# traccar
__Version__: 3.9
__Base URL__: http://traccar.org/api
### Contents
- [attributes](#paths_attributes)
- [PUT /attributes/aliases/{id}](#paths_attributesaliasesid_PUT)
- [DELETE /attributes/aliases/{id}](#paths_attributesaliasesid_DELETE)
- [POST /attributes/aliases](#paths_attributesaliases_POST)
- [GET /attributes/aliases](#paths_attributesaliases_GET)
- [commands](#paths_commands)
- [POST /commands](#paths_commands_POST)
- [commandtypes](#paths_commandtypes)
- [GET /commandtypes](#paths_commandtypes_GET)
- [devices](#paths_devices)
- [POST /devices](#paths_devices_POST)
- [GET /devices](#paths_devices_GET)
- [POST /devices/geofences](#paths_devicesgeofences_POST)
- [DELETE /devices/geofences](#paths_devicesgeofences_DELETE)
- [PUT /devices/{id}](#paths_devicesid_PUT)
- [DELETE /devices/{id}](#paths_devicesid_DELETE)
- [PUT /devices/{id}/distance](#paths_devicesiddistance_PUT)
- [events](#paths_events)
- [GET /events/{id}](#paths_eventsid_GET)
- [geofences](#paths_geofences)
- [PUT /geofences/{id}](#paths_geofencesid_PUT)
- [DELETE /geofences/{id}](#paths_geofencesid_DELETE)
- [POST /geofences](#paths_geofences_POST)
- [GET /geofences](#paths_geofences_GET)
- [groups](#paths_groups)
- [POST /groups/geofences](#paths_groupsgeofences_POST)
- [DELETE /groups/geofences](#paths_groupsgeofences_DELETE)
- [POST /groups](#paths_groups_POST)
- [GET /groups](#paths_groups_GET)
- [PUT /groups/{id}](#paths_groupsid_PUT)
- [DELETE /groups/{id}](#paths_groupsid_DELETE)
- [permissions](#paths_permissions)
- [POST /permissions/devices](#paths_permissionsdevices_POST)
- [DELETE /permissions/devices](#paths_permissionsdevices_DELETE)
- [POST /permissions/geofences](#paths_permissionsgeofences_POST)
- [DELETE /permissions/geofences](#paths_permissionsgeofences_DELETE)
- [POST /permissions/groups](#paths_permissionsgroups_POST)
- [DELETE /permissions/groups](#paths_permissionsgroups_DELETE)
- [positions](#paths_positions)
- [GET /positions](#paths_positions_GET)
- [reports](#paths_reports)
- [GET /reports/summary](#paths_reportssummary_GET)
- [GET /reports/events](#paths_reportsevents_GET)
- [GET /reports/route](#paths_reportsroute_GET)
- [GET /reports/trips](#paths_reportstrips_GET)
- [server](#paths_server)
- [PUT /server](#paths_server_PUT)
- [GET /server](#paths_server_GET)
- [session](#paths_session)
- [POST /session](#paths_session_POST)
- [DELETE /session](#paths_session_DELETE)
- [GET /session](#paths_session_GET)
- [statistics](#paths_statistics)
- [GET /statistics](#paths_statistics_GET)
- [users](#paths_users)
- [POST /users/notifications](#paths_usersnotifications_POST)
- [GET /users/notifications](#paths_usersnotifications_GET)
- [PUT /users/{id}](#paths_usersid_PUT)
- [DELETE /users/{id}](#paths_usersid_DELETE)
- [POST /users](#paths_users_POST)
- [GET /users](#paths_users_GET)
- [AttributeAlias](#definitions_AttributeAlias)
- [Command](#definitions_Command)
- [CommandType](#definitions_CommandType)
- [Device](#definitions_Device)
- [DeviceGeofence](#definitions_DeviceGeofence)
- [DevicePermission](#definitions_DevicePermission)
- [DeviceTotalDistance](#definitions_DeviceTotalDistance)
- [Event](#definitions_Event)
- [Geofence](#definitions_Geofence)
- [GeofencePermission](#definitions_GeofencePermission)
- [Group](#definitions_Group)
- [GroupGeofence](#definitions_GroupGeofence)
- [GroupPermission](#definitions_GroupPermission)
- [Notification](#definitions_Notification)
- [Position](#definitions_Position)
- [ReportSummary](#definitions_ReportSummary)
- [ReportTrips](#definitions_ReportTrips)
- [Server](#definitions_Server)
- [Statistics](#definitions_Statistics)
- [User](#definitions_User)
## Paths
### attributes
#### `PUT /attributes/aliases/{id}`
__Summary__: Update an AttributeAlias
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType | Schema
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_ |
_body_ | body | __True__ | | [AttributeAlias](#definitions_AttributeAlias)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [AttributeAlias](#definitions_AttributeAlias)
#### `DELETE /attributes/aliases/{id}`
__Summary__: Delete an AttributeAlias
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `POST /attributes/aliases`
__Summary__: Set an AttributeAlias
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [AttributeAlias](#definitions_AttributeAlias)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [AttributeAlias](#definitions_AttributeAlias)
#### `GET /attributes/aliases`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of AttributeAlias
__Description__: Without params, it returns a list of AttributeAlias from all the user's Devices
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | Standard users can use this only with _userId_s, they have access to | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [AttributeAlias](#definitions_AttributeAlias) ]
### commands
#### `POST /commands`
__Summary__: Dispatch commands to device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [Command](#definitions_Command)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Command](#definitions_Command)
_400_ | Could happen when dispatching to a device that is offline, the user doesn't have permission or an incorrect command _type_ for the device |
### commandtypes
#### `GET /commandtypes`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of available Commands for the Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [CommandType](#definitions_CommandType) ]
_400_ | Could happen when trying to fetch from an pffline device or the user does not have permission |
### devices
#### `POST /devices`
__Summary__: Create a Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [Device](#definitions_Device)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Device](#definitions_Device)
#### `GET /devices`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Devices
__Description__: Without any params, returns a list of the user's devices
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_all_ | query | Can only be used by admin users to fetch all entities | _boolean_
_userId_ | query | Standard users can use this only with their own _userId_ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Device](#definitions_Device) ]
_400_ | No permission |
#### `POST /devices/geofences`
__Summary__: Link a Geofence to a Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [DeviceGeofence](#definitions_DeviceGeofence)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [DeviceGeofence](#definitions_DeviceGeofence)
#### `DELETE /devices/geofences`
__Summary__: Remove a Geofence from a Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [DeviceGeofence](#definitions_DeviceGeofence)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `PUT /devices/{id}`
__Summary__: Update a Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType | Schema
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_ |
_body_ | body | __True__ | | [Device](#definitions_Device)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Device](#definitions_Device)
#### `DELETE /devices/{id}`
__Summary__: Update a Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `PUT /devices/{id}/distance`
__Summary__: Update the distance counter of the Device
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType | Schema
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_ |
_body_ | body | __True__ | | [DeviceTotalDistance](#definitions_DeviceTotalDistance)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
### events
#### `GET /events/{id}`
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Event](#definitions_Event)
### geofences
#### `PUT /geofences/{id}`
__Summary__: Update a Geofence
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType | Schema
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_ |
_body_ | body | __True__ | | [Geofence](#definitions_Geofence)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Geofence](#definitions_Geofence)
#### `DELETE /geofences/{id}`
__Summary__: Delete a Geofence
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `POST /geofences`
__Summary__: Create a Geofence
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [Geofence](#definitions_Geofence)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Geofence](#definitions_Geofence)
#### `GET /geofences`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Geofences
__Description__: Without params, it returns a list of Geofences the user has access to
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_all_ | query | Can only be used by admin users to fetch all entities | | _boolean_
_userId_ | query | Standard users can use this only with their own _userId_ | | _integer_
_groupId_ | query | | | _integer_
_deviceId_ | query | Standard users can use this only with _userId_s, they have access to | | _integer_
_refresh_ | query | | False | _boolean_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Geofence](#definitions_Geofence) ]
### groups
#### `POST /groups/geofences`
__Summary__: Link a Geofence to a Group
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [GroupGeofence](#definitions_GroupGeofence)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [GroupGeofence](#definitions_GroupGeofence)
#### `DELETE /groups/geofences`
__Summary__: Remove a Geofence from a Group
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [GroupGeofence](#definitions_GroupGeofence)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `POST /groups`
__Summary__: Create a Group
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [Group](#definitions_Group)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Group](#definitions_Group)
_400_ | No permission |
#### `GET /groups`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Groups
__Description__: Without any params, returns a list of the Groups the user belongs to
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_all_ | query | Can only be used by admin users to fetch all entities | _boolean_
_userId_ | query | Standard users can use this only with their own _userId_ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Group](#definitions_Group) ]
#### `PUT /groups/{id}`
__Summary__: Update a Group
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType | Schema
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_ |
_body_ | body | __True__ | | [Group](#definitions_Group)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Group](#definitions_Group)
#### `DELETE /groups/{id}`
__Summary__: Delete a Group
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
### permissions
#### `POST /permissions/devices`
__Summary__: Link a Device to a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [DevicePermission](#definitions_DevicePermission)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [DevicePermission](#definitions_DevicePermission)
_400_ | No permission |
#### `DELETE /permissions/devices`
__Summary__: Remove a Device from a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [DevicePermission](#definitions_DevicePermission)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `POST /permissions/geofences`
__Summary__: Link a Geofence to a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [GeofencePermission](#definitions_GeofencePermission)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [GeofencePermission](#definitions_GeofencePermission)
#### `DELETE /permissions/geofences`
__Summary__: Remove a Geofence from a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [GeofencePermission](#definitions_GeofencePermission)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `POST /permissions/groups`
__Summary__: Link a Group to a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [GroupPermission](#definitions_GroupPermission)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [GroupPermission](#definitions_GroupPermission)
#### `DELETE /permissions/groups`
__Summary__: Remove a Group from a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [GroupPermission](#definitions_GroupPermission)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
### positions
#### `GET /positions`
__Summary__: Fetches a list of Positions
__Description__: Without any params, it returns a list of last known positions for all the user's Devices. _from_ and _to_ fields are not required with _id_
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | _deviceId_ is optional, but requires the _from_ and _to_ parameters when used | False | _integer_
_from_ | query | | False | _string (date-time)_
_to_ | query | | False | _string (date-time)_
_id_ | query | To fetch one or more positions. Multiple params can be passed like `id=31&id=42` | False | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Position](#definitions_Position) ]
### reports
#### `GET /reports/summary`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of ReportSummary within the time period for the Devices or Groups
__Description__: At least one _deviceId_ or one _groupId_ must be passed
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | | [ _integer_ ]
_groupId_ | query | | [ _integer_ ]
_from_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
_to_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [ReportSummary](#definitions_ReportSummary) ]
#### `GET /reports/events`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Events within the time period for the Devices or Groups
__Description__: At least one _deviceId_ or one _groupId_ must be passed
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | | | [ _integer_ ]
_groupId_ | query | | | [ _integer_ ]
_type_ | query | % can be used to return events of all types | | [ _string_ ]
_from_ | query | | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
_to_ | query | | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Event](#definitions_Event) ]
#### `GET /reports/route`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Positions within the time period for the Devices or Groups
__Description__: At least one _deviceId_ or one _groupId_ must be passed
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | | [ _integer_ ]
_groupId_ | query | | [ _integer_ ]
_from_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
_to_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Position](#definitions_Position) ]
#### `GET /reports/trips`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of ReportTrips within the time period for the Devices or Groups
__Description__: At least one _deviceId_ or one _groupId_ must be passed
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | query | | [ _integer_ ]
_groupId_ | query | | [ _integer_ ]
_from_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
_to_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [ReportTrips](#definitions_ReportTrips) ]
### server
#### `PUT /server`
__Summary__: Update Server information
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [Server](#definitions_Server)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Server](#definitions_Server)
#### `GET /server`
__Summary__: Fetch Server information
##### Parameters
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Server](#definitions_Server)
### session
#### `POST /session`
__Summary__: Create a new Session
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_email_ | formData | __True__ | _string_
_password_ | formData | __True__ | _string (password)_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [User](#definitions_User)
_401_ | Unauthorized |
#### `DELETE /session`
__Summary__: Close the Session
##### Parameters
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `GET /session`
__Summary__: Fetch Session information
##### Parameters
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [User](#definitions_User)
_404_ | Not Found |
### statistics
#### `GET /statistics`
__Summary__: Fetch server Statistics
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_from_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
_to_ | query | __True__ | _string (date-time)_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Statistics](#definitions_Statistics) ]
### users
#### `POST /users/notifications`
__Summary__: Set or unset a Notification
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [Notification](#definitions_Notification)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [Notification](#definitions_Notification)
#### `GET /users/notifications`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Notification types
__Description__: Without params, it returns a list of the user's enabled Notifications
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Description | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_all_ | query | To fetch a list of all available Notifications | _boolean_
_userId_ | query | Standard users can use this only with their own _userId_ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [Notification](#definitions_Notification) ]
#### `PUT /users/{id}`
__Summary__: Update a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType | Schema
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_ |
_body_ | body | __True__ | | [User](#definitions_User)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [User](#definitions_User)
#### `DELETE /users/{id}`
__Summary__: Delete a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | DataType
--- | --- | --- | ---
_id_ | path | __True__ | _integer_
##### Responses
Status Code | Description
--- | ---
_204_ | No Content
#### `POST /users`
__Summary__: Create a User
##### Parameters
Name | ParamType | Required | Schema
--- | --- | --- | ---
_body_ | body | __True__ | [User](#definitions_User)
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [User](#definitions_User)
#### `GET /users`
__Summary__: Fetch a list of Users
##### Parameters
##### Responses
Status Code | Description | Schema
--- | --- | ---
_200_ | OK | [ [User](#definitions_User) ]
_400_ | No Permission |
## Models
### AttributeAlias
Property | Type
--- | ---
_alias_ | _string_
_attribute_ | _string_
_deviceId_ | _integer_
_id_ | _integer_
### Command
Property | Type
--- | ---
_attributes_ |
_deviceId_ | _integer_
_type_ | _string_
### CommandType
Property | Type
--- | ---
_type_ | _string_
### Device
Property | Type
--- | ---
_attributes_ |
_category_ | _string_
_contact_ | _string_
_geofenceIds_ | _array_
_groupId_ | _integer_
_id_ | _integer_
_lastUpdate_ | _string (date-time)_
_model_ | _string_
_name_ | _string_
_phone_ | _string_
_positionId_ | _integer_
_status_ | _string_
_uniqueId_ | _string_
### DeviceGeofence
Property | Type
--- | ---
_deviceId_ | _integer_
_geofenceId_ | _integer_
### DevicePermission
Property | Type
--- | ---
_deviceId_ | _integer_
_userId_ | _integer_
### DeviceTotalDistance
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_deviceId_ | _integer_ |
_totalDistance_ | _number_ | in meters
### Event
Property | Type
--- | ---
_attributes_ |
_deviceId_ | _integer_
_geofenceId_ | _integer_
_id_ | _integer_
_positionId_ | _integer_
_serverTime_ | _string (date-time)_
_type_ | _string_
### Geofence
Property | Type
--- | ---
_area_ | _string_
_attributes_ |
_description_ | _string_
_id_ | _integer_
_name_ | _string_
### GeofencePermission
Property | Type
--- | ---
_geofenceId_ | _integer_
_userId_ | _integer_
### Group
Property | Type
--- | ---
_attributes_ |
_groupId_ | _integer_
_id_ | _integer_
_name_ | _string_
### GroupGeofence
Property | Type
--- | ---
_geofenceId_ | _integer_
_groupId_ | _integer_
### GroupPermission
Property | Type
--- | ---
_groupId_ | _integer_
_userId_ | _integer_
### Notification
Property | Type
--- | ---
_attributes_ |
_id_ | _integer_
_type_ | _string_
_userId_ | _integer_
### Position
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_address_ | _string_ |
_altitude_ | _number_ |
_attributes_ | |
_course_ | _number_ |
_deviceId_ | _integer_ |
_deviceTime_ | _string (date-time)_ |
_fixTime_ | _string (date-time)_ |
_id_ | _integer_ |
_latitude_ | _number_ |
_longitude_ | _number_ |
_outdated_ | _boolean_ |
_protocol_ | _string_ |
_serverTime_ | _string (date-time)_ |
_speed_ | _number_ | In knots
_valid_ | _boolean_ |
### ReportSummary
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_averageSpeed_ | _number_ | in knots
_deviceId_ | _integer_ |
_deviceName_ | _string_ |
_distance_ | _number_ | in meters
_engineHours_ | _integer_ |
_maxSpeed_ | _number_ | in knots
### ReportTrips
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_averageSpeed_ | _number_ | in knots
_deviceId_ | _integer_ |
_deviceName_ | _string_ |
_distance_ | _number_ | in meters
_duration_ | _integer_ |
_endAddress_ | _string_ |
_endLat_ | _number_ |
_endLon_ | _number_ |
_endTime_ | _string (date-time)_ |
_maxSpeed_ | _number_ | in knots
_startAddress_ | _string_ |
_startLat_ | _number_ |
_startLon_ | _number_ |
_startTime_ | _string (date-time)_ |
### Server
Property | Type
--- | ---
_attributes_ |
_bingKey_ | _string_
_coordinateFormat_ | _string_
_distanceUnit_ | _string_
_forceSettings_ | _boolean_
_id_ | _integer_
_latitude_ | _number_
_longitude_ | _number_
_map_ | _string_
_mapUrl_ | _string_
_readonly_ | _boolean_
_registration_ | _boolean_
_speedUnit_ | _string_
_twelveHourFormat_ | _boolean_
_version_ | _string_
_zoom_ | _integer_
### Statistics
Property | Type
--- | ---
_activeDevices_ | _integer_
_activeUsers_ | _integer_
_captureTime_ | _string (date-time)_
_messagesReceived_ | _integer_
_messagesStored_ | _integer_
_requests_ | _integer_
### User
Property | Type
--- | ---
_admin_ | _boolean_
_attributes_ |
_coordinateFormat_ | _string_
_deviceLimit_ | _integer_
_disabled_ | _boolean_
_distanceUnit_ | _string_
_email_ | _string_
_expirationTime_ | _string (date-time)_
_id_ | _integer_
_latitude_ | _number_
_longitude_ | _number_
_map_ | _string_
_name_ | _string_
_password_ | _string_
_readonly_ | _boolean_
_speedUnit_ | _string_
_token_ | _string_
_twelveHourFormat_ | _boolean_
_zoom_ | _integer_