/* * Copyright 2016 - 2020 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.database; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.traccar.config.Config; import org.traccar.Context; import org.traccar.config.Keys; import org.traccar.model.Command; import org.traccar.model.Device; import org.traccar.model.DeviceState; import org.traccar.model.DeviceAccumulators; import org.traccar.model.Group; import org.traccar.model.Position; import org.traccar.model.Server; import org.traccar.storage.StorageException; public class DeviceManager extends BaseObjectManager implements IdentityManager { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeviceManager.class); private final Config config; private final long dataRefreshDelay; private Map devicesByUniqueId; private Map devicesByPhone; private final AtomicLong devicesLastUpdate = new AtomicLong(); private final Map positions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map deviceStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public DeviceManager(DataManager dataManager) { super(dataManager, Device.class); this.config = Context.getConfig(); try { writeLock(); if (devicesByPhone == null) { devicesByPhone = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } if (devicesByUniqueId == null) { devicesByUniqueId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } } finally { writeUnlock(); } dataRefreshDelay = config.getLong(Keys.DATABASE_REFRESH_DELAY) * 1000; refreshLastPositions(); } @Override public long addUnknownDevice(String uniqueId) { Device device = new Device(); device.setName(uniqueId); device.setUniqueId(uniqueId); device.setCategory(Context.getConfig().getString(Keys.DATABASE_REGISTER_UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_CATEGORY)); long defaultGroupId = Context.getConfig().getLong(Keys.DATABASE_REGISTER_UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID); if (defaultGroupId != 0) { device.setGroupId(defaultGroupId); } try { addItem(device); LOGGER.info("Automatically registered device " + uniqueId); if (defaultGroupId != 0) { Context.getPermissionsManager().refreshDeviceAndGroupPermissions(); Context.getPermissionsManager().refreshAllExtendedPermissions(); } return device.getId(); } catch (StorageException e) { LOGGER.warn("Automatic device registration error", e); return 0; } } public void updateDeviceCache(boolean force) { long lastUpdate = devicesLastUpdate.get(); if ((force || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdate > dataRefreshDelay) && devicesLastUpdate.compareAndSet(lastUpdate, System.currentTimeMillis())) { refreshItems(); } } @Override public Device getByUniqueId(String uniqueId) { boolean forceUpdate; try { readLock(); forceUpdate = !devicesByUniqueId.containsKey(uniqueId) && !config.getBoolean(Keys.DATABASE_IGNORE_UNKNOWN); } finally { readUnlock(); } updateDeviceCache(forceUpdate); try { readLock(); return devicesByUniqueId.get(uniqueId); } finally { readUnlock(); } } @Override public String getDevicePassword(long id, String protocol, String defaultPassword) { String password = lookupAttributeString(id, Command.KEY_DEVICE_PASSWORD, null, false, false); if (password != null) { return password; } if (protocol != null) { password = Context.getConfig().getString(Keys.PROTOCOL_DEVICE_PASSWORD.withPrefix(protocol)); if (password != null) { return password; } } return defaultPassword; } @Override public Set getAllItems() { Set result = super.getAllItems(); if (result.isEmpty()) { updateDeviceCache(true); result = super.getAllItems(); } return result; } public Collection getAllDevices() { return getItems(getAllItems()); } public Set getAllUserItems(long userId) { return Context.getPermissionsManager().getDevicePermissions(userId); } public Set getUserItems(long userId) { if (Context.getPermissionsManager() != null) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (long deviceId : Context.getPermissionsManager().getDevicePermissions(userId)) { Device device = getById(deviceId); if (device != null && !device.getDisabled()) { result.add(deviceId); } } return result; } else { return new HashSet<>(); } } public Set getAllManagedItems(long userId) { Set result = new HashSet<>(getAllUserItems(userId)); for (long managedUserId : Context.getUsersManager().getUserItems(userId)) { result.addAll(getAllUserItems(managedUserId)); } return result; } public Set getManagedItems(long userId) { Set result = new HashSet<>(getUserItems(userId)); for (long managedUserId : Context.getUsersManager().getUserItems(userId)) { result.addAll(getUserItems(managedUserId)); } return result; } private void addByUniqueId(Device device) { try { writeLock(); if (devicesByUniqueId == null) { devicesByUniqueId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } devicesByUniqueId.put(device.getUniqueId(), device); } finally { writeUnlock(); } } private void removeByUniqueId(String deviceUniqueId) { try { writeLock(); if (devicesByUniqueId != null) { devicesByUniqueId.remove(deviceUniqueId); } } finally { writeUnlock(); } } private void addByPhone(Device device) { try { writeLock(); if (devicesByPhone == null) { devicesByPhone = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } devicesByPhone.put(device.getPhone(), device); } finally { writeUnlock(); } } private void removeByPhone(String phone) { if (phone == null || phone.isEmpty()) { return; } try { writeLock(); if (devicesByPhone != null) { devicesByPhone.remove(phone); } } finally { writeUnlock(); } } @Override protected void addNewItem(Device device) { super.addNewItem(device); addByUniqueId(device); if (device.getPhone() != null && !device.getPhone().isEmpty()) { addByPhone(device); } if (Context.getGeofenceManager() != null) { Position lastPosition = getLastPosition(device.getId()); if (lastPosition != null) { device.setGeofenceIds(Context.getGeofenceManager().getCurrentDeviceGeofences(lastPosition)); } } } @Override protected void updateCachedItem(Device device) { Device cachedDevice = getById(device.getId()); cachedDevice.setName(device.getName()); cachedDevice.setGroupId(device.getGroupId()); cachedDevice.setCategory(device.getCategory()); cachedDevice.setContact(device.getContact()); cachedDevice.setModel(device.getModel()); cachedDevice.setDisabled(device.getDisabled()); cachedDevice.setAttributes(device.getAttributes()); if (!device.getUniqueId().equals(cachedDevice.getUniqueId())) { removeByUniqueId(cachedDevice.getUniqueId()); cachedDevice.setUniqueId(device.getUniqueId()); addByUniqueId(cachedDevice); } if (device.getPhone() != null && !device.getPhone().isEmpty() && !device.getPhone().equals(cachedDevice.getPhone())) { String phone = cachedDevice.getPhone(); removeByPhone(phone); cachedDevice.setPhone(device.getPhone()); addByPhone(cachedDevice); } } @Override protected void removeCachedItem(long deviceId) { Device cachedDevice = getById(deviceId); if (cachedDevice != null) { String deviceUniqueId = cachedDevice.getUniqueId(); String phone = cachedDevice.getPhone(); super.removeCachedItem(deviceId); removeByUniqueId(deviceUniqueId); removeByPhone(phone); } positions.remove(deviceId); } public void updateDeviceStatus(Device device) throws StorageException { getDataManager().updateDeviceStatus(device); Device cachedDevice = getById(device.getId()); if (cachedDevice != null) { cachedDevice.setStatus(device.getStatus()); } } private void refreshLastPositions() { if (getDataManager() != null) { try { for (Position position : getDataManager().getLatestPositions()) { positions.put(position.getDeviceId(), position); } } catch (StorageException error) { LOGGER.warn("Load latest positions error", error); } } } public boolean isLatestPosition(Position position) { Position lastPosition = getLastPosition(position.getDeviceId()); return lastPosition == null || position.getFixTime().compareTo(lastPosition.getFixTime()) >= 0; } public void updateLatestPosition(Position position) throws StorageException { if (isLatestPosition(position)) { getDataManager().updateLatestPosition(position); Device device = getById(position.getDeviceId()); if (device != null) { device.setPositionId(position.getId()); } positions.put(position.getDeviceId(), position); if (Context.getConnectionManager() != null) { Context.getConnectionManager().updatePosition(position); } } } @Override public Position getLastPosition(long deviceId) { return positions.get(deviceId); } public Collection getInitialState(long userId) { List result = new LinkedList<>(); if (Context.getPermissionsManager() != null) { for (long deviceId : Context.getPermissionsManager().getUserAdmin(userId) ? getAllUserItems(userId) : getUserItems(userId)) { if (positions.containsKey(deviceId)) { result.add(positions.get(deviceId)); } } } return result; } @Override public boolean lookupAttributeBoolean( long deviceId, String attributeName, boolean defaultValue, boolean lookupServer, boolean lookupConfig) { Object result = lookupAttribute(deviceId, attributeName, lookupServer, lookupConfig); if (result != null) { return result instanceof String ? Boolean.parseBoolean((String) result) : (Boolean) result; } return defaultValue; } @Override public String lookupAttributeString( long deviceId, String attributeName, String defaultValue, boolean lookupServer, boolean lookupConfig) { Object result = lookupAttribute(deviceId, attributeName, lookupServer, lookupConfig); return result != null ? (String) result : defaultValue; } @Override public int lookupAttributeInteger( long deviceId, String attributeName, int defaultValue, boolean lookupServer, boolean lookupConfig) { Object result = lookupAttribute(deviceId, attributeName, lookupServer, lookupConfig); if (result != null) { return result instanceof String ? Integer.parseInt((String) result) : ((Number) result).intValue(); } return defaultValue; } @Override public long lookupAttributeLong( long deviceId, String attributeName, long defaultValue, boolean lookupServer, boolean lookupConfig) { Object result = lookupAttribute(deviceId, attributeName, lookupServer, lookupConfig); if (result != null) { return result instanceof String ? Long.parseLong((String) result) : ((Number) result).longValue(); } return defaultValue; } public double lookupAttributeDouble( long deviceId, String attributeName, double defaultValue, boolean lookupServer, boolean lookupConfig) { Object result = lookupAttribute(deviceId, attributeName, lookupServer, lookupConfig); if (result != null) { return result instanceof String ? Double.parseDouble((String) result) : ((Number) result).doubleValue(); } return defaultValue; } private Object lookupAttribute(long deviceId, String attributeName, boolean lookupServer, boolean lookupConfig) { Object result = null; Device device = getById(deviceId); if (device != null) { result = device.getAttributes().get(attributeName); if (result == null) { long groupId = device.getGroupId(); while (groupId != 0) { Group group = Context.getGroupsManager().getById(groupId); if (group != null) { result = group.getAttributes().get(attributeName); if (result != null) { break; } groupId = group.getGroupId(); } else { groupId = 0; } } } if (result == null && lookupServer) { Server server = Context.getPermissionsManager().getServer(); result = server.getAttributes().get(attributeName); } if (result == null && lookupConfig) { result = Context.getConfig().getString(attributeName); } } return result; } public void resetDeviceAccumulators(DeviceAccumulators deviceAccumulators) throws StorageException { Position last = positions.get(deviceAccumulators.getDeviceId()); if (last != null) { if (deviceAccumulators.getTotalDistance() != null) { last.getAttributes().put(Position.KEY_TOTAL_DISTANCE, deviceAccumulators.getTotalDistance()); } if (deviceAccumulators.getHours() != null) { last.getAttributes().put(Position.KEY_HOURS, deviceAccumulators.getHours()); } getDataManager().addObject(last); updateLatestPosition(last); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public DeviceState getDeviceState(long deviceId) { DeviceState deviceState = deviceStates.get(deviceId); if (deviceState == null) { deviceState = new DeviceState(); deviceStates.put(deviceId, deviceState); } return deviceState; } public void setDeviceState(long deviceId, DeviceState deviceState) { deviceStates.put(deviceId, deviceState); } }