path: root/web/l10n/ko.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l10n/ko.json')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/web/l10n/ko.json b/web/l10n/ko.json
index f8ceb52a..2ee70348 100644
--- a/web/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/web/l10n/ko.json
@@ -37,10 +37,17 @@
"sharedDistance": "거리",
"sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
"sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "l",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "l/h",
"sharedGetMapState": "지도 상태 가져 오기",
"sharedAttributeAlias": "속성 별칭",
"sharedAttributeAliases": "속성 별칭",
"sharedAlias": "별칭",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Computed Attributes",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Check Computed Attribute",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expression",
"sharedDeviceDistance": "장치 거리",
"sharedDevice": "장치",
"sharedTestNotification": "테스트 알림 보내기",
@@ -53,9 +60,34 @@
"sharedPreferences": "환경 설정",
"sharedPermissions": "권한",
"sharedExtra": "특별한 것",
+ "sharedTypeString": "String",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Number",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Boolean",
"sharedTimezone": "시간대",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Info",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Speed Limit",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Report: Ignore Odometer",
+ "attributeMaintenanceStart": "Maintenance: Start",
+ "attributeMaintenanceInterval": "Maintenance: Interval",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Report Color",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Device Password",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Processing: Copy Attributes",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Live Route Length",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoom On Select",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: SMTP Host",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: SMTP Port",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: SMTP STARTTLS Required",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: SMTP SSL Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: SMTP SSL Trust",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: SMTP SSL Protocols",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: SMTP Auth Enable",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: SMTP Username",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: SMTP Password",
"errorTitle": "오류",
- "errorUnknown": "모르는 오류",
+ "errorGeneral": "Invalid parameters or constraints violation",
"errorConnection": "연결오류",
"errorSocket": "웹 소켓 연결 오류",
"userEmail": "이메일",
@@ -119,6 +151,51 @@
"positionAddress": "주소",
"positionProtocol": "프로토콜",
"positionDistance": "거리",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Fuel",
+ "positionPower": "Power",
+ "positionBattery": "Battery",
+ "positionRaw": "Raw",
+ "positionIndex": "Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Sattelites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Visible Sattelites",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionEvent": "Event",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarm",
+ "positionStatus": "Status",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odometer",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Service Odometer",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Trip Odometer",
+ "positionHours": "Hours",
+ "positionInput": "Input",
+ "positionOutput": "Output",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Battery Level",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
+ "positionRfid": "RFID",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Firmware Version",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Hardware Version",
+ "positionIgnition": "Ignition",
+ "positionFlags": "Flags",
+ "positionCharge": "Charge",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archive",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Approximate",
+ "positionThrottle": "Throttle",
+ "positionMotion": "Motion",
+ "positionArmed": "Armed",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Acceleration",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Device Temperature",
+ "positionOperator": "Operator",
+ "positionCommand": "Command",
+ "positionBlocked": "Blocked",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "OBD Speed",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "OBD Odometer",
"serverTitle": "서버설정",
"serverZoom": "줌",
"serverRegistration": "등록",
@@ -174,6 +251,8 @@
"commandPhone": "전화번호",
"commandMessage": "메세지",
"commandTimezone": "시간대 옵셋",
+ "commandgetModemStatus": "Modem Status",
+ "commandgetDeviceStatus": "Device Status",
"eventAll": "모든 이벤트",
"eventDeviceOnline": "장치는 온라인입니다.",
"eventDeviceUnknown": "장치상태는 모릅니다.",
@@ -181,6 +260,7 @@
"eventDeviceMoving": "장치는 움직입니다.",
"eventDeviceStopped": "장치가 멈췄습니다.",
"eventDeviceOverspeed": "장치는 과속했습니다.",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop event",
"eventCommandResult": "명령결과",
"eventGeofenceEnter": "장치가 지리적울타리에 들어왔습니다.",
"eventGeofenceExit": "장치가 지리적울타리 밖으로 나갔습니다.",
@@ -189,13 +269,14 @@
"eventIgnitionOff": "점화되지 않았습니다.",
"eventMaintenance": "유지보수가 필요",
"eventTextMessage": "텍스트 메세지 받았습니다.",
- "alarm": "경보",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Scroll To Last",
"alarmSos": "긴급경보",
"alarmVibration": "진동 경보",
"alarmMovement": "운동 경보",
"alarmOverspeed": "과속 경보",
"alarmFallDown": "낙석 경보",
"alarmLowBattery": "낮은배터리 경보",
+ "alarmLowPower": "LowPower Alarm",
"alarmFault": "실패 경보",
"alarmPowerOff": "전원 꺼짐 경보",
"alarmPowerOn": "전원 켜짐 경보",
@@ -210,6 +291,7 @@
"alarmHardBreaking": "하드 브레이킹 경보",
"alarmFatigueDriving": "피로 운전 경보",
"alarmPowerCut": "파워 절단 경보",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Power Restored Alarm",
"alarmJamming": "방해 경보",
"alarmTemperature": "온도 경보",
"alarmParking": "주차 경보",
@@ -218,6 +300,7 @@
"alarmFootBrake": "발 브레이크 경보",
"alarmOilLeak": "기름 누수 경보",
"alarmTampering": "변조 경보",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Removing Alarm",
"notificationType": "알림 유형",
"notificationWeb": "웹경유 보내기",
"notificationMail": "메일경유 보내기",
@@ -225,6 +308,7 @@
"reportRoute": "노선",
"reportEvents": "이벤트",
"reportTrips": "여행",
+ "reportStops": "Stops",
"reportSummary": "요약",
"reportChart": "차트",
"reportConfigure": "구성",
@@ -249,15 +333,24 @@
"statisticsRequests": "요청",
"statisticsMessagesReceived": "받은 메시지",
"statisticsMessagesStored": "저장한 메세지",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Geocoder Requests",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Geolocation Requests",
"categoryArrow": "화살",
"categoryDefault": "디폴트",
- "categoryCar": "차",
+ "categoryAnimal": "동물",
+ "categoryBicycle": "자전거",
+ "categoryBoat": "Boat",
"categoryBus": "버스",
- "categoryTruck": "트럭",
- "categoryShip": "배",
- "categoryPlane": "비행기",
+ "categoryCar": "차",
+ "categoryCrane": "Crane",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicopter",
"categoryMotorcycle": "오토바이",
- "categoryBicycle": "자전거",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Offroad",
"categoryPerson": "사람",
- "categoryAnimal": "동물"
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "비행기",
+ "categoryShip": "배",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTruck": "트럭",
+ "categoryVan": "Van"
} \ No newline at end of file