path: root/src/org/traccar/protocol/Gps103ProtocolDecoder.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/traccar/protocol/Gps103ProtocolDecoder.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/traccar/protocol/Gps103ProtocolDecoder.java b/src/org/traccar/protocol/Gps103ProtocolDecoder.java
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--- a/src/org/traccar/protocol/Gps103ProtocolDecoder.java
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- * Copyright 2012 - 2017 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org)
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.traccar.protocol;
-import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel;
-import org.traccar.BaseProtocolDecoder;
-import org.traccar.DeviceSession;
-import org.traccar.helper.DateBuilder;
-import org.traccar.helper.Parser;
-import org.traccar.helper.PatternBuilder;
-import org.traccar.model.CellTower;
-import org.traccar.model.Network;
-import org.traccar.model.Position;
-import java.net.SocketAddress;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-public class Gps103ProtocolDecoder extends BaseProtocolDecoder {
- public Gps103ProtocolDecoder(Gps103Protocol protocol) {
- super(protocol);
- }
- private static final Pattern PATTERN = new PatternBuilder()
- .text("imei:")
- .number("(d+),") // imei
- .expression("([^,]+),") // alarm
- .number("(dd)/?(dd)/?(dd) ?") // local date (yymmdd)
- .number("(dd):?(dd)(?:dd)?,") // local time (hhmmss)
- .expression("([^,]+)?,") // rfid
- .expression("[FL],") // full / low
- .groupBegin()
- .number("(dd)(dd)(dd).d+") // time utc (hhmmss)
- .or()
- .number("(?:d{1,5}.d+)?")
- .groupEnd()
- .text(",")
- .expression("([AV]),") // validity
- .expression("([NS]),").optional()
- .number("(d+)(dd.d+),") // latitude (ddmm.mmmm)
- .expression("([NS]),").optional()
- .expression("([EW]),").optional()
- .number("(d+)(dd.d+),") // longitude (dddmm.mmmm)
- .expression("([EW])?,").optional()
- .number("(d+.?d*)?,?") // speed
- .number("(d+.?d*)?,?") // course
- .number("(d+.?d*)?,?") // altitude
- .expression("([^,;]+)?,?")
- .expression("([^,;]+)?,?")
- .expression("([^,;]+)?,?")
- .expression("([^,;]+)?,?")
- .expression("([^,;]+)?,?")
- .any()
- .compile();
- private static final Pattern PATTERN_NETWORK = new PatternBuilder()
- .text("imei:")
- .number("(d+),") // imei
- .expression("[^,]+,") // alarm
- .number("d*,,")
- .text("L,,,")
- .number("(x+),,") // lac
- .number("(x+),,,") // cid
- .any()
- .compile();
- private static final Pattern PATTERN_HANDSHAKE = new PatternBuilder()
- .number("##,imei:(d+),A")
- .compile();
- private static final Pattern PATTERN_OBD = new PatternBuilder()
- .text("imei:")
- .number("(d+),") // imei
- .expression("OBD,") // type
- .number("(dd)(dd)(dd)") // date (yymmdd)
- .number("(dd)(dd)(dd),") // time (hhmmss)
- .number("(d+),") // odometer
- .number("(d+.d+)?,") // fuel instant
- .number("(d+.d+)?,") // fuel average
- .number("(d+)?,") // hours
- .number("(d+),") // speed
- .number("(d+.?d*%),") // power load
- .number("(?:([-+]?d+)|[-+]?),") // temperature
- .number("(d+.?d*%),") // throttle
- .number("(d+),") // rpm
- .number("(d+.d+),") // battery
- .number("([^;]*)") // dtcs
- .any()
- .compile();
- private String decodeAlarm(String value) {
- if (value.startsWith("T:")) {
- return Position.ALARM_TEMPERATURE;
- } else if (value.startsWith("oil")) {
- return Position.ALARM_OIL_LEAK;
- }
- switch (value) {
- case "tracker":
- return null;
- case "help me":
- return Position.ALARM_SOS;
- case "low battery":
- return Position.ALARM_LOW_BATTERY;
- case "stockade":
- return Position.ALARM_GEOFENCE;
- case "move":
- return Position.ALARM_MOVEMENT;
- case "speed":
- return Position.ALARM_OVERSPEED;
- case "acc on":
- return Position.ALARM_POWER_ON;
- case "acc off":
- return Position.ALARM_POWER_OFF;
- case "door alarm":
- return Position.ALARM_DOOR;
- case "ac alarm":
- return Position.ALARM_POWER_CUT;
- case "accident alarm":
- return Position.ALARM_ACCIDENT;
- case "sensor alarm":
- return Position.ALARM_SHOCK;
- case "bonnet alarm":
- return Position.ALARM_BONNET;
- case "footbrake alarm":
- return Position.ALARM_FOOT_BRAKE;
- case "DTC":
- return Position.ALARM_FAULT;
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected Object decode(
- Channel channel, SocketAddress remoteAddress, Object msg) throws Exception {
- String sentence = (String) msg;
- // Send response #1
- if (sentence.contains("##")) {
- if (channel != null) {
- channel.write("LOAD", remoteAddress);
- Parser handshakeParser = new Parser(PATTERN_HANDSHAKE, sentence);
- if (handshakeParser.matches()) {
- getDeviceSession(channel, remoteAddress, handshakeParser.next());
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Send response #2
- if (!sentence.isEmpty() && Character.isDigit(sentence.charAt(0))) {
- if (channel != null) {
- channel.write("ON", remoteAddress);
- }
- int start = sentence.indexOf("imei:");
- if (start >= 0) {
- sentence = sentence.substring(start);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- Position position = new Position();
- position.setProtocol(getProtocolName());
- Parser parser = new Parser(PATTERN_NETWORK, sentence);
- if (parser.matches()) {
- DeviceSession deviceSession = getDeviceSession(channel, remoteAddress, parser.next());
- if (deviceSession == null) {
- return null;
- }
- position.setDeviceId(deviceSession.getDeviceId());
- getLastLocation(position, null);
- position.setNetwork(new Network(
- CellTower.fromLacCid(parser.nextHexInt(0), parser.nextHexInt(0))));
- return position;
- }
- parser = new Parser(PATTERN_OBD, sentence);
- if (parser.matches()) {
- DeviceSession deviceSession = getDeviceSession(channel, remoteAddress, parser.next());
- if (deviceSession == null) {
- return null;
- }
- position.setDeviceId(deviceSession.getDeviceId());
- getLastLocation(position, parser.nextDateTime());
- position.set(Position.KEY_ODOMETER, parser.nextInt(0));
- parser.nextDouble(0); // instant fuel consumption
- position.set(Position.KEY_FUEL_CONSUMPTION, parser.nextDouble(0));
- position.set(Position.KEY_HOURS, parser.nextInt());
- position.set(Position.KEY_OBD_SPEED, parser.nextInt(0));
- position.set(Position.KEY_ENGINE_LOAD, parser.next());
- position.set(Position.KEY_COOLANT_TEMP, parser.nextInt());
- position.set(Position.KEY_THROTTLE, parser.next());
- position.set(Position.KEY_RPM, parser.nextInt(0));
- position.set(Position.KEY_BATTERY, parser.nextDouble(0));
- position.set(Position.KEY_DTCS, parser.next().replace(',', ' ').trim());
- return position;
- }
- parser = new Parser(PATTERN, sentence);
- if (!parser.matches()) {
- return null;
- }
- String imei = parser.next();
- DeviceSession deviceSession = getDeviceSession(channel, remoteAddress, imei);
- if (deviceSession == null) {
- return null;
- }
- position.setDeviceId(deviceSession.getDeviceId());
- String alarm = parser.next();
- position.set(Position.KEY_ALARM, decodeAlarm(alarm));
- if (alarm.equals("help me")) {
- if (channel != null) {
- channel.write("**,imei:" + imei + ",E;", remoteAddress);
- }
- } else if (alarm.equals("acc on")) {
- position.set(Position.KEY_IGNITION, true);
- } else if (alarm.equals("acc off")) {
- position.set(Position.KEY_IGNITION, false);
- } else if (alarm.startsWith("T:")) {
- position.set(Position.PREFIX_TEMP + 1, alarm.substring(2));
- } else if (alarm.startsWith("oil ")) {
- position.set("oil", alarm.substring(4));
- } else if (!position.getAttributes().containsKey(Position.KEY_ALARM) && !alarm.equals("tracker")) {
- position.set(Position.KEY_EVENT, alarm);
- }
- DateBuilder dateBuilder = new DateBuilder()
- .setDate(parser.nextInt(0), parser.nextInt(0), parser.nextInt(0));
- int localHours = parser.nextInt(0);
- int localMinutes = parser.nextInt(0);
- String rfid = parser.next();
- if (alarm.equals("rfid")) {
- position.set(Position.KEY_DRIVER_UNIQUE_ID, rfid);
- }
- String utcHours = parser.next();
- String utcMinutes = parser.next();
- dateBuilder.setTime(localHours, localMinutes, parser.nextInt(0));
- // Timezone calculation
- if (utcHours != null && utcMinutes != null) {
- int deltaMinutes = (localHours - Integer.parseInt(utcHours)) * 60;
- deltaMinutes += localMinutes - Integer.parseInt(utcMinutes);
- if (deltaMinutes <= -12 * 60) {
- deltaMinutes += 24 * 60;
- } else if (deltaMinutes > 12 * 60) {
- deltaMinutes -= 24 * 60;
- }
- dateBuilder.addMinute(-deltaMinutes);
- }
- position.setTime(dateBuilder.getDate());
- position.setValid(parser.next().equals("A"));
- position.setLatitude(parser.nextCoordinate(Parser.CoordinateFormat.HEM_DEG_MIN_HEM));
- position.setLongitude(parser.nextCoordinate(Parser.CoordinateFormat.HEM_DEG_MIN_HEM));
- position.setSpeed(parser.nextDouble(0));
- position.setCourse(parser.nextDouble(0));
- position.setAltitude(parser.nextDouble(0));
- for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
- position.set(Position.PREFIX_IO + i, parser.next());
- }
- return position;
- }