/* * Copyright 2012 - 2015 Anton Tananaev (anton.tananaev@gmail.com) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.database; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.traccar.Context; import org.traccar.helper.DriverDelegate; import org.traccar.helper.Log; import org.traccar.http.JsonConverter; import org.traccar.model.Device; import org.traccar.model.Permission; import org.traccar.model.Position; import org.traccar.model.Server; import org.traccar.model.User; public class DataManager { private static final long DEFAULT_REFRESH_DELAY = 300; private final Properties properties; private DataSource dataSource; private final Map devices = new HashMap(); private long devicesLastUpdate; private long devicesRefreshDelay; public DataManager(Properties properties) throws Exception { this.properties = properties; if (properties != null) { initDatabase(properties); // Refresh delay String refreshDelay = properties.getProperty("database.refreshDelay"); if (refreshDelay != null) { devicesRefreshDelay = Long.valueOf(refreshDelay) * 1000; } else { devicesRefreshDelay = DEFAULT_REFRESH_DELAY * 1000; } } } public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } private void initDatabase(Properties properties) throws Exception { String jndiName = properties.getProperty("database.jndi"); if (jndiName != null) { dataSource = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(jndiName); } else { // Load driver String driver = properties.getProperty("database.driver"); if (driver != null) { String driverFile = properties.getProperty("database.driverFile"); if (driverFile != null) { URL url = new URL("jar:file:" + new File(driverFile).getAbsolutePath() + "!/"); URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{url}); Driver d = (Driver) Class.forName(driver, true, cl).newInstance(); DriverManager.registerDriver(new DriverDelegate(d)); } else { Class.forName(driver); } } // Initialize data source ComboPooledDataSource ds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); ds.setDriverClass(properties.getProperty("database.driver")); ds.setJdbcUrl(properties.getProperty("database.url")); ds.setUser(properties.getProperty("database.user")); ds.setPassword(properties.getProperty("database.password")); ds.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod(600); ds.setTestConnectionOnCheckin(true); String maxPoolSize = properties.getProperty("database.maxPoolSize"); if (maxPoolSize != null) { ds.setMaxPoolSize(Integer.valueOf(maxPoolSize)); } dataSource = ds; } if (Boolean.valueOf(properties.getProperty("web.new"))) { createDatabaseSchema(); } } public Device getDeviceByUniqueId(String uniqueId) throws SQLException { if ((new Date().getTime() - devicesLastUpdate > devicesRefreshDelay) || !devices.containsKey(uniqueId)) { devices.clear(); for (Device device : getAllDevices()) { devices.put(device.getUniqueId(), device); } devicesLastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); } return devices.get(uniqueId); } // TODO: possibly remove this method public void updateLatestPosition(Position position) throws SQLException { QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, properties.getProperty("database.updateLatestPosition")) .setObject(position) .executeUpdate(); } private void createDatabaseSchema() throws SQLException { Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); ResultSet result = connection.getMetaData().getTables( connection.getCatalog(), null, null, null); boolean exist = false; while (result.next()) { if (result.getString("TABLE_NAME").equalsIgnoreCase("traccar1")) { exist = true; break; } } if (exist) { return; } QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, properties.getProperty("database.createSchema")).executeUpdate(); User admin = new User(); admin.setName("admin"); admin.setEmail("admin"); admin.setPassword("admin"); admin.setAdmin(true); addUser(admin); Server server = new Server(); server.setRegistration(true); QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "INSERT INTO server (registration, latitude, longitude, zoom)" + "VALUES (:registration, :latitude, :longitude, :zoom);") .setObject(server) .executeUpdate(); mockData(admin.getId()); } private void mockData(long userId) { if (Boolean.valueOf(Context.getProps().getProperty("database.mock"))) { try { Device device = new Device(); device.setName("test1"); device.setUniqueId("123456789012345"); addDevice(device); linkDevice(userId, device.getId()); Position position = new Position(); position.setDeviceId(device.getId()); position.setTime(JsonConverter.parseDate("2015-05-22T12:00:01")); position.setLatitude(-36.8785803); position.setLongitude(174.7281713); addPosition(position); position.setTime(JsonConverter.parseDate("2015-05-22T12:00:02")); position.setLatitude(-36.8870932); position.setLongitude(174.7473116); addPosition(position); position.setTime(JsonConverter.parseDate("2015-05-22T12:00:03")); position.setLatitude(-36.8932371); position.setLongitude(174.7743053); addPosition(position); } catch (SQLException error) { Log.warning(error); } catch (ParseException error) { Log.warning(error); } } } public User login(String email, String password) throws SQLException { return QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = :email AND " + "password = CAST(HASH('SHA256', STRINGTOUTF8(:password), 1000) AS VARCHAR);") .setString("email", email) .setString("password", password) .executeQuerySingle(new User()); } public void addUser(User user) throws SQLException { user.setId(QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "INSERT INTO user (name, email, password, salt, admin) " + "VALUES (:name, :email, CAST(HASH('SHA256', STRINGTOUTF8(:password), 1000) AS VARCHAR), '', :admin);") .setObject(user) .executeUpdate()); } public void updateUser(User user) throws SQLException { QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "UPDATE user SET name = :name, email = :email, admin = :admin WHERE id = :id;") .setObject(user) .executeUpdate(); } public Collection getPermissions() throws SQLException { return QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "SELECT userId, deviceId FROM user_device;") .executeQuery(new Permission()); } public Collection getAllDevices() throws SQLException { return QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, properties.getProperty("database.selectDeviceAll")) .executeQuery(new Device()); } public Collection getDevices(long userId) throws SQLException { return QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "SELECT * FROM device WHERE id IN (" + "SELECT deviceId FROM user_device WHERE userId = :userId);") .setLong("userId", userId) .executeQuery(new Device()); } public void addDevice(Device device) throws SQLException { device.setId(QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "INSERT INTO device (name, uniqueId) VALUES (:name, :uniqueId);") .setObject(device) .executeUpdate()); } public void updateDevice(Device device) throws SQLException { QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "UPDATE device SET name = :name, uniqueId = :uniqueId WHERE id = :id;") .setObject(device) .executeUpdate(); } public void removeDevice(Device device) throws SQLException { QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "DELETE FROM device WHERE id = :id;") .setObject(device) .executeUpdate(); } public void linkDevice(long userId, long deviceId) throws SQLException { QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "INSERT INTO user_device (userId, deviceId) VALUES (:userId, :deviceId);") .setLong("userId", userId) .setLong("deviceId", deviceId) .executeUpdate(); } public Collection getPositions(long userId, long deviceId, Date from, Date to) throws SQLException { return QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "SELECT * FROM position WHERE deviceId = :deviceId AND fixTime BETWEEN :from AND :to;") .setLong("deviceId", deviceId) .setDate("from", from) .setDate("to", to) .executeQuery(new Position()); } public void addPosition(Position position) throws SQLException { position.setId(QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, properties.getProperty("database.insertPosition")) .setObject(position) .setDate("time", position.getFixTime()) // tmp .setLong("device_id", position.getDeviceId()) // tmp .setLong("power", 0) // tmp .setString("extended_info", position.getOther()) // tmp .executeUpdate()); } public Server getServer() throws SQLException { return QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "SELECT * FROM server;") .executeQuerySingle(new Server()); } public void updateServer(Server server) throws SQLException { QueryBuilder.create(dataSource, "UPDATE server SET registration = :registration WHERE id = :id;") .setObject(server) .executeUpdate(); } }