/* * Copyright 2022 - 2023 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.api.security; import com.google.inject.servlet.RequestScoped; import org.traccar.model.BaseModel; import org.traccar.model.Calendar; import org.traccar.model.Command; import org.traccar.model.Device; import org.traccar.model.Group; import org.traccar.model.GroupedModel; import org.traccar.model.ManagedUser; import org.traccar.model.Notification; import org.traccar.model.Schedulable; import org.traccar.model.Server; import org.traccar.model.User; import org.traccar.model.UserRestrictions; import org.traccar.storage.Storage; import org.traccar.storage.StorageException; import org.traccar.storage.query.Columns; import org.traccar.storage.query.Condition; import org.traccar.storage.query.Request; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.Objects; @RequestScoped public class PermissionsService { private final Storage storage; private Server server; private User user; @Inject public PermissionsService(Storage storage) { this.storage = storage; } public Server getServer() throws StorageException { if (server == null) { server = storage.getObject( Server.class, new Request(new Columns.All())); } return server; } public User getUser(long userId) throws StorageException { if (user == null && userId > 0) { if (userId == ServiceAccountUser.ID) { user = new ServiceAccountUser(); } else { user = storage.getObject( User.class, new Request(new Columns.All(), new Condition.Equals("id", userId))); } } return user; } public boolean notAdmin(long userId) throws StorageException { return !getUser(userId).getAdministrator(); } public void checkAdmin(long userId) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!getUser(userId).getAdministrator()) { throw new SecurityException("Administrator access required"); } } public void checkManager(long userId) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!getUser(userId).getAdministrator() && getUser(userId).getUserLimit() == 0) { throw new SecurityException("Manager access required"); } } public interface CheckRestrictionCallback { boolean denied(UserRestrictions userRestrictions); } public void checkRestriction( long userId, CheckRestrictionCallback callback) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!getUser(userId).getAdministrator() && (callback.denied(getServer()) || callback.denied(getUser(userId)))) { throw new SecurityException("Operation restricted"); } } public void checkEdit(long userId, Class clazz, boolean addition) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!getUser(userId).getAdministrator()) { boolean denied = false; if (getServer().getReadonly() || getUser(userId).getReadonly()) { denied = true; } else if (clazz.equals(Device.class)) { denied = getServer().getDeviceReadonly() || getUser(userId).getDeviceReadonly() || addition && getUser(userId).getDeviceLimit() == 0; if (!denied && addition && getUser(userId).getDeviceLimit() > 0) { int deviceCount = storage.getObjects(Device.class, new Request( new Columns.Include("id"), new Condition.Permission(User.class, userId, Device.class))).size(); denied = deviceCount >= getUser(userId).getDeviceLimit(); } } else if (clazz.equals(Command.class)) { denied = getServer().getLimitCommands() || getUser(userId).getLimitCommands(); } if (denied) { throw new SecurityException("Write access denied"); } } } public void checkEdit(long userId, BaseModel object, boolean addition) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!getUser(userId).getAdministrator()) { checkEdit(userId, object.getClass(), addition); if (object instanceof GroupedModel) { GroupedModel after = ((GroupedModel) object); if (after.getGroupId() > 0) { GroupedModel before = null; if (!addition) { before = storage.getObject(after.getClass(), new Request( new Columns.Include("groupId"), new Condition.Equals("id", after.getId()))); } if (before == null || before.getGroupId() != after.getGroupId()) { checkPermission(Group.class, userId, after.getGroupId()); } } } if (object instanceof Schedulable) { Schedulable after = ((Schedulable) object); if (after.getCalendarId() > 0) { Schedulable before = null; if (!addition) { before = storage.getObject(after.getClass(), new Request( new Columns.Include("calendarId"), new Condition.Equals("id", object.getId()))); } if (before == null || before.getCalendarId() != after.getCalendarId()) { checkPermission(Calendar.class, userId, after.getCalendarId()); } } } if (object instanceof Notification) { Notification after = ((Notification) object); if (after.getCommandId() > 0) { Notification before = null; if (!addition) { before = storage.getObject(after.getClass(), new Request( new Columns.Include("commandId"), new Condition.Equals("id", object.getId()))); } if (before == null || before.getCommandId() != after.getCommandId()) { checkPermission(Command.class, userId, after.getCommandId()); } } } } } public void checkUser(long userId, long managedUserId) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (userId != managedUserId && !getUser(userId).getAdministrator()) { if (!getUser(userId).getManager() || storage.getPermissions(User.class, userId, ManagedUser.class, managedUserId).isEmpty()) { throw new SecurityException("User access denied"); } } } public void checkUserUpdate(long userId, User before, User after) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (before.getAdministrator() != after.getAdministrator() || before.getDeviceLimit() != after.getDeviceLimit() || before.getUserLimit() != after.getUserLimit()) { checkAdmin(userId); } User user = getUser(userId); if (user != null && user.getExpirationTime() != null && !Objects.equals(before.getExpirationTime(), after.getExpirationTime()) && (after.getExpirationTime() == null || user.getExpirationTime().compareTo(after.getExpirationTime()) < 0)) { checkAdmin(userId); } if (before.getReadonly() != after.getReadonly() || before.getDeviceReadonly() != after.getDeviceReadonly() || before.getDisabled() != after.getDisabled() || before.getLimitCommands() != after.getLimitCommands() || before.getDisableReports() != after.getDisableReports() || before.getFixedEmail() != after.getFixedEmail()) { if (userId == after.getId()) { checkAdmin(userId); } else if (after.getId() > 0) { checkUser(userId, after.getId()); } else { checkManager(userId); } } if (before.getFixedEmail() && !before.getEmail().equals(after.getEmail())) { checkAdmin(userId); } } public void checkPermission( Class clazz, long userId, long objectId) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!getUser(userId).getAdministrator() && !(clazz.equals(User.class) && userId == objectId)) { var object = storage.getObject(clazz, new Request( new Columns.Include("id"), new Condition.And( new Condition.Equals("id", objectId), new Condition.Permission( User.class, userId, clazz.equals(User.class) ? ManagedUser.class : clazz)))); if (object == null) { throw new SecurityException(clazz.getSimpleName() + " access denied"); } } } }