/* * Copyright 2019 Allan Wang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ca.allanwang.fastadapter.viewbinding import android.content.Context import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import androidx.viewbinding.ViewBinding import ca.allanwang.kau.fastadapter.viewbinding.R import ca.allanwang.kau.logging.KL import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.FastAdapter import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.GenericItem import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.items.AbstractItem import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.listeners.ClickEventHook interface VhModel { fun vh(): GenericItem } /** * Layout container. Should be implemented in a [BindingItem] companion. */ interface BindingLayout { val layoutRes: Int } abstract class BindingItem(open val data: Any?) : AbstractItem(), BindingLayout { override val type: Int get() = layoutRes abstract fun createBinding(layoutInflater: LayoutInflater, parent: ViewGroup?): Binding override fun createView(ctx: Context, parent: ViewGroup?): View { val binding = createBinding(LayoutInflater.from(ctx), parent) setBinding(binding.root, binding) return binding.root } final override fun bindView(holder: ViewHolder, payloads: MutableList) { super.bindView(holder, payloads) val binding = holder.getBinding() binding.bindView(holder, payloads) } abstract fun Binding.bindView(holder: ViewHolder, payloads: MutableList) protected fun unbind(vararg textViews: TextView) { textViews.forEach { it.text = null } } protected fun unbind(vararg imageViews: ImageView) { imageViews.forEach { it.setImageDrawable(null) } } final override fun unbindView(holder: ViewHolder) { super.unbindView(holder) val binding = holder.getBinding() binding.unbindView(holder) } open fun Binding.unbindView(holder: ViewHolder) {} final override fun getViewHolder(v: View): ViewHolder = ViewHolder(v, layoutRes) override fun failedToRecycle(holder: ViewHolder): Boolean { KL.e { "Failed to recycle" } return super.failedToRecycle(holder) } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other !is BindingItem<*>) return false return identifier == other.identifier && data == other.data } override fun hashCode(): Int = data.hashCode() class ViewHolder(itemView: View, internal val layoutRes: Int) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) { /** * Retrieves a binding. * * It is assumed that the binding is set prior to this call, * and that its type matches the supplied generic. */ fun getBinding(): T = getBinding(itemView) } companion object { fun setBinding(view: View, binding: Any) { view.setTag(R.id.kau_view_binding_model, binding) } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun getBinding(view: View): T = view.getTag(R.id.kau_view_binding_model) as T } } abstract class BindingClickEventHook>(val identifier: BindingLayout) : ClickEventHook() { private fun RecyclerView.ViewHolder.binding(): Binding? { val holder = this as? BindingItem.ViewHolder ?: return null if (holder.layoutRes != identifier.layoutRes) { return null } return getBinding() } final override fun onBind(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder): View? { val binding = viewHolder.binding() ?: return super.onBind(viewHolder) val view = binding.onBind(viewHolder) ?: return super.onBind(viewHolder) BindingItem.setBinding(view, binding) return view } open fun Binding.onBind(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder): View? = super.onBind(viewHolder) final override fun onBindMany(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder): List? { val binding = viewHolder.binding() ?: return super.onBindMany(viewHolder) val views = binding.onBindMany(viewHolder) ?: return super.onBindMany(viewHolder) views.forEach { BindingItem.setBinding(it, binding) } return views } open fun Binding.onBindMany(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder): List? = super.onBindMany(viewHolder) final override fun onClick(v: View, position: Int, fastAdapter: FastAdapter, item: Item) { BindingItem.getBinding(v).onClick(v, position, fastAdapter, item) } abstract fun Binding.onClick(v: View, position: Int, fastAdapter: FastAdapter, item: Item) }