/* * Copyright 2015 - 2017 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.URIUtil; import org.traccar.database.AliasesManager; import org.traccar.database.CalendarManager; import org.traccar.database.AttributesManager; import org.traccar.database.ConnectionManager; import org.traccar.database.DataManager; import org.traccar.database.DeviceManager; import org.traccar.database.DriversManager; import org.traccar.database.IdentityManager; import org.traccar.database.MediaManager; import org.traccar.database.NotificationManager; import org.traccar.database.PermissionsManager; import org.traccar.database.GeofenceManager; import org.traccar.database.StatisticsManager; import org.traccar.geocoder.BingMapsGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.FactualGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.GeocodeFarmGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.GisgraphyGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.GoogleGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.MapQuestGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.NominatimGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.OpenCageGeocoder; import org.traccar.geocoder.Geocoder; import org.traccar.geolocation.UnwiredGeolocationProvider; import org.traccar.helper.Log; import org.traccar.geolocation.GoogleGeolocationProvider; import org.traccar.geolocation.GeolocationProvider; import org.traccar.geolocation.MozillaGeolocationProvider; import org.traccar.geolocation.OpenCellIdGeolocationProvider; import org.traccar.notification.EventForwarder; import org.traccar.smpp.SmppClient; import org.traccar.web.WebServer; public final class Context { public static final String TYPE_USER = "User"; public static final String TYPE_DEVICE = "Device"; public static final String TYPE_GROUP = "Group"; public static final String TYPE_GEOFENCE = "Geofence"; public static final String TYPE_CALENDAR = "Calendar"; public static final String TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "Attribute"; public static final String TYPE_DRIVER = "Driver"; private Context() { } private static Config config; public static Config getConfig() { return config; } private static boolean loggerEnabled; public static boolean isLoggerEnabled() { return loggerEnabled; } private static ObjectMapper objectMapper; public static ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { return objectMapper; } private static IdentityManager identityManager; public static IdentityManager getIdentityManager() { return identityManager; } private static DataManager dataManager; public static DataManager getDataManager() { return dataManager; } private static MediaManager mediaManager; public static MediaManager getMediaManager() { return mediaManager; } private static DeviceManager deviceManager; public static DeviceManager getDeviceManager() { return deviceManager; } private static ConnectionManager connectionManager; public static ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() { return connectionManager; } private static PermissionsManager permissionsManager; public static PermissionsManager getPermissionsManager() { return permissionsManager; } private static Geocoder geocoder; public static Geocoder getGeocoder() { return geocoder; } private static GeolocationProvider geolocationProvider; public static GeolocationProvider getGeolocationProvider() { return geolocationProvider; } private static WebServer webServer; public static WebServer getWebServer() { return webServer; } private static ServerManager serverManager; public static ServerManager getServerManager() { return serverManager; } private static GeofenceManager geofenceManager; public static GeofenceManager getGeofenceManager() { return geofenceManager; } private static CalendarManager calendarManager; public static CalendarManager getCalendarManager() { return calendarManager; } private static NotificationManager notificationManager; public static NotificationManager getNotificationManager() { return notificationManager; } private static VelocityEngine velocityEngine; public static VelocityEngine getVelocityEngine() { return velocityEngine; } private static final AsyncHttpClient ASYNC_HTTP_CLIENT = new AsyncHttpClient(); public static AsyncHttpClient getAsyncHttpClient() { return ASYNC_HTTP_CLIENT; } private static EventForwarder eventForwarder; public static EventForwarder getEventForwarder() { return eventForwarder; } private static AliasesManager aliasesManager; public static AliasesManager getAliasesManager() { return aliasesManager; } private static AttributesManager attributesManager; public static AttributesManager getAttributesManager() { return attributesManager; } private static DriversManager driversManager; public static DriversManager getDriversManager() { return driversManager; } private static StatisticsManager statisticsManager; public static StatisticsManager getStatisticsManager() { return statisticsManager; } private static SmppClient smppClient; public static SmppClient getSmppManager() { return smppClient; } public static void init(String[] arguments) throws Exception { config = new Config(); if (arguments.length <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Configuration file is not provided"); } config.load(arguments[0]); loggerEnabled = config.getBoolean("logger.enable"); if (loggerEnabled) { Log.setupLogger(config); } objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); objectMapper.setConfig( objectMapper.getSerializationConfig().without(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS)); if (config.hasKey("database.url")) { dataManager = new DataManager(config); } if (config.hasKey("media.path")) { mediaManager = new MediaManager(config); } if (dataManager != null) { deviceManager = new DeviceManager(dataManager); } identityManager = deviceManager; if (config.getBoolean("geocoder.enable")) { String type = config.getString("geocoder.type", "google"); String url = config.getString("geocoder.url"); String key = config.getString("geocoder.key"); String language = config.getString("geocoder.language"); int cacheSize = config.getInteger("geocoder.cacheSize"); switch (type) { case "nominatim": geocoder = new NominatimGeocoder(url, key, language, cacheSize); break; case "gisgraphy": geocoder = new GisgraphyGeocoder(url, cacheSize); break; case "mapquest": geocoder = new MapQuestGeocoder(url, key, cacheSize); break; case "opencage": geocoder = new OpenCageGeocoder(url, key, cacheSize); break; case "bingmaps": geocoder = new BingMapsGeocoder(url, key, cacheSize); break; case "factual": geocoder = new FactualGeocoder(url, key, cacheSize); break; case "geocodefarm": geocoder = new GeocodeFarmGeocoder(key, language, cacheSize); break; default: geocoder = new GoogleGeocoder(key, language, cacheSize); break; } } if (config.getBoolean("geolocation.enable")) { String type = config.getString("geolocation.type", "mozilla"); String url = config.getString("geolocation.url"); String key = config.getString("geolocation.key"); switch (type) { case "google": geolocationProvider = new GoogleGeolocationProvider(key); break; case "opencellid": geolocationProvider = new OpenCellIdGeolocationProvider(key); break; case "unwired": geolocationProvider = new UnwiredGeolocationProvider(url, key); break; default: geolocationProvider = new MozillaGeolocationProvider(key); break; } } if (config.getBoolean("web.enable")) { webServer = new WebServer(config, dataManager.getDataSource()); } permissionsManager = new PermissionsManager(dataManager); connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(); if (config.getBoolean("event.enable")) { geofenceManager = new GeofenceManager(dataManager); calendarManager = new CalendarManager(dataManager); notificationManager = new NotificationManager(dataManager); Properties velocityProperties = new Properties(); velocityProperties.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", Context.getConfig().getString("templates.rootPath", "templates") + "/"); velocityProperties.setProperty("runtime.log.logsystem.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.NullLogChute"); String address; try { address = config.getString("web.address", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { address = "localhost"; } String webUrl = URIUtil.newURI("http", address, config.getInteger("web.port", 8082), "", ""); webUrl = Context.getConfig().getString("web.url", webUrl); velocityProperties.setProperty("web.url", webUrl); velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine(); velocityEngine.init(velocityProperties); } serverManager = new ServerManager(); if (config.getBoolean("event.forward.enable")) { eventForwarder = new EventForwarder(); } aliasesManager = new AliasesManager(dataManager); attributesManager = new AttributesManager(dataManager); driversManager = new DriversManager(dataManager); statisticsManager = new StatisticsManager(); if (config.getBoolean("sms.smpp.enable")) { smppClient = new SmppClient(); } } public static void init(IdentityManager testIdentityManager) { config = new Config(); objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); identityManager = testIdentityManager; } }