#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import os import argparse _KEYS_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "../src/main/java/org/traccar/config/Keys.java" ) def get_config_keys(): """Parses Keys.java to extract keys to be used in configuration files Args: None Returns: list: A list of dict containing the following keys - 'key': A dot separated name of the config key 'description': A list of str """ types_match_re = re.compile(r"List\.of\(([^)]+)\)", re.DOTALL) keys = [] with open(_KEYS_FILE, "r") as f: config = re.findall(r"/\*\*\s.*?\);", f.read(), re.DOTALL) for i in config: lines = i.splitlines() index = -1 default = None if "List.of" not in lines[index]: default = lines[index].strip()[:-2] index -= 1 types_match = types_match_re.search(lines[index]) types = map(lambda x: x[8:].lower(), types_match[1].split(", ")) index -= 1 key = lines[index].strip()[1:-2] key = "[protocol]" + key if key.startswith('.') else key description = " ".join([l.strip()[2:] for l in lines if l.startswith(" * ")]) keys.append( { "key": key, "description": description, "types": types, "default": default, } ) return keys def get_html(): return ("\n").join( [ f"""


""" for x in get_config_keys() ] ) def get_pug(): return ("\n").join( [ f""" div(class='card mt-3') div(class='card-body') h5(class='card-title') {x["key"]} {" ".join(map("#[span(class='badge badge-dark') {:}]".format, x["types"]))} p(class='card-text') {x["description"]}{f"\n p(class='card-text') Default value: {x["default"]}" if x["default"] is not None else ""}""" for x in get_config_keys() ] ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Parses Keys.java to extract keys to be used in configuration files" ) parser.add_argument( "--format", choices=["pug", "html"], default="pug", help="default: 'pug'" ) args = parser.parse_args() def get_output(): if args.format == 'html': return get_html() return get_pug() print(get_output())