path: root/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyRemoteTileFetcher.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyRemoteTileFetcher.h b/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyRemoteTileFetcher.h
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--- a/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyRemoteTileFetcher.h
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- * MaplyRemoteTileFetcher.h
- * WhirlyGlobe-MaplyComponent
- *
- * Created by Steve Gifford on 6/15/18.
- * Copyright 2011-2022 Saildrone Inc
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyTileSourceNew.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyCoordinateSystem.h>
- Remote Tile Info Object (New)
- Not to be confused with the old one, which works with the older loading subsystem,
- the new remote tile info object contains min/max zoom, coordinate system and URL
- information for fetching individual data tiles.
- */
-@interface MaplyRemoteTileInfoNew : NSObject<MaplyTileInfoNew>
- Initialize with enough information to fetch remote tiles.
- This version of the init method takes all the explicit
- information needed to fetch remote tiles. This includes the
- base URL and min and max zoom levels.
- @param baseURL The base URL for fetching TMS tiles. This is a replacement URL with {x}, {y}, and {z} in the string.
- @param minZoom The minimum zoom level to fetch. This really should be 0.
- @param maxZoom The maximum zoom level to fetch.
- @return The MaplyRemoteTileInfoNew object or nil on failure.
- */
-- (nonnull instancetype)initWithBaseURL:(NSString *__nonnull)baseURL minZoom:(int)minZoom maxZoom:(int)maxZoom;
-/// Base URL
-@property (nonatomic,readonly,retain,nonnull) NSString *baseURL;
-/// Min zoom level
-@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign) int minZoom;
-/// Max zoom level
-@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign) int maxZoom;
- The timeout assigned to the NSMutableURLRequest we're using to fetch tiles.
- This is not set by default. If set, we'll use this value as the timeout on the NSMutableURLRequest we use for fetching tiles. This lets you extent it where appropriate or shorten it if you like.
- */
-@property (nonatomic,assign) float timeOut;
- The cache directory for data tiles.
- In general, we want to cache. The globe, in particular,
- is going to fetch the same tiles over and over, quite a lot.
- The cacheing behavior is a little dumb. It will just write
- files to the given directory forever. If you're interacting
- with a giant image pyramid, that could be problematic.
- */
-@property (nonatomic, retain,nullable) NSString *cacheDir;
- Optional headers to add to the NSURLRequest.
- These are name/data pairs which will be stuck in the NSURLRequest header.
- */
-@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDictionary * __nullable headers;
- Optional coordinate system describing the tile set.
- This coordinate system is required if the tile info will need
- to evaluate valid tiles as defined by the addValidBounds:coordSystem: call.
- */
-@property (nonatomic, retain) MaplyCoordinateSystem * __nullable coordSys;
- Add a bounding box that defines validity for any tile before it's fetched.
- Not all data sources cover all possible tiles. If you know your data source does not,
- you can specify what area is valid ahead of times. Tiles that do not overlap that area
- will not be loaded.
- */
-- (void)addValidBounds:(MaplyBoundingBoxD)bbox coordSystem:(MaplyCoordinateSystem * __nonnull)coordSys;
- Fetch Info for remote tile fetches.
- The URL (required) and cacheFile (optional) for the given fetch.
- This is the object the RemoteTileFetcher expects for the fetchInfo member of the TileFetchRequest.
- */
-@interface MaplyRemoteTileFetchInfo : NSObject
-/// URL to fetch from
-@property (nonatomic,nonnull,retain) NSURLRequest *urlReq;
-/// File name for cached file (if present). Save it here when fetched if set.
-@property (nonatomic,nullable,retain) NSString *cacheFile;
-/// If you're using local storage (separate from the cache) this will be passed on to the MaplyTileLocalStorage manager
-@property (nonatomic,nullable,retain) id localStorageKey;
- If you provide LocalStore the RemoteTileFetcher will look for data in local storage first,
- then try the local file cache and lastly go to the network.
- You can provide the local storage by filling out this protocol and passing it to the RemoteTileFetcher.
- Expect to be called on a random thread and block appropriately.
- */
-@protocol MaplyTileLocalStorage <NSObject>
- Return the data for the given tile. nil means you don't have the tile, so we'll try other sources.
- fetchInfo is a MaplyRemoteTileFetchInfo describing the rest of the tile characteristics.
- tileID is the tile in question.
- */
-- (id __nullable)dataForTile:(MaplyRemoteTileFetchInfo * __nonnull)fetchInfo tileID:(MaplyTileID)tileID;
- If a tile fetch request fails, this object allows you second chance to provide the data.
- Maybe you have an old version in a cache somewhere. Provide that. Or fail and
- the tile fetch will continue to fail.
- */
-@protocol MaplyTileSecondChance <NSObject>
- Return data for a tile that's already failed to load from local cache and remote fetch.
- This might be an old version of the data you have lying around. It's up to you.
- Returning nil means the fetch fails as normal.
- */
-- (id __nullable)dataForTile:(MaplyRemoteTileFetchInfo * __nonnull)fetchInfo tileID:(MaplyTileID)tileID;
-@class MaplyRemoteTileFetcherStats;
-@class MaplyRemoteTileFetcherLog;
- Remote Tile fetcher fetches tiles from remote URLs.
- The tile fetcher interacts with loaders that want tiles, as demanded by samplers.
- It's complicated. There's a default one of these that will get used if you pass in nil to the MaplyQuadImageLoader.
- */
-@interface MaplyRemoteTileFetcher : NSObject<MaplyTileFetcher>
-/// Initialize with the number of connections the fetcher can have open at once
-- (instancetype __nonnull)initWithName:(NSString * __nonnull)name connections:(int)numConnections;
-/// Number of outstanding connections in parallel
-@property (nonatomic) int numConnections;
-/// Local storage is for pre-downloaded tiles, rather than a cache. This is consulted *before* we go out to the network.
-/// If it fails, then we hit the local file cache and then we hit the network
-- (void)setLocalStorage:(NSObject<MaplyTileLocalStorage> * __nullable)localStorage;
-/// After a tile fails to load from local storage, local cache and then a remote request, you have one more chance to provide the data
-/// Useful if you've got an old version of the tile lying around you might use in a pinch
-- (void)setSecondChance:(NSObject<MaplyTileSecondChance> * __nullable)secondChance;
-/// Return the fetching stats since the beginning or since the last reset
-- (MaplyRemoteTileFetcherStats * __nullable)getStats:(bool)allTime;
-/// Reset the counters for one variant of stat
-- (void)resetStats;
-/// Reset just the active counters
-- (void)resetActiveStats;
-/// Start logging request (and times and such)
-- (void)startLogging;
-/// Stop logging and return the log itself
-- (MaplyRemoteTileFetcherLog * __nullable)stopLogging;
-// If set, you get way too much debugging output
-@property (nonatomic,assign) bool debugMode;
-/// Stats collected by the fetcher
-@interface MaplyRemoteTileFetcherStats : NSObject
-@property (nonatomic,readonly,weak,nullable) MaplyRemoteTileFetcher *fetcher;
-// Start of stats collection
-@property (nonatomic,nonnull,strong) NSDate *startDate;
-// Total requests, remote and cached
-@property (nonatomic) int totalRequests;
-// Requests that resulted in a remote HTTP call
-@property (nonatomic) int remoteRequests;
-// Total requests cancelled
-@property (nonatomic) int totalCancels;
-// Requests failed
-@property (nonatomic) int totalFails;
-// Bytes of remote data loaded
-@property (nonatomic) int remoteData;
-// Bytes of cached data loaded
-@property (nonatomic) int localData;
-// Total time spent waiting for successful remote data requests
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval totalLatency;
-// The maximum number of requests we've had at once (since the last reset)
-@property (nonatomic) int maxActiveRequests;
-// Current number of active requests
-@property (nonatomic) int activeRequests;
-// Add the given stats to ours
-- (void)addStats:(MaplyRemoteTileFetcherStats * __nonnull)stats;
-// Print out the stats
-- (void)dump;
- Single entry for the logging. Reports on the status of a specific fetch.
- */
-@interface MaplyRemoteTileFetcherLogEntry : NSObject
-/// URL this is about
-@property (nonatomic,nonnull) NSURLRequest *urlReq;
-/// Total size of data
-@property (nonatomic) int size;
-/// Did we get it at all?
-@property (nonatomic) bool success;
-/// True if it was cached on local storage
-@property (nonatomic) bool wasCached;
-/// Time when the request was first presented to the RemotetTileFetcher
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval queuedTime;
-/// Time when the remote request was initiated by the system
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval startedTime;
-/// If successful, when we got the request back
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval finishedTime;
-/// Log of remote fetches, how long they took, their results and so on
-@interface MaplyRemoteTileFetcherLog : NSObject
-/// When this log begins
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval startTime;
-/// When the log ends
-@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval endTime;
-/// Individual log entries sorted by finishedTime (probably)
-- (NSArray<MaplyRemoteTileFetcherLogEntry *> * __nullable)getEntries;
-/// Print it all out
-- (NSString * __nonnull)dump;