goog.provide(''); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('ol'); goog.require('ol.color'); goog.require('ol.has'); goog.require('ol.render.canvas'); goog.require('ol.structs.IHasChecksum'); goog.require(''); goog.require(''); goog.require(''); goog.require(''); goog.require(''); ol.nullFunction = ol.nullFunction || function() {}; // TODO: remove in 3.11 /** * @classdesc * Set arrow style for vector features. * * @constructor * @param {} options Options. * @extends {} * @implements {ol.structs.IHasChecksum} * @api */ = function(options) { goog.asserts.assert(options.radius !== undefined, 'must provide "radius"'); /** * @private * @type {Array.<string>} */ this.checksums_ = null; /** * @private * @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ this.canvas_ = null; /** * @private * @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = null; /** * @private * @type {} */ this.fill_ = options.fill !== undefined ? options.fill : null; /** * @private * @type {Array.<number>} */ this.origin_ = [0, 0]; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this.radius_ = /** @type {number} */ (options.radius !== undefined ? options.radius : options.radius1); /** * @private * @type {number} */ this.frontAngle_ = options.frontAngle !== undefined ? options.frontAngle : Math.PI / 5; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this.backAngle_ = options.backAngle !== undefined ? options.backAngle : 4 * Math.PI / 5; /** * @private * @type {} */ this.stroke_ = options.stroke !== undefined ? options.stroke : null; /** * @private * @type {Array.<number>} */ this.anchor_ = null; /** * @private * @type {ol.Size} */ this.size_ = null; /** * @private * @type {ol.Size} */ this.imageSize_ = null; /** * @private * @type {ol.Size} */ this.hitDetectionImageSize_ = null; this.render_(options.atlasManager); /** * @type {boolean} */ var snapToPixel = options.snapToPixel !== undefined ? options.snapToPixel : true; goog.base(this, { opacity: 1, rotateWithView: false, rotation: options.rotation !== undefined ? options.rotation : 0, scale: 1, snapToPixel: snapToPixel }); }; goog.inherits(,; /** * @inheritDoc * @api */ = function() { return this.anchor_; }; /** * Get front angle of the arrow. * @return {number} Angle in radians. * @api */ = function() { return this.frontAngle_; }; /** * Get back angle of the arrow. * @return {number} Angle in radians. * @api */ = function() { return this.backAngle_; }; /** * Get the fill style for the arrow. * @return {} Fill style. * @api */ = function() { return this.fill_; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ = function(pixelRatio) { return this.hitDetectionCanvas_; }; /** * @inheritDoc * @api */ = function(pixelRatio) { return this.canvas_; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ = function() { return this.imageSize_; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ = function() { return this.hitDetectionImageSize_; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ = function() { return; }; /** * @inheritDoc * @api */ = function() { return this.origin_; }; /** * Get the (primary) radius for the arrow. * @return {number} Radius. * @api */ = function() { return this.radius_; }; /** * @inheritDoc * @api */ = function() { return this.size_; }; /** * Get the stroke style for the arrow. * @return {} Stroke style. * @api */ = function() { return this.stroke_; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ = ol.nullFunction; /** * @inheritDoc */ = ol.nullFunction; /** * @inheritDoc */ = ol.nullFunction; /** * @typedef {{ * strokeStyle: (string|undefined), * strokeWidth: number, * size: number, * lineCap: string, * lineDash: Array.<number>, * lineJoin: string, * miterLimit: number * }} */; /** * @private * @param {|undefined} atlasManager */ = function(atlasManager) { var imageSize; var lineCap = ''; var lineJoin = ''; var miterLimit = 0; var lineDash = null; var strokeStyle; var strokeWidth = 0; if (this.stroke_) { strokeStyle = ol.color.asString(this.stroke_.getColor()); strokeWidth = this.stroke_.getWidth(); if (strokeWidth === undefined) { strokeWidth = ol.render.canvas.defaultLineWidth; } lineDash = this.stroke_.getLineDash(); if (!ol.has.CANVAS_LINE_DASH) { lineDash = null; } lineJoin = this.stroke_.getLineJoin(); if (lineJoin === undefined) { lineJoin = ol.render.canvas.defaultLineJoin; } lineCap = this.stroke_.getLineCap(); if (lineCap === undefined) { lineCap = ol.render.canvas.defaultLineCap; } miterLimit = this.stroke_.getMiterLimit(); if (miterLimit === undefined) { miterLimit = ol.render.canvas.defaultMiterLimit; } } var size = 2 * (this.radius_ + strokeWidth) + 1; /** @type {} */ var renderOptions = { strokeStyle: strokeStyle, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, size: size, lineCap: lineCap, lineDash: lineDash, lineJoin: lineJoin, miterLimit: miterLimit }; if (atlasManager === undefined) { // no atlas manager is used, create a new canvas this.canvas_ = /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ (goog.dom.createElement('CANVAS')); this.canvas_.height = size; this.canvas_.width = size; // canvas.width and height are rounded to the closest integer size = this.canvas_.width; imageSize = size; var context = /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (this.canvas_.getContext('2d')); this.draw_(renderOptions, context, 0, 0); this.createHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions); } else { // an atlas manager is used, add the symbol to an atlas size = Math.round(size); var hasCustomHitDetectionImage = !this.fill_; var renderHitDetectionCallback; if (hasCustomHitDetectionImage) { // render the hit-detection image into a separate atlas image renderHitDetectionCallback = goog.bind(this.drawHitDetectionCanvas_, this, renderOptions); } var id = this.getChecksum(); var info = atlasManager.add( id, size, size, goog.bind(this.draw_, this, renderOptions), renderHitDetectionCallback); goog.asserts.assert(info, 'arrow size is too large'); this.canvas_ = info.image; this.origin_ = [info.offsetX, info.offsetY]; imageSize = info.image.width; if (hasCustomHitDetectionImage) { this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = info.hitImage; this.hitDetectionImageSize_ = [info.hitImage.width, info.hitImage.height]; } else { this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = this.canvas_; this.hitDetectionImageSize_ = [imageSize, imageSize]; } } this.anchor_ = [size / 2, size / 2]; this.size_ = [size, size]; this.imageSize_ = [imageSize, imageSize]; }; /** * @private * @param {} renderOptions * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context * @param {number} x The origin for the symbol (x). * @param {number} y The origin for the symbol (y). */ = function(renderOptions, context, x, y) { var innerRadius = this.radius_ / Math.sin(Math.PI - this.backAngle_ / 2) * Math.sin(this.backAngle_ / 2 - this.frontAngle_); // reset transform context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // then move to (x, y) context.translate(x, y); context.beginPath(); function lineTo(radius, angle) { context.lineTo( renderOptions.size / 2 + radius * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 2), renderOptions.size / 2 - radius * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 2)); } lineTo(this.radius_, 0); lineTo(this.radius_, Math.PI - this.frontAngle_); lineTo(innerRadius, Math.PI); lineTo(this.radius_, this.frontAngle_ - Math.PI); lineTo(this.radius_, 0); if (this.fill_) { context.fillStyle = ol.color.asString(this.fill_.getColor()); context.fill(); } if (this.stroke_) { context.strokeStyle = renderOptions.strokeStyle; context.lineWidth = renderOptions.strokeWidth; if (renderOptions.lineDash) { context.setLineDash(renderOptions.lineDash); } context.lineCap = renderOptions.lineCap; context.lineJoin = renderOptions.lineJoin; context.miterLimit = renderOptions.miterLimit; context.stroke(); } context.closePath(); }; /** * @private * @param {} renderOptions */ = function(renderOptions) { this.hitDetectionImageSize_ = [renderOptions.size, renderOptions.size]; if (this.fill_) { this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = this.canvas_; return; } // if no fill style is set, create an extra hit-detection image with a // default fill style this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ (goog.dom.createElement('CANVAS')); var canvas = this.hitDetectionCanvas_; canvas.height = renderOptions.size; canvas.width = renderOptions.size; var context = /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext('2d')); this.drawHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions, context, 0, 0); }; /** * @private * @param {} renderOptions * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context * @param {number} x The origin for the symbol (x). * @param {number} y The origin for the symbol (y). */ = function(renderOptions, context, x, y) { var innerRadius = this.radius_ / Math.sin(Math.PI - this.backAngle_ / 2) * Math.sin(this.backAngle_ / 2 - this.frontAngle_); // reset transform context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // then move to (x, y) context.translate(x, y); context.beginPath(); function lineTo(radius, angle) { context.lineTo( renderOptions.size / 2 + radius * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 2), renderOptions.size / 2 - radius * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 2)); } lineTo(this.radius_, 0); lineTo(this.radius_, Math.PI - this.frontAngle_); lineTo(innerRadius / 2, Math.PI); lineTo(this.radius_, this.frontAngle_ - Math.PI); lineTo(this.radius_, 0); context.fillStyle = ol.render.canvas.defaultFillStyle; context.fill(); if (this.stroke_) { context.strokeStyle = renderOptions.strokeStyle; context.lineWidth = renderOptions.strokeWidth; if (renderOptions.lineDash) { context.setLineDash(renderOptions.lineDash); } context.stroke(); } context.closePath(); }; /** * @inheritDoc */ = function() { var strokeChecksum = this.stroke_ ? this.stroke_.getChecksum() : '-'; var fillChecksum = this.fill_ ? this.fill_.getChecksum() : '-'; var recalculate = !this.checksums_ || (strokeChecksum != this.checksums_[1] || fillChecksum != this.checksums_[2] || this.radius_ != this.checksums_[3] || this.frontAngle_ != this.checksums_[4] || this.backAngle_ != this.checksums_[5]); if (recalculate) { var checksum = 'r' + strokeChecksum + fillChecksum + (this.radius_ !== undefined ? this.radius_.toString() : '-') + (this.frontAngle_ !== undefined ? this.frontAngle_.toString() : '-') + (this.backAngle_ !== undefined ? this.backAngle_.toString() : '-'); this.checksums_ = [checksum, strokeChecksum, fillChecksum, this.radius_, this.frontAngle_, this.backAngle_]; } return this.checksums_[0]; };