path: root/legacy/web/l10n/ja.json
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2024-04-06 09:17:52 -0700
committerAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2024-04-06 09:17:52 -0700
commitb392a4af78e01c8e0f50aad5468e9583675b24be (patch)
tree0a4fd7c4ee020e0829817853469979d4e998a69a /legacy/web/l10n/ja.json
parent94cadecda794358a53995c276697919eaf540466 (diff)
Move to the legacy folder
Diffstat (limited to 'legacy/web/l10n/ja.json')
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/web/l10n/ja.json b/legacy/web/l10n/ja.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c99b0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/legacy/web/l10n/ja.json
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "読み込み中...",
+ "sharedHide": "非表示",
+ "sharedSave": "保存",
+ "sharedUpload": "Upload",
+ "sharedSet": "設定",
+ "sharedCancel": "キャンセル",
+ "sharedCopy": "Copy",
+ "sharedAdd": "追加",
+ "sharedEdit": "編集",
+ "sharedRemove": "削除",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "アイテムを削除しますか?",
+ "sharedNoData": "データがありません",
+ "sharedSubject": "Subject",
+ "sharedYes": "はい",
+ "sharedNo": "いいえ",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "メートル",
+ "sharedFeet": "フィート",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "時間",
+ "sharedMinute": "分",
+ "sharedSecond": "秒",
+ "sharedDays": "日",
+ "sharedHours": "時間",
+ "sharedMinutes": "分",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "DEG形式(度)",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "DMM形式(度分)",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "DMS形式(度分秒)",
+ "sharedName": "名前",
+ "sharedDescription": "説明",
+ "sharedSearch": "検索",
+ "sharedIconScale": "アイコンの大きさ",
+ "sharedGeofence": "ジオフェンス",
+ "sharedGeofences": "ジオフェンス",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "ジオフェンスを作成",
+ "sharedNotifications": "通知",
+ "sharedNotification": "通知",
+ "sharedAttributes": "属性",
+ "sharedAttribute": "属性",
+ "sharedDrivers": "ドライバー",
+ "sharedDriver": "ドライバー",
+ "sharedArea": "エリア",
+ "sharedSound": "通知サウンド",
+ "sharedType": "タイプ",
+ "sharedDistance": "距離",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
+ "sharedLiter": "リットル",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "英ガロン",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "米ガロン",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "地図から情報を取得",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "算出属性",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "算出属性",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "算出属性を確認",
+ "sharedExpression": "式",
+ "sharedDevice": "デバイス",
+ "sharedTest": "テスト",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "テスト通知を送信",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "チャンネルをテスト",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "式をテスト",
+ "sharedCalendar": "カレンダー",
+ "sharedCalendars": "カレンダー",
+ "sharedFile": "ファイル",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "デバイスを探す",
+ "sharedSortBy": "並び替え",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "マップのフィルター",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "ファイルを選択",
+ "sharedPhone": "電話",
+ "sharedRequired": "必須項目",
+ "sharedPreferences": "環境設定",
+ "sharedPermissions": "アクセス許可",
+ "sharedConnections": "接続",
+ "sharedExtra": "拡張",
+ "sharedPrimary": "第一",
+ "sharedSecondary": "第二",
+ "sharedTypeString": "文字列",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "数値",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "論理値",
+ "sharedTimezone": "タイムゾーン",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "情報",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "保存したコマンド",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "保存したコマンド",
+ "sharedNew": "新規…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "住所を表示",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "詳細を見る",
+ "sharedDisabled": "無効",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "メンテナンス",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "蓄電池",
+ "sharedAlarms": "警報",
+ "sharedLocation": "場所",
+ "sharedImport": "インポート",
+ "sharedColumns": "列",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップするかクリック",
+ "sharedLogs": "Logs",
+ "sharedLink": "Link",
+ "calendarSimple": "シンプル",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "再発",
+ "calendarOnce": "一度",
+ "calendarDaily": "日次",
+ "calendarWeekly": "週次",
+ "calendarMonthly": "月次",
+ "calendarDays": "日",
+ "calendarSunday": "日曜日",
+ "calendarMonday": "月曜日",
+ "calendarTuesday": "火曜日",
+ "calendarWednesday": "水曜日",
+ "calendarThursday": "木曜日",
+ "calendarFriday": "金曜日",
+ "calendarSaturday": "土曜日",
+ "attributeShowGeofences": "ジオフェンスを表示",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "速度制限",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "燃料低下の閾値",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "燃料増加の閾値",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "経路距離",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "レポート: 走行距離計を無視する",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: レポートの色",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "デバイスパスワード",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "デバイスのイメージ",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "デバイス非アクティブ開始",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "デバイス非アクティブ期間",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "処理中: 属性のコピー",
+ "attributeColor": "色",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: リアルタイム経路長",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: 選択時にズーム",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: 最大化",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover デバイス名",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "メール: SMTP ホスト",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "メール: SMTP ポート",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "メール: SMTP STARTTLS 有効",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "メール: SMTP STARTTLS 要求",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "メール: SMTP SSL 有効",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "メール: SMTP SSL 信頼",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "メール: SMTP SSL プロトコル",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "メール: SMTP 元",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "メール: SMTP 認証有効",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "メール: SMTP ユーザー名",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "メール: SMTP パスワード",
+ "attributeUiDisableSavedCommands": "UI: Disable Saved Commands",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI:属性を無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI:グループを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: イベントを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFeatures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Features",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: ドライバーを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: 計算された属性を無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: カレンダーを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: メンテナンスを無効にする",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: 位置属性を非表示にする",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI:ログイン言語を無効にする",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "通知トークン",
+ "attributePopupInfo": "ポップアップ情報",
+ "errorTitle": "エラー",
+ "errorGeneral": "無効なパラメータまたは制約違反",
+ "errorConnection": "接続エラー",
+ "errorSocket": "Web ソケット接続エラー",
+ "errorZero": "0にはできません。",
+ "userEmail": "メール",
+ "userPassword": "パスワード",
+ "userAdmin": "管理者",
+ "userRemember": "記憶する",
+ "userExpirationTime": "有効期限",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "デバイス制限",
+ "userUserLimit": "ユーザー制限",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "デバイス読み取り専用",
+ "userLimitCommands": "リミットコマンド",
+ "userDisableReports": "レポートを無効にする",
+ "userFixedEmail": "E-Mail変更は無し",
+ "userToken": "トークン",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "アカウントを削除",
+ "userTemporary": "Temporary",
+ "loginTitle": "ログイン",
+ "loginLanguage": "言語",
+ "loginReset": "パスワードをリセット",
+ "loginRegister": "登録",
+ "loginLogin": "ログイン",
+ "loginOpenId": "Login with OpenID",
+ "loginFailed": "メールアドレスまたはパスワードが間違っています",
+ "loginCreated": "新しいユーザーが登録されました",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "メールを確認してください",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "新しいパスワードが設定されました",
+ "loginLogout": "ログアウト",
+ "loginLogo": "ロゴ",
+ "loginTotpCode": "One-time Password Code",
+ "loginTotpKey": "One-time Password Key",
+ "devicesAndState": "デバイスと状態",
+ "deviceSelected": "選択したデバイス",
+ "deviceTitle": "デバイス",
+ "devicePrimaryInfo": "デバイスのタイトル",
+ "deviceSecondaryInfo": "デバイスの詳細",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "ID",
+ "deviceModel": "モデル",
+ "deviceContact": "連絡先",
+ "deviceCategory": "カテゴリー",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "最終更新",
+ "deviceCommand": "コマンド",
+ "deviceFollow": "デバイスを追跡",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "総距離",
+ "deviceStatus": "ステータス",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "オンライン",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "オフライン",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "不明",
+ "deviceRegisterFirst": "最初のデバイスを登録",
+ "deviceIdentifierHelp": "IMEI、シリアル番号あるいはその他のID。サーバーに接続するデバイスのIDに一致している必要があります。",
+ "deviceShare": "Share Device",
+ "groupDialog": "グループ",
+ "groupParent": "グループ",
+ "groupNoGroup": "グループなし",
+ "settingsTitle": "設定",
+ "settingsUser": "アカウント",
+ "settingsGroups": "グループ",
+ "settingsServer": "サーバー",
+ "settingsUsers": "ユーザー",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "距離の単位",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "高度の単位",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "速度の単位",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "容量の単位",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 時間形式",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "座標形式",
+ "settingsServerVersion": "サーバーのバージョン",
+ "settingsAppVersion": "アプリのバージョン",
+ "settingsConnection": "接続",
+ "settingsDarkMode": "Dark Mode",
+ "settingsTotpEnable": "Enable One-time Password",
+ "settingsTotpForce": "Force One-time Password",
+ "settingsServiceWorkerUpdateInterval": "ServiceWorker Update Interval",
+ "settingsUpdateAvailable": "There is an update available.",
+ "settingsSupport": "Support",
+ "reportTitle": "レポート",
+ "reportScheduled": "Scheduled Reports",
+ "reportDevice": "デバイス",
+ "reportGroup": "グループ",
+ "reportFrom": "開始日時",
+ "reportTo": "終了日時",
+ "reportShow": "詳細",
+ "reportClear": "クリア",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Googleマップ",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Appleマップ",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "固定日時",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "デバイスの時刻",
+ "positionServerTime": "サーバーの時刻",
+ "positionValid": "測位",
+ "positionAccuracy": "正確な位置",
+ "positionLatitude": "緯度",
+ "positionLongitude": "経度",
+ "positionAltitude": "高度",
+ "positionSpeed": "速度",
+ "positionCourse": "方角",
+ "positionAddress": "場所",
+ "positionProtocol": "プロトコル",
+ "positionDistance": "距離",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "燃料",
+ "positionPower": "電源",
+ "positionBattery": "バッテリー",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "インデックス",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "衛星の位置",
+ "positionSatVisible": "衛星の表示",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "ローミング",
+ "positionEvent": "イベント",
+ "positionAlarm": "警報",
+ "positionStatus": "ステータス",
+ "positionOdometer": "走行距離計",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "サービス走行距離計",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "トリップ走行距離計",
+ "positionHours": "時間",
+ "positionSteps": "ステップ",
+ "positionInput": "入力",
+ "positionHeartRate": "Heart Rate",
+ "positionOutput": "出力",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "バッテリーレベル",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "燃料消費",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "ファームウェアバージョン",
+ "positionVersionHw": "ハードウェアバージョン",
+ "positionIgnition": "イグニッション",
+ "positionFlags": "フラグ",
+ "positionCharge": "充電",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "アーカイブ",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "近似",
+ "positionThrottle": "スロットル",
+ "positionMotion": "運動",
+ "positionArmed": "強化",
+ "positionAcceleration": "加速",
+ "positionTemp": "温度",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "デバイス温度",
+ "positionCoolantTemp": "Coolant Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "運用",
+ "positionCommand": "コマンド",
+ "positionBlocked": "ブロック",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTC",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD 速度",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD 走行距離計",
+ "positionDrivingTime": "Driving Time",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ドライバー固有ID",
+ "positionCard": "Card",
+ "positionImage": "画像",
+ "positionVideo": "ビデオ",
+ "positionAudio": "音声",
+ "serverTitle": "サーバー設定",
+ "serverZoom": "拡大縮小",
+ "serverRegistration": "新規ユーザー登録を許可",
+ "serverReadonly": "読み取り専用",
+ "serverForceSettings": "強制的に設定",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "お知らせ",
+ "serverName": "Server Name",
+ "serverDescription": "Server Description",
+ "serverColorPrimary": "Color Primary",
+ "serverColorSecondary": "Color Secondary",
+ "serverLogo": "Logo Image",
+ "serverLogoInverted": "Inverted Logo Image",
+ "serverChangeDisable": "Disable Server Change",
+ "serverDisableShare": "Disable Device Sharing",
+ "mapTitle": "地図",
+ "mapActive": "アクティブなマップ",
+ "mapOverlay": "マップのオーバーレイ",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "カスタムオーバーレイ",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenRailwayMap": "OpenRailwayMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather APIキー",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather 雲",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather 降水量",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather 気圧",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather 風",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather 気温",
+ "mapLayer": "使用する地図",
+ "mapCustom": "カスタム (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "カスタム (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "カスタム地図",
+ "mapCarto": "Cartoベースマップ",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapGoogleRoad": "Google Map 道路",
+ "mapGoogleHybrid": "Google Map ハイブリッド",
+ "mapGoogleSatellite": "Google Map 人工衛星",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bingマップキー",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bingマップ",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing航空写真マップ",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bingハイブリッドマップ",
+ "mapBaidu": "百度地図",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandexマップ",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex衛星写真マップ",
+ "mapWikimedia": "ウィキメディア",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxStreetsDark": "Mapbox Streets Dark",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocatioIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqDark": "LocationIQ Dark",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "多角形",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "円形",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "折れ線形",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "リアルタイム経路",
+ "mapDirection": "方向を表示",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "現在の位置",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI レイヤー",
+ "mapClustering": "マーカー クラスタリング",
+ "mapOnSelect": "選択をマップで表示",
+ "mapDefault": "デフォルトのマップ",
+ "stateTitle": "詳細",
+ "stateName": "属性",
+ "stateValue": "値",
+ "commandTitle": "コマンド",
+ "commandSend": "送信",
+ "commandSent": "コマンドを送信した。",
+ "commandQueued": "コマンド実行待ち",
+ "commandUnit": "単位",
+ "commandCustom": "カスタムコマンド",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "デバイス ID",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "シングルレポート",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "定期レポート",
+ "commandPositionStop": "レポートを停止",
+ "commandEngineStop": "エンジン停止",
+ "commandEngineResume": "エンジン再始動",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "警報開始",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "警報解除",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "警報を無視する",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "タイムゾーンを設定",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "写真をリクエスト",
+ "commandPowerOff": "デバイス電源 OFF",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "デバイスを再起動",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "工場出荷状態に戻す",
+ "commandSendSms": "SMSを送信",
+ "commandSendUssd": "USSDを送信",
+ "commandSosNumber": "SOS送信先電話番号",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "通知OFF時間帯",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "電話帳設定",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "音声メッセージ",
+ "commandOutputControl": "コマンド出力制御",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "音声モニタ",
+ "commandSetAgps": "AGPS を設定",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "通知設定",
+ "commandConfiguration": "設定",
+ "commandGetVersion": "バージョンを取得",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "ファームウェアを更新",
+ "commandSetConnection": "接続を設定",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "走行距離計を設定",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "モデムのステータスを取得",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "デバイスのステータスを取得",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "速度制限を設定",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "省電力モード",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "ディープスリープモード",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "ジオフェンス警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "バッテリー警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "SOS警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "取り外し警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "時計警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "速度警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "落下警報を設定",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "振動警報を設定",
+ "commandFrequency": "周期",
+ "commandTimezone": "世界標準時との時差",
+ "commandMessage": "メッセージ",
+ "commandRadius": "Radius",
+ "commandEnable": "有効",
+ "commandData": "データー",
+ "commandIndex": "コマンド一覧",
+ "commandPhone": "電話番号",
+ "commandServer": "サーバー",
+ "commandPort": "ポート",
+ "eventAll": "全てのイベント",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "オンライン状態",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "状態不明",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "オフライン状態",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "デバイス非アクティブ",
+ "eventQueuedCommandSent": "Queued command sent",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "デバイス移動中",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "デバイス停止中",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "速度制限を超過",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "燃料残量低下",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "燃料増加",
+ "eventCommandResult": "コマンドの実行結果",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "ジオフェンスに進入しました。",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "ジオフェンスから退出しました。",
+ "eventAlarm": "警報",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "イグニッション ON",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "イグニッション OFF",
+ "eventMaintenance": "メンテナンスが必要です。",
+ "eventTextMessage": "テキストメッセージを受信しました。",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "ドライバーが交代しました。",
+ "eventMedia": "メディア",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "最後にスクロール",
+ "eventsSoundEvents": "警報イベント",
+ "eventsSoundAlarms": "警報音",
+ "alarmGeneral": "全般",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "振動",
+ "alarmMovement": "移動",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "低速",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "速度超過",
+ "alarmFallDown": "転倒",
+ "alarmLowPower": "電力低下",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "バッテリー残量低下",
+ "alarmFault": "測位失敗",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "電源 OFF",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "電源 ON",
+ "alarmDoor": "ドア",
+ "alarmLock": "ロック",
+ "alarmUnlock": "ロック解除",
+ "alarmGeofence": "ジオフェンス",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "ジオフェンスに進入",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "ジオフェンスから退出",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "GPSアンテナ切断",
+ "alarmAccident": "事故",
+ "alarmTow": "牽引",
+ "alarmIdle": "アイドリング",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "高 RPM",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "急加速",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "急ブレーキ",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "急転回",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "車線変更",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "過労運転",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "電源カット",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "電源が復旧した。",
+ "alarmJamming": "ジャミング",
+ "alarmTemperature": "温度",
+ "alarmParking": "駐車",
+ "alarmBonnet": "ボンネット",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "フットブレーキ",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "燃料漏れ",
+ "alarmTampering": "窃盗",
+ "alarmRemoving": "取り外し",
+ "notificationType": "通知の種別",
+ "notificationAlways": "すべてのデバイス",
+ "notificationNotificators": "チャンネル",
+ "notificatorCommand": "Command",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "メール",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "再生",
+ "reportCombined": "Combined",
+ "reportRoute": "移動経路",
+ "reportEvents": "イベント",
+ "reportTrips": "走行距離",
+ "reportStops": "停止",
+ "reportSummary": "概要",
+ "reportDaily": "日次サマリー",
+ "reportChart": "グラフ",
+ "reportConfigure": "設定",
+ "reportEventTypes": "イベント種別",
+ "reportChartType": "表示するグラフ",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "マーカーを表示",
+ "reportExport": "エクスポート",
+ "reportEmail": "Eメールレポート",
+ "reportSchedule": "Schedule",
+ "reportPeriod": "期間",
+ "reportCustom": "カスタム",
+ "reportToday": "今日",
+ "reportYesterday": "昨日",
+ "reportThisWeek": "今週",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "先週",
+ "reportThisMonth": "今月",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "先月",
+ "reportDeviceName": "デバイス名",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "平均速度",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "最高速度",
+ "reportEngineHours": "エンジン稼働時間",
+ "reportDuration": "期間",
+ "reportStartDate": "開始日",
+ "reportStartTime": "開始日時",
+ "reportStartAddress": "出発地",
+ "reportEndTime": "終了日時",
+ "reportEndAddress": "到着地",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "燃料消費量",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "走行距離計開始",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "走行距離計終了",
+ "statisticsTitle": "統計",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "位置補足時間",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "稼働中ユーザー",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "稼働中デバイス",
+ "statisticsRequests": "リクエスト",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "受信したメッセージ",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "保存したメッセージ",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "ジオコーダーリクエスト",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "ジオロケーションリクエスト",
+ "categoryArrow": "矢印",
+ "categoryDefault": "未指定",
+ "categoryAnimal": "動物",
+ "categoryBicycle": "自転車",
+ "categoryBoat": "ボート",
+ "categoryBus": "バス",
+ "categoryCar": "乗用車",
+ "categoryCamper": "Camper",
+ "categoryCrane": "クレーン",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "ヘリコプター",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "オートバイ",
+ "categoryOffroad": "オフロード",
+ "categoryPerson": "個人",
+ "categoryPickup": "ピックアップ",
+ "categoryPlane": "航空機",
+ "categoryShip": "船舶",
+ "categoryTractor": "トラクター",
+ "categoryTrain": "鉄道",
+ "categoryTram": "トラム",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "トロリーバス",
+ "categoryTruck": "トラック",
+ "categoryVan": "バン",
+ "categoryScooter": "スクーター",
+ "maintenanceStart": "メンテナンス開始",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "メンテナンス終了"
+} \ No newline at end of file