package ca.allanwang.kau.permissions import import android.content.Context import import import ca.allanwang.kau.kotlin.lazyContext import ca.allanwang.kau.logging.KL import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.KauException import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.buildIsMarshmallowAndUp import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.hasPermission import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.toast import java.lang.ref.WeakReference /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-07-03. */ internal object PermissionManager { var requestInProgress = false val pendingResults: MutableList> by lazy { mutableListOf>() } /** * Retrieve permissions requested in our manifest */ val manifestPermission = lazyContext> { try { it.packageManager.getPackageInfo(it.packageName, PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS)?.requestedPermissions ?: emptyArray() } catch (e: Exception) { emptyArray() } } operator fun invoke(context: Context, permissions: Array, callback: (granted: Boolean, deniedPerm: String?) -> Unit) { KL.d("Permission manager for: ${permissions.contentToString()}") if (!buildIsMarshmallowAndUp) return callback(true, null) val missingPermissions = permissions.filter { !context.hasPermission(it) } if (missingPermissions.isEmpty()) return callback(true, null) pendingResults.add(WeakReference(PermissionResult(permissions, callback = callback))) if (!requestInProgress) { requestInProgress = true requestPermissions(context, missingPermissions.toTypedArray()) } else KL.d("Request is postponed since another one is still in progress; did you remember to override onRequestPermissionsResult?") } @Synchronized internal fun requestPermissions(context: Context, permissions: Array) { permissions.forEach { if (!manifestPermission(context).contains(it)) { KL.e("Requested permission $it is not stated in the manifest") context.toast("$it is not in the manifest") //we'll let the request pass through so it can be denied and so the callback can be triggered } } val activity = (context as? Activity) ?: throw KauException("Context is not an instance of an activity; cannot request permissions") KL.i("Requesting permissions ${permissions.contentToString()}") ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, permissions, 1) } fun onRequestPermissionsResult(context: Context, permissions: Array, grantResults: IntArray) { KL.i("On permission result: pending ${pendingResults.size}") val count = Math.min(permissions.size, grantResults.size) val iter = pendingResults.iterator() while (iter.hasNext()) { val action = if ((0 until count).any { action?.onResult(permissions[it], grantResults[it]) ?: true }) iter.remove() } if (pendingResults.isEmpty()) requestInProgress = false else { val action = { it.get() }.firstOrNull { it != null } if (action == null) { //actions have been unlinked from their weak references pendingResults.clear() requestInProgress = false return } requestPermissions(context, action.permissions.toTypedArray()) } KL.i("Post on permission result: pending ${pendingResults.size}") } }