path: root/web/l10n
diff options
authorduke2906 <philipp.prangenberg@gmail.com>2016-09-26 15:09:20 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2016-09-26 15:09:20 +0200
commit960bf899414d89221e92138fdb98777c3f4f73ec (patch)
tree87f5fd96185aa5f2fff0f84e2e2fa8be379ee837 /web/l10n
parent0d3c05a24992eeeba02032e474d3a9bbb3239f10 (diff)
parentaaec58aec04256845dc37afd713b488071b1406b (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from tananaev/master
Update Changes, including version 3.7
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l10n')
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 5331 deletions
diff --git a/web/l10n/ar.json b/web/l10n/ar.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ac40da9ee..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ar.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "جاري التحميل...",
- "sharedSave": "حفظ",
- "sharedCancel": "إلغاء",
- "sharedAdd": "إضافة",
- "sharedEdit": "تعديل",
- "sharedRemove": "حذف",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "حذف العنصر؟",
- "sharedKm": "كم",
- "sharedMi": "ميل",
- "sharedKn": "عقدة",
- "sharedKmh": "كم/ساعه",
- "sharedMph": "ميل/ساعة",
- "sharedHour": "ساعه",
- "sharedMinute": "دقيقة",
- "sharedSecond": "ثانية",
- "sharedName": "الاسم",
- "sharedDescription": "الوصف",
- "sharedSearch": "بحث",
- "sharedGeofence": "السياج الجغرافي",
- "sharedGeofences": "السياجات الجغرافية",
- "sharedNotifications": "التنبيهات",
- "sharedAttributes": "الخصائص",
- "sharedAttribute": "خاصية",
- "sharedArea": "منطقة",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "خطأ",
- "errorUnknown": "خطأ غير معروف",
- "errorConnection": "خطأ في الاتصال",
- "userEmail": "بريد إلكتروني",
- "userPassword": "كلمة المرور",
- "userAdmin": "مدير النظام",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "تسجيل الدخول",
- "loginLanguage": "اللغة",
- "loginRegister": "تسجيل جديد",
- "loginLogin": "تسجيل الدخول",
- "loginFailed": "كلمة مرور او بريد خاطئ",
- "loginCreated": "تم تسجيل مستخدم جديد",
- "loginLogout": "خروج",
- "devicesAndState": "الأجهزة والحالة",
- "deviceDialog": "جهاز",
- "deviceTitle": "أجهزة",
- "deviceIdentifier": "المعرف",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "آخر تحديث",
- "deviceCommand": "أمر ",
- "deviceFollow": "متابعة",
- "groupDialog": "مجموعة",
- "groupParent": "مجموعة",
- "groupNoGroup": "لا توجد مجموعة",
- "settingsTitle": "إعدادات",
- "settingsUser": "حساب",
- "settingsGroups": "المجموعات",
- "settingsServer": "خادم",
- "settingsUsers": "المستخدمون",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "مسافة",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "سرعة",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "صيغة 12-ساعة",
- "reportTitle": "تقارير",
- "reportDevice": "جهاز",
- "reportFrom": "من",
- "reportTo": "الي",
- "reportShow": "اظهار",
- "reportClear": "تفريغ الحقول",
- "positionFixTime": "وقت",
- "positionValid": "صالح",
- "positionLatitude": "خط العرض",
- "positionLongitude": "خط الطول",
- "positionAltitude": "ارتفاع عن سطح البحر",
- "positionSpeed": "السرعة",
- "positionCourse": "دورة",
- "positionAddress": "العنوان",
- "positionProtocol": "بروتوكول",
- "serverTitle": "اعدادت الخادم",
- "serverZoom": "تقريب",
- "serverRegistration": "تسجيل",
- "serverReadonly": "قراءة فقط",
- "mapTitle": "خريطة",
- "mapLayer": "طبقة الخريطة",
- "mapCustom": "خريطة محددة",
- "mapOsm": "خرائط اوبن ستريت",
- "mapBingKey": "مفتاح خرائط Bing",
- "mapBingRoad": " خرائط الطرق Bing",
- "mapBingAerial": "خرائط جوية Bing",
- "mapShapePolygon": "مضلع",
- "mapShapeCircle": "دائرة",
- "stateTitle": "حالة",
- "stateName": "عنصر",
- "stateValue": "قيمة",
- "commandTitle": "أمر",
- "commandSend": "ارسال",
- "commandType": "النوع",
- "commandSent": "تم ارسال الأمر",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "تقارير دورية",
- "commandPositionStop": "ايقاف الارسال",
- "commandEngineStop": "ايقاف المحرك",
- "commandEngineResume": "تشغيل المحرك",
- "commandFrequency": "تردد",
- "commandUnit": "وحدة",
- "commandCustom": "أمر خاص",
- "commandPositionSingle": "تقرير مفرد",
- "commandAlarmArm": "بدء تشغيل المنبه",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "تعطيل المنبه",
- "commandSetTimezone": "حدد التوقيت الزمني",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "اطلب صورة",
- "commandRebootDevice": "أعد تشغيل الجهاز",
- "commandSendSms": "إرسال رسالة قصيرة",
- "commandSosNumber": "ظبط رقم الطوارئ",
- "commandSilenceTime": "حدد توقيت الصامت",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "ضبط سجل الهاتف",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "رسالة صوتية",
- "commandOutputControl": "التحكم بالإخراج",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "منبه تعدي السرعة",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "تعريف الجهاز",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "الجهاز متصل",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "الجهاز غير متصل",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "الجهاز يتحرك",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "الجهاز متوقف",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "الجهاز متعدٍّ للسرعة",
- "eventCommandResult": "نتيجة الأمر",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "الجهاز قد دخل السياج الجغرافي",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "الجهاز قد خرج من السياج الجغرافي",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "نوع الملاحظة",
- "notificationWeb": "أرسل عن طريق صفحة الويب",
- "notificationMail": "أرسل عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/bg.json b/web/l10n/bg.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d631ec8..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/bg.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Зареждане...",
- "sharedSave": "Запази",
- "sharedCancel": "Отказ",
- "sharedAdd": "Добави",
- "sharedEdit": "Редактирай",
- "sharedRemove": "Премахни",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Премахване на Устройство?",
- "sharedKm": "км",
- "sharedMi": "мл",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "км/ч",
- "sharedMph": "мл/ч",
- "sharedHour": "Час",
- "sharedMinute": "Минута",
- "sharedSecond": "Секунда",
- "sharedName": "Име",
- "sharedDescription": "Описание",
- "sharedSearch": "Търси",
- "sharedGeofence": "Зона",
- "sharedGeofences": "Зони",
- "sharedNotifications": "Известия",
- "sharedAttributes": "Атрибути",
- "sharedAttribute": "Атрибут",
- "sharedArea": "Район",
- "sharedMute": "Изкл. звук",
- "errorTitle": "Грешка",
- "errorUnknown": "Непозната Грешка",
- "errorConnection": "Грешка във връзката",
- "userEmail": "Пощенска кутия",
- "userPassword": "Парола",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Вход",
- "loginLanguage": "Език",
- "loginRegister": "Регистрация",
- "loginLogin": "Вход",
- "loginFailed": "Грешен потребител или парола",
- "loginCreated": "Регистриран Нов Потребител",
- "loginLogout": "Изход",
- "devicesAndState": "Устройства и състояние",
- "deviceDialog": "Обекти",
- "deviceTitle": "Устройства",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Идентификатор",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Последно обновяване",
- "deviceCommand": "Команда",
- "deviceFollow": "Следвай",
- "groupDialog": "Група",
- "groupParent": "Група",
- "groupNoGroup": "Без група",
- "settingsTitle": "Настройки",
- "settingsUser": "Профил",
- "settingsGroups": "Групи",
- "settingsServer": "Сървър",
- "settingsUsers": "Потребител",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Разстояние",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Скорост",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Доклад",
- "reportDevice": "Устройство",
- "reportFrom": "От",
- "reportTo": "До",
- "reportShow": "Покажи",
- "reportClear": "Изчисти",
- "positionFixTime": "Време",
- "positionValid": "Валидност",
- "positionLatitude": "Географска Ширина",
- "positionLongitude": "Географска Дължина",
- "positionAltitude": "Надморска височина",
- "positionSpeed": "Скорост",
- "positionCourse": "Посока",
- "positionAddress": "Адрес",
- "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
- "serverTitle": "Настройки на Сървъра",
- "serverZoom": "Приближение",
- "serverRegistration": "Регистрация",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
- "mapTitle": "Карта",
- "mapLayer": "Слой",
- "mapCustom": "Потребителска Карта",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Многоъгълник",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Кръг",
- "stateTitle": "Състояние",
- "stateName": "Параметър",
- "stateValue": "Стойност",
- "commandTitle": "Команда",
- "commandSend": "Изпрати",
- "commandType": "Тип",
- "commandSent": "Съобщението е изпратено",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Периодичен Доклад",
- "commandPositionStop": "Спри Доклада",
- "commandEngineStop": "Спри Двигател",
- "commandEngineResume": "Стартирай Двигател",
- "commandFrequency": "Честота",
- "commandUnit": "Обект",
- "commandCustom": "Персонализирана Команда",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Единичен доклад",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Активирай Аларма",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Деактивирай Аларма",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Задайте Часова Зона",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Изпрати Снимка",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Рестартирай Устройство",
- "commandSendSms": "Изпрати СМС",
- "commandSosNumber": "Задай SOS номер",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Задай Тих Час",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Задай Тел. Указател",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Гласово Съобщение",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Аларма за Превишена Скорост",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Идентификация на Устройство",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Устройството е онлайн",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Устройството е офлайн",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Устройството е в движение",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Устройството е спряло",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Устройството превишава скоростта",
- "eventCommandResult": "Резултат от командата",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Устройството влезе в зоната",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Устройството излезе от зоната",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Тип на известието",
- "notificationWeb": "Изпрати през Web",
- "notificationMail": "Изпрати през Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/cs.json b/web/l10n/cs.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e27f767be..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/cs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Načítání...",
- "sharedSave": "Uložit",
- "sharedCancel": "Zrušit",
- "sharedAdd": "Přidat",
- "sharedEdit": "Změnit",
- "sharedRemove": "Odstranit",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstranit položku?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Hodina",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
- "sharedName": "Jméno",
- "sharedDescription": "Popis",
- "sharedSearch": "Hledat",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geografická hranice",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geografické hranice",
- "sharedNotifications": "Upozornění",
- "sharedAttributes": "Atributy",
- "sharedAttribute": "Atribut",
- "sharedArea": "Oblast",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Chyba",
- "errorUnknown": "Neznámá chyba",
- "errorConnection": "Chyba spojení",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Heslo",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Přihlášení",
- "loginLanguage": "Jazyk",
- "loginRegister": "Registrace",
- "loginLogin": "Přihlášení",
- "loginFailed": "Nesprávný email nebo heslo",
- "loginCreated": "Nový uživatel byl zaregistrován",
- "loginLogout": "Odhlášení",
- "devicesAndState": "Zařízení a stav",
- "deviceDialog": "Zařízení",
- "deviceTitle": "Zařízení",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikace",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Poslední změna",
- "deviceCommand": "Příkaz",
- "deviceFollow": "Sledovat",
- "groupDialog": "Skupina",
- "groupParent": "Skupina",
- "groupNoGroup": "Žádná skupina",
- "settingsTitle": "Nastavení",
- "settingsUser": "Účet",
- "settingsGroups": "Skupiny",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Uživatelé",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Vzdálenost",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Rychlost",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hodinový formát",
- "reportTitle": "Zpráva",
- "reportDevice": "Zařízení",
- "reportFrom": "Od",
- "reportTo": "Komu",
- "reportShow": "Zobrazit",
- "reportClear": "Vyčistit",
- "positionFixTime": "Čas",
- "positionValid": "Správný",
- "positionLatitude": "Šířka",
- "positionLongitude": "Délka",
- "positionAltitude": "Výška",
- "positionSpeed": "Rychlost",
- "positionCourse": "Směr",
- "positionAddress": "Adresa",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
- "serverTitle": "Nastavení serveru",
- "serverZoom": "Přiblížení",
- "serverRegistration": "Registrace",
- "serverReadonly": "Pouze pro čtení",
- "mapTitle": "Mapa",
- "mapLayer": "Vrstva mapy",
- "mapCustom": "Upravená mapa",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street mapa",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps klíč",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps cesta",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps anténa",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Mnohoúhelník",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Kruh",
- "stateTitle": "Stav",
- "stateName": "Atribut",
- "stateValue": "Hodnota",
- "commandTitle": "Příkaz",
- "commandSend": "Odeslat",
- "commandType": "Napsat",
- "commandSent": "Příkaz byl odeslán",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pravidelný report",
- "commandPositionStop": "Zastavit report",
- "commandEngineStop": "Zastavit motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Nastartovat motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvence",
- "commandUnit": "Jednotka",
- "commandCustom": "Volitelný příkaz",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Jednotné hlášení",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Aktivovat alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Deaktivovat alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Nastavit časovou zónu",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Vyžádat fotku",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Restartovat zařízení",
- "commandSendSms": "Odeslat SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Nastavit SOS číslo",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Nastavit čas tichého módu",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Nastavit telefonní seznam",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Hlasová zpráva",
- "commandOutputControl": "Ovládání výstupu",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Překročení rychlosti alarmu",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikace zařízení",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Zařízení je online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Zařízení je offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Zařízení s pohybuje",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Zařízení se zastavilo",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Zařízení překračuje rychlost",
- "eventCommandResult": "Výsledek příkazu",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Zařízení vstoupilo do geografické hranice",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Zařízení opustilo geografickou hranici",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Typ oznámení",
- "notificationWeb": "Odeslat přes web",
- "notificationMail": "Odeslat přes mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/da.json b/web/l10n/da.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8f02816..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/da.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Loading... ",
- "sharedSave": "Gem",
- "sharedCancel": "Fortryd",
- "sharedAdd": "Tilføj",
- "sharedEdit": "Rediger",
- "sharedRemove": "Fjern",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Fjern enhed?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "knob",
- "sharedKmh": "km/t",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Time",
- "sharedMinute": "Minut",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekund",
- "sharedName": "Navn",
- "sharedDescription": "Beskrivelse",
- "sharedSearch": "Søg",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifikationer",
- "sharedAttributes": "Egenskaber",
- "sharedAttribute": "Egenskab",
- "sharedArea": "Område",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Fejl",
- "errorUnknown": "Ukendt Fejl",
- "errorConnection": "Tilslutning fejl",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Kodeord",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Log på",
- "loginLanguage": "Sprog",
- "loginRegister": "Registrer",
- "loginLogin": "Log på",
- "loginFailed": "Fejl i email adresse eller kodeord",
- "loginCreated": "Ny bruger er registreret",
- "loginLogout": "Log af",
- "devicesAndState": "Enheder og status",
- "deviceDialog": "Enhed",
- "deviceTitle": "Enheder",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Imei nr",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Seneste opdatering",
- "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
- "deviceFollow": "Følg",
- "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
- "groupParent": "Gruppe",
- "groupNoGroup": "Ingen gruppe",
- "settingsTitle": "Indstillinger",
- "settingsUser": "Konto",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupper",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Brugere",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hastighed",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 timers format",
- "reportTitle": "Rapporter",
- "reportDevice": "Enhed",
- "reportFrom": "Fra",
- "reportTo": "Til",
- "reportShow": "Vis",
- "reportClear": "Ryd",
- "positionFixTime": "Tid",
- "positionValid": "Valid",
- "positionLatitude": "Breddegrad",
- "positionLongitude": "Længdegrad",
- "positionAltitude": "Højde",
- "positionSpeed": "Hastighed",
- "positionCourse": "Kurs",
- "positionAddress": "Adresse",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
- "serverTitle": "Server indstillinger",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Registrering",
- "serverReadonly": "Læs",
- "mapTitle": "Kort",
- "mapLayer": "Kort opsætning",
- "mapCustom": "Brugerdefineret Kort",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Cirkel",
- "stateTitle": "Status",
- "stateName": "Parameter",
- "stateValue": "Værdi",
- "commandTitle": "Kommando",
- "commandSend": "Send",
- "commandType": "Type",
- "commandSent": "Kommando er blevet sendt",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk Rapportering",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stop Rapportering",
- "commandEngineStop": "Stop motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Genstart motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
- "commandUnit": "Enhed",
- "commandCustom": "Skræddersyet kommando",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel rapport",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Armer alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå alarm fra",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Sæt tidszone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Tag billede",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Genstart enhed",
- "commandSendSms": "send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Angiv SOS nummer",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Angiv lydløs tid",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Angiv telefonbog",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Tale meddelelse",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output kontrol",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Hastigheds alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Enheds id",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Enhed online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Enhed offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Enhed i bevægelse",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Enhed i stilstand",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Enhed overskrider hastighed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Resultat af kommando",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Enhed kom indenfor geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Enhed kom udenfor geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type af notifikation",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/de.json b/web/l10n/de.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 61a4567b1..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/de.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Lade...",
- "sharedSave": "Speichern",
- "sharedCancel": "Abbrechen",
- "sharedAdd": "Hinzufügen",
- "sharedEdit": "Bearbeiten",
- "sharedRemove": "Entfernen",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Objekt entfernen?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Stunde",
- "sharedMinute": "Minute",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunde",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Beschreibung",
- "sharedSearch": "Suchen",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geo-Zaun",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geo-Zäune",
- "sharedNotifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
- "sharedAttributes": "Eigenschaften",
- "sharedAttribute": "Eigenschaft",
- "sharedArea": "Gebiet",
- "sharedMute": "Stummschalten",
- "errorTitle": "Fehler",
- "errorUnknown": "Unbekannter Fehler",
- "errorConnection": "Verbindungsfehler",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Passwort",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Anmeldung",
- "loginLanguage": "Sprache",
- "loginRegister": "Registrieren",
- "loginLogin": "Anmelden",
- "loginFailed": "Falsche Emailadresse oder Passwort",
- "loginCreated": "Neuer Benutzer wurde registriert",
- "loginLogout": "Abmelden",
- "devicesAndState": "Geräte und Status",
- "deviceDialog": "Gerät",
- "deviceTitle": "Geräte",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Kennung",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Letzte Aktualisierung",
- "deviceCommand": "Befehl",
- "deviceFollow": "Folgen",
- "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
- "groupParent": "Gruppe",
- "groupNoGroup": "Keine Gruppe",
- "settingsTitle": "Einstellungen",
- "settingsUser": "Benutzerkonto",
- "settingsGroups": "Gruppen",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Benutzer",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Entfernung",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Geschwindigkeit",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12 Stunden Format",
- "reportTitle": "Berichte",
- "reportDevice": "Gerät",
- "reportFrom": "Von",
- "reportTo": "Bis",
- "reportShow": "Anzeigen",
- "reportClear": "Leeren",
- "positionFixTime": "Zeit",
- "positionValid": "Gültig",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
- "positionSpeed": "Geschwindigkeit",
- "positionCourse": "Richtung",
- "positionAddress": "Adresse",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
- "serverTitle": "Server Einstellungen",
- "serverZoom": "Zoomen",
- "serverRegistration": "Registrierung zulassen",
- "serverReadonly": "Nur Lesen",
- "mapTitle": "Karte",
- "mapLayer": "Karten Layer",
- "mapCustom": "Benutzerspezifische Karte",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Strassenkarte",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Luftbilder",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Kreis",
- "stateTitle": "Status",
- "stateName": "Parameter",
- "stateValue": "Wert",
- "commandTitle": "Befehl",
- "commandSend": "Senden",
- "commandType": "Typ",
- "commandSent": "Befehl wurde gesendet",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodische Berichte",
- "commandPositionStop": "Bericht stoppen",
- "commandEngineStop": "Motor Stop",
- "commandEngineResume": "Motor Start",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequenz",
- "commandUnit": "Einheit",
- "commandCustom": "Benutzerdefinierter Befehl",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Einzelner Bericht",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Scharf schalten",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Unscharf schalten",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Zeitzone festlegen",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Foto anfordern",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Gerät neustarten",
- "commandSendSms": "SMS senden",
- "commandSosNumber": "SOS-Nummer festlegen",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Ruhezeit festlegen",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefonbuch festlegen",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Sprachnachricht",
- "commandOutputControl": "Berichtsteuerung",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Geschwindigkeitsalarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Gerätekennung",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Gerät ist online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Gerät ist offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Gerät ist in Bewegung",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Gerät hat gestoppt",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Gerät überschreitet Tempolimit",
- "eventCommandResult": "Ergrbnis des Befehls",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Gerät hat Geo-Zaun betreten",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Gerät hat Geo-Zaun verlassen",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarme",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Erschütterungsalarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Bewegungsalarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Geschwindigkeitsalarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "Sturzalarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "Batteriealarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Bewegungsalarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fehleralarm",
- "notificationType": "Art der Benachrichtigung ",
- "notificationWeb": "Per Web senden",
- "notificationMail": "Per E-Mail senden"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/el.json b/web/l10n/el.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cbadf67ef..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/el.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Φόρτωση...",
- "sharedSave": "Αποθήκευση",
- "sharedCancel": "Άκυρον",
- "sharedAdd": "Προσθήκη",
- "sharedEdit": "Επεξεργασία",
- "sharedRemove": "Διαγραφή",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Διαγραφη στοιχείου;",
- "sharedKm": "χλμ",
- "sharedMi": "μίλια",
- "sharedKn": "κόμβοι",
- "sharedKmh": "χλμ/ώρα",
- "sharedMph": "μίλια/ώρα",
- "sharedHour": "Ώρα",
- "sharedMinute": "Λεπτά",
- "sharedSecond": "Δευτερόλεπτα",
- "sharedName": "Όνομα",
- "sharedDescription": "Περιγραφή",
- "sharedSearch": "Αναζήτηση",
- "sharedGeofence": "Γεωφράχτης",
- "sharedGeofences": "Γεωφράχτες",
- "sharedNotifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις",
- "sharedAttributes": "Παράμετροι",
- "sharedAttribute": "Παράμετρος",
- "sharedArea": "Περιοχή",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Σφάλμα",
- "errorUnknown": "Άγνωστο σφάλμα",
- "errorConnection": "Σφάλμα σύνδεσης",
- "userEmail": "Ηλ. διεύθυνση",
- "userPassword": "Συνθηματικό",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Σύνδεση",
- "loginLanguage": "Γλώσσα",
- "loginRegister": "Εγγραφή",
- "loginLogin": "Σύνδεση",
- "loginFailed": "Εσφαλμένη διεύθυνση ή εσφαλμένο συνθηματικό",
- "loginCreated": "Ο νέος χρήστης καταχωρήθηκε.",
- "loginLogout": "Αποσύνδεση",
- "devicesAndState": "Κατάσταση συσκευών",
- "deviceDialog": "Συσκευή",
- "deviceTitle": "Συσκευές",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Αναγνωριστικό",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Τελευταία ενημέρωση",
- "deviceCommand": "Εντολή",
- "deviceFollow": "Ακολουθώ",
- "groupDialog": "Ομάδα",
- "groupParent": "Ομάδα",
- "groupNoGroup": "Χωρίς Ομάδα",
- "settingsTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις",
- "settingsUser": "Λογαριασμός",
- "settingsGroups": "Ομάδες",
- "settingsServer": "Εξυπηρετητής",
- "settingsUsers": "Χρήστες",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Απόσταση",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Ταχύτητα",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12ώρη μορφή",
- "reportTitle": "Αναφορές",
- "reportDevice": "Συσκευή",
- "reportFrom": "Από",
- "reportTo": "Έως",
- "reportShow": "Προβολή",
- "reportClear": "Καθαρισμός",
- "positionFixTime": "Χρόνος",
- "positionValid": "Έγκυρο",
- "positionLatitude": "Γ. πλάτος",
- "positionLongitude": "Γ. μήκος",
- "positionAltitude": "Υψόμετρο",
- "positionSpeed": "Ταχύτητα",
- "positionCourse": "Πορεία",
- "positionAddress": "Διεύθυνση",
- "positionProtocol": "Πρωτόκολλο",
- "serverTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις εξυπηρετητή",
- "serverZoom": "Εστίαση",
- "serverRegistration": "Εγγραφή",
- "serverReadonly": "Μόνο για ανάγνωση",
- "mapTitle": "Χάρτης",
- "mapLayer": "Επιλογή χάρτη",
- "mapCustom": "Προσαρμοσμένος χάρτης",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Κλειδί Bing Maps",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Πολύγωνο",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Κύκλος",
- "stateTitle": "Κατάσταση",
- "stateName": "Παράμετρος",
- "stateValue": "Τιμή",
- "commandTitle": "Εντολή",
- "commandSend": "Αποστολή",
- "commandType": "Τύπος",
- "commandSent": "Η εντολή έχει σταλεί.",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Περιοδικές αναφορές",
- "commandPositionStop": "Λήξη αναφορών",
- "commandEngineStop": "Κλείσιμο",
- "commandEngineResume": "Επανεκκίνηση",
- "commandFrequency": "Συχνότητα",
- "commandUnit": "Μονάδα",
- "commandCustom": "Προσαρμοσμένη εντολή",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Ενιαία αναφορά",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Ενεργοποίηση συναγερμού",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Απενεργοποίηση συναγερμού",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Καθορισμός ζώνης ώρας",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Αίτημα για φωτογραφία",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Επανεκκίνηση συσκευής",
- "commandSendSms": "Αποστολή γραπτού μηνύματος (SMS)",
- "commandSosNumber": "Καθορισμός αριθμού SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Καθορισμός χρόνου σιωπής",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Καθορισμός τηλεφωνικού καταλόγου",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Φωνητικό μήνυμα",
- "commandOutputControl": "Έλεγχος αποτελεσμάτων",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Υπέρβαση ορίου ταχύτητας",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Αναγνωριστικό συσκευής",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Η συσκευή είναι συνδεδεμένη",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Η συσκευή είναι αποσυνδεδεμένη",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Η συσκευή βρίσκεται σε κίνηση",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Η συσκευή έχει σταματήσει",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Η συσκευή υπερέβει την ταχύτητα",
- "eventCommandResult": "Αποτέλεσμα εντολής",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Η συσσκευή εισήλθε του γεωφράχτη",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Η συσκευή εξήλθε του γεωφράχτη",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Τύπος ειδοποίησης",
- "notificationWeb": "Αποστολή μέσω διαδικτύου",
- "notificationMail": "Αποστολή μέσω ηλ. ταχυδρομείου"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/en.json b/web/l10n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 563a37b18..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Loading...",
- "sharedSave": "Save",
- "sharedCancel": "Cancel",
- "sharedAdd": "Add",
- "sharedEdit": "Edit",
- "sharedRemove": "Remove",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remove item?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Hour",
- "sharedMinute": "Minute",
- "sharedSecond": "Second",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "sharedType": "Type",
- "sharedDistance": "Distance",
- "sharedHourAbbreviation": "h",
- "sharedMinuteAbbreviation": "m",
- "errorTitle": "Error",
- "errorUnknown": "Unknown error",
- "errorConnection": "Connection error",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Password",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Login",
- "loginLanguage": "Language",
- "loginRegister": "Register",
- "loginLogin": "Login",
- "loginFailed": "Incorrect email address or password",
- "loginCreated": "New user has been registered",
- "loginLogout": "Logout",
- "devicesAndState": "Devices and State",
- "deviceDialog": "Device",
- "deviceTitle": "Devices",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifier",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
- "deviceCommand": "Command",
- "deviceFollow": "Follow",
- "groupDialog": "Group",
- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "Settings",
- "settingsUser": "Account",
- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Users",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Speed",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Reports",
- "reportDevice": "Device",
- "reportGroup": "Group",
- "reportFrom": "From",
- "reportTo": "To",
- "reportShow": "Show",
- "reportClear": "Clear",
- "positionFixTime": "Time",
- "positionValid": "Valid",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
- "positionSpeed": "Speed",
- "positionCourse": "Course",
- "positionAddress": "Address",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
- "serverTitle": "Server Settings",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Registration",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
- "mapTitle": "Map",
- "mapLayer": "Map Layer",
- "mapCustom": "Custom Map",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "State",
- "stateName": "Attribute",
- "stateValue": "Value",
- "commandTitle": "Command",
- "commandSend": "Send",
- "commandSent": "Command has been sent",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodic Reporting",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stop Reporting",
- "commandEngineStop": "Engine Stop",
- "commandEngineResume": "Engine Resume",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequency",
- "commandUnit": "Unit",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSendUssd": "Send USSD",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "commandIndex": "Index",
- "commandData": "Data",
- "commandPhone": "Phone Number",
- "commandMessage": "Message",
- "eventAll": "All Events",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "eventIgnitionOn": "Ignition is ON",
- "eventIgnitionOff": "Ignition is OFF",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail",
- "reportRoute": "Route",
- "reportEvents": "Events",
- "reportTrips": "Trips",
- "reportSummary": "Summary",
- "reportConfigure": "Configure",
- "reportEventTypes": "Event Types",
- "reportCsv": "CSV",
- "reportDeviceName": "Device Name",
- "reportAverageSpeed": "Average Speed",
- "reportMaximumSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
- "reportEngineHours": "Engine Hours",
- "reportDuration": "Duration",
- "reportStartTime": "Start Time",
- "reportStartAddress": "Start Address",
- "reportEndTime": "End Time",
- "reportEndAddress": "End Address",
- "reportSpentFuel": "Spent Fuel"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/es.json b/web/l10n/es.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ae21bfc..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/es.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Cargando...",
- "sharedSave": "Guardar",
- "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
- "sharedAdd": "Agregar",
- "sharedEdit": "Editar",
- "sharedRemove": "Borrar",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Borrar Elemento?",
- "sharedKm": "KM",
- "sharedMi": "MI",
- "sharedKn": "Nudo",
- "sharedKmh": "KM/H",
- "sharedMph": "MPH",
- "sharedHour": "Hora",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
- "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
- "sharedName": "Nombre",
- "sharedDescription": "Descripción",
- "sharedSearch": "Buscar",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geocerca",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geocercas",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notificaciones",
- "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
- "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
- "sharedArea": "Área",
- "sharedMute": "Silenciar",
- "errorTitle": "Error",
- "errorUnknown": "Error Desconocido",
- "errorConnection": "Error de Conexión",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Contraseña",
- "userAdmin": "Administrador",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Ingresar",
- "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
- "loginRegister": "Registrar",
- "loginLogin": "Ingresar",
- "loginFailed": "Dirección de Correo o Contraseña Incorrecta",
- "loginCreated": "Nuevo Usuario ha sido registrado",
- "loginLogout": "Salir",
- "devicesAndState": "Dispositivos y Estado",
- "deviceDialog": "Dispositivo",
- "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Actualización",
- "deviceCommand": "Comando",
- "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
- "groupDialog": "Grupo",
- "groupParent": "Grupo",
- "groupNoGroup": "Sin grupo",
- "settingsTitle": "Preferencias",
- "settingsUser": "Cuenta",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
- "settingsServer": "Servidor",
- "settingsUsers": "Usuarios",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distancia",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Velocidad",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12 Hrs",
- "reportTitle": "Reportes",
- "reportDevice": "Dispositivos",
- "reportFrom": "Desde",
- "reportTo": "Hasta",
- "reportShow": "Mostrar",
- "reportClear": "Limpiar",
- "positionFixTime": "Hora",
- "positionValid": "Válida",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitud",
- "positionSpeed": "Velocidad",
- "positionCourse": "Curso",
- "positionAddress": "Dirección",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
- "serverTitle": "Preferencias Servidor",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Registrar",
- "serverReadonly": "Sólo Lectura",
- "mapTitle": "Mapa",
- "mapLayer": "Capa de Mapa",
- "mapCustom": "Mapa Personalizado",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps - Carretera",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps - Aéreo",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
- "stateTitle": "Estado",
- "stateName": "Parámetro",
- "stateValue": "Valor",
- "commandTitle": "Comando",
- "commandSend": "Enviar",
- "commandType": "Tipo",
- "commandSent": "El Comando ha sido enviado",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Frecuencia de Posiciones",
- "commandPositionStop": "Detener Reporte de Posiciones",
- "commandEngineStop": "Apagar motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Desbloquear Encendido de Motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequencia",
- "commandUnit": "Unidad",
- "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Un report",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Armar Alarma",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desarmar Alarma",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Establecer zona horaria",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Solicitar Foto",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
- "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Establecer el número SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Setear horario de silencio",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Establecer contacto",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensaje de voz",
- "commandOutputControl": "Control de Salidas",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alerta de Velocidad",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificación de Dispositivo",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "El dispositivo está en linea",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "El dispositivo está fuera de linea",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "El dispositivo se está moviendo",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "El dispositivo está parado",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "El dispositivo excedió el limite de velocidad",
- "eventCommandResult": "Resultado de comando",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "El dispositivo ha ingresado a la geocerca",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "El dispositivo ha salido de la geocerca",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarmas",
- "alarm": "Alarma",
- "alarmSos": "Alarma de SOS",
- "alarmVibration": "Alarma de vibración",
- "alarmMovement": "Alarma de movimiento",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Alarma de exceso de velocidad",
- "alarmFallDown": "Alarma de caida",
- "alarmLowBattery": "Alarma de bateria baja",
- "alarmMotion": "Alarma de movimiento",
- "alarmFault": "Alarma de fallo",
- "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificación",
- "notificationWeb": "Envíar vía Web",
- "notificationMail": "Envíar vía Email"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/fa.json b/web/l10n/fa.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bfec4bb1..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/fa.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "در حال بارگزارى ...",
- "sharedSave": "ذخيره",
- "sharedCancel": "انصراف",
- "sharedAdd": "اضافه كردن",
- "sharedEdit": "ویرایش",
- "sharedRemove": "پاک کردن",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "پاک کردن آیتم",
- "sharedKm": "کیلومتر",
- "sharedMi": "مایل",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "کیلومتر بر ساعت",
- "sharedMph": "مایل بر ساعت",
- "sharedHour": "ساعت",
- "sharedMinute": "دقيقه",
- "sharedSecond": "ثانيه",
- "sharedName": "نام",
- "sharedDescription": "توضیحات",
- "sharedSearch": "جستجو",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "خطا",
- "errorUnknown": "خطا ناشناخته",
- "errorConnection": "خطا در اتصال",
- "userEmail": "نام كاربرى ( ايميل )",
- "userPassword": "گذرواژه",
- "userAdmin": "مدیر",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "ورود",
- "loginLanguage": "انتخاب زبان",
- "loginRegister": "ثبت نام",
- "loginLogin": "ورود",
- "loginFailed": "نام كاربرى ( ايميل ) يا گذرواژه اشتباه است",
- "loginCreated": "ثبت نام با موفقيت انجام شد",
- "loginLogout": "خروج",
- "devicesAndState": "دستگاه ها و وضعیت",
- "deviceDialog": "دستگاه",
- "deviceTitle": "دستگاه ها",
- "deviceIdentifier": "سريال دستگاه",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "آخرين بروزرسانى",
- "deviceCommand": "فرمان",
- "deviceFollow": "تعقیب",
- "groupDialog": "گروه",
- "groupParent": "گروه",
- "groupNoGroup": "بدون گروه",
- "settingsTitle": "تنظيمات",
- "settingsUser": "حساب كاربرى",
- "settingsGroups": "گروه ها",
- "settingsServer": "سرور",
- "settingsUsers": "کاربر",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "فاصله",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "سرعت",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "فرمت 12 ساعتی",
- "reportTitle": "گزارشات ",
- "reportDevice": "دستگاه",
- "reportFrom": "از",
- "reportTo": "تا",
- "reportShow": "نمایش",
- "reportClear": "خالی کردن",
- "positionFixTime": "زمان",
- "positionValid": "معتبر",
- "positionLatitude": "عرض جغرافيايى",
- "positionLongitude": "طول جغرافيايى",
- "positionAltitude": "ارتفاع",
- "positionSpeed": "سرعت",
- "positionCourse": "دوره",
- "positionAddress": "آدرس",
- "positionProtocol": "پروتوکل",
- "serverTitle": "تنظیمات سرور",
- "serverZoom": "بزرگنمایی",
- "serverRegistration": "ثبت نام",
- "serverReadonly": "فقط خواندنی",
- "mapTitle": "نقشه",
- "mapLayer": "لایه های نقشه",
- "mapCustom": "نقشه سفارشی",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "وضعیت",
- "stateName": "ویژگی",
- "stateValue": "مقدار",
- "commandTitle": "فرمان",
- "commandSend": "ارسال",
- "commandType": "نوع",
- "commandSent": "دستور ارسال گردید",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodic Reporting",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stop Reporting",
- "commandEngineStop": "Engine Stop",
- "commandEngineResume": "Engine Resume",
- "commandFrequency": "فرکانس",
- "commandUnit": "واحد",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "ارسال پیام کوتاه",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/fi.json b/web/l10n/fi.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9309ab1a1..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/fi.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Ladataan...",
- "sharedSave": "Tallenna",
- "sharedCancel": "Peruuta",
- "sharedAdd": "Lisää",
- "sharedEdit": "Muokkaa",
- "sharedRemove": "Poista",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Poista kohde?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Tunti",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuutti",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunti",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Virhe",
- "errorUnknown": "Tuntematon virhe",
- "errorConnection": "Yhteysvirhe",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Salasana",
- "userAdmin": "Ylläpito",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Kirjaudu",
- "loginLanguage": "Kieli",
- "loginRegister": "Rekisteröidy",
- "loginLogin": "Kirjaudu",
- "loginFailed": "Virheellinen email tai salasana",
- "loginCreated": "Uusi käyttäjä on rekisteröitynyt",
- "loginLogout": "Kirjaudu ulos",
- "devicesAndState": "Laitteet ja Tilat",
- "deviceDialog": "Laite",
- "deviceTitle": "Laitteet",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Tunniste",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Viimeisin päivitys",
- "deviceCommand": "Komento",
- "deviceFollow": "Seuraa",
- "groupDialog": "Group",
- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "Asetukset",
- "settingsUser": "Tili",
- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "Palvelin",
- "settingsUsers": "Käyttäjät",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Etäisyys",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Nopeus",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Raportit",
- "reportDevice": "Laite",
- "reportFrom": "Mistä",
- "reportTo": "Mihin",
- "reportShow": "Näytä",
- "reportClear": "Tyhjennä",
- "positionFixTime": "Aika",
- "positionValid": "Kelvollinen",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Korkeus",
- "positionSpeed": "Nopeus",
- "positionCourse": "Suunta",
- "positionAddress": "Osoite",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokolla",
- "serverTitle": "Palvelinasetukset",
- "serverZoom": "Lähennä",
- "serverRegistration": "Rekisteröinti",
- "serverReadonly": "Vain luku",
- "mapTitle": "Kartta",
- "mapLayer": "Karttataso",
- "mapCustom": "Oma kartta",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps avain",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bign Maps tiet",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps ilmakuva",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "Tila",
- "stateName": "Ominaisuus",
- "stateValue": "Arvo",
- "commandTitle": "Komento",
- "commandSend": "Lähetä",
- "commandType": "Tyyppi",
- "commandSent": "Komento on lähetetty",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Määräaikaisraportointi",
- "commandPositionStop": "Lopeta raportointi",
- "commandEngineStop": "Sammuta moottori",
- "commandEngineResume": "Palauta moottori",
- "commandFrequency": "Taajuus",
- "commandUnit": "Yksikkö",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/fr.json b/web/l10n/fr.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 487dd7acd..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/fr.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Chargement...",
- "sharedSave": "Enregistrer",
- "sharedCancel": "Annuler",
- "sharedAdd": "Ajouter",
- "sharedEdit": "Editer",
- "sharedRemove": "Effacer",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Effacer objet?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "nd",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Heure",
- "sharedMinute": "Minute",
- "sharedSecond": "Seconde",
- "sharedName": "Nom",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Recherche",
- "sharedGeofence": "Périmètre virtuel",
- "sharedGeofences": "Périmètres virtuels",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributs",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribut",
- "sharedArea": "Aire",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Erreur",
- "errorUnknown": "Erreur inconnue",
- "errorConnection": "Erreur de connexion",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Mot de Passe",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Identification",
- "loginLanguage": "Langue",
- "loginRegister": "Inscription",
- "loginLogin": "Se connecter",
- "loginFailed": "Adresse email ou mot de passe incorrect",
- "loginCreated": "Nouvel utilisateur enregistré",
- "loginLogout": "Déconnexion",
- "devicesAndState": "Dispositifs et Etat",
- "deviceDialog": "Dispositif",
- "deviceTitle": "Dispositifs",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifiant",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Dernière mise à jour",
- "deviceCommand": "Commande",
- "deviceFollow": "Suivre",
- "groupDialog": "Groupe",
- "groupParent": "Groupe",
- "groupNoGroup": "Sans groupe",
- "settingsTitle": "Paramètres",
- "settingsUser": "Compte",
- "settingsGroups": "Groupes",
- "settingsServer": "Serveur",
- "settingsUsers": "Utilisateurs",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distance",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Vitesse",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format d'heure - 12 heures",
- "reportTitle": "Rapports",
- "reportDevice": "Dispositif",
- "reportFrom": "De",
- "reportTo": "A",
- "reportShow": "Afficher",
- "reportClear": "Effacer",
- "positionFixTime": "Heure",
- "positionValid": "Valide",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
- "positionSpeed": "Vitesse",
- "positionCourse": "Orientation",
- "positionAddress": "Adresse",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocole",
- "serverTitle": "Paramètres de serveur",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Inscription",
- "serverReadonly": "Lecture seule",
- "mapTitle": "Carte",
- "mapLayer": "Couche cartographique",
- "mapCustom": "Carte personnalisée",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Map Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygone",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Cercle",
- "stateTitle": "Etat",
- "stateName": "Paramètre",
- "stateValue": "Valeur",
- "commandTitle": "Commande",
- "commandSend": "Envoyer",
- "commandType": "Type",
- "commandSent": "Commande envoyée",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Périodicité du rapport de position",
- "commandPositionStop": "Arrêt du rapport de position",
- "commandEngineStop": "Arrêt moteur",
- "commandEngineResume": "Démarrage moteur",
- "commandFrequency": "Fréquence",
- "commandUnit": "Unité",
- "commandCustom": "Commande personnalisée",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Rapport de position unique",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Activer l'alarme",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Désactiver l'alarme",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Régler le fuseau horaire",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Demander une photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Redémarrer l'appareil",
- "commandSendSms": "Envoyer un SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Régler le n° SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Définir le temps de silence",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Définir l'annuaire",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Message vocal",
- "commandOutputControl": "Contrôle de la sortie",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alarme de dépassement de vitesse",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identification de l'appareil",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "L'appareil est en ligne",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "L'appareil est hors-ligne",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "L'appareil est en mouvement",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "L'appareil est arrêté",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "L'appareil dépasse la vitesse",
- "eventCommandResult": "Résultat de la commande",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "L'appareil est entré dans un périmètre virtuel",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "L'appareil est sorti d'un périmètre virtuel",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type de notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Envoyer par internet",
- "notificationMail": "Envoyer par E-mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/he.json b/web/l10n/he.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a2bb338bb..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/he.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "בטעינה...",
- "sharedSave": "שמור",
- "sharedCancel": "ביטול",
- "sharedAdd": "הוסף",
- "sharedEdit": "ערוך",
- "sharedRemove": "הסר",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "הסר פריט",
- "sharedKm": "ק\"מ",
- "sharedMi": "מייל",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "ק\"מ/שעה",
- "sharedMph": "מייל/שעה",
- "sharedHour": "שעה",
- "sharedMinute": "דקה",
- "sharedSecond": "שנייה",
- "sharedName": "שם",
- "sharedDescription": "תיאור",
- "sharedSearch": "חיפוש",
- "sharedGeofence": "גדר וירטואלית",
- "sharedGeofences": "גדרות וירטואליות",
- "sharedNotifications": "התראות",
- "sharedAttributes": "מאפיינים",
- "sharedAttribute": "מאפיין",
- "sharedArea": "איזור",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "שגיאה",
- "errorUnknown": "שגיאה לא ידועה",
- "errorConnection": "בעייה בחיבור",
- "userEmail": "אימייל",
- "userPassword": "סיסמה",
- "userAdmin": "אדמין",
- "userRemember": "זכור אותי",
- "loginTitle": "כניסה",
- "loginLanguage": "שפה",
- "loginRegister": "הרשם",
- "loginLogin": "כניסה",
- "loginFailed": "אימייל או סיסמה שגויים",
- "loginCreated": "משתמש חדש נרשם",
- "loginLogout": "יציאה",
- "devicesAndState": "מכשירים וסטטוס",
- "deviceDialog": "מכשיר",
- "deviceTitle": "מכשירים",
- "deviceIdentifier": "מזהה",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "עודכן לאחרונה",
- "deviceCommand": "פקודה",
- "deviceFollow": "עקוב",
- "groupDialog": "קבוצה",
- "groupParent": "קבוצה",
- "groupNoGroup": "ללא קבוצה",
- "settingsTitle": "הגדרות",
- "settingsUser": "חשבון",
- "settingsGroups": "קבוצות",
- "settingsServer": "שרת",
- "settingsUsers": "משתמשים",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "מרחק",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "מהירות",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "פורמט של 12 שעות",
- "reportTitle": "דו\"חות",
- "reportDevice": "מכשיר",
- "reportFrom": "מ-",
- "reportTo": "עד",
- "reportShow": "הצג",
- "reportClear": "נקה",
- "positionFixTime": "זמן",
- "positionValid": "תקין",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
- "positionSpeed": "מהירות",
- "positionCourse": "מסלול",
- "positionAddress": "כתובת",
- "positionProtocol": "פרוטוקול",
- "serverTitle": "הגדרות שרת",
- "serverZoom": "זום",
- "serverRegistration": "הרשמה",
- "serverReadonly": "לקריאה בלבד",
- "mapTitle": "מפה",
- "mapLayer": "שכבת מפה",
- "mapCustom": "מפה בהתאמה",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "פוליגון",
- "mapShapeCircle": "מעגל",
- "stateTitle": "מצב",
- "stateName": "תכונה",
- "stateValue": "ערך",
- "commandTitle": "פקודה",
- "commandSend": "שליחה",
- "commandType": "סוג",
- "commandSent": "הפקודה נשלחה",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "דיווח תקופתי",
- "commandPositionStop": "עצור דיווח",
- "commandEngineStop": "דומם מנוע",
- "commandEngineResume": "הפעל מנוע",
- "commandFrequency": "תדירות",
- "commandUnit": "יחידה",
- "commandCustom": "פקודה בהתאמה אישית",
- "commandPositionSingle": "דו\"ח יחיד",
- "commandAlarmArm": "הפעלת אזעקה",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "נטרול אזעקה",
- "commandSetTimezone": "קבע איזור זמן",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "בקשה לתמונה",
- "commandRebootDevice": "איתחול המכשיר",
- "commandSendSms": "שלח סמס",
- "commandSosNumber": "קבע מספר חירום",
- "commandSilenceTime": "קבע משך זמן הדממה",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "הגדר ספר טלפונים",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "הודעה קולית",
- "commandOutputControl": "בקרת פלט",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "התראת מהירות",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "זיהוי מכשיר",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "המכשיר און לין",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "המכשיר מנותק",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "המכשיר בתזוזה",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "המכשיר עצר",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "המכשיר עבר את המהירות המותרת",
- "eventCommandResult": "תוצאות הפקודה",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "המכשיר נכנס לתחום המוגדר",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "המכשיר יצא מהתחום המוגדר",
- "eventAlarm": "אזעקות",
- "alarm": "אזעקה",
- "alarmSos": "אתרעת SOS",
- "alarmVibration": "אזעקת רטט",
- "alarmMovement": "אזעקת תנועה",
- "alarmOverspeed": "אזעקת מהירות יתר",
- "alarmFallDown": "אזעקת נפילה",
- "alarmLowBattery": "אזעקת סוללה חלשה",
- "alarmMotion": "אזעקת תזוזה",
- "alarmFault": "אזעקת שווא",
- "notificationType": "סוג ההתראה",
- "notificationWeb": "שלח דרך ווב",
- "notificationMail": "שלח באימייל"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/hu.json b/web/l10n/hu.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9604a39..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/hu.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Betöltés...",
- "sharedSave": "Mentés",
- "sharedCancel": "Mégse",
- "sharedAdd": "Hozzáadás",
- "sharedEdit": "Szerkesztés",
- "sharedRemove": "Törlés",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Biztosan törli?",
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- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "csomó",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Óra",
- "sharedMinute": "Perc",
- "sharedSecond": "Másodperc",
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- "sharedDescription": "Leírás",
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- "sharedGeofence": "Geokerítés",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geokerítések",
- "sharedNotifications": "Értesítések",
- "sharedAttributes": "Tulajdonságok",
- "sharedAttribute": "Tulajdonság",
- "sharedArea": "Terület",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Hiba",
- "errorUnknown": "Ismeretlen hiba",
- "errorConnection": "Kapcsolódási hiba",
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- "userPassword": "Jelszó",
- "userAdmin": "Adminisztrátor",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Bejelentkezés",
- "loginLanguage": "Nyelv",
- "loginRegister": "Regisztráció",
- "loginLogin": "Bejelentkezés",
- "loginFailed": "Hibás email vagy jelszó",
- "loginCreated": "Az új felhasználó sikeresen létrehozva",
- "loginLogout": "Kilépés",
- "devicesAndState": "Eszközök és állapotuk",
- "deviceDialog": "Eszköz",
- "deviceTitle": "Eszközök",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Azonosító",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Utolsó frissítés",
- "deviceCommand": "Parancs",
- "deviceFollow": "Követ",
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- "groupParent": "Csoport",
- "groupNoGroup": "Nincs Csoport",
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- "settingsUser": "Fiók",
- "settingsGroups": "Csoportok",
- "settingsServer": "Szerver",
- "settingsUsers": "Felhasználók",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Távolság",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Sebesség",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-órás formátum",
- "reportTitle": "Jelentések",
- "reportDevice": "Eszköz",
- "reportFrom": "Kezdő dátum:",
- "reportTo": "Végső dátum:",
- "reportShow": "Mutat",
- "reportClear": "Töröl",
- "positionFixTime": "Idő",
- "positionValid": "Valós",
- "positionLatitude": "Szélességi fok",
- "positionLongitude": "Hosszúsági fok",
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- "positionSpeed": "Sebesség",
- "positionCourse": "Irány",
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- "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
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- "serverReadonly": "Csak olvasható",
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- "mapLayer": "Térkép réteg",
- "mapCustom": "Egyéni térkép",
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- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps kulcs",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Poligon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Kör",
- "stateTitle": "Helyzet",
- "stateName": "Paraméter",
- "stateValue": "Érték",
- "commandTitle": "Parancs",
- "commandSend": "Küld",
- "commandType": "Típus",
- "commandSent": "A parancs elküldve",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pozició küldés",
- "commandPositionStop": "Pozició küldés vége",
- "commandEngineStop": "Motor letiltás",
- "commandEngineResume": "Motor engedélyezés",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvencia",
- "commandUnit": "Egység",
- "commandCustom": "Egyedi parancs",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Egyszeri jelentés",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Riasztó élesítés",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Riasztó kikapcsolás",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Időzóna beállítás",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Kép lekérés",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Eszköz újraindítása",
- "commandSendSms": "SMS küldés",
- "commandSosNumber": "SOS szám beállítás",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Csendes idő beállítás",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefonkönyv beállítás",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Hangüzenet",
- "commandOutputControl": "Kimenet Ellenőrzés",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Riasztás Gyorshajtásról",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Eszköz azonosító",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Eszköz online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Eszköz offline",
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- "eventDeviceStopped": "Eszköz megállt",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Eszköz túllépte a sebességkorlátot",
- "eventCommandResult": "Parancs eredmény",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Eszköz belépett a geokerítésbe",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Eszköz kilépett a geokerítésből",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
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- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Értesítés Típusa",
- "notificationWeb": "Küldés Weben",
- "notificationMail": "Küldés E-mailben"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/id.json b/web/l10n/id.json
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index 1fed27962..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/id.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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- "sharedSave": "Simpan",
- "sharedCancel": "Batal",
- "sharedAdd": "Tambah",
- "sharedEdit": "Ubah",
- "sharedRemove": "Hapus",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Hapus item?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mp/h",
- "sharedHour": "Jam",
- "sharedMinute": "Menit",
- "sharedSecond": "Detik",
- "sharedName": "Nama",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Cari",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Error",
- "errorUnknown": "Error tidak diketahui",
- "errorConnection": "Koneksi error",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Sandi",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Masuk",
- "loginLanguage": "Bahasa",
- "loginRegister": "Daftar",
- "loginLogin": "Masuk",
- "loginFailed": "Email atau password salah",
- "loginCreated": "Pengguna baru telah terdaftar",
- "loginLogout": "Keluar",
- "devicesAndState": "Perangkat dan Status",
- "deviceDialog": "Perangkat",
- "deviceTitle": "Perangkat",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikasi",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Terbaru",
- "deviceCommand": "Perintah",
- "deviceFollow": "Ikuti",
- "groupDialog": "Grup",
- "groupParent": "Grup",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "Pengaturan",
- "settingsUser": "Akun",
- "settingsGroups": "Grup",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Pengguna",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jarak",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Kecepatan",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Format 12 Jam",
- "reportTitle": "Laporan",
- "reportDevice": "Perangkat",
- "reportFrom": "Dari",
- "reportTo": "Ke",
- "reportShow": "Tampil",
- "reportClear": "Bersihkan",
- "positionFixTime": "Waktu",
- "positionValid": "Benar",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Ketinggian",
- "positionSpeed": "Kecepatan",
- "positionCourse": "Arah",
- "positionAddress": "Alamat",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
- "serverTitle": "Pengaturan Server",
- "serverZoom": "Perbesar",
- "serverRegistration": "Pendaftaran",
- "serverReadonly": "Hanya Dilihat",
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- "mapLayer": "Layer Peta",
- "mapCustom": "Peta Buatan",
- "mapOsm": "Peta Open Street",
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- "mapBingRoad": "Peta Jalan Bing",
- "mapBingAerial": "Peta Udara Bing",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "Status",
- "stateName": "atribut",
- "stateValue": "Nilai",
- "commandTitle": "Perintah",
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- "commandType": "Tipe",
- "commandSent": "Perintah terkirim",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Laporan berkala",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stop Laporan",
- "commandEngineStop": "Stop Mesin",
- "commandEngineResume": "Mulai Mesin",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekuensi",
- "commandUnit": "unit",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/it.json b/web/l10n/it.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9184a83..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/it.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Loading...",
- "sharedSave": "Salva",
- "sharedCancel": "Cancella",
- "sharedAdd": "Aggiungi",
- "sharedEdit": "Modifica",
- "sharedRemove": "Rimuovi",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Rimuovere oggetto?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Ora",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
- "sharedSecond": "Secondo",
- "sharedName": "Nome",
- "sharedDescription": "Descrizione",
- "sharedSearch": "Cerca",
- "sharedGeofence": "GeoRecinto",
- "sharedGeofences": "GeoRecinto",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifiche",
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- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
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- "errorUnknown": "Errore sconosciuto",
- "errorConnection": "Errore di connessione",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Password",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Login",
- "loginLanguage": "Lingua",
- "loginRegister": "Registrazione",
- "loginLogin": "Login",
- "loginFailed": "Indirizzo email o password errati",
- "loginCreated": "Un nuovo utente si e` registrato",
- "loginLogout": "Logout",
- "devicesAndState": "Dispositivi e stato",
- "deviceDialog": "Dispositivo",
- "deviceTitle": "Dispositivi",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identificativo",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Ultimo aggiornamento",
- "deviceCommand": "Comando",
- "deviceFollow": "Segui",
- "groupDialog": "Gruppo",
- "groupParent": "Gruppo",
- "groupNoGroup": "Nessun Gruppo",
- "settingsTitle": "Impostazioni",
- "settingsUser": "Account",
- "settingsGroups": "Gruppi",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Utenti",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distanza",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Velocità",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato 12 ore",
- "reportTitle": "Reports",
- "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
- "reportFrom": "Da",
- "reportTo": "A",
- "reportShow": "Visualizza",
- "reportClear": "Pulisci",
- "positionFixTime": "Tempo",
- "positionValid": "Valido",
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- "positionLongitude": "Longitudine",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitudine",
- "positionSpeed": "Velocità",
- "positionCourse": "Percorso",
- "positionAddress": "Indirizzo",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocollo",
- "serverTitle": "Impostazioni Server",
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- "serverRegistration": "Registrazione",
- "serverReadonly": "Sola lettura",
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- "mapLayer": "Livelli Mappa",
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- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
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- "mapShapeCircle": "Cerchio",
- "stateTitle": "Stato",
- "stateName": "Attributo",
- "stateValue": "Valore",
- "commandTitle": "Commando",
- "commandSend": "Invia",
- "commandType": "Tipo",
- "commandSent": "Commando inviato",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Report periodici",
- "commandPositionStop": "Ferma i report",
- "commandEngineStop": "Ferma Engine",
- "commandEngineResume": "Riavvio Engine",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequenza",
- "commandUnit": "Unità ",
- "commandCustom": "Comando personalizzato",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Report singolo",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Attiva allarme",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disattiva Allarme",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Imposta Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Richiedi foto",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Riavvia dispositivo",
- "commandSendSms": "Invia SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Imposta Numero SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Imposta Orario Silenzione",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Imposta rubrica",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Messaggio vocale",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositivo online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispositivo offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo in movimento",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo fermo",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Dispostivo troppo veloce",
- "eventCommandResult": "Risultato comando",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Il dipositivo e` entrato nel GeoRecinto",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Il dipositivo e` uscito dal GeoRecinto",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Tipo notica",
- "notificationWeb": "Invia tramite Web",
- "notificationMail": "Invia tramite Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/ka.json b/web/l10n/ka.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f8d50a5..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ka.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "იტვირთება...",
- "sharedSave": "შენახვა",
- "sharedCancel": "უარყოფა",
- "sharedAdd": "დამატება",
- "sharedEdit": "შეცვლა",
- "sharedRemove": "წაშლა",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "გსურთ წაშლა ?",
- "sharedKm": "კმ",
- "sharedMi": "მლ",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "კმ/სთ",
- "sharedMph": "მლ/სთ",
- "sharedHour": "საათი",
- "sharedMinute": "წუთი",
- "sharedSecond": "წამი",
- "sharedName": "დასახელება",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "ძებნა",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "შეცდომა",
- "errorUnknown": "უცნობი შეცდომა",
- "errorConnection": "კავშირის შეცდომა",
- "userEmail": "ელ-ფოსტა",
- "userPassword": "პაროლი",
- "userAdmin": "ადმინი",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "ავტორიზაცია",
- "loginLanguage": "ენა",
- "loginRegister": "რეგისტრაცია",
- "loginLogin": "შესვლა",
- "loginFailed": "არასწორი ელ-ფოსტა ან პაროლი",
- "loginCreated": "ახალი მომხარებელი დარეგისტრირდა",
- "loginLogout": "გამოსვლა",
- "devicesAndState": "მოწყობილობები და სტატუსი",
- "deviceDialog": "მოწყობილობა",
- "deviceTitle": "მოწყობილობები",
- "deviceIdentifier": "იდენტიფიკატორი",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "ბოლო განახლება",
- "deviceCommand": "ბრძანება",
- "deviceFollow": "გაყოლა",
- "groupDialog": "ჯგუფი",
- "groupParent": "ჯგუფი",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "პარამეტრები",
- "settingsUser": "პროფილი",
- "settingsGroups": "ჯგუფები",
- "settingsServer": "სერვერი",
- "settingsUsers": "მომხამრებლები",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "მანძილი",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "სიჩქარე",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-საათიანი ფორმატი",
- "reportTitle": "რეპორტები",
- "reportDevice": "მოწყობილობა",
- "reportFrom": "დან",
- "reportTo": "მდე",
- "reportShow": "ჩვენება",
- "reportClear": "გასუფთავება",
- "positionFixTime": "დრო",
- "positionValid": "ვარგისი",
- "positionLatitude": "განედი",
- "positionLongitude": "გრძედი",
- "positionAltitude": "სიმაღლე",
- "positionSpeed": "სიჩქარე",
- "positionCourse": "კურსი",
- "positionAddress": "მისამართი",
- "positionProtocol": "პროტოკოლი",
- "serverTitle": "სერვერის პარამეტრები",
- "serverZoom": "ზუმი",
- "serverRegistration": "რეგისტრაცია",
- "serverReadonly": "მხოლოდ ნახვის",
- "mapTitle": "რუკა",
- "mapLayer": "რუკის ფენა",
- "mapCustom": "მომხმარებლის რუკა",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "სტატუსი",
- "stateName": "ატრიბუტი",
- "stateValue": "მნიშვნელობა",
- "commandTitle": "ბრძანება",
- "commandSend": "გაგზავნა",
- "commandType": "ტიპი",
- "commandSent": "ბრძანება გაიგზავნა",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "პერიოდული რეპორტი",
- "commandPositionStop": "რეპორტის შეჩერება",
- "commandEngineStop": "ძრავის გამორთვა",
- "commandEngineResume": "ძრავის ჩართვა",
- "commandFrequency": "სიხშირე",
- "commandUnit": "ერთეული",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/lo.json b/web/l10n/lo.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd641ac9..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/lo.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "ກຳລັງໂຫລດ...",
- "sharedSave": "ບັນທຶກ",
- "sharedCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
- "sharedAdd": "ເພີ່ມ",
- "sharedEdit": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
- "sharedRemove": "ລົບອອກ",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "ລົບລາຍການນີ້ບໍ່?",
- "sharedKm": "ກມ.",
- "sharedMi": "ໄມລ໌",
- "sharedKn": "ນ໊ອດ",
- "sharedKmh": "ກມ. /ຊມ.",
- "sharedMph": "ໄມລ໌ຕໍ່ຊົ່ວໂມງ",
- "sharedHour": "ຊົ່ວໂມງ",
- "sharedMinute": "ນາທີ",
- "sharedSecond": "ວິນາທີ",
- "sharedName": "ຊື່",
- "sharedDescription": "ລັກສະນະ",
- "sharedSearch": "ຄົ້ນຫາ",
- "sharedGeofence": "ເຂດພື້ນທີ່",
- "sharedGeofences": "ເຂດພື້ນທີ່",
- "sharedNotifications": "ການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ",
- "sharedAttributes": "ຄຸນລັກສະນະ",
- "sharedAttribute": "ຄຸນລັກສະນະ",
- "sharedArea": "ພື້ນທີ່",
- "sharedMute": "ປິດສຽງ",
- "errorTitle": "ຜິດພາດ",
- "errorUnknown": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດທີ່ບໍ່ຮູ້ຈັກ",
- "errorConnection": "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ຜິດພາດ",
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- "userPassword": "ລະຫັດຜ່ານ",
- "userAdmin": "ຜູ້ເບິ່ງແຍງລະບົບ",
- "userRemember": "ຈື່ໄວ້",
- "loginTitle": "ເຂົ້າສູ່ລະບົບ",
- "loginLanguage": "ພາສາ",
- "loginRegister": "ລົງທະບຽນ",
- "loginLogin": "ເຂົ້າສູ່ລະບົບ",
- "loginFailed": "ທີ່ຢູ່ອີເມວຫລືລະຫັດຜ່ານບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ",
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- "loginLogout": "ອອກຈາກລະບົບ",
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- "deviceTitle": "ເຄື່ອງ/ອຸປະກອນ",
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- "deviceLastUpdate": "ແກ້ໄຂລ່າສຸດ",
- "deviceCommand": "ຄຳສັ່ງ",
- "deviceFollow": "ຕິດຕາມ",
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- "groupParent": "ກຸ່ມ",
- "groupNoGroup": "ບໍ່ຈັດໃນກຸ່ມ",
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- "settingsUser": "ບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້",
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- "settingsServer": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າລະບົບ",
- "settingsUsers": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າຜູ້ໃຊ້ງານ",
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- "settingsSpeedUnit": "ຫນ່ວຍຄວາມໄວ",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "ຮູບແບບເວລາ 12 ຊົ່ວໂມງ",
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- "reportDevice": "ລາຍງານເຄື່ອງ/ອຸປະກອນ",
- "reportFrom": "ຈາກ",
- "reportTo": "ໄປເຖິງ",
- "reportShow": "ສະແດງ",
- "reportClear": "ລົບລ້າງລາຍງານ",
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- "positionValid": "ຖືກຕ້ອງ",
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- "positionLongitude": "ລອງຈິຈູດ",
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- "positionAddress": "ທີ່ຢູ່",
- "positionProtocol": "ໂປຣໂຕຄໍລ໌",
- "serverTitle": "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າເຊີເວີ້",
- "serverZoom": "ຂະຫຍາຍ +/-",
- "serverRegistration": "ລົງທະບຽນ",
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- "mapCustom": "ແຜ່ນທີ່ທີ່ກຳຫນົດເອງ",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps ສຳຄັນ",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps ຖະຫນົນ",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps ທາງອາກາດ",
- "mapShapePolygon": "ໂພລີກອນ",
- "mapShapeCircle": "ວົງກົມ",
- "stateTitle": "ສະຖານະ",
- "stateName": "ຄຸນລັກສະນະ",
- "stateValue": "ມູນຄ່າ",
- "commandTitle": "ຄຳສັ່ງ",
- "commandSend": "ສົ່ງ",
- "commandType": "ຊະນິດ",
- "commandSent": "ຄຳສັ່ງໄດ້ຖືກສົ່ງແລ້ວ",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "ແກ້ໄຂຕ່ຳແຫນ່ງ",
- "commandPositionStop": "ຕ່ຳແຫນ່ງ ຢຸດ",
- "commandEngineStop": "ດັບເຄື່ອງຈັກ",
- "commandEngineResume": "ຕິດເຄື່ອງຈັກຄືນໃຫມ່",
- "commandFrequency": "ຄວາມຖີ່",
- "commandUnit": "ຫນ່ວຍ",
- "commandCustom": "ຄຳສັ່ງກຳຫນົດເອງ",
- "commandPositionSingle": "ລາຍງານຕ່ຳແຫນ່ງດຽວ",
- "commandAlarmArm": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນຕິດຕໍ່ສາຂາ",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນຍົກເລີກຕິດຕໍ່ສາຂາ",
- "commandSetTimezone": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າເຂດເວລາ",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "ສັ່ງຖ່າຍຮູບ",
- "commandRebootDevice": "ຣີບູດ",
- "commandSendSms": "ສົ່ງ SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າເລກໝາຍໂທສຸກເສີນ SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າຊ່ວງເວລາຢຸດນິ່ງ",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າສະໝຸດໂທລະສັບ",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "ຂໍ້ຄວາມສຽງ",
- "commandOutputControl": "ຄວບຄຸມຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ສົ່ງອອກ",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນຄວາມໄວເກີນກຳນົດ",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "ໝາຍເລກອຸປະກອນ",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "ອຸປະກອນເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ແລ້ວ",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "ອຸປະກອນບໍ່ໄດ້ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "ອຸປະກອນກຳລັງເຄື່ອນທີ່",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "ອຸປະກອນບໍ່ເຄື່ອນໄຫວ",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "ອຸປະກອນເກີນກຳນົດຄວາມໄວ",
- "eventCommandResult": "ຜົນຮັບຈາກຄຳສັ່ງ",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "ອຸປະກອນເຂົ້າໃນເຂດພື້ນທີ່",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "ອຸປະກອນອອກນອກເຂດພື້ນທີ່",
- "eventAlarm": "ລາຍການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ",
- "alarm": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນ",
- "alarmSos": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນ SOS",
- "alarmVibration": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນແບບສັ່ນ",
- "alarmMovement": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນມີການເຄື່ອນທີ່",
- "alarmOverspeed": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນຄວາມໄວສູງເກີນກຳນົດ",
- "alarmFallDown": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນການຕົກ",
- "alarmLowBattery": "ແຈ້ງເຕືອນແບັດເຕີລີ້ອ່ອນ",
- "alarmMotion": "ແຈ້ງເຕື່ອນການເຄື່ອນທີ່",
- "alarmFault": "ແຈ້ງເຕື່ອນຜິດພາດ",
- "notificationType": "ຊະນິດການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ",
- "notificationWeb": "ສົ່ງທາງເວັບ",
- "notificationMail": "ສົ່ງທາງເມວ"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/lt.json b/web/l10n/lt.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea7b5847..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/lt.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Kraunasi..",
- "sharedSave": "Išsaugoti",
- "sharedCancel": "Atšaukti",
- "sharedAdd": "Pridėti",
- "sharedEdit": "Redaguoti",
- "sharedRemove": "Ištrinti",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Ar tikrais norite ištrinti?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "mazgai",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Valanda(-os)",
- "sharedMinute": "Minutė(-es)",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekundė(-es)",
- "sharedName": "Pavadinimas",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Paieška",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
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- "errorUnknown": "Nenumatyta klaida",
- "errorConnection": "Ryšio klaida",
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- "userPassword": "Slaptažodis",
- "userAdmin": "Administratorius",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Prisijungimas",
- "loginLanguage": "Kalba",
- "loginRegister": "Registruotis",
- "loginLogin": "Prisijungti",
- "loginFailed": "Neteisingas el.paštas ir/ar slaptažodis",
- "loginCreated": "Registracija sėkminga",
- "loginLogout": "Atsijungti",
- "devicesAndState": "Prietaisai ir Statusas",
- "deviceDialog": "Prietaisas",
- "deviceTitle": "Prietaisai",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikacinis kodas",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Naujausias atnaujinimas",
- "deviceCommand": "Komanda",
- "deviceFollow": "Sekti",
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- "groupParent": "Grupė",
- "groupNoGroup": "Nenurodyta grupė",
- "settingsTitle": "Nustatymai",
- "settingsUser": "Paskyra",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupės",
- "settingsServer": "Serveris",
- "settingsUsers": "Vartotojai",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Atstumas",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Greitis",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-val formatas",
- "reportTitle": "Ataskaita",
- "reportDevice": "Prietaisas",
- "reportFrom": "Nuo",
- "reportTo": "Iki",
- "reportShow": "Rodyti",
- "reportClear": "Valyti",
- "positionFixTime": "Laikas",
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- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "Būklė",
- "stateName": "Parametras",
- "stateValue": "Reikšmė",
- "commandTitle": "Komanda",
- "commandSend": "Siųsti",
- "commandType": "Tipas",
- "commandSent": "Komanda buvo išsiųsta",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodinės ataskaitos",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stabdyti ataskaitas",
- "commandEngineStop": "Stabdyti variklį",
- "commandEngineResume": "Paleisti variklį",
- "commandFrequency": "Dažnis",
- "commandUnit": "Vienetai",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/ml.json b/web/l10n/ml.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf288e9f..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ml.json
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "ലോഡുചെയ്യുന്നു ..",
- "sharedSave": "രക്ഷിക്കും",
- "sharedCancel": "റദ്ദാക്കുക",
- "sharedAdd": "ചേര്‍ക്കുക",
- "sharedEdit": "തിരുത്തുക",
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- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "വിഷയം നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക",
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- "sharedMi": "നാഴിക",
- "sharedKn": "കുരുക്ക്",
- "sharedKmh": "കിലോമീറ്റർ / മണിക്കൂർ",
- "sharedMph": "മണിക്കൂറിൽ മൈൽ",
- "sharedHour": "മണിക്കൂര്",
- "sharedMinute": "മിനിറ്റ്",
- "sharedSecond": "സെക്കന്റ്",
- "sharedName": "പേര്\n",
- "sharedDescription": "വിവരണം",
- "sharedSearch": "തിരയൽ",
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- "sharedGeofences": "ശില്പ്പശാല എർത്ത്",
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- "positionSpeed": "വേഗം",
- "positionCourse": "Course",
- "positionAddress": "Address",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
- "serverTitle": "Server Settings",
- "serverZoom": "വലുതാക്കിയോ ചെറുതാക്കിയോ കാണിക്കുക",
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- "commandType": "Type",
- "commandSent": "Command has been sent",
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- "commandPositionStop": "Stop Reporting",
- "commandEngineStop": "Engine Stop",
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- "commandFrequency": "Frequency",
- "commandUnit": "Unit",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
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- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
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- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
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index ecb769e9a..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ms.json
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- "sharedSave": "Simpan",
- "sharedCancel": "Batal",
- "sharedAdd": "Tambah",
- "sharedEdit": "Ubah",
- "sharedRemove": "Hapus",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Hapuskan item?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Jam",
- "sharedMinute": "Minit",
- "sharedSecond": "Saat",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
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- "sharedArea": "Area",
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- "errorUnknown": "Ralat tidak diketahui",
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- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Log masuk",
- "loginLanguage": "Bahasa",
- "loginRegister": "Daftar",
- "loginLogin": "Log masuk",
- "loginFailed": "Kesalahan emel atau katalaluan",
- "loginCreated": "Pengguna baru telah didaftarkan",
- "loginLogout": "Keluar",
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- "deviceDialog": "Peranti",
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- "deviceIdentifier": "IMEI/ID",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Kemaskini Terakhir",
- "deviceCommand": "Arahan",
- "deviceFollow": "Ikut",
- "groupDialog": "Group",
- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
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- "settingsUser": "Akaun",
- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Pengguna",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Jarak",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Kelajuan",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
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- "reportDevice": "Peranti",
- "reportFrom": "Daripada",
- "reportTo": "Ke",
- "reportShow": "Papar",
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- "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
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- "stateName": "Atribut",
- "stateValue": "Nilai",
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- "commandSend": "Hantar",
- "commandType": "Jenis",
- "commandSent": "Arahan telah dihantar",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Laporan Berkala",
- "commandPositionStop": "Hentikan Laporan",
- "commandEngineStop": "Matikan Enjin",
- "commandEngineResume": "Hidupkan Enjin",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekuensi",
- "commandUnit": "Unit",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
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- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/nb.json b/web/l10n/nb.json
deleted file mode 100644
index db6273d96..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/nb.json
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- "sharedSave": "Lagre",
- "sharedCancel": "Avbryt",
- "sharedAdd": "Legg til",
- "sharedEdit": "Endre",
- "sharedRemove": "Fjern",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Fjern element?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/t",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Time",
- "sharedMinute": "Minutt",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekund",
- "sharedName": "Navn",
- "sharedDescription": "Beskrivelse",
- "sharedSearch": "Søk",
- "sharedGeofence": "geo-gjerde",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geo-gjerder",
- "sharedNotifications": "Varsel",
- "sharedAttributes": "Egenskaper",
- "sharedAttribute": "Egenskap",
- "sharedArea": "Område",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Feil",
- "errorUnknown": "Ukjent feil",
- "errorConnection": "Forbindelse feilet",
- "userEmail": "E-post",
- "userPassword": "Passord",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Logg inn",
- "loginLanguage": "Språk",
- "loginRegister": "Registrer",
- "loginLogin": "Logg inn",
- "loginFailed": "Feil e-post eller passord",
- "loginCreated": "Ny bruker har blitt registrert",
- "loginLogout": "Logg ut",
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- "deviceTitle": "Enheter",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Sist oppdatert",
- "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
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- "groupParent": "Gruppe",
- "groupNoGroup": "Ingen gruppe",
- "settingsTitle": "Innstillinger",
- "settingsUser": "Konto",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupper",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Brukere",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Avstand",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hastighet",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Tolvtimersformat",
- "reportTitle": "Rapporter",
- "reportDevice": "Enhet",
- "reportFrom": "Fra",
- "reportTo": "Til",
- "reportShow": "Vis",
- "reportClear": "Nullstill",
- "positionFixTime": "Tid",
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- "stateTitle": "Status",
- "stateName": "Egenskap",
- "stateValue": "Verdi",
- "commandTitle": "Kommando",
- "commandSend": "Send",
- "commandType": "Type",
- "commandSent": "Kommando har blitt sendt",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk rapportering",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stopp rapportering",
- "commandEngineStop": "Stopp motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Fortsett motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
- "commandUnit": "Enhet",
- "commandCustom": "Egendefinert kommando",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel-rapportering",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Slå alarm på",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå alarm av",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Sett tidssone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Be om foto",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Omstart enhet",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Sett SOS-nummer",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Sett stilletid",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Sett telefonbok",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Talemelding",
- "commandOutputControl": "Utgangkontroll",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Fartsgrensealarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Enhetsidentifikasjon",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Enhet er tilkoblet",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Enhet er frakoblet",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Enheten beveger seg",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Enheten har stoppet",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Enheten bryter fartsgrensen",
- "eventCommandResult": "Kommandoresultat",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Enheten har kommet inn i geo-gjerde",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Enheten har forlatt geo-gjerde",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Varseltype",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via e-post"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/ne.json b/web/l10n/ne.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c36b9a6fb..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ne.json
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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- "sharedSave": "सुरक्षित गर्ने ",
- "sharedCancel": "रद्ध गर्ने ",
- "sharedAdd": "थप्ने",
- "sharedEdit": "सच्याउने",
- "sharedRemove": "हटाउने ",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "हटाउने हो?",
- "sharedKm": "कि मि ",
- "sharedMi": "माइल",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "कि मि /घण्टा ",
- "sharedMph": "माइल /घण्टा ",
- "sharedHour": "घण्टा ",
- "sharedMinute": "मिनेट ",
- "sharedSecond": "सेकेन्ड ",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
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- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
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- "errorUnknown": "अज्ञात त्रुटी ",
- "errorConnection": "जडान मा त्रुटी भयो ",
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- "userPassword": "गोप्य शब्द ",
- "userAdmin": "ब्यबस्थापक",
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- "loginLanguage": "भाषा ",
- "loginRegister": "दर्ता गर्ने",
- "loginLogin": "भित्रिने ",
- "loginFailed": "इ मेल वा गोप्य शब्द गलत भयो ",
- "loginCreated": "नया प्रयोगकर्ता दर्ता भयो ",
- "loginLogout": "बाहिरिने ",
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- "deviceTitle": "यन्त्रहरू ",
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- "deviceCommand": "आदेश ",
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- "reportShow": "देखाउने ",
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- "mapLayer": "नक्शा को तह ",
- "mapCustom": "अनुकुल नक्शा ",
- "mapOsm": "ओपन स्ट्रिट नक्शा ",
- "mapBingKey": "बिंग नक्शाको चाबी (कि) ",
- "mapBingRoad": "बिंग नक्शा (सडक)",
- "mapBingAerial": "बिंग नक्शा (एरियल)",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "अवस्था ",
- "stateName": "गुण ",
- "stateValue": "मूल्य ",
- "commandTitle": "आदेश ",
- "commandSend": "पठाउने ",
- "commandType": "प्रकार ",
- "commandSent": "आदेश पठाईएको छ ",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "आवधिक प्रतिबेदन ",
- "commandPositionStop": "प्रतिबेदन बन्द गर्ने ",
- "commandEngineStop": "इन्जिन बन्द गर्ने ",
- "commandEngineResume": "इन्जिन खोल्ने ",
- "commandFrequency": "आव्रती ",
- "commandUnit": "इकाई ",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/nl.json b/web/l10n/nl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e2071ff..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/nl.json
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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- "sharedSave": "Bewaren",
- "sharedCancel": "Annuleren",
- "sharedAdd": "Toevoegen",
- "sharedEdit": "Bewerken",
- "sharedRemove": "Verwijderen",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Item Verwijderen?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mijlen",
- "sharedKn": "knopen",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mijlen per uur",
- "sharedHour": "Uur",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuut",
- "sharedSecond": "Seconde",
- "sharedName": "Naam",
- "sharedDescription": "Omschrijving",
- "sharedSearch": "Zoeken",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geografisch gebied",
- "sharedGeofences": "Gegrafische gebieden",
- "sharedNotifications": "Melding",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributen",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribuut",
- "sharedArea": "Gebied",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
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- "errorUnknown": "Onbekende fout",
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- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Wachtwoord",
- "userAdmin": "Administrator",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Inloggen",
- "loginLanguage": "Taal",
- "loginRegister": "Registreren",
- "loginLogin": "Inloggen",
- "loginFailed": "Onjuiste emailadres of wachtwoord",
- "loginCreated": "Nieuwe gebruiker werd geregistreerd",
- "loginLogout": "Uitloggen",
- "devicesAndState": "Apparaat en Status",
- "deviceDialog": "Apparaat",
- "deviceTitle": "Apparaten",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifier",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Laatste Update",
- "deviceCommand": "Commando",
- "deviceFollow": "Volg",
- "groupDialog": "Groep",
- "groupParent": "Groep",
- "groupNoGroup": "Geen groep",
- "settingsTitle": "Instellingen",
- "settingsUser": "Account",
- "settingsGroups": "Groepen",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Gebruikers",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Afstand",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Snelheid",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-uur indeling",
- "reportTitle": "Rapportages",
- "reportDevice": "Apparaat",
- "reportFrom": "Van",
- "reportTo": "Naar",
- "reportShow": "Laat zien",
- "reportClear": "Leegmaken",
- "positionFixTime": "Tijd",
- "positionValid": "Geldig",
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- "positionLongitude": "Lengtegraad",
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- "positionSpeed": "Snelheid",
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- "positionAddress": "Adres",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
- "serverTitle": "Server Instellingen",
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- "serverRegistration": "Registratie",
- "serverReadonly": "Alleen lezen",
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- "mapLayer": "Kaart laag",
- "mapCustom": "Aangepaste Map",
- "mapOsm": "OpenStreetMap",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps sleutel",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Wegen",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Luchtfoto",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygoon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Cirkel",
- "stateTitle": "Status",
- "stateName": "Parameter",
- "stateValue": "Waarde",
- "commandTitle": "Commando",
- "commandSend": "Verstuur",
- "commandType": "Type",
- "commandSent": "Commando Verstuurd",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodiek Rapporteren",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stop Rapporteren",
- "commandEngineStop": "Motor Stoppen",
- "commandEngineResume": "Motor Hervatten",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequentie",
- "commandUnit": "Eenheid",
- "commandCustom": "Custom commando",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel commando",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Schakel alarm in",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Schakel alarm uit",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Stel tijdzone in",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Vraag foto",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Herstart apparaat",
- "commandSendSms": "Stuur SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Bewerk SOS nummer in",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Bewerk stille tijd",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Bewerk telefoonboek",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Spraak bericht",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Hoge snelheid alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Apparaat indentificeren",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Apparaat is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Apparaat is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Apparaat beweegt",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Apparaat is gestopt",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Apparaat overschrijdt snelheid",
- "eventCommandResult": "Commando resultaat",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Appraat is binnen geografisch gebied",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Apparaat verlaat geografisch gebied",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type notificatie",
- "notificationWeb": "Stuur via web",
- "notificationMail": "Stuur via mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/nn.json b/web/l10n/nn.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c79ed1546..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/nn.json
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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- "sharedSave": "Lagre",
- "sharedCancel": "Avbryt",
- "sharedAdd": "Legg til",
- "sharedEdit": "Endre",
- "sharedRemove": "Fjern",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Fjern element?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/t",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Time",
- "sharedMinute": "Minutt",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekund",
- "sharedName": "Namn",
- "sharedDescription": "Beskriving",
- "sharedSearch": "Søk",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geo-gjerde",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geo-gjerde",
- "sharedNotifications": "Varsel",
- "sharedAttributes": "Eigenskapar",
- "sharedAttribute": "Eigenskap",
- "sharedArea": "Område",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Feil",
- "errorUnknown": "Ukjent feil",
- "errorConnection": "Forbindelse feila",
- "userEmail": "E-post",
- "userPassword": "Passord",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Logg inn",
- "loginLanguage": "Språk",
- "loginRegister": "Registrer",
- "loginLogin": "Logg inn",
- "loginFailed": "Feil e-post eller passord",
- "loginCreated": "Ny brukar har blitt registrert",
- "loginLogout": "Logg ut",
- "devicesAndState": "Einingar og status",
- "deviceDialog": "Eining",
- "deviceTitle": "Einingar",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Sist oppdatert",
- "deviceCommand": "Kommando",
- "deviceFollow": "Følj",
- "groupDialog": "Gruppe",
- "groupParent": "Gruppe",
- "groupNoGroup": "Inga gruppe",
- "settingsTitle": "Innstillingar",
- "settingsUser": "Konto",
- "settingsGroups": "Gruppar",
- "settingsServer": "Tenar",
- "settingsUsers": "Brukarar",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Avstand",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hastigheit",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Tolvtimersformat",
- "reportTitle": "Rapportar",
- "reportDevice": "Eining",
- "reportFrom": "Frå",
- "reportTo": "Til",
- "reportShow": "Syn",
- "reportClear": "Nullstill",
- "positionFixTime": "Tid",
- "positionValid": "Gyldig",
- "positionLatitude": "Breddegrad",
- "positionLongitude": "Lengdegrad",
- "positionAltitude": "Høgde",
- "positionSpeed": "Hastigheit",
- "positionCourse": "Retning",
- "positionAddress": "Adresse",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokoll",
- "serverTitle": "Tenarinnstillingar",
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- "serverRegistration": "Registering",
- "serverReadonly": "Skrivebeskytta",
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- "mapCustom": "Eigedefinert kart",
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- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps-nøkkel",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps-veg",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps-flyfoto",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Mangekant",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Sirkel",
- "stateTitle": "Status",
- "stateName": "Eigenskap",
- "stateValue": "Verdi",
- "commandTitle": "Kommando",
- "commandSend": "Send",
- "commandType": "Type",
- "commandSent": "Kommando har blitt send",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodisk rapportering",
- "commandPositionStop": "Stopp rapportering",
- "commandEngineStop": "Stopp motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Fortsett motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvens",
- "commandUnit": "Eining",
- "commandCustom": "Eigendefinert kommando",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Enkel-rapportering",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Slå alarm på",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Slå alarm av",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Sett opp tidssone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Be om foto",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Omstart eining",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SMS-nummer",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Sett stilletid",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Sett telefonkatalog",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Talemelding",
- "commandOutputControl": "Utgangkontroll",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Fartsgrensealarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Einingsidentifikasjon",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Eining er tilkopla",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Eininga er fråkopla",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Eininga rører seg",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Eininga er stoppa",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Eininga bryt fartsgrensa",
- "eventCommandResult": "Kommandoresultat",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Eininga har komme inn i geo-gjerde",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Eininga har forlatt geo-gjerde",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Varseltype",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via e-post"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/pl.json b/web/l10n/pl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 742103c4f..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/pl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Wczytywanie...",
- "sharedSave": "Zapisz",
- "sharedCancel": "Anuluj",
- "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
- "sharedEdit": "Edytuj",
- "sharedRemove": "Usuń",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Usuń obiekt?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Godzina",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Bląd",
- "errorUnknown": "Nieznany błąd",
- "errorConnection": "Błąd przy połączeniu",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Hasło",
- "userAdmin": "Administrator",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Logowanie",
- "loginLanguage": "Język",
- "loginRegister": "Rejestracja",
- "loginLogin": "Zaloguj",
- "loginFailed": "Nieprawidłowy adres e-mail lub hasło",
- "loginCreated": "Nowy użytkownik został zarejestrowany",
- "loginLogout": "Wyloguj",
- "devicesAndState": "Devices and State",
- "deviceDialog": "Urządzenie",
- "deviceTitle": "Urządzenia",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identyfikator",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
- "deviceCommand": "Zdarzenie",
- "deviceFollow": "Follow",
- "groupDialog": "Group",
- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "Ustawienia",
- "settingsUser": "Konto",
- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "Serwer",
- "settingsUsers": "Użytkownicy",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Dystans",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Prędkość",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Raporty",
- "reportDevice": "Urządzenie",
- "reportFrom": "Z",
- "reportTo": "Do",
- "reportShow": "Wczytaj",
- "reportClear": "Wyczyść",
- "positionFixTime": "Czas",
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- "positionAltitude": "Wysokość",
- "positionSpeed": "Prędkość",
- "positionCourse": "Kurs",
- "positionAddress": "Adres",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokół",
- "serverTitle": "Ustawienia serwera",
- "serverZoom": "Powiększenie",
- "serverRegistration": "Rejestracja",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
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- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
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- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "Lokalizacja",
- "stateName": "Właściwości",
- "stateValue": "Wartość",
- "commandTitle": "Zdarzenie",
- "commandSend": "Wyślij",
- "commandType": "Typ",
- "commandSent": "Komenda została wysłana",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pozycja - Fix",
- "commandPositionStop": "Pozycja - Stop",
- "commandEngineStop": "Silnik - Stop",
- "commandEngineResume": "Silnik - Praca",
- "commandFrequency": "Częstotliwość",
- "commandUnit": "Jednostka",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/pt.json b/web/l10n/pt.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3492bdc5c..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/pt.json
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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- "sharedSave": "Salvar",
- "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
- "sharedAdd": "Adicionar",
- "sharedEdit": "Editar",
- "sharedRemove": "Remover",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remover item?",
- "sharedKm": "Km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "Km/h",
- "sharedMph": "Mph",
- "sharedHour": "Hora",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
- "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
- "sharedName": "Name",
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- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
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- "sharedMute": "Mute",
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- "errorUnknown": "Erro desconhecido",
- "errorConnection": "Erro de conexão",
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- "userPassword": "Senha",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Entrar",
- "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
- "loginRegister": "Registrar",
- "loginLogin": "Entrar",
- "loginFailed": "Endereço de e-mail ou senha incorreta",
- "loginCreated": "Novo usuário foi registrado",
- "loginLogout": "Sair",
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- "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
- "deviceCommand": "Comando",
- "deviceFollow": "Follow",
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- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
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- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
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- "settingsUsers": "Usuário",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distância",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Velocidade",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Relatórios",
- "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
- "reportFrom": "De",
- "reportTo": "Para",
- "reportShow": "Mostrar",
- "reportClear": "Limpar",
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- "stateName": "Parâmetro",
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- "commandSend": "Enviar",
- "commandType": "Tipo",
- "commandSent": "Comando foi enviado",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Posição Tempo",
- "commandPositionStop": "Parar Posição",
- "commandEngineStop": "Bloqueio Veículo",
- "commandEngineResume": "Desbloqueio Veículo",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequência",
- "commandUnit": "Unidade",
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- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/pt_BR.json b/web/l10n/pt_BR.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d613dd1c..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Carregando...",
- "sharedSave": "Gravar",
- "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
- "sharedAdd": "Adicionar",
- "sharedEdit": "Editar",
- "sharedRemove": "Remover",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Remover item?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Hora",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
- "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
- "sharedName": "Nome",
- "sharedDescription": "Descrição",
- "sharedSearch": "Busca",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geocerca",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geocercas",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notificações",
- "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
- "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
- "sharedArea": "Área",
- "sharedMute": "Mudo",
- "errorTitle": "Erro",
- "errorUnknown": "Erro desconhecido",
- "errorConnection": "Erro de conexão",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Senha",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Entrar",
- "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
- "loginRegister": "Registrar",
- "loginLogin": "Entrar",
- "loginFailed": "Endereço de email ou senha incorretos",
- "loginCreated": "O novo usuário foi registrado",
- "loginLogout": "Sair",
- "devicesAndState": "Dispositivo e Estado",
- "deviceDialog": "Dispositivo",
- "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Atualização",
- "deviceCommand": "Comando",
- "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
- "groupDialog": "Grupo",
- "groupParent": "Grupo",
- "groupNoGroup": "Sem Grupo",
- "settingsTitle": "Configurações",
- "settingsUser": "Conta",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
- "settingsServer": "Servidor",
- "settingsUsers": "Usuários",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distância",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Velocidade",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12 Horas",
- "reportTitle": "Relatórios",
- "reportDevice": "Dispositivo",
- "reportFrom": "De",
- "reportTo": "Para",
- "reportShow": "Mostrar",
- "reportClear": "Limpar",
- "positionFixTime": "Tempo",
- "positionValid": "Válido",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitude",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitude",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitude",
- "positionSpeed": "Velocidade",
- "positionCourse": "Curso",
- "positionAddress": "Endereço",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
- "serverTitle": "Configurações do Servidor",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Registro",
- "serverReadonly": "Somente leitura",
- "mapTitle": "Mapa",
- "mapLayer": "Camada de Mapa",
- "mapCustom": "Mapa Personalizado",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Estradas",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aéreo",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
- "stateTitle": "Estado",
- "stateName": "Atributo",
- "stateValue": "Valor",
- "commandTitle": "Comando",
- "commandSend": "Enviar",
- "commandType": "Tipo",
- "commandSent": "Comando foi enviado",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Atualização Periódica",
- "commandPositionStop": "Parar Atualizaçao",
- "commandEngineStop": "Desligar Motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Religar Motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frequencia",
- "commandUnit": "Unidade",
- "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Relatório único",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Ativar Alarme",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desativar Alarme",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Definir fuso horário",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Pegar foto",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
- "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Definir numero SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Silencioso",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Definir lista telefônica",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensagem de voz",
- "commandOutputControl": "Controle de saída",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alarme de excesso de velocidade",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificação do dispositivo",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Dispositivo está on-line",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Dispositivo está offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Dispositivo está se movendo",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Dispositivo está parado",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Dispositivo excede a velocidade",
- "eventCommandResult": "Resultado do comando",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Dispositivo entrou geocerca",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Dispositivo saiu geocerca",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarmes",
- "alarm": "Alarme",
- "alarmSos": "Alarme SOS",
- "alarmVibration": "Alarme de Vibração",
- "alarmMovement": "Alarme de Movimento",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Alarme de Alta Velocidade",
- "alarmFallDown": "Alarme de Queda",
- "alarmLowBattery": "Alarme de Bateria Fraca",
- "alarmMotion": "Alarme de Movimento",
- "alarmFault": "Alarme de Problema",
- "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificação",
- "notificationWeb": "Enviar via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Enviar via Email"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/ro.json b/web/l10n/ro.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 950eb2845..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ro.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Se încarcă",
- "sharedSave": "Salvează",
- "sharedCancel": "Anulează",
- "sharedAdd": "Adaugă",
- "sharedEdit": "Modifică",
- "sharedRemove": "Elimină",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Ștergeți obiectul?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Oră",
- "sharedMinute": "Minut",
- "sharedSecond": "Secundă",
- "sharedName": "Nume",
- "sharedDescription": "Descriere",
- "sharedSearch": "Căutare",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notificările",
- "sharedAttributes": "Atribute",
- "sharedAttribute": "Atribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Eroare",
- "errorUnknown": "Eroare necunoscută",
- "errorConnection": "Eroare de conexiune",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Parolă",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Autentificare",
- "loginLanguage": "Limbă",
- "loginRegister": "Înregistrare",
- "loginLogin": "Intră în cont",
- "loginFailed": "E-mail sau parolă incorectă",
- "loginCreated": "Un utilizator nou a fost înregistrat",
- "loginLogout": "Deconectare",
- "devicesAndState": "Stare dispozitive",
- "deviceDialog": "Dispozitiv",
- "deviceTitle": "Dispozitive",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identificator",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Ultima actualizare",
- "deviceCommand": "Comandă",
- "deviceFollow": "Urmareste",
- "groupDialog": "Grup",
- "groupParent": "Grup",
- "groupNoGroup": "Nici-un grup",
- "settingsTitle": "Setări",
- "settingsUser": "Cont",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupuri",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Utilizatori",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distanţă",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Viteză",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-oră",
- "reportTitle": "Rapoarte",
- "reportDevice": "Dispozitiv",
- "reportFrom": "De la ",
- "reportTo": "Până la",
- "reportShow": "Arată",
- "reportClear": "Sterge",
- "positionFixTime": "Timp",
- "positionValid": "Valabil",
- "positionLatitude": "Latitudine",
- "positionLongitude": "Longitudine",
- "positionAltitude": "Altitudine",
- "positionSpeed": "Viteză",
- "positionCourse": "Curs",
- "positionAddress": "Adresă",
- "positionProtocol": "Protocol",
- "serverTitle": "Setări server",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Înregistrare",
- "serverReadonly": "Doar citire",
- "mapTitle": "Hartă",
- "mapLayer": "Strat Hartă",
- "mapCustom": "Personalizare Hartă",
- "mapOsm": "Hartă Open Street",
- "mapBingKey": "Cheie Hărți Bing",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Hartă Drumuri",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Hartă Aeriană",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Poligon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Cerc",
- "stateTitle": "Stare",
- "stateName": "Atribut",
- "stateValue": "Valoare",
- "commandTitle": "Comandă",
- "commandSend": "Trimite",
- "commandType": "Tip",
- "commandSent": "Comandă a fost trimisa",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Raportarea Periodică",
- "commandPositionStop": "Oprire Raportare",
- "commandEngineStop": "Blocare Motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Deblocare Motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frecvenţă",
- "commandUnit": "Unitate",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Trimite SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set număr SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Timp Silențios",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Agendă telefonică",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Vesaj Vocal",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/ru.json b/web/l10n/ru.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 412443f15..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/ru.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Загрузка...",
- "sharedSave": "Сохранить",
- "sharedCancel": "Отмена",
- "sharedAdd": "Добавить",
- "sharedEdit": "Редактировать",
- "sharedRemove": "Удалить",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Удалить элемент?",
- "sharedKm": "км",
- "sharedMi": "мили",
- "sharedKn": "уз",
- "sharedKmh": "км/ч",
- "sharedMph": "миль/ч",
- "sharedHour": "Часы",
- "sharedMinute": "Минуты",
- "sharedSecond": "Секунды",
- "sharedName": "Имя",
- "sharedDescription": "Описание",
- "sharedSearch": "Поиск",
- "sharedGeofence": "Геозона",
- "sharedGeofences": "Геозоны",
- "sharedNotifications": "Уведомления",
- "sharedAttributes": "Атрибуты",
- "sharedAttribute": "Атрибут",
- "sharedArea": "Область",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Ошибка",
- "errorUnknown": "Неизвестная ошибка",
- "errorConnection": "Ошибка соединения",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Пароль",
- "userAdmin": "Администратор",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Вход",
- "loginLanguage": "Язык",
- "loginRegister": "Регистрация",
- "loginLogin": "Вход",
- "loginFailed": "Неправильный email адрес или пароль",
- "loginCreated": "Новый пользователь зарегистрирован",
- "loginLogout": "Выход",
- "devicesAndState": "Устройства и Состояния",
- "deviceDialog": "Устройство",
- "deviceTitle": "Устройства",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Идентификатор",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Последнее Обновление",
- "deviceCommand": "Команда",
- "deviceFollow": "Следовать",
- "groupDialog": "Группа",
- "groupParent": "Группа",
- "groupNoGroup": "Без Группы",
- "settingsTitle": "Настройки",
- "settingsUser": "Аккаунт",
- "settingsGroups": "Группы",
- "settingsServer": "Сервер",
- "settingsUsers": "Пользователи",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Расстояние",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Скорость",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-часовой формат",
- "reportTitle": "Отчеты",
- "reportDevice": "Устройство",
- "reportFrom": "С",
- "reportTo": "По",
- "reportShow": "Показать",
- "reportClear": "Очистить",
- "positionFixTime": "Время",
- "positionValid": "Корректность",
- "positionLatitude": "Широта",
- "positionLongitude": "Долгота",
- "positionAltitude": "Высота",
- "positionSpeed": "Скорость",
- "positionCourse": "Курс",
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- "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
- "serverTitle": "Настройки Сервера",
- "serverZoom": "Приближение",
- "serverRegistration": "Регистрация",
- "serverReadonly": "Только Просмотр",
- "mapTitle": "Карта",
- "mapLayer": "Слой Карты",
- "mapCustom": "Пользовательская карта",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Ключ Bing Maps",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Дороги",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Спутник",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Многоугольник",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Круг",
- "stateTitle": "Состояние",
- "stateName": "Параметр",
- "stateValue": "Значение",
- "commandTitle": "Команда",
- "commandSend": "Отправить",
- "commandType": "Тип",
- "commandSent": "Команда отправлена",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Начать Отслеживание",
- "commandPositionStop": "Отменить Отслеживание",
- "commandEngineStop": "Заблокировать Двигатель",
- "commandEngineResume": "Разблокировать Двигатель",
- "commandFrequency": "Частота",
- "commandUnit": "Единицы",
- "commandCustom": "Пользовательская команда",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Разовое Отслеживание",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Активировать Сигнализацию",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Деактивировать Сигнализацию",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Настроить Часовой пояс",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Запросить Фото",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Перезагрузить Устройство",
- "commandSendSms": "Отправить СМС",
- "commandSosNumber": "Настроить Экстренный Номер",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Настроить Время Тишины",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Настроить Телефонную книгу",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Голосовое Сообщение",
- "commandOutputControl": "Контроль Выхода",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Превышение Скорости",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Идентификация Устройства",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Устройство в сети",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Устройство не в сети",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Устройство движется",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Устройство остановилось",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Устройство превышает скорость",
- "eventCommandResult": "Результат команды",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Устройство вошло в геозону",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Устройство покинуло геозону",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Тип уведомления",
- "notificationWeb": "Отправлять через Веб",
- "notificationMail": "Отправлять через Почту"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/si.json b/web/l10n/si.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a76ca968..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/si.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "පූරණය කරමින් ...",
- "sharedSave": "සුරකින්න",
- "sharedCancel": "අවලංගු කරන්න",
- "sharedAdd": "එක් කරන්න",
- "sharedEdit": "සංස්කරණය කරන්න",
- "sharedRemove": "ඉවත් කරන්න",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "අයිතමය ඉවත් කරන්න ද?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "පැය",
- "sharedMinute": "මිනිත්තු",
- "sharedSecond": "තත්පර",
- "sharedName": "නම",
- "sharedDescription": "විස්තරය",
- "sharedSearch": "සොයන්න",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "නිවේදන",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "ප්‍රදේශය",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "දෝෂයක් ",
- "errorUnknown": "නොදන්නා දෝෂයක් !",
- "errorConnection": "සම්බන්ධතා දෝෂයක් !",
- "userEmail": "විද්යුත් තැපෑල",
- "userPassword": "මුරපදය",
- "userAdmin": "පරිපාලක",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "පිවිසුම් ගිණුම",
- "loginLanguage": "භාෂාව",
- "loginRegister": "ලියාපදිංචි කරන්න",
- "loginLogin": "පිවිසුම",
- "loginFailed": "ඊ-මේල් ලිපිනය හෝ මුරපදය වැරදිය !",
- "loginCreated": "නව පරිශීලක ලියාපදිංචි කරන ලදි !",
- "loginLogout": "ඉවත්වන්න",
- "devicesAndState": "උපාංග සහ ස්වභාවය",
- "deviceDialog": "උපාංගය",
- "deviceTitle": "උපාංග",
- "deviceIdentifier": "හඳුනාගැනීමේ කේතය",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "අවසන් යාවත්කාලීනය",
- "deviceCommand": "විධානය",
- "deviceFollow": "Follow",
- "groupDialog": "සමූහය",
- "groupParent": "සමූහය",
- "groupNoGroup": "සමූහ එපා",
- "settingsTitle": "සැකසුම්",
- "settingsUser": "ගිණුම",
- "settingsGroups": "සමූහ",
- "settingsServer": "සේවාදායකය",
- "settingsUsers": "පරිශීලකයන්",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "දුර",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "වේගය",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "වාර්තා",
- "reportDevice": "උපාංගය",
- "reportFrom": "සිට",
- "reportTo": "දක්වා",
- "reportShow": "පෙන්වන්න",
- "reportClear": "ඉවත් කරන්න",
- "positionFixTime": "කාලය",
- "positionValid": "වලංගු",
- "positionLatitude": "අක්ෂාංශ",
- "positionLongitude": "දේශාංශ",
- "positionAltitude": "උන්නතාංශය",
- "positionSpeed": "වේගය",
- "positionCourse": "දිගංශය",
- "positionAddress": "ලිපිනය",
- "positionProtocol": "ප්රොටොකෝලය",
- "serverTitle": "සේවාදායකයේ සැකසුම්",
- "serverZoom": "විශාලනය",
- "serverRegistration": "ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
- "mapTitle": "සිතියම",
- "mapLayer": "සිතියම් ස්තරය",
- "mapCustom": "අභිරුචි සිතියම",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "බහුඅශ්‍රය",
- "mapShapeCircle": "වෘත්තය",
- "stateTitle": "තත්වය",
- "stateName": "පරාමිතිය",
- "stateValue": "අගය",
- "commandTitle": "විධානය",
- "commandSend": "යවන්න",
- "commandType": "වර්ගය",
- "commandSent": "විධානය යවා ඇත",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "ආවර්තිතව වාර්තා කරන්න",
- "commandPositionStop": "වාර්තා කිරීම නවත්වන්න",
- "commandEngineStop": "එන්ජිම නවත්වන්න",
- "commandEngineResume": "එන්ජිම නැවත ආරම්භ කරන්න",
- "commandFrequency": "සංඛ්යාතය",
- "commandUnit": "ඒකකය",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/sk.json b/web/l10n/sk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d36c3dd6..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/sk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Načítava...",
- "sharedSave": "Uložiť",
- "sharedCancel": "Zrušiť",
- "sharedAdd": "Pridať",
- "sharedEdit": "Upraviť",
- "sharedRemove": "Odstrániť",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstrániť položku?",
- "sharedKm": "Km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "Km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Hodina",
- "sharedMinute": "Minúta",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
- "sharedName": "Meno",
- "sharedDescription": "Popis",
- "sharedSearch": "Hľadať",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifikácie",
- "sharedAttributes": "Atribúty",
- "sharedAttribute": "Atribút",
- "sharedArea": "Oblasť",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Chyba",
- "errorUnknown": "Neznáma chyba",
- "errorConnection": "Chyba pripojenia",
- "userEmail": "E-mail",
- "userPassword": "Heslo",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Prihlásenie",
- "loginLanguage": "Jazyk",
- "loginRegister": "Registrovať",
- "loginLogin": "Prihlásenie",
- "loginFailed": "Nesprávna e-mailová adresa alebo heslo",
- "loginCreated": "Nový užívateľ sa zaregistroval",
- "loginLogout": "Odhlásiť",
- "devicesAndState": "Zariadenia a Status",
- "deviceDialog": "Zariadenie",
- "deviceTitle": "Zariadena",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikátor",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Posledný update",
- "deviceCommand": "Príkaz",
- "deviceFollow": "Nasleduj",
- "groupDialog": "Skupina",
- "groupParent": "Skupina",
- "groupNoGroup": "Žiadna skupina",
- "settingsTitle": "Nastavenia",
- "settingsUser": "Účet",
- "settingsGroups": "Skupiny",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Užívatelia",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Vzdialenosť",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Rýchlosť jazdy",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hodinový formát",
- "reportTitle": "Správy",
- "reportDevice": "Zariadenie",
- "reportFrom": "Od",
- "reportTo": "Do",
- "reportShow": "Zobraziť",
- "reportClear": "Vyčistiť",
- "positionFixTime": "Čas",
- "positionValid": "Platný",
- "positionLatitude": "Šírka",
- "positionLongitude": "Dĺžka",
- "positionAltitude": "Výška",
- "positionSpeed": "Rýchlosť jazdy",
- "positionCourse": "Kurz",
- "positionAddress": "Adresa",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
- "serverTitle": "Nastavenie servera",
- "serverZoom": "Zoom",
- "serverRegistration": "Registrácia",
- "serverReadonly": "Iba na čítanie",
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- "mapLayer": "Mapové vrstvy",
- "mapCustom": "Vlastná mapa",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Klúč Bing Maps",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Arial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygón",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Kruh",
- "stateTitle": "Štát",
- "stateName": "Parameter",
- "stateValue": "Hodnota",
- "commandTitle": "Príkaz",
- "commandSend": "Odoslať",
- "commandType": "Typ",
- "commandSent": "Príkaz bol odoslaný",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Pravidelné podávanie správ",
- "commandPositionStop": "Zastavte podávanie správ",
- "commandEngineStop": "Zastavenie motora",
- "commandEngineResume": "Spustenie motora",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvencia",
- "commandUnit": "Jednotka",
- "commandCustom": "Vlastný príkaz",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Jednoduché podávanie správ",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Nastaviť upozornenie",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Zrušiť upozornenie",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Nastaviť časovú zónu",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Poslať fotku",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Rebootovať zariadenie",
- "commandSendSms": "Postať SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Nastaviť čislo SOS",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Nastav tichý čas",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Nastav telefónny zoznam",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Hlasové správy",
- "commandOutputControl": "Výstupná kontrola",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Upozornenie na prekročenie rýchlosti",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikácia zariadenia",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Zariadenie je online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Zariadenie je offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Zariadenie je v pohybe",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Zariadenie je zastavené",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Zariadenie prekročilo rýchlosť",
- "eventCommandResult": "Výsledok príkazu",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Zariadenie vstúpilo geofence zóny",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Zariadenie opustilo geofence zónu",
- "eventAlarm": "Upozornenia",
- "alarm": "Upozornenie",
- "alarmSos": "SOS upozornenie",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibračné upozornenie",
- "alarmMovement": "Upozornenie pohnutia",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Upozornenie prekročenia rýchlosti ",
- "alarmFallDown": "Upozornenie FallDown ",
- "alarmLowBattery": "Upozornenie LowBattery",
- "alarmMotion": "Upozornenie pohybu",
- "alarmFault": "Upozorneie poruchy",
- "notificationType": "Typ notifikácie",
- "notificationWeb": "Poslať cez Web",
- "notificationMail": "Poslať e-mailom"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/sl.json b/web/l10n/sl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fc5e5e309..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/sl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Nalagam...",
- "sharedSave": "Shrani",
- "sharedCancel": "Prekini",
- "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
- "sharedEdit": "Uredi",
- "sharedRemove": "Odstrani",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Odstranim zapis?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Ura",
- "sharedMinute": "Minuta",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Napaka",
- "errorUnknown": "Neznana napaka",
- "errorConnection": "Napaka v povezavi",
- "userEmail": "E-Pošta",
- "userPassword": "Geslo",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Prijava",
- "loginLanguage": "Jezik",
- "loginRegister": "Registracija",
- "loginLogin": "Prijava",
- "loginFailed": "Nepravilna e-pošta ali geslo",
- "loginCreated": "Nov uporabnik je registriran",
- "loginLogout": "Odjava",
- "devicesAndState": "Devices and State",
- "deviceDialog": "Naprave",
- "deviceTitle": "Naprave",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikacija",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
- "deviceCommand": "Ukaz",
- "deviceFollow": "Follow",
- "groupDialog": "Group",
- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "Nastavitve",
- "settingsUser": "Račun",
- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "Strežnik",
- "settingsUsers": "Uporabniki",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Razdalja",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Hitrost",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Poročila",
- "reportDevice": "Naprava",
- "reportFrom": "Od",
- "reportTo": "Do",
- "reportShow": "Prikaži",
- "reportClear": "Očisti",
- "positionFixTime": "Čas",
- "positionValid": "Veljavnost",
- "positionLatitude": "Širina",
- "positionLongitude": "Dolžina",
- "positionAltitude": "Višina",
- "positionSpeed": "Hitrost",
- "positionCourse": "Smer",
- "positionAddress": "Naslov",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
- "serverTitle": "Nastavitve strežnika",
- "serverZoom": "Povečava",
- "serverRegistration": "Registracija",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
- "mapTitle": "Karta",
- "mapLayer": "Zemljevidi",
- "mapCustom": "Poljubna karta",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Karta",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Mapk Ključ",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Ceste",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Satelit",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "Stanje",
- "stateName": "Parameter",
- "stateValue": "Vrednost",
- "commandTitle": "Ukaz",
- "commandSend": "Pošlji",
- "commandType": "Tip",
- "commandSent": "Ukaz poslan",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodično poročanje",
- "commandPositionStop": "Ustavi poročanje",
- "commandEngineStop": "Ugasni motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Prižgi motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvenca",
- "commandUnit": "Naprava",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/sr.json b/web/l10n/sr.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b36e514e..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/sr.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Učitava...",
- "sharedSave": "Sačuvaj",
- "sharedCancel": "Odustani",
- "sharedAdd": "Dodaj",
- "sharedEdit": "Podesi",
- "sharedRemove": "Ukloni",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Ukloniti jedinicu?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "mi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Čas",
- "sharedMinute": "Minut",
- "sharedSecond": "Sekunda",
- "sharedName": "Ime",
- "sharedDescription": "Opis",
- "sharedSearch": "Traži",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geoograda",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geoograde",
- "sharedNotifications": "Obaveštenja",
- "sharedAttributes": "Osobine",
- "sharedAttribute": "Osobina",
- "sharedArea": "Oblast",
- "sharedMute": "Nečujno",
- "errorTitle": "Greška",
- "errorUnknown": "Nepoznata greška",
- "errorConnection": "Greška u konekciji",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Lozinka",
- "userAdmin": "Admin",
- "userRemember": "Zapamti",
- "loginTitle": "Prijava",
- "loginLanguage": "Jezik",
- "loginRegister": "Registruj se",
- "loginLogin": "Prijava",
- "loginFailed": "Neispravna email adresa ili lozinka",
- "loginCreated": "Novi korisnik je registrovan",
- "loginLogout": "Odjava",
- "devicesAndState": "Uređaji i Stanje ",
- "deviceDialog": "Uređaj",
- "deviceTitle": "Uređaji",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Identifikator",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Poslednji kontakt",
- "deviceCommand": "Komanda",
- "deviceFollow": "Prati",
- "groupDialog": "Grupa",
- "groupParent": "Grupa",
- "groupNoGroup": "Nema grupe",
- "settingsTitle": "Podešavanja",
- "settingsUser": "Nalog",
- "settingsGroups": "Grupe",
- "settingsServer": "Server",
- "settingsUsers": "Korisnici",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Udaljenost",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Brzina",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-časovni format",
- "reportTitle": "Izveštaji",
- "reportDevice": "Uređaj",
- "reportFrom": "Od",
- "reportTo": "Do",
- "reportShow": "Prikaži",
- "reportClear": "Izbriši",
- "positionFixTime": "Vreme",
- "positionValid": "Ispravno",
- "positionLatitude": "Geografska širina",
- "positionLongitude": "Geografska dužina",
- "positionAltitude": "Visina",
- "positionSpeed": "Brzina",
- "positionCourse": "Pravac",
- "positionAddress": "Adresa",
- "positionProtocol": "Protokol",
- "serverTitle": "Podešavanja Servera",
- "serverZoom": "Zumiranje",
- "serverRegistration": "Registracija",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly verzija",
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- "mapLayer": "Vrsta Mape",
- "mapCustom": "Prilagođena mapa",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Višeugao",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Krug",
- "stateTitle": "Stanje",
- "stateName": "Parametar",
- "stateValue": "Vrednost",
- "commandTitle": "Komanda",
- "commandSend": "Pošalji",
- "commandType": "Tip",
- "commandSent": "Komanda je poslata",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Periodično izveštavanje",
- "commandPositionStop": "Prekini izveštavanja",
- "commandEngineStop": "Zaustavi motor",
- "commandEngineResume": "Pokreni motor",
- "commandFrequency": "Frekvencija",
- "commandUnit": "Jedinica",
- "commandCustom": "Prilagođena komanda",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Izveštaj za jednog",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Omogući alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Onemogući alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Podesi vremensku zonu",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Zahtevaj fotografiju",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Ponovo pokreni uređaj",
- "commandSendSms": "Pošalji SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Podesi SOS broj",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Podesi nečujno vreme ",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Podesi kontakte",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Glasovna poruka",
- "commandOutputControl": "Kontrola izlaza",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alarm prekoračenja brzine",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identifikacija uređaja",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Uređaj je na mreži",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Uređaj je van mreže",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Uređaj se kreće",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Uređaj je zaustavljen",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Uređaj prelazi brzinu",
- "eventCommandResult": "Stanje komande",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Uređaj je ušao u geoogradu",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Uređaj je izašao iz geoograde",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarmi",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Alarm vibracija",
- "alarmMovement": "Alarm Kretanja",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Prekoračenje brzine alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "Padanje Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "Slaba baterija alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Alarm kretanja",
- "alarmFault": "Alarm greške",
- "notificationType": "Tip obaveštenja",
- "notificationWeb": "Pošalji preko Web-a",
- "notificationMail": "Pošalji putem Email-a"
-} \ No newline at end of file
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index f328fcaf1..000000000
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- "commandOutputControl": "வெளியீட்டு கட்டுப்பாடு",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "அதி வேக அலறி ",
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- "eventDeviceMoving": "சாதனம் நகருகிறது",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "சாதனம் நின்றுவிட்டது",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "சாதனம் நிர்ணயித்த வேகத் திற்கு மேல்",
- "eventCommandResult": "கட்டளை விளைவு",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "சாதனம் பூகோள வேலியினுள் நுழைந்துள்ளது",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "சாதனம் பூகோள வேலியை விட்டு வெளியேறியது",
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- "notificationType": "type of notification",
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-} \ No newline at end of file
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index 63373804e..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/th.json
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- "sharedKn": "น๊อต",
- "sharedKmh": "กม./ชม.",
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- "commandSetTimezone": "ตั้งค่าเขตเวลา",
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- "commandSosNumber": "ตั้งค่าเลขหมายโทรฉุกเฉิน SOS",
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- "commandOutputControl": "ควบคุมข้อมูลที่ส่งออก",
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- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "อุปกรณ์เกินกำหนดความเร็ว",
- "eventCommandResult": "ผลลัพธ์จากคำสั่ง",
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-} \ No newline at end of file
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- "commandPositionSingle": "Tekil Raporlama",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Alarm Kur",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Alarmı Kapat",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Zaman Dilimini Belirle",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Fotoğraf İste",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Aygıtı Yeniden Başlat",
- "commandSendSms": "SMS Gönder",
- "commandSosNumber": "Acil Durum Numarasını Belirle",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Sessiz Zamanı Belirle",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Telefon Defterini Belirle",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Ses Mesajı",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Cihaz çevrimiçi",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Cihaz çevrimdışı",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Cihaz hareket halinde",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Cihaz durdu",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Cihaz hızı aştı",
- "eventCommandResult": "Komut sonucu",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Cihaz güvenli bölgede",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Cihaz güvenli bölgeden çıktı",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Bildirim tipi",
- "notificationWeb": "Wed ile gönder",
- "notificationMail": "E-posta ile gönder"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/uk.json b/web/l10n/uk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 02096ec5d..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/uk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Завантаження... ",
- "sharedSave": "Зберегти",
- "sharedCancel": "Відміна",
- "sharedAdd": "Додати",
- "sharedEdit": "Редагувати",
- "sharedRemove": "Видалити",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Видалити пункт?",
- "sharedKm": "км",
- "sharedMi": "Милi",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "км/год",
- "sharedMph": "Миль/год",
- "sharedHour": "Години",
- "sharedMinute": "Хвилини",
- "sharedSecond": "Секунди",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Помилка",
- "errorUnknown": "Невiдома помилка",
- "errorConnection": "Помилка з'єднання",
- "userEmail": "E-mail",
- "userPassword": "Пароль",
- "userAdmin": "Адмiнiстратор",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Логiн",
- "loginLanguage": "Мова",
- "loginRegister": "Реєстрація",
- "loginLogin": "Ввійти",
- "loginFailed": "Неправильне адреса електронної пошти або пароль",
- "loginCreated": "Новий користувач був зареєстрований",
- "loginLogout": "Вийти",
- "devicesAndState": "Devices and State",
- "deviceDialog": "Пристрій",
- "deviceTitle": " Прилади",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Iдентифікатор",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Last Update",
- "deviceCommand": "Команда",
- "deviceFollow": "Follow",
- "groupDialog": "Group",
- "groupParent": "Group",
- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
- "settingsTitle": "Налаштування",
- "settingsUser": "Аккаунт",
- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "Сервер",
- "settingsUsers": "Користувач",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Відстань",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Швидкість",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "Звіти",
- "reportDevice": "Пристрій ",
- "reportFrom": "З",
- "reportTo": "До",
- "reportShow": "Показати",
- "reportClear": "Очистити",
- "positionFixTime": "Час ",
- "positionValid": "Дійсний",
- "positionLatitude": "Широта",
- "positionLongitude": "Довгота ",
- "positionAltitude": "Висота",
- "positionSpeed": "Швидкість ",
- "positionCourse": "Курс",
- "positionAddress": "Адреса",
- "positionProtocol": "Протокол",
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- "serverZoom": "Наближення",
- "serverRegistration": "Реєстрація",
- "serverReadonly": "Readonly",
- "mapTitle": "Карта",
- "mapLayer": "Шар карти",
- "mapCustom": "Користувальницька карта",
- "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
- "mapBingKey": "Ключ Bing Maps ",
- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Дороги",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Супутник",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "Стан",
- "stateName": "Атрибут",
- "stateValue": "Значення ",
- "commandTitle": "Команда ",
- "commandSend": "Послати. ",
- "commandType": "Тип",
- "commandSent": "Команда була відправлена",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Періодична звітність",
- "commandPositionStop": "Скасувати відстеження. ",
- "commandEngineStop": "Заблокувати двигун ",
- "commandEngineResume": "Розблокувати двигун",
- "commandFrequency": "Частота",
- "commandUnit": "Одиниці",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/vi.json b/web/l10n/vi.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d356751..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/vi.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- "sharedLoading": "Đang tải...",
- "sharedSave": "Lưu",
- "sharedCancel": "Hủy",
- "sharedAdd": "Thêm mới",
- "sharedEdit": "Chỉnh sửa",
- "sharedRemove": "Xóa",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Xóa lựa chọn?",
- "sharedKm": "km",
- "sharedMi": "dặm",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "km/h",
- "sharedMph": "mph",
- "sharedHour": "Giờ",
- "sharedMinute": "Phút",
- "sharedSecond": "Giây",
- "sharedName": "Tên",
- "sharedDescription": "Mô tả",
- "sharedSearch": "Tìm kiếm",
- "sharedGeofence": "Giới hạn địa lý",
- "sharedGeofences": "Giới hạn địa lý",
- "sharedNotifications": "Thông báo",
- "sharedAttributes": "Thuộc tính",
- "sharedAttribute": "Thuộc tính",
- "sharedArea": "Khu vực",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "Lỗi",
- "errorUnknown": "Lỗi không xác định",
- "errorConnection": "Lỗi kết nối",
- "userEmail": "Email",
- "userPassword": "Mật khẩu",
- "userAdmin": "Quản trị",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "Đăng nhập",
- "loginLanguage": "Ngôn ngữ",
- "loginRegister": "Đăng ký",
- "loginLogin": "Đăng nhập",
- "loginFailed": "Sai mật khẩu hoặc địa chỉ email",
- "loginCreated": "Người dùng mới đã được đăng ký",
- "loginLogout": "Đăng xuất",
- "devicesAndState": "Các thiết bị và trạng thái",
- "deviceDialog": "Thiết bị",
- "deviceTitle": "Các thiết bị",
- "deviceIdentifier": "Định danh",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "Cập nhật lần cuối",
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- "groupParent": "Nhóm",
- "groupNoGroup": "Không có nhóm",
- "settingsTitle": "Cài đặt",
- "settingsUser": "Tài khoản",
- "settingsGroups": "Nhóm",
- "settingsServer": "Máy chủ",
- "settingsUsers": "Người dùng",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "Khoảng cách",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "Tốc độ",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Định dạng 12h",
- "reportTitle": "Báo cáo",
- "reportDevice": "Thiết bị",
- "reportFrom": "Từ",
- "reportTo": "Đến",
- "reportShow": "Hiển thị",
- "reportClear": "Xóa",
- "positionFixTime": "Thời gian",
- "positionValid": "Có hiệu lực",
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- "positionSpeed": "Tốc độ",
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- "positionProtocol": "Giao thức",
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- "serverRegistration": "Đăng ký",
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- "mapLayer": "Lớp bản đồ",
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- "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps Road",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Đa giác",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Vòng tròn",
- "stateTitle": "Trạng thái",
- "stateName": "Thuộc tính",
- "stateValue": "Giá trị",
- "commandTitle": "Lệnh",
- "commandSend": "Gửi",
- "commandType": "Loại",
- "commandSent": "Lệnh đã được gửi",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "Báo cáo định kỳ",
- "commandPositionStop": "Dừng báo cáo",
- "commandEngineStop": "Tắt máy",
- "commandEngineResume": "Bật máy",
- "commandFrequency": "Tần suất",
- "commandUnit": "Đơn vị",
- "commandCustom": "Lệnh tùy chỉnh",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Báo cáo đơn",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Báo động cho phép",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Báo động không cho phép",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Thiết lập múi giờ",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Yêu cầu ảnh",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Khởi động lại thiết bị",
- "commandSendSms": "Gửi tin nhắn",
- "commandSosNumber": "Thiết lập số khẩn cấp",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Thiêt lập giờ im lặng",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Thiết lập danh bạ điện thoại",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Tin nhắn thoại",
- "commandOutputControl": "Điều khiển đầu ra",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Báo động quá tốc độ",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Định danh thiết bị",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Thiết bị trực tuyến",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Thiết bị ngoại tuyến",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Thiết bị đang di chuyển",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Thiết bị đã dừng",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Thiết bị vượt quá tốc độ",
- "eventCommandResult": "Kết quả lệnh",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Thiết bị đã đi vào giới hạn địa lý",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Thiết bị đã thoát khỏi giới hạn địa lý",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Loại thông báo",
- "notificationWeb": "Gửi từ web",
- "notificationMail": "Gửi từ mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/l10n/zh.json b/web/l10n/zh.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9761d43..000000000
--- a/web/l10n/zh.json
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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- "sharedSave": "保存",
- "sharedCancel": "取消",
- "sharedAdd": "新建",
- "sharedEdit": "编辑",
- "sharedRemove": "移除",
- "sharedRemoveConfirm": "要移除选项吗?",
- "sharedKm": "千米",
- "sharedMi": "海里",
- "sharedKn": "kn",
- "sharedKmh": "千米/小时",
- "sharedMph": "每小时英里数",
- "sharedHour": "小时",
- "sharedMinute": "分钟",
- "sharedSecond": "秒",
- "sharedName": "Name",
- "sharedDescription": "Description",
- "sharedSearch": "Search",
- "sharedGeofence": "Geofence",
- "sharedGeofences": "Geofences",
- "sharedNotifications": "Notifications",
- "sharedAttributes": "Attributes",
- "sharedAttribute": "Attribute",
- "sharedArea": "Area",
- "sharedMute": "Mute",
- "errorTitle": "错误",
- "errorUnknown": "未知错误",
- "errorConnection": "连接错误",
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- "userPassword": "密码",
- "userAdmin": "管理员",
- "userRemember": "Remember",
- "loginTitle": "登录",
- "loginLanguage": "语言",
- "loginRegister": "注册",
- "loginLogin": "登录",
- "loginFailed": "邮箱地址或密码不对",
- "loginCreated": "新用户已经被注册了",
- "loginLogout": "登出",
- "devicesAndState": "设备和状态",
- "deviceDialog": "设备",
- "deviceTitle": "设备",
- "deviceIdentifier": "标识符",
- "deviceLastUpdate": "最后更新",
- "deviceCommand": "指令",
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- "groupNoGroup": "No Group",
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- "settingsGroups": "Groups",
- "settingsServer": "服务器",
- "settingsUsers": "用户",
- "settingsDistanceUnit": "距离",
- "settingsSpeedUnit": "速度",
- "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "12-hour Format",
- "reportTitle": "报表",
- "reportDevice": "设备",
- "reportFrom": "开始",
- "reportTo": "结束",
- "reportShow": "显示",
- "reportClear": "清空",
- "positionFixTime": "时间",
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- "positionAltitude": "海拔",
- "positionSpeed": "速度",
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- "positionAddress": "地址",
- "positionProtocol": "协议",
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- "serverRegistration": "注册",
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- "mapBingRoad": "Bing 公路线路地图",
- "mapBingAerial": "Bing 航测地图",
- "mapShapePolygon": "Polygon",
- "mapShapeCircle": "Circle",
- "stateTitle": "状态",
- "stateName": "参数",
- "stateValue": "数值",
- "commandTitle": "命令",
- "commandSend": "发送",
- "commandType": "类型",
- "commandSent": "命令已发送",
- "commandPositionPeriodic": "位置获取",
- "commandPositionStop": "位置停止",
- "commandEngineStop": "引擎熄火",
- "commandEngineResume": "引擎启动",
- "commandFrequency": "频率",
- "commandUnit": "单位",
- "commandCustom": "Custom command",
- "commandPositionSingle": "Single Reporting",
- "commandAlarmArm": "Arm Alarm",
- "commandAlarmDisarm": "Disarm Alarm",
- "commandSetTimezone": "Set Timezone",
- "commandRequestPhoto": "Request Photo",
- "commandRebootDevice": "Reboot Device",
- "commandSendSms": "Send SMS",
- "commandSosNumber": "Set SOS Number",
- "commandSilenceTime": "Set Silence Time",
- "commandSetPhonebook": "Set Phonebook",
- "commandVoiceMessage": "Voice Message",
- "commandOutputControl": "Output Control",
- "commandAlarmSpeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "commandDeviceIdentification": "Device Identification",
- "eventDeviceOnline": "Device is online",
- "eventDeviceOffline": "Device is offline",
- "eventDeviceMoving": "Device is moving",
- "eventDeviceStopped": "Device is stopped",
- "eventDeviceOverspeed": "Device exceeds the speed",
- "eventCommandResult": "Command result",
- "eventGeofenceEnter": "Device has entered geofence",
- "eventGeofenceExit": "Device has exited geofence",
- "eventAlarm": "Alarms",
- "alarm": "Alarm",
- "alarmSos": "SOS Alarm",
- "alarmVibration": "Vibration Alarm",
- "alarmMovement": "Movement Alarm",
- "alarmOverspeed": "Overspeed Alarm",
- "alarmFallDown": "FallDown Alarm",
- "alarmLowBattery": "LowBattery Alarm",
- "alarmMotion": "Motion Alarm",
- "alarmFault": "Fault Alarm",
- "notificationType": "Type of Notification",
- "notificationWeb": "Send via Web",
- "notificationMail": "Send via Mail"
-} \ No newline at end of file