path: root/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyQuadImageLoader.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyQuadImageLoader.h b/iosApp/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.xcframework/ios-arm64/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/MaplyQuadImageLoader.h
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- * MaplyQuadImageLoader.h
- *
- * Created by Steve Gifford on 4/10/18.
- * Copyright 2012-2022 Saildrone Inc
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyControllerLayer.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyCoordinateSystem.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyTileSourceNew.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyRenderController.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyQuadSampler.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyRemoteTileFetcher.h>
-#import <WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent/MaplyQuadLoader.h>
- This version of the loader return is used by the MaplyImageLoaderInterpreter.
- When image tiles load, the interpeter fills in these contents, which can
- include any sort of ComponentObject and, of course, images.
- */
-@interface MaplyImageLoaderReturn : MaplyLoaderReturn
-/// Initialize with the loader this will be attached to
-- (id __nonnull)initWithLoader:(MaplyQuadLoaderBase * __nonnull)loader;
-/// Add an image to this loaded return.
-/// You can add multiple, but the interpreter should be expecting that
-- (void)addImageTile:(MaplyImageTile * __nonnull)image;
-/// Add a UIImage to the loader return
-/// This just adds a MaplyImageTile wrapper around the UIImage.
-- (void)addImage:(UIImage * __nonnull)image;
-/// Return an array of Images
-- (NSArray<MaplyImageTile *> * __nonnull)getImages;
-/// Clear out any images. Presumably to replace them.
-- (void)clearImages;
-/// If any component objects are associated with the tile, these are them.
-/// They need to start disabled. The system will enable and delete them when it is time.
-- (void)addCompObjs:(NSArray<MaplyComponentObject *> * __nonnull)compObjs;
-/// Return the component objects added for this loader return
-- (NSArray<MaplyComponentObject *> *__nonnull)getCompObjs;
-/// Clear out any component objects, presumably to replace them
-- (void)clearCompObjs;
-/// These component objects are assumed to be overlaid and so only one
-/// set will be displayed at a time.
-- (void)addOvlCompObjs:(NSArray<MaplyComponentObject *> * __nonnull)compObjs;
-/// Return the overlay component objects added for this loader return
-- (NSArray<MaplyComponentObject *> *__nonnull)getOvlCompObjs;
-/// Clear out any component objects, presumably to replace them
-- (void)clearOvlCompObjs;
- Image loader intrepreter turns NSData objects into MaplyImageTiles.
- This is the default interpreter used by the MaplyQuadImageLoader.
- */
-@interface MaplyImageLoaderInterpreter : NSObject<MaplyLoaderInterpreter>
- This loader interpreter sticks a designator in the middle of tiles
- and a line around the edge. Nice for debugging.
- */
-@interface MaplyOvlDebugImageLoaderInterpreter : MaplyImageLoaderInterpreter
-// Intialize with the loader we're using. Need this for extents of tiles
-- (instancetype __nonnull)initWithViewC:(NSObject<MaplyRenderControllerProtocol> * __nonnull)viewC;
- This loader interpreter makes up an image for the given frame/tile
- and returns that. It doesn't use any returned data.
- */
-@interface MaplyDebugImageLoaderInterpreter : MaplyImageLoaderInterpreter
-- (instancetype __nonnull)initWithViewC:(NSObject<MaplyRenderControllerProtocol> * __nonnull)viewC;
- This loader interpreter treats input image data objects as PNGs containing raw data.
- The difference is we'll use a direct PNG reader to tease it out, rather than UIImage.
- */
-@interface MaplyRawPNGImageLoaderInterpreter : MaplyImageLoaderInterpreter
-/// In some cases we just want to pick values out of the input
-- (void)addMappingFrom:(int)inVal to:(int)outVal;
-/// Name of the shared MaplyRemoteTileFetcher
-extern NSString * _Nonnull const MaplyQuadImageLoaderFetcherName;
- Base object for Maply Quad Image loader.
- Look to the subclasses for actual functionality. This holds methods they share.
- */
-@interface MaplyQuadImageLoaderBase : MaplyQuadLoaderBase
-/** Set the base priority values for produced tiles.
- The system will use a range of values to deal with overlaps.
- This is the base value.
- */
-@property (nonatomic) int baseDrawPriority;
-// Offset between levels for a calculated draw priority
-@property (nonatomic) int drawPriorityPerLevel;
-// Base color for geometry produced
-@property (nonatomic,retain,nonnull) UIColor *color;
-// Write to the z buffer when rendering. On by default
-@property (nonatomic,assign) bool zBufferWrite;
-// Read from the z buffer when rendering. Off by default
-@property (nonatomic,assign) bool zBufferRead;
-// Turn display of loader on or off. Will still load, though.
-@property bool enable;
- Shader to use for rendering the image frames.
- If not set we'll pick the default visual shader.
- */
-- (void)setShader:(MaplyShader * __nullable)shader;
- An optional render target for this loader.
- The loader can draw to a render target rather than to the screen.
- You use this in a multi-pass rendering setup.
- */
-- (void)setRenderTarget:(MaplyRenderTarget *__nonnull)renderTarget;
- In special cases we may have tiles that already have borders baked in. In that case, call this
- method to set both the total textures size and the number of border pixels around the outside.
- By default this functionality is off.
- */
-- (void)setTextureSize:(int)texSize borderSize:(int)borderSize;
- Set the image format for internal imagery storage.
- OpenGL ES offers us several image formats that are more efficient than 32 bit RGBA, but they're not always appropriate. This property lets you choose one of them. The 16 or 8 bit ones can save a huge amount of space and will work well for some imagery, most maps, and a lot of weather overlays.
- Be sure to set this at layer creation, it won't do anything later on.
- | Image Format | Description |
- |:-------------|:------------|
- | MaplyImageIntRGBA | 32 bit RGBA with 8 bits per channel. The default. |
- | MaplyImageUShort565 | 16 bits with 5/6/5 for RGB and none for A. |
- | MaplyImageUShort4444 | 16 bits with 4 bits for each channel. |
- | MaplyImageUShort5551 | 16 bits with 5/5/5 bits for RGB and 1 bit for A. |
- | MaplyImageUByteRed | 8 bits, where we choose the R and ignore the rest. |
- | MaplyImageUByteGreen | 8 bits, where we choose the G and ignore the rest. |
- | MaplyImageUByteBlue | 8 bits, where we choose the B and ignore the rest. |
- | MaplyImageUByteAlpha | 8 bits, where we choose the A and ignore the rest. |
- | MaplyImageUByteRGB | 8 bits, where we average RGB for the value. |
- | MaplyImage4Layer8Bit | 32 bits, four channels of 8 bits each. Just like MaplyImageIntRGBA, but a warning not to do anything too clever in sampling. |
- */
-@property (nonatomic) MaplyQuadImageFormat imageFormat;
- The Maply Quad Image Loader is for paging image pyramids local or remote.
- This layer pages image pyramids. They can be local or remote, in any coordinate system Maply supports and you provide a MaplyTileInfoNew conformant object to do the actual image tile fetching.
- You probably don't have to implement your own tile source. Go look at the MaplyRemoteTileFetcher and MaplyMBTileFetcher objects. Those will do remote and local fetching.
- */
-@interface MaplyQuadImageLoader : MaplyQuadImageLoaderBase
- Initialize with a single tile info object and the sampling parameters.
- @param params The sampling parameters describing how to break down the data for projection onto a globe or map.
- @param tileInfo A single tile info object describing where the data is and how to get it.
- @param viewC the View controller (or renderer) to add objects to.
- */
-- (nullable instancetype)initWithParams:(MaplySamplingParams *__nonnull)params tileInfo:(NSObject<MaplyTileInfoNew> *__nullable)tileInfo viewC:(NSObject<MaplyRenderControllerProtocol> * __nonnull)viewC;
- Initialize with multiple tile sources and sampling parameters.
- @param params The sampling parameters describing how to break down the data for projection onto a globe or map.
- @param tileInfos A list of tile info objects to fetch for each tile. If one fails, the tile fails to load.
- @param viewC the View controller (or renderer) to add objects to.
- */
-- (nullable instancetype)initWithParams:(MaplySamplingParams *__nonnull)params tileInfos:(NSArray<NSObject<MaplyTileInfoNew> *> *__nonnull)tileInfos viewC:(NSObject<MaplyRenderControllerProtocol> * __nonnull)viewC;
- Change the tile source and reload all the data.
- <br>
- You can change the tile source data is being loaded from. This will
- force a reload and everything visual should change as the data comes in.
- */
-- (void)changeTileInfo:(NSObject<MaplyTileInfoNew> *__nonnull)tileInfo;