From b392a4af78e01c8e0f50aad5468e9583675b24be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anton Tananaev Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 09:17:52 -0700 Subject: Move to the legacy folder --- web/l10n/sl.json | 600 ------------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 600 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 web/l10n/sl.json (limited to 'web/l10n/sl.json') diff --git a/web/l10n/sl.json b/web/l10n/sl.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3c55e91b..00000000 --- a/web/l10n/sl.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ -{ - "sharedLoading": "Nalagam...", - "sharedHide": "Skrij", - "sharedSave": "Shrani", - "sharedUpload": "Naloži", - "sharedSet": "Nastavi", - "sharedCancel": "Prekini", - "sharedCopy": "Copy", - "sharedAdd": "Dodaj", - "sharedEdit": "Uredi", - "sharedRemove": "Odstrani", - "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstranim zapis?", - "sharedNoData": "Ni podatkov", - "sharedSubject": "Subject", - "sharedYes": "Da", - "sharedNo": "Ne", - "sharedKm": "km", - "sharedMi": "mi", - "sharedNmi": "nmi", - "sharedMeters": "m", - "sharedFeet": "ft", - "sharedKn": "kn", - "sharedKmh": "km/h", - "sharedMph": "mph", - "sharedHour": "Ura", - "sharedMinute": "Minuta", - "sharedSecond": "Sekunda", - "sharedDays": "dni", - "sharedHours": "ur", - "sharedMinutes": "minut", - "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Decimalne stopinje", - "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Stopinje Decimalne Minute", - "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Stopinje Minute Sekunde", - "sharedName": "Ime", - "sharedDescription": "Opis", - "sharedSearch": "Išči", - "sharedIconScale": "Icon Scale", - "sharedGeofence": "Omejeno območje", - "sharedGeofences": "Omejena območja", - "sharedCreateGeofence": "Ustvari omejeno območje", - "sharedNotifications": "Obvestila", - "sharedNotification": "Obvestilo", - "sharedAttributes": "Atributi", - "sharedAttribute": "Atribut", - "sharedDrivers": "Vozniki", - "sharedDriver": "Voznik", - "sharedArea": "Območje", - "sharedSound": "Zvok obvestila", - "sharedType": "Tip", - "sharedDistance": "Razdalja", - "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h", - "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m", - "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s", - "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V", - "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l", - "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal", - "sharedLiter": "Liter", - "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. 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