path: root/wallet/src/test
diff options
authorTorsten Grote <t@grobox.de>2020-03-18 14:24:41 -0300
committerTorsten Grote <t@grobox.de>2020-03-18 14:24:41 -0300
commita4796ec47d89a851b260b6fc195494547208a025 (patch)
treed2941b68ff2ce22c523e7aa634965033b1100560 /wallet/src/test
Merge all three apps into one repository
Diffstat (limited to 'wallet/src/test')
4 files changed, 579 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/ExampleUnitTest.kt b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/ExampleUnitTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de74f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/ExampleUnitTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert.*
+ * Example local unit test, which will execute on the development machine (host).
+ *
+ * See [testing documentation](http://d.android.com/tools/testing).
+ */
+class ExampleUnitTest {
+ @Test
+ fun addition_isCorrect() {
+ assertEquals(4, 2 + 2)
+ }
diff --git a/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/crypto/Base32CrockfordTest.kt b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/crypto/Base32CrockfordTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c8cb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/crypto/Base32CrockfordTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet.crypto
+import org.junit.Test
+class Base32CrockfordTest {
+ @Test
+ fun testBasic() {
+ val inputStr = "Hello, World"
+ val data = inputStr.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)
+ val enc = Base32Crockford.encode(data)
+ println(enc)
+ val dec = Base32Crockford.decode(enc)
+ val recoveredInputStr = dec.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)
+ println(recoveredInputStr)
+ println(foo.toString(Charsets.UTF_8))
+ }
diff --git a/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEventTest.kt b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEventTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba18dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/history/HistoryEventTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet.history
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
+import net.taler.wallet.history.RefreshReason.PAY
+import net.taler.wallet.history.ReserveType.MANUAL
+import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
+import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
+import org.junit.Test
+import kotlin.random.Random
+class HistoryEventTest {
+ private val mapper = ObjectMapper().registerModule(KotlinModule())
+ private val timestamp = Random.nextLong()
+ private val exchangeBaseUrl = "https://exchange.test.taler.net/"
+ private val orderShortInfo = OrderShortInfo(
+ proposalId = "EP5MH4R5C9RMNA06YS1QGEJ3EY682PY8R1SGRFRP74EV735N3ATG",
+ orderId = "2019.364-01RAQ68DQ7AWR",
+ merchantBaseUrl = "https://backend.demo.taler.net/public/instances/FSF/",
+ amount = "KUDOS:0.5",
+ summary = "Essay: Foreword"
+ )
+ @Test
+ fun `test ExchangeAddedEvent`() {
+ val builtIn = Random.nextBoolean()
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "exchange-added",
+ "builtIn": $builtIn,
+ "eventId": "exchange-added;https%3A%2F%2Fexchange.test.taler.net%2F",
+ "exchangeBaseUrl": "https:\/\/exchange.test.taler.net\/",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: ExchangeAddedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(builtIn, event.builtIn)
+ assertEquals(exchangeBaseUrl, event.exchangeBaseUrl)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test ExchangeUpdatedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "exchange-updated",
+ "eventId": "exchange-updated;https%3A%2F%2Fexchange.test.taler.net%2F",
+ "exchangeBaseUrl": "https:\/\/exchange.test.taler.net\/",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: ExchangeUpdatedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(exchangeBaseUrl, event.exchangeBaseUrl)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test ReserveShortInfo`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "exchangeBaseUrl": "https:\/\/exchange.test.taler.net\/",
+ "reserveCreationDetail": {
+ "type": "manual"
+ },
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val info: ReserveShortInfo = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(exchangeBaseUrl, info.exchangeBaseUrl)
+ assertEquals(MANUAL, info.reserveCreationDetail.type)
+ assertEquals("BRT2P0YMQSD5F48V9XHVNH73ZTS6EZC0KCQCPGPZQWTSQB77615G", info.reservePub)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test ReserveBalanceUpdatedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "reserve-balance-updated",
+ "eventId": "reserve-balance-updated;K0H10Q6HB9WH0CKHQQMNH5C6GA7A9AR1E2XSS9G1KG3ZXMBVT26G",
+ "amountExpected": "TESTKUDOS:23",
+ "amountReserveBalance": "TESTKUDOS:10",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "newHistoryTransactions": [
+ {
+ "amount": "TESTKUDOS:10",
+ "sender_account_url": "payto:\/\/x-taler-bank\/bank.test.taler.net\/894",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "wire_reference": "00000000004TR",
+ "type": "DEPOSIT"
+ }
+ ],
+ "reserveShortInfo": {
+ "exchangeBaseUrl": "https:\/\/exchange.test.taler.net\/",
+ "reserveCreationDetail": {
+ "type": "manual"
+ },
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: ReserveBalanceUpdatedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS:23", event.amountExpected)
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS:10", event.amountReserveBalance)
+ assertEquals(1, event.newHistoryTransactions.size)
+ assertTrue(event.newHistoryTransactions[0] is ReserveDepositTransaction)
+ assertEquals(exchangeBaseUrl, event.reserveShortInfo.exchangeBaseUrl)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryWithdrawnEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "withdrawn",
+ "withdrawSessionId": "974FT7JDNR20EQKNR21G1HV9PB6T5AZHYHX9NHR51Q30ZK3T10S0",
+ "eventId": "withdrawn;974FT7JDNR20EQKNR21G1HV9PB6T5AZHYHX9NHR51Q30ZK3T10S0",
+ "amountWithdrawnEffective": "TESTKUDOS:9.8",
+ "amountWithdrawnRaw": "TESTKUDOS:10",
+ "exchangeBaseUrl": "https:\/\/exchange.test.taler.net\/",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "withdrawalSource": {
+ "type": "reserve",
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryWithdrawnEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(
+ event.withdrawSessionId
+ )
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS:9.8", event.amountWithdrawnEffective)
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS:10", event.amountWithdrawnRaw)
+ assertTrue(event.withdrawalSource is WithdrawalSourceReserve)
+ assertEquals(
+ (event.withdrawalSource as WithdrawalSourceReserve).reservePub
+ )
+ assertEquals(exchangeBaseUrl, event.exchangeBaseUrl)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test OrderShortInfo`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "amount": "KUDOS:0.5",
+ "orderId": "2019.364-01RAQ68DQ7AWR",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "https:\/\/backend.demo.taler.net\/public\/instances\/FSF\/",
+ "proposalId": "EP5MH4R5C9RMNA06YS1QGEJ3EY682PY8R1SGRFRP74EV735N3ATG",
+ "summary": "Essay: Foreword"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val info: OrderShortInfo = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.5", info.amount)
+ assertEquals("2019.364-01RAQ68DQ7AWR", info.orderId)
+ assertEquals("Essay: Foreword", info.summary)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryOrderAcceptedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "order-accepted",
+ "eventId": "order-accepted;EP5MH4R5C9RMNA06YS1QGEJ3EY682PY8R1SGRFRP74EV735N3ATG",
+ "orderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "${orderShortInfo.amount}",
+ "orderId": "${orderShortInfo.orderId}",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "${orderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl}",
+ "proposalId": "${orderShortInfo.proposalId}",
+ "summary": "${orderShortInfo.summary}"
+ },
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryOrderAcceptedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(orderShortInfo, event.orderShortInfo)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryOrderRefusedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "order-refused",
+ "eventId": "order-refused;9RJGAYXKWX0Y3V37H66606SXSA7V2CV255EBFS4G1JSH6W1EG7F0",
+ "orderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "${orderShortInfo.amount}",
+ "orderId": "${orderShortInfo.orderId}",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "${orderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl}",
+ "proposalId": "${orderShortInfo.proposalId}",
+ "summary": "${orderShortInfo.summary}"
+ },
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryOrderRefusedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(orderShortInfo, event.orderShortInfo)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryPaymentSentEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "payment-sent",
+ "eventId": "payment-sent;EP5MH4R5C9RMNA06YS1QGEJ3EY682PY8R1SGRFRP74EV735N3ATG",
+ "orderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "${orderShortInfo.amount}",
+ "orderId": "${orderShortInfo.orderId}",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "${orderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl}",
+ "proposalId": "${orderShortInfo.proposalId}",
+ "summary": "${orderShortInfo.summary}"
+ },
+ "replay": false,
+ "sessionId": "e4f436c4-3c5c-4aee-81d2-26e425c09520",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "numCoins": 6,
+ "amountPaidWithFees": "KUDOS:0.6"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryPaymentSentEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(orderShortInfo, event.orderShortInfo)
+ assertEquals(false, event.replay)
+ assertEquals(6, event.numCoins)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.6", event.amountPaidWithFees)
+ assertEquals("e4f436c4-3c5c-4aee-81d2-26e425c09520", event.sessionId)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryPaymentSentEvent without sessionId`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "payment-sent",
+ "eventId": "payment-sent;EP5MH4R5C9RMNA06YS1QGEJ3EY682PY8R1SGRFRP74EV735N3ATG",
+ "orderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "${orderShortInfo.amount}",
+ "orderId": "${orderShortInfo.orderId}",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "${orderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl}",
+ "proposalId": "${orderShortInfo.proposalId}",
+ "summary": "${orderShortInfo.summary}"
+ },
+ "replay": true,
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "numCoins": 6,
+ "amountPaidWithFees": "KUDOS:0.6"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryPaymentSentEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(orderShortInfo, event.orderShortInfo)
+ assertEquals(true, event.replay)
+ assertEquals(6, event.numCoins)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.6", event.amountPaidWithFees)
+ assertEquals(null, event.sessionId)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryPaymentAbortedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "payment-aborted",
+ "eventId": "payment-sent;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "orderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "${orderShortInfo.amount}",
+ "orderId": "${orderShortInfo.orderId}",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "${orderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl}",
+ "proposalId": "${orderShortInfo.proposalId}",
+ "summary": "${orderShortInfo.summary}"
+ },
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "amountLost": "KUDOS:0.1"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryPaymentAbortedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(orderShortInfo, event.orderShortInfo)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.1", event.amountLost)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryTipAcceptedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "tip-accepted",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "eventId": "tip-accepted;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "tipId": "tip-accepted;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "tipRaw": "KUDOS:4"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryTipAcceptedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("tip-accepted;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0", event.tipId)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:4", event.tipRaw)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryTipDeclinedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "tip-declined",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "eventId": "tip-accepted;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "tipId": "tip-accepted;998724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "tipAmount": "KUDOS:4"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryTipDeclinedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("tip-accepted;998724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0", event.tipId)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:4", event.tipAmount)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryRefundedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "refund",
+ "eventId": "refund;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "refundGroupId": "refund;998724",
+ "orderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "${orderShortInfo.amount}",
+ "orderId": "${orderShortInfo.orderId}",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "${orderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl}",
+ "proposalId": "${orderShortInfo.proposalId}",
+ "summary": "${orderShortInfo.summary}"
+ },
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "amountRefundedRaw": "KUDOS:1.0",
+ "amountRefundedInvalid": "KUDOS:0.5",
+ "amountRefundedEffective": "KUDOS:0.4"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryRefundedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("refund;998724", event.refundGroupId)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:1.0", event.amountRefundedRaw)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.5", event.amountRefundedInvalid)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.4", event.amountRefundedEffective)
+ assertEquals(orderShortInfo, event.orderShortInfo)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryRefreshedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "refreshed",
+ "refreshGroupId": "8AVHKJFAN4QV4C11P56NEY83AJMGFF2KF412AN3Y0QBP09RSN640",
+ "eventId": "refreshed;8AVHKJFAN4QV4C11P56NEY83AJMGFF2KF412AN3Y0QBP09RSN640",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "refreshReason": "pay",
+ "amountRefreshedEffective": "KUDOS:0",
+ "amountRefreshedRaw": "KUDOS:1",
+ "numInputCoins": 6,
+ "numOutputCoins": 0,
+ "numRefreshedInputCoins": 1
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryRefreshedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0", event.amountRefreshedEffective)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:1", event.amountRefreshedRaw)
+ assertEquals(6, event.numInputCoins)
+ assertEquals(0, event.numOutputCoins)
+ assertEquals(1, event.numRefreshedInputCoins)
+ assertEquals("8AVHKJFAN4QV4C11P56NEY83AJMGFF2KF412AN3Y0QBP09RSN640", event.refreshGroupId)
+ assertEquals(PAY, event.refreshReason)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryOrderRedirectedEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "order-redirected",
+ "eventId": "order-redirected;621J6D5SXG7M17TYA26945DYKNQZPW4600MZ1W8MADA1RRR49F8G",
+ "alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "KUDOS:0.5",
+ "orderId": "2019.354-01P25CD66P8NG",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "https://backend.demo.taler.net/public/instances/FSF/",
+ "proposalId": "898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0",
+ "summary": "Essay: 1. The Free Software Definition"
+ },
+ "newOrderShortInfo": {
+ "amount": "KUDOS:0.5",
+ "orderId": "2019.364-01M4QH6KPMJY4",
+ "merchantBaseUrl": "https://backend.demo.taler.net/public/instances/FSF/",
+ "proposalId": "621J6D5SXG7M17TYA26945DYKNQZPW4600MZ1W8MADA1RRR49F8G",
+ "summary": "Essay: 1. The Free Software Definition"
+ },
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ }
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryOrderRedirectedEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0", event.alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo.proposalId)
+ assertEquals("https://backend.demo.taler.net/public/instances/FSF/", event.alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl)
+ assertEquals("2019.354-01P25CD66P8NG", event.alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo.orderId)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.5", event.alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo.amount)
+ assertEquals("Essay: 1. The Free Software Definition", event.alreadyPaidOrderShortInfo.summary)
+ assertEquals("621J6D5SXG7M17TYA26945DYKNQZPW4600MZ1W8MADA1RRR49F8G", event.newOrderShortInfo.proposalId)
+ assertEquals("https://backend.demo.taler.net/public/instances/FSF/", event.newOrderShortInfo.merchantBaseUrl)
+ assertEquals("2019.364-01M4QH6KPMJY4", event.newOrderShortInfo.orderId)
+ assertEquals("KUDOS:0.5", event.newOrderShortInfo.amount)
+ assertEquals("Essay: 1. The Free Software Definition", event.newOrderShortInfo.summary)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test HistoryUnknownEvent`() {
+ val json = """{
+ "type": "does not exist",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "eventId": "does-not-exist;898724XGQ1GGMZB4WY3KND582NSP74FZ60BX0Y87FF81H0FJ8XD0"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val event: HistoryEvent = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals(HistoryUnknownEvent::class.java, event.javaClass)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, event.timestamp.ms)
+ }
diff --git a/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/history/ReserveTransactionTest.kt b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/history/ReserveTransactionTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d66f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wallet/src/test/java/net/taler/wallet/history/ReserveTransactionTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet.history
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
+import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
+import org.junit.Test
+import kotlin.random.Random
+class ReserveTransactionTest {
+ private val mapper = ObjectMapper().registerModule(KotlinModule())
+ private val timestamp = Random.nextLong()
+ @Test
+ fun `test ExchangeAddedEvent`() {
+ val senderAccountUrl = "payto://x-taler-bank/bank.test.taler.net/894"
+ val json = """{
+ "amount": "TESTKUDOS:10",
+ "sender_account_url": "payto:\/\/x-taler-bank\/bank.test.taler.net\/894",
+ "timestamp": {
+ "t_ms": $timestamp
+ },
+ "wire_reference": "00000000004TR",
+ "type": "DEPOSIT"
+ }""".trimIndent()
+ val transaction: ReserveDepositTransaction = mapper.readValue(json)
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS:10", transaction.amount)
+ assertEquals(senderAccountUrl, transaction.senderAccountUrl)
+ assertEquals("00000000004TR", transaction.wireReference)
+ assertEquals(timestamp, transaction.timestamp.ms)
+ }