diff options
authorAndreas Grapentin <>2018-02-04 15:59:40 +0100
committerAndreas Grapentin <>2018-02-04 15:59:40 +0100
commit6aa639a8be70bf0a49fcee1ab9a64f7b21fcd457 (patch)
parent76c0334bddacccafb23b4ce424100594714f2f31 (diff)
pcr/aurvote: updated to 1.9
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/pcr/aurvote/PKGBUILD b/pcr/aurvote/PKGBUILD
index da55eb338..f3dd61cd3 100644
--- a/pcr/aurvote/PKGBUILD
+++ b/pcr/aurvote/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
-# Contributor: tuxce <>
+# Maintainer (AUR): Javier Tia <javier dot tia at gmail dot com>
# Maintainer : Parabola Aurélien DESBRIÈRES <>
+# parabola changes and rationale:
+# - renamed tarball to avoid collisions
pkgdesc="Tool to vote for favorite AUR packages"
-package() {
- install -D -m 755 "$srcdir/$pkgname" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
+package() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ install -Dm 755 aurvote "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/aurvote"
+ install -Dm 644 zsh-completion "${pkgdir}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_aurvote"
+# vim:set ft=sh ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/pcr/aurvote/aurvote b/pcr/aurvote/aurvote
deleted file mode 100755
index 833267f10..000000000
--- a/pcr/aurvote/aurvote
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# aurvote : Tool to vote for favorite AUR packages
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Julien MISCHKOWITZ <>
-# Copyright (c) 2011 tuxce <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-version() {
- echo "$NAME $VERSION"
-usage() {
- echo "$NAME $VERSION"
- echo
- echo "usage: $0 <option> <pkgname1> <pkgname2> ..."
- echo
- echo " --version, -V shows version"
- echo " --help, -h shows this help"
- echo " --check, -c check for voted packages"
- echo " --vote, -v vote for packages"
- echo " --unvote, -u unvote packages"
- echo
- echo " --configure create $CONFIGFILE"
- echo
-error() {
- echo -e "Error: $*"
- exit 1
-is_cookie_valid() {
- [[ -r $COOKIE_FILE ]] || return 1
- local expire
- expire=$(sed -ne '/^\(#HttpOnly_\|[^#]\)/ { s/#HttpOnly_//;p }' "$COOKIE_FILE" |
- awk "{ if (\$1==\"$AUR_DOMAIN\" && \$6==\"$AUR_COOKIE\") print \$5\" \"\$7; }")
- AUR_COOKIE_VALUE=${expire##* }
- expire=${expire%% *}
- [[ $expire ]] && { ((expire==0)) || ((expire>$(date +%s))); }
-aur_login() {
- local args=()
- if ((PERSIST)); then
- is_cookie_valid && return 0
- args=(-d "remember_me=on")
- fi
- if [[ ! $user || ! $pass ]]; then
- error "$CONFIGFILE must have user name and password. Run:\n$NAME --configure"
- fi
- curl $CURL_OPT -L -fs -c "$COOKIE_FILE" "${args[@]}" -d "user=$user" \
- --data-urlencode "passwd=$pass" "$AUR_URL_LOGIN" \
- -o "$AV_TMP/login" || error "Unable to access $AUR_URL_LOGIN"
- err=$(sed -ne 's/.*ul class="errorlist"><li>\([^<]*\)<.*/\1/p' "$AV_TMP/login")
- [[ $err ]] && error "$err"
-aur_get_pkg_page() {
- local pkg=$1
- curl $CURL_OPT -fs -b "$COOKIE_FILE" \
- -o "$AV_TMP/$pkg.$PID" ||
- error "Unable to get $pkg page"
-aur_set_token() {
- aur_get_pkg_page "$1"
- AUR_TOKEN=$(sed -n -e '/<input type="hidden" name="token"/ { s/.*value="\([0-9a-f]\+\)".*/\1/p;q }' "$AV_TMP/$pkg.$PID")
- [[ ! $AUR_TOKEN ]] && error "Unable to get token from AUR page"
-aur_check_vote() {
- local pkg
- for pkg in "${pkgnames[@]}"; do
- aur_get_pkg_page "$pkg"
- if sed '/<div id="news">/q' "$AV_TMP/$pkg.$PID" | grep -q /unvote/; then
- echo "already voted"
- elif sed '/<div id="news">/q' "$AV_TMP/$pkg.$PID" | grep -q /vote/; then
- echo "not voted"
- else
- echo "voted status not found"
- fi
- done
-aur_vote() {
- local pkg vote action
- if (($1)); then
- vote="/vote/"
- action=do_Vote
- else
- vote="/unvote/"
- action=do_UnVote
- fi
- for pkg in "${pkgnames[@]}"; do
- [[ ! $AUR_TOKEN ]] && aur_set_token "$pkg"
- curl $CURL_OPT -fs -b "$COOKIE_FILE" \
- "${AUR_URL_PKG_PAGE}${pkg}${vote}" \
- -d token="$AUR_TOKEN" \
- -d "$action"="(Un)Vote" \
- -o /dev/null
- if (($?)); then
- echo "Error: Can't (un)vote for $pkg"
- else
- echo "$pkg : vote changed"
- fi
- done
-create_config_file() {
- local ans configdir=${CONFIGFILE%/*}
- if [[ ! -d $configdir ]]; then
- mkdir -p "$configdir" || error "Unable to create $configdir"
- fi
- if [[ -f "$CONFIGFILE" ]]; then
- read -p "$CONFIGFILE exists. Replace ? [y/N] " ans
- [[ $ans != 'Y' && $ans != 'y' ]] && return 0
- fi
- echo -n > "$CONFIGFILE"
- if [[ ! -r "$CONFIGFILE" ]]; then
- error "Unable to create $CONFIGFILE"
- fi
- echo "Creation of $CONFIGFILE"
- read -p "AUR User : " ans
- printf "user=%q\n" "$ans" >> "$CONFIGFILE"
- read -p "AUR Password : " ans
- printf "pass=%q\n" "$ans" >> "$CONFIGFILE"
- read -p "Persistent login ? [Y/n] " ans
- [[ $ans = 'n' || $ans = 'N' ]] && return 0
- read -p "Path to the cookie file : [/var/tmp/aurvote-$USER.cookie] ? " ans
- printf "COOKIE_FILE=%q\n" "${ans:-/var/tmp/aurvote-$USER.cookie}" >> "$CONFIGFILE"
- echo
- echo "Creation complete."
-umask 077
-[[ -d "$AV_TMP" ]] || mkdir -p "$AV_TMP"
-[[ -d "$AV_TMP" && -w "$AV_TMP" ]] || error "Cannot access to $AV_TMP"
-[[ -r "$CONFIGFILE" ]] && source "$CONFIGFILE"
-while [[ $1 ]]; do
- case $1 in
- --help|-h) usage; exit 0;;
- --version|-V) version; exit 0;;
- --check|-c) ACTION="check";;
- --configure) ACTION="configure";;
- --vote|-v) ACTION="vote";;
- --unvote|-u) ACTION="unvote";;
- --id) ;; # deprecated
- --insecure) CURL_OPT+=" --insecure";;
- -k) PERSIST=1; shift; COOKIE_FILE="$1";;
- --*|-*) usage; exit 1;;
- *) pkgnames+=("$1");;
- esac
- shift
-if [[ $ACTION = "configure" ]]; then
- create_config_file
- exit 0
-pkgnames=("${pkgnames[@]%/*}") # compatibility with yaourt <= 1.2.1
-[[ ! $pkgnames ]] && usage && exit 1
-case "$ACTION" in
- check) aur_check_vote;;
- vote) aur_vote 1;;
- unvote) aur_vote 0;;
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: