/* * Copyright 2015 Anton Tananaev (anton.tananaev@gmail.com) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.protocol; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers; import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel; import org.traccar.BaseProtocolDecoder; import org.traccar.helper.BitUtil; import org.traccar.helper.ChannelBufferTools; import org.traccar.helper.UnitsConverter; import org.traccar.model.Event; import org.traccar.model.Position; public class TytanProtocolDecoder extends BaseProtocolDecoder { public TytanProtocolDecoder(TytanProtocol protocol) { super(protocol); } private static float readSwappedFloat(ChannelBuffer buf) { byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; buf.readBytes(bytes); return ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, bytes).readFloat(); } @Override protected Object decode( Channel channel, SocketAddress remoteAddress, Object msg) throws Exception { ChannelBuffer buf = (ChannelBuffer) msg; buf.readUnsignedByte(); // protocol buf.readUnsignedShort(); // length int index = buf.readUnsignedByte() >> 3; if (channel != null) { ChannelBuffer response = ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer( "^" + index, Charset.defaultCharset()); channel.write(response, remoteAddress); } String id = String.valueOf(buf.readUnsignedInt()); if (!identify(id, channel, remoteAddress)) { return null; } List positions = new LinkedList<>(); while (buf.readableBytes() > 2) { Position position = new Position(); position.setProtocol(getProtocolName()); position.setDeviceId(getDeviceId()); int end = buf.readerIndex() + buf.readUnsignedByte(); position.setTime(new Date(buf.readUnsignedInt() * 1000)); int flags = buf.readUnsignedByte(); position.set(Event.KEY_SATELLITES, BitUtil.range(flags, 2)); position.setValid(BitUtil.range(flags, 0, 2) > 0); // Latitude double lat = buf.readUnsignedMedium(); lat = lat * -180 / 16777216 + 90; position.setLatitude(lat); // Longitude double lon = buf.readUnsignedMedium(); lon = lon * 360 / 16777216 - 180; position.setLongitude(lon); // Status flags = buf.readUnsignedByte(); position.set(Event.KEY_IGNITION, BitUtil.check(flags, 0)); position.set(Event.KEY_GSM, BitUtil.range(flags, 2, 3)); position.setCourse((BitUtil.range(flags, 5) * 45 + 180) % 360); // Speed int speed = buf.readUnsignedByte(); if (speed < 250) { position.setSpeed(UnitsConverter.knotsFromKph(speed)); } while (buf.readerIndex() < end) { int type = buf.readUnsignedByte(); int length = buf.readUnsignedByte(); if (length == 255) { length += buf.readUnsignedByte(); } switch (type) { case 2: position.set(Event.KEY_ODOMETER, buf.readUnsignedMedium() * 5); break; case 5: position.set(Event.KEY_INPUT, buf.readUnsignedByte()); break; case 6: { int n = buf.readUnsignedByte() >> 4; if (n < 2) { position.set(Event.PREFIX_ADC + n, readSwappedFloat(buf)); } else { position.set("di" + (n - 2), readSwappedFloat(buf)); } } break; case 7: { int alarm = buf.readUnsignedByte(); buf.readUnsignedByte(); if (BitUtil.check(alarm, 5)) { position.set(Event.KEY_ALARM, BitUtil.range(alarm, 0, 4)); } } break; case 8: position.set("antihijack", buf.readUnsignedByte()); break; case 9: position.set("authorized", ChannelBufferTools.readHexString(buf, 16)); break; case 10: position.set("unauthorized", ChannelBufferTools.readHexString(buf, 16)); break; case 24: { Set temps = new LinkedHashSet<>(); int temp = buf.readUnsignedByte(); for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { int n = (temp >> (2 * i)) & 0x03; if (!temps.contains(n)) { temps.add(n); } } for (int n : temps) { position.set(Event.PREFIX_TEMP + n, buf.readUnsignedByte()); } } break; case 28: position.set("weight", buf.readUnsignedShort()); buf.readUnsignedByte(); break; case 90: position.set(Event.KEY_POWER, readSwappedFloat(buf)); break; case 107: position.set(Event.KEY_FUEL, (buf.readUnsignedShort() & 0x3fff) * 0.5); break; case 150: position.set("door", buf.readUnsignedByte()); break; default: buf.skipBytes(length); break; } } positions.add(position); } return positions; } }