path: root/web/l10n/pt_BR.json
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton.tananaev@gmail.com>2016-09-18 11:40:46 +1200
committerAnton Tananaev <anton.tananaev@gmail.com>2016-09-18 11:40:46 +1200
commit2608adeff46f1286deff11a5320cee5647f6d41b (patch)
treea16014c04c755ec701b3237b0cccc7d8cc406960 /web/l10n/pt_BR.json
parentd5ca160059220a07c71c95cc85696e0d66bf9c6e (diff)
Move web interface from main repo
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l10n/pt_BR.json')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/l10n/pt_BR.json b/web/l10n/pt_BR.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0731fddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Carregando...",
+ "sharedSave": "Gravar",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Adicionar",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Remover",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remover item?",
+ "sharedKm": "km",
+ "sharedMi": "mi",
+ "sharedKn": "kn",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
+ "sharedName": "Nome",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descrição",
+ "sharedSearch": "Busca",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geocerca",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geocercas",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificações",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedArea": "Área",
+ "sharedMute": "Mudo",
+ "sharedType": "Tipo",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distância",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Get Map State",
+ "errorTitle": "Erro",
+ "errorUnknown": "Erro desconhecido",
+ "errorConnection": "Erro de conexão",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Senha",
+ "userAdmin": "Admin",
+ "userRemember": "Lembrar",
+ "loginTitle": "Entrar",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrar",
+ "loginLogin": "Entrar",
+ "loginFailed": "Endereço de email ou senha incorretos",
+ "loginCreated": "O novo usuário foi registrado",
+ "loginLogout": "Sair",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivo e Estado",
+ "deviceDialog": "Dispositivo",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Atualização",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupo",
+ "groupParent": "Grupo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sem Grupo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Configurações",
+ "settingsUser": "Conta",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Usuários",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Velocidade",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12 Horas",
+ "reportTitle": "Relatórios",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "reportGroup": "Group",
+ "reportFrom": "De",
+ "reportTo": "Para",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Limpar",
+ "positionFixTime": "Tempo",
+ "positionValid": "Válido",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocidade",
+ "positionCourse": "Curso",
+ "positionAddress": "Endereço",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
+ "serverTitle": "Configurações do Servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registro",
+ "serverReadonly": "Somente leitura",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapLayer": "Camada de Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Mapa Personalizado",
+ "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Estradas",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aéreo",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
+ "stateTitle": "Estado",
+ "stateName": "Atributo",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comando",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandSent": "Comando foi enviado",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Atualização Periódica",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Parar Atualizaçao",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Desligar Motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Religar Motor",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequencia",
+ "commandUnit": "Unidade",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Relatório único",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Ativar Alarme",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desativar Alarme",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Definir fuso horário",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Pegar foto",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Enviar USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Definir numero SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Silencioso",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Definir lista telefônica",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensagem de voz",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Controle de saída",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alarme de excesso de velocidade",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificação do dispositivo",
+ "commandIndex": "Indice",
+ "commandData": "Data",
+ "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
+ "commandMessage": "Mensagem",
+ "eventAll": "All Events",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositivo está on-line",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispositivo está offline",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo está se movendo",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo está parado",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Dispositivo excede a velocidade",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultado do comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Dispositivo entrou geocerca",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Dispositivo saiu geocerca",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarmes",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignição está ON",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignição está OFF",
+ "alarm": "Alarme",
+ "alarmSos": "Alarme SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Alarme de Vibração",
+ "alarmMovement": "Alarme de Movimento",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Alarme de Alta Velocidade",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Alarme de Queda",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Alarme de Bateria Fraca",
+ "alarmFault": "Alarme de Problema",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificação",
+ "notificationWeb": "Enviar via Web",
+ "notificationMail": "Enviar via Email",
+ "reportRoute": "Rota",
+ "reportEvents": "Eventos",
+ "reportTrips": "Viagens",
+ "reportSummary": "Resumo",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configure",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
+ "reportCsv": "CSV",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nome do Dispositivo ",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocidade Média",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocidade Máxima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Horas ligado",
+ "reportDuration": "Duração",
+ "reportStartTime": "Hora inicial",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Endereço inicial",
+ "reportEndTime": "Hora final",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Endereço final",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Gasto de Combustível"
+} \ No newline at end of file