path: root/web/l10n/es.json
diff options
authorninioe <ninioe@gmail.com>2016-08-07 11:37:33 +0300
committerninioe <ninioe@gmail.com>2016-08-07 11:37:33 +0300
commit71a47523c74aa094c90d782071ab17616fc82999 (patch)
tree93842b8de6e9ca7e5048887bfe7dd4a6c64b1ad6 /web/l10n/es.json
parent26fb811c067e11f884640fd9f13be2ab8f77b400 (diff)
add language files back
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l10n/es.json')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/l10n/es.json b/web/l10n/es.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8ae21bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/l10n/es.json
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ "sharedLoading": "Cargando...",
+ "sharedSave": "Guardar",
+ "sharedCancel": "Cancelar",
+ "sharedAdd": "Agregar",
+ "sharedEdit": "Editar",
+ "sharedRemove": "Borrar",
+ "sharedRemoveConfirm": "Borrar Elemento?",
+ "sharedKm": "KM",
+ "sharedMi": "MI",
+ "sharedKn": "Nudo",
+ "sharedKmh": "KM/H",
+ "sharedMph": "MPH",
+ "sharedHour": "Hora",
+ "sharedMinute": "Minuto",
+ "sharedSecond": "Segundo",
+ "sharedName": "Nombre",
+ "sharedDescription": "Descripción",
+ "sharedSearch": "Buscar",
+ "sharedGeofence": "Geocerca",
+ "sharedGeofences": "Geocercas",
+ "sharedNotifications": "Notificaciones",
+ "sharedAttributes": "Atributos",
+ "sharedAttribute": "Atributo",
+ "sharedArea": "Área",
+ "sharedMute": "Silenciar",
+ "errorTitle": "Error",
+ "errorUnknown": "Error Desconocido",
+ "errorConnection": "Error de Conexión",
+ "userEmail": "Email",
+ "userPassword": "Contraseña",
+ "userAdmin": "Administrador",
+ "userRemember": "Remember",
+ "loginTitle": "Ingresar",
+ "loginLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "loginRegister": "Registrar",
+ "loginLogin": "Ingresar",
+ "loginFailed": "Dirección de Correo o Contraseña Incorrecta",
+ "loginCreated": "Nuevo Usuario ha sido registrado",
+ "loginLogout": "Salir",
+ "devicesAndState": "Dispositivos y Estado",
+ "deviceDialog": "Dispositivo",
+ "deviceTitle": "Dispositivos",
+ "deviceIdentifier": "Identificador",
+ "deviceLastUpdate": "Última Actualización",
+ "deviceCommand": "Comando",
+ "deviceFollow": "Seguir",
+ "groupDialog": "Grupo",
+ "groupParent": "Grupo",
+ "groupNoGroup": "Sin grupo",
+ "settingsTitle": "Preferencias",
+ "settingsUser": "Cuenta",
+ "settingsGroups": "Grupos",
+ "settingsServer": "Servidor",
+ "settingsUsers": "Usuarios",
+ "settingsDistanceUnit": "Distancia",
+ "settingsSpeedUnit": "Velocidad",
+ "settingsTwelveHourFormat": "Formato de 12 Hrs",
+ "reportTitle": "Reportes",
+ "reportDevice": "Dispositivos",
+ "reportFrom": "Desde",
+ "reportTo": "Hasta",
+ "reportShow": "Mostrar",
+ "reportClear": "Limpiar",
+ "positionFixTime": "Hora",
+ "positionValid": "Válida",
+ "positionLatitude": "Latitud",
+ "positionLongitude": "Longitud",
+ "positionAltitude": "Altitud",
+ "positionSpeed": "Velocidad",
+ "positionCourse": "Curso",
+ "positionAddress": "Dirección",
+ "positionProtocol": "Protocolo",
+ "serverTitle": "Preferencias Servidor",
+ "serverZoom": "Zoom",
+ "serverRegistration": "Registrar",
+ "serverReadonly": "Sólo Lectura",
+ "mapTitle": "Mapa",
+ "mapLayer": "Capa de Mapa",
+ "mapCustom": "Mapa Personalizado",
+ "mapOsm": "Open Street Map",
+ "mapBingKey": "Bing Maps Key",
+ "mapBingRoad": "Bing Maps - Carretera",
+ "mapBingAerial": "Bing Maps - Aéreo",
+ "mapShapePolygon": "Polígono",
+ "mapShapeCircle": "Círculo",
+ "stateTitle": "Estado",
+ "stateName": "Parámetro",
+ "stateValue": "Valor",
+ "commandTitle": "Comando",
+ "commandSend": "Enviar",
+ "commandType": "Tipo",
+ "commandSent": "El Comando ha sido enviado",
+ "commandPositionPeriodic": "Frecuencia de Posiciones",
+ "commandPositionStop": "Detener Reporte de Posiciones",
+ "commandEngineStop": "Apagar motor",
+ "commandEngineResume": "Desbloquear Encendido de Motor",
+ "commandFrequency": "Frequencia",
+ "commandUnit": "Unidad",
+ "commandCustom": "Comando personalizado",
+ "commandPositionSingle": "Un report",
+ "commandAlarmArm": "Armar Alarma",
+ "commandAlarmDisarm": "Desarmar Alarma",
+ "commandSetTimezone": "Establecer zona horaria",
+ "commandRequestPhoto": "Solicitar Foto",
+ "commandRebootDevice": "Reiniciar dispositivo",
+ "commandSendSms": "Enviar SMS",
+ "commandSosNumber": "Establecer el número SOS",
+ "commandSilenceTime": "Setear horario de silencio",
+ "commandSetPhonebook": "Establecer contacto",
+ "commandVoiceMessage": "Mensaje de voz",
+ "commandOutputControl": "Control de Salidas",
+ "commandAlarmSpeed": "Alerta de Velocidad",
+ "commandDeviceIdentification": "Identificación de Dispositivo",
+ "eventDeviceOnline": "El dispositivo está en linea",
+ "eventDeviceOffline": "El dispositivo está fuera de linea",
+ "eventDeviceMoving": "El dispositivo se está moviendo",
+ "eventDeviceStopped": "El dispositivo está parado",
+ "eventDeviceOverspeed": "El dispositivo excedió el limite de velocidad",
+ "eventCommandResult": "Resultado de comando",
+ "eventGeofenceEnter": "El dispositivo ha ingresado a la geocerca",
+ "eventGeofenceExit": "El dispositivo ha salido de la geocerca",
+ "eventAlarm": "Alarmas",
+ "alarm": "Alarma",
+ "alarmSos": "Alarma de SOS",
+ "alarmVibration": "Alarma de vibración",
+ "alarmMovement": "Alarma de movimiento",
+ "alarmOverspeed": "Alarma de exceso de velocidad",
+ "alarmFallDown": "Alarma de caida",
+ "alarmLowBattery": "Alarma de bateria baja",
+ "alarmMotion": "Alarma de movimiento",
+ "alarmFault": "Alarma de fallo",
+ "notificationType": "Tipo de Notificación",
+ "notificationWeb": "Envíar vía Web",
+ "notificationMail": "Envíar vía Email"
+} \ No newline at end of file