet",
+ "settingsGroups": "Skupiny",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Používatelia",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jednotka vzdialenosti",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Jednotka rýchlosti",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Jednotka objemu",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hodinový formát",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formát koordinátov",
+ "reportTitle": "Správy",
+ "reportDevice": "Zariadenie",
+ "reportGroup": "Skupina",
+ "reportFrom": "Od",
+ "reportTo": "Do",
+ "reportShow": "Zobraziť",
+ "reportClear": "Vyčistiť",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Platný",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Presnosť",
+ "positionLatitude": "Šírka",
+ "positionLongitude": "Dĺžka",
+ "positionAltitude": "Výška",
+ "positionSpeed": "Rýchlosť jazdy",
+ "positionCourse": "Kurz",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresa",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Vzdialenosť",
+ "positionRpm": "OZM",
+ "positionFuel": "Palivo",
+ "positionPower": "Napätie",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterka",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satelity",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Viditeľné satelity",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Udalosť",
+ "positionAlarm": "Upozornenie",
+ "positionStatus": "Stav",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometrovník",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hodiny",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Vstup",
+ "positionOutput": "Výstup",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Stav batérie",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Spotreba paliva",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Verzia firmvéru",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Verzia hardvéru",
+ "positionIgnition": "Zapaľovanie",
+ "positionFlags": "Značky",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archív",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Pohyb",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Zrýchlenie",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Teplota zariadenia",
+ "positionOperator": "Operátor",
+ "positionCommand": "Príkaz",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokované",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD rýchlosť",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD kilometrovník",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Unikátne ID vodiča",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Nastavenie servera",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrácia",
+ "serverReadonly": "Iba na čítanie",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Nastavenie sily",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Mapové vrstvy",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Klúč Bing Maps",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Arial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex mapa",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex satelit",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygón",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Kruh",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Lomená čiara",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Parametre",
+ "stateName": "Parameter",
+ "stateValue": "Hodnota",
+ "commandTitle": "Príkaz",
+ "commandSend": "Odoslať",
+ "commandSent": "Príkaz odoslaný",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Jednotka",
+ "commandCustom": "Vlastný príkaz",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikácia zariadenia",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Jednoduché podávanie správ",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pravidelné podávanie správ",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Zastavte podávanie správ",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Zastavenie motora",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Spustenie motora",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Nastaviť upozornenie",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Zrušiť upozornenie",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Nastaviť časovú zónu",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Poslať fotku",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Rebootovať zariadenie",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Postať SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Postať USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Nastaviť čislo SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Nastav tichý čas",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Nastav telefónny zoznam",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Hlasové správy",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Výstupná kontrola",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Nastaviť AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Nastavte ukazovateľ",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfigurácia",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Získať verziu",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Aktualizovať firmvér",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Nastaviť spojenie",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Nastaviť kilometrovník",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Získať stav modemu",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Získať stav zariadenia",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvencia",
+ "commandTimezone": "Časová zóna Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Správa",
+ "commandRadius": "Polomer",
+ "commandEnable": "Povoliť",
+ "commandData": "Dáta",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefónne číslo",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Všetky akcie",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Stav online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Stav offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Zariadenie sa hýbe",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Zariadenie zastavilo",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Výsledok príkazu",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Upozornenie",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Vyžaduje sa údržba",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Prijatá textová správa",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Zmena vodiča",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Všeobecné",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibrácia",
+ "alarmMovement": "Pobyb",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Prekročenie rýchlosti",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Slabý prúd",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Slabá batéria",
+ "alarmFault": "Chyba",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Zamknúť",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Odomknúť",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Napájanie obnovené",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Teplota",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkovanie",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Typ notifikácie",
+ "notificationAlways": "Všetky zariadenia",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Cesta",
+ "reportEvents": "Udalosti",
+ "reportTrips": "Cesty",
+ "reportStops": "Zastávky",
+ "reportSummary": "Zhrnutie",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Graf",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigurácia",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Typy udalstí",
+ "reportChartType": "Typ grafu",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Zobraziť značky",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Vlastné",
+ "reportToday": "Dnes",
+ "reportYesterday": "Včera",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Tento týždeň",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Minulý týždeň",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Tento mesiac",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Minulý mesiac",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Meno zariadenia",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Priemerná rýchlosť",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximálna rýchlosť",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Prevádzkové hodiny motora",
+ "reportDuration": "Trvanie",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Čas spustenia",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Počiatočná adresa",
+ "reportEndTime": "Čas ukončenia",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Koncová adresa",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spotrebované palivo",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Štatistika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Zachyť čas",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktívny používatelia",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktívne zariadenia",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Požiadavka",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Správa doručená",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Správa uložená",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Šípka",
+ "categoryDefault": "Základné",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Zviera",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicykel",
+ "categoryBoat": "Loď",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Auto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Žeriav",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikoptéra",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocykel",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Osoba",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Lietadlo",
+ "categoryShip": "Loď",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Nákladné auto",
+ "categoryVan": "Dodávka",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/sl.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sl.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64197efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Nalagam...",
+ "sharedHide": "Skrij",
+ "sharedSave": "Shrani",
+ "sharedSet": "Nastavi",
+ "sharedCancel": "Prekini",
+ "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
+ "sharedEdit": "Uredi",
+ "sharedRemove": "Odstrani",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstranim zapis?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Ni podatkov",
+ "sharedYes": "Da",
+ "sharedNo": "Ne",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Ura",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
+ "sharedDays": "dni",
+ "sharedHours": "ur",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minut",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimalne stopinje",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Stopinje Decimalne Minute",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Stopinje Minute Sekunde",
+ "sharedName": "Ime",
+ "sharedDescription": "Opis",
+ "sharedSearch": "Išči",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Omejeno območje",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Omejena območja",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Ustvari omejeno območje",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Obvestila",
+ "sharedNotification": "Obvestilo",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributi",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Vozniki",
+ "sharedDriver": "Voznik",
+ "sharedArea": "Območje",
+ "sharedSound": "Zvok obvestila",
+ "sharedType": "Tip",
+ "sharedDistance": "Razdalja",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Pridobi stanje zemljevida",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Izračunan atribut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Izračunani atributi",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Preveri izračunan atribut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Izraz",
+ "sharedDevice": "Naprava",
+ "sharedTest": "Preizkus",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Pošlji testno obvestilo",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Preizkusni kanali",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Preizkusni izrazi",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Koledar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Koledarji",
+ "sharedFile": "Datoteka",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Išči po napravah",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Razvrsti po",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtriraj na zemljevidu",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Izberi datoteko",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Obvezno",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Nastavitve",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Dovoljenja",
+ "sharedConnections": "Povezave",
+ "sharedExtra": "Dodatno",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primarno",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Sekundarno",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Tekst",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Številka",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Binarna vrednost",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Časovni pas",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informacije",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Shrani ukaz",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Shranjeni ukazi",
+ "sharedNew": "Nov...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Pokaži naslov",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Več podrobnosti",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Onemogočen",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Vzdrževanje",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Seštevki",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmi",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokacija",
+ "sharedImport": "Uvozi",
+ "sharedColumns": "Stolpci",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Povlecite in spustite datoteko sem ali kliknite",
+ "calendarSimple": "Preprost",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Ponovitev",
+ "calendarOnce": "Enkrat",
+ "calendarDaily": "Dnevno",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Tedensko",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Mesečno",
+ "calendarDays": "Dnevi",
+ "calendarSunday": "Nedelja",
+ "calendarMonday": "Ponedeljek",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Torek",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Sreda",
+ "calendarThursday": "Četrtek",
+ "calendarFriday": "Petek",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Sobota",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Omejitev hitrosti",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Mejna vrednost padca goriva",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Poročilo: Prezri stanje števca",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Splet: Barva poročila",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Geslo naprave",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Slika naprave",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Začetek neaktivnosti naprave",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Obdobje neaktivnosti naprave",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Barva",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Napaka",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Napaka v povezavi",
+ "errorSocket": "Napaka v povezavi web socket",
+ "errorZero": "Ne sme biti 0",
+ "userEmail": "E-Pošta",
+ "userPassword": "Geslo",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Zapomni si",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Poteče",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Omejitev naprav",
+ "userUserLimit": "Omejitev uporabnikov",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Naprava samo za branje",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Omeji ukaze",
+ "userDisableReports": "Onemogoči poročila",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Žeton",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Izbriši račun",
+ "loginTitle": "Prijava",
+ "loginLanguage": "Jezik",
+ "loginReset": "Ponastavi geslo",
+ "loginRegister": "Registracija",
+ "loginLogin": "Prijava",
+ "loginFailed": "Nepravilna e-pošta ali geslo",
+ "loginCreated": "Nov uporabnik je registriran",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Prosimo preverite svojo e-pošto",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Novo geslo je shranjeno",
+ "loginLogout": "Odjava",
+ "loginLogo": "Logotip",
+ "devicesAndState": "Naprava in stanje",
+ "deviceTitle": "Naprave",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikacija",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorija",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Zadnja posodobitev",
+ "deviceCommand": "Ukaz",
+ "deviceFollow": "Sledi",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Skupna razdalja",
+ "deviceStatus": "Stanje",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Povezan",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Nepovezan",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Neznano",
+ "groupDialog": "Skupina",
+ "groupParent": "Skupina",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Ni skupine",
+ "settingsTitle": "Nastavitve",
+ "settingsUser": "Račun",
+ "settingsGroups": "Skupine",
+ "settingsServer": "Strežnik",
+ "settingsUsers": "Uporabniki",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Enota za razdaljo",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Enota za nadmorsko višino",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Enota za hitrost",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Enota za volumen",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-urni format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format koordinat",
+ "reportTitle": "Poročila",
+ "reportDevice": "Naprava",
+ "reportGroup": "Skupina",
+ "reportFrom": "Od",
+ "reportTo": "Do",
+ "reportShow": "Prikaži",
+ "reportClear": "Očisti",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Čas določitve",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Čas naprave",
+ "positionServerTime": "Čas strežnika",
+ "positionValid": "Veljavnost",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Natančnost",
+ "positionLatitude": "Širina",
+ "positionLongitude": "Dolžina",
+ "positionAltitude": "Višina",
+ "positionSpeed": "Hitrost",
+ "positionCourse": "Smer",
+ "positionAddress": "Naslov",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Razdalja",
+ "positionRpm": "Obrati",
+ "positionFuel": "Gorivo",
+ "positionPower": "Napajanje",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterija",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Sateliti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Vidni sateliti",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Dogodek",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Stanje",
+ "positionOdometer": "Stanje števca",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Ur",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Vnos",
+ "positionOutput": "Izhod",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nivo baterije",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Poraba goriva",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Kontakt",
+ "positionFlags": "Zastavice",
+ "positionCharge": "Polnjenje",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arhiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Približno",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Gibanje",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Pospeševanje",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura naprave",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Ukaz",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokirano",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD hitrost",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Stanje števca",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Slika",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Zvok",
+ "serverTitle": "Nastavitve strežnika",
+ "serverZoom": "Povečava",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registracija",
+ "serverReadonly": "Samo za branje",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Vsili nastavitve",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Obvestilo",
+ "mapTitle": "Karta",
+ "mapActive": "Aktivni zemljevidi",
+ "mapOverlay": "Podatkovna plast",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Podatkovna plast po meri",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Zemljevidi",
+ "mapCustom": "Po meri (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Po meri (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Zemljevid po meri",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Ključ",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Ceste",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Satelit",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing zemljevid hibrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex zemljevid",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex satelit",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Poligon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Krog",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Žive poti",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Trenutna lokacija",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Združevanje oznak",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Stanje",
+ "stateName": "Parameter",
+ "stateValue": "Vrednost",
+ "commandTitle": "Ukaz",
+ "commandSend": "Pošlji",
+ "commandSent": "Ukaz poslan",
+ "commandQueued": "Ukaz v čakalni vrsti",
+ "commandUnit": "Naprava",
+ "commandCustom": "Ukaz po meri",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikacija naprave",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodično poročanje",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Ustavi poročanje",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Ugasni motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Prižgi motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Vklopi alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Izklopi alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Nastavi časovni pas",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Zahtevaj sliko",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Izklopi napravo",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Ponovno zaženi napravo",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Pošlji SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Pošlji USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Nastavi SOS številko",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Glasovno sporočilo",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Nastavi AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Nastavitve",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Nastavi stanje števca",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvenca",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Sporočilo",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Omogoči",
+ "commandData": "Podatki",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonska številka",
+ "commandServer": "Strežnik",
+ "commandPort": "Vrata",
+ "eventAll": "Vsi dogodki",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Stanje: povezan",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Neznano stanje",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Stanje: nepovezan",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Naprava neaktivna",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Naprava se premika",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Naprava se je ustavila",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Omejitev hitrosti prekoračena",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Padec goriva",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Povečanje goriva",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Rezultat ukaza",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Vžig",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Vžig izključen",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Potrebno vzdrževanje",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Sporočilo sprejeto",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Sprememba voznika",
+ "eventMedia": "Mediji",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Pomakni se na zadnje",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Splošno",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibracije",
+ "alarmMovement": "Premikanje",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Nizka hitrost",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Prekoračitev hitrosti",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Padec",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Nizka napetost napajanja",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Baterija skoraj izpraznjena",
+ "alarmFault": "Napaka",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Izklop",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Vklop",
+ "alarmDoor": "Vrata",
+ "alarmLock": "Zakleni",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Odkleni",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Omejeno območje",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Vstop v omejeno območje",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Izhod iz omejenega območja",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antena prekinjena",
+ "alarmAccident": "Nesreča",
+ "alarmTow": "Vleka",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Visoki obrati",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Močno pospeševanje",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Močno zaviranje",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Prekinitev napajanja",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Napajanje obnovljeno",
+ "alarmJamming": "Motnja",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parkiranje",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Pokrov motorja",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Odstranjujem",
+ "notificationType": "Tip obvestil",
+ "notificationAlways": "Vse naprave",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanali",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Splet",
+ "notificatorMail": "Elektronska pošta",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Ponovi",
+ "reportRoute": "Pot",
+ "reportEvents": "Dogodki",
+ "reportTrips": "Poti",
+ "reportStops": "Postanki",
+ "reportSummary": "Povzetek",
+ "reportDaily": "Dnevni povzetek",
+ "reportChart": "Graf",
+ "reportConfigure": "Nastavi",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipi dogodkov",
+ "reportChartType": "Tip grafa",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Prikaži oznake",
+ "reportExport": "Izvozi",
+ "reportEmail": "Pošlji po e-pošti",
+ "reportPeriod": "Obdobje",
+ "reportCustom": "Poljubno",
+ "reportToday": "Danes",
+ "reportYesterday": "Včeraj",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Ta teden",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Prejšnji teden",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Ta mesec",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Prejšnji mesec",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Ime naprave",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Povprečna hitrost",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Najvišja hitrost",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motorinh ur",
+ "reportDuration": "Trajanje",
+ "reportStartDate": "Datum začetka",
+ "reportStartTime": "Začetni čas",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Začetni naslov",
+ "reportEndTime": "Končni čas",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Končni naslov",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Porabljeno gorivo",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Začetno stanje števca",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Končno stanje števca",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Začetni čas",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktivni uporabniki",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktivne naprave",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Zahtevkov",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Prejetih sporočil",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Shranjenih sporočil",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Puščica",
+ "categoryDefault": "Privzeto",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Žival",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Kolo",
+ "categoryBoat": "Čoln",
+ "categoryBus": "Avtobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Avto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Žerjav",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motor",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Terenec",
+ "categoryPerson": "Oseba",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Letalo",
+ "categoryShip": "Ladja",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Vlak",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvaj",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolejbus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Tovornjak",
+ "categoryVan": "Kombi",
+ "categoryScooter": "Skuter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Začetek",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Obdobje"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/sq.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sq.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af49256d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sq.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Ngarkim…",
+ "sharedHide": "Hide",
+ "sharedSave": "Ruaj",
+ "sharedSet": "Set",
+ "sharedCancel": "Anullim",
+ "sharedAdd": "Shto",
+ "sharedEdit": "Ndrysho",
+ "sharedRemove": "Hiq",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Hiq skedarin",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "Milje",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Nyje",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Orë",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekonda",
+ "sharedDays": "days",
+ "sharedHours": "hours",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimal Degrees",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Degrees Decimal Minutes",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Degrees Minutes Seconds",
+ "sharedName": "Emri",
+ "sharedDescription": "Description",
+ "sharedSearch": "Kërkim",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Area",
+ "sharedSound": "Notification Sound",
+ "sharedType": "Type",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distance",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Get Map State",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Device",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendars",
+ "sharedFile": "File",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Select File",
+ "sharedPhone": "Phone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Required",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Timezone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Gabim",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Gabim lidhjeje",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket connection error",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Fjalëkalimi",
+ "userAdmin": "Administratori",
+ "userRemember": "Remember",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Expiration",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Device Limit",
+ "userUserLimit": "User Limit",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Device Readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Hyrje",
+ "loginLanguage": "Gjuha",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Regjistrim",
+ "loginLogin": "Lidhu",
+ "loginFailed": "Adresë Email-i ose fjalëkalim i gabuar",
+ "loginCreated": "Përdoruesi i ri u regjistrua",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Shkëputu",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Gjendja e pajisjeve",
+ "deviceTitle": "Pajisjet",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikues",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Contact",
+ "deviceCategory": "Category",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Përditësimi i fundit",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komandë",
+ "deviceFollow": "Ndjek",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total Distance",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "Grup",
+ "groupParent": "Grup",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Pa Grup",
+ "settingsTitle": "Parametra",
+ "settingsUser": "Llogari",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupe",
+ "settingsServer": "Rrjeti",
+ "settingsUsers": "Përdorues",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formë 12-orëshe",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Coordinates Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Raporte",
+ "reportDevice": "Pajisje",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "Nga",
+ "reportTo": "Tek",
+ "reportShow": "Shfaqje",
+ "reportClear": "Pastrim",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "I vlefshëm",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Accuracy",
+ "positionLatitude": "Gjerësi Gjeografike",
+ "positionLongitude": "Gjatësi Gjeografike",
+ "positionAltitude": "Lartësia",
+ "positionSpeed": "Shpejtësia",
+ "positionCourse": "Itinerari (Rruga)",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresa",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokolli",
+ "positionDistance": "Distance",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Server-Parametrat",
+ "serverZoom": "Fokus",
+ "serverRegistration": "Regjistrim",
+ "serverReadonly": "Vetëm për lexim",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Force Settings",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Harta",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Zgjedhje harte",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Live Routes",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Gjëndja",
+ "stateName": "Atribut",
+ "stateValue": "Vlera",
+ "commandTitle": "Komandë",
+ "commandSend": "Dërgo",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Njësi",
+ "commandCustom": "Custom command",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Raporte periodike",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Ndalo raportin",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Ndalo punën",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Rinis",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekuenca",
+ "commandTimezone": "Timezone Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Message",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Index",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Maintenance required",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Route",
+ "reportEvents": "Events",
+ "reportTrips": "Trips",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Summary",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Chart",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportChartType": "Chart Type",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Show Markers",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Device Name",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
+ "reportDuration": "Duration",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Start Time",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
+ "reportEndTime": "End Time",
+ "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistics",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Capture Time",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Active Users",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Requests",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages Received",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages Stored",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Arrow",
+ "categoryDefault": "Default",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicycle",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Bus",
+ "categoryCar": "Car",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcycle",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Plane",
+ "categoryShip": "Ship",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Truck",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/sr.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sr.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9745823d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Učitavanje...",
+ "sharedHide": "Sakrij",
+ "sharedSave": "Sačuvaj",
+ "sharedSet": "Podesi",
+ "sharedCancel": "Odustani",
+ "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
+ "sharedEdit": "Podesi",
+ "sharedRemove": "Ukloni",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Ukloniti jedinicu?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Nema podataka",
+ "sharedYes": "Da",
+ "sharedNo": "Ne",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Čas",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minut",
+ "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
+ "sharedDays": "dana",
+ "sharedHours": "sata/i",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minuta",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimalni Stepeni",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Minuti Decimalnih stepeni",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Sekunde decimalnih stepeni",
+ "sharedName": "Ime",
+ "sharedDescription": "Opis",
+ "sharedSearch": "Traži",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Razmera Ikonice",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geoograda",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geoograde",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Napravi Geoogradu",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Obaveštenja",
+ "sharedNotification": "Obaveštenja",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Osobine",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Osobina",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Vozači",
+ "sharedDriver": "Vozač",
+ "sharedArea": "Oblast",
+ "sharedSound": "Zvuk Notifikacije",
+ "sharedType": "Tip",
+ "sharedDistance": "Razdaljina",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "č",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "L",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litar",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "L/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Stanje mape",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Kompjuterizovani atribut",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Kompjuterizovani atributi",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Proveri kompjuterski atribut",
+ "sharedExpression": "Izraz",
+ "sharedDevice": "Uređaj",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Pošalji Test Poruku",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Kanali",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test izraz",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalendar",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendari",
+ "sharedFile": "Fajl",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Pretraži uređaje",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Poređaj po",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter na Mapi",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Odaberi fajl",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Obavezno",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Podešavanja",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Dozvole",
+ "sharedConnections": "Konekcije",
+ "sharedExtra": "Dodatno",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primarno",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Sekundarni",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Broj",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Vremenska zona",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Informacija",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Sačuvana Komanda ",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Sačuvane komande ",
+ "sharedNew": "Nov... ",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Prikaži adresu",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Više detalja",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Onemogućeno",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Održavanje",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akumulatori",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmi",
+ "sharedLocation": "Lokacija",
+ "sharedImport": "Uvoz",
+ "sharedColumns": "Kolone",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Prevuci file i pusti ili klikni",
+ "calendarSimple": "Jednostavno",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Ponavljanje",
+ "calendarOnce": "Jednom",
+ "calendarDaily": "Dnevno",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Nedeljno",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Mesečno",
+ "calendarDays": "Dani",
+ "calendarSunday": "Nedelja",
+ "calendarMonday": "Ponedeljak",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Utorak",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Sreda",
+ "calendarThursday": "Četvrtak",
+ "calendarFriday": "Petak",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Subota",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Ograničenje brzine",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Granica opadanja goriva",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Granica dodavanja goriva",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Višelinijska udaljenost",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Izveštaj: Ignoriši odometar",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Boja izveštaja",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Lozinka uređaja",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Slika uređaja",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Početak neaktivnosti uređaja",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Period neaktivnosti uređaja",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Proces: Kopiraj atribute",
+ "attributeColor": "Boja",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Dužina rute",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web:Zumiraj izabrano",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimalno uvećanje",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram čet ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pritisnite korisnički ključ",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pritisni ime uređaja",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL omogući",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protokoli",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Od",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auten Omogući",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Korisničko ime",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Lozinka",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Onemogući atribute",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Onemogući grupe",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI:Onemogući Dogadjaje",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "KI: Onemogući Karakteristike vozila",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Onemogući Vozače",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Onemogući kompjuterizovane atribute",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Onemogući Kalendare",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "Korisnički interfejs: Onemogući Održavanje",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "KI:Sakrij poziciju atributa ",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Onemogući jezik za prijavu",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Tokeni obaveštenja",
+ "errorTitle": "Greška",
+ "errorGeneral": "Nevažeći parametri ili kršenje ograničenja",
+ "errorConnection": "Greška u konekciji",
+ "errorSocket": "Greška u konekciji",
+ "errorZero": "Ne može biti nula",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Lozinka",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Zapamti",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Ističe",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Limit uređaja",
+ "userUserLimit": "Limit korisnika",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Uređaj readonly",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limitiraj Komande",
+ "userDisableReports": "Onemogući izveštaje",
+ "userFixedEmail": "Nema Email promena",
+ "userToken": "Znak",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Izbriši nalog",
+ "loginTitle": "Prijava",
+ "loginLanguage": "Jezik",
+ "loginReset": "Resetuj Lozinku",
+ "loginRegister": "Registruj se",
+ "loginLogin": "Prijava",
+ "loginFailed": "Neispravna email adresa ili lozinka",
+ "loginCreated": "Novi korisnik je registrovan",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Proverite Vaš email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Nova lozinka je postavljena",
+ "loginLogout": "Odjava",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Uređaji i Stanje ",
+ "deviceTitle": "Uređaji",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategorija",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Poslednji kontakt",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komanda",
+ "deviceFollow": "Prati",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Ukupno rastojanje",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Dostupan",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Nedostupan",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Nepoznato",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupa",
+ "groupParent": "Grupa",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Nema grupe",
+ "settingsTitle": "Podešavanja",
+ "settingsUser": "Nalog",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupe",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Korisnici",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jedinica razdaljine",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Jedinica visine",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Jedinica brzine",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Jedinica zapremine",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-časovni format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinatni Format",
+ "reportTitle": "Izveštaji",
+ "reportDevice": "Uređaj",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupa",
+ "reportFrom": "Od",
+ "reportTo": "Do",
+ "reportShow": "Prikaži",
+ "reportClear": "Izbriši",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Mape",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Mape",
+ "linkStreetView": "Pogled na ulicu",
+ "positionFixTime": "Filsno vreme",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Vreme na uređaju",
+ "positionServerTime": "Vreme na serveru",
+ "positionValid": "Ispravno",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Tačnost",
+ "positionLatitude": "Geografska širina",
+ "positionLongitude": "Geografska dužina",
+ "positionAltitude": "Visina",
+ "positionSpeed": "Brzina",
+ "positionCourse": "Pravac",
+ "positionAddress": "Adresa",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Razdaljina",
+ "positionRpm": "Obrtaji",
+ "positionFuel": "Gorivo",
+ "positionPower": "Napon",
+ "positionBattery": "Baterija",
+ "positionRaw": "Neobrađen",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Sateliti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Vidiljivi sateliti",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roming",
+ "positionEvent": "Događaj",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometar sat",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Servisni odometar",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Putni odometar",
+ "positionHours": "Sati",
+ "positionSteps": "Koraci",
+ "positionInput": "Ulaz",
+ "positionOutput": "Izlaz",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Jačina baterije",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Ukupna potrošnja",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Verzija firmvera",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Verzija hardvera",
+ "positionIgnition": "Kontakt",
+ "positionFlags": "Oznake",
+ "positionCharge": "Punjenje",
+ "positionIp": "IP adresa",
+ "positionArchive": "Arhiva",
+ "positionVin": "Broj šasije",
+ "positionApproximate": "Približno",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gas",
+ "positionMotion": "Kretanje",
+ "positionArmed": "Naoružan",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Ubrzanje",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura uređaja",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Komanda",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blokirano",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD brzina",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD odometar",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Jedinstveni ID vozača",
+ "positionImage": "Slika",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Zvuk",
+ "serverTitle": "Podešavanja Servera",
+ "serverZoom": "Zumiranje",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registracija",
+ "serverReadonly": "Readonly verzija",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Obavezna podešavanja",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Objava",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Aktivne mape",
+ "mapOverlay": "Preklapanje mape",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Prilagođen prikaz",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Padavine",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pritisak",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Vetar",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperatura",
+ "mapLayer": "Vrsta Mape",
+ "mapCustom": "Prilagođeno (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Prilagođeno (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Prilagođena mapa",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Hibrid Mapa",
+ "mapBaidu": "Badu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Mapa",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satelit",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Ulice",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Saobraćaj",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Saobraćajni incidenti",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satelit",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Saobraćaj",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Višeugao",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Krug",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Višelinijski",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Validne rute",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Trenutna lokacija",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI sloj",
+ "mapClustering": "Klasterovanje markera",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Prikaži Mapu pri selekciji",
+ "stateTitle": "Stanje",
+ "stateName": "Parametar",
+ "stateValue": "Vrednost",
+ "commandTitle": "Komanda",
+ "commandSend": "Pošalji",
+ "commandSent": "Komanda poslata",
+ "commandQueued": "Komanda na čekanju",
+ "commandUnit": "Jedinica",
+ "commandCustom": "Prilagođena komanda",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikacija uređaja",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Izveštaj za jednog",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodično izveštavanje",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Prekini izveštavanja",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Zaustavi motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Pokreni motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Omogući alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Onemogući alarm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Onemogući alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Podesi vremensku zonu",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Zahtevaj fotografiju",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Isključi uređjaj",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Ponovo pokreni uređaj",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Fabrički reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Pošalji SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Pošalji USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Podesi SOS broj",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Podesi nečujno vreme ",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Podesi kontakte",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Glasovna poruka",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Kontrola izlaza",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitoring glasa",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Podesi AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Postavi indikator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfiguracija",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Proveri verziju",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Ažuriraj firmver",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Podesi konekciju",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Podesi odometar",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Zatraži status modema",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Zatraži status uređaja",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Podesi ograničenje brzine",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Mod čuvanja energije",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Mod dubokog spavanja",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Postavite alarm geoograde",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Podesite alarm baterije",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Postavite SOS alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Postavite alarm uklanjanja",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Postavite alarm sata",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Postavite alarm brzine",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Postavite alarm padanja",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Postavite alarm vibracije",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvencija",
+ "commandTimezone": "Vremenska zona ",
+ "commandMessage": "Poruka",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Omogući",
+ "commandData": "Podaci",
+ "commandIndex": "Lista",
+ "commandPhone": "Broj telefona",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Svi događaji",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status nepoznat",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Uređaj je neaktivan",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Uređaj u pokretu",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Uređaj zaustavljen",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Granica brzine je prekoračena",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Pad nivoa goriva",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Dolivanje goriva",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Stanje komande",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Ulazak u geoogradu",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Izlazak iz geoograde",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Kontakt uključen",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Kontakt isključen",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Potrebno održavanje",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Tekstualma poruka primljena",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Vozač promenjen",
+ "eventMedia": "Medija",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Skroluj do zadnjeg",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Opšte",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibracija",
+ "alarmMovement": "Kretanje",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Mala brzina",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Prekoračenje brzine",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Pad",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Nizak napon",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Slaba baterija",
+ "alarmFault": "Greška",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Alarm isključen",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Alarm uključen",
+ "alarmDoor": "Vrata",
+ "alarmLock": "Zaključan",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Otključan",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geoograda",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Ulazak u geeogradu",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Izlaz iz geoograde",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS antena u prekidu",
+ "alarmAccident": "Nesreća",
+ "alarmTow": "Odvlačenje",
+ "alarmIdle": "Na čekanju",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Visoki obrtaji",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Naglo ubrzanje",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Naglo kočenje",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Naglo skretanje",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Promena trake",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Nema napajanja",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Napajanje obnovljeno",
+ "alarmJamming": "Ometanje signala",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Hauba",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Nožna kočnica",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Curenje goriva",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Uklanjanje",
+ "notificationType": "Tip obaveštenja",
+ "notificationAlways": "Svi uređaji",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanali",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Internet",
+ "notificatorMail": "Pošta",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Istorija kretanja",
+ "reportRoute": "Ruta",
+ "reportEvents": "Događaji",
+ "reportTrips": "Vožnje",
+ "reportStops": "Zaustavljanja",
+ "reportSummary": "Izveštaj",
+ "reportDaily": "Dnevni pregled",
+ "reportChart": "Grafikon",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfiguracija",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tip događaja",
+ "reportChartType": "Tip grafikona",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Pokaži markere",
+ "reportExport": "Izvezi",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Izveštaj",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Prilagodjeno",
+ "reportToday": "Danas",
+ "reportYesterday": "Juče",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Ove nedelje",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Prethodna nedelja",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Ovaj mesec",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Prethodni mesec",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Ime uređaja",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Prosečna brzina",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maksimalna brzina",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Radni sati",
+ "reportDuration": "Trajanje",
+ "reportStartDate": "Početni datum",
+ "reportStartTime": "Startno vreme",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Početna adresa",
+ "reportEndTime": "Završno vreme",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Krajnja adresa",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Potrošeno goriva",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometar početak",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometar kraj",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistika",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Vreme slikanja",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktivni korisnici",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktivni uređaji",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Zahtevi",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Primljene poruke",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Sačuvane poruke",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geokoder upiti",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolokacijski upiti",
+ "categoryArrow": "Strelica",
+ "categoryDefault": "Osnovni",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Životinja",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicikl",
+ "categoryBoat": "Brod",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobus",
+ "categoryCar": "Auto",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motor",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Terensko",
+ "categoryPerson": "Osoba",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pikap",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avion",
+ "categoryShip": "Brod",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Voz",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvaj",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolejbus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Kamion",
+ "categoryVan": "Kombi",
+ "categoryScooter": "Skuter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Početak",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/sv.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sv.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c31c58e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/sv.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Laddar...",
+ "sharedHide": "Göm",
+ "sharedSave": "Spara",
+ "sharedSet": "Set",
+ "sharedCancel": "Avbryt",
+ "sharedAdd": "Lägg till",
+ "sharedEdit": "Redigera",
+ "sharedRemove": "Radera",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Radera objekt?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "tim",
+ "sharedMinute": "min",
+ "sharedSecond": "sek",
+ "sharedDays": "d",
+ "sharedHours": "tim",
+ "sharedMinutes": "min",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimalgrader",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Decimalgrader Minuter",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Decimalgrader Sekunder",
+ "sharedName": "Namn",
+ "sharedDescription": "Beskrivning",
+ "sharedSearch": "Sök",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notiser",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Attributer",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Attribut",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Område",
+ "sharedSound": "Ljudnotis",
+ "sharedType": "Typ",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distans",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Få karttillstånd",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Uttryck",
+ "sharedDevice": "Enhet",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Skicka testnortis",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Kalender",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Kalendrar",
+ "sharedFile": "Fil",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Välj fil",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Nödvändig",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Inställningar",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Rättigheter",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Tidszon",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Hastighetsbegränsning",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapport: Ignorera Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Rapport färg",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Enhetslösenord",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing:",
+ "attributeColor": "Färg",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP Från",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Användarnamn",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Lösenord",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Fel",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Anslutningsfel",
+ "errorSocket": "Anslutningsfel till Web socket",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Epost",
+ "userPassword": "Lösenord",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Kom ihåg",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Utgång",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Enhetsbegränsning",
+ "userUserLimit": "Användarbegränsning",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Enhet endast läsbar",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Logga in",
+ "loginLanguage": "Språk",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrera",
+ "loginLogin": "Logga in",
+ "loginFailed": "Felaktig epostadress eller lösenord",
+ "loginCreated": "Ny användare har blivit registrerad",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Logga ut",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Enhet och tillstånd",
+ "deviceTitle": "Enhet",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identifierare",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "Kontakt",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategori",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Senast uppdaterad",
+ "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Följ",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Total distans",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Okänd",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupp",
+ "groupParent": "Grupp",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Ingen grupp",
+ "settingsTitle": "Inställningar",
+ "settingsUser": "Konto",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupper",
+ "settingsServer": "Server",
+ "settingsUsers": "Användare",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-timmars format",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Kordinatformat",
+ "reportTitle": "Rapport",
+ "reportDevice": "Enhet",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupp",
+ "reportFrom": "Från",
+ "reportTo": "Till",
+ "reportShow": "Visa",
+ "reportClear": "Rensa",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Giltig",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Noggrannhet",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
+ "positionAltitude": "Höjdnivå",
+ "positionSpeed": "Hastighet",
+ "positionCourse": "Kurs",
+ "positionAddress": "Adress",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
+ "positionDistance": "Distans",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Bränsle",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Batteri",
+ "positionRaw": "Rå",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Händelser",
+ "positionAlarm": "Larm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip",
+ "positionHours": "tim",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Batteri nivå",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Bränsle åtgång",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Tändning",
+ "positionFlags": "Flaggor",
+ "positionCharge": "Laddar",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arkivera",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Uppskattningsvis",
+ "positionThrottle": "Gasreglage",
+ "positionMotion": "Rörelse",
+ "positionArmed": "Larmad",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Enhetstemperatur",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatör",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blockerad ",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "ODB Hastighet",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "ODB Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Serverinställningar",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrera",
+ "serverReadonly": "Endast läsbar",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Tvinga inställning",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Karta",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Kartlager",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto grundkarta",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Nyckel",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Väg",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Flygfoto",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing kartor hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex kartor",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex satellit",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Cirkel",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polyline",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Liverutter",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Status",
+ "stateName": "Attribut",
+ "stateValue": "Värde",
+ "commandTitle": "Kommando",
+ "commandSend": "Skicka",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Enhet",
+ "commandCustom": "Anpassat kommandot",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Enhetsidentifikation",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel rapportering",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk rapport",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Stoppa rapportering",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Motor Stopp",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Motor Återuppta",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Slå på larm",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå av larm",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Ställ in tidszon",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Begär fotografi",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Starta om enhet",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Skicka SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Skicka USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Ställ in SOS nummer",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Ställ in stilleståndstid",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Ställ in telefonbok",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Typ av notis",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Utgångskontroll",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Ställ in indikator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
+ "commandTimezone": "Tidszon Offset",
+ "commandMessage": "Meddelande",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandIndex": "Register",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefonnummer",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Alla event",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Kommando resultat",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Underhåll krävs",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Textmeddelande mottaget",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scrolla till sista",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Typ av notis",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Rutt",
+ "reportEvents": "Händelser",
+ "reportTrips": "Resor",
+ "reportStops": "Stop",
+ "reportSummary": "Sammanfattning",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Diagram",
+ "reportConfigure": "Konfigurera",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Händelsetyp",
+ "reportChartType": "Diagramtyp",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Visa markörer",
+ "reportExport": "Export",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Enhetsnamn",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Genomsnittshastighet",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maxhastighet",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motortimmar",
+ "reportDuration": "Varaktighet",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Starttid",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Startadress",
+ "reportEndTime": "Sluttid",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Slutadress",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Förbrukat bränsle",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistik",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Inspelningstid",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktiva användare",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktiva enheter",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Förfrågningar",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Meddelande mottaget",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Meddelande lagrat",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder förfrågan",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation förfrågan",
+ "categoryArrow": "Pil",
+ "categoryDefault": "Standart",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Djur",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Cykel",
+ "categoryBoat": "Båt",
+ "categoryBus": "Buss",
+ "categoryCar": "Bil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Kran",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorcykel",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Person",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Flygplan",
+ "categoryShip": "Fartyg",
+ "categoryTractor": "Traktor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Lastbil",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/ta.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5a33486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/ta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "பதிவு செய்",
+ "sharedHide": "மறை",
+ "sharedSave": "சேமி",
+ "sharedSet": "அமை",
+ "sharedCancel": "ரத்து செய்",
+ "sharedAdd": "சேர்க்க",
+ "sharedEdit": "தொகுக்க",
+ "sharedRemove": "நீக்குக",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "நீக்கம் உறுதி செய்?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "கிமீ",
+ "sharedMi": "மைல்",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "கடல் மைல்",
+ "sharedKmh": "கிமீ/மணிக்கு",
+ "sharedMph": "மைல்/மணிக்கு",
+ "sharedHour": "மணி நேரம்",
+ "sharedMinute": "நிமிடம்",
+ "sharedSecond": "விநாடி",
+ "sharedDays": "நாட்கள் ",
+ "sharedHours": "மணி நேரம் ",
+ "sharedMinutes": "நிமிடங்கள்",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "தசம டிகிரி",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "தசம டிகிரி நிமிடங்கள்",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "தசம டிகிரி நொடிகள்",
+ "sharedName": "பெயர்",
+ "sharedDescription": "விளக்கம்",
+ "sharedSearch": "தேடுக",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "பூகோள வேலி",
+ "sharedGeofences": "பூகோள வேலிகள்",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "அறிவிப்புகள்",
+ "sharedNotification": "அறிவிப்பு",
+ "sharedAttributes": "பண்புகள்",
+ "sharedAttribute": "பண்பு",
+ "sharedDrivers": "வாகன ஓட்டிகள் ",
+ "sharedDriver": "ஓட்டுநர்கள்",
+ "sharedArea": "பகுதி",
+ "sharedSound": "அறிவிப்பு ஒலி",
+ "sharedType": "வகை",
+ "sharedDistance": "தொலைவு",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ம",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "நி",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "எஸ் ",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "வி ",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "எல் ",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "கேலன்கள்",
+ "sharedLiter": "லிட்டர்",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "கேலன்கள்",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "அமெரிக்கா கேலன்கள்",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "லிட்டர்/மணி ",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "வரைபட நிலையை பெறு",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "கணக்கிடப்பட்ட பண்புக்கூறு",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "கணக்கிடப்பட்ட பண்புக்கூறுகள்",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "கணக்கிடப்பட்ட பண்புகளை சரிபார்க்கவும்",
+ "sharedExpression": "வெளிப்பாடு",
+ "sharedDevice": "கருவி ",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "சோதனை அறிவிப்பை அனுப்பவும்",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "நாட்காட்டி",
+ "sharedCalendars": "நாட்காட்டிகள் ",
+ "sharedFile": "கோப்பு",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "கோப்பைத் தேர்ந்தெடு",
+ "sharedPhone": "பேசி ",
+ "sharedRequired": "தேவையான",
+ "sharedPreferences": "விரும்பிய தேவைகள் ",
+ "sharedPermissions": "அனுமதிகள்",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "கூடுதல்",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "சரம்",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "எண் ",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "பூலியன்",
+ "sharedTimezone": "நேர மண்டலம்",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "தகவல் ",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "சேமித்த கட்டளை",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "சேமித்த கட்டளைகள்",
+ "sharedNew": "புதிய",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "முகவரி காட்டு",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "முடக்கப்பட்ட ",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "பராமரிப்பு",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "திரட்டி",
+ "sharedAlarms": "முக்கிய அறிவிப்பு ",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "வேக வரம்பு",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "பாலிலைன் தொலைவு",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "அறிக்கை: புறக்கணிக்க வாகன பயண தூர எண்ணி ",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "வலை: அறிக்கை வண்ணம்",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "சாதன கடவுச்சொல்",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "செயல்முறை: நகல் காரணிகள்",
+ "attributeColor": "நிறம்",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "வலை : வாகன துரித பயண விபரம் ",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "வலை: பெரிதாக்கு தேர்வு",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "வலை: அதிகபட்ச பெரிதாக்கு",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP புரவலன்",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP போர்ட்",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP STARTTLS இயக்கு",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP STARTTLS தேவை",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP SSL இயக்கு",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP SSL அறக்கட்டளை",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP SSL வழிமுறைகள் ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP துவக்கம் ",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP Auth இயக்கு",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP பயனர்பெயர்",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "அஞ்சல்: SMTP கடவுச்சொல்",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: முடக்கு நிகழ்வுகள்",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: வாகன அம்சங்களை முடக்கு",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: முடக்கு இயக்கிகள்",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: கணக்கிடப்பட்ட பண்புக்கூறுகளை முடக்கு",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: நாட்காட்டியை முடக்கு ",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: பராமரிப்பு முடக்கவும்",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: நிலை காரணிகள் மறை",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "பிழை",
+ "errorGeneral": "தவறான அளவுருக்கள் அல்லது தடைகள் மீறல்",
+ "errorConnection": "இணைப்புப் பிழை",
+ "errorSocket": "வலை இணைப்பு பிழை",
+ "errorZero": "பூஜ்யமாக இருக்க முடியாது",
+ "userEmail": "மின்னஞ்சல்",
+ "userPassword": "கடவுச்சொல்",
+ "userAdmin": "நிர்வாகி",
+ "userRemember": "நினைவில் கொள்",
+ "userExpirationTime": "காலாவதி",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "சாதன வரம்பு",
+ "userUserLimit": "பயனர் வரம்பு",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "சாதன வாசிப்பு",
+ "userLimitCommands": "வரம்பு கட்டளைகள்",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "டோக்கன் ",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "உள் நுழை",
+ "loginLanguage": "மொழி",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "பதிவு செய்ய",
+ "loginLogin": "உள்நுழைய",
+ "loginFailed": "தவறான மின்னஞ்சல் முகவரி அல்லது கடவுச்சொல்",
+ "loginCreated": "புதிய பயனர் பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "வெளியேறு",
+ "loginLogo": "இலட்சினை ",
+ "devicesAndState": "கருவிகள் மற்றும் அதன் நிலை",
+ "deviceTitle": "சாதனம்",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "அடையாளங்காட்டி",
+ "deviceModel": "மாதிரி",
+ "deviceContact": "தொடர்பு",
+ "deviceCategory": "வகை",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "கடைசியாக புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது",
+ "deviceCommand": "கட்டளை",
+ "deviceFollow": "பின்தொடர்",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "மொத்த தூரம்",
+ "deviceStatus": "நிலைமை",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "வலை தொடர்பில் ",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "வலை தொடர்பில்லாமை ",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "தெரியாத",
+ "groupDialog": "குழு",
+ "groupParent": "குழு",
+ "groupNoGroup": "குழு இல்லை",
+ "settingsTitle": "அமைப்பு",
+ "settingsUser": "கணக்கு",
+ "settingsGroups": "குழுக்கள்",
+ "settingsServer": "சர்வர்",
+ "settingsUsers": "உறுப்பினர்கள்",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "தூரம் அலகு",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "வேக அலகு",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "தொகுதி அலகு",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 மணி நேர வடிவம்",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "வடிவமைப்பை ஒருங்கிணைக்கிறது",
+ "reportTitle": "அறிக்கை",
+ "reportDevice": "சாதனம்",
+ "reportGroup": "குழு",
+ "reportFrom": "இருந்து",
+ "reportTo": "வரை",
+ "reportShow": "காண்பி",
+ "reportClear": "அழி",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "செல்லுபடியான",
+ "positionAccuracy": "துல்லியம்",
+ "positionLatitude": "அட்சரேகை",
+ "positionLongitude": "தீர்க்கரேகை",
+ "positionAltitude": "உயரம்",
+ "positionSpeed": "வேகம்",
+ "positionCourse": "பாடநெறி",
+ "positionAddress": "முகவரி",
+ "positionProtocol": "புரோட்டோகால்",
+ "positionDistance": "தூரம்",
+ "positionRpm": "ஆர்பிஎம்",
+ "positionFuel": "எரிபொருள்",
+ "positionPower": "சக்தி",
+ "positionBattery": "மின்கலன் ",
+ "positionRaw": "மூல",
+ "positionIndex": "குறியீட்டு",
+ "positionHdop": "துல்லியமான கிடைமட்ட நீக்கம்",
+ "positionVdop": "துல்லியத்தின் செங்குத்து நீக்கம்",
+ "positionPdop": "துல்லியத்தின் நிலை நீக்கம்",
+ "positionSat": "செயற்கைக்கோள்கள்",
+ "positionSatVisible": "தெரியும் செயற்கைக்கோள்கள்",
+ "positionRssi": "சிக்னல் வலிமை காட்டி",
+ "positionGps": "உலகளாவிய நிலைப்படுத்தல் அமைப்பு",
+ "positionRoaming": "சுற்றி கொண்டு",
+ "positionEvent": "நிகழ்வு",
+ "positionAlarm": "அலாரம்",
+ "positionStatus": "நிலைமை ",
+ "positionOdometer": "பயண தூர விபரக்காட்டி ",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "வாகன பயண தூர விபரக்காட்டி சேவைகள் ",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "வாகன பயண தூர விபரக்காட்டி ",
+ "positionHours": "மணி நேரம் ",
+ "positionSteps": "படிகள்",
+ "positionInput": "உள்ளீடு",
+ "positionOutput": "வெளியீடு",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "மின்கலன் நிலை",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "எரிபொருள் பயன்பாடு",
+ "positionRfid": "ரேடியோ அதிர்வெண் அடையாளம்",
+ "positionVersionFw": "நிலையான மென்பொருள் பதிப்பு",
+ "positionVersionHw": "வன்பொருள் பதிப்பு",
+ "positionIgnition": "வாகன துவக்கி ",
+ "positionFlags": "கொடிகள்",
+ "positionCharge": "மின் ஆற்றல் சேமிக்க",
+ "positionIp": "இணைய நெறிமுறை",
+ "positionArchive": "காப்பகத்தை",
+ "positionVin": "வாகனம் அடையாள எண் ",
+ "positionApproximate": "தோராயமான",
+ "positionThrottle": "கழுத்துப்பகுதி",
+ "positionMotion": "இயக்கம்",
+ "positionArmed": "ஆயுத",
+ "positionAcceleration": "முடுக்கம்",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "சாதன வெப்பநிலை",
+ "positionOperator": "இயக்குனர் ",
+ "positionCommand": "கட்டளை",
+ "positionBlocked": "தடுக்கப்பட்டது",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "ஓ பி டியின் வேகம் ",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "ஓ பி டி ஓடோமீட்டர் ",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "இயக்கி தனிப்பட்ட ஐடி",
+ "positionImage": "படம் ",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "ஒலி ",
+ "serverTitle": "சர்வர் அமைப்பு",
+ "serverZoom": "பெரிதாக்கு",
+ "serverRegistration": "பதிவுசெய்ய",
+ "serverReadonly": "படிக்கமட்டும்",
+ "serverForceSettings": "சக்தி அமைப்புகள்",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "வரைபடம்",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "வரைபடம் அடுக்கு",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "கார்ட்டோ வரைபடங்கள்",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "பிங் வரைபட கீ",
+ "mapBingRoad": "பிங் சாலை வரைபடம்",
+ "mapBingAerial": "பிங் வான்வழி வரைபடம்",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "பிங் வரைபடங்கள்",
+ "mapBaidu": "பைடு வரைபடங்கள்",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "யான் டெக்ஸ் வரைபடங்கள்",
+ "mapYandexSat": "யான் டெக்ஸ் செயற்கைக்கோள்",
+ "mapWikimedia": "விக்கிப்பீடியா",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "பலகோணம்",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "வட்டம்",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "பாலிலைன்",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "நேரடி வழிகள்",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI லேயர்",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "நிலை",
+ "stateName": "சாட்டு",
+ "stateValue": "மதிப்பு",
+ "commandTitle": "கட்டளை",
+ "commandSend": "அனுப்பு",
+ "commandSent": "கட்டளை அனுப்பப்பட்டது",
+ "commandQueued": "கட்டளை வரிசைப்படுத்தப்பட்டது",
+ "commandUnit": "அலகு",
+ "commandCustom": "விருப்பமான கட்டளை",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "\nசாதன அடையாளம்",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "ஒற்றை அறிக்கை",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "காலமுறை அறிக்கையிடல்",
+ "commandPositionStop": "அறிக்கையிடுதல் நிறுத்து ",
+ "commandEngineStop": "எஞ்சின் நிறுத்து",
+ "commandEngineResume": "எஞ்சின் தொடங்க",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "அலறிமணி துவக்கம்",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "அலறிமணி நிறுத்தம்",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "நேர மண்டலம்",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "புகைப்படம் வேண்டு",
+ "commandPowerOff": "சாதனத்தை முடக்கு ",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "சாதன மறுதுவக்கம்",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "குருஞ்செய்தி அனுப்பு",
+ "commandSendUssd": "ussd ஐ அனுப்பவும்",
+ "commandSosNumber": "அவசர அழைப்பு எண்(SOS)",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "அமைதி நேரம் அமைக்க",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "தொலைபேசிப்புத்தகம் அமை",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "குரல் செய்தி",
+ "commandOutputControl": "வெளியீட்டு கட்டுப்பாடு",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "குரல் கண்காணிப்பு",
+ "commandSetAgps": "அடுக்களை அமைக்கவும்",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "காட்டி அமைக்க",
+ "commandConfiguration": "கட்டமைப்பு",
+ "commandGetVersion": "பதிப்பை பெரு",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "பிர்மவாறு அமைத்தல் ",
+ "commandSetConnection": "இணைப்பு அமைக்க",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "ஓடோமீட்டர் அமைக்க ",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "மோடம் நிலையைப் பெறுக",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "சாதன விவரங்கள் பெறுக ",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "காலஇடைவெளி",
+ "commandTimezone": "நேர மண்டலத்தை முடக்கு",
+ "commandMessage": "குறுஞ்செய்தி",
+ "commandRadius": "ஆரம்",
+ "commandEnable": "செயல்படுத்த",
+ "commandData": "தரவு",
+ "commandIndex": "குறியீட்டு",
+ "commandPhone": "தொலைபேசி எண்",
+ "commandServer": "சர்வர்",
+ "commandPort": "தகவல் வழி ",
+ "eventAll": "அனைத்து நிகழ்வுகள்",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "நிலை ஆன்லைன்",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "தெரியாத நிலை",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "நிலை ஆஃப்லைன்",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "சாதனம் நகரும்",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "சாதனம் நிறுத்தப்பட்டது",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "வேகம் வரம்பை மீறிவிட்டது",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "எரிபொருள் குறைதல் ",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "கட்டளை விளைவு",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "புவி வேலிக்குள் நுழைந்தது",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "புவி வேலி வெளியேறின",
+ "eventAlarm": "அலாரம்",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "பற்றவைப்பு",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "பற்றவைத்தல்",
+ "eventMaintenance": "பராமரிப்பு தேவை",
+ "eventTextMessage": "உரை செய்தி பெற்றது",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "இயக்குணர் மாற்றப்பட்டது",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "நீடிக்கும்",
+ "alarmGeneral": "பொது",
+ "alarmSos": "அவசர உதவி ",
+ "alarmVibration": "அதிர்வு",
+ "alarmMovement": "இயக்கம்",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "குறைவான வேகம்",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "அதி வேகம் ",
+ "alarmFallDown": "கீழே விழுதல்",
+ "alarmLowPower": "குறைந்த சக்தி",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "குறைவான மின்கலம் ",
+ "alarmFault": "குற்றம்",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "சக்தி அணை",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "துவக்கு ",
+ "alarmDoor": "கதவு ",
+ "alarmLock": "பூட்டு ",
+ "alarmUnlock": "திறக்க",
+ "alarmGeofence": "புவி வேலி",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "புவி வேலி நுழைவு ",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "குறைந்த சக்தி",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "gps ஆண்டெனா",
+ "alarmAccident": "விபத்து",
+ "alarmTow": "கயிறு",
+ "alarmIdle": "சும்மா",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "உயர் rpm",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "கடின முடுக்கம்",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "கடின முறிப்பு",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "கடின முனை",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "பாதை மாற்றம் ",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "சோர்வு ஓட்டுநர்",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "மின் வெட்டு",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "சக்தி மீட்டெடுப்பு ",
+ "alarmJamming": "நெருக்குதல்",
+ "alarmTemperature": "வெப்ப நிலை",
+ "alarmParking": "பார்க்கிங்",
+ "alarmBonnet": "கார் குட்நெட்",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "கால் பிரேக்",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "எரிபொருள் கசிவு",
+ "alarmTampering": "சேதப்படுத்திய",
+ "alarmRemoving": "நீக்கி",
+ "notificationType": "type of notification",
+ "notificationAlways": "எல்லா சாதனங்களும்",
+ "notificationNotificators": "சேனல்கள்",
+ "notificatorWeb": "வலைத்தளம் ",
+ "notificatorMail": "மின்னஞ்சல்",
+ "notificatorSms": "குறுஞ்சய்தி ",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "பாதை",
+ "reportEvents": "நிகழ்வுகள்",
+ "reportTrips": "பயணங்கள்",
+ "reportStops": "நிறுத்தங்கள்",
+ "reportSummary": "சுருக்கம்",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "விளக்கப்படம்",
+ "reportConfigure": "கட்டமைக்கவும்",
+ "reportEventTypes": "நிகழ்வு வகைகள்",
+ "reportChartType": "விளக்கப்படம் வகை",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "குறிப்பான்கள் காட்டு",
+ "reportExport": "ஏற்றுமதி",
+ "reportEmail": "மின்னஞ்சல் அறிக்கை",
+ "reportPeriod": "காலம்",
+ "reportCustom": "விருப்ப",
+ "reportToday": "இன்று",
+ "reportYesterday": "நேற்று",
+ "reportThisWeek": "இந்த வாரம்",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "முந்தைய வாரம்",
+ "reportThisMonth": "இந்த மாதம்",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "சென்ற மாதம்",
+ "reportDeviceName": "சாதன பெயர்",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "சராசரி வேகம்",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "அதிகபட்ச வேகம்",
+ "reportEngineHours": "இயந்திர மணி",
+ "reportDuration": "கால அளவு ",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "துவக்க நேரம் ",
+ "reportStartAddress": "தொடக்க முகவரி ",
+ "reportEndTime": "முடிவு நேரம்",
+ "reportEndAddress": "இறுதி முகவரி",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "எரிபொருள் செலவு",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "ஓடோமீட்டர் தொடக்கம்",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "ஓடோமீட்டர் முடிவு  ",
+ "statisticsTitle": "புள்ளியியல்",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "நேரம் பிடி",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "செயலில் பயனர்கள்",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "செயல்படும் சாதனங்கள் ",
+ "statisticsRequests": "கோரிக்கைகள் ",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "செய்திகள் பெறப்பட்டன",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "சேமித்த செய்திகள்",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "பூகோள கோரிக்கை",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "பூகோள கோரிக்கைகள் ",
+ "categoryArrow": "அம்பு",
+ "categoryDefault": "இயல்புநிலை",
+ "categoryAnimal": "கால்நடை",
+ "categoryBicycle": "மிதிவண்டி",
+ "categoryBoat": "படகு",
+ "categoryBus": "பேருந்து",
+ "categoryCar": "கார்",
+ "categoryCrane": "கிரேன்",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "ஹெலிகாப்டர்",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "மோட்டார் சைக்கிள்",
+ "categoryOffroad": "இனிய சாலை",
+ "categoryPerson": "நபர்",
+ "categoryPickup": "இடும்",
+ "categoryPlane": "விமானம்",
+ "categoryShip": "கப்பல்",
+ "categoryTractor": "டிராக்டர்",
+ "categoryTrain": "ரயில்",
+ "categoryTram": "டிராம்",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "தள்ளுவண்டி",
+ "categoryTruck": "கண ரக வாகனம்",
+ "categoryVan": "வேன் வாகனம் ",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "துவக்கு ",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "காலம்"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/th.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/th.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a1ded17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/th.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "กำลังโหลด...",
+ "sharedHide": "ซ่อน",
+ "sharedSave": "จัดเก็บแฟ้มข้อมูล",
+ "sharedSet": "ตั้งค่า",
+ "sharedCancel": "ยกเลิก",
+ "sharedAdd": "เพิ่ม",
+ "sharedEdit": "แก้ไข",
+ "sharedRemove": "ลบรายการ",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "ยืนยันลบรายการ",
+ "sharedNoData": "ไม่มีข้อมูล",
+ "sharedYes": "ใช่",
+ "sharedNo": "ไม่",
+ "sharedKm": "กม.",
+ "sharedMi": "ไมล์",
+ "sharedNmi": "nml",
+ "sharedMeters": "ม.",
+ "sharedFeet": "ฟุต",
+ "sharedKn": "น๊อต",
+ "sharedKmh": "กม./ชม.",
+ "sharedMph": "ไมล์ต่อชั่วโมง",
+ "sharedHour": "ชั่วโมง",
+ "sharedMinute": "นาที",
+ "sharedSecond": "วินาที",
+ "sharedDays": "วัน",
+ "sharedHours": "ชั่วโมง",
+ "sharedMinutes": "นาที",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "องศา ทศนิยม",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "องศา นาที",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "องศา นาที วินาที",
+ "sharedName": "ชื่อ",
+ "sharedDescription": "คำอธิบาย",
+ "sharedSearch": "ค้นหา",
+ "sharedIconScale": "ขนาดไอคอน",
+ "sharedGeofence": "เขตพื้นที่",
+ "sharedGeofences": "เขตพื้นที่",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "สร้างขอบเขตภูมิศาสตร์",
+ "sharedNotifications": "การแจ้งเตือน",
+ "sharedNotification": "แจ้งเตือน",
+ "sharedAttributes": "คุณลักษณะ",
+ "sharedAttribute": "คุณลักษณะ",
+ "sharedDrivers": "ไดร์เวอร์",
+ "sharedDriver": "คนขับรถ",
+ "sharedArea": "พื้นที่",
+ "sharedSound": "การแจ้งเตือนเสียง",
+ "sharedType": "ชนิด",
+ "sharedDistance": "ระยะทาง",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "ชม.",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "นาที",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "วินาที",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "ลิตร",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "แกลลอน",
+ "sharedLiter": "ลิตร",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp แกลลอน",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. แกลลอน",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "ลิตรต่อชั่วโมง",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "ได้รับสถานะแผนที่",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "คำนวณแอตทริบิวต์",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "คำนวณแอตทริบิวต์",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "ตรวจสอบคอมพิวเตอร์แอตทริบิวต์",
+ "sharedExpression": "การแสดงออก",
+ "sharedDevice": "อุปกรณ์",
+ "sharedTest": "ทดสอบ",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "ส่งการแจ้งเตือนการทดสอบ",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "ทดสอบแชนแนล",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "ทดสอบนิพจน์",
+ "sharedCalendar": "ปฏิทิน",
+ "sharedCalendars": "ปฏิทิน",
+ "sharedFile": "ไฟล์",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "ค้นหาอุปกรณ์",
+ "sharedSortBy": "เรียงตาม",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "กรองบนแผนที่",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "เลือกไฟล์",
+ "sharedPhone": "โทรศัพท์",
+ "sharedRequired": "ต้องระบุ",
+ "sharedPreferences": "การตั้งค่า",
+ "sharedPermissions": "สิทธิ์",
+ "sharedConnections": "การเชื่อมต่อ",
+ "sharedExtra": "พิเศษ",
+ "sharedPrimary": "หลัก",
+ "sharedSecondary": "รอง",
+ "sharedTypeString": "ตัวอักษร",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "จำนวน",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "ตัวเลข",
+ "sharedTimezone": "เขตเวลา",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "ข้อมูล",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "บันทึกคำสั่ง",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "บันทึกคำสั่ง",
+ "sharedNew": "ใหม่...",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "แสดงที่อยู่",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม",
+ "sharedDisabled": "ปิดการใช้งาน",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "ซ่อมบำรุง",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "รวม",
+ "sharedAlarms": "เตือน",
+ "sharedLocation": "สถานที่",
+ "sharedImport": "นำเข้า",
+ "sharedColumns": "คอลัมน์",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "ลากและวางไฟล์ที่นี่หรือคลิก",
+ "calendarSimple": "เรียบง่าย",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "การเกิดซ้ำ",
+ "calendarOnce": "ครั้งเดียว",
+ "calendarDaily": "รายวัน",
+ "calendarWeekly": "รายสัปดาห์",
+ "calendarMonthly": "รายเดือน",
+ "calendarDays": "วัน",
+ "calendarSunday": "อาทิตย์",
+ "calendarMonday": "วันจันทร์",
+ "calendarTuesday": "วันอังคาร",
+ "calendarWednesday": "วันพุธ",
+ "calendarThursday": "วันพฤหัสบดี",
+ "calendarFriday": "วันศุกร์",
+ "calendarSaturday": "วันเสาร์",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "จำกัดความเร็ว",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "เกณฑ์การลดของเชื้อเพลิง",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "เกณฑ์การเพิ่มของเชื้อเพลิง",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "เส้นระยะทาง",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "รายงาน: ละเว้นวัดระยะ",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "เว็บ: สีรายงาน",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "รหัสผ่านอุปกรณ์",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "ภาพอุปกรณ์",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "อุปกรณ์ยังไม่เริ่มทำงาน",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "ระยะเวลาที่อุปกรณ์ไม่ทำงาน",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "การประมวลผล: คัดลอกคุณสมบัติ",
+ "attributeColor": "สี",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "เว็บ: สดเส้นทางความยาว",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "เว็บ: ขยายเมื่อเลือก",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "เว็บ: ซูมสูงสุด",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "รหัสผู้ใช้ Pushover",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "ชื่ออุปกรณ์ Pushover",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: ปิดใช้งานแอตทริบิวต์",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: ปิดการใช้งานกลุ่ม",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: ปิดการใช้งานเหตุการณ์",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: ปิดการใช้งาน Fetures ยานพาหนะ",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: ปิดการใช้งานไดร์เวอร์",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: ปิดใช้งานแอ็ตทริบิวต์ที่คำนวณ",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: ปิดปฏิทิน",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: ปิด-ซ่อมบำรุง",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: ซ่อนตำแหน่งลักษณะ",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: ปิดการใช้งานภาษาเข้าสู่ระบบ",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "โทเค็นการแจ้งเตือน",
+ "errorTitle": "ผิดพลาด",
+ "errorGeneral": "ไม่ถูกต้องพารามิเตอร์หรือ จำกัด การละเมิด",
+ "errorConnection": "การเชื่อมต่อผิดพลาด",
+ "errorSocket": "ข้อผิดพลาดการเชื่อมต่อซ็อกเก็ตเว็บ",
+ "errorZero": "ไม่สามารถเป็นศูนย์",
+ "userEmail": "อีเมล์",
+ "userPassword": "รหัสผ่าน",
+ "userAdmin": "ผู้ดูแลระบบ",
+ "userRemember": "จำไว้",
+ "userExpirationTime": "วันหมดอายุ",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "จำนวน อุปกรณ์",
+ "userUserLimit": "ขีดจำกัดผู้ใช้",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "อุปกรณ์ อ่านได้อย่างเดียว",
+ "userLimitCommands": "จำกัดคำสั่ง",
+ "userDisableReports": "ปิดการใช้งานรายงาน",
+ "userFixedEmail": "ไม่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงอีเมล",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "ลบบัญชี",
+ "loginTitle": "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
+ "loginLanguage": "ภาษา",
+ "loginReset": "รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่าน",
+ "loginRegister": "ลงทะเบียน",
+ "loginLogin": "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
+ "loginFailed": "ที่อยู่อีเมลหรือรหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "loginCreated": "ผู้ใช้ใหม่ ได้รับการลงทะเบียน",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "ตรวจสอบอีเมลของคุณ",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "ตั้งรหัสผ่านใหม่แล้ว",
+ "loginLogout": "ออกจากระบบ",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "อุปกรณ์และสถานะ",
+ "deviceTitle": "เครื่อง/อุปกรณ์",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "ระบุเลขอุปกรณ์",
+ "deviceModel": "รุ่น",
+ "deviceContact": "เบอร์ติดต่อ",
+ "deviceCategory": "หมวดหมู่",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "แก้ไขล่าสุด",
+ "deviceCommand": "คำสั่ง",
+ "deviceFollow": "ติดตาม",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "รวม ระยะทาง",
+ "deviceStatus": "สถานะ",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "ออนไลน์",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "ออฟไลน์",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "ไม่รู้จัก",
+ "groupDialog": "กลุ่ม",
+ "groupParent": "กลุ่ม",
+ "groupNoGroup": "ไม่จัดกลุ่ม",
+ "settingsTitle": "การตั้งค่า",
+ "settingsUser": "บัญชีผู้ใช้",
+ "settingsGroups": "ตั้งค่ากลุ่ม",
+ "settingsServer": "เซิร์ฟเวอร์",
+ "settingsUsers": "ตั้งค่าผู้ใช้งาน",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "หน่วยระยะทาง",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "หน่วยระดับความสูง",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "หน่วยความเร็ว",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "หน่วยจำนวน",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "รูปแบบเวลา 12 ชั่วโมง",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "รูปแบบพิกัด",
+ "reportTitle": "รายงาน",
+ "reportDevice": "รายงานเครื่อง/อุปกรณ์",
+ "reportGroup": "กลุ่ม",
+ "reportFrom": "จาก",
+ "reportTo": "ไปถึง",
+ "reportShow": "แสดง",
+ "reportClear": "ล้างรายงาน",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "แก้ไขเวลา",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "เวลาอุปกรณ์",
+ "positionServerTime": "เวลาเซิร์ฟเวอร์",
+ "positionValid": "ถูกต้อง",
+ "positionAccuracy": "ความถูกต้อง",
+ "positionLatitude": "ละติจูด",
+ "positionLongitude": "ลองจิจูด",
+ "positionAltitude": "แอตติจูด",
+ "positionSpeed": "ความเร็ว",
+ "positionCourse": "ทิศทาง",
+ "positionAddress": "ที่อยู่",
+ "positionProtocol": "โปรโตคอล",
+ "positionDistance": "ระยะทาง",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "เชื้อเพลิง",
+ "positionPower": "พลังงาน",
+ "positionBattery": "แบตเตอรี่",
+ "positionRaw": "ดิบ",
+ "positionIndex": "ดัชนี",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "ดาวเทียม",
+ "positionSatVisible": "ดาวเทียมที่มองเห็นได้",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "จีพีเอส",
+ "positionRoaming": "โรมมิ่ง",
+ "positionEvent": "กิจกรรม",
+ "positionAlarm": "แจ้งเตือน",
+ "positionStatus": "สถานะ",
+ "positionOdometer": "วัดระยะทาง",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "บริการวัดระยะทาง",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "มาตรวัดการเดินทาง",
+ "positionHours": "ชั่วโมง",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "อินพุต",
+ "positionOutput": "เอาต์พุต",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "ระดับแบตเตอรี่",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "การใช้น้ำมันเชื้อเพลิง",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "ระบบจุดระเบิด",
+ "positionFlags": "สัญลักษณ์",
+ "positionCharge": "ชาร์จ",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "เก็บ",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "ประมาณ",
+ "positionThrottle": "คันเร่ง",
+ "positionMotion": "เคลื่อนไหว",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "การเร่งความเร็ว",
+ "positionTemp": "อุณหภูมิ",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "อุณหภูมิของอุปกรณ์",
+ "positionOperator": "ผู้ประกอบการ",
+ "positionCommand": "คำสั่ง",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "ความเร็ว OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "มาตรวัดระยะ OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "หมายเลขเฉพาะไดร์เวอร์",
+ "positionImage": "รูปภาพ",
+ "positionVideo": "วิดีโอ",
+ "positionAudio": "เสียง",
+ "serverTitle": "การตั้งค่าเซิร์ฟเวอร์",
+ "serverZoom": "ชยาย +/-",
+ "serverRegistration": "ลงทะเบียน",
+ "serverReadonly": "อ่านได้อย่างเดียว",
+ "serverForceSettings": "บังคับ การตั้งค่า",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "ประกาศ",
+ "mapTitle": "แผนที่",
+ "mapActive": "แผนที่ที่ใช้งานอยู่",
+ "mapOverlay": "การวางซ้อนแผนที่",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "การวางซ้อนแบบกำหนดเอง",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "ปริมาณน้ำฝน OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "ความดัน OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "ลม OpenWeather",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "อุณหภูมิ OpenWeather",
+ "mapLayer": "ชั้นแผนที่",
+ "mapCustom": "กำหนดเอง (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "กำหนดเอง (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "แผนที่ที่กำหนดเอง",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps สำคัญ",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps ถนน",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps ทางอากาศ",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "การสำรวจยุทโธปกรณ์",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "รูปหลายมุม",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "วงกลม",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "โพลีไลน์",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "เส้นทาง Live",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "สถานที่ปัจจุบัน",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "การจัดกลุ่มเครื่องหมาย",
+ "mapOnSelect": "แสดงแผนที่บริเวณที่เลือก",
+ "stateTitle": "สถานะ",
+ "stateName": "พารามิเตอร์",
+ "stateValue": "มูลค่า",
+ "commandTitle": "คำสั่ง",
+ "commandSend": "ส่ง",
+ "commandSent": "คำสั่ง-ส่งแล้ว",
+ "commandQueued": "คำสั่ง-คิว",
+ "commandUnit": "หน่วย",
+ "commandCustom": "คำสั่งกำหนดเอง",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "หมายเลขอุปกรณ์",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "รายงานตำแหน่งเดียว",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "แก้ไขตำแหน่ง",
+ "commandPositionStop": "ตำแหน่ง หยุด",
+ "commandEngineStop": "ดับเครื่องยนต์",
+ "commandEngineResume": "ติดครื่องยนต์ใหม่",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "แจ้งเตือนติดต่อสาขา",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "แจ้งเตือนยกเลิกติดต่อสาขา",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "ปิดการเตือน",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "ตั้งค่าเขตเวลา",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "สั่งถ่ายภาพ",
+ "commandPowerOff": "ปิดอุปกรณ์",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "รีบูต",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "รีเซ็ตเป็นค่าจากโรงงาน",
+ "commandSendSms": "ส่ง SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "ส่ง USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "ตั้งค่าเลขหมายโทรฉุกเฉิน SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "ตั้งค่าช่วงเวลาหยุดนิ่ง",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "ตั้งค่าสมุดโทรศัพท์",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "ข้อความเสียง",
+ "commandOutputControl": "ควบคุมข้อมูลที่ส่งออก",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "การตรวจสอบด้วยเสียง",
+ "commandSetAgps": "ตั้งค่า AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "ตั้งค่าตัวบ่งชี้",
+ "commandConfiguration": "องค์ประกอบ",
+ "commandGetVersion": "รับเวอร์ชัน",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "อัพเดตเฟิร์มแวร์",
+ "commandSetConnection": "ตั้งค่าการเชื่อมต่อ",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "ตั้งค่ามาตรวัดระยะทาง",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "ดูสถานะโมเด็ม",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "รับสถานะอุปกรณ์",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "ตั้งขีดจำกัดความเร็ว",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "โหมดประหยัดพลังงาน",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "โหมดหลับลึก",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "ตั้งเตือน Geofence",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "ตั้งการเตือนแบตเตอรี่",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "ตั้งการเตือน SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "ตั้งลบการเตือน",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "ตั้งนาฬิการปลุก",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "ตั้งการเตือนความเร็ว",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "ตั้งการเตือนการตก",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "ตั้งการเตือนการสั่น",
+ "commandFrequency": "ความถี่",
+ "commandTimezone": "เขตเวลา ตรงข้าม",
+ "commandMessage": "ข้อความ",
+ "commandRadius": "รัศมี",
+ "commandEnable": "เปิดใช้งาน",
+ "commandData": "ข้อมูล",
+ "commandIndex": "ดัชนี",
+ "commandPhone": "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "เหตุการณ์ทั้งหมด",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "ออนไลน์",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "ไม่ระบุ",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "ออฟไลน์",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "อุปกรณ์ไม่ทำงาน",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "เคลื่อนที่",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "หยุด/จอด",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "ความเร็วเกิน",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "เชื้อเพลิงลด",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "น้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเพิ่มขึ้น",
+ "eventCommandResult": "ผลลัพธ์จากคำสั่ง",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "เข้าเขต",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "ออกนอกเขต",
+ "eventAlarm": "เตือน",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "เครื่องยนต์ติด",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "เครื่องยนต์ดับ",
+ "eventMaintenance": "จำเป็นต้อง บำรุงรักษา",
+ "eventTextMessage": "ข้อความที่ได้รับ",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "เปลี่ยนคนขับ",
+ "eventMedia": "สื่อ",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "เลื่อนไปที่ล่าสุด",
+ "alarmGeneral": "ทั่วไป",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "สั่นสะเทือน",
+ "alarmMovement": "เคลื่อนที่",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "เคลื่อนช้าๆ",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "ความเร็วเกิน",
+ "alarmFallDown": "ร่วงหล่น",
+ "alarmLowPower": "กำลัง-อ่อน",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "แบต-อ่อน",
+ "alarmFault": "ผิดพลาด",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "ปิดเครื่อง",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "เปิดเครื่อง",
+ "alarmDoor": "ประตู",
+ "alarmLock": "ล็อค",
+ "alarmUnlock": "ปลดล็อค",
+ "alarmGeofence": "ขอบเขต",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "เข้าขอบเขต",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "ออกขอบเขต",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "เสา GPS ตัด",
+ "alarmAccident": "อุบัติเหตุ",
+ "alarmTow": "ลาก",
+ "alarmIdle": "นิ่ง",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "รอบเครื่องสูง",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "ออกตัวแรง",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "เบรคแรง",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "เลี้ยวกระทันหัน",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "เปลี่ยนเลน",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "ขับรถ-ล้า",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "ตัดสตาร์ท",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "ไฟฟ้า-ต่อ",
+ "alarmJamming": "สัญญาณรบกวน",
+ "alarmTemperature": "อุณหภูมิ",
+ "alarmParking": "จอด",
+ "alarmBonnet": "ฝาสูบ",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "เบรคเท้า",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "เชื้อเพลิงรั่ว",
+ "alarmTampering": "บุกรุกเครื่อง",
+ "alarmRemoving": "ถอดออก",
+ "notificationType": "ชนิดการแจ้งเตือน",
+ "notificationAlways": "อุปกรณ์ทั้งหมด",
+ "notificationNotificators": "ช่อง",
+ "notificatorWeb": "เว็ป",
+ "notificatorMail": "เมลล์",
+ "notificatorSms": "ส่งข้อความ",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "เล่นซ้ำ",
+ "reportRoute": "เส้นทาง",
+ "reportEvents": "เหตุการณ์",
+ "reportTrips": "การเดินทาง",
+ "reportStops": "จุดจอด",
+ "reportSummary": "ผลรวม",
+ "reportDaily": "สรุปรายวัน",
+ "reportChart": "แผนภูมิ",
+ "reportConfigure": "ตั้งค่า",
+ "reportEventTypes": "ประเภทเหตุการณ์",
+ "reportChartType": "ชนิดของแผนภูมิ",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "แสดงเครื่องหมาย",
+ "reportExport": "ส่งออก",
+ "reportEmail": "รายงาน-Email",
+ "reportPeriod": "ช่วงเวลา",
+ "reportCustom": "กำหนดเอง",
+ "reportToday": "วันนี้",
+ "reportYesterday": "เมื่อวาน",
+ "reportThisWeek": "สัปดาห์นี้",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "สัปดาห์ก่อน",
+ "reportThisMonth": "เดือนนี้",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "เดือนก่อน",
+ "reportDeviceName": "ชื่ออุปกรณ์",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "ความเร็วเฉลี่ย",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "ความเร็วสูงสุด",
+ "reportEngineHours": "เวลาการทำงานเครื่องยนต์",
+ "reportDuration": "ช่วงเวลา",
+ "reportStartDate": "วันที่เริ่ม",
+ "reportStartTime": "เวลาเริ่มต้น",
+ "reportStartAddress": "จุดเริ่มต้น",
+ "reportEndTime": "เวลาสิ้นสุด",
+ "reportEndAddress": "จุดสิ้นสุด",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "เชื้อเพลิงที่ใช้",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "เดินทาง-เริ่ม",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "เดินทาง-สิ้นสุด",
+ "statisticsTitle": "ข้อมูลสถิติ",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "จับเวลา",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "ผู้ใช้ที่ใช้งานอยู่",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "อุปกรณ์ที่ใช้งานอยู่",
+ "statisticsRequests": "การร้องขอ",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "ข้อความที่ได้รับ",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "ข้อความที่เก็บไว้",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "คำขอรหัสทางภูมิศาสตร์",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "คำขอตำแหน่งทางภูมิศาสตร์",
+ "categoryArrow": "ลูกศร",
+ "categoryDefault": "ค่าเริ่มต้น",
+ "categoryAnimal": "สัตว์",
+ "categoryBicycle": "จักรยาน",
+ "categoryBoat": "เรือ",
+ "categoryBus": "รถบัส",
+ "categoryCar": "รถยนต์",
+ "categoryCrane": "เครน",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "เฮลิคอปเตอร์",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "รถจักรยานยนต์",
+ "categoryOffroad": "ออฟโร้ด",
+ "categoryPerson": "บุคคล",
+ "categoryPickup": "รถกระบะ",
+ "categoryPlane": "เครื่องบิน",
+ "categoryShip": "เรือ",
+ "categoryTractor": "รถแทรกเตอร์",
+ "categoryTrain": "รถไฟ",
+ "categoryTram": "รถราง",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "รถยก",
+ "categoryTruck": "รถบรรทุก",
+ "categoryVan": "รถตู้",
+ "categoryScooter": "สกู๊ตเตอร์",
+ "maintenanceStart": "เริ่มต้น",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "ระยะเวลา"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/tr.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/tr.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8169f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/tr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Yükleniyor...",
+ "sharedHide": "Gizle",
+ "sharedSave": "Kaydet",
+ "sharedSet": "Belirle",
+ "sharedCancel": "İptal",
+ "sharedAdd": "Ekle",
+ "sharedEdit": "Düzenle",
+ "sharedRemove": "Kaldır",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Öğeyi kaldır",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mil",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "knot",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/s",
+ "sharedMph": "mil/s",
+ "sharedHour": "Saat",
+ "sharedMinute": "Dakika",
+ "sharedSecond": "Saniye",
+ "sharedDays": "gün",
+ "sharedHours": "saat",
+ "sharedMinutes": "dakika",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Onluk Derece",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Onluk Dakika Derecesi",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Dakika Saniye Derecesi",
+ "sharedName": "İsim",
+ "sharedDescription": "Açıklama",
+ "sharedSearch": "Arama",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Güvenli Bölge",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Güvenli Bölgeler",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Bildirimler",
+ "sharedNotification": "Bildirim",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Nitelikler",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Nitelik",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Sürücüler",
+ "sharedDriver": "Sürücü",
+ "sharedArea": "Bölge",
+ "sharedSound": "Bildirim sesi",
+ "sharedType": "Tip",
+ "sharedDistance": "Mesafe",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "d",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "galon",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litre",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "İngiliz Galonu",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Amerikan Galonu",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Harita Durumunu Getir",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Hesaplanmış Nitelik",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Hesaplanmış Nitelikler",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Hesaplanmış Nitelikleri Kontrol Et",
+ "sharedExpression": "İfade",
+ "sharedDevice": "Cihaz",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Deneme bildirimi gönder",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Takvim",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Takvimler",
+ "sharedFile": "Dosya",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Dosya Seçin",
+ "sharedPhone": "Telefon",
+ "sharedRequired": "Gerekli",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Özellikler",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Yetkiler",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Ekstra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Akış",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Sayı",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Evet - Hayır",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Saat dilimi",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Komut Kaydet",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Komutları Kaydet",
+ "sharedNew": "Yeni",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Adresi Göster",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Devre Dışı",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Bakım",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Akümülatörler",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Hız Limiti",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Çizgi uzaklığı",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Rapor: Odometerı yoksay",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Rapor Rengi",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Araç şifresi",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "İşleniyor: Nitelikler Kopyalanıyor",
+ "attributeColor": "Renk",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Rota Uzunluğu",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Seçiliye Yaklaş",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maksimum Yakınlaştırma",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Eposta: SMTP Sunucu",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Eposta: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Eposta: SMTP STARTTLS Kullan",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Eposta: SMTP STARTTLS Gerekli",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Eposta: SMTP SSL Kullan",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Eposta: SMTP SSL Güvenli",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Eposta: SMTP SSL Protokol",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Eposta: SMTP Kimden",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Eposta: SMTP Parola Etkin",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Eposta: SMTP Kullanıcı Adı",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Eposta: SMTP Şifre",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "Etkinlikler Devredışı",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "Görünüm: Araç Özellikleri Devredışı",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "Görünüm: Sürücüler Devredışı",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "Görünüm: Hesaplanmış Öznitelikler Devredışı",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "Görünüm: Takvim Devredışı",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "Konum Özniteliklerini Gizle",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Hata",
+ "errorGeneral": "Geçersiz parametre veya kısıtlama ihlali",
+ "errorConnection": "Bağlantı Hatası",
+ "errorSocket": "Web Soketine bağlanırken hata",
+ "errorZero": "Sıfır olamaz",
+ "userEmail": "Eposta",
+ "userPassword": "Şifre",
+ "userAdmin": "Yönetici",
+ "userRemember": "Hatırla",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Geçersizlik Tarihi",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Cihaz Limiti",
+ "userUserLimit": "Kullanıcı Limiti",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Cihaz Salt Okunur",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Komutları Kısıtla",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Kullanıcı Anahtarı",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Oturum aç",
+ "loginLanguage": "Lisan",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Kayıt",
+ "loginLogin": "Oturumu aç",
+ "loginFailed": "Geçersiz eposta veya şifre",
+ "loginCreated": "Yeni kullanıcı kaydedildi",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Oturumu sonlandır",
+ "loginLogo": "Logo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Cihazlar ve Bölge",
+ "deviceTitle": "Cihazlar",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Kimlik",
+ "deviceModel": "Model",
+ "deviceContact": "İletişim",
+ "deviceCategory": "Kategori",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Son Güncelleme",
+ "deviceCommand": "Komut",
+ "deviceFollow": "Takip",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Toplam Mesafe",
+ "deviceStatus": "Durum",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Çevrimiçi",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Çevrimdışı",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Bilinmeyen",
+ "groupDialog": "Grup",
+ "groupParent": "Grup",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Grupsuz",
+ "settingsTitle": "Ayarlar",
+ "settingsUser": "Hesap",
+ "settingsGroups": "Gruplar",
+ "settingsServer": "Sunucu",
+ "settingsUsers": "Kullanıcı",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Uzaklık Birimi",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hız Birimi",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Hacim Birimi",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 saat formatı",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Koordinat Formatı",
+ "reportTitle": "Raporlar",
+ "reportDevice": "Aygıt",
+ "reportGroup": "Grup",
+ "reportFrom": "Başlangıç",
+ "reportTo": "Varış",
+ "reportShow": "Göster",
+ "reportClear": "Temizle",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Geçerli",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Hata Payı",
+ "positionLatitude": "Enlem",
+ "positionLongitude": "Boylam",
+ "positionAltitude": "Rakım",
+ "positionSpeed": "Sürat",
+ "positionCourse": "Yön",
+ "positionAddress": "Adres",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
+ "positionDistance": "Mesafe",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Yakıt",
+ "positionPower": "Güç",
+ "positionBattery": "Batarya",
+ "positionRaw": "Ham",
+ "positionIndex": "Indeks",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Uydu",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Görünür Uydu",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Dolaşım",
+ "positionEvent": "Etkinlik",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Durum",
+ "positionOdometer": "Kilometre Sayacı",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Kilometre Sayacı Hizmeti",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Kilometre Sayacı Turu",
+ "positionHours": "Saat",
+ "positionSteps": "Adım",
+ "positionInput": "Giren",
+ "positionOutput": "Çıkan",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Pil Seviyesi",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Yakıt Tüketimi",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Versiyonu",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Versiyonu",
+ "positionIgnition": "Kontak",
+ "positionFlags": "Etiketler",
+ "positionCharge": "Şarz",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Arşiv",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Yaklaşık",
+ "positionThrottle": "Kısıtlama",
+ "positionMotion": "Hareket",
+ "positionArmed": "Hazır",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Hızlanma",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Cihaz Sıcaklığı",
+ "positionOperator": "Operatör",
+ "positionCommand": "Komut",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloke Edildi",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Hız",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Kilometre Sayacı",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Benzersiz Sürücü Kimliği",
+ "positionImage": "Görüntü",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Ses",
+ "serverTitle": "Sunucu Ayarları",
+ "serverZoom": "Yakınlaştırma",
+ "serverRegistration": "Kayıt",
+ "serverReadonly": "Sadece Okunur",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Zorunlu Ayarlar",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Harita",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Harita Katmanı",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Çokgen",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Çember",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Çizim",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Canlı Takip",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Katmanı",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Bölge",
+ "stateName": "Özellik",
+ "stateValue": "Değer",
+ "commandTitle": "Komut",
+ "commandSend": "Gönder",
+ "commandSent": "Komut gönderildi",
+ "commandQueued": "Komut sıraya alındı",
+ "commandUnit": "Ünite",
+ "commandCustom": "Özel komut",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Cihaz Tanımı",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Tekil Raporlama",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periyodik Rapor",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Raporlamayı Durdur",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Motoru Durdur",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Motoru Çalıştır",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Alarm Kur",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Alarmı Kapat",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Zaman Dilimini Belirle",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Fotoğraf İste",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Aygıtı Yeniden Başlat",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMS Gönder",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD Gönder",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Acil Durum Numarasını Belirle",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Sessiz Zamanı Belirle",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefon Defterini Belirle",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Ses Mesajı",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Çıkış Kontrolü",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Ses İzleme",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS Ayarla",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Belirteci Ayarla",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Konfigürasyon",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Sürüm Al",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Aygıt Yazılımı Güncelle",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Bağlantı Ayarla",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Kilometre Sayacı Ayarla",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Modem Durumunu Al",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Cihaz Durumunu Al",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frekans",
+ "commandTimezone": "Saat Dilimi Dışında",
+ "commandMessage": "Mesaj",
+ "commandRadius": "Yarıçap",
+ "commandEnable": "Etkinleştir",
+ "commandData": "Veri",
+ "commandIndex": "Fihrist",
+ "commandPhone": "Telefon Numarası",
+ "commandServer": "Sunucu",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Tüm Olaylar",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Durumu çevrimiçi",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Durumu bilinmiyor",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Durum çevrimdışı",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Cihaz hareket halinde",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Cihaz hareket etmiyor",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Hız limiti aşıldı",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Yakıt düştü",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Komut sonucu",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Coğrafik çite girildi",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Coğrafik çitden çıkıldı",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Kontak açık",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Kontak kapalı",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Bakım Gerekli",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Kısa mesaj alındı",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Sürücü değişti",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Sona Git",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "Acil Yardım",
+ "alarmVibration": "Sarsıntı",
+ "alarmMovement": "Hareket",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Aşırı Hız",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Arıza",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Kapalı",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Çalışıyor",
+ "alarmDoor": "Kapı",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Coğrafik çit",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Coğrafik çite girildi",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Coğrafik çitden çıkıldı",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Anteni Kes",
+ "alarmAccident": "Kaza",
+ "alarmTow": "Çekme",
+ "alarmIdle": "Çalışmıyor",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Ani Hızlanma",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Ani Yavaşlama",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Yorgun Sürücü",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Enerji kesildi",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Enerji geldi",
+ "alarmJamming": "Sıkışıklık",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Hararet",
+ "alarmParking": "Park halinde",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Kaput",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Ayak freni",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Yakıt sızıntısı",
+ "alarmTampering": "Kurcalama",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Çıkarma",
+ "notificationType": "Bildirim tipi",
+ "notificationAlways": "Tüm Cihazlar",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Kanallar",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Eposta",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS Mesajı",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Rota",
+ "reportEvents": "Olaylar",
+ "reportTrips": "Turlar",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Özet",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Grafik",
+ "reportConfigure": "Ayarlar",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Olay Tipleri",
+ "reportChartType": "Grafik Tipi",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "İşaretleri Göster",
+ "reportExport": "Çıktı Al",
+ "reportEmail": "Eposta Rapor",
+ "reportPeriod": "Dönem",
+ "reportCustom": "Özel",
+ "reportToday": "Bugün",
+ "reportYesterday": "Dün",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Bu Hafta",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Geçen Hafta",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Bu Ay",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Geçen Ay",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Cihaz İsmi",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Ortalama Hız",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "En Fazla Hız",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Motor Saatleri",
+ "reportDuration": "Süre",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Başlama Zamanı",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Başlama Adresi",
+ "reportEndTime": "Bittiği Zaman",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Bittiği Adres",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Tüketilen Yakıt",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Statistics",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Yakalama Zamanı",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Aktif Kullanıcılar",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Aktif Cihazlar",
+ "statisticsRequests": "İstenilenler",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Mesajlar Alındı",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Mesajlar Kaydedildi",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Yön",
+ "categoryDefault": "Varsayılan",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Hayvan",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bisiklet",
+ "categoryBoat": "Tekne",
+ "categoryBus": "Otobüs",
+ "categoryCar": "Araba",
+ "categoryCrane": "Vinç",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helikopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motorsiklet",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "İnsan",
+ "categoryPickup": "Kamyonet",
+ "categoryPlane": "Uçak",
+ "categoryShip": "Gemi",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tren",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvay",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Troleybüs",
+ "categoryTruck": "Kamyon",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Başlat",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Dönem"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/uk.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/uk.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af76efcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/uk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Завантаження... ",
+ "sharedHide": "Приховувати",
+ "sharedSave": "Зберегти",
+ "sharedSet": "Встановити",
+ "sharedCancel": "Відміна",
+ "sharedAdd": "Додати",
+ "sharedEdit": "Редагувати",
+ "sharedRemove": "Видалити",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Видалити пункт?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "км",
+ "sharedMi": "Милi",
+ "sharedNmi": "морська миля",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Вузли",
+ "sharedKmh": "км/год",
+ "sharedMph": "Миль/год",
+ "sharedHour": "Години",
+ "sharedMinute": "Хвилини",
+ "sharedSecond": "Секунди",
+ "sharedDays": "днів",
+ "sharedHours": "годин",
+ "sharedMinutes": "хвилин",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Градуси°",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Градуси° хвилини′",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Градуси° хвилини′ секунди″",
+ "sharedName": "Назва пристрою",
+ "sharedDescription": "Опис",
+ "sharedSearch": "Пошук",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Геозон",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Геозони",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Повідомлення",
+ "sharedNotification": "Повідомлення",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Атрибути",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Атрибут",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Водії",
+ "sharedDriver": "Водій",
+ "sharedArea": "Площа",
+ "sharedSound": "Звукове повідомлення",
+ "sharedType": "Тип",
+ "sharedDistance": "Відстань",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "г",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "хв",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "c",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Літр",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Імп. галон",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Галон США",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "л/ч",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Отримати стан карти",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Обчислюваний атрибут",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Обчислювані атрибути",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Перевірити обчислюваний атрибут",
+ "sharedExpression": "Вираз",
+ "sharedDevice": "Пристрій",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Відправити тестове повідомлення",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Календар",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Календарi",
+ "sharedFile": "Файл",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Вибрати файл",
+ "sharedPhone": "Телефон",
+ "sharedRequired": "Обов'язкові",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Налаштування",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Дозволи",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Екстра",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Строка",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Число",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Логічне значення",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Часовий пояс",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Інфо",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Збережена команда",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Збережені команди",
+ "sharedNew": "Новий…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Показати адрес",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Вимкнутий",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Обслуговування",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Акумулятори",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Тривоги",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Обмеження швидкості",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Відстань від лінії",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Звіт: Ігнорувати одометер",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Веб: Колір звіту",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Пароль пристрою",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Обробка: Копіювання атрибутів",
+ "attributeColor": "Колір",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Веб: Довжина онлайн маршруту",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Веб: Збільшення при виборі",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Веб: Максимальне збільшення",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Пошта: SMTP хост",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Пошта: SMTP порт",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Пошта: увімкнути SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Пошта: потрібен SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Пошта: увімкнути SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Пошта: довіра SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Пошта: Протоколи SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Пошта: SMTP відправник",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Пошта: Увімкнути SMTP Auth",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Пошта: SMTP ім'я користувача",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Пошта: SMTP пароль",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Вимкнути події",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Вимкнути автомобільні функції",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Вимкнути водіїв",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Вимкнути обчислювані атрибути",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Вимкнути календарі",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Вимкнути обслуговування",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Приховувати атрибути",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Помилка",
+ "errorGeneral": "Неправильні параметри або порушення обмежень",
+ "errorConnection": "Помилка з'єднання",
+ "errorSocket": "Помилка web socket з'єднання",
+ "errorZero": "Не може бути нульовим",
+ "userEmail": "E-mail",
+ "userPassword": "Пароль",
+ "userAdmin": "Адмiнiстратор",
+ "userRemember": "Запам'ятати",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Термін дії",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Обмеження пристроїв",
+ "userUserLimit": "Обмеження користувачів",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Тільки перегляд пристроїв",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Обмеження команд",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Ключ",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Логiн",
+ "loginLanguage": "Мова",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Реєстрація",
+ "loginLogin": "Ввійти",
+ "loginFailed": "Неправильне адреса електронної пошти або пароль",
+ "loginCreated": "Новий користувач був зареєстрований",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Вийти",
+ "loginLogo": "Логотип",
+ "devicesAndState": "Пристрої та стан",
+ "deviceTitle": " Прилади",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Iдентифікатор",
+ "deviceModel": "Модель",
+ "deviceContact": "Контакт",
+ "deviceCategory": "Категорія",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Останнє оновлення",
+ "deviceCommand": "Команда",
+ "deviceFollow": "Слідувати",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Загальна відстань",
+ "deviceStatus": "Статус",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Онлайн",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Офлайн",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Невідомий",
+ "groupDialog": "Група",
+ "groupParent": "Група",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Група відсутня",
+ "settingsTitle": "Налаштування",
+ "settingsUser": "Аккаунт",
+ "settingsGroups": "Групи",
+ "settingsServer": "Сервер",
+ "settingsUsers": "Користувачі",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Одиниця відстані",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Одиниця швидкості",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Одиниця об'єму",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-годинний формат",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Формат координат",
+ "reportTitle": "Звіти",
+ "reportDevice": "Пристрій ",
+ "reportGroup": "Група",
+ "reportFrom": "З",
+ "reportTo": "До",
+ "reportShow": "Показати",
+ "reportClear": "Очистити",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Дійсний",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Точність",
+ "positionLatitude": "Широта",
+ "positionLongitude": "Довгота ",
+ "positionAltitude": "Висота",
+ "positionSpeed": "Швидкість ",
+ "positionCourse": "Напрямок",
+ "positionAddress": "Адреса",
+ "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
+ "positionDistance": "Відстань",
+ "positionRpm": "Обороти",
+ "positionFuel": "Паливо",
+ "positionPower": "Живлення",
+ "positionBattery": "Батарея",
+ "positionRaw": "Cирі дані",
+ "positionIndex": "Індекс",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Супутники",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Видимі супутники",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Роумінг",
+ "positionEvent": "Подія",
+ "positionAlarm": "Тривога",
+ "positionStatus": "Статус",
+ "positionOdometer": "Одометр",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Одометр обслуговування",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Одометр поїздки",
+ "positionHours": "Години",
+ "positionSteps": "Кроки",
+ "positionInput": "Входи",
+ "positionOutput": "Виходи",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Рівень заряду батареї",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Витрати палива",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Версія прошивки",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Версія пристрою",
+ "positionIgnition": "Запалення",
+ "positionFlags": "Флаги",
+ "positionCharge": "Заряд",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Архів",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Приблизний",
+ "positionThrottle": "Дросель",
+ "positionMotion": "Рух",
+ "positionArmed": "Охорона",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Прискорення",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Температура пристрою",
+ "positionOperator": "Оператор",
+ "positionCommand": "Команда",
+ "positionBlocked": "Блокування",
+ "positionDtcs": "Помилки",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD швидкість",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD одометр",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID водія",
+ "positionImage": "Зображення",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Аудіо",
+ "serverTitle": "Налаштування сервера",
+ "serverZoom": "Наближення",
+ "serverRegistration": "Реєстрація",
+ "serverReadonly": "Лише для читання",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Налаштування Force",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Карта",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Використання мап",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Ключ Bing Maps ",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Дороги",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Супутник",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Багатокутник",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Коло",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Лінія",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Поточні маршрути",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Шар POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Стан",
+ "stateName": "Атрибут",
+ "stateValue": "Значення ",
+ "commandTitle": "Команда ",
+ "commandSend": "Послати. ",
+ "commandSent": "Команда відправлена",
+ "commandQueued": "Команда додана в чергу",
+ "commandUnit": "Одиниці",
+ "commandCustom": "Користувацька команда",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Ідентифікація пристрою",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Разове відстеження",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Періодична звітність",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Скасувати відстеження. ",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Заблокувати двигун ",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Розблокувати двигун",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Активувати сигналізацію",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Вимкнути сигналізацію",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Часовий пояс",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Запит фото",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Вимкнути пристрій",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Перезавантаження пристрою",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Надсилання SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Надсилання USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Номер SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Встановити час пиші",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Телефонна книга",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Голосове повідомлення",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Контроль виходу",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Голосове повідомлення",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Налаштувати AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Налаштувати ітдикатор",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Конфігурація",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Отримати версію",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Оновити прошивку",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Налаштувати з'єднання",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Налаштувати одометр",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Отримати стан модема",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Отримати статус пристрою",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Частота",
+ "commandTimezone": "Зсув часової зони",
+ "commandMessage": "Повідомлення",
+ "commandRadius": "Радіус",
+ "commandEnable": "Увімкнути",
+ "commandData": "Дані",
+ "commandIndex": "Індекс",
+ "commandPhone": "Номер телефону",
+ "commandServer": "Сервер",
+ "commandPort": "Порт",
+ "eventAll": "Всі події",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Статус онлайн",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Статус невідомий",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Статус офлайн",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Пристрій рухається",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Пристрій зупинився",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Перевищено обмеження швидкості",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Злив палива",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Результат команди",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Вхід в геозон",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Вихід з геозон",
+ "eventAlarm": "Тривога",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Запалення увімкнено",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Запалення вимкнено",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Потрібне обслуговування",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Текстове повідомлення отримано",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Водій змінений",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Прокрутка до кінця",
+ "alarmGeneral": "Загальне",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Вібрація",
+ "alarmMovement": "Рух",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Низька швидкість",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Перевищення швидкості",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Падіння",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Низький рівень живлення",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Батарея розряджена",
+ "alarmFault": "Несправність",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Двері",
+ "alarmLock": "Блокування",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Разблокування",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Геозон",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Вхід в геозон",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Вихід з геозон",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Тип повідомлення",
+ "notificationAlways": "Всi пристрої",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Маршрут",
+ "reportEvents": "Події",
+ "reportTrips": "Подорожі",
+ "reportStops": "Зупинки",
+ "reportSummary": "Звіт",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Діаграма",
+ "reportConfigure": "Конфігурувати",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Тип події",
+ "reportChartType": "Тип діаграми",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Показати маркери",
+ "reportExport": "Експорт",
+ "reportEmail": "Звіт по пошті",
+ "reportPeriod": "Період",
+ "reportCustom": "Користувальницький",
+ "reportToday": "Сьогодні",
+ "reportYesterday": "Вчора",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Поточний тиждень",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Попередній тиждень",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Поточний місяць",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Попередній місяць",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Ім'я пристрою",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Середня швидкість",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Максимальна швидкість",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Мотогодинник",
+ "reportDuration": "Тривалість",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Початковий час",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Початкова адреса",
+ "reportEndTime": "Кінцевий час",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Кінцева адреса",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Використано палива",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Одометр, початок",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Одометр, закінчення",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Статистика",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Час збору",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Активні користувачі",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Активні пристрої",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Запити",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Отримано повідомлень",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Збережено повідомлень",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Запити геокодера",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Запити геолокації",
+ "categoryArrow": "Стрілка",
+ "categoryDefault": "За замовчуванням",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Тварина",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Велосипед",
+ "categoryBoat": "Човен",
+ "categoryBus": "Автобус",
+ "categoryCar": "Автомобіль",
+ "categoryCrane": "Кран",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Гвинтокрил",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Мотоцикл",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Позашляховик",
+ "categoryPerson": "Людина",
+ "categoryPickup": "Пікап",
+ "categoryPlane": "Літак",
+ "categoryShip": "Корабель",
+ "categoryTractor": "Трактор",
+ "categoryTrain": "Поїзд",
+ "categoryTram": "Трамвай",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Тролейбус",
+ "categoryTruck": "Вантажний автомобіль",
+ "categoryVan": "Фургон",
+ "categoryScooter": "Скутер",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Початок",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Період"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/uz.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/uz.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6e2c416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/uz.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Юкланмоқда...",
+ "sharedHide": "Беркитиш",
+ "sharedSave": "Сақлаш",
+ "sharedSet": "Ўрнатиш",
+ "sharedCancel": "Бекор қилиш",
+ "sharedAdd": "Қўшиш",
+ "sharedEdit": "Таҳрирлаш",
+ "sharedRemove": "Ўчириш",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Элементни ўчирайми?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "км",
+ "sharedMi": "миллар",
+ "sharedNmi": "м.миллар",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "уз",
+ "sharedKmh": "км/с",
+ "sharedMph": "миль/с",
+ "sharedHour": "Соат",
+ "sharedMinute": "Дақиқалар",
+ "sharedSecond": "Сониялар",
+ "sharedDays": "days",
+ "sharedHours": "hours",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutes",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Ўнлик даража",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Градуслар Ўнлик Дақиқалар",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Градуслар Дақиқалар Сониялар",
+ "sharedName": "Исм",
+ "sharedDescription": "Тавсиф",
+ "sharedSearch": "Қидирув",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Геозона",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Геозоналар",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Хабарнома",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Атрибутлар",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Атрибут",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Соҳа",
+ "sharedSound": "Notification Sound",
+ "sharedType": "Тур",
+ "sharedDistance": "Масофа",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "с",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "д",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Харита ҳолатини билиш",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
+ "sharedDevice": "Қурилма",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Send Test Notification",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Тақвим",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Тақвимлар",
+ "sharedFile": "Файл",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Файлни танлаш",
+ "sharedPhone": "Phone",
+ "sharedRequired": "Required",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferences",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Timezone",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Хато",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
+ "errorConnection": "Уланишда хато",
+ "errorSocket": "Web socket connection error",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Парол",
+ "userAdmin": "Маъмурият",
+ "userRemember": "Эслаб қолиш",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Хизмат муддати",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Қурилманинг чекловлари",
+ "userUserLimit": "Фойдаланувчини чегаралаш",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Фақат кўриш",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Калит",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Кириш",
+ "loginLanguage": "Тил",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Рўйхатдан ўтиш",
+ "loginLogin": "Кириш",
+ "loginFailed": "Нотўғри email ёки пароль",
+ "loginCreated": "Янги фойдаланувчи рўйхатдан ўтди",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Чиқиш",
+ "loginLogo": "Логотип",
+ "devicesAndState": "Қурилмалар ва Ҳолатлар",
+ "deviceTitle": "Қурилмалар",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Идентификатор",
+ "deviceModel": "Модел",
+ "deviceContact": "Алоқа воситаси",
+ "deviceCategory": "Тоифа",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Сўнгги янгиланиш",
+ "deviceCommand": "Гуруҳ",
+ "deviceFollow": "Амал қилиш",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Умумий масофа",
+ "deviceStatus": "Status",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Online",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Offline",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Unknown",
+ "groupDialog": "Гуруҳ",
+ "groupParent": "Гуруҳ",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Гуруҳсиз",
+ "settingsTitle": "Созламалар",
+ "settingsUser": "Аккаунт",
+ "settingsGroups": "Гуруҳлар",
+ "settingsServer": "Сервер",
+ "settingsUsers": "Фойдаланувчилар",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-соатли формат",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Координаталар формати",
+ "reportTitle": "Ҳисоботлар",
+ "reportDevice": "Қурилма",
+ "reportGroup": "Гуруҳ",
+ "reportFrom": "дан",
+ "reportTo": "гача",
+ "reportShow": "Кўрсатиш",
+ "reportClear": "Тозалаш",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Аниқлик",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Аниқлик",
+ "positionLatitude": "Кенглик",
+ "positionLongitude": "Узунлик",
+ "positionAltitude": "Баландлик",
+ "positionSpeed": "Тезлик",
+ "positionCourse": "Йўналиш",
+ "positionAddress": "Манзил",
+ "positionProtocol": "Баённома",
+ "positionDistance": "Оралиқ масофа",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Сервер созламалари",
+ "serverZoom": "Яқинлаштириш",
+ "serverRegistration": "Рўйхатдан ўтиш",
+ "serverReadonly": "Фақат кўриш",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Созламаларни кучайтириш",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Харита",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Харита қавати",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps калити",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps йўллар",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Спутник",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps Hybrid",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex Map",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satellite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Кўпбурчак",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Айлана",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Чизиқ",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Амалдаги маршрутлар",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Ҳолат",
+ "stateName": "Параметр",
+ "stateValue": "Маъноси",
+ "commandTitle": "Буйруқ",
+ "commandSend": "Жўнатиш",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Бирликлар",
+ "commandCustom": "Фойдаланувчи буйруғи",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Қурилма идентификацияси",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Бир марта кузатиш",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Кузатувни бошлаш",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Кузатувни бекор қилиш",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Двигателни блокировка қилиш",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Двигателдан блокировкани ечиш",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Сигнализацияни активлаштириш",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Сигнализация активлигини бекор қилиш",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Соат қутбини созлаш",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Фото сўраш",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Қурилмани қайта юклаш",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "СМС жўнатиш",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSD жўнатиш",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Шошилинч рақамни созлаш",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Тинчлик вақтини созлаш",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Телефон дафтарини созлаш",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Товушли хабар",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Чиқиш назорати",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Set Indicator",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Частота",
+ "commandTimezone": "Соат қутбининг силжиши",
+ "commandMessage": "Хабар",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Маълумотлар",
+ "commandIndex": "Индекс",
+ "commandPhone": "Телефон рақами",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Барча воқеалар",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Буйруқ натижаси",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Хизмат кўрсатиш талаб этилади",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Text message received",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Хабарнома тури",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Маршрут",
+ "reportEvents": "Ҳодисалар",
+ "reportTrips": "Сафарлар",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
+ "reportSummary": "Маълумот",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "График",
+ "reportConfigure": "Конфигурациялаш",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Ҳодиса тури",
+ "reportChartType": "График тури",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Маркетларни кўрсатиш",
+ "reportExport": "Экспорт",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Қурилма номи",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Ўртача тезлик",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Максимал тезлик",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Мотосоат",
+ "reportDuration": "Узунлиги",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Бошланиш вақти",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Бошланиш манзили",
+ "reportEndTime": "Тугаш вақти",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Сўнгги манзил",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Ёқилғи сарфи",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Статистика",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Йиғилиш вақти",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Актив фойдаланувчилар",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Актив қурилмалар",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Сўровлар",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Хабарлар қабул қилинган",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Хабарлар сақланган",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
+ "categoryArrow": "Стрелка",
+ "categoryDefault": "Сўзсиз",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Жонивор",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Велосипед",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
+ "categoryBus": "Автобус",
+ "categoryCar": "Автомобиль",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Мотоцикл",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Одам",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Самолёт",
+ "categoryShip": "Кема",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Юк автомобили",
+ "categoryVan": "Van",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/vi.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/vi.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2bb6c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/vi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Đang tải...",
+ "sharedHide": "Ẩn",
+ "sharedSave": "Lưu",
+ "sharedSet": "Thiết lập",
+ "sharedCancel": "Hủy",
+ "sharedAdd": "Thêm mới",
+ "sharedEdit": "Chỉnh sửa",
+ "sharedRemove": "Xóa",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Xóa lựa chọn?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "Yes",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "dặm",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Giờ",
+ "sharedMinute": "Phút",
+ "sharedSecond": "Giây",
+ "sharedDays": "Ngày",
+ "sharedHours": "Giờ",
+ "sharedMinutes": "Phút",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Độ thập phân",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Độ thập phân phút",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Độ thập phân giây",
+ "sharedName": "Tên",
+ "sharedDescription": "Mô tả",
+ "sharedSearch": "Tìm kiếm",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Giới hạn địa lý",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Giới hạn địa lý",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Thông báo",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Thuộc tính",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Thuộc tính",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDriver": "Driver",
+ "sharedArea": "Khu vực",
+ "sharedSound": "Tiếng thông báo",
+ "sharedType": "Loại",
+ "sharedDistance": "Khoảng cách",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "Liter",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Lấy trạng thái bản đồ",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Tính toán thuộc tính",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Tính toán thuộc tính",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Kiểm tra tính toán thuộc tính",
+ "sharedExpression": "Truyền",
+ "sharedDevice": "Thiết bị",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Gửi thông báo thử",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Lịch",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Lịch",
+ "sharedFile": "Tập tin",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Lựa chọn tập tin",
+ "sharedPhone": "Điện thoại",
+ "sharedRequired": "Bắt buộc",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Ưu tiên",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Cấp phép",
+ "sharedConnections": "Connections",
+ "sharedExtra": "Thêm vào",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Chuỗi",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Số",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Toán tử",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Múi giờ",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Thông tin",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "New…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "More Details",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarms",
+ "sharedLocation": "Location",
+ "sharedImport": "Import",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Giới hạn tốc độ",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Báo cáo: Bỏ qua đồng hồ đo",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Màu báo cáo",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Mật khẩu thiết bị",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Thực thi: sao chép thuộc tính",
+ "attributeColor": "Màu",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Độ dài tuyến",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: phóng to lựa chọn",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Email: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Email: Cổng SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Lỗi",
+ "errorGeneral": "Tham số không hợp lệ hoặc hạn chế vi phạm",
+ "errorConnection": "Lỗi kết nối",
+ "errorSocket": "Lỗi kết nối trang",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Mật khẩu",
+ "userAdmin": "Quản trị",
+ "userRemember": "Nhớ",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Hết hạn",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Hạn chế thiết bị",
+ "userUserLimit": "Hạn chế người dùng",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Chỉ xem thiết bị",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "Token",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "Đăng nhập",
+ "loginLanguage": "Ngôn ngữ",
+ "loginReset": "Reset Password",
+ "loginRegister": "Đăng ký",
+ "loginLogin": "Đăng nhập",
+ "loginFailed": "Sai mật khẩu hoặc địa chỉ email",
+ "loginCreated": "Người dùng mới đã được đăng ký",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Check your email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "New password is set",
+ "loginLogout": "Đăng xuất",
+ "loginLogo": "Biểu tượng",
+ "devicesAndState": "Các thiết bị và trạng thái",
+ "deviceTitle": "Các thiết bị",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Định danh",
+ "deviceModel": "Mẫu",
+ "deviceContact": "Liên hệ",
+ "deviceCategory": "Phân loại",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Cập nhật lần cuối",
+ "deviceCommand": "Lệnh",
+ "deviceFollow": "Theo dõi",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Tổng quãng đường",
+ "deviceStatus": "Trạng thái",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "Trực tuyến",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Ngoại tuyến",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Không xác định",
+ "groupDialog": "Nhóm",
+ "groupParent": "Nhóm",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Không có nhóm",
+ "settingsTitle": "Cài đặt",
+ "settingsUser": "Tài khoản",
+ "settingsGroups": "Nhóm",
+ "settingsServer": "Máy chủ",
+ "settingsUsers": "Người dùng",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Định dạng 12h",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Cấu chúc tọa độ",
+ "reportTitle": "Báo cáo",
+ "reportDevice": "Thiết bị",
+ "reportGroup": "Nhóm",
+ "reportFrom": "Từ",
+ "reportTo": "Đến",
+ "reportShow": "Hiển thị",
+ "reportClear": "Xóa",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "Có hiệu lực",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Chính xác",
+ "positionLatitude": "Vĩ độ",
+ "positionLongitude": "Kinh độ",
+ "positionAltitude": "Độ cao",
+ "positionSpeed": "Tốc độ",
+ "positionCourse": "Hướng",
+ "positionAddress": "Địa chỉ",
+ "positionProtocol": "Giao thức",
+ "positionDistance": "Khoảng cách",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Nhiên liệu",
+ "positionPower": "Nguồn",
+ "positionBattery": "Pin",
+ "positionRaw": "Thô",
+ "positionIndex": "Danh mục",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Sự kiện",
+ "positionAlarm": "Cảnh báo",
+ "positionStatus": "Trạng thái",
+ "positionOdometer": "Đồng hồ đo",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Đồng hồ đo",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Quãng đường",
+ "positionHours": "Giờ",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "Nhập",
+ "positionOutput": "Xuất",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Mức pin",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Tiêu thụ nhiên liệu",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Phiên bản",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Phiên bản phần cứng",
+ "positionIgnition": "Máy",
+ "positionFlags": "Cờ",
+ "positionCharge": "Nạp tiền",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Lưu trữ",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Độ chính xác",
+ "positionThrottle": "Cổ hút",
+ "positionMotion": "Chuyển động",
+ "positionArmed": "Bật báo động",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Tăng tốc",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Nhiệt độ thiết bị",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Chặn",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Tốc độ OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Quãng đường ODB",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Cài đặt máy chủ",
+ "serverZoom": "Phóng to",
+ "serverRegistration": "Đăng ký",
+ "serverReadonly": "Chỉ đọc",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Buộc thiết lập",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "Bản đồ",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Lớp bản đồ",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bản đồ Bing Hybird",
+ "mapBaidu": "Bản đồ Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Bản đồ Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Bản đồ Yandex Vệ tinh ",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Đa giác",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Vòng tròn",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Đường kẻ đa giác",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Lộ trình trực tuyến",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "Trạng thái",
+ "stateName": "Thuộc tính",
+ "stateValue": "Giá trị",
+ "commandTitle": "Lệnh",
+ "commandSend": "Gửi",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "Đơn vị",
+ "commandCustom": "Lệnh tùy chỉnh",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Định danh thiết bị",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Báo cáo đơn",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Báo cáo định kỳ",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Dừng báo cáo",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Tắt máy",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Bật máy",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Báo động cho phép",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Báo động không cho phép",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Thiết lập múi giờ",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Yêu cầu ảnh",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Khởi động lại thiết bị",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "Gửi tin nhắn",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Gửi mã USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Thiết lập số khẩn cấp",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Thiêt lập giờ im lặng",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Thiết lập danh bạ điện thoại",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Tin nhắn thoại",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Điều khiển đầu ra",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Thiết lập hiển thị",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "Tần suất",
+ "commandTimezone": "Múi giờ",
+ "commandMessage": "Thông báo",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "Dữ liệu",
+ "commandIndex": "Danh mục",
+ "commandPhone": "Số điện thoại",
+ "commandServer": "Server",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "Tất cả sự kiện",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Kết quả lệnh",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Yêu cầu bảo dưỡng",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Đã nhận tin nhắn",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Kéo xuống cuối",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "Loại thông báo",
+ "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "Lộ trình",
+ "reportEvents": "Sự kiện",
+ "reportTrips": "Hành trình",
+ "reportStops": "Dừng đỗ",
+ "reportSummary": "Sơ lược",
+ "reportDaily": "Daily Summary",
+ "reportChart": "Biểu đồ",
+ "reportConfigure": "Cấu hình",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Loại sự kiện",
+ "reportChartType": "Kiểu biều đồ",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Hiển thị dấu",
+ "reportExport": "Xuất",
+ "reportEmail": "Email Report",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Tên thiết bị",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Tốc độ trung bình",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Tốc độ cao nhất",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Thời gian nổ máy",
+ "reportDuration": "Khoảng thời gian",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "Thời gian bắt đầu",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Địa chỉ bắt đầu",
+ "reportEndTime": "Thời gian kết thúc",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Địa chỉ kết thúc",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Tiêu thụ nguyên liệu",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Thống kê",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Thời gian",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Người dùng được kích hoạt",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Thiết bị được kích hoạt",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Yêu cầu",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Thông báo đã nhận",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Thông báo đã nhận",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Yêu cầu địa chỉ",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Yêu cầu địa chỉ",
+ "categoryArrow": "Mũi tên",
+ "categoryDefault": "Mặc định",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Vật nuôi",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Xe đạp",
+ "categoryBoat": "Tầu thuyền",
+ "categoryBus": "Xe buýt",
+ "categoryCar": "Xe con",
+ "categoryCrane": "Cần cẩu",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Trực thăng",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Xe máy",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryPerson": "Cá nhân",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Máy bay",
+ "categoryShip": "Tàu thủy",
+ "categoryTractor": "Máy kéo",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "Xe tải",
+ "categoryVan": "Xe thùng",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/zh.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/zh.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67db25dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/zh.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "加载",
+ "sharedHide": "隐藏",
+ "sharedSave": "保存",
+ "sharedSet": "设置",
+ "sharedCancel": "取消",
+ "sharedAdd": "添加",
+ "sharedEdit": "编辑",
+ "sharedRemove": "删除",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "要删除选中项吗?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "是",
+ "sharedNo": "否",
+ "sharedKm": "千米",
+ "sharedMi": "海里",
+ "sharedNmi": "海里",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "节(海里/小时)",
+ "sharedKmh": "千米/小时",
+ "sharedMph": "英里/小时",
+ "sharedHour": "小时",
+ "sharedMinute": "分钟",
+ "sharedSecond": "秒",
+ "sharedDays": "天",
+ "sharedHours": "小时",
+ "sharedMinutes": "分钟",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "十进制角度",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "十进制分钟",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "十进制秒",
+ "sharedName": "名称",
+ "sharedDescription": "描述",
+ "sharedSearch": "搜索",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "电子围栏",
+ "sharedGeofences": "电子围栏",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "通知",
+ "sharedNotification": "通知",
+ "sharedAttributes": "属性",
+ "sharedAttribute": "属性",
+ "sharedDrivers": "驾驶员",
+ "sharedDriver": "驾驶员",
+ "sharedArea": "区域",
+ "sharedSound": "通知声音",
+ "sharedType": "类型",
+ "sharedDistance": "里程",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "小时",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "分",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "秒",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "I",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "公升",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "进口加仑",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "US加仑",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "获取地图状态",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "计算属性",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "计算属性",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "确认计算属性",
+ "sharedExpression": "表达",
+ "sharedDevice": "设备",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "发送测试通知",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "日历",
+ "sharedCalendars": "日历",
+ "sharedFile": "文件",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "选择文件",
+ "sharedPhone": "电话",
+ "sharedRequired": "必填",
+ "sharedPreferences": "个性化设置",
+ "sharedPermissions": "权限",
+ "sharedConnections": "链接",
+ "sharedExtra": "附加",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "字符串",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "数字",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "布尔",
+ "sharedTimezone": "时区",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "信息",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "保存指令",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "保存指令",
+ "sharedNew": "新建",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "显示地址",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "详情请见",
+ "sharedDisabled": "关闭",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "维护",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "蓄电池",
+ "sharedAlarms": "报警",
+ "sharedLocation": "位置",
+ "sharedImport": "接入",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "速度限制",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "折线距离",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "报告:忽略里程表",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "页面:报告颜色",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "设备密码",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "设备无响应起始",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "设备无响应时期",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "处理中:复制属性",
+ "attributeColor": "颜色",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "页面:活动路径长度",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "页面:放大所选择的",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "放大至最大",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "邮件:SMTP主机",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "邮件:SMTP端口",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "邮件:SMTP STARTTLS开启",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "邮件:SMTP STARTTLS需要开启",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "邮件:SMTP SSL开启",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "邮件:SMTP SSL信任",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "邮件:SMTP SSL协议",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "邮件:SMTP来源",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "邮件:SMTP认证开启",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "邮件:SMTP用户名",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "邮件:SMTP密码",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "关闭事件",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "关闭车辆特性",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "关闭驾驶员",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "关闭计算属性",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "关闭日历",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "禁止维护",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "隐藏位置属性",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "通知标识",
+ "errorTitle": "错误",
+ "errorGeneral": "无效参数",
+ "errorConnection": "连接错误",
+ "errorSocket": "网络通讯错误",
+ "errorZero": "不能为0",
+ "userEmail": "邮箱",
+ "userPassword": "密码",
+ "userAdmin": "管理员",
+ "userRemember": "记住密码",
+ "userExpirationTime": "失效日期",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "设备限制",
+ "userUserLimit": "用户限制",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "设备只读",
+ "userLimitCommands": "限制指令",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "令牌",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "登录",
+ "loginLanguage": "语言",
+ "loginReset": "密码重设",
+ "loginRegister": "注册",
+ "loginLogin": "登录",
+ "loginFailed": "邮箱或密码不对",
+ "loginCreated": "该用户已经被注册了",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "邮件查询",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "新密码已重置",
+ "loginLogout": "注销",
+ "loginLogo": "图标",
+ "devicesAndState": "设备和状态",
+ "deviceTitle": "设备",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "编码",
+ "deviceModel": "型号",
+ "deviceContact": "联系人",
+ "deviceCategory": "类别",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "最后更新时间",
+ "deviceCommand": "下发指令",
+ "deviceFollow": "跟踪",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "总里程",
+ "deviceStatus": "状态",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "在线",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "离线",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "未知",
+ "groupDialog": "分组",
+ "groupParent": "分组",
+ "groupNoGroup": "未分组",
+ "settingsTitle": "设置",
+ "settingsUser": "账户",
+ "settingsGroups": "分组",
+ "settingsServer": "服务器",
+ "settingsUsers": "用户",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "距离单元",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "速度单元",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "声音单元",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12小时制",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "坐标格式",
+ "reportTitle": "统计报表",
+ "reportDevice": "设备",
+ "reportGroup": "分组",
+ "reportFrom": "开始",
+ "reportTo": "结束",
+ "reportShow": "查询",
+ "reportClear": "清空",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "有效",
+ "positionAccuracy": "精度",
+ "positionLatitude": "纬度",
+ "positionLongitude": "经度",
+ "positionAltitude": "海拔",
+ "positionSpeed": "速度",
+ "positionCourse": "航向",
+ "positionAddress": "地址",
+ "positionProtocol": "协议",
+ "positionDistance": "距离",
+ "positionRpm": "转速",
+ "positionFuel": "燃料",
+ "positionPower": "电源",
+ "positionBattery": "电量",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "索引",
+ "positionHdop": "水平精度",
+ "positionVdop": "垂直精度",
+ "positionPdop": "位置精度",
+ "positionSat": "卫星",
+ "positionSatVisible": "可见卫星",
+ "positionRssi": "接收信号强度",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "漫游中",
+ "positionEvent": "事件",
+ "positionAlarm": "报警",
+ "positionStatus": "状态",
+ "positionOdometer": "里程表",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "服务里程表",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "里程表",
+ "positionHours": "小时",
+ "positionSteps": "步骤",
+ "positionInput": "输入",
+ "positionOutput": "输出",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "电量级别",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "耗油率",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "固件版本",
+ "positionVersionHw": "硬件版本",
+ "positionIgnition": "点火",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "充电",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "档案",
+ "positionVin": "车辆识别码",
+ "positionApproximate": "近似值",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "运动",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "加速度",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "设备温度",
+ "positionOperator": "操作员",
+ "positionCommand": "指令",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DCTs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD速度",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD里程表",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "驾驶员统一ID",
+ "positionImage": "图片",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "声音",
+ "serverTitle": "服务器设置",
+ "serverZoom": "缩放",
+ "serverRegistration": "注册",
+ "serverReadonly": "只读",
+ "serverForceSettings": "强制设置",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "通知",
+ "mapTitle": "地图",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "地图图层",
+ "mapCustom": "自定义(XYZ) ",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "自定义(ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "自定义地图",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto Basemaps",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "必应重点地图",
+ "mapBingRoad": "必应公路地图",
+ "mapBingAerial": "必应航测地图",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "必应混合地图",
+ "mapBaidu": "百度地图",
+ "mapAutoNavi": " 高德地图",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex地图",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex卫星地图",
+ "mapWikimedia": "维基",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox街道",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox外景",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox卫星",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "多边形",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "圆形",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "折线",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "运动轨迹",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "当前位置",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI层",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "状态",
+ "stateName": "参数",
+ "stateValue": "值",
+ "commandTitle": "下发指令",
+ "commandSend": "发送",
+ "commandSent": "指令已发送",
+ "commandQueued": "指令已排队",
+ "commandUnit": "单位",
+ "commandCustom": "自定义指令",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "设备标识",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "单个报告",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "位置获取",
+ "commandPositionStop": "位置停止",
+ "commandEngineStop": "引擎熄火",
+ "commandEngineResume": "引擎启动",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "部署报警",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "解除报警",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "停止警报",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "设置时区",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "请求图片",
+ "commandPowerOff": "设备关机",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "重启设备",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "恢复出厂设置",
+ "commandSendSms": "发送短信",
+ "commandSendUssd": "发送USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "设置SOS号码",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "设置静音时间",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "设置电话本",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "语音信息",
+ "commandOutputControl": "输出控制",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "语音监控",
+ "commandSetAgps": "设置AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "设置指标",
+ "commandConfiguration": "配置",
+ "commandGetVersion": "获取版本",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "更新固件",
+ "commandSetConnection": "设置连接",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "设置里程表",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "获取Modem状态",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "获取设备状态",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "设置速度限制",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "频率",
+ "commandTimezone": "时区偏移",
+ "commandMessage": "消息",
+ "commandRadius": "半径",
+ "commandEnable": "开启",
+ "commandData": "日期",
+ "commandIndex": "索引",
+ "commandPhone": "电话号码",
+ "commandServer": "服务器",
+ "commandPort": "端口",
+ "eventAll": "所有事件",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "在线状态",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "未知状态",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "离线状态",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "设备无响应",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "设备移动中",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "设备已停止",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "超速限制",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "燃料液滴",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "指令结果",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "进入围栏",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "离开围栏",
+ "eventAlarm": "报警",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "点火",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "熄火",
+ "eventMaintenance": "需要维护",
+ "eventTextMessage": "已接收文本信息",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "驾驶员已改变",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "移至最后",
+ "alarmGeneral": "通常",
+ "alarmSos": "求救",
+ "alarmVibration": "振动",
+ "alarmMovement": "移动",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "低速",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "超速",
+ "alarmFallDown": "跌落",
+ "alarmLowPower": "低电源",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "低电量",
+ "alarmFault": "故障",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "关闭电源",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "开启电源",
+ "alarmDoor": "门",
+ "alarmLock": "锁定",
+ "alarmUnlock": "解锁",
+ "alarmGeofence": "围栏",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "进入围栏",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "离开围栏",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS天线切割",
+ "alarmAccident": "事故",
+ "alarmTow": "拖",
+ "alarmIdle": "空转",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "高转速",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "急加速",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "急刹车",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "急转弯",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "紧急变线",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "疲劳驾驶",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "断电",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "电源恢复",
+ "alarmJamming": "干扰",
+ "alarmTemperature": "温度",
+ "alarmParking": "停车中",
+ "alarmBonnet": "阀盖",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "脚踏制动器",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "燃料泄漏",
+ "alarmTampering": "篡改",
+ "alarmRemoving": "移除中",
+ "notificationType": "通知类型",
+ "notificationAlways": "所有设备",
+ "notificationNotificators": "通道",
+ "notificatorWeb": "网页",
+ "notificatorMail": "邮件",
+ "notificatorSms": "短信",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "重播",
+ "reportRoute": "轨迹",
+ "reportEvents": "事件",
+ "reportTrips": "行程",
+ "reportStops": "停留点",
+ "reportSummary": "概要",
+ "reportDaily": "每日汇报",
+ "reportChart": "图表",
+ "reportConfigure": "筛选条件",
+ "reportEventTypes": "事件类型",
+ "reportChartType": "图表类型",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "显示图标",
+ "reportExport": "导出",
+ "reportEmail": "邮件发送",
+ "reportPeriod": "时期",
+ "reportCustom": "自定义",
+ "reportToday": "今天",
+ "reportYesterday": "昨天",
+ "reportThisWeek": "本周",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "上周",
+ "reportThisMonth": "本月",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "上月",
+ "reportDeviceName": "设备名称",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "平均速度",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "最大速度",
+ "reportEngineHours": "发动机时间",
+ "reportDuration": "持续时间",
+ "reportStartDate": "开始日",
+ "reportStartTime": "开始时间",
+ "reportStartAddress": "开始地址",
+ "reportEndTime": "结束时间",
+ "reportEndAddress": "结束地址",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "燃料消耗",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "里程开始",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "里程结束",
+ "statisticsTitle": "统计",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "时间",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "活动用户",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "活动设备",
+ "statisticsRequests": "请求",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "已收到消息",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "已存储消息",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "地理编码请求",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "地理定位请求",
+ "categoryArrow": "箭头",
+ "categoryDefault": "默认",
+ "categoryAnimal": "动物",
+ "categoryBicycle": "自行车",
+ "categoryBoat": "船",
+ "categoryBus": "巴士",
+ "categoryCar": "汽车",
+ "categoryCrane": "起重机",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "直升机",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "摩托车",
+ "categoryOffroad": "越野车",
+ "categoryPerson": "个人",
+ "categoryPickup": "皮卡",
+ "categoryPlane": "飞机",
+ "categoryShip": "船",
+ "categoryTractor": "拖拉机",
+ "categoryTrain": "火车",
+ "categoryTram": "有轨电车",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "无轨电车",
+ "categoryTruck": "卡车",
+ "categoryVan": "厢式货车",
+ "categoryScooter": "小型摩托车",
+ "maintenanceStart": "开始",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "时期"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/zh_TW.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/zh_TW.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fef24135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "讀取中……",
+ "sharedHide": "藏藏",
+ "sharedSave": "存檔",
+ "sharedSet": "設定",
+ "sharedCancel": "取消",
+ "sharedAdd": "新增",
+ "sharedEdit": "編輯",
+ "sharedRemove": "移除",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "確認要移除嗎?",
+ "sharedNoData": "No data",
+ "sharedYes": "是",
+ "sharedNo": "否",
+ "sharedKm": "公里",
+ "sharedMi": "英里",
+ "sharedNmi": "海里",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "節",
+ "sharedKmh": "公里/小時",
+ "sharedMph": "英里/小時",
+ "sharedHour": "小時",
+ "sharedMinute": "分鐘",
+ "sharedSecond": "秒",
+ "sharedDays": "天",
+ "sharedHours": "小時",
+ "sharedMinutes": "分鐘",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "度",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "分",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "秒",
+ "sharedName": "名稱",
+ "sharedDescription": "描述",
+ "sharedSearch": "搜尋",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale",
+ "sharedGeofence": "地圖圍籬",
+ "sharedGeofences": "地圖圍籬",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Create Geofence",
+ "sharedNotifications": "通知",
+ "sharedNotification": "通知",
+ "sharedAttributes": "屬性",
+ "sharedAttribute": "屬性",
+ "sharedDrivers": "駕駛",
+ "sharedDriver": "駕駛",
+ "sharedArea": "區域",
+ "sharedSound": "通知音效",
+ "sharedType": "類型",
+ "sharedDistance": "距離",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "時",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "分",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "秒",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "伏特",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "公升",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "加侖",
+ "sharedLiter": "升",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "公升/小時",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "獲得地圖狀態",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "計算屬性",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "計算屬性",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "檢查計算屬性",
+ "sharedExpression": "表示式",
+ "sharedDevice": "設備",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "傳送測試通知",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Test Channels",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Test Expression",
+ "sharedCalendar": "日曆",
+ "sharedCalendars": "日曆",
+ "sharedFile": "檔案",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Search Devices",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Sort By",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filter on Map",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "選擇檔案",
+ "sharedPhone": "手機",
+ "sharedRequired": "必需",
+ "sharedPreferences": "偏好",
+ "sharedPermissions": "權限",
+ "sharedConnections": "連線",
+ "sharedExtra": "更多",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Primary",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secondary",
+ "sharedTypeString": "字串",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "整數",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "布林值",
+ "sharedTimezone": "時區",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "資訊",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
+ "sharedNew": "新建",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "顯示地址",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "詳情請見",
+ "sharedDisabled": "關閉",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "維護",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Accumulators",
+ "sharedAlarms": "警告",
+ "sharedLocation": "位置",
+ "sharedImport": "接入",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columns",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Drag and drop a file here or click",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrence",
+ "calendarOnce": "Once",
+ "calendarDaily": "Daily",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Weekly",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Monthly",
+ "calendarDays": "Days",
+ "calendarSunday": "Sunday",
+ "calendarMonday": "Monday",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "calendarThursday": "Thursday",
+ "calendarFriday": "Friday",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Saturday",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "速限",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Fuel Drop Threshold",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Fuel Increase Threshold",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "報告:忽略里程表",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "網頁:報告顏色",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "設備密碼",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Device Image",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Device Inactivity Start",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Device Inactivity Period",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "處理中:複製屬性",
+ "attributeColor": "顏色",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "網頁:即時路長",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "網頁:選擇縮放等級",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Device Names",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "電子郵件:SMTP 主機",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "電子郵件:SMTP 埠口",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "電子郵件:啟用 SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "電子郵件:需要 SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "電子郵件:啟用 SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "電子郵件:信任 SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "電子郵件:SMTP SSL 協定",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "電子郵件:SMTP 來源",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "電子郵件:啟用 SMTP 認證",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "電子郵件:SMTP 用戶名稱",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "電子郵件:SMTP 密碼",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Disable Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Disable Groups",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Disable Maintenance",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Disable Login Language",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "錯誤",
+ "errorGeneral": "非法的參數或違反限制",
+ "errorConnection": "連線錯誤",
+ "errorSocket": "網頁接口連線錯誤",
+ "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "userEmail": "電子郵件",
+ "userPassword": "密碼",
+ "userAdmin": "管理員",
+ "userRemember": "記住密碼",
+ "userExpirationTime": "有效期限",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "設備限制",
+ "userUserLimit": "用戶限制",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "唯讀設備",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userDisableReports": "Disable Reports",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No Email Change",
+ "userToken": "簽證",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Delete Account",
+ "loginTitle": "登入",
+ "loginLanguage": "語言",
+ "loginReset": "密碼重設",
+ "loginRegister": "註冊",
+ "loginLogin": "登入",
+ "loginFailed": "錯誤的電子信箱地址或密碼",
+ "loginCreated": "已成功註冊新用戶",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "郵件查詢",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "新密碼已重置",
+ "loginLogout": "登出",
+ "loginLogo": "標識",
+ "devicesAndState": "設備與狀態",
+ "deviceTitle": "設備",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "識別號碼",
+ "deviceModel": "型號",
+ "deviceContact": "聯絡人",
+ "deviceCategory": "分類",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "最近更新",
+ "deviceCommand": "命令",
+ "deviceFollow": "跟隨",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "總距離",
+ "deviceStatus": "狀態",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "上線",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "下線",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "未知",
+ "groupDialog": "群組",
+ "groupParent": "上層群組",
+ "groupNoGroup": "無所屬群組",
+ "settingsTitle": "設定",
+ "settingsUser": "用戶",
+ "settingsGroups": "群組",
+ "settingsServer": "伺服器",
+ "settingsUsers": "用戶",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Altitude Unit",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "十二小時制",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "座標格式",
+ "reportTitle": "報告",
+ "reportDevice": "設備",
+ "reportGroup": "群組",
+ "reportFrom": "開始",
+ "reportTo": "至",
+ "reportShow": "顯示",
+ "reportClear": "清空",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Fix Time",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Device Time",
+ "positionServerTime": "Server Time",
+ "positionValid": "有效",
+ "positionAccuracy": "精準度",
+ "positionLatitude": "緯度",
+ "positionLongitude": "經度",
+ "positionAltitude": "海拔",
+ "positionSpeed": "速率",
+ "positionCourse": "方向",
+ "positionAddress": "地址",
+ "positionProtocol": "協定",
+ "positionDistance": "距離",
+ "positionRpm": "轉速",
+ "positionFuel": "燃油",
+ "positionPower": "電源",
+ "positionBattery": "電池",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "索引",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satellites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "事件",
+ "positionAlarm": "提醒",
+ "positionStatus": "狀態",
+ "positionOdometer": "里程表",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "伺服器里程表",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "旅程里程表",
+ "positionHours": "小時",
+ "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionInput": "輸入",
+ "positionOutput": "輸出",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "電池計量",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "燃油消耗",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "韌體版本",
+ "positionVersionHw": "更體版本",
+ "positionIgnition": "點火",
+ "positionFlags": "旗標",
+ "positionCharge": "充電",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "車籍",
+ "positionVin": "車輛識別號碼",
+ "positionApproximate": "約",
+ "positionThrottle": "油門",
+ "positionMotion": "移動",
+ "positionArmed": "警報",
+ "positionAcceleration": "加速",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperature",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "設備溫度",
+ "positionOperator": "司機",
+ "positionCommand": "命令",
+ "positionBlocked": "已封鎖",
+ "positionDtcs": "動態扭力控制",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "車上診斷系統速率",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "車上診斷系統里程表",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "駕駛唯一識別號碼",
+ "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "伺服器設定",
+ "serverZoom": "縮放",
+ "serverRegistration": "登錄",
+ "serverReadonly": "唯讀",
+ "serverForceSettings": "強制覆寫設定",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Announcement",
+ "mapTitle": "地圖",
+ "mapActive": "Active Maps",
+ "mapOverlay": "Map Overlay",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Custom Overlay",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "地圖圖層",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
+ "mapCarto": "CARTO 地圖",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing 地圖金鑰",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing 道路地圖",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing 空照圖地圖",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing 溫合地圖",
+ "mapBaidu": "百度",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex 地圖",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex 衛星",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "多邊形",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "圓形",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "多邊形",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "即時路況",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "當前位置",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapClustering": "Markers Clustering",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Show Map on Selection",
+ "stateTitle": "狀態",
+ "stateName": "名稱",
+ "stateValue": "數值",
+ "commandTitle": "命令",
+ "commandSend": "傳送",
+ "commandSent": "Command sent",
+ "commandQueued": "Command queued",
+ "commandUnit": "單位",
+ "commandCustom": "自訂命令",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "設備識別號碼",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "個別報告",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "定期報告",
+ "commandPositionStop": "停止報告",
+ "commandEngineStop": "停止引擎",
+ "commandEngineResume": "恢復引擎",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "啟動警報",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "解除警報",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Dismiss Alarm",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "設定時區",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "請求照片",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Power Off Device",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "重啟設備",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
+ "commandSendSms": "傳送簡訊",
+ "commandSendUssd": "傳送 USSD 簡訊",
+ "commandSosNumber": "設定救援號碼",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "設定靜音時段",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "設定電話簿",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "語音訊息",
+ "commandOutputControl": "輸出控制",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "設定指標",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Set Speed Limit",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Power Saving Mode",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Deep Sleep Mode",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Set Geofence Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Set Battery Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Set SOS Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Set Remove Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Set Clock Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Set Speed Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Set Fall Alarm",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Set Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandFrequency": "頻率",
+ "commandTimezone": "時區",
+ "commandMessage": "訊息",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandData": "資料",
+ "commandIndex": "索引",
+ "commandPhone": "電話號碼",
+ "commandServer": "服務器",
+ "commandPort": "Port",
+ "eventAll": "所有事件",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status online",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status unknown",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status offline",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Device inactive",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Device moving",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Device stopped",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed limit exceeded",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Fuel increase",
+ "eventCommandResult": "命令結果",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Geofence entered",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Geofence exited",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition on",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition off",
+ "eventMaintenance": "需要保養",
+ "eventTextMessage": "已接收文字訊息",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Driver changed",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "卷軸已拉到底",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibration",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movement",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Low Speed",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Fall Down",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Low Power",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Low Battery",
+ "alarmFault": "Fault",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Power Off",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Power On",
+ "alarmDoor": "Door",
+ "alarmLock": "Lock",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Unlock",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geofence",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Geofence Enter",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Geofence Exit",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPS Antenna Cut",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tow",
+ "alarmIdle": "Idle",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "High RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Hard Acceleration",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Hard Cornering",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Lane Change",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Fatigue Driving",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Power Cut",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored",
+ "alarmJamming": "Jamming",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperature",
+ "alarmParking": "Parking",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Bonnet",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Foot Brake",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak",
+ "alarmTampering": "Tampering",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing",
+ "notificationType": "通知類型",
+ "notificationAlways": "所有設備",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Mail",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Replay",
+ "reportRoute": "路線",
+ "reportEvents": "事件",
+ "reportTrips": "旅程",
+ "reportStops": "站點",
+ "reportSummary": "摘要",
+ "reportDaily": "每日匯報",
+ "reportChart": "圖表",
+ "reportConfigure": "設置",
+ "reportEventTypes": "事件類型",
+ "reportChartType": "圖表類型",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "顯示地標",
+ "reportExport": "匯出",
+ "reportEmail": "郵件發送",
+ "reportPeriod": "Period",
+ "reportCustom": "Custom",
+ "reportToday": "Today",
+ "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
+ "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportDeviceName": "設備名稱",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "平均速率",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "最高速率",
+ "reportEngineHours": "引擎時數",
+ "reportDuration": "持續時間",
+ "reportStartDate": "Start Date",
+ "reportStartTime": "起始時間",
+ "reportStartAddress": "起始地點",
+ "reportEndTime": "結束時間",
+ "reportEndAddress": "結束地點",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "燃油消耗",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odometer Start",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odometer End",
+ "statisticsTitle": "統計",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "截取時間",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "活躍用戶量",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "活躍設備量",
+ "statisticsRequests": "請求數",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "已接收訊息量",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "已儲存訊息量",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "地理碼請求數",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "地理座標請求數",
+ "categoryArrow": "箭頭",
+ "categoryDefault": "預設",
+ "categoryAnimal": "動物",
+ "categoryBicycle": "自行車",
+ "categoryBoat": "船舶",
+ "categoryBus": "公車",
+ "categoryCar": "小客車",
+ "categoryCrane": "起重機",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "直昇機",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "機車",
+ "categoryOffroad": "越野車",
+ "categoryPerson": "行人",
+ "categoryPickup": "皮卡車",
+ "categoryPlane": "飛機",
+ "categoryShip": "船艦",
+ "categoryTractor": "曳引機",
+ "categoryTrain": "Train",
+ "categoryTram": "Tram",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTruck": "貨車",
+ "categoryVan": "箱型車",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Start",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+} \ No newline at end of file