/* * Copyright 2018 Allan Wang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ca.allanwang.kau.searchview import android.app.Activity import android.content.Context import android.content.res.ColorStateList import android.graphics.Color import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.* import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.ImageView import androidx.annotation.ColorInt import androidx.annotation.IdRes import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import androidx.transition.ChangeBounds import androidx.transition.TransitionManager import androidx.transition.TransitionSet import ca.allanwang.kau.kotlin.Debouncer2 import ca.allanwang.kau.kotlin.debounce import ca.allanwang.kau.logging.KL import ca.allanwang.kau.searchview.SearchView.Configs import ca.allanwang.kau.searchview.databinding.KauSearchViewBinding import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.* import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.adapters.FastItemAdapter import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.select.selectExtension import com.mikepenz.iconics.typeface.IIcon import com.mikepenz.iconics.typeface.library.googlematerial.GoogleMaterial /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-06-23. * * A materialized SearchView with complete theming and customization * This view can be added programmatically and configured using the [Configs] DSL * It is preferred to add the view through an activity, but it can be attached to any ViewGroup * Beware of where specifically this is added, as its view or the keyboard may affect positioning * * Huge thanks to @lapism for his base * https://github.com/lapism/SearchView */ class SearchView @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : FrameLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { /** * Collection of all possible arguments when building the SearchView * Everything is made as opened as possible, so additional components may be found in the [SearchView] * However, these are the main config options */ class Configs { /** * The foreground color accounts for all text colors and icon colors * Various alpha levels may be used for sub texts/dividers etc */ var foregroundColor: Int = SearchItem.foregroundColor /** * Namely the background for the card and recycler view */ var backgroundColor: Int = SearchItem.backgroundColor /** * Icon for the leftmost ImageView, which typically contains the hamburger menu/back arror */ var navIcon: IIcon? = GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_arrow_back /** * Optional icon just to the left of the clear icon * This is not implemented by default, but can be used for anything, such as mic or redirects * Returns the extra imageview * Set the iicon as null to hide the extra icon */ var extraIcon: Pair? = null /** * Icon for the rightmost ImageView, which typically contains a close icon */ var clearIcon: IIcon? = GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_clear /** * Duration for the circular reveal animation */ var revealDuration: Long = 300L /** * Duration for the auto transition, which is namely used to resize the recycler view */ var transitionDuration: Long = 100L /** * Defines whether the edit text and mainAdapter should clear themselves when the searchView is closed */ var shouldClearOnClose: Boolean = false /** * Callback that will be called every time the searchView opens */ var openListener: ((searchView: SearchView) -> Unit)? = null /** * Callback that will be called every time the searchView closes */ var closeListener: ((searchView: SearchView) -> Unit)? = null /** * Draw a divider between the search bar and the suggestion items * The divider is colored based on the [foregroundColor] */ var withDivider: Boolean = true /** * Hint string to be set in the searchView */ var hintText: String? = null /** * Hint string res to be set in the searchView */ var hintTextRes: Int = INVALID_ID /** * StringRes for a "no results found" item * If [results] is ever set to an empty list, it will default to * a list with one item with this string * * For simplicity, kau contains [R.string.kau_no_results_found] * which you may use */ var noResultsFound: Int = INVALID_ID /** * Callback for when the query changes * This callback does not run on the ui thread! * It is always on a worker thread, so there is no need for asynchronous calls * Likewise, calls modifying the UI should be passed through [runOnUiThread] */ var textCallback: (query: String, searchView: SearchView) -> Unit = { _, _ -> } /** * Callback for when the query is changed to an empty string * Typically, this may be ignored as the adapter will simply be cleared, * but if we wish to do something else, we may pass a function * Returns [true] if the action was consumed, [false] otherwise (to execute default behaviour) */ var textClearedCallback: (searchView: SearchView) -> Boolean = { _ -> false } /** * Callback for when the search action key is detected from the keyboard * Returns true if the searchbar should close afterwards, and false otherwise */ var searchCallback: (query: String, searchView: SearchView) -> Boolean = { _, _ -> false } /** * Debouncing interval between callbacks */ var textDebounceInterval: Long = 0 /** * Click event for suggestion items * This event is only triggered when [key] is not blank (like in [noResultsFound] */ var onItemClick: (position: Int, key: String, content: String, searchView: SearchView) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> } /** * Long click event for suggestion items * This event is only triggered when [key] is not blank (like in [noResultsFound] */ var onItemLongClick: (position: Int, key: String, content: String, searchView: SearchView) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> } /** * If a [SearchItem]'s title contains the submitted query, make that portion bold * See [SearchItem.withHighlights] */ var highlightQueryText: Boolean = true /** * Sets config attributes to the given searchView */ internal fun apply(searchView: SearchView) { with(searchView) { if (SearchItem.foregroundColor != foregroundColor) { SearchItem.foregroundColor = foregroundColor tintForeground(foregroundColor) } if (SearchItem.backgroundColor != backgroundColor) { SearchItem.backgroundColor = backgroundColor tintBackground(backgroundColor) } with(binding) { val icons = mutableListOf(navIcon to kauSearchNav, clearIcon to kauSearchClear) val extra = extraIcon if (extra != null) { icons.add(extra.first to kauSearchExtra) } icons.forEach { (iicon, view) -> view.goneIf(iicon == null).setSearchIcon(iicon) } if (extra != null) { kauSearchExtra.setOnClickListener(extra.second) } kauSearchDivider.invisibleIf(!withDivider) kauSearchEditText.hint = context.string(hintTextRes, hintText) textCallback.terminate() textCallback = debounce(textDebounceInterval, this@Configs.textCallback) } } } } /** * Contract for mainAdapter items * Setting results will ensure that the values are sent on the UI thread */ var results: List get() = adapter.adapterItems set(value) = context.runOnUiThread { val list = if (value.isEmpty() && configs.noResultsFound != INVALID_ID) listOf(SearchItem("", context.string(configs.noResultsFound), iicon = null)) else value if (configs.highlightQueryText && value.isNotEmpty()) list.forEach { it.withHighlights( binding.kauSearchEditText.text?.toString() ) } cardTransition() adapter.setNewList(list) } /** * Empties the list on the UI thread * The noResults item will not be added */ internal fun clearResults() { textCallback.cancel() context.runOnUiThread { cardTransition(); adapter.clear() } } private val configs = Configs() // views private var textCallback: Debouncer2 = debounce(0) { query, _ -> KL.d { "Search query $query found; set your own textCallback" } } private val adapter = FastItemAdapter() private var menuItem: MenuItem? = null val isOpen: Boolean get() = parent != null && binding.kauSearchCardview.isVisible /** * The current text located in our searchview */ val query: String get() = binding.kauSearchEditText.text?.toString()?.trim() ?: "" /* * Ripple start points and search view offset * These are calculated every time the search view is opened, * and can be overridden with the open listener if necessary */ var menuX: Int = -1 // starting x for circular reveal var menuY: Int = -1 // reference for cardview's marginTop var menuHalfHeight: Int = -1 // starting y for circular reveal (relative to the cardview) private val binding: KauSearchViewBinding = KauSearchViewBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), this) init { z = 99f binding.init() } private fun KauSearchViewBinding.init() { kauSearchNav.setSearchIcon(configs.navIcon).setOnClickListener { revealClose() } kauSearchClear.setSearchIcon(configs.clearIcon) .setOnClickListener { kauSearchEditText.text?.clear() } tintForeground(configs.foregroundColor) tintBackground(configs.backgroundColor) with(kauSearchRecycler) { isNestedScrollingEnabled = false withLinearAdapter(this@SearchView.adapter) addOnScrollListener(object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) { super.onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView, newState) if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) { hideKeyboard() } } }) itemAnimator = null } with(adapter) { selectExtension { isSelectable = true } onClickListener = { _, _, item, position -> if (item.key.isNotBlank()) configs.onItemClick( position, item.key, item.content, this@SearchView ); true } onLongClickListener = { _, _, item, position -> if (item.key.isNotBlank()) { configs.onItemLongClick( position, item.key, item.content, this@SearchView ) } true } } kauSearchEditText.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher { override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {} override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {} override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { val text = s.toString().trim() textCallback.cancel() if (text.isNotEmpty()) { textCallback(text, this@SearchView) } else if (!configs.textClearedCallback(this@SearchView)) { clearResults() } } }) kauSearchEditText.setOnEditorActionListener { _, actionId, _ -> if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH) { val query = kauSearchEditText.text?.toString() ?: "" if (configs.searchCallback(query, this@SearchView)) { revealClose() } else { kauSearchEditText.hideKeyboard() } return@setOnEditorActionListener true } false } } internal fun ImageView.setSearchIcon(iicon: IIcon?): ImageView { setIcon(iicon, sizeDp = 18, color = configs.foregroundColor) return this } internal fun cardTransition(builder: TransitionSet.() -> Unit = {}) { TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(binding.kauSearchCardview, // we are only using change bounds, as the recyclerview items may be animated as well, // which causes a measure IllegalStateException TransitionSet().addTransition(ChangeBounds()).apply { duration = configs.transitionDuration builder() }) } /** * Update the base configurations and apply them to the searchView */ fun config(config: Configs.() -> Unit) { configs.config() configs.apply(this) } /** * Binds the SearchView to a menu item and handles everything internally * This is assuming that SearchView has already been added to a ViewGroup * If not, see the extension function [bindSearchView] */ fun bind( menu: Menu, @IdRes id: Int, @ColorInt menuIconColor: Int = Color.WHITE, config: Configs.() -> Unit = {} ): SearchView { config(config) val menuItem = menu.findItem(id) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Menu item with given id doesn't exist") if (menuItem.icon == null) { menuItem.icon = GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_search.toDrawable(context, 18, menuIconColor) } binding.kauSearchCardview.gone() menuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener { revealOpen(); true } binding.kauSearchShadow.setOnClickListener { revealClose() } this.menuItem = menuItem return this } /** * Call to remove the searchView from the original menuItem, * with the option to replace the item click listener */ fun unBind(replacementMenuItemClickListener: ((item: MenuItem) -> Boolean)? = null) { (parent as? ViewGroup)?.removeView(this) menuItem?.setOnMenuItemClickListener(replacementMenuItemClickListener) menuItem = null } private val locations = IntArray(2) private fun KauSearchViewBinding.configureCoords(item: MenuItem?) { item ?: return if (parent !is ViewGroup) { return } val view = parentViewGroup.findViewById(item.itemId) ?: return view.getLocationInWindow(locations) menuX = (locations[0] + view.width / 2) menuHalfHeight = view.height / 2 menuY = (locations[1] + menuHalfHeight) kauSearchCardview.viewTreeObserver.addOnPreDrawListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener { override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean { view.viewTreeObserver.removeOnPreDrawListener(this) kauSearchCardview.setMarginTop(menuY - kauSearchCardview.height / 2) return true } }) } /** * Handle a back press event * Returns true if back press is consumed, false otherwise */ fun onBackPressed(): Boolean { if (isOpen && menuItem != null) { revealClose() return true } return false } /** * Tint foreground attributes * This can be done publicly through [configs], which will also save the color */ internal fun tintForeground(@ColorInt color: Int) { with(binding) { kauSearchNav.drawable.setTint(color) kauSearchClear.drawable.setTint(color) kauSearchDivider.setBackgroundColor(color.adjustAlpha(0.1f)) kauSearchEditText.tint(color) kauSearchEditText.setTextColor(ColorStateList.valueOf(color)) kauSearchEditText.setHintTextColor(color.adjustAlpha(0.7f)) } } /** * Tint background attributes * This can be done publicly through [configs], which will also save the color */ internal fun tintBackground(@ColorInt color: Int) { binding.kauSearchCardview.setCardBackgroundColor(color) } fun revealOpen() { if (parent == null || isOpen) { return } fun KauSearchViewBinding.open() { /** * The y component is relative to the cardView, but it hasn't been drawn yet so its own height is 0 * We therefore use half the menuItem height, which is a close approximation to our intended value * The cardView matches the parent's width, so menuX is correct */ configureCoords(menuItem) configs.openListener?.invoke(this@SearchView) kauSearchShadow.fadeIn() kauSearchEditText.showKeyboard() kauSearchCardview.circularReveal( menuX, menuHalfHeight, duration = configs.revealDuration ) { cardTransition() kauSearchRecycler.visible() } } context.runOnUiThread { binding.open() } } fun revealClose() { if (parent == null || !isOpen) { return } fun KauSearchViewBinding.close() { kauSearchShadow.fadeOut(duration = configs.transitionDuration) cardTransition { addEndListener { kauSearchCardview.circularHide(menuX, menuHalfHeight, duration = configs.revealDuration, onFinish = { configs.closeListener?.invoke(this@SearchView) if (configs.shouldClearOnClose) { kauSearchEditText.text?.clear() } }) } } kauSearchRecycler.gone() kauSearchEditText.hideKeyboard() } context.runOnUiThread { binding.close() } } } @DslMarker annotation class KauSearch /** * Helper function that binds to an activity's main view */ @KauSearch fun Activity.bindSearchView( menu: Menu, @IdRes id: Int, @ColorInt menuIconColor: Int = Color.WHITE, config: Configs.() -> Unit = {} ): SearchView = findViewById(android.R.id.content).bindSearchView(menu, id, menuIconColor, config) /** * Bind searchView to a menu item; call this in [Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu] * Be wary that if you may reinflate the menu many times (eg through [Activity.invalidateOptionsMenu]), * it may be worthwhile to hold a reference to the searchview and only bind it if it hasn't been bound before */ @KauSearch fun ViewGroup.bindSearchView( menu: Menu, @IdRes id: Int, @ColorInt menuIconColor: Int = Color.WHITE, config: Configs.() -> Unit = {} ): SearchView { val searchView = SearchView(context) searchView.layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ) addView(searchView) searchView.bind(menu, id, menuIconColor, config) return searchView }