path: root/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2022-10-20 17:24:53 -0700
committerAnton Tananaev <anton@traccar.org>2022-10-20 17:24:53 -0700
commit31a3c0964dde50a083c4b60d81a1bdaef34f3086 (patch)
tree9b54d61488de8ad31ec034a951231dd01987a566 /modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json
parentb3b724dd8ccd7b2e6a7bb88465165b1ca54fe50d (diff)
Duplicate localization files
Diffstat (limited to 'modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json b/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e600a841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modern/src/resources/l10n/es.json
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Cargando…",
+ "sharedHide": "Ocultar",
+ "sharedSave": "Guardar",
+ "sharedSet": "Establecer",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Añadir",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Eliminar",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "¿Eliminar elemento?",
+ "sharedNoData": "Sin datos",
+ "sharedYes": "Si",
+ "sharedNo": "No",
+ "sharedKm": "Km",
+ "sharedMi": "MI",
+ "sharedNmi": "nmi",
+ "sharedMeters": "m",
+ "sharedFeet": "ft",
+ "sharedKn": "Nudos",
+ "sharedKmh": "km/h",
+ "sharedMph": "mph",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
+ "sharedDays": "Días",
+ "sharedHours": "Horas",
+ "sharedMinutes": "minutos",
+ "sharedDecimalDegrees": "Grados",
+ "sharedDegreesDecimalMinutes": "Minutos",
+ "sharedDegreesMinutesSeconds": "Segundos",
+ "sharedName": "Nombre",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descripción",
+ "sharedSearch": "Buscar",
+ "sharedIconScale": "Escala de los iconos",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geo-Zona",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geo-Zonas",
+ "sharedCreateGeofence": "Crear Geo-Zona",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificaciones",
+ "sharedNotification": "Notificación",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedDrivers": "Conductores",
+ "sharedDriver": "Conductor",
+ "sharedArea": "Área",
+ "sharedSound": "Sonido de notificación",
+ "sharedType": "Tipo",
+ "sharedDistance": "Distancia",
+ "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
+ "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
+ "sharedSecondAbbreviation": "s",
+ "sharedVoltAbbreviation": "V",
+ "sharedLiterAbbreviation": "I",
+ "sharedGallonAbbreviation": "Galón",
+ "sharedLiter": "Litro",
+ "sharedImpGallon": "Galón Imp.",
+ "sharedUsGallon": "Galón U.S.",
+ "sharedLiterPerHourAbbreviation": "L/h",
+ "sharedGetMapState": "Obtener Estado del Mapa",
+ "sharedComputedAttribute": "Atributo calculado",
+ "sharedComputedAttributes": "Atributos calculados",
+ "sharedCheckComputedAttribute": "Revisar atributo calculado",
+ "sharedExpression": "Expresión",
+ "sharedDevice": "Dispositivo",
+ "sharedTest": "Test",
+ "sharedTestNotification": "Enviar notificación de prueba",
+ "sharedTestNotificators": "Canales Test",
+ "sharedTestExpression": "Expresión Test",
+ "sharedCalendar": "Calendario",
+ "sharedCalendars": "Calendarios",
+ "sharedFile": "Archivo",
+ "sharedSearchDevices": "Buscar Dispositivos",
+ "sharedSortBy": "Ordenar por",
+ "sharedFilterMap": "Filtrar en Mapa",
+ "sharedSelectFile": "Seleccione archivo",
+ "sharedPhone": "Teléfono",
+ "sharedRequired": "Obligatorio",
+ "sharedPreferences": "Preferencias",
+ "sharedPermissions": "Permisos",
+ "sharedConnections": "Conexiones",
+ "sharedExtra": "Extra",
+ "sharedPrimary": "Principal",
+ "sharedSecondary": "Secundario",
+ "sharedTypeString": "Cadena",
+ "sharedTypeNumber": "Número",
+ "sharedTypeBoolean": "Booleano",
+ "sharedTimezone": "Zona Horaria",
+ "sharedInfoTitle": "Información",
+ "sharedSavedCommand": "Comando guardado",
+ "sharedSavedCommands": "Comandos guardados",
+ "sharedNew": "Nuevo…",
+ "sharedShowAddress": "Mostrar calle",
+ "sharedShowDetails": "Más detalles",
+ "sharedDisabled": "Deshabilitado",
+ "sharedMaintenance": "Mantenimientos",
+ "sharedDeviceAccumulators": "Acumulador",
+ "sharedAlarms": "Alarmas",
+ "sharedLocation": "Ubicación",
+ "sharedImport": "Importar",
+ "sharedColumns": "Columnas",
+ "sharedDropzoneText": "Arrastra y suelta el archivo aquí o pulsa",
+ "calendarSimple": "Simple",
+ "calendarRecurrence": "Recurrente",
+ "calendarOnce": "Una vez",
+ "calendarDaily": "Diario",
+ "calendarWeekly": "Semanal",
+ "calendarMonthly": "Mensual",
+ "calendarDays": "Días",
+ "calendarSunday": "Domingo",
+ "calendarMonday": "Lunes",
+ "calendarTuesday": "Martes",
+ "calendarWednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "calendarThursday": "Jueves",
+ "calendarFriday": "Viernes",
+ "calendarSaturday": "Sábado",
+ "attributeSpeedLimit": "Límite de velocidad",
+ "attributeFuelDropThreshold": "Umbral de pérdida de combustible",
+ "attributeFuelIncreaseThreshold": "Umbral del subida de combustible",
+ "attributePolylineDistance": "Distancia de polilínea",
+ "attributeReportIgnoreOdometer": "Reporte: Ignorar el odómetro",
+ "attributeWebReportColor": "Web: Color de reporte",
+ "attributeDevicePassword": "Contraseña de dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceImage": "Imagen del dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityStart": "Inicio de inactividad del dispositivo",
+ "attributeDeviceInactivityPeriod": "Periodo de inactividad del dispositivo",
+ "attributeProcessingCopyAttributes": "Procesando: Copia de atributos",
+ "attributeColor": "Color",
+ "attributeWebLiveRouteLength": "Web: Longitud de la ruta en directo",
+ "attributeWebSelectZoom": "Web: hacer zoom al seleccionar",
+ "attributeWebMaxZoom": "Web: Zoom máximo",
+ "attributeTelegramChatId": "Telegram Chat ID",
+ "attributePushoverUserKey": "Pushover User Key",
+ "attributePushoverDeviceNames": "Pushover Nombres de Dispositivo",
+ "attributeMailSmtpHost": "Correo: Servidor SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPort": "Correo: Puerto SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsEnable": "Correo: Habilitar SMTP STARTTLS",
+ "attributeMailSmtpStarttlsRequired": "Correo: SMTP STARTTLS requerido",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslEnable": "Correo: Habilitar SMTP SSL",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslTrust": "Correo: SMTP SSL de confianza",
+ "attributeMailSmtpSslProtocols": "Correo: SMTP SSL protocolos",
+ "attributeMailSmtpFrom": "Correo: SMTP desde",
+ "attributeMailSmtpAuth": "Correo: Habilitar autenticación SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpUsername": "Correo: Nombre de usuario SMTP",
+ "attributeMailSmtpPassword": "Correo: Contraseña SMTP",
+ "attributeUiDisableAttributes": "UI: Deshabilitar Atributos",
+ "attributeUiDisableGroups": "UI: Deshabilitar Grupos",
+ "attributeUiDisableEvents": "UI: Deshabilitar panel Eventos",
+ "attributeUiDisableVehicleFetures": "UI: Deshabilitar características del vehículo",
+ "attributeUiDisableDrivers": "UI: Deshabilitar Conductores",
+ "attributeUiDisableComputedAttributes": "UI: Deshabilitar Atributos calculados",
+ "attributeUiDisableCalendars": "UI: Deshabilitar Calendario",
+ "attributeUiDisableMaintenance": "UI: Deshabilitar Mantenimiento",
+ "attributeUiHidePositionAttributes": "UI: Ocultar Atributos de Posición",
+ "attributeUiDisableLoginLanguage": "UI: Deshabilitar Idioma de inicio de sesión",
+ "attributeNotificationTokens": "Notification Tokens",
+ "errorTitle": "Error",
+ "errorGeneral": "Parámetros no válidos o fuera de los límites",
+ "errorConnection": "Error en la conexión",
+ "errorSocket": "Error del Web-Socket",
+ "errorZero": "No puede ser cero",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Contraseña",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrador",
+ "userRemember": "Recordar",
+ "userExpirationTime": "Caducidad",
+ "userDeviceLimit": "Límite de dispositivos",
+ "userUserLimit": "Límite de usuarios",
+ "userDeviceReadonly": "Dispositivo de solo lectura",
+ "userLimitCommands": "Limitar Comandos",
+ "userDisableReports": "Deshabilitar Reportes",
+ "userFixedEmail": "No cambiar email",
+ "userToken": "Token Acceso",
+ "userDeleteAccount": "Borrar cuenta",
+ "loginTitle": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginReset": "Reiniciar contraseña",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrarse",
+ "loginLogin": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "loginFailed": "Email o contraseña incorrecta",
+ "loginCreated": "Se ha registrado un nuevo usuario",
+ "loginResetSuccess": "Comprueba tu email",
+ "loginUpdateSuccess": "Se ha creado la nueva contraseña",
+ "loginLogout": "Cerrar Sesión",
+ "loginLogo": "Logotipo",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivos y Estado",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceModel": "Modelo",
+ "deviceContact": "Contacto",
+ "deviceCategory": "Categoría",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Actualización",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "deviceTotalDistance": "Distancia Total",
+ "deviceStatus": "Estado",
+ "deviceStatusOnline": "En línea",
+ "deviceStatusOffline": "Fuera de línea",
+ "deviceStatusUnknown": "Desconocido",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupo",
+ "groupParent": "Grupo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sin grupo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Preferencias",
+ "settingsUser": "Cuenta",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Usuarios",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Unidad de Distancia",
+ "settingsAltitudeUnit": "Unidad de Altitud",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Unidad de Velocidad",
+ "settingsVolumeUnit": "Unidad de Volumen",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12h.",
+ "settingsCoordinateFormat": "Formato de Coordenadas",
+ "reportTitle": "Reportes",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivos",
+ "reportGroup": "Grupo",
+ "reportFrom": "Desde",
+ "reportTo": "Hasta",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Limpiar",
+ "linkGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "linkAppleMaps": "Apple Maps",
+ "linkStreetView": "Street View",
+ "positionFixTime": "Hora ajustada",
+ "positionDeviceTime": "Hora del Dispositivo",
+ "positionServerTime": "Hora del Servidor",
+ "positionValid": "Válida",
+ "positionAccuracy": "Precisión",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitud",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocidad",
+ "positionCourse": "Rumbo",
+ "positionAddress": "Dirección Calle",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
+ "positionDistance": "Distancia",
+ "positionRpm": "RPM",
+ "positionFuel": "Combustible",
+ "positionPower": "Energía",
+ "positionBattery": "Batería",
+ "positionRaw": "Crudo",
+ "positionIndex": "Índice / Index",
+ "positionHdop": "HDOP",
+ "positionVdop": "VDOP",
+ "positionPdop": "PDOP",
+ "positionSat": "Satélites",
+ "positionSatVisible": "Satélites Visibles",
+ "positionRssi": "RSSI",
+ "positionGps": "GPS",
+ "positionRoaming": "Roaming",
+ "positionEvent": "Evento",
+ "positionAlarm": "Alarma",
+ "positionStatus": "Estado",
+ "positionOdometer": "Odómetro",
+ "positionServiceOdometer": "Odómetro de mantenimiento",
+ "positionTripOdometer": "Odómetro de viaje",
+ "positionHours": "Horas",
+ "positionSteps": "Pasos",
+ "positionInput": "Entrada",
+ "positionOutput": "Salida",
+ "positionBatteryLevel": "Nivel de batería",
+ "positionFuelConsumption": "Consumo de combustible",
+ "positionRfid": "RFDI",
+ "positionVersionFw": "Versión de firmware",
+ "positionVersionHw": "Versión de hardware",
+ "positionIgnition": "Encendido",
+ "positionFlags": "Banderas",
+ "positionCharge": "Carga",
+ "positionIp": "IP",
+ "positionArchive": "Archivo",
+ "positionVin": "VIN",
+ "positionApproximate": "Aproximado",
+ "positionThrottle": "Acelerador",
+ "positionMotion": "Movimiento",
+ "positionArmed": "Armado",
+ "positionAcceleration": "Aceleración",
+ "positionTemp": "Temperatura",
+ "positionDeviceTemp": "Temperatura del dispositivo",
+ "positionOperator": "Operador",
+ "positionCommand": "Comando",
+ "positionBlocked": "Bloqueado",
+ "positionDtcs": "DTCs",
+ "positionObdSpeed": "Velocidad OBD",
+ "positionObdOdometer": "Odómetro OBD",
+ "positionDriverUniqueId": "ID única del conductor",
+ "positionImage": "Imagen",
+ "positionVideo": "Video",
+ "positionAudio": "Audio",
+ "serverTitle": "Ajustes del servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registro",
+ "serverReadonly": "Solo lectura",
+ "serverForceSettings": "Forzar estos ajustes",
+ "serverAnnouncement": "Mostrar anuncio",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapActive": "Mapas activos",
+ "mapOverlay": "Capa sobre el mapa",
+ "mapOverlayCustom": "Capa personalizada",
+ "mapOpenSeaMap": "OpenSeaMap",
+ "mapOpenWeatherKey": "OpenWeather API Key",
+ "mapOpenWeatherClouds": "OpenWeather Clouds",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPrecipitation": "OpenWeather Precipitation",
+ "mapOpenWeatherPressure": "OpenWeather Pressure",
+ "mapOpenWeatherWind": "OpenWeather Wind",
+ "mapOpenWeatherTemperature": "OpenWeather Temperature",
+ "mapLayer": "Capas del Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Personalizado (XYZ)",
+ "mapCustomArcgis": "ArcGIS Personalizado",
+ "mapCustomLabel": "Mapa Personalizado",
+ "mapCarto": "Carto",
+ "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
+ "mapOpenTopoMap": "OpenTopoMap",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps - Carretera",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps - Aéreo",
+ "mapBingHybrid": "Bing Maps - Híbrido",
+ "mapBaidu": "Baidu",
+ "mapAutoNavi": "AutoNavi",
+ "mapYandexMap": "Yandex",
+ "mapYandexSat": "Yandex Satélite",
+ "mapWikimedia": "Wikimedia",
+ "mapOrdnanceSurvey": "Ordnance Survey",
+ "mapMapboxStreets": "Mapbox Streets",
+ "mapMapboxOutdoors": "Mapbox Outdoors",
+ "mapMapboxSatellite": "Mapbox Satellite",
+ "mapMapboxKey": "Mapbox Access Token",
+ "mapMapTilerBasic": "MapTiler Basic",
+ "mapMapTilerHybrid": "MapTiler Hybrid",
+ "mapMapTilerKey": "MapTiler API Key",
+ "mapLocationIqStreets": "LocationIQ Streets",
+ "mapLocationIqKey": "LocationIQ Access Token",
+ "mapTomTomBasic": "TomTom Basic",
+ "mapTomTomFlow": "TomTom Traffic Flow",
+ "mapTomTomIncidents": "TomTom Traffic Incidents",
+ "mapTomTomKey": "TomTom API Key",
+ "mapHereBasic": "Here Basic",
+ "mapHereHybrid": "Here Hybrid",
+ "mapHereSatellite": "Here Satellite",
+ "mapHereFlow": "Here Traffic Flow",
+ "mapHereKey": "Here API Key",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
+ "mapShapePolyline": "Polilínea",
+ "mapLiveRoutes": "Rutas en Directo",
+ "mapCurrentLocation": "Ubicación Actual",
+ "mapPoiLayer": "Capa POI",
+ "mapClustering": "Agrupar Marcadores",
+ "mapOnSelect": "Mostrar Mapas en la selección",
+ "stateTitle": "Estado",
+ "stateName": "Parámetro",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comando",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandSent": "Comando enviado",
+ "commandQueued": "Comando en cola",
+ "commandUnit": "Unidad",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificación de Dispositivo",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Reporte Único",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Reporte Periódico",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Detener Reporte",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Apagar motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Desbloquear Encendido de Motor",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Armar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desarmar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDismiss": "Descartar Alarma",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Establecer Zona Horaria",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Solicitar Foto",
+ "commandPowerOff": "Apagar dispositivo",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
+ "commandFactoryReset": "Valores de fábrica",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSendUssd": "Enviar USSD",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Establecer el número SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Establecer horario de silencio",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Establecer contacto",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensaje de voz",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Control de Salidas",
+ "commandVoiceMonitoring": "Monitoreo de Voz",
+ "commandSetAgps": "Establecer AGPS",
+ "commandSetIndicator": "Establecer indicador",
+ "commandConfiguration": "Configuración",
+ "commandGetVersion": "Obtener Versión",
+ "commandFirmwareUpdate": "Actualizar Firmware",
+ "commandSetConnection": "Establecer Conexión",
+ "commandSetOdometer": "Establecer Odómetro",
+ "commandGetModemStatus": "Obtener Estatus de Módem",
+ "commandGetDeviceStatus": "Obtener Estatus de Dispositivo",
+ "commandSetSpeedLimit": "Establecer Límite de Velocidad",
+ "commandModePowerSaving": "Modo Ahorro de Energía",
+ "commandModeDeepSleep": "Modo Ahorro de Energía Profundo",
+ "commandAlarmGeofence": "Establecer Alarma de Geo-Zona",
+ "commandAlarmBattery": "Establecer Alarma de Batería",
+ "commandAlarmSos": "Establecer Alarma de SOS",
+ "commandAlarmRemove": "Establecer Alarma de Desmontaje",
+ "commandAlarmClock": "Establecer Alarma de Hora",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Establecer Alarma de Velocidad",
+ "commandAlarmFall": "Establecer Alarma de Caída",
+ "commandAlarmVibration": "Establecer Alarma de Vibración",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequencia",
+ "commandTimezone": "Compensación de zona horaria",
+ "commandMessage": "Mensaje",
+ "commandRadius": "Radio",
+ "commandEnable": "Activado",
+ "commandData": "Datos",
+ "commandIndex": "Índice",
+ "commandPhone": "Número de Teléfono",
+ "commandServer": "Servidor",
+ "commandPort": "Puerto",
+ "eventAll": "Todos los eventos",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositivo en Línea",
+ "eventDeviceUnknown": "Dispositivo en estado Desconocido",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispositivo Fuera de Línea",
+ "eventDeviceInactive": "Dispositivo Inactivo",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo en Movimiento",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo Detenido",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Excedido el límite de Velocidad",
+ "eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Perdida de Combustible ",
+ "eventDeviceFuelIncrease": "Incremento de combustible",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultado del comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "Entrada en la Geo-Zona",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "Salida de la Geo-Zona",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarma ",
+ "eventIgnitionOn": "Llave encendido ON",
+ "eventIgnitionOff": "Llave encendido OFF",
+ "eventMaintenance": "Se requiere mantenimiento",
+ "eventTextMessage": "Mensaje de texto recibido",
+ "eventDriverChanged": "El conductor ha cambiado",
+ "eventMedia": "Media",
+ "eventsScrollToLast": "Desplazarse hasta el último",
+ "alarmGeneral": "General",
+ "alarmSos": "SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Vibración",
+ "alarmMovement": "Movimiento",
+ "alarmLowspeed": "Baja Velocidad",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Exceso de Velocidad ",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Alarma de caída",
+ "alarmLowPower": "Energía baja",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Batería Baja",
+ "alarmFault": "Alarma de fallo",
+ "alarmPowerOff": "Apagado",
+ "alarmPowerOn": "Encendido",
+ "alarmDoor": "Puerta",
+ "alarmLock": "Bloqueado",
+ "alarmUnlock": "Desbloquear",
+ "alarmGeofence": "Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGeofenceEnter": "El Dispositivo ha entrado a la Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGeofenceExit": "El Dispositivo ha salido de la Geo-Zona",
+ "alarmGpsAntennaCut": "Antena del GPS Cortada ",
+ "alarmAccident": "Accidente",
+ "alarmTow": "Grúa de arrastre",
+ "alarmIdle": "Reposo",
+ "alarmHighRpm": "Altas revoluciones",
+ "alarmHardAcceleration": "Aceleración brusca",
+ "alarmHardBraking": "Frenada extrema",
+ "alarmHardCornering": "Giro brusco",
+ "alarmLaneChange": "Cambio de carril",
+ "alarmFatigueDriving": "Conducción fatigosa",
+ "alarmPowerCut": "Energía desconectada",
+ "alarmPowerRestored": "Energía restaurada",
+ "alarmJamming": "Interferencia",
+ "alarmTemperature": "Temperatura",
+ "alarmParking": "Aparcamiento",
+ "alarmBonnet": "Capó",
+ "alarmFootBrake": "Freno de pie",
+ "alarmFuelLeak": "Fuga de combustible",
+ "alarmTampering": "Manipulación",
+ "alarmRemoving": "Eliminando",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificación",
+ "notificationAlways": "Todos los dispositivos",
+ "notificationNotificators": "Canales",
+ "notificatorWeb": "Web",
+ "notificatorMail": "Correo",
+ "notificatorSms": "SMS",
+ "notificatorFirebase": "Firebase",
+ "notificatorTraccar": "Traccar",
+ "notificatorTelegram": "Telegram",
+ "notificatorPushover": "Pushover",
+ "reportReplay": "Repetición Ruta",
+ "reportRoute": "Ruta",
+ "reportEvents": "Eventos",
+ "reportTrips": "Viajes",
+ "reportStops": "Paradas",
+ "reportSummary": "Resumen",
+ "reportDaily": "Resumen diario",
+ "reportChart": "Gráfica",
+ "reportConfigure": "Configurar",
+ "reportEventTypes": "Tipos de evento",
+ "reportChartType": "Tipo de gráfica",
+ "reportShowMarkers": "Mostrar marcadores",
+ "reportExport": "Exportar",
+ "reportEmail": "Reporte por correo",
+ "reportPeriod": "Período",
+ "reportCustom": "Personalizado",
+ "reportToday": "Hoy",
+ "reportYesterday": "Ayer",
+ "reportThisWeek": "Semana Actual",
+ "reportPreviousWeek": "Semana Anterior",
+ "reportThisMonth": "Mes Actual",
+ "reportPreviousMonth": "Mes Anterior",
+ "reportDeviceName": "Nombre",
+ "reportAverageSpeed": "Velocidad media",
+ "reportMaximumSpeed": "Velocidad máxima",
+ "reportEngineHours": "Horas motor",
+ "reportDuration": "Duración",
+ "reportStartDate": "Fecha de inicio",
+ "reportStartTime": "Hora de Inicio",
+ "reportStartAddress": "Dirección de Inicio",
+ "reportEndTime": "Hora de Fin",
+ "reportEndAddress": "Dirección de Fin",
+ "reportSpentFuel": "Combustible consumido",
+ "reportStartOdometer": "Odómetro inical",
+ "reportEndOdometer": "Odómetro final",
+ "statisticsTitle": "Estadísticas",
+ "statisticsCaptureTime": "Fecha de captura",
+ "statisticsActiveUsers": "Usuarios activos",
+ "statisticsActiveDevices": "Dispositivos activos",
+ "statisticsRequests": "Peticiones",
+ "statisticsMessagesReceived": "Mensajes recibidos",
+ "statisticsMessagesStored": "Mensajes almacenados",
+ "statisticsGeocoder": "Solicitudes al codificador geográfico",
+ "statisticsGeolocation": "Solicitudes de geolocalización",
+ "categoryArrow": "Flecha",
+ "categoryDefault": "Prederminado",
+ "categoryAnimal": "Animal",
+ "categoryBicycle": "Bicicleta",
+ "categoryBoat": "Barco",
+ "categoryBus": "Autobús",
+ "categoryCar": "Automóvil",
+ "categoryCrane": "Grúa",
+ "categoryHelicopter": "Helicóptero",
+ "categoryMotorcycle": "Motocicleta",
+ "categoryOffroad": "Todoterreno",
+ "categoryPerson": "Persona",
+ "categoryPickup": "Pickup",
+ "categoryPlane": "Avión",
+ "categoryShip": "Barco",
+ "categoryTractor": "Tractor",
+ "categoryTrain": "Trén",
+ "categoryTram": "Tranvía",
+ "categoryTrolleybus": "Trolebús",
+ "categoryTruck": "Camión",
+ "categoryVan": "Furgoneta",
+ "categoryScooter": "Moto",
+ "maintenanceStart": "Iniciar",
+ "maintenancePeriod": "Período"
+} \ No newline at end of file