path: root/web/l10n/ro.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l10n/ro.json')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/web/l10n/ro.json b/web/l10n/ro.json
index a40cd7ff..39d3df03 100644
--- a/web/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/web/l10n/ro.json
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
"sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
"sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
"sharedNotifications": "Notificările",
- "sharedNotification": "Notification",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificare",
"sharedAttributes": "Atribute",
"sharedAttribute": "Atribute",
- "sharedDrivers": "Drivers",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Drivere",
"sharedDriver": "Driver",
"sharedArea": "Area",
"sharedSound": "Sunet notificare",
@@ -44,16 +44,15 @@
"sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
"sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
"sharedGallonAbbreviation": "gal",
- "sharedLiter": "Liter",
- "sharedImpGallon": "Imp. Gallon",
- "sharedUsGallon": "U.S. Gallon",
+ "sharedLiter": "litru",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "UK Galon",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "US Galon",
"sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
"sharedGetMapState": "Cere status harta",
"sharedComputedAttribute": "Atribut Calculat",
"sharedComputedAttributes": "Atribute Calculate",
"sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Verifica atributul calculat",
"sharedExpression": "expresie",
- "sharedDeviceDistance": "Distanta echipament",
"sharedDevice": "Echipament",
"sharedTestNotification": "Trimite notificare de test",
"sharedCalendar": "Calendar",
@@ -70,23 +69,24 @@
"sharedTypeBoolean": "boolean",
"sharedTimezone": "Fus orar",
"sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
- "sharedSavedCommand": "Saved Command",
- "sharedSavedCommands": "Saved Commands",
- "sharedNew": "New…",
- "sharedShowAddress": "Show Address",
- "sharedDisabled": "Disabled",
- "sharedMaintenance": "Maintenance",
- "sharedMaintenances": "Maintenances",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comanda Salvata",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comenzi Salvate",
+ "sharedNew": "Nou",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Arata Adresa",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Dezactivat",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Intretinere",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Acumulatori",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarme",
"attributeSpeedLimit": "Limita de viteza",
- "attributePolylineDistance": "Polyline Distance",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distanta Linie Multipla",
"attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Raport: Ignora kilometrajul",
"attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Culoare raport",
"attributeDevicePassword": "Parola dispozitiv",
"attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Procesare: Copiaza atributele",
"attributeColor": "Culoare",
"attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Lungime rute",
- "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
- "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Maximum Zoom",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Mareste la Selectie",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom Maxim",
"attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
"attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
"attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: Activeaza SMTP STARTTLS ",
@@ -98,19 +98,19 @@
"attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: Activeaza autentificare SMTP ",
"attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP utilizator",
"attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP parola",
- "attributeUiDisableReport": "UI: Disable Report",
- "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Disable Events",
- "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Fetures",
- "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Disable Drivers",
- "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Disable Computed Attributes",
- "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Disable Calendars",
- "attributeUiDisableMaintenances": "UI: Disable Maintenances",
- "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Hide Position Attributes",
+ "attributeUiDisableReport": "UI: Dezactivare Raport",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Dezactivare Evenimente",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Dezactivare Detalii Vehicul",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Dezactivare Drivere",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Dezactivare Atribute Calculate",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Dezactivare Calendar",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Dezactivare Mentenanta",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ascunde Atributele de Pozitionare",
"errorTitle": "Eroare",
"errorGeneral": "Parametri invalizi",
"errorConnection": "Eroare de conexiune",
"errorSocket": "Eroare conectare socket",
- "errorZero": "Can't be zero",
+ "errorZero": "Nu poate fi zero",
"userEmail": "Email",
"userPassword": "Parolă",
"userAdmin": "Admin",
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"userDeviceLimit": "Limitare echipament",
"userUserLimit": "Limita utilizator",
"userDeviceReadonly": "Dispozitiv doar citire",
- "userLimitCommands": "Limit Commands",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Comenzi pentru limite",
"userToken": "Token",
"loginTitle": "Autentificare",
"loginLanguage": "Limbă",
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@
"settingsGroups": "Grupuri",
"settingsServer": "Server",
"settingsUsers": "Utilizatori",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance Unit",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed Unit",
- "settingsVolumeUnit": "Volume Unit",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unitate de masura pentru distanta",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unitate de masura viteza",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unitate de masura Volum",
"settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-oră",
"settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format coordonate",
"reportTitle": "Rapoarte",
@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@
"positionHdop": "HDOP Eroare pe orizontala",
"positionVdop": "VDOP Eroare pe verticala",
"positionPdop": "PDOP Eroarea pozitiei",
- "positionSat": "Satellites",
- "positionSatVisible": "Visible Satellites",
+ "positionSat": "Sateliti",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Sateliti Vizibili",
"positionRssi": "RSSI",
"positionGps": "GPS",
- "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionRoaming": "Migrare",
"positionEvent": "Eveniment",
"positionAlarm": "Alarma",
"positionStatus": "Stare",
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
"positionServiceOdometer": "Valoare kilometraj service",
"positionTripOdometer": "Kilometraj tronson",
"positionHours": "Ore",
- "positionSteps": "Steps",
+ "positionSteps": "Pasi",
"positionInput": "Intrare",
"positionOutput": "Iesire",
"positionBatteryLevel": "Nivel baterie",
@@ -216,13 +216,13 @@
"positionAcceleration": "Acceleratie",
"positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura echipament",
"positionOperator": "Operator",
- "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionCommand": "Comenzi",
"positionBlocked": "Blocat",
"positionDtcs": "DTCs",
- "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Viteza OBD",
"positionObdOdometer": "Kilometraj OBD",
- "positionDriverUniqueId": "Driver Unique Id",
- "positionImage": "Image",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "Identificator Unic Sofer",
+ "positionImage": "Imagine",
"positionAudio": "Audio",
"serverTitle": "Setări server",
"serverZoom": "Zoom",
@@ -231,7 +231,9 @@
"serverForceSettings": "Configurare fortata",
"mapTitle": "Hartă",
"mapLayer": "Strat Hartă",
- "mapCustom": "Personalizare Hartă",
+ "mapCustom": "Custom (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "Custom (ArcGIS)",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Custom map",
"mapCarto": "Harta Carto Basemaps",
"mapOsm": "Hartă Open Street",
"mapBingKey": "Cheie Hărți Bing",
@@ -246,14 +248,14 @@
"mapShapeCircle": "Cerc",
"mapShapePolyline": "Polilinie",
"mapLiveRoutes": "Rute in timp real",
- "mapPoiLayer": "POI Layer",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "POI ",
"stateTitle": "Stare",
"stateName": "Atribut",
"stateValue": "Valoare",
"commandTitle": "Comandă",
"commandSend": "Trimite",
- "commandSent": "Comandă a fost trimisa",
- "commandQueued": "Command has been queued",
+ "commandSent": "Comanda trimisa",
+ "commandQueued": "Comanda adaugata in coada",
"commandUnit": "Unitate",
"commandCustom": "Comandă personalizată",
"commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificare dispozitiv",
@@ -266,6 +268,7 @@
"commandAlarmDisarm": "Dezactivare alarmă",
"commandSetTimezone": "Setare Fus Orar",
"commandRequestPhoto": "Cere Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Oprire Dispozitiv",
"commandRebootDevice": "Repornire Dispozitiv",
"commandSendSms": "Trimite SMS",
"commandSendUssd": "Trimite USSD",
@@ -274,92 +277,93 @@
"commandSetPhonebook": "Set Agendă telefonică",
"commandVoiceMessage": "Mesaj Vocal",
"commandOutputControl": "Controlul de ieșire",
- "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Voice Monitoring",
- "commandSetAgps": "Set AGPS",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitorizare Audio",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Setari AGPS",
"commandSetIndicator": "Seteaza indicatorul",
- "commandConfiguration": "Configuration",
- "commandGetVersion": "Get Version",
- "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Update Firmware",
- "commandSetConnection": "Set Connection",
- "commandSetOdometer": "Set Odometer",
- "commandGetModemStatus": "Get Modem Status",
- "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Get Device Status",
- "commandModePowerSaving": "Modify Power Saving",
- "commandModeDeepSleep": "Modify Deep Sleep",
- "commandMovementAlarm": "Movement Alarm",
- "commandAlarmBattery": "Battery Alarm",
- "commandAlarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "commandAlarmRemove": "Remove Alarm",
- "commandAlarmClock": "Clock Alarm",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alarmă depăşire viteză",
- "commandAlarmFall": "Fail Alarm",
- "commandAlarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configurare",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Afla Versiunea",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Actualizare Software",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Setari Conexiune",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Setari Distanta",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Afla starea Modem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Afla starea Dispozitivului",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Modifica setari economisire energie",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Modifica modul Deep Sleep",
+ "commandMovementAlarm": "Alarma Miscare",
"commandFrequency": "Frecvenţă",
"commandTimezone": "Diferenta fus orar",
"commandMessage": "Mesaj",
- "commandRadius": "Radius",
- "commandEnable": "Enable",
+ "commandRadius": "Raza",
+ "commandEnable": "Activeaza",
"commandData": "Data",
"commandIndex": "Index",
"commandPhone": "Telefon",
"commandServer": "Server",
"commandPort": "Port",
"eventAll": "Toate evenimentele",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispozitivul este pornit",
- "eventDeviceUnknown": "Starea dispozitivului necunoscuta",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispozitivul este oprit",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispozitivul este în mişcare",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispozitivul este stationar",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Dispozitivul a depăşit limita de viteză",
- "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Alarma nivel combustibil",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Status on-line",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Status necunoscut",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Status off-line",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispozitivul se deplaseaza",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispozitiv Oprit",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Viteza maxima depasita",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Scadere nivel carburant",
"eventCommandResult": "Rezultat comandă",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Dispozitivul a intrat in zona geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Dispozitivul a ieşit din zona geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarme",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Acces perimetru",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Perimetru a fost parasit",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarma",
"eventIgnitionOn": "Contact pornit",
"eventIgnitionOff": "Contact oprit",
"eventMaintenance": "Intretinere necesara",
"eventTextMessage": "Mesaj test primit",
- "eventDriverChanged": "Driver has changed",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "Sofer schimbat",
"eventsScrollToLast": "Deruleaza la sfarsit",
- "alarmSos": "Alarmă SOS",
- "alarmVibration": "Alarmă vibraţii",
- "alarmMovement": "Alarmă Mişcare",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Alarmă depăsire viteză",
- "alarmFallDown": "Alarmă cădere",
- "alarmLowBattery": "Alarmă nivel baterie scăzută",
- "alarmLowPower": "Avertizare lipsa alimentare",
- "alarmFault": "Alarmă Defect",
- "alarmPowerOff": "Alarma intrerupere alimentare",
- "alarmPowerOn": "Alarma revenire alimentare",
- "alarmDoor": "Alarma usa",
- "alarmGeofence": "Alarma perimetru",
- "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Alarma intrare perimetru",
- "alarmGeofenceExit": "Alarma iesire perimetru",
- "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Alarma obstructionare antena GPS",
- "alarmAccident": "Alarma accident",
- "alarmTow": "Alarma remorcare",
- "alarmIdle": "Idle Alarm",
- "alarmHardAcceleration": "Alarma demaraj ",
- "alarmHardBraking": "Hard Braking Alarm",
- "alarmFatigueDriving": "Alarma oboseala",
- "alarmPowerCut": "Alarma intrerupere alimentare",
- "alarmPowerRestored": "Avertizare revenire alimentare",
- "alarmJamming": "Alarma bruiere",
- "alarmTemperature": "Alarma de temperatura",
- "alarmParking": "Alarma parcare",
- "alarmShock": "Alarma senzor soc",
- "alarmBonnet": "Alarma capota",
- "alarmFootBrake": "Alarma de franare",
- "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuel Leak Alarm",
- "alarmTampering": "Alarma obstructionare",
- "alarmRemoving": "Eliminare alarma",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibratii",
+ "alarmMovement": "Miscare",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Viteza redusa",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Viteza depasita",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Reducere",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Putere redusa",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Nivel scazut baterie",
+ "alarmFault": "Eroare",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Pornit",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Oprit",
+ "alarmDoor": "Usa",
+ "alarmLock": "Blocare",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Deblocare",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Perimetru restrictionat",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Acces Perimetru",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "Parasire perimetru",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antena GPS taiata",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accident",
+ "alarmTow": "Tractare",
+ "alarmIdle": "In asteptare",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Turatie ridicata",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Accelerare Puternica",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frana de Urgenta",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Viraj Brusc",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Schimbare Banda",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Condus in stare de oboseala",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Taiere Alimentare",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Alimentare restabilita",
+ "alarmJamming": "Bruiaj",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Parcare",
+ "alarmShock": "Soc",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capota",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Frana de serviciu",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Pierdere combustibil",
+ "alarmTampering": "Acces neautorizat",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Indepartare",
"notificationType": "Tip de notificare",
- "notificationAlways": "All Devices",
- "notificationNotificators": "Channels",
+ "notificationAlways": "Toate dispozitivele",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canale",
"notificatorWeb": "Web",
"notificatorMail": "Mail",
"notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Mobil",
"reportRoute": "Ruta",
"reportEvents": "Evenimente",
"reportTrips": "Tronsoane",
@@ -371,14 +375,15 @@
"reportChartType": "Tip grafic",
"reportShowMarkers": "Arata punctele",
"reportExport": "Exporta",
- "reportPeriod": "Period",
- "reportCustom": "Custom",
- "reportToday": "Today",
- "reportYesterday": "Yesterday",
- "reportThisWeek": "This Week",
- "reportPreviousWeek": "Previous Week",
- "reportThisMonth": "This Month",
- "reportPreviousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "reportEmail": "Raport Email",
+ "reportPeriod": "Perioada",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalizat",
+ "reportToday": "Astazi",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ieri",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Saptamana Curenta",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Saptamana Anterioara",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Luna Aceasta",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Luna Anterioara",
"reportDeviceName": "Nume dispozitiv",
"reportAverageSpeed": "Viteză medie",
"reportMaximumSpeed": "Viteză Maximă",
@@ -389,6 +394,8 @@
"reportEndTime": "Ora sfarsit",
"reportEndAddress": "Adresa finala",
"reportSpentFuel": "Combustibil consumat",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Inceput Kilometraj",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Finalizare Kilomteraj",
"statisticsTitle": "Statistici",
"statisticsCaptureTime": "Timpul ",
"statisticsActiveUsers": "Utilizatori activi",
@@ -408,17 +415,18 @@
"categoryCrane": "Macara",
"categoryHelicopter": "Elicopter",
"categoryMotorcycle": "Motocicleta",
- "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Teren Accidentat",
"categoryPerson": "Persoana",
"categoryPickup": "Papuc",
"categoryPlane": "Avion",
"categoryShip": "Nava",
"categoryTractor": "Tractor",
- "categoryTrain": "Train",
- "categoryTram": "Tram",
- "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus",
+ "categoryTrain": "Tren",
+ "categoryTram": "Tramvai",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolebuz",
"categoryTruck": "Camion",
"categoryVan": "Duba",
+ "categoryScooter": "Scooter",
"maintenanceStart": "Start",
- "maintenancePeriod": "Period"
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Perioada"
} \ No newline at end of file