/* * Copyright 2016 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.events; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.traccar.BaseEventHandler; import org.traccar.Context; import org.traccar.model.Device; import org.traccar.model.DeviceState; import org.traccar.model.Event; import org.traccar.model.Position; public class OverspeedEventHandler extends BaseEventHandler { public static final String ATTRIBUTE_SPEED_LIMIT = "speedLimit"; private boolean notRepeat; private long minimalDuration; public OverspeedEventHandler(long minimalDuration, boolean notRepeat) { this.notRepeat = notRepeat; this.minimalDuration = minimalDuration; } private Map<Event, Position> newEvent(DeviceState deviceState, double speedLimit) { Position position = deviceState.getOverspeedPosition(); Event event = new Event(Event.TYPE_DEVICE_OVERSPEED, position.getDeviceId(), position.getId()); event.set("speed", deviceState.getOverspeedPosition().getSpeed()); event.set(ATTRIBUTE_SPEED_LIMIT, speedLimit); deviceState.setOverspeedState(notRepeat); deviceState.setOverspeedPosition(null); return Collections.singletonMap(event, position); } public Map<Event, Position> updateOverspeedState(DeviceState deviceState, double speedLimit) { Map<Event, Position> result = null; if (deviceState.getOverspeedState() != null && !deviceState.getOverspeedState() && deviceState.getOverspeedPosition() != null && speedLimit != 0) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Position overspeedPosition = deviceState.getOverspeedPosition(); long overspeedTime = overspeedPosition.getFixTime().getTime(); if (overspeedTime + minimalDuration <= currentTime) { result = newEvent(deviceState, speedLimit); } } return result; } public Map<Event, Position> updateOverspeedState(DeviceState deviceState, Position position, double speedLimit) { Map<Event, Position> result = null; Boolean oldOverspeed = deviceState.getOverspeedState(); long currentTime = position.getFixTime().getTime(); boolean newOverspeed = position.getSpeed() > speedLimit; if (newOverspeed && !oldOverspeed) { if (deviceState.getOverspeedPosition() == null) { deviceState.setOverspeedPosition(position); } } else if (oldOverspeed && !newOverspeed) { deviceState.setOverspeedState(false); deviceState.setOverspeedPosition(null); } else { deviceState.setOverspeedPosition(null); } Position overspeedPosition = deviceState.getOverspeedPosition(); if (overspeedPosition != null) { long overspeedTime = overspeedPosition.getFixTime().getTime(); if (newOverspeed && overspeedTime + minimalDuration <= currentTime) { result = newEvent(deviceState, speedLimit); } } return result; } @Override protected Map<Event, Position> analyzePosition(Position position) { long deviceId = position.getDeviceId(); Device device = Context.getIdentityManager().getById(deviceId); if (device == null) { return null; } if (!Context.getIdentityManager().isLatestPosition(position) || !position.getValid()) { return null; } double speedLimit = Context.getDeviceManager().lookupAttributeDouble(deviceId, ATTRIBUTE_SPEED_LIMIT, 0, false); if (speedLimit == 0) { return null; } Map<Event, Position> result = null; DeviceState deviceState = Context.getDeviceManager().getDeviceState(deviceId); if (deviceState.getOverspeedState() == null) { deviceState.setOverspeedState(position.getSpeed() > speedLimit); } else { result = updateOverspeedState(deviceState, position, speedLimit); } Context.getDeviceManager().setDeviceState(deviceId, deviceState); return result; } }