diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/resources/l10n/fr.json')
-rw-r--r-- | src/resources/l10n/fr.json | 600 |
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
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des attributs", + "attributeColor": "Couleur", + "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Longueur de route en temps réel", + "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: Zoomer à la sélection", + "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom maximum", + "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID", + "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover Clé Utilisateur", + "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Noms d'appareils", + "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Mail: Hôte SMTP", + "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Mail: Port SMTP", + "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Mail: Activer SMTP STARTTLS", + "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Mail: Requérir SMTP STARTTLS", + "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Mail: Activer SMTP SSL", + "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Mail: Trust SMTP SSL", + "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Mail: Protocoles SMTP SSL", + "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Mail: SMTP From", + "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Mail: Activer l'authentification", + "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Mail: Nom d'utilisateur", + "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Mail: Mot de passe", + "attributeUiDisableSavedCommands": "UI: Disable Saved Commands", + "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Désactiver les attributs", + "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Désactiver groupes", + "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Désactiver évènements", + "attributeUiDisableVehicleFeatures": "UI: Disable Vehicle Features", + "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Désactiver les conducteurs", + "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Désactiver les attributs calculés", + "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Désactiver les calendiers", + "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Désactiver l'entretien", + "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Cacher Attributs de Position", + "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Désactiver choix des languges", + "attributeNotificationTokens": "Jeton de notification", + "attributePopupInfo": "Informations dans popup", + "errorTitle": "Erreur", + "errorGeneral": "Paramètres invalides ou violation de contrainte", + "errorConnection": "Erreur de connexion", + "errorSocket": "Erreur de connexion au socket web", + "errorZero": "Ne peut être zéro", + "userEmail": "Email", + "userPassword": "Mot de Passe", + "userAdmin": "Admin", + "userRemember": "Rappel", + "userExpirationTime": "Expiration", + "userDeviceLimit": "Limite de l'appareil", + "userUserLimit": "Limite d'utilisateurs", + "userDeviceReadonly": "Appareil - Lecture seule", + "userLimitCommands": "Commandes de limite", + "userDisableReports": "Désactiver les rapports", + "userFixedEmail": "Changement d'email bloqué", + "userToken": "Jeton", + "userDeleteAccount": "Supprimer le compte", + "userTemporary": "Temporary", + "loginTitle": "Identification", + "loginLanguage": "Langue", + "loginReset": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", + "loginRegister": "Inscription", + "loginLogin": "Se connecter", + "loginOpenId": "Login with OpenID", + "loginFailed": "Adresse email ou mot de passe incorrect", + "loginCreated": "Nouvel utilisateur enregistré", + "loginResetSuccess": "Vérifiez vos emails", + "loginUpdateSuccess": "Le nouveau mot de passe est défini", + "loginLogout": "Déconnexion", + "loginLogo": "Logo", + "loginTotpCode": "One-time Password Code", + "loginTotpKey": "One-time Password Key", + "devicesAndState": "Appareils et État", + "deviceSelected": "Appareil sélectionné", + "deviceTitle": "Appareils", + "devicePrimaryInfo": "Titre de l'appareil", + "deviceSecondaryInfo": "Détail de l'appareil", + "deviceIdentifier": "Identifiant", + "deviceModel": "Modèle", + "deviceContact": "Contact", + "deviceCategory": "Catégorie", + "deviceLastUpdate": "Dernière mise à jour", + "deviceCommand": "Commande", + "deviceFollow": "Suivre", + "deviceTotalDistance": "Distance totale", + "deviceStatus": "Statut", + "deviceStatusOnline": "En ligne", + "deviceStatusOffline": "Hors ligne", + "deviceStatusUnknown": "Inconnu", + "deviceRegisterFirst": "Enregistrez votre premier appareil", + "deviceIdentifierHelp": "IMEI, numéro de série ou autre id. Cela doit correspondre à l'identifiant avec lequel l'appareil envoie ses données au serveur.", + "deviceShare": "Share Device", + "groupDialog": "Groupe", + "groupParent": "Groupe", + "groupNoGroup": "Sans groupe", + "settingsTitle": "Paramètres", + "settingsUser": "Compte", + "settingsGroups": "Groupes", + "settingsServer": "Serveur", + "settingsUsers": "Utilisateurs", + "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unité de distance", + "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Unité d'altitude", + "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unité de vitesse", + "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unité de volume", + "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format d'heure - 12 heures", + "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Format des coordonées", + "settingsServerVersion": "Version serveur", + "settingsAppVersion": "Version application", + "settingsConnection": "Connexion", + "settingsDarkMode": "Dark Mode", + "settingsTotpEnable": "Enable One-time Password", + "settingsTotpForce": "Force One-time Password", + "settingsServiceWorkerUpdateInterval": "ServiceWorker Update Interval", + "settingsUpdateAvailable": "There is an update available.", + "settingsSupport": "Support", + "reportTitle": "Rapports", + "reportScheduled": "Rapports programmés", + "reportDevice": "Appareil", + "reportGroup": "Groupe", + "reportFrom": "De", + "reportTo": "À", + "reportShow": "Afficher", + "reportClear": "Effacer", + "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps", + "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Plans", + "linkStreetView": "Street View", + "positionFixTime": "Horodatage", + "positionDeviceTime": "Heure de l'appareil", + "positionServerTime": "Heure du serveur", + "positionValid": "Valide", + "positionAccuracy": "Précision", + "positionLatitude": "Latitude", + "positionLongitude": "Longitude", + "positionAltitude": "Altitude", + "positionSpeed": "Vitesse", + "positionCourse": "Orientation", + "positionAddress": "Adresse", + "positionProtocol": "Protocole", + "positionDistance": "Distance", + "positionRpm": "t/m", + "positionFuel": "Carburant", + "positionPower": "Courant", + "positionBattery": "Batterie", + "positionRaw": "Brut", + "positionIndex": "Index", + "positionHdop": "Dilution de précision horizontale", + "positionVdop": "Dilution de précision verticale", + "positionPdop": "Dilution de précision de position", + "positionSat": "Satellites", + "positionSatVisible": "Satellites visibles", + "positionRssi": "RSSI", + "positionGps": "GPS", + "positionRoaming": "Itinérance", + "positionEvent": "Évènement", + "positionAlarm": "Alarme", + "positionStatus": "Statut", + "positionOdometer": "Odomètre", + "positionServiceOdometer": "Odomètre d'entretien", + "positionTripOdometer": "Odomètre de voyage", + "positionHours": "Heures", + "positionSteps": "Etapes", + "positionInput": "Entrée de données", + "positionHeartRate": "Heart Rate", + "positionOutput": "Sortie de données", + "positionBatteryLevel": "Niveau de batterie", + "positionFuelConsumption": "Consommation de carburant", + "positionRfid": "RFID", + "positionVersionFw": "Version du micrologiciel", + "positionVersionHw": "Version du matériel", + "positionIgnition": "Allumage", + "positionFlags": "Drapeau", + "positionCharge": "Charge", + "positionIp": "IP", + "positionArchive": "Archive", + "positionVin": "Numéro de chassis", + "positionApproximate": "Approximatif", + "positionThrottle": "Accélérateur", + "positionMotion": "Mouvement", + "positionArmed": "Armé", + "positionAcceleration": "Accélération", + "positionTemp": "Température", + "positionDeviceTemp": "Température de l'appareil", + "positionCoolantTemp": "Coolant Temperature", + "positionOperator": "Opérateur", + "positionCommand": "Commande", + "positionBlocked": "Bloqué", + "positionDtcs": "Code erreur", + "positionObdSpeed": "Vitesse OBD", + "positionObdOdometer": "Odomètre OBD", + "positionDrivingTime": "Driving Time", + "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID unique du pilote", + "positionCard": "Card", + "positionImage": "Image", + "positionVideo": "Vidéo", + "positionAudio": "Audio", + "serverTitle": "Paramètres de serveur", + 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"commandFactoryReset": "Réinitialisation d'usine", + "commandSendSms": "Envoyer un SMS", + "commandSendUssd": "Envoyer un USSD", + "commandSosNumber": "Régler le n° SOS", + "commandSilenceTime": "Définir le temps de silence", + "commandSetPhonebook": "Définir l'annuaire", + "commandVoiceMessage": "Message vocal", + "commandOutputControl": "Contrôle de la sortie", + "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Moniteur vocal", + "commandSetAgps": "Fixer l'AGPS", + "commandSetIndicator": "Définir l'indicateur", + "commandConfiguration": "Configuration", + "commandGetVersion": "Acquérir la version", + "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Mettre à jour le firmware", + "commandSetConnection": "Fixer la connexion", + "commandSetOdometer": "Fixer l'odomètre", + "commandGetModemStatus": "Acquérir le statut du modem", + "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Acquérir le statut du périphérique", + "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Définir la limite de vitesse", + "commandModePowerSaving": "Mode économie d'énergie", + "commandModeDeepSleep": "Mode veille profonde", + "commandAlarmGeofence": "Définir l'alarme périmètre virtuel", + "commandAlarmBattery": "Définir l'alarme de batterie", + "commandAlarmSos": "Définir l'alarme SOS", + "commandAlarmRemove": "Définir l'effacement des alarmes", + "commandAlarmClock": "Définir l'alarme de l'horloge", + "commandAlarmSpeed": "Définir l'alarme de vitesse", + "commandAlarmFall": "Définir l'alarme de chute", + "commandAlarmVibration": "Définir l'alarme de vibration", + "commandFrequency": "Fréquence", + "commandTimezone": "Décalage horaire", + "commandMessage": "Message", + "commandRadius": "Rayon", + "commandEnable": "Activer", + "commandData": "Données", + "commandIndex": "Index", + "commandPhone": "Numéro de téléphone", + "commandServer": "Serveur", + "commandPort": "Port", + "eventAll": "Tous les événements", + "eventDeviceOnline": "Statut: en ligne", + "eventDeviceUnknown": "Statut: inconnu", + "eventDeviceOffline": "Statut: hors ligne", + "eventDeviceInactive": "Appareil inactif", + "eventQueuedCommandSent": "Queued command sent", + "eventDeviceMoving": "Appareil en mouvement", + "eventDeviceStopped": "Appareil arrêté", + "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Vitesse limite dépassée", + "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Perte de carburant", + "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Ajout de carburant", + "eventCommandResult": "Résultat de la commande", + "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrée dans le périmètre virtuel", + "eventGeofenceExit": "Sortie du périmètre virtuel", + "eventAlarm": "Alarme", + "eventIgnitionOn": "Contact mis", + "eventIgnitionOff": "Contact coupé", + "eventMaintenance": "Entretien requis", + "eventTextMessage": "Message textuel reçu", + "eventDriverChanged": "Changement de conducteur", + "eventMedia": "Média", + "eventsScrollToLast": "Faire défiler jusqu'à la fin", + "eventsSoundEvents": "Son d'événements", + "eventsSoundAlarms": "Son d'alarmes", + "alarmGeneral": "Général", + "alarmSos": "SOS", + "alarmVibration": "Vibration", + "alarmMovement": "Mouvement", + "alarmLowspeed": "Basse vitesse", + "alarmOverspeed": "Vitesse trop haute", + "alarmFallDown": "Chute", + "alarmLowPower": "Tension basse", + "alarmLowBattery": "Batterie basse", + "alarmFault": "Défaut", + "alarmPowerOff": "Eteindre", + "alarmPowerOn": "Allumer", + "alarmDoor": "Porte", + "alarmLock": "Verrouiller", + "alarmUnlock": "Déverrouiller", + "alarmGeofence": "Périmètre virtuel", + "alarmGeofenceEnter": "Entrée dans le périmètre virtuel", + "alarmGeofenceExit": "Sortie du périmètre virtuel", + "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antenne GPS coupée", + "alarmAccident": "Accident", + "alarmTow": "Remorquage", + "alarmIdle": "Au repos", + "alarmHighRpm": "Tours par minute élevés", + "alarmHardAcceleration": "Accélération brusque", + "alarmHardBraking": "Freinage brusque", + "alarmHardCornering": "Virage sec", + "alarmLaneChange": "Changement de bande", + "alarmFatigueDriving": "Conduite en état de fatigue", + "alarmPowerCut": "Courant coupé", + "alarmPowerRestored": "Courant restauré", + "alarmJamming": "Brouillage", + "alarmTemperature": "Température", + "alarmParking": "Parking", + "alarmBonnet": "Capot", + "alarmFootBrake": "Frein à pied", + "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuite de carburant", + "alarmTampering": "Altération", + "alarmRemoving": "Retrait", + "notificationType": "Type de notification", + "notificationAlways": "Tous les appareils", + "notificationNotificators": "Canaux", + "notificatorCommand": "Command", + "notificatorWeb": "Web", + "notificatorMail": "Mail", + "notificatorSms": "SMS", + "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase", + "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar", + "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram", + "notificatorPushover": "Pushover", + "reportReplay": "Replay", + "reportCombined": "Combinés", + "reportRoute": "Route", + "reportEvents": "Évènements", + "reportTrips": "Trajets", + "reportStops": "Arrêts", + "reportSummary": "Résumé", + "reportDaily": "Rapport journalier", + "reportChart": "Graphique", + "reportConfigure": "Configurer", + "reportEventTypes": "Types d'évènements", + 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"Arrêt de l'odomètre", + "statisticsTitle": "Statistiques", + "statisticsCaptureTime": "Heure de capture", + "statisticsActiveUsers": "Utilisateurs actifs", + "statisticsActiveDevices": "Appareils actifs", + "statisticsRequests": "Requêtes", + "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Messages reçus", + "statisticsMessagesStored": "Messages stockés", + "statisticsGeocoder": "Requêtes de géocodage", + "statisticsGeolocation": "Requêtes de géolocalisation", + "categoryArrow": "Flèche", + "categoryDefault": "Par défaut", + "categoryAnimal": "Animal", + "categoryBicycle": "Vélo", + "categoryBoat": "Bateau", + "categoryBus": "Bus", + "categoryCar": "Voiture", + "categoryCamper": "Camper", + "categoryCrane": "Grue", + "categoryHelicopter": "Hélicoptère", + "categoryMotorcycle": "Moto", + "categoryOffroad": "Véhicule tout-terrain", + "categoryPerson": "Personne", + "categoryPickup": "Pickup", + "categoryPlane": "Avion", + "categoryShip": "Bateau", + "categoryTractor": "Tracteur", + "categoryTrain": "Train", + "categoryTram": "Tram", + "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolleybus", + "categoryTruck": "Camion", + "categoryVan": "Van", + "categoryScooter": "Scooter", + "maintenanceStart": "Départ", + "maintenancePeriod": "Période" +}
\ No newline at end of file |