path: root/wallet/src/main/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEvent.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'wallet/src/main/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEvent.kt')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wallet/src/main/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEvent.kt b/wallet/src/main/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEvent.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5c99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wallet/src/main/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEvent.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet.history
+import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes
+import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes
+import androidx.annotation.StringRes
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName
+import net.taler.wallet.ParsedAmount.Companion.parseAmount
+import net.taler.wallet.R
+import org.json.JSONObject
+enum class ReserveType {
+ /**
+ * Manually created.
+ */
+ @JsonProperty("manual")
+ /**
+ * Withdrawn from a bank that has "tight" Taler integration
+ */
+ @JsonProperty("taler-bank-withdraw")
+ @Suppress("unused")
+class ReserveCreationDetail(val type: ReserveType, val bankUrl: String?)
+enum class RefreshReason {
+ @JsonProperty("manual")
+ @Suppress("unused")
+ @JsonProperty("pay")
+ PAY,
+ @JsonProperty("refund")
+ @Suppress("unused")
+ @JsonProperty("abort-pay")
+ @Suppress("unused")
+ @JsonProperty("recoup")
+ @Suppress("unused")
+ @JsonProperty("backup-restored")
+ @Suppress("unused")
+class Timestamp(
+ @JsonProperty("t_ms")
+ val ms: Long
+class ReserveShortInfo(
+ /**
+ * The exchange that the reserve will be at.
+ */
+ val exchangeBaseUrl: String,
+ /**
+ * Key to query more details
+ */
+ val reservePub: String,
+ /**
+ * Detail about how the reserve has been created.
+ */
+ val reserveCreationDetail: ReserveCreationDetail
+typealias History = ArrayList<HistoryEvent>
+ use = NAME,
+ include = PROPERTY,
+ property = "type",
+ defaultImpl = HistoryUnknownEvent::class
+/** missing:
+AuditorComplaintSent = "auditor-complained-sent",
+AuditorComplaintProcessed = "auditor-complaint-processed",
+AuditorTrustAdded = "auditor-trust-added",
+AuditorTrustRemoved = "auditor-trust-removed",
+ExchangeTermsAccepted = "exchange-terms-accepted",
+ExchangePolicyChanged = "exchange-policy-changed",
+ExchangeTrustAdded = "exchange-trust-added",
+ExchangeTrustRemoved = "exchange-trust-removed",
+FundsDepositedToSelf = "funds-deposited-to-self",
+FundsRecouped = "funds-recouped",
+ReserveCreated = "reserve-created",
+ */
+ Type(value = ExchangeAddedEvent::class, name = "exchange-added"),
+ Type(value = ExchangeUpdatedEvent::class, name = "exchange-updated"),
+ Type(value = ReserveBalanceUpdatedEvent::class, name = "reserve-balance-updated"),
+ Type(value = HistoryWithdrawnEvent::class, name = "withdrawn"),
+ Type(value = HistoryOrderAcceptedEvent::class, name = "order-accepted"),
+ Type(value = HistoryOrderRefusedEvent::class, name = "order-refused"),
+ Type(value = HistoryOrderRedirectedEvent::class, name = "order-redirected"),
+ Type(value = HistoryPaymentSentEvent::class, name = "payment-sent"),
+ Type(value = HistoryPaymentAbortedEvent::class, name = "payment-aborted"),
+ Type(value = HistoryTipAcceptedEvent::class, name = "tip-accepted"),
+ Type(value = HistoryTipDeclinedEvent::class, name = "tip-declined"),
+ Type(value = HistoryRefundedEvent::class, name = "refund"),
+ Type(value = HistoryRefreshedEvent::class, name = "refreshed")
+ value = [
+ "eventId"
+ ]
+abstract class HistoryEvent(
+ val timestamp: Timestamp,
+ @get:LayoutRes
+ open val layout: Int = R.layout.history_row,
+ @get:StringRes
+ open val title: Int = 0,
+ @get:DrawableRes
+ open val icon: Int = R.drawable.ic_account_balance,
+ open val showToUser: Boolean = false
+) {
+ open lateinit var json: JSONObject
+class HistoryUnknownEvent(timestamp: Timestamp) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_unknown
+class ExchangeAddedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ val exchangeBaseUrl: String,
+ val builtIn: Boolean
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_exchange_added
+class ExchangeUpdatedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ val exchangeBaseUrl: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_exchange_updated
+class ReserveBalanceUpdatedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ val newHistoryTransactions: List<ReserveTransaction>,
+ /**
+ * Condensed information about the reserve.
+ */
+ val reserveShortInfo: ReserveShortInfo,
+ /**
+ * Amount currently left in the reserve.
+ */
+ val amountReserveBalance: String,
+ /**
+ * Amount we expected to be in the reserve at that time,
+ * considering ongoing withdrawals from that reserve.
+ */
+ val amountExpected: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_reserve_balance_updated
+class HistoryWithdrawnEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Exchange that was withdrawn from.
+ */
+ val exchangeBaseUrl: String,
+ /**
+ * Unique identifier for the withdrawal session, can be used to
+ * query more detailed information from the wallet.
+ */
+ val withdrawSessionId: String,
+ val withdrawalSource: WithdrawalSource,
+ /**
+ * Amount that has been subtracted from the reserve's balance
+ * for this withdrawal.
+ */
+ val amountWithdrawnRaw: String,
+ /**
+ * Amount that actually was added to the wallet's balance.
+ */
+ val amountWithdrawnEffective: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_receive
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_withdrawn
+ override val icon = R.drawable.history_withdrawn
+ override val showToUser = true
+class HistoryOrderAcceptedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Condensed info about the order.
+ */
+ val orderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val icon = R.drawable.ic_add_circle
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_order_accepted
+class HistoryOrderRefusedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Condensed info about the order.
+ */
+ val orderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cancel
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_order_refused
+class HistoryPaymentSentEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Condensed info about the order that we already paid for.
+ */
+ val orderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo,
+ /**
+ * Set to true if the payment has been previously sent
+ * to the merchant successfully, possibly with a different session ID.
+ */
+ val replay: Boolean,
+ /**
+ * Number of coins that were involved in the payment.
+ */
+ val numCoins: Int,
+ /**
+ * Amount that was paid, including deposit and wire fees.
+ */
+ val amountPaidWithFees: String,
+ /**
+ * Session ID that the payment was (re-)submitted under.
+ */
+ val sessionId: String?
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_payment
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_payment_sent
+ override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cash_usd_outline
+ override val showToUser = true
+class HistoryPaymentAbortedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Condensed info about the order that we already paid for.
+ */
+ val orderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo,
+ /**
+ * Amount that was lost due to refund and refreshing fees.
+ */
+ val amountLost: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_payment
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_payment_aborted
+ override val icon = R.drawable.history_payment_aborted
+ override val showToUser = true
+class HistoryRefreshedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Amount that is now available again because it has
+ * been refreshed.
+ */
+ val amountRefreshedEffective: String,
+ /**
+ * Amount that we spent for refreshing.
+ */
+ val amountRefreshedRaw: String,
+ /**
+ * Why was the refreshing done?
+ */
+ val refreshReason: RefreshReason,
+ val numInputCoins: Int,
+ val numRefreshedInputCoins: Int,
+ val numOutputCoins: Int,
+ /**
+ * Identifier for a refresh group, contains one or
+ * more refresh session IDs.
+ */
+ val refreshGroupId: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_payment
+ override val icon = R.drawable.history_refresh
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_refreshed
+ override val showToUser =
+ !(parseAmount(amountRefreshedRaw) - parseAmount(amountRefreshedEffective)).isZero()
+class HistoryOrderRedirectedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Condensed info about the new order that contains a
+ * product (identified by the fulfillment URL) that we've already paid for.
+ */
+ val newOrderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo,
+ /**
+ * Condensed info about the order that we already paid for.
+ */
+ val alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val icon = R.drawable.ic_directions
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_order_redirected
+class HistoryTipAcceptedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Unique identifier for the tip to query more information.
+ */
+ val tipId: String,
+ /**
+ * Raw amount of the tip, without extra fees that apply.
+ */
+ val tipRaw: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val icon = R.drawable.history_tip_accepted
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_tip_accepted
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_receive
+ override val showToUser = true
+class HistoryTipDeclinedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ /**
+ * Unique identifier for the tip to query more information.
+ */
+ val tipId: String,
+ /**
+ * Raw amount of the tip, without extra fees that apply.
+ */
+ val tipAmount: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val icon = R.drawable.history_tip_declined
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_tip_declined
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_receive
+ override val showToUser = true
+class HistoryRefundedEvent(
+ timestamp: Timestamp,
+ val orderShortInfo: OrderShortInfo,
+ /**
+ * Unique identifier for this refund.
+ * (Identifies multiple refund permissions that were obtained at once.)
+ */
+ val refundGroupId: String,
+ /**
+ * Part of the refund that couldn't be applied because
+ * the refund permissions were expired.
+ */
+ val amountRefundedInvalid: String,
+ /**
+ * Amount that has been refunded by the merchant.
+ */
+ val amountRefundedRaw: String,
+ /**
+ * Amount will be added to the wallet's balance after fees and refreshing.
+ */
+ val amountRefundedEffective: String
+) : HistoryEvent(timestamp) {
+ override val icon = R.drawable.history_refund
+ override val title = R.string.history_event_refund
+ override val layout = R.layout.history_receive
+ override val showToUser = true
+ use = NAME,
+ include = PROPERTY,
+ property = "type"
+ Type(value = WithdrawalSourceReserve::class, name = "reserve")
+abstract class WithdrawalSource
+class WithdrawalSourceTip(
+ val tipId: String
+) : WithdrawalSource()
+class WithdrawalSourceReserve(
+ val reservePub: String
+) : WithdrawalSource()
+data class OrderShortInfo(
+ /**
+ * Wallet-internal identifier of the proposal.
+ */
+ val proposalId: String,
+ /**
+ * Order ID, uniquely identifies the order within a merchant instance.
+ */
+ val orderId: String,
+ /**
+ * Base URL of the merchant.
+ */
+ val merchantBaseUrl: String,
+ /**
+ * Amount that must be paid for the contract.
+ */
+ val amount: String,
+ /**
+ * Summary of the proposal, given by the merchant.
+ */
+ val summary: String