path: root/pcr/fonts-meta/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorDavid P <>2020-08-06 15:43:47 -0400
committerDavid P <>2020-08-06 15:43:47 -0400
commite322c0c26161996b7296266146d9772f41967cc2 (patch)
tree79b104668589a822f7ded796bcf25dbced629d4e /pcr/fonts-meta/PKGBUILD
parent70999c73d587edfa3be7b10bb5cf6c7ac2a688e9 (diff)
addpkg: pcr/fonts-meta 20200806-1
Signed-off-by: David P <>
Diffstat (limited to 'pcr/fonts-meta/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pcr/fonts-meta/PKGBUILD b/pcr/fonts-meta/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..604e39f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcr/fonts-meta/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Maintainer: David P. <>
+pkgver=20200806 # date +%Y%m%d
+pkgdesc='Metapackage that installs all available fonts'
+# To find packages with fonts, do `pacman -Fx /usr/share/fonts'
+# Note that not all of the listed packages are exclusively font
+# packages, some are games or programs that include them.
+ adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
+ adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts
+ adobe-source-serif-pro-fonts
+ bdf-unifont
+ cantarell-fonts
+ dina-font
+ gentium-plus-font
+ gnu-free-fonts
+ gsfonts
+ inter-font
+ noto-fonts-cjk
+ noto-fonts-emoji
+ noto-fonts-extra
+ opendesktop-fonts
+ otf-cormorant
+ otf-fantasque-sans-mono
+ otf-fira-mono
+ otf-fira-sans
+ otf-font-awesome
+ otf-hermit
+ otf-ipaexfont
+ otf-ipafont
+ otf-ipamjfont
+ otf-latin-modern
+ otf-latinmodern-math
+ otf-league-gothic
+ otf-overpass
+ otf-stix
+ powerline-fonts
+ tamsyn-font
+ terminus-font
+ terminus-font-otb
+ tex-gyre-fonts
+ ttf-anonymous-pro
+ ttf-arphic-ukai
+ ttf-arphic-uming
+ ttf-baekmuk
+ ttf-beteckna
+ ttf-bitstream-vera
+ ttf-caladea
+ ttf-carlito
+ ttf-cascadia-code
+ ttf-comic-neue
+ ttf-cormorant
+ ttf-croscore
+ ttf-dejavu
+ ttf-droid
+ ttf-eurof
+ ttf-fantasque-sans-mono
+ ttf-fira-code
+ ttf-fira-mono
+ ttf-fira-sans
+ ttf-font-awesome
+ ttf-hack
+ ttf-hanazono
+ ttf-ibm-plex
+ ttf-inconsolata
+ ttf-indic-otf
+ ttf-ionicons
+ ttf-jetbrains-mono
+ ttf-junicode
+ ttf-khmer
+ ttf-lato
+ ttf-league-gothic
+ ttf-liberation
+ ttf-linux-libertine
+ ttf-linux-libertine-g
+ ttf-monofur
+ ttf-montserrat
+ ttf-open-comic-font
+ ttf-opensans
+ ttf-proggy-clean
+ ttf-roboto
+ ttf-roboto-mono
+ ttf-sarasa-gothic
+ ttf-sazanami
+ ttf-tibetan-machine
+ woff2-fira-code
+ woff-fira-code
+ wqy-bitmapfont
+ wqy-microhei
+ wqy-microhei-lite
+ wqy-zenhei
+ xorg-fonts-100dpi
+ xorg-fonts-75dpi
+ xorg-fonts-cyrillic
+ xorg-fonts-misc
+ xorg-fonts-type1
+ xorg-font-util
+ adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-sans-hk-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-sans-tw-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-serif-jp-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-serif-kr-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts
+ adobe-source-han-serif-tw-fonts
+ ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols
+ ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono