path: root/subsonic-main/src/main/resources/net/sourceforge/subsonic/i18n/ResourceBundle_en.properties
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'subsonic-main/src/main/resources/net/sourceforge/subsonic/i18n/ResourceBundle_en.properties')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 785 deletions
diff --git a/subsonic-main/src/main/resources/net/sourceforge/subsonic/i18n/ResourceBundle_en.properties b/subsonic-main/src/main/resources/net/sourceforge/subsonic/i18n/ResourceBundle_en.properties
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--- a/subsonic-main/src/main/resources/net/sourceforge/subsonic/i18n/ResourceBundle_en.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-# English localization.
-# Author: Sindre Mehus
-common.home = Home
-common.back = Back
-common.help = Help
-common.play = Play
-common.add = Add
-common.download = Download
-common.close = Close
-common.refresh = Refresh
-common.next = Next
-common.previous = Previous
-common.more = More
-common.ok = OK
-common.cancel = Cancel
-common.save = Save
-common.create = Create
-common.delete = Delete
-common.edit = Edit
-common.confirm = Please confirm
-common.unknown = (Unknown)
-common.default = (Default)
-# login.jsp
-login.username = Username
-login.password = Password
-login.login = Log in
-login.remember = Remember me
-login.logout = You are now logged out.
-login.error = Wrong username or password.
-login.insecure = {0} is not secured. Please log in with username and<br>password "admin", or click <a href="login.view?user=admin&amp;password=admin">here</a>. Then change password immediately.
-login.recover = Forgotten your password?
-# recover.jsp
-recover.title = Forgotten your password?
-recover.text = To reset your password, please enter your <b>username</b> or <b>email address</b> below.
-recover.username = Username or email address
-recover.send = Reset the password and send it to me
-recover.success = Your password was reset and sent to {0}.
-recover.error.usernotfound = Sorry, user not found.
-recover.error.noemail = Sorry, no email address is registered for this user.
-recover.error.sendfailed = Failed to send email, please try again later.
-# accessDenied.jsp
-accessDenied.title = Access denied
-accessDenied.text = Sorry, you are not authorized to perform the requested operation.
-# notFound.jsp
-notFound.title = Not found
-notFound.text = <p>Sorry, we could not find what you were looking for.</p><p>Try reloading the web page. If that doesn't help, \
- try scanning the media folders again.</p>
-notFound.reload = Reload page
-notFound.scan = Media folders settings
-# top.jsp
-top.home = Home
-top.now_playing = Playing
-top.starred = Starred
-top.settings = Settings
-top.status = Status
-top.podcast = Podcast
-top.more = More
-top.help = About
-top.search = Search
-top.upgrade = <b>Note!</b> A new version is available.<br>Download {0} {1} \
- <a href="#" onclick="window.open(''http://subsonic.org/'')">here</a>.
-top.missing = No media folders found. Please change the settings.
-top.logout = Log out {0}
-# left.jsp
-left.scanning = Scanning media folders...
-left.statistics = {0}&nbsp;artists<br>\
- {1}&nbsp;albums<br>\
- {2}&nbsp;songs<br>\
- {3}<br>\
- {4}&nbsp;hours
-left.shortcut = Shortcuts
-left.playlists = Playlists
-left.radio = Internet TV/radio
-left.allfolders = All folders
-left.createplaylist = Create new playlist
-left.importplaylist = Import playlist
-# playQueue.jsp
-playlist.stop = Stop
-playlist.start = Play
-playlist.confirmclear = Really clear play queue?
-playlist.clear = Clear
-playlist.shuffle = Shuffle
-playlist.repeat_on = Repeat is on
-playlist.repeat_off = Repeat is off
-playlist.undo = Undo
-playlist.settings = Settings
-playlist.more = More actions...
-playlist.more.playlist = Play queue
-playlist.more.sortbytrack = Sort by track
-playlist.more.sortbyartist = Sort by artist
-playlist.more.sortbyalbum = Sort by album
-playlist.more.selection = Selected songs
-playlist.more.selectall = Select all
-playlist.more.selectnone = Select none
-playlist.getflash = Get Flash player
-playlist.save = Save as playlist
-playlist.append = Add to playlist
-playlist.remove = Remove
-playlist.up = Up
-playlist.down = Down
-playlist.empty = Play queue is empty
-# playlist.jsp
-playlist2.created = Created by {0} on {1}
-playlist2.songs = songs
-playlist2.shared = Shared
-playlist2.notshared = Not shared
-playlist2.name = Playlist name
-playlist2.comment = Playlist comment
-playlist2.public = Share this playlist with other users.
-playlist2.confirmdelete = Are you sure you want to delete this playlist?
-playlist2.empty = Playlist is empty
-playlist2.export = Export
-# importPlaylist.jsp
-importPlaylist.title = Import playlist
-importPlaylist.text = Select playlist to import (m3u, pls, xspf)
-importPlaylist.success = Successfully imported playlist "{0}".
-importPlaylist.error = Failed to import playlist. {0}
-# videoPlayer.jsp
-videoPlayer.getflash = Please install Flash Player
-videoPlayer.popout = Open in new window
-# status.jsp
-status.title = Status
-status.type = Type
-status.stream = Stream
-status.download = Download
-status.upload = Upload
-status.player = Player
-status.user = User
-status.current = Current file
-status.transmitted = Transmitted
-status.bitrate = Bitrate (Kbps)
-# starred.jsp
-starred.title = My starred items
-starred.empty = Click the star icons to mark your favorite artist, albums and songs.
-# search.jsp
-search.title = Search
-search.query = Artist, album or song title
-search.search = Search
-search.index = The search index is now being created. Please try again later.
-search.hits.none = No matches found.
-search.hits.more = More
-search.hits.artists = Artists
-search.hits.albums = Albums
-search.hits.songs = Songs
-# gettingStarted.jsp
-gettingStarted.title = Getting started
-gettingStarted.text = <p>Welcome to Subsonic! We'll set you up in no time, just follow the basic steps below.<br> \
- Click the "Home" button in the toolbar above to return to this screen.</p> \
- <p>For more information, please consult the <a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/getting-started.jsp" target="_blank"><b>Getting started</b></a> guide.</p>
-gettingStarted.root = Warning! The Subsonic process is running as the root user. Please consider to \
- <a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/installation.jsp" target="_blank">change this.</a>
-gettingStarted.step1.title = Change administrator password.
-gettingStarted.step1.text = Secure your server by changing the default password for the administrator account. \
- You can also create new user accounts with different privileges.
-gettingStarted.step2.title = Set up media folders.
-gettingStarted.step2.text = Tell Subsonic where you keep your music and videos.
-gettingStarted.step3.title = Configure network settings.
-gettingStarted.step3.text = Some useful settings if you want to enjoy your music remotely over the Internet, \
- or share it with family and friends. Get your personal <b><em>yourname</em>.subsonic.org</b> \
- address.
-gettingStarted.hide = Don't show this again
-gettingStarted.hidealert = To show this screen again, go to Settings > General.
-# home.jsp
-home.random.title = Random
-home.alphabetical.title = All
-home.newest.title = Recently added
-home.starred.title = Starred
-home.highest.title = Top rated
-home.frequent.title = Most played
-home.recent.title = Recently played
-home.users.title = Users
-home.random.text = Random albums
-home.alphabetical.text = All albums
-home.newest.text = Recently added albums
-home.starred.text = Albums starred by you
-home.highest.text = Top rated albums
-home.frequent.text = Most played albums
-home.recent.text = Recently played albums
-home.users.text = User statistics
-home.scan = The media folder is now being scanned. Some features are not available.
-home.listsize = {0} albums per page
-home.albums = Albums {0} - {1}
-home.playcount = Played {0} songs
-home.lastplayed = Played {0}
-home.created = Created {0}
-home.chart.total = Total (MB)
-home.chart.stream = Streamed (MB)
-home.chart.download = Downloaded (MB)
-home.chart.upload = Uploaded (MB)
-# more.jsp
-more.title = More
-more.random.title = Random play queue
-more.random.text = Create random play queue with
-more.random.songs = {0} songs
-more.random.auto = Play more random songs when end of play queue is reached.
-more.random.ok = OK
-more.random.genre = from genre
-more.random.anygenre = Any
-more.random.year = and year
-more.random.anyyear = Any
-more.random.folder = in folder
-more.random.anyfolder = Any
-more.apps.title = Subsonic Apps
-more.apps.text = <p>Check out the steadily growing list of <a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/apps.jsp" target="_blank">Subsonic apps</a>. \
- These provide fun and alternative ways to enjoy your media collection - no matter where you are. \
- Apps are available for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, PlayBook, Roku and many more.</p>
-more.mobile.title = Mobile phone
-more.mobile.text = <p>You can control {0} from any WAP-enabled mobile phone or PDA.<br> \
- Simply visit the following URL from your phone: <b>http://yourhostname/wap</b></p> \
- <p>This requires that your server can be reached from the Internet.</p>
-more.podcast.title = Podcast
-more.podcast.text = <p>Saved playlists are available as Podcasts.<br>\
- Use the following URL in your Podcast receiver: <b>http://yourhostname/podcast</b>, \
- or <b><a href="podcast.view?suffix=.rss">click here</a>.</b></p>
-more.upload.title = Upload file
-more.upload.source = Select file
-more.upload.target = Upload to
-more.upload.browse = Choose
-more.upload.ok = Upload
-more.upload.unzip = Automatically unpack zip-file.
-more.upload.progress = % complete. Please wait...
-# upload.jsp
-upload.title = Uploading file
-upload.success = Successfully uploaded <b>{0}</b>
-upload.empty = No files to upload.
-upload.failed = Uploading failed with the following error:<br><b>"{0}"</b>
-upload.unzipped = Unzipped {0}
-# help.jsp
-help.title = About {0}
-help.upgrade = <b>Note!</b> A new version is available. Download {0} {1} \
- <a href="#" onclick="window.open(''http://subsonic.org/'')">here</a>.
-help.version.title = Version
-help.builddate.title = Build date
-help.server.title = Server
-help.license.title = Terms&nbsp;of&nbsp;use
-help.license.text = {0} is free software distributed under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" target="_blank">GPL</a> open-source license. \
- {0} uses <a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/libraries.jsp" target="_blank">licensed third-party libraries</a>. Please note that {0} is <em>not</em> \
- a tool for illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Always pay attention to and follow the relevant laws specific to your country.
-help.homepage.title = Homepage
-help.forum.title = Forum
-help.shop.title = Merchandise
-help.contact.title = Contact
-help.contact.text = {0} is developed and maintained by Sindre Mehus \
- (<a href="mailto:sindre@activeobjects.no">sindre@activeobjects.no</a>). \
- If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for improvements, please visit the \
- <a href="http://forum.subsonic.org" target="_blank">Subsonic Forum</a>.
-help.donate = The basic version of {0} is free, but you can get lots of <a href="donate.view">premium features</a> by giving a <b><a href="donate.view?">donation</a></b>.
-help.log = Log
-help.logfile = The complete log is saved in {0}.
-# settingsHeader.jsp
-settingsheader.title = Settings
-settingsheader.general = General
-settingsheader.advanced = Advanced
-settingsheader.personal = Personal
-settingsheader.musicFolder = Media folders
-settingsheader.internetRadio = Internet TV/radio
-settingsheader.podcast = Podcast
-settingsheader.player = Players
-settingsheader.share = Shared media
-settingsheader.network = Network
-settingsheader.transcoding = Transcoding
-settingsheader.user = Users
-settingsheader.search = Search/caching
-settingsheader.coverArt = Cover art
-settingsheader.password = Password
-# generalSettings.jsp
-generalsettings.musicmask = Music files
-generalsettings.videomask = Video files
-generalsettings.coverartmask = Cover art files
-generalsettings.index = Index
-generalsettings.ignoredarticles = Articles to ignore
-generalsettings.shortcuts = Shortcuts
-generalsettings.sortalbumsbyyear = Sort albums by year
-generalsettings.showgettingstarted = Show "Getting started" on startup
-generalsettings.welcometitle = Welcome title
-generalsettings.welcomesubtitle = Welcome subtitle
-generalsettings.welcomemessage = Welcome message
-generalsettings.loginmessage = Login message
-generalsettings.language = Default language
-generalsettings.theme = Default theme
-# advancedSettings.jsp
-advancedsettings.downsamplecommand = Downsample command
-advancedsettings.coverartlimit = Cover art limit<br><div class="detail">(0 = Unlimited)</div>
-advancedsettings.downloadlimit = Download limit (Kbps)<br><div class="detail">(0 = Unlimited)</div>
-advancedsettings.uploadlimit = Upload limit (Kbps)<br><div class="detail">(0 = Unlimited)</div>
-advancedsettings.streamport = Non-SSL stream port<br><div class="detail">(0 = Disabled)</div>
-advancedsettings.ldapenabled = Enable LDAP authentication
-advancedsettings.ldapurl = LDAP URL
-advancedsettings.ldapsearchfilter = LDAP search filter
-advancedsettings.ldapmanagerdn = LDAP manager DN<br><div class="detail">(Optional)</div>
-advancedsettings.ldapmanagerpassword = Password
-advancedsettings.ldapautoshadowing = Automatically create users in {0}
-# personalSettings.jsp
-personalsettings.title = Personal settings for {0}
-personalsettings.language = Language
-personalsettings.theme = Theme
-personalsettings.display = Display
-personalsettings.browse = Browse
-personalsettings.playlist = Playlist
-personalsettings.tracknumber = Track #
-personalsettings.artist = Artist
-personalsettings.album = Album
-personalsettings.genre = Genre
-personalsettings.year = Year
-personalsettings.bitrate = Bit rate
-personalsettings.duration = Duration
-personalsettings.format = Format
-personalsettings.filesize = File size
-personalsettings.captioncutoff = Caption cutoff
-personalsettings.partymode = Party mode
-personalsettings.shownowplaying = Show what others are playing
-personalsettings.nowplayingallowed = Let others see what I am playing
-personalsettings.showchat = Show chat messages
-personalsettings.finalversionnotification = Notify me about new versions
-personalsettings.betaversionnotification = Notify me about new beta versions
-personalsettings.lastfmenabled = Register what I'm playing at <a href="http://last.fm/" target="_blank">Last.fm</a>
-personalsettings.lastfmusername = Last.fm username
-personalsettings.lastfmpassword = Last.fm password
-personalsettings.avatar.title = Personal image
-personalsettings.avatar.none = No image
-personalsettings.avatar.custom = Custom image
-personalsettings.avatar.changecustom = Change custom image
-personalsettings.avatar.upload = Upload
-personalsettings.avatar.courtesy = Icons courtesy of <a href="http://www.afterglow.ie/" target="_blank">Afterglow</a>, \
- <a href="http://www.aha-soft.com/" target="_blank">Aha-Soft</a>, \
- <a href="http://www.icons-land.com/" target="_blank">Icons-Land</a>, and \
- <a href="http://www.iconshock.com/" target="_blank">Iconshock</a>
-# avatarUploadResult.jsp
-avataruploadresult.title = Change personal image
-avataruploadresult.success = Successfully uploaded personal image "{0}".
-avataruploadresult.failure = Failed to upload personal image. See <a href="help.view?">log</a> for details.
-# passwordSettings.jsp
-passwordsettings.title = Change password for {0}
-# musicFolderSettings.jsp
-musicfoldersettings.path = Folder
-musicfoldersettings.name = Name
-musicfoldersettings.enabled = Enabled
-musicfoldersettings.add = Add media folder
-musicfoldersettings.nopath = Please specify a folder.
-musicfoldersettings.notfound = Folder not found
-musicfoldersettings.scan = Scan media folders
-musicfoldersettings.interval.never = Never
-musicfoldersettings.interval.one = Every day
-musicfoldersettings.interval.many = Every {0} days
-musicfoldersettings.hour = at {0}:00
-musicfoldersettings.nowscanning = The media folders are now being scanned. This operation may take several minutes, depending on \
- the size of your media library.
-musicfoldersettings.scannow = Scan media folders now
-musicfoldersettings.fastcache = Fast access mode
-musicfoldersettings.fastcache.description = Use this option to minimize disk access, for instance if your media files are located on a network disk. \
- Note: Changes to files will only be visible after your media folders are scanned.
-musicfoldersettings.expunge = Clean-up database
-musicfoldersettings.expunge.description = Subsonic stores information about all media files ever encountered. By cleaning up the database, information about \
- files that are no longer in your media collection is permanently removed.
-musicfoldersettings.organizebyfolderstructure = Organize by folder structure
-musicfoldersettings.organizebyfolderstructure.description = Use this option to browse through your media library using the directory structure rather than using artist/album info in ID3 tags.
-# networkSettings.jsp
-networksettings.text = Use the settings below to control how to access your Subsonic server over the Internet.<br> \
- If you experience difficulties, please consult the <a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/getting-started.jsp" target="_blank"><b>Getting started</b></a> guide.
-networksettings.portforwardingenabled = Automatically configure your router to allow incoming connections to Subsonic (using UPnP or NAT-PMP port forwarding).
-networksettings.portforwardinghelp = If your router can''t be configured automatically you can set it up manually. \
- Follow the instructions on <a href="http://portforward.com/" target="_blank">portforward.com</a>. \
- You must forward port {0} to the computer running the Subsonic server.
-networksettings.urlredirectionenabled = Access your server over the Internet using an easy-to-remember address.
-networksettings.status = Status:
-networksettings.trialexpired = The trial period expired on {0}. Please <b><a href="donate.view?">donate</a></b> to enable this feature permanently.
-networksettings.trialnotexpired = This feature is available until {0}. After that you must <b><a href="donate.view?">donate</a></b> to use it permanently.
-# transcodingSettings.jsp
-transcodingsettings.name = Name
-transcodingsettings.sourceformat = Convert from
-transcodingsettings.targetformat = Convert to
-transcodingsettings.step1 = Step 1
-transcodingsettings.step2 = Step 2
-transcodingsettings.step3 = Step 3
-transcodingsettings.add = Add transcoding
-transcodingsettings.defaultactive = Enable this transcoding for all existing and new players.
-transcodingsettings.recommended = Recommended configuration
-transcodingsettings.noname = Please specify a name.
-transcodingsettings.nosourceformat = Please specify the format from which to convert.
-transcodingsettings.notargetformat = Please specify the format to which to convert.
-transcodingsettings.nostep1 = Please specify at least one transcoding step.
-transcodingsettings.info = <p class="detail">(%s = The file to be transcoded, %b = Max bitrate of the player, %t = Title, %a = Artist, %l = Album)</p> \
- <p>Transcoding is the process of converting from one media format to another. {1}''s transcoding \
- engine allows for the streaming of media that would not otherwise be streamable. The transcoding is performed on-the-fly and doesn''t \
- require any disk usage.<p/> \
- <p>The actual transcoding is done by third-party command line programs which must be installed in {0}. \
- You may add your own custom transcoder given that it fulfills the following requirements: \
- <ul> \
- <li>It must have a command line interface.</li> \
- <li>It must be able to send output to stdout.</li> \
- <li>If used in step 2 it must be able to read input from stdin.</li> \
- </ul> \
- </p> \
- <p> Note that transcodings are activated on a per-player basis from <b>Settings &gt; Players</b>.</p>
-# internetRadioSettings.jsp
-internetradiosettings.streamurl = Stream URL
-internetradiosettings.homepageurl = Homepage
-internetradiosettings.name = Name
-internetradiosettings.enabled = Enabled
-internetradiosettings.add = Add Internet TV/radio
-internetradiosettings.nourl = Please specify a URL.
-internetradiosettings.noname = Please specify a name.
-# podcastSettings.jsp
-podcastsettings.update = Check for new episodes
-podcastsettings.keep = Keep
-podcastsettings.keep.all = All episodes
-podcastsettings.keep.one = Most recent episode
-podcastsettings.keep.many = Last {0} episodes
-podcastsettings.download = When new episodes are available
-podcastsettings.download.all = Download all
-podcastsettings.download.one = Download the most recent one
-podcastsettings.download.many = Download last {0} episodes
-podcastsettings.download.none = Do nothing
-podcastsettings.interval.manually = Manually
-podcastsettings.interval.hourly = Every hour
-podcastsettings.interval.daily = Every day
-podcastsettings.interval.weekly = Every week
-podcastsettings.folder = Save Podcasts in
-# playerSettings.jsp
-playersettings.noplayers = No players found.
-playersettings.type = Type
-playersettings.lastseen = Last seen
-playersettings.title = Select player
-playersettings.technology.web.title = Web player
-playersettings.technology.external.title = External player
-playersettings.technology.external_with_playlist.title = External player with playlist
-playersettings.technology.jukebox.title = Jukebox
-playersettings.technology.web.text = Play music directly in the web browser using the integrated Flash player.
-playersettings.technology.external.text = Play music in your favorite player, such as WinAmp or Windows Media Player.
-playersettings.technology.external_with_playlist.text = Same as above, but the playlist is managed by the player, rather \
- than the Subsonic server. In this mode, skipping within songs is possible.
-playersettings.technology.jukebox.text = Play music directly on the audio device of the Subsonic server. (Authorized users only).
-playersettings.name = Player name
-playersettings.coverartsize = Cover art size
-playersettings.maxbitrate = Max bitrate
-playersettings.coverart.off = Off
-playersettings.coverart.small = Small
-playersettings.coverart.medium = Medium
-playersettings.coverart.large = Large
-playersettings.nolame = <em>Notice:</em> Transcoders does not appear to be installed.<br>Click Help button for more information.
-playersettings.autocontrol = Control player automatically
-playersettings.dynamicip = Player has dynamic IP address
-playersettings.transcodings = Active transcodings
-playersettings.ok = Save
-playersettings.forget = Delete player
-playersettings.clone = Clone player
-# shareSettings.jsp
-sharesettings.name = Name
-sharesettings.owner = Shared by
-sharesettings.description = Description
-sharesettings.visits = Visits
-sharesettings.lastvisited = Last visited
-sharesettings.expires = Expires
-sharesettings.files = Shared files
-sharesettings.expirein = Expire in
-sharesettings.expirein.week = 1w
-sharesettings.expirein.month = 1m
-sharesettings.expirein.year = 1y
-sharesettings.expirein.never = never
-# userSettings.jsp
-usersettings.title = Select user
-usersettings.newuser = New user
-usersettings.admin = User is administrator
-usersettings.settings = User is allowed to change settings and password
-usersettings.stream = User is allowed to play files
-usersettings.jukebox = User is allowed to play files in jukebox mode
-usersettings.download = User is allowed to download files
-usersettings.upload = User is allowed to upload files
-usersettings.share = User is allowed to share files with anyone
-usersettings.coverart = User is allowed to change cover art and tags
-usersettings.comment= User is allowed to create and edit comments and ratings
-usersettings.podcast= User is allowed to administrate Podcasts
-usersettings.username = Username
-usersettings.email = Email
-usersettings.changepassword = Change password
-usersettings.password = Password
-usersettings.newpassword = New password
-usersettings.confirmpassword = Confirm password
-usersettings.delete = Delete this user
-usersettings.ldap = Authenticate user in LDAP
-usersettings.nousername = Missing username.
-usersettings.noemail= Invalid email address.
-usersettings.useralreadyexists = User already exists.
-usersettings.nopassword = Password is required.
-usersettings.wrongpassword = Passwords did not match.
-usersettings.ldapdisabled = LDAP authentication is not enabled. See Advanced settings.
-usersettings.passwordnotsupportedforldap = Can't set or change password for LDAP-authenticated users.
-usersettings.ok = Password successfully changed for user {0}.
-# main.jsp
-main.up = Up
-main.playall = Play all
-main.playrandom = Play random
-main.addall = Add all
-main.tags = Edit tags
-main.playcount = Played {0} times.
-main.lastplayed = Last played {0}.
-main.comment = Comment
-main.wiki = <table class="detail">\
- <tr><td style="padding-right:1em">__text__</td><td>Bold text </td><td style="padding-left:3em;padding-right:1em">\\\\ </td><td>Line break</td></tr>\
- <tr><td style="padding-right:1em">~~text~~</td><td>Italic text </td><td style="padding-left:3em;padding-right:1em">(empty line) </td><td>New paragraph</td></tr>\
- <tr><td style="padding-right:1em">* text </td><td>List item </td><td style="padding-left:3em;padding-right:1em">http://foo.com/ </td><td>Link</td></tr>\
- <tr><td style="padding-right:1em">1. text </td><td>Enumerated list item</td><td style="padding-left:3em;padding-right:1em">{link:Foo|http://foo.com}</td><td>Named link</td></tr>\
- </table>
-main.sharealbum = Share
-main.more = More actions...
-main.more.selection = Selected songs
-main.more.share = Share
-main.donate = <a href="{0}" style="text-decoration:underline">Donate</a> to {1}!<br>(and remove this ad)
-main.nowplaying = Now playing
-main.lyrics = Lyrics
-main.minutesago = minutes ago
-main.chat = Chat messages
-main.scanning = Scanning files:
-main.message = Write a message
-main.clearchat = Clear messages
-main.addtoplaylist.title = Add to playlist
-main.addtoplaylist.text = Add selected songs to this playlist:
-# rating.jsp
-rating.rating = Rating
-rating.clearrating = Clear rating
-# coverArt.jsp
-coverart.change = Change
-coverart.zoom = Zoom
-# allmusic.jsp
-allmusic.text = Searching for album <em>{0}</em> at allmusic.com - Please wait.
-# changeCoverArt.jsp
-changecoverart.title = Change cover art
-changecoverart.address = Or enter image address
-changecoverart.artist = Artist
-changecoverart.album = Album
-changecoverart.search = Google Image Search
-changecoverart.wait = Please wait...
-changecoverart.success = Image was successfully downloaded.
-changecoverart.error = Failed to download image.
-changecoverart.noimagesfound = No images found.
-# changeCoverArtConfirm.jsp
-changeCoverArtConfirm.failed = Failed to change cover art:<br><b>"{0}"</b>
-# editTags.jsp
-edittags.title = Edit tags
-edittags.file = File
-edittags.track = Track
-edittags.songtitle = Title
-edittags.artist = Artist
-edittags.album = Album
-edittags.year = Year
-edittags.genre = Genre
-edittags.status = Status
-edittags.suggest = Suggest
-edittags.reset = Reset
-edittags.suggest.short = S
-edittags.reset.short = R
-edittags.set = Set
-edittags.working = Working
-edittags.updated = Updated
-edittags.skipped = Skipped
-edittags.error = Error
-# share.jsp
-share.title = Share
-share.warning = <h2>IMPORTANT NOTICE!</h2><p>Play fair &ndash; Don't share copyrighted material in any manner that violates the law.</p>
-share.facebook = Share on Facebook
-share.twitter = Share on Twitter
-share.googleplus = Share on Google+
-share.link = Or share this with someone by sending them this link: <a href="{0}" target="_blank">{0}</a>
-share.disabled = To share your music with someone you must first register your own <em>subsonic.org</em> address.<br> \
- Please go to <a href="networkSettings.view"><b>Settings &gt; Network</b></a> (administrative rights required).
-share.manage = Manage my shared media
-# donate.jsp
-donate.title = Donate
-donate.invalidlicense = Invalid license key.
-donate.amount = Donate {0}
-donate.textbefore = <p>Thank you for considering a donation to support the {0} project! \
- Donors get access to premium features like:</p> \
- <ul> \
- <li><a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/apps.jsp" target="blank">Apps</a> for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone*.</li> \
- <li><a href="http://subsonic.org/pages/apps.jsp" target="blank">Apps</a> for PlayBook, Roku, Mac, Chrome and more*.</li> \
- <li>Video streaming.</li> \
- <li>Your personal server address: <em>yourname</em>.subsonic.org (see <a href="networkSettings.view">Settings &gt; Network</a>).</li> \
- <li>Share your media on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.</li> \
- <li>No ads in the web interface.</li> \
- <li>Other features to be released later.</li> \
- </ul> \
- <p style="font-size:9px;">* Some apps are sold by third-party developers.</p>\
- <p>As a donor you will receive a license key which is valid for personal, non-commercial use for this \
- and all future releases of {0}. For commercial use, please <a href="mailto:subsonic_donation@activeobjects.no">contact</a> us for licensing options.</p> \
- <p>The suggested donation amount is <b>&euro;20</b>, but you can select any amount you like:</p>
-donate.textafter = <p>Click a button to go to PayPal where you can pay by credit card or by using \
- your PayPal account (if you have one). You'll receive the license key by email within a few minutes.</p> \
- <p>If you have any questions, please send an email to \
- <a href="mailto:subsonic_donation@activeobjects.no">subsonic_donation@activeobjects.no</a>.</p>
-donate.licensed = This copy of {2} was licensed to {0} on {1}. Thank you for your support!
-donate.register = After you receive your license key, please register it below.
-donate.resend = Already purchased a license but lost the key? <a href="http://subsonic.org/backend/requestLicense.view" target="_blank">Send it again</a>.
-donate.register.email = Email
-donate.register.license = License
-# podcastReceiver.jsp
-podcastreceiver.title = Podcast receiver
-podcastreceiver.expandall = Show episodes
-podcastreceiver.collapseall = Hide episodes
-podcastreceiver.status.new = New
-podcastreceiver.status.downloading = Downloading
-podcastreceiver.status.completed = Completed
-podcastreceiver.status.error = Error
-podcastreceiver.status.deleted = Deleted
-podcastreceiver.status.skipped = Skipped
-podcastreceiver.downloadselected= Download selected
-podcastreceiver.deleteselected= Delete selected
-podcastreceiver.confirmdelete= Really delete selected Podcasts?
-podcastreceiver.check = Check for new episodes
-podcastreceiver.refresh = Refresh page
-podcastreceiver.settings = Podcast settings
-podcastreceiver.subscribe = Subscribe to Podcast
-# lyrics.jsp
-lyrics.title = Lyrics
-lyrics.artist = Artist
-lyrics.song = Song
-lyrics.search = Search
-lyrics.wait = Searching for lyrics, please wait...
-lyrics.courtesy = (Lyrics by <a href="http://www.chartlyrics.com/" target="_blank">chartlyrics.com</a>)
-lyrics.nolyricsfound = No lyrics found.
-# helpPopup.jsp
-helppopup.title = {0} Help
-helppopup.cover.title = Cover art size
-helppopup.cover.text = <p>Allows you to specify the size of the displayed cover art, with the option to turn it off entirely.</p>
-helppopup.transcode.title = Max bitrate
-helppopup.transcode.text = <p>If you have constrained bandwidth, you may set an upper limit for the bitrate of the music streams. \
- For instance, if your original mp3 files are encoded using 256 Kbps (kilobits per second), setting max bitrate \
- to 128 will make {0} automatically resample the music from 256 to 128 Kbps.</p>
-helppopup.musicmask.title = Music files
-helppopup.musicmask.text = <p>Allows you to specify the type of files that should be recognized as music.</p>
-helppopup.videomask.title = Video files
-helppopup.videomask.text = <p>Allows you to specify the type of files that should be recognized as video.</p>
-helppopup.coverartmask.title = Cover art files
-helppopup.coverartmask.text = <p>Allows you to specify the type of files that should be recognized as cover art when browsing through the media folder.</p>
-helppopup.downsamplecommand.title = Downsample command
-helppopup.downsamplecommand.text = <p>Allows you to specify the command to execute when downsampling to lower bitrates.</p>\
- <p>(%s = The file to be downsampled, %b = Max bitrate of the player, %t = Title, %a = Artist, %l = Album)</p>
-helppopup.index.title = Index
-helppopup.index.text = <p>Allows you to specify how the index (located on the left side of the screen) should appear. Files and directories \
- directly in the root media folder can be easily accessed using this index.</p> \
- <p>The specification is a space-separated list of index entries. Typically, each entry is simply a single character, \
- but you may also specify multiple characters. For instance, the entry <em>The</em> will link to all files and \
- folders starting with "The".</p> \
- <p>You may also create an entry using a group of index characters in parentheses. For instance, the entry \
- <em>A-E(ABCDE)</em> will display as <em>A-E</em> and link to all files and folders starting with either \
- A, B, C, D or E. This may be useful for grouping less-frequently used characters (such and X, Y and Z), or \
- for grouping accented characters (such as A, \u00c0 and \u00c1)</p> \
- <p>Files and folders that are not covered by an index entry will be placed under the index entry "#".</p>
-helppopup.ignoredarticles.title = Articles to ignore
-helppopup.ignoredarticles.text = <p>Allows you to specify a list of articles (such as "The") that will be ignored when creating the index.</p>
-helppopup.shortcuts.title = Shortcuts
-helppopup.shortcuts.text = <p>A space-separated list of top-level folders to which to create shortcuts. Use quotes to group words, for instance:</p> \
- <p><em>New Incoming "Sound tracks"</em></p>
-helppopup.language.title = Language
-helppopup.language.text = <p>Allows you to select the language to use.</p>
-helppopup.visibility.title = Visibility
-helppopup.visibility.text = <p>Select which details should be displayed for each song, as well as the caption cutoff. This is the maximum \
- number of characters to display for song title, album and artist.</p>
-helppopup.partymode.title = Party mode
-helppopup.partymode.text = <p>When party mode is enabled, the user interface is simplified and easier to operate for non-experienced users. \
- In particular, accidental botching of playlists is avoided.</p>
-helppopup.theme.title = Theme
-helppopup.theme.text = <p>Allows you to select the theme to use. A theme defines the look and feel of {0} in terms of colors, fonts, images etc.</p>
-helppopup.welcomemessage.title = Welcome message
-helppopup.welcomemessage.text = <p>The message that is displayed on the home page.</p>
-helppopup.loginmessage.title = Login message
-helppopup.loginmessage.text = <p>The message that is displayed on the login page.</p>
-helppopup.coverartlimit.title = Cover art limit
-helppopup.coverartlimit.text = <p>The maximum number of cover art images to display on a single page.</p>
-helppopup.downloadlimit.title = Download limit
-helppopup.downloadlimit.text = <p>An upper limit for how much bandwidth will be used for downloading files.</p>
-helppopup.uploadlimit.title = Upload limit
-helppopup.uploadlimit.text = <p>An upper limit for how much bandwidth will be used for uploading files.</p>
-helppopup.streamport.title = Non-SSL stream port
-helppopup.streamport.text = <p>This option is relevant only if you use {0} on a server with SSL (HTTPS).</p><p>Some players \
- (such as Winamp) don''t support streaming over SSL. Specify the port number for regular http (usually 80 \
- or 4040) if you don''t want the streams to be transmitted over SSL. Note that the streams will not be encrypted.</p>
-helppopup.ldap.title = LDAP authentication
-helppopup.ldap.text = <p>Users can be authenticated by an external LDAP server (including Windows Active Directory). \
- When LDAP-enabled users log on to {0}, the username and password are checked by the external server, not by {0} itself.</p>
-helppopup.ldapurl.title = LDAP URL
-helppopup.ldapurl.text = <p>The URL of the LDAP server. The protocol must be either <em>ldap://</em> or <em>ldaps://</em> \
- (for LDAP over SSL). See <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ldap/misc/url.html" target="_blank">here</a> \
- for a more detailed description.</p>
-helppopup.ldapsearchfilter.title = LDAP search filter
-helppopup.ldapsearchfilter.text = <p>The filter expression used in the user search. This is an LDAP search filter \
- (as defined in <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2254.txt" target="_blank">RFC 2254</a>). \
- The pattern "'{0'}" is replaced by the username, for instance: \
- <ul>\
- <li>(uid='{0'}) - this would search for a username match on the uid attribute.</li> \
- <li>(sAMAccountName='{0'}) - typically used for authentication in Microsoft Active Directory.</li> \
- </ul></p>
-helppopup.ldapmanagerdn.title = LDAP manager DN
-helppopup.ldapmanagerdn.text = <p>If the LDAP server doesn''t support anonymous binding you must specify the DN \
- (<em>Distinguished Name</em>) and password of the LDAP user to use when binding.</p>
-helppopup.ldapautoshadowing.title = Automatically create LDAP users in {0}
-helppopup.ldapautoshadowing.text = <p>With this option selected, LDAP users don''t have to be manually created in {0} before logging on.</p> \
- <p>NOTE! This means that any user with a valid LDAP username and password can log on to {0}, \
- which may not be what you want.</p>
-helppopup.playername.title = Player name
-helppopup.playername.text = <p>Allows you to specify an easy-to-remember name for a player, such as "Work" or "Living room".</p>
-helppopup.autocontrol.title = Control player automatically
-helppopup.autocontrol.text = <p>With this option selected, {0} will automatically start the player when you click "Play" \
- in the playlist. Otherwise, you must start and connect the player yourself.</p>
-helppopup.dynamicip.title = Dynamic IP address
-helppopup.dynamicip.text = <p>Turn off this option if the player uses a static IP address.</p>
-# wap/index.jsp
-wap.index.missing = No music found
-wap.index.playlist = Playlist
-wap.index.search = Search
-wap.index.settings = Settings
-# wap/browse.jsp
-wap.browse.playone = Play song
-wap.browse.playall = Play all
-wap.browse.addone = Add song
-wap.browse.addall = Add all
-wap.browse.downloadone = Download song
-wap.browse.downloadall = Download all
-# wap/playlist.jsp
-wap.playlist.title = Playlist
-wap.playlist.noplayer = No player connected
-wap.playlist.clear = Clear
-wap.playlist.load = Load
-wap.playlist.random = Random
-wap.playlist.play = Play on phone
-# wap/search.jsp
-wap.search.title = Search
-# wap/searchResult.jsp
-wap.searchresult.index = The search index is now being created. Please try again later.
-# wap/settings.jsp
-wap.settings.selectplayer = Select player
-wap.settings.allplayers = All