path: root/legacy/web/app/view/ReportController.js
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2024-04-06 09:17:52 -0700
committerAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2024-04-06 09:17:52 -0700
commitb392a4af78e01c8e0f50aad5468e9583675b24be (patch)
tree0a4fd7c4ee020e0829817853469979d4e998a69a /legacy/web/app/view/ReportController.js
parent94cadecda794358a53995c276697919eaf540466 (diff)
Move to the legacy folder
Diffstat (limited to 'legacy/web/app/view/ReportController.js')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/web/app/view/ReportController.js b/legacy/web/app/view/ReportController.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f63bd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/legacy/web/app/view/ReportController.js
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 - 2016 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org)
+ * Copyright 2016 Andrey Kunitsyn (andrey@traccar.org)
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+Ext.define('Traccar.view.ReportController', {
+ extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
+ alias: 'controller.report',
+ requires: [
+ 'Traccar.AttributeFormatter',
+ 'Traccar.model.Position',
+ 'Traccar.model.ReportTrip',
+ 'Traccar.view.dialog.ReportConfig',
+ 'Traccar.store.ReportEventTypes'
+ ],
+ config: {
+ listen: {
+ controller: {
+ '*': {
+ selectdevice: 'deselectReport',
+ selectevent: 'deselectReport',
+ showsingleevent: 'showSingleEvent'
+ },
+ 'map': {
+ selectreport: 'selectReport',
+ deselectfeature: 'deselectFeature'
+ }
+ },
+ global: {
+ routegeocode: 'onGeocode'
+ },
+ store: {
+ '#ReportEvents': {
+ add: 'loadRelatedPositions',
+ load: 'loadRelatedPositions'
+ },
+ '#ReportRoute': {
+ load: 'loadRoute'
+ },
+ '#ReportStops': {
+ load: 'loadRelatedPositions'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hideReports: function () {
+ Traccar.app.showReports(false);
+ },
+ getGrid: function () {
+ return this.getView().getComponent('grid');
+ },
+ getChart: function () {
+ return this.getView().getComponent('chart');
+ },
+ init: function () {
+ var i, data, attribute;
+ data = Ext.getStore('PositionAttributes').getData().items;
+ for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ attribute = data[i];
+ this.routeColumns.push({
+ text: attribute.get('name'),
+ dataIndex: 'attribute.' + attribute.get('key'),
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getAttributeFormatter(attribute.get('key')),
+ hidden: true
+ });
+ }
+ if (Traccar.app.getVehicleFeaturesDisabled()) {
+ for (i = 0; i < this.summaryColumns.length; i++) {
+ if (this.summaryColumns[i].dataIndex.match('engineHours|spentFuel')) {
+ this.summaryColumns[i].hidden = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.tripsColumns.length; i++) {
+ if (this.tripsColumns[i].dataIndex.match('spentFuel|driverUniqueId')) {
+ this.tripsColumns[i].hidden = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.stopsColumns.length; i++) {
+ if (this.stopsColumns[i].dataIndex.match('engineHours|spentFuel')) {
+ this.stopsColumns[i].hidden = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onConfigureClick: function () {
+ var dialog = Ext.create('Traccar.view.dialog.ReportConfig');
+ dialog.lookupReference('eventTypeField').setHidden(this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue() !== 'events');
+ dialog.lookupReference('chartTypeField').setHidden(this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue() !== 'chart');
+ dialog.callingPanel = this;
+ dialog.lookupReference('deviceField').setValue(this.deviceId);
+ dialog.lookupReference('groupField').setValue(this.groupId);
+ if (this.eventType !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('eventTypeField').setValue(this.eventType);
+ } else {
+ dialog.lookupReference('eventTypeField').setValue([Traccar.store.ReportEventTypes.allEvents]);
+ }
+ if (this.chartType !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('chartTypeField').setValue(this.chartType);
+ }
+ if (this.showMarkers !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('showMarkersField').setValue(this.showMarkers);
+ }
+ if (this.fromDate !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('fromDateField').setValue(this.fromDate);
+ }
+ if (this.fromTime !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('fromTimeField').setValue(this.fromTime);
+ }
+ if (this.toDate !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('toDateField').setValue(this.toDate);
+ }
+ if (this.toTime !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('toTimeField').setValue(this.toTime);
+ }
+ if (this.period !== undefined) {
+ dialog.lookupReference('periodField').setValue(this.period);
+ }
+ dialog.show();
+ },
+ updateButtons: function () {
+ var reportType, disabled, devices, time;
+ reportType = this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue();
+ devices = this.deviceId && this.deviceId.length !== 0 || this.groupId && this.groupId.length !== 0;
+ time = this.fromDate && this.fromTime && this.toDate && this.toTime;
+ disabled = !reportType || !devices || !time || this.reportProgress;
+ this.lookupReference('showButton').setDisabled(disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('exportButton').setDisabled(reportType === 'chart' || disabled);
+ this.lookupReference('emailButton').setDisabled(reportType === 'chart' || disabled);
+ },
+ onReportClick: function (button) {
+ var reportType, from, to, store, url, daily;
+ this.getGrid().getSelectionModel().deselectAll();
+ reportType = this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue();
+ if (reportType && (this.deviceId || this.groupId)) {
+ from = new Date(
+ this.fromDate.getFullYear(), this.fromDate.getMonth(), this.fromDate.getDate(),
+ this.fromTime.getHours(), this.fromTime.getMinutes(), this.fromTime.getSeconds(), this.fromTime.getMilliseconds());
+ to = new Date(
+ this.toDate.getFullYear(), this.toDate.getMonth(), this.toDate.getDate(),
+ this.toTime.getHours(), this.toTime.getMinutes(), this.toTime.getSeconds(), this.toTime.getMilliseconds());
+ daily = reportType === 'daily';
+ this.reportProgress = true;
+ this.updateButtons();
+ if (button.reference === 'showButton') {
+ if (reportType === 'chart') {
+ store = this.getChart().getStore();
+ this.getChart().setSeries([]);
+ } else {
+ store = this.getGrid().getStore();
+ }
+ store.showMarkers = this.showMarkers;
+ store.load({
+ scope: this,
+ callback: function () {
+ this.reportProgress = false;
+ this.updateButtons();
+ },
+ params: {
+ deviceId: this.deviceId,
+ groupId: this.groupId,
+ type: this.eventType,
+ from: from.toISOString(),
+ to: to.toISOString(),
+ daily: daily
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ url = this.getGrid().getStore().getProxy().url;
+ this.excelReport(url, {
+ deviceId: this.deviceId,
+ groupId: this.groupId,
+ type: this.eventType,
+ from: Ext.Date.format(from, 'c'),
+ to: Ext.Date.format(to, 'c'),
+ daily: daily,
+ mail: button.reference === 'emailButton'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onClearClick: function () {
+ var reportType = this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue();
+ this.clearReport(reportType);
+ },
+ clearReport: function (reportType) {
+ this.getGrid().getStore().removeAll();
+ if (reportType === 'trips' || reportType === 'events' || reportType === 'stops') {
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').removeAll();
+ }
+ if (reportType === 'chart') {
+ this.getChart().getStore().removeAll();
+ }
+ },
+ onSelectionChange: function (selection, selected) {
+ var report;
+ if (selected.length > 0) {
+ report = selected[0];
+ this.fireEvent('selectreport', report, true);
+ if (report instanceof Traccar.model.ReportTrip) {
+ this.selectTrip(report);
+ }
+ if (report instanceof Traccar.model.Event || report instanceof Traccar.model.ReportStop) {
+ this.selectPositionRelated(report);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ selectReport: function (object) {
+ var positionRelated, reportType = this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue();
+ if (object instanceof Traccar.model.Position) {
+ if (reportType === 'route') {
+ this.getGrid().getSelectionModel().select([object], false, true);
+ this.getGrid().getView().focusRow(object);
+ } else if (reportType === 'events' || reportType === 'stops') {
+ positionRelated = this.getGrid().getStore().findRecord('positionId', object.get('id'), 0, false, true, true);
+ this.getGrid().getSelectionModel().select([positionRelated], false, true);
+ this.getGrid().getView().focusRow(positionRelated);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ deselectReport: function (object) {
+ if (object) {
+ this.deselectFeature();
+ }
+ },
+ deselectFeature: function () {
+ if (this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue() !== 'trips') {
+ this.getGrid().getSelectionModel().deselectAll();
+ }
+ },
+ selectTrip: function (trip) {
+ var from, to;
+ from = new Date(trip.get('startTime'));
+ to = new Date(trip.get('endTime'));
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').removeAll();
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').showMarkers = this.showMarkers;
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').load({
+ params: {
+ deviceId: trip.get('deviceId'),
+ from: from.toISOString(),
+ to: to.toISOString()
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ selectPositionRelated: function (report) {
+ var position;
+ if (report.get('positionId')) {
+ position = Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').getById(report.get('positionId'));
+ if (position) {
+ this.fireEvent('selectreport', position, true);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loadRelatedPositions: function (store, data) {
+ var i, reportObject, positionIds = [];
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').removeAll();
+ if (data) {
+ for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ reportObject = data[i];
+ if (reportObject.get('positionId')) {
+ positionIds.push(reportObject.get('positionId'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (positionIds.length > 0) {
+ Ext.getStore('Positions').load({
+ params: {
+ id: positionIds
+ },
+ scope: this,
+ callback: function (records, operation, success) {
+ if (success) {
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').showMarkers = this.showMarkers;
+ Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').add(records);
+ if (records.length === 1) {
+ this.fireEvent('selectreport', records[0], false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ loadRoute: function (store) {
+ var i, deviceIds, chartSeries, deviceStore;
+ if (this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').getValue() === 'chart') {
+ this.getChart().getAxes()[0].setTitle(
+ Ext.getStore('ReportChartTypes').findRecord('key', this.chartType).get('name'));
+ chartSeries = [];
+ deviceIds = store.collect('deviceId');
+ for (i = 0; i < deviceIds.length; i++) {
+ deviceStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.ChainedStore', {
+ source: 'ReportRoute',
+ filters: [{
+ property: 'deviceId',
+ value: deviceIds[i]
+ }]
+ });
+ chartSeries.push({
+ type: 'line',
+ store: deviceStore,
+ yField: this.chartType,
+ xField: 'fixTime',
+ highlightCfg: {
+ scaling: Traccar.Style.chartMarkerHighlightScaling
+ },
+ colors: [Traccar.app.getReportColor(deviceIds[i])],
+ marker: {
+ type: 'circle',
+ radius: Traccar.Style.chartMarkerRadius,
+ fill: Traccar.app.getReportColor(deviceIds[i])
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ this.getChart().setSeries(chartSeries);
+ }
+ },
+ onChartMarkerClick: function (chart, item) {
+ this.fireEvent('selectreport', item.record, true);
+ },
+ showSingleEvent: function (eventId) {
+ this.lookupReference('reportTypeField').setValue('events');
+ Ext.getStore('Events').load({
+ id: eventId,
+ scope: this,
+ callback: function (records, operation, success) {
+ if (success) {
+ Ext.getStore('ReportEvents').add(records);
+ if (records.length > 0) {
+ if (!records[0].get('positionId')) {
+ if (Traccar.app.isMobile()) {
+ Traccar.app.showReports(true);
+ } else {
+ this.getView().expand();
+ }
+ }
+ this.getGrid().getSelectionModel().select([records[0]], false, true);
+ this.getGrid().getView().focusRow(records[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ excelReport: function (requestUrl, requestParams) {
+ Ext.Ajax.request({
+ url: requestUrl,
+ method: 'GET',
+ timeout: Traccar.Style.reportTimeout,
+ params: requestParams,
+ headers: {
+ Accept: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
+ },
+ binary: true,
+ scope: this,
+ callback: function (options, success, response) {
+ var disposition, filename, type, blob, url, downloadUrl;
+ if (success && !requestParams.mail) {
+ disposition = response.getResponseHeader('Content-Disposition');
+ filename = disposition.slice(disposition.indexOf('=') + 1, disposition.length);
+ type = response.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
+ blob = new Blob([response.responseBytes], {type: type});
+ if (typeof window.navigator.msSaveBlob !== 'undefined') {
+ // IE workaround
+ window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
+ } else {
+ url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
+ downloadUrl = url.createObjectURL(blob);
+ if (filename) {
+ Ext.dom.Helper.append(Ext.getBody(), {
+ tag: 'a',
+ href: downloadUrl,
+ download: filename
+ }).click();
+ }
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ url.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl);
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ this.reportProgress = false;
+ this.updateButtons();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ onTypeChange: function (combobox, newValue, oldValue) {
+ if (oldValue !== null) {
+ this.clearReport(oldValue);
+ }
+ if (newValue === 'route') {
+ this.getGrid().reconfigure('ReportRoute', this.routeColumns);
+ this.getView().getLayout().setActiveItem('grid');
+ } else if (newValue === 'events') {
+ this.getGrid().reconfigure('ReportEvents', this.eventsColumns);
+ this.getView().getLayout().setActiveItem('grid');
+ } else if (newValue === 'summary' || newValue === 'daily') {
+ this.getGrid().reconfigure('ReportSummary', this.summaryColumns);
+ this.getView().getLayout().setActiveItem('grid');
+ } else if (newValue === 'trips') {
+ this.getGrid().reconfigure('ReportTrips', this.tripsColumns);
+ this.getView().getLayout().setActiveItem('grid');
+ } else if (newValue === 'stops') {
+ this.getGrid().reconfigure('ReportStops', this.stopsColumns);
+ this.getView().getLayout().setActiveItem('grid');
+ } else if (newValue === 'chart') {
+ this.getView().getLayout().setActiveItem('chart');
+ }
+ this.updateButtons();
+ },
+ onGeocode: function (positionId) {
+ var position = Ext.getStore('ReportRoute').getById(positionId);
+ if (position && !position.get('address')) {
+ Ext.Ajax.request({
+ scope: this,
+ method: 'GET',
+ url: 'api/server/geocode',
+ params: {
+ latitude: position.get('latitude'),
+ longitude: position.get('longitude')
+ },
+ success: function (response) {
+ position.set('address', response.responseText);
+ position.commit();
+ this.fireEvent('selectReport', position);
+ },
+ failure: function (response) {
+ Traccar.app.showError(response);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ routeColumns: [{
+ text: Strings.reportDeviceName,
+ dataIndex: 'deviceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('deviceId')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionValid,
+ dataIndex: 'valid',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('valid')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionFixTime,
+ dataIndex: 'fixTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('fixTime')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionLatitude,
+ dataIndex: 'latitude',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('latitude')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionLongitude,
+ dataIndex: 'longitude',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('longitude')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionAltitude,
+ dataIndex: 'altitude',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('altitude')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionSpeed,
+ dataIndex: 'speed',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('speed')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionAddress,
+ dataIndex: 'address',
+ renderer: function (value, metaData, record) {
+ if (!value) {
+ return '<a href="#" onclick="Ext.fireEvent(\'routegeocode\', ' +
+ record.getId() + ')" >' +
+ Strings.sharedShowAddress + '</a>';
+ }
+ return Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('address')(value);
+ }
+ }],
+ eventsColumns: [{
+ text: Strings.positionFixTime,
+ dataIndex: 'eventTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('eventTime')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportDeviceName,
+ dataIndex: 'deviceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('deviceId')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.sharedType,
+ dataIndex: 'type',
+ renderer: function (value) {
+ return Traccar.app.getEventString(value);
+ }
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionAlarm,
+ dataIndex: 'attributes',
+ renderer: function (value) {
+ return value['alarm'];
+ }
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.sharedGeofence,
+ dataIndex: 'geofenceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('geofenceId')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.sharedMaintenance,
+ dataIndex: 'maintenanceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('maintenanceId')
+ }],
+ summaryColumns: [{
+ text: Strings.reportDeviceName,
+ dataIndex: 'deviceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('deviceId')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportStartDate,
+ dataIndex: 'startTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.dateFormatter
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.sharedDistance,
+ dataIndex: 'distance',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportStartOdometer,
+ dataIndex: 'startOdometer',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEndOdometer,
+ dataIndex: 'endOdometer',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportAverageSpeed,
+ dataIndex: 'averageSpeed',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('speed')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportMaximumSpeed,
+ dataIndex: 'maxSpeed',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('speed')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEngineHours,
+ dataIndex: 'engineHours',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('duration')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportSpentFuel,
+ dataIndex: 'spentFuel',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('spentFuel')
+ }],
+ tripsColumns: [{
+ text: Strings.reportDeviceName,
+ dataIndex: 'deviceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('deviceId')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportStartTime,
+ dataIndex: 'startTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('startTime')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportStartOdometer,
+ dataIndex: 'startOdometer',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportStartAddress,
+ dataIndex: 'startAddress',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('address')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEndTime,
+ dataIndex: 'endTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('endTime')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEndOdometer,
+ dataIndex: 'endOdometer',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEndAddress,
+ dataIndex: 'endAddress',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('address')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.sharedDistance,
+ dataIndex: 'distance',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportAverageSpeed,
+ dataIndex: 'averageSpeed',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('speed')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportMaximumSpeed,
+ dataIndex: 'maxSpeed',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('speed')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportDuration,
+ dataIndex: 'duration',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('duration')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportSpentFuel,
+ dataIndex: 'spentFuel',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('spentFuel')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.sharedDriver,
+ dataIndex: 'driverUniqueId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('driverUniqueId')
+ }],
+ stopsColumns: [{
+ text: Strings.reportDeviceName,
+ dataIndex: 'deviceId',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('deviceId')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportStartTime,
+ dataIndex: 'startTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('startTime')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionOdometer,
+ dataIndex: 'startOdometer',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('distance')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.positionAddress,
+ dataIndex: 'address',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('address')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEndTime,
+ dataIndex: 'endTime',
+ xtype: 'datecolumn',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('endTime')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportDuration,
+ dataIndex: 'duration',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('duration')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportEngineHours,
+ dataIndex: 'engineHours',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('duration')
+ }, {
+ text: Strings.reportSpentFuel,
+ dataIndex: 'spentFuel',
+ renderer: Traccar.AttributeFormatter.getFormatter('spentFuel')
+ }]