path: root/subsonic-android/src/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SearchFragment.java
diff options
authorScott Jackson <daneren2005@gmail.com>2013-07-27 14:33:25 -0700
committerScott Jackson <daneren2005@gmail.com>2013-07-27 14:33:38 -0700
commit4738428c2c205f42200386ae09b44b9ec07b9144 (patch)
treea6402978fe1b4655f90c3c8a181f4d246fbc5e89 /subsonic-android/src/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SearchFragment.java
parent82ec8315f777c319f2372540098e21111019d629 (diff)
Move subsonic-android to root
Diffstat (limited to 'subsonic-android/src/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SearchFragment.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/subsonic-android/src/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SearchFragment.java b/subsonic-android/src/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SearchFragment.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c35d38c..00000000
--- a/subsonic-android/src/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SearchFragment.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-package github.daneren2005.dsub.fragments;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import android.content.Intent;
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.view.ContextMenu;
-import android.view.LayoutInflater;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.MenuItem;
-import android.widget.AdapterView;
-import android.widget.ListAdapter;
-import android.widget.ListView;
-import android.widget.TextView;
-import android.net.Uri;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
-import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.R;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.activity.SearchActivity;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.domain.Artist;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.domain.MusicDirectory;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.domain.SearchCritera;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.domain.SearchResult;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.MusicService;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.MusicServiceFactory;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.DownloadService;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.view.ArtistAdapter;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.util.BackgroundTask;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.util.Constants;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.view.EntryAdapter;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.view.MergeAdapter;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.util.TabBackgroundTask;
-import github.daneren2005.dsub.util.Util;
-public class SearchFragment extends SubsonicFragment {
- private static final int DEFAULT_ARTISTS = 3;
- private static final int DEFAULT_ALBUMS = 5;
- private static final int DEFAULT_SONGS = 10;
- private static final int MAX_ARTISTS = 10;
- private static final int MAX_ALBUMS = 20;
- private static final int MAX_SONGS = 25;
- private ListView list;
- private View artistsHeading;
- private View albumsHeading;
- private View songsHeading;
- private TextView searchButton;
- private View moreArtistsButton;
- private View moreAlbumsButton;
- private View moreSongsButton;
- private SearchResult searchResult;
- private MergeAdapter mergeAdapter;
- private ArtistAdapter artistAdapter;
- private ListAdapter moreArtistsAdapter;
- private EntryAdapter albumAdapter;
- private ListAdapter moreAlbumsAdapter;
- private ListAdapter moreSongsAdapter;
- private EntryAdapter songAdapter;
- @Override
- public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- }
- @Override
- public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle bundle) {
- rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.search, container, false);
- setTitle(R.string.search_title);
- View buttons = inflater.inflate(R.layout.search_buttons, null);
- artistsHeading = buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_artists);
- albumsHeading = buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_albums);
- songsHeading = buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_songs);
- searchButton = (TextView) buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_search);
- moreArtistsButton = buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_more_artists);
- moreAlbumsButton = buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_more_albums);
- moreSongsButton = buttons.findViewById(R.id.search_more_songs);
- list = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.search_list);
- list.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
- if (view == searchButton) {
- context.onSearchRequested();
- } else if (view == moreArtistsButton) {
- expandArtists();
- } else if (view == moreAlbumsButton) {
- expandAlbums();
- } else if (view == moreSongsButton) {
- expandSongs();
- } else {
- Object item = parent.getItemAtPosition(position);
- if (item instanceof Artist) {
- onArtistSelected((Artist) item);
- } else if (item instanceof MusicDirectory.Entry) {
- MusicDirectory.Entry entry = (MusicDirectory.Entry) item;
- if (entry.isDirectory()) {
- onAlbumSelected(entry, false);
- } else if (entry.isVideo()) {
- onVideoSelected(entry);
- } else {
- onSongSelected(entry, false, true, true, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- registerForContextMenu(list);
- ((SearchActivity)context).onSupportNewIntent(context.getIntent());
- return rootView;
- }
- @Override
- public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater menuInflater) {
- menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.search, menu);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem item) {
- if(super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View view, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
- super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, view, menuInfo);
- AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) menuInfo;
- Object selectedItem = list.getItemAtPosition(info.position);
- onCreateContextMenu(menu, view, menuInfo, selectedItem);
- if(selectedItem instanceof MusicDirectory.Entry && !((MusicDirectory.Entry) selectedItem).isVideo() && !Util.isOffline(context)) {
- menu.removeItem(R.id.song_menu_remove_playlist);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem menuItem) {
- if(!primaryFragment) {
- return false;
- }
- AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) menuItem.getMenuInfo();
- Object selectedItem = list.getItemAtPosition(info.position);
- if(onContextItemSelected(menuItem, selectedItem)) {
- return true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public void setPrimaryFragment(boolean primary) {
- super.setPrimaryFragment(primary);
- if(rootView != null && primary) {
- ((SearchActivity)context).onSupportNewIntent(context.getIntent());
- }
- }
- public void search(final String query, final boolean autoplay) {
- mergeAdapter = new MergeAdapter();
- list.setAdapter(mergeAdapter);
- BackgroundTask<SearchResult> task = new TabBackgroundTask<SearchResult>(this) {
- @Override
- protected SearchResult doInBackground() throws Throwable {
- SearchCritera criteria = new SearchCritera(query, MAX_ARTISTS, MAX_ALBUMS, MAX_SONGS);
- MusicService service = MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService(context);
- return service.search(criteria, context, this);
- }
- @Override
- protected void done(SearchResult result) {
- searchResult = result;
- populateList();
- if (autoplay) {
- autoplay();
- }
- }
- };
- task.execute();
- }
- public void populateList() {
- mergeAdapter = new MergeAdapter();
- mergeAdapter.addView(searchButton, true);
- if (searchResult != null) {
- List<Artist> artists = searchResult.getArtists();
- if (!artists.isEmpty()) {
- mergeAdapter.addView(artistsHeading);
- List<Artist> displayedArtists = new ArrayList<Artist>(artists.subList(0, Math.min(DEFAULT_ARTISTS, artists.size())));
- artistAdapter = new ArtistAdapter(context, displayedArtists);
- mergeAdapter.addAdapter(artistAdapter);
- if (artists.size() > DEFAULT_ARTISTS) {
- moreArtistsAdapter = mergeAdapter.addView(moreArtistsButton, true);
- }
- }
- List<MusicDirectory.Entry> albums = searchResult.getAlbums();
- if (!albums.isEmpty()) {
- mergeAdapter.addView(albumsHeading);
- List<MusicDirectory.Entry> displayedAlbums = new ArrayList<MusicDirectory.Entry>(albums.subList(0, Math.min(DEFAULT_ALBUMS, albums.size())));
- albumAdapter = new EntryAdapter(context, getImageLoader(), displayedAlbums, false);
- mergeAdapter.addAdapter(albumAdapter);
- if (albums.size() > DEFAULT_ALBUMS) {
- moreAlbumsAdapter = mergeAdapter.addView(moreAlbumsButton, true);
- }
- }
- List<MusicDirectory.Entry> songs = searchResult.getSongs();
- if (!songs.isEmpty()) {
- mergeAdapter.addView(songsHeading);
- List<MusicDirectory.Entry> displayedSongs = new ArrayList<MusicDirectory.Entry>(songs.subList(0, Math.min(DEFAULT_SONGS, songs.size())));
- songAdapter = new EntryAdapter(context, getImageLoader(), displayedSongs, false);
- mergeAdapter.addAdapter(songAdapter);
- if (songs.size() > DEFAULT_SONGS) {
- moreSongsAdapter = mergeAdapter.addView(moreSongsButton, true);
- }
- }
- boolean empty = searchResult.getArtists().isEmpty() && searchResult.getAlbums().isEmpty() && searchResult.getSongs().isEmpty();
- searchButton.setText(empty ? R.string.search_no_match : R.string.search_search);
- }
- list.setAdapter(mergeAdapter);
- }
- private void expandArtists() {
- artistAdapter.clear();
- for (Artist artist : searchResult.getArtists()) {
- artistAdapter.add(artist);
- }
- artistAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
- mergeAdapter.removeAdapter(moreArtistsAdapter);
- mergeAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
- }
- private void expandAlbums() {
- albumAdapter.clear();
- for (MusicDirectory.Entry album : searchResult.getAlbums()) {
- albumAdapter.add(album);
- }
- albumAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
- mergeAdapter.removeAdapter(moreAlbumsAdapter);
- mergeAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
- }
- private void expandSongs() {
- songAdapter.clear();
- for (MusicDirectory.Entry song : searchResult.getSongs()) {
- songAdapter.add(song);
- }
- songAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
- mergeAdapter.removeAdapter(moreSongsAdapter);
- mergeAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
- }
- private void onArtistSelected(Artist artist) {
- SubsonicFragment fragment = new SelectDirectoryFragment();
- Bundle args = new Bundle();
- args.putString(Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME_ID, artist.getId());
- args.putString(Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME_NAME, artist.getName());
- fragment.setArguments(args);
- replaceFragment(fragment, R.id.search_layout);
- }
- private void onAlbumSelected(MusicDirectory.Entry album, boolean autoplay) {
- int id = R.id.search_layout;
- Bundle args;
- if(album.getParent() != null) {
- SubsonicFragment parentFragment = new SelectDirectoryFragment();
- args = new Bundle();
- args.putString(Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME_ID, album.getParent());
- args.putString(Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME_NAME, album.getArtist());
- parentFragment.setArguments(args);
- replaceFragment(parentFragment, R.id.search_layout);
- id = parentFragment.getRootId();
- }
- SubsonicFragment fragment = new SelectDirectoryFragment();
- args = new Bundle();
- args.putString(Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME_ID, album.getId());
- args.putString(Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME_NAME, album.getTitle());
- fragment.setArguments(args);
- replaceFragment(fragment, id);
- }
- private void onSongSelected(MusicDirectory.Entry song, boolean save, boolean append, boolean autoplay, boolean playNext) {
- DownloadService downloadService = getDownloadService();
- if (downloadService != null) {
- if (!append) {
- downloadService.clear();
- }
- downloadService.download(Arrays.asList(song), save, false, playNext, false);
- if (autoplay) {
- downloadService.play(downloadService.size() - 1);
- }
- Util.toast(context, getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.select_album_n_songs_added, 1, 1));
- }
- }
- private void onVideoSelected(MusicDirectory.Entry entry) {
- int maxBitrate = Util.getMaxVideoBitrate(context);
- Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
- intent.setData(Uri.parse(MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService(context).getVideoUrl(maxBitrate, context, entry.getId())));
- startActivity(intent);
- }
- private void autoplay() {
- if (!searchResult.getSongs().isEmpty()) {
- onSongSelected(searchResult.getSongs().get(0), false, false, true, false);
- } else if (!searchResult.getAlbums().isEmpty()) {
- onAlbumSelected(searchResult.getAlbums().get(0), true);
- }
- }