/* * Copyright 2012 - 2018 Anton Tananaev (anton@traccar.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.traccar.helper; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.zip.CRC32; public final class Checksum { private Checksum() { } public static class Algorithm { private int poly; private int init; private boolean refIn; private boolean refOut; private int xorOut; private int[] table; public Algorithm(int bits, int poly, int init, boolean refIn, boolean refOut, int xorOut) { this.poly = poly; this.init = init; this.refIn = refIn; this.refOut = refOut; this.xorOut = xorOut; this.table = bits == 8 ? initTable8() : initTable16(); } private int[] initTable8() { int[] table = new int[256]; int crc; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { crc = i; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { boolean bit = (crc & 0x80) != 0; crc <<= 1; if (bit) { crc ^= poly; } } table[i] = crc & 0xFF; } return table; } private int[] initTable16() { int[] table = new int[256]; int crc; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { crc = i << 8; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { boolean bit = (crc & 0x8000) != 0; crc <<= 1; if (bit) { crc ^= poly; } } table[i] = crc & 0xFFFF; } return table; } } private static int reverse(int value, int bits) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bits; i++) { result = (result << 1) | (value & 1); value >>= 1; } return result; } public static int crc8(Algorithm algorithm, ByteBuffer buf) { int crc = algorithm.init; while (buf.hasRemaining()) { int b = buf.get() & 0xFF; if (algorithm.refIn) { b = reverse(b, 8); } crc = algorithm.table[(crc & 0xFF) ^ b]; } if (algorithm.refOut) { crc = reverse(crc, 8); } return (crc ^ algorithm.xorOut) & 0xFF; } public static int crc16(Algorithm algorithm, ByteBuffer buf) { int crc = algorithm.init; while (buf.hasRemaining()) { int b = buf.get() & 0xFF; if (algorithm.refIn) { b = reverse(b, 8); } crc = (crc << 8) ^ algorithm.table[((crc >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ b]; } if (algorithm.refOut) { crc = reverse(crc, 16); } return (crc ^ algorithm.xorOut) & 0xFFFF; } public static final Algorithm CRC8_EGTS = new Algorithm(8, 0x31, 0xFF, false, false, 0x00); public static final Algorithm CRC8_ROHC = new Algorithm(8, 0x07, 0xFF, true, true, 0x00); public static final Algorithm CRC16_IBM = new Algorithm(16, 0x8005, 0x0000, true, true, 0x0000); public static final Algorithm CRC16_X25 = new Algorithm(16, 0x1021, 0xFFFF, true, true, 0xFFFF); public static final Algorithm CRC16_MODBUS = new Algorithm(16, 0x8005, 0xFFFF, true, true, 0x0000); public static final Algorithm CRC16_CCITT_FALSE = new Algorithm(16, 0x1021, 0xFFFF, false, false, 0x0000); public static final Algorithm CRC16_KERMIT = new Algorithm(16, 0x1021, 0x0000, true, true, 0x0000); public static final Algorithm CRC16_XMODEM = new Algorithm(16, 0x1021, 0x0000, false, false, 0x0000); public static int crc32(ByteBuffer buf) { CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); while (buf.hasRemaining()) { checksum.update(buf.get()); } return (int) checksum.getValue(); } public static int xor(ByteBuffer buf) { int checksum = 0; while (buf.hasRemaining()) { checksum ^= buf.get(); } return checksum; } public static int xor(String string) { byte checksum = 0; for (byte b : string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { checksum ^= b; } return checksum; } public static String nmea(String msg) { int checksum = 0; byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); for (int i = 1; i < bytes.length; i++) { checksum ^= bytes[i]; } return String.format("*%02x", checksum).toUpperCase(); } public static int sum(ByteBuffer buf) { byte checksum = 0; while (buf.hasRemaining()) { checksum += buf.get(); } return checksum; } public static String sum(String msg) { byte checksum = 0; for (byte b : msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { checksum += b; } return String.format("%02X", checksum).toUpperCase(); } public static long luhn(long imei) { long checksum = 0; long remain = imei; for (int i = 0; remain != 0; i++) { long digit = remain % 10; if (i % 2 == 0) { digit *= 2; if (digit >= 10) { digit = 1 + (digit % 10); } } checksum += digit; remain /= 10; } return (10 - (checksum % 10)) % 10; } }