package ca.allanwang.kau.ui.widgets import android.content.Context import import androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat import android.text.TextUtils import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.Gravity import android.view.animation.Animation import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils import android.widget.TextSwitcher import android.widget.TextView import ca.allanwang.kau.ui.R import java.util.* /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-06-21. * * Text switcher with global text color and embedded sliding animations * Also has a stack to keep track of title changes */ class TextSlider @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null ) : TextSwitcher(context, attrs) { val titleStack: Stack = Stack() /** * Holds a mapping of animation types to their respective animations */ val animationMap = mapOf( ANIMATION_NONE to null, ANIMATION_SLIDE_HORIZONTAL to AnimationBundle( R.anim.kau_slide_in_right, R.anim.kau_slide_out_left, R.anim.kau_slide_in_left, R.anim.kau_slide_out_right), ANIMATION_SLIDE_VERTICAL to AnimationBundle( R.anim.kau_slide_in_bottom, R.anim.kau_slide_out_top, R.anim.kau_slide_in_top, R.anim.kau_slide_out_bottom ) ) /** * Holds lazy instances of the animations */ inner class AnimationBundle(private val nextIn: Int, private val nextOut: Int, private val prevIn: Int, private val prevOut: Int) { val NEXT_IN: Animation by lazy { AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, nextIn) } val NEXT_OUT: Animation by lazy { AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, nextOut) } val PREV_IN: Animation by lazy { AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, prevIn) } val PREV_OUT: Animation by lazy { AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, prevOut) } } companion object { const val ANIMATION_NONE = 1000 const val ANIMATION_SLIDE_HORIZONTAL = 1001 const val ANIMATION_SLIDE_VERTICAL = 1002 } var animationType: Int = ANIMATION_SLIDE_HORIZONTAL var textColor: Int = Color.WHITE get() = field set(value) { field = value (getChildAt(0) as TextView).setTextColor(value) (getChildAt(1) as TextView).setTextColor(value) } val isRoot: Boolean get() = titleStack.size <= 1 init { if (attrs != null) { val styledAttrs = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.TextSlider) animationType = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.TextSlider_animation_type, ANIMATION_SLIDE_HORIZONTAL) styledAttrs.recycle() } } override fun setText(text: CharSequence?) { if ((currentView as TextView).text == text) return super.setText(text) } override fun setCurrentText(text: CharSequence?) { if (titleStack.isNotEmpty()) titleStack.pop() titleStack.push(text) super.setCurrentText(text) } fun setNextText(text: CharSequence?) { if (titleStack.isEmpty()) { setCurrentText(text) return } titleStack.push(text) val anim = animationMap[animationType] inAnimation = anim?.NEXT_IN outAnimation = anim?.NEXT_OUT setText(text) } /** * Sets the text as the previous title * No further checks are done, so be sure to verify with [isRoot] */ @Throws(EmptyStackException::class) fun setPrevText() { titleStack.pop() val anim = animationMap[animationType] inAnimation = anim?.PREV_IN outAnimation = anim?.PREV_OUT val text = titleStack.peek() setText(text) } init { setFactory { TextView(context).apply { //replica of toolbar title gravity = Gravity.START setSingleLine() ellipsize = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END TextViewCompat.setTextAppearance(this, } } } }