path: root/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/ChainedAdapters.kt
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1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/ChainedAdapters.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/ChainedAdapters.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c5c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/ChainedAdapters.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package ca.allanwang.kau.adapters
+import android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutManager
+import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView
+import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItem
+import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.adapters.HeaderAdapter
+import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.commons.adapters.FastItemAdapter
+import org.jetbrains.anko.collections.forEachReversedWithIndex
+import java.util.*
+ * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-06-27.
+ *
+ * Once bounded to a [RecyclerView], this will
+ * - Chain together a list of [HeaderAdapter]s, backed by a generic [FastItemAdapter]
+ * - Add a [LinearLayoutManager] to the recycler
+ * - Add a listener for when a new adapter segment is being used
+ */
+class ChainedAdapters<T>(vararg items: Pair<T, SectionAdapter<*>>) {
+ private val chain: MutableList<Pair<T, SectionAdapter<*>>> = mutableListOf(*items)
+ val baseAdapter: FastItemAdapter<IItem<*, *>> = FastItemAdapter()
+ private val indexStack = Stack<Int>()
+ var recycler: RecyclerView? = null
+ val firstVisibleItemPosition: Int
+ get() = (recycler?.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager?)?.findFirstVisibleItemPosition() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No recyclerview was bounded to the chain adapters")
+ fun add(vararg items: Pair<T, SectionAdapter<*>>) = add(items.toList())
+ fun add(items: Collection<Pair<T, SectionAdapter<*>>>): ChainedAdapters<T> {
+ if (recycler != null) throw IllegalAccessException("Chain adapter is already bounded to a recycler; cannot add directly.")
+ items.map { it.second }.forEachIndexed { index, sectionAdapter -> sectionAdapter.sectionOrder = chain.size + 1 + index }
+ chain.addAll(items)
+ return this
+ }
+ operator fun get(index: Int) = chain[index]
+ /**
+ * Attaches the chain to a recycler
+ * After this stage, any modifications to the adapters must be done through external references
+ * You may still get the generic header adapters through the get operator
+ * Binding the recycler also involves supplying a callback, which returns
+ * the item (T) associated with the adapter,
+ * the index (Int) of the current adapter
+ * and the dy (Int) as given by the scroll listener
+ */
+ fun bindRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView, onAdapterSectionChanged: (item: T, index: Int, dy: Int) -> Unit) {
+ if (recycler != null) throw IllegalStateException("Chain adapter is already bounded")
+ if (chain.isEmpty()) throw IllegalArgumentException("No adapters have been added to the adapters list")
+ //wrap adapters
+ chain.map { it.second }.forEachReversedWithIndex { i, headerAdapter ->
+ if (i == chain.size - 1) headerAdapter.wrap(baseAdapter)
+ else headerAdapter.wrap(chain[i + 1].second)
+ }
+ recycler = recyclerView
+ indexStack.push(0)
+ with(recyclerView) {
+ layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
+ adapter = chain.first().second
+ addOnScrollListener(object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
+ override fun onScrolled(rv: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
+ super.onScrolled(rv, dx, dy)
+ val topPosition = firstVisibleItemPosition
+ val currentAdapterIndex = indexStack.peek()
+ if (dy > 0) {
+ //look ahead from current adapter
+ val nextAdapterIndex = (currentAdapterIndex until chain.size).asSequence()
+ .firstOrNull {
+ val adapter = chain[it].second
+ adapter.adapterItemCount > 0 && adapter.getGlobalPosition(adapter.adapterItemCount - 1) >= topPosition
+ } ?: currentAdapterIndex
+ if (nextAdapterIndex == currentAdapterIndex) return
+ indexStack.push(nextAdapterIndex)
+ onAdapterSectionChanged(chain[indexStack.peek()].first, indexStack.peek(), dy)
+ } else if (currentAdapterIndex == 0) {
+ return //All adapters may be empty; in this case, if we are already at the beginning, don't bother checking
+ } else if (chain[currentAdapterIndex].second.getGlobalPosition(0) > topPosition) {
+ indexStack.pop()
+ onAdapterSectionChanged(chain[indexStack.peek()].first, indexStack.peek(), dy)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file