/* * Copyright 2015 - 2017 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.protocol; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer; import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel; import org.traccar.BaseProtocolDecoder; import org.traccar.DeviceSession; import org.traccar.helper.BitUtil; import org.traccar.helper.Parser; import org.traccar.helper.PatternBuilder; import org.traccar.helper.UnitsConverter; import org.traccar.model.CellTower; import org.traccar.model.Network; import org.traccar.model.Position; import org.traccar.model.WifiAccessPoint; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class WatchProtocolDecoder extends BaseProtocolDecoder { public WatchProtocolDecoder(WatchProtocol protocol) { super(protocol); } private static final Pattern PATTERN_POSITION = new PatternBuilder() .number("(dd)(dd)(dd),") // date (ddmmyy) .number("(dd)(dd)(dd),") // time (hhmmss) .expression("([AV]),") // validity .number(" *(-?d+.d+),") // latitude .expression("([NS]),") .number(" *(-?d+.d+),") // longitude .expression("([EW])?,") .number("(d+.d+),") // speed .number("(d+.?d*),") // course .number("(d+.?d*),") // altitude .number("(d+),") // satellites .number("(d+),") // rssi .number("(d+),") // battery .number("(d+),") // steps .number("d+,") // tumbles .number("(x+),") // status .expression("(.*)") // cell and wifi .compile(); private void sendResponse(Channel channel, String manufacturer, String id, String content) { if (channel != null) { channel.write(String.format( "[%s*%s*%04x*%s]", manufacturer, id, content.length(), content)); } } private String decodeAlarm(int status) { if (BitUtil.check(status, 0)) { return Position.ALARM_LOW_BATTERY; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 1)) { return Position.ALARM_GEOFENCE_EXIT; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 2)) { return Position.ALARM_GEOFENCE_ENTER; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 3)) { return Position.ALARM_OVERSPEED; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 16)) { return Position.ALARM_SOS; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 17)) { return Position.ALARM_LOW_BATTERY; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 18)) { return Position.ALARM_GEOFENCE_EXIT; } else if (BitUtil.check(status, 19)) { return Position.ALARM_GEOFENCE_ENTER; } return null; } private void decodeTail(Position position, String data) { String[] values = data.split(","); int index = 0; Network network = new Network(); int cellCount = Integer.parseInt(values[index++]); index += 1; // timing advance int mcc = Integer.parseInt(values[index++]); int mnc = Integer.parseInt(values[index++]); for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { network.addCellTower(CellTower.from(mcc, mnc, Integer.parseInt(values[index++]), Integer.parseInt(values[index++]), Integer.parseInt(values[index++]))); } if (index < values.length && !values[index].isEmpty()) { int wifiCount = Integer.parseInt(values[index++]); for (int i = 0; i < wifiCount; i++) { index += 1; // wifi name network.addWifiAccessPoint(WifiAccessPoint.from( values[index++], Integer.parseInt(values[index++]))); } } if (network.getCellTowers() != null || network.getWifiAccessPoints() != null) { position.setNetwork(network); } } @Override protected Object decode( Channel channel, SocketAddress remoteAddress, Object msg) throws Exception { ChannelBuffer buf = (ChannelBuffer) msg; buf.skipBytes(1); // header String manufacturer = buf.readBytes(2).toString(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); buf.skipBytes(1); // delimiter String id = buf.readBytes(10).toString(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); DeviceSession deviceSession = getDeviceSession(channel, remoteAddress, id); if (deviceSession == null) { return null; } buf.skipBytes(1); // delimiter buf.skipBytes(4); // length buf.skipBytes(1); // delimiter String content = null; int contentIndex = buf.indexOf(buf.readerIndex(), buf.writerIndex(), (byte) ','); if (contentIndex > 0) { content = buf.toString(contentIndex + 1, buf.writerIndex() - 2 - contentIndex, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); } else { contentIndex = buf.writerIndex() - 1; } String type = buf.readBytes(contentIndex - buf.readerIndex()).toString(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); if (type.equals("LK")) { sendResponse(channel, manufacturer, id, "LK"); if (content != null) { String[] values = content.split(","); if (values.length >= 3) { Position position = new Position(); position.setProtocol(getProtocolName()); position.setDeviceId(deviceSession.getDeviceId()); getLastLocation(position, null); position.set(Position.KEY_BATTERY_LEVEL, Integer.parseInt(values[2])); return position; } } } else if (type.equals("UD") || type.equals("UD2") || type.equals("UD3") || type.equals("AL") || type.equals("WT")) { if (type.equals("AL")) { sendResponse(channel, manufacturer, id, "AL"); } Parser parser = new Parser(PATTERN_POSITION, content); if (!parser.matches()) { return null; } Position position = new Position(); position.setProtocol(getProtocolName()); position.setDeviceId(deviceSession.getDeviceId()); position.setTime(parser.nextDateTime(Parser.DateTimeFormat.DMY_HMS)); position.setValid(parser.next().equals("A")); position.setLatitude(parser.nextCoordinate(Parser.CoordinateFormat.DEG_HEM)); position.setLongitude(parser.nextCoordinate(Parser.CoordinateFormat.DEG_HEM)); position.setSpeed(UnitsConverter.knotsFromKph(parser.nextDouble(0))); position.setCourse(parser.nextDouble(0)); position.setAltitude(parser.nextDouble(0)); position.set(Position.KEY_SATELLITES, parser.nextInt(0)); position.set(Position.KEY_RSSI, parser.nextInt(0)); position.set(Position.KEY_BATTERY_LEVEL, parser.nextInt(0)); position.set("steps", parser.nextInt(0)); position.set(Position.KEY_ALARM, decodeAlarm(parser.nextHexInt(0))); decodeTail(position, parser.next()); return position; } else if (type.equals("TKQ")) { sendResponse(channel, manufacturer, id, "TKQ"); } else if (type.equals("PULSE") || type.equals("heart")) { if (content != null) { Position position = new Position(); position.setProtocol(getProtocolName()); position.setDeviceId(deviceSession.getDeviceId()); getLastLocation(position, new Date()); position.setValid(false); position.set("pulse", content); position.set(Position.KEY_RESULT, content); return position; } } return null; } }