/* * Copyright 2019 - 2020 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.config; import java.util.Collections; public final class Keys { /** * Connection timeout value in seconds. Because sometimes there is no way to detect lost TCP connection old * connections stay in open state. On most systems there is a limit on number of open connection, so this leads to * problems with establishing new connections when number of devices is high or devices data connections are * unstable. */ public static final ConfigSuffix PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT = new ConfigSuffix<>( ".timeout", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Server wide connection timeout value in seconds. See protocol timeout for more information. */ public static final ConfigKey SERVER_TIMEOUT = new ConfigKey<>( "server.timeout", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Address for uploading aggregated anonymous usage statistics. Uploaded information is the same you can see on the * statistics screen in the web app. It does not include any sensitive (e.g. locations). */ public static final ConfigKey SERVER_STATISTICS = new ConfigKey<>( "server.statistics", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable events subsystem. Flag to enable all events handlers. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "event.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * If true, the event is generated once at the beginning of overspeeding period. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_OVERSPEED_NOT_REPEAT = new ConfigKey<>( "event.overspeed.notRepeat", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Minimal over speed duration to trigger the event. Value in seconds. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_OVERSPEED_MINIMAL_DURATION = new ConfigKey<>( "event.overspeed.minimalDuration", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Relevant only for geofence speed limits. Use lowest speed limits from all geofences. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_OVERSPEED_PREFER_LOWEST = new ConfigKey<>( "event.overspeed.preferLowest", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Do not generate alert event if same alert was present in last known location. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_IGNORE_DUPLICATE_ALERTS = new ConfigKey<>( "event.ignoreDuplicateAlerts", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * If set to true, invalid positions will be considered for motion logic. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_MOTION_PROCESS_INVALID_POSITIONS = new ConfigKey<>( "event.motion.processInvalidPositions", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * If the speed is above specified value, the object is considered to be in motion. Default value is 0.01 knots. */ public static final ConfigKey EVENT_MOTION_SPEED_THRESHOLD = new ConfigKey<>( "event.motion.speedThreshold", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE), 0.01); /** * Global polyline geofence distance. Within that distance from the polyline, point is considered within the * geofence. Each individual geofence can also has 'polylineDistance' attribute which will take precedence. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOFENCE_POLYLINE_DISTANCE = new ConfigKey<>( "geofence.polylineDistance", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE), 25.0); /** * Path to the database driver JAR file. Traccar includes drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL and H2 databases. If you use * one of those, you don't need to specify this parameter. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_DRIVER_FILE = new ConfigKey<>( "database.driverFile", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Database driver Java class. For H2 use 'org.h2.Driver'. MySQL driver class name is 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_DRIVER = new ConfigKey<>( "database.driver", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Database connection URL. By default Traccar uses H2 database. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_URL = new ConfigKey<>( "database.url", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Database user name. Default administrator user for H2 database is 'sa'. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_USER = new ConfigKey<>( "database.user", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Database user password. Default password for H2 admin (sa) user is empty. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_PASSWORD = new ConfigKey<>( "database.password", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Path to Liquibase master changelog file. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_CHANGELOG = new ConfigKey<>( "database.changelog", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * SQL query to check connection status. Default value is 'SELECT 1'. For Oracle database you can use * 'SELECT 1 FROM DUAL'. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_CHECK_CONNECTION = new ConfigKey<>( "database.checkConnection", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Store original HEX or string data as "raw" attribute in the corresponding position. */ public static final ConfigKey DATABASE_SAVE_ORIGINAL = new ConfigKey<>( "database.saveOriginal", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable positions forwarding to other web server. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * URL to forward positions. Data is passed through URL parameters. For example, {uniqueId} for device identifier, * {latitude} and {longitude} for coordinates. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_URL = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.url", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Additional HTTP header, can be used for authorization. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_HEADER = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.header", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean value to enable forwarding in JSON format. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_JSON = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.json", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean value to enable URL parameters in json mode. For example, {uniqueId} for device identifier, * {latitude} and {longitude} for coordinates. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_URL_VARIABLES = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.urlVariables", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Position forwarding retrying enable. When enabled, additional attempts are made to deliver positions. If initial * delivery fails, because of an unreachable server or an HTTP response different from '2xx', the software waits * for 'forward.retry.delay' milliseconds to retry delivery. On subsequent failures, this delay is duplicated. * If forwarding is retried for 'forward.retry.count', retrying is canceled and the position is dropped. Positions * pending to be delivered are limited to 'forward.retry.limit'. If this limit is reached, positions get discarded. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_RETRY_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.retry.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Position forwarding retry first delay in milliseconds. * Can be set to anything greater than 0. Defaults to 100 milliseconds. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_RETRY_DELAY = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.retry.delay", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Position forwarding retry maximum retries. * Can be set to anything greater than 0. Defaults to 10 retries. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_RETRY_COUNT = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.retry.count", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Position forwarding retry pending positions limit. * Can be set to anything greater than 0. Defaults to 100 positions. */ public static final ConfigKey FORWARD_RETRY_LIMIT = new ConfigKey<>( "forward.retry.limit", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean flag to enable or disable position filtering. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter invalid (valid field is set to false) positions. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_INVALID = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.invalid", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter zero coordinates. Zero latitude and longitude are theoretically valid values, but it practice it usually * indicates invalid GPS data. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_ZERO = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.zero", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter duplicate records (duplicates are detected by time value). */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_DUPLICATE = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.duplicate", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter records with fix time in future. The values is specified in seconds. Records that have fix time more than * specified number of seconds later than current server time would be filtered out. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_FUTURE = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.future", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter positions with accuracy less than specified value in meters. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_ACCURACY = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.accuracy", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter cell and wifi locations that are coming from geolocation provider. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_APPROXIMATE = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.approximate", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter positions with exactly zero speed values. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_STATIC = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.static", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter records by distance. The values is specified in meters. If the new position is less far than this value * from the last one it gets filtered out. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_DISTANCE = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.distance", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter records by Maximum Speed value in knots. Can be used to filter jumps to far locations even if they're * marked as valid. Shouldn't be too low. Start testing with values at about 25000. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_MAX_SPEED = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.maxSpeed", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Filter position if time from previous position is less than specified value in seconds. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_MIN_PERIOD = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.minPeriod", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Time limit for the filtering in seconds. If the time difference between last position and a new one is more than * this limit, the new position will not be filtered out. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_SKIP_LIMIT = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.skipLimit", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable attributes skipping. Attribute skipping can be enabled in the config or device attributes. */ public static final ConfigKey FILTER_SKIP_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "filter.skipAttributes.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Override device time. Possible values are 'deviceTime' and 'serverTime' */ public static final ConfigKey TIME_OVERRIDE = new ConfigKey<>( "time.override", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * List of protocols for overriding time. If not specified override is applied globally. List consist of protocol * names that can be separated by comma or single space character. */ public static final ConfigKey TIME_PROTOCOLS = new ConfigKey<>( "time.protocols", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Replaces coordinates with last known if change is less than a 'coordinates.minError' meters * or more than a 'coordinates.maxError' meters. Helps to avoid coordinates jumps during parking period * or jumps to zero coordinates. */ public static final ConfigKey COORDINATES_FILTER = new ConfigKey<>( "coordinates.filter", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Distance in meters. Distances below this value gets handled like explained in 'coordinates.filter'. */ public static final ConfigKey COORDINATES_MIN_ERROR = new ConfigKey<>( "coordinates.minError", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Distance in meters. Distances above this value gets handled like explained in 'coordinates.filter', but only if * Position is also marked as 'invalid'. */ public static final ConfigKey COORDINATES_MAX_ERROR = new ConfigKey<>( "coordinates.maxError", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable to save device IP addresses information. Disabled by default. */ public static final ConfigKey PROCESSING_REMOTE_ADDRESS_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "processing.remoteAddress.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable engine hours calculation on the server side. It uses ignition value to determine engine state. */ public static final ConfigKey PROCESSING_ENGINE_HOURS_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "processing.engineHours.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable copying of missing attributes from last position to the current one. Might be useful if device doesn't * send some values in every message. */ public static final ConfigKey PROCESSING_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "processing.copyAttributes.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable computed attributes processing. */ public static final ConfigKey PROCESSING_COMPUTED_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "processing.computedAttributes.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable computed attributes processing. */ public static final ConfigKey PROCESSING_COMPUTED_ATTRIBUTES_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES = new ConfigKey<>( "processing.computedAttributes.deviceAttributes", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean flag to enable or disable reverse geocoder. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Reverse geocoder type. Check reverse geocoding documentation for more info. By default (if the value is not * specified) server uses Google API. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_TYPE = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.type", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Geocoder server URL. Applicable only to Nominatim and Gisgraphy providers. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_URL = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.url", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * App id for use with Here provider. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_ID = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.id", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Provider API key. Most providers require API keys. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_KEY = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.key", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Language parameter for providers that support localization (e.g. Google and Nominatim). */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_LANGUAGE = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.language", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Address format string. Default value is %h %r, %t, %s, %c. See AddressFormat for more info. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_FORMAT = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.format", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Cache size for geocoding results. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_CACHE_SIZE = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.cacheSize", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Disable automatic reverse geocoding requests for all positions. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_IGNORE_POSITIONS = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.ignorePositions", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean flag to apply reverse geocoding to invalid positions. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_PROCESS_INVALID_POSITIONS = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.processInvalidPositions", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Optional parameter to specify minimum distance for new reverse geocoding request. If distance is less than * specified value (in meters), then Traccar will reuse last known address. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOCODER_REUSE_DISTANCE = new ConfigKey<>( "geocoder.reuseDistance", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean flag to enable LBS location resolution. Some devices send cell towers information and WiFi point when GPS * location is not available. Traccar can determine coordinates based on that information using third party * services. Default value is false. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOLOCATION_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "geolocation.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Provider to use for LBS location. Available options: google, mozilla and opencellid. By default opencellid is * used. You have to supply a key that you get from corresponding provider. For more information see LBS geolocation * documentation. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOLOCATION_TYPE = new ConfigKey<>( "geolocation.type", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Geolocation provider API URL address. Not required for most providers. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOLOCATION_URL = new ConfigKey<>( "geolocation.url", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Provider API key. OpenCellID service requires API key. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOLOCATION_KEY = new ConfigKey<>( "geolocation.key", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean flag to apply geolocation to invalid positions. */ public static final ConfigKey GEOLOCATION_PROCESS_INVALID_POSITIONS = new ConfigKey<>( "geolocation.processInvalidPositions", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Boolean flag to enable speed limit API to get speed limit values depending on location. Default value is false. */ public static final ConfigKey SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "speedLimit.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Provider to use for speed limit. Available options: overpass. By default overpass is used. */ public static final ConfigKey SPEED_LIMIT_TYPE = new ConfigKey<>( "speedLimit.type", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Speed limit provider API URL address. */ public static final ConfigKey SPEED_LIMIT_URL = new ConfigKey<>( "speedLimit.url", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Override latitude sign / hemisphere. Useful in cases where value is incorrect because of device bug. Value can be * N for North or S for South. */ public static final ConfigKey LOCATION_LATITUDE_HEMISPHERE = new ConfigKey<>( "location.latitudeHemisphere", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Override longitude sign / hemisphere. Useful in cases where value is incorrect because of device bug. Value can * be E for East or W for West. */ public static final ConfigKey LOCATION_LONGITUDE_HEMISPHERE = new ConfigKey<>( "location.longitudeHemisphere", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Enable Jetty Request Log. */ public static final ConfigKey WEB_REQUEST_LOG_ENABLE = new ConfigKey<>( "web.requestLog.enable", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Jetty Request Log Path. * The path must include the string "yyyy_mm_dd", which is replaced with the actual date when creating and rolling * over the file. * Example: ./logs/jetty-yyyy_mm_dd.request.log */ public static final ConfigKey WEB_REQUEST_LOG_PATH = new ConfigKey<>( "web.requestLog.path", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Set the number of days before rotated request log files are deleted. */ public static final ConfigKey WEB_REQUEST_LOG_RETAIN_DAYS = new ConfigKey<>( "web.requestLog.retainDays", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Disable systemd health checks. */ public static final ConfigKey WEB_DISABLE_HEALTH_CHECK = new ConfigKey<>( "web.disableHealthCheck", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); /** * Sets SameSite cookie attribute value. * Supported options: Lax, Strict, None. */ public static final ConfigKey WEB_SAME_SITE_COOKIE = new ConfigKey<>( "web.sameSiteCookie", Collections.singletonList(KeyType.FILE)); private Keys() { } }