#!/usr/bin/python import re import os import argparse _KEYS_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "../src/main/java/org/traccar/config/Keys.java" ) def get_config_keys(): """Parses Keys.java to extract keys to be used in configuration files Args: None Returns: list: A list of dict containing the following keys - 'key': A dot separated name of the config key 'description': A list of str """ desc_re = re.compile(r"(/\*\*\n|\s+\*/|\s+\*)") key_match_re = re.compile(r"\(\n(.+)\);", re.DOTALL) key_split_re = re.compile(r",\s+", re.DOTALL) keys = [] with open(_KEYS_FILE, "r") as f: config = re.findall( r"(/\*\*.*?\*/)\n\s+(public static final Config.*?;)", f.read(), re.DOTALL ) for i in config: try: key_match = key_match_re.search(i[1]) if key_match: terms = [x.strip() for x in key_split_re.split(key_match.group(1))] key = terms[0].replace('"', "") description = [ x.strip().replace("\n", "") for x in desc_re.sub("\n", i[0]).strip().split("\n\n") ] if len(terms) == 3: description.append(f"Default: {terms[2]}") keys.append( { "key": key, "description": description, } ) except IndexError: # will continue if key_match.group(1) or terms[0] does not exist # for some reason pass return keys def get_html(): return ("\n").join( [ f"""
{x["key"]} config


""" for x in get_config_keys() ] ) def get_pug(): return ("\n").join( [ f""" div(class='card mt-3') div(class='card-body') h5(class='card-title') {x["key"]} #[span(class='badge badge-dark') config] p(class='card-text') {"#[br] ".join(x["description"])}""" for x in get_config_keys() ] ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Parses Keys.java to extract keys to be used in configuration files" ) parser.add_argument( "--format", choices=["pug", "html"], default="pug", help="default: 'pug'" ) args = parser.parse_args() def get_output(): if args.format == 'html': return get_html() return get_pug() print(get_output())