# Changelog ## v3.1.1 * :imagepicker: Add uri val to ImageModel ## v3.1.0 * :core: Allow for nullable throwables when logging * :core: Remove some extra DSL annotations * :kpref-activity: Bring down to minSdk 19 and fix compatibility * :adapter: Update readme for iitems and animators * :about: Move strings to private ## v3.0 * :core: Add setPadding[x] * :core: [breaking] Replace update[x]Margin to setMargin[x] * :imagepicker: Fully implement picker * Make resources private where possible * Reduce minSdk to 19 where possible ## v2.1 * :adapter: Fix up CardIItem * :adapter: Modularized kau animators * :adapter: Switched from mutablelist to list inputs for themed animator * :core-ui: Create ElasticRecyclerActivity * :core-ui: Create MeasuredImageView * :core: Create MeasureSpecDelegate * :core: Improve PermissionManager logging * :core: Inline all util variables with getters * :core: Introduce fade animation style templates * :core: Introduce slide transition style templates * :core: Update utils and remove StringHolder * :imagepicker: Create full image picker with blurrable selections * Update dependencies ## v2.0 * Huge refactoring to separate functions to their own submodules * Huge Docs update * Reorder KauIItem arguments to support optional id * Create KPrefSeekbar, which binds an int kpref to a seekbar * Open all kpref item binders so they may be extended * Fix scrolling issue on about dismiss * Make rClass optional in about activity ## v1.5 * Change snackbar builder * Change addBundle to withArguments to match ANKO * Create KauIItem to replace AbstractItem * Create permission manager and permission constants * Create swipe, a very simple helper to allow for activities to be dismissed with gestures * Create network utils ## v1.4 * Add about activities * Add themed fast item imageAdapter * Add chained imageAdapter * Add item animators * Port some views over from Plaid * Add string arg option for sendEmail * Add many iitems ## v1.3 * Add kpref subitems * Add DSL markers * Add transition utils and other utils * Add custom searchview with binders * Add KauBoundedCardView ## v1.2 * Fix title attribute in changelog * Update support libs * Add is app installed utils * Add email builder ## v1.1 * Create kpref items * Attach source files * Create color dialog * Add more utilities * Fix indexStack clearing when starting activity ## v1.0 * Initial Changelog * Create many extension functions * Port changelog builer * Port ripple canvas