path: root/modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg
diff options
authorAnton Tananaev <anton.tananaev@gmail.com>2021-09-06 11:59:42 -0700
committerAshutosh Bishnoi <mail2bishnoi@gmail.com>2022-02-15 11:28:09 +0530
commit682bc9db991ef5d550b6b0b780371f19359511ad (patch)
tree261e25a5edc102fa31c19af1fe365ebb89cd8d34 /modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg
parent158f8ba27f354b53f4d25613d1ff1828cbad0bea (diff)
# This is a combination of 30 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message: Close socket on logout (fix #896) # This is the commit message #2: Fix lint # This is the commit message #3: Add calendar menu # This is the commit message #4: Add calendar file upload # This is the commit message #5: Disable icon tinting in Firefox # This is the commit message #6: Move ignition icon # This is the commit message #7: Specify icon sizes # This is the commit message #8: Fix lint issues # This is the commit message #9: Add accuracy button # This is the commit message #10: Merge shock and vibration alarms # This is the commit message #11: Add events alarm column # This is the commit message #12: Enable LocationIQ by default # This is the commit message #13: Update LocationIQ keys # This is the commit message #14: Fix selector style # This is the commit message #15: Support server change # This is the commit message #16: Update localization script # This is the commit message #17: Update localization # This is the commit message #18: Command to install dependency # This is the commit message #19: Update JavaScript libraries # This is the commit message #20: Fix modern app issues # This is the commit message #21: Fix image URL # This is the commit message #22: Fix user list (fix #898) # This is the commit message #23: Fix formatting issue # This is the commit message #24: Add option to disable reports # This is the commit message #25: Fix add button position # This is the commit message #26: Select device based on uniqueId # This is the commit message #27: Update devices list search # This is the commit message #28: Fix lint problems # This is the commit message #29: Changed devices list search # This is the commit message #30: Changed device list search
Diffstat (limited to 'modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg b/modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg
index 592302a6..33bfe27d 100644
--- a/modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg
+++ b/modern/public/images/icon/boat.svg
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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