AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-08Se descargan fonts desde fonts.etbsa.netHEADmasterIván Ávalos
2023-06-02Se corrige candado para Suntech nuevosIván Ávalos
2023-05-31Se arregla horómetro para Suntech nuevosIván Ávalos
2023-03-05HotfixIván Ávalos
2023-03-05Cambios en reportesIván Ávalos
2023-03-04Ícono de status ahora marca igniciónIván Ávalos
2023-01-03Se arreglan comandos y se cambia cálculo de statusIván Ávalos
2022-08-08Got rid of token fieldIván Ávalos
2022-06-21Se añade distancia total a reproducción de recorridoIván Ávalos
2022-06-16Removed TLS from proxy and added automatic playback on replay pageIván Ávalos
2022-05-05Geofences now center when clicked in /geofencesIván Ávalos
2022-01-10Copied code from old UI in order to fix downloads in mobile appIván Ávalos
2022-01-07Automatically reconnect web socketIván Ávalos
2022-01-06Temporarily fixed websocket development proxy and set device name to noWrap i...Iván Ávalos
2022-01-03Reworded Spanish translations and added updateNotificationToken() method to w...Iván Ávalos
2021-12-28Updated Spanish translationsIván Ávalos
2021-12-28Removed now unnecessary NoRowsOverlay.jsIván Ávalos
2021-12-28Import cleanup and l10n for DataGridIván Ávalos
2021-12-27Update localizationAnton Tananaev
2021-12-27Update localization scriptAnton Tananaev
2021-12-26Translated event type in notificationIván Ávalos
2021-12-25Support server changeAnton Tananaev
2021-12-22Removed console.logIván Ávalos
2021-12-22Improved reports, changed/hidden/deleted columns and sizesIván Ávalos
2021-12-21Added support for l18n string interpolation and set custom renderValue proper...Iván Ávalos
2021-12-20Localized grid no rows message, removed e-mail report button, among other rep...Iván Ávalos
2021-12-20Upgraded http-proxy-middleware to 2.0.1 and fixed reportsIván Ávalos
2021-12-19Added === true check to ignition iconIván Ávalos
2021-12-19Merge https://github.com/traccar/traccar-webIván Ávalos
2021-12-18Logo on LoginForm.js using xlinkHref replaced with img tagIván Ávalos
2021-12-18Added logos to publicIván Ávalos
2021-12-16Removed CurrentLocationMapIván Ávalos
2021-12-16Dates temporarily translated to 'es' without moment.js, l10n support not impl...Iván Ávalos
2021-12-14Added speed to replay page sliderIván Ávalos
2021-12-14Fixed datetime formatting and now passing position as parameter for StatusViewIván Ávalos
2021-12-14Hours only shown for backhoes and tractors, changed favicon.ico, replay slide...Iván Ávalos
2021-12-13Workaround for kilometer processing and devices sorted on reports selectorIván Ávalos
2021-12-13Made improvements to search and other thingsIván Ávalos
2021-12-13Apparently some automatic formattingIván Ávalos
2021-12-13Revamped device list and map marker popupIván Ávalos
2021-12-12Removed sidebar and attribution (sorry, I didn't want to) from login pageIván Ávalos
2021-12-12Added commands support (untested) and removed all languages except ES and ENIván Ávalos
2021-12-12Fix selector styleAnton Tananaev
2021-12-11Improved StatusView layoutIván Ávalos
2021-12-11A lot of changes!Iván Ávalos
2021-12-11Many stuff modifiedIván Ávalos
2021-12-08Adjusted media queries, and device color = gray when ignition is undefinedIván Ávalos
2021-12-08Media query terms changedIván Ávalos
2021-12-08Clear search implementedIván Ávalos
2021-12-08Removed gray circles from device list, decreased map zoom by 1, default map i...Iván Ávalos