#!/usr/bin/python import sys, argparse, json, re def handleException(etype, e=None): if etype == 'KeyError': print "Error: Required property {} not found".format(e) elif etype == 'IOError': print "Error ({}): {}".format(e.errno, e.strerror) elif etype == 'ValueError': print "Error: Unable to parse input as JSON" elif etype == 'Custom': print e sys.exit(1) def get_json(filename): try: with open(filename) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) return json_data except IOError as e: handleException('IOError', e) except ValueError: handleException('ValueError') except: print "Unexpected error: {}".format(sys.exc_info()[0]) raise def write_file(filename, body): try: with open(filename, 'w') as md_file: md_file.write(body) except IOError as e: handleException('IOError', e) def make_header(json_data): try: if not 'swagger' in json_data: raise KeyError info = json_data['info'] md = "


\n".format(info['title']) md += "

Version: {}

\n".format(info['version']) if 'license' in info: md += "

License: " license = info['license'] if 'url' in license: md += '{}'.format(license['url'], license['name']) else: md += license['name'] md += '

\n' if 'contact' in info: contact = info['contact'] if 'name' in contact or 'email' in contact: md += '

Contact: ' if not 'name' in contact: md += '{0}'.format(contact['email']) elif not 'email' in contact: md += contact['name'] else: md += '{0} <'.format(contact['name'], contact['email']) md += ' \n' if 'url' in contact: md += "

Website: {}

\n".format(contact['url']) if 'termsOfService' in info: md += '

Terms of Service: {}

\n'.format(info['termsOfService']) if 'host' in json_data: md += '

Base URL: ' base = json_data['host'] if 'basePath' in json_data: base += json_data['basePath'] else: base += '/' if 'schemes' in json_data: md += (', ').join(map( lambda x: '{0}://{1}'.format(x, base), json_data['schemes'] )) else: md += '{0}'.format(base) md += '

\n' if 'description' in info: md += '

Description: {}

\n'.format(info['description']) md += '\n' return md except KeyErrori as e: handleException('KeyError', e) def make_ref(ref): href = ref.split('/')[1:] return '{}'.format('_'.join(href), href[-1]) def get_ref(ref, raw): keys = ref.split('/') return raw[keys[1]][keys[2]] def make_html(s): reg = re.compile(r"[*_]{3}(.+?)[*_]{3}") s = reg.sub(r"\1", s) reg = re.compile(r"[*_]{2}(.+?)[*_]{2}") s = reg.sub(r"\1", s) reg = re.compile(r"[*_](.+?)[*_]") s = reg.sub(r"\1", s) reg = re.compile(r"\`(.+?)\`") s = reg.sub(r"\1", s) return s def make_table(data): md = '\n' md += ' \n' md += ' \n' for col in data[0]: md += ' \n'.format(col) md += ' \n' md += ' \n' md += ' \n' for row in data[1:]: md += ' \n' for cell in row: md += ' \n'.format(cell) md += ' \n' md += ' \n' md += '
\n' return md def make_params_table(itemsraw, raw): items = [] for item in itemsraw: if '$ref' in item: items.append(get_ref(item['$ref'], raw)) else: items.append(item) try: fields = list(set([]).union(*map(lambda x: x.keys(), items))) row = [ 'Name', 'ParamType' ] if 'description' in fields: row.append('Description') if 'required' in fields: row.append('Required') if 'type' in fields: row.append('DataType') if 'schema' in fields: row.append('Schema') table = [ row ] for item in items: row = [ "{}".format(item['name']), item['in'] ] if 'description' in fields: if 'description' in item: row.append(make_html(item['description'])) else: row.append('') if 'required' in fields: required = 'False' if 'required' in item and item['required']: required = "True" row.append(required) if 'type' in fields: type = '' if 'type' in item: if item['type'] == 'array': type = "[ {} ]".format(item['items']['type']) else: type = item['type'] if 'format' in item: type += " ({})".format(item['format']) type = "{}".format(type) row.append(type) if 'schema' in fields: if 'schema' in item: if '$ref' in item['schema']: row.append(make_ref(item['schema']['$ref'])) else: row.append('') table.append(row) return make_table(table) except KeyError as e: handleException('KeyError', e) def make_responses_table(responses): try: fields = list( set([]).union(*map(lambda x: x.keys(), map(lambda x: responses[x], responses.keys()) )) ) row = [ 'Status Code', 'Description' ] if 'headers' in fields: row.append('Headers') if 'schema' in fields: row.append('Schema') if 'examples' in fields: row.append('Examples') table = [ row ] for key in sorted(responses): response = responses[key] row = [ "{}".format(key), make_html(response['description']) ] if 'headers' in fields: header = '' if 'headers' in response: hrow = [] for header, h_obj in response['headers'].iteritems(): hrow += "{} ({})".format(header, h_obj['type']) if 'description' in h_obj: hrow += ": {}".format(h_obj['description']) header = ' \n'.join(hrow) row.append(header) if 'schema' in fields: schema = '' if 'schema' in response: if '$ref' in response['schema']: schema += make_ref(response['schema']['$ref']) if 'type' in response['schema']: if response['schema']['type'] == 'array': if '$ref' in response['schema']['items']: schema += make_ref(response['schema']['items']['$ref']) schema = "[ {} ]".format(schema) row.append(schema) if 'examples' in fields: if 'examples' in response: row.append(response['examples']) else: row.append('') table.append(row) return make_table(table) except KeyError as e: handleException('KeyError', e) def make_paths(sections, json_data): md = '


\n' for key in sorted(sections): md += '


\n'.format(key) for section in sections[key]: md += '


\n'.format( section['href'], section['title'] ) operation = section['operation'] if 'summary' in operation: md += '

Summary: {}

\n'.format(make_html(operation['summary'])) if 'description' in operation: md += '

Description: {}

\n'.format(make_html(operation['description'])) md += '
\n' if 'parameters' in operation and len(operation['parameters']) > 0: md += make_params_table(operation['parameters'], json_data) else: md += "


\n" md += '
\n' md += make_responses_table(operation['responses']) md += '\n' md += '\n' return md def make_contents(path_section, json_data): md = '


\n' md += '\n' return md def make_definitions(json_data): md = '


\n' for name in sorted(json_data['definitions']): md += '


\n'.format(name) model = json_data['definitions'][name] if 'properties' in model: fields = list( set(['type']).union( *map(lambda x: x.keys(), map(lambda x: model['properties'][x], model['properties'].keys()) ) ) ) row = [ 'Property', 'Type' ] if 'description' in fields: row.append('Description') table = [ row ] for key in sorted(model['properties']): property = model['properties'][key] row = [ "{}".format(key) ] if 'type' in property: type = property['type'] if 'format' in property: type += " ({})".format(property['format']) row.append("{}".format(type)) elif '$ref' in property: row.append(make_ref(property['$ref'])) else: row.append('') if 'description' in fields: if 'description' in property: row.append(make_html(property['description'])) else: row.append('') table.append(row) md += make_table(table) return md def make_markdown(json_data): path_sections = {} for endpoint in json_data['paths']: path_split = endpoint.split('/') path_key = path_split[1] if not path_key in path_sections: path_sections[path_key] = [] for method, operation in json_data['paths'][endpoint].iteritems(): if 'operationId' in operation: link = operation['operationId'] else: link = ''.join([ c for c in endpoint if c not in ['/', '{', '}'] ]) path_sections[path_key].append({ 'title': '{} {}'.format(method.upper(), endpoint), 'href': 'paths_{}_{}'.format(link, method.upper()), 'operation': operation }) md = make_header(json_data) md += make_contents(path_sections, json_data) md += make_paths(path_sections, json_data) md += make_definitions(json_data) return md def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('SPECFILE', help="path to swagger.json file") parser.add_argument('OUTFILE', help="path to output HTML file") args = parser.parse_args() marked_down = make_markdown(get_json(args.SPECFILE)) if args.OUTFILE: write_file(args.OUTFILE, marked_down) print " success: {}".format(args.OUTFILE) else: print marked_down if __name__ == '__main__': main()