diff options
2 files changed, 66 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c8c9935..29bac91 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ dependencies {
# Features
* [KPrefs](#kprefs)
+* [KPref Items](#kpref-items)
* [Changelog XML](#changelog)
* [Ripple Canvas](#ripple-canvas)
* [Timber Logger](#timber-logger)
@@ -81,6 +82,39 @@ The object inherits the initializer method `fun initialize(c: Context, preferenc
There is also a `reset()` method to clear the local values and have them retrieve from the SharedPreference again
+<a name="kpref-items"></a>
+## KPref Items
+KAU supports Preferences that are created without xmls and through AppCompat.
+The items are backed by a [FastAdapter](https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter) and support [iicons](https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-Iconics)
+The easiest way to create the settings is to extend `KPrefActivity`.
+We will then override `onCreateKPrefs` to generate our adapter builder.
+The adapter builder implements `CoreAttributeContract` that will be added to every kpref item.
+Each item also extends a bunch of other contracts that allow for mandatory arguments and optional configurations.
+The contracts are as follows:
+Contract | Mandatory | Optional | Description
+:--- | :--- | :---
+`CoreAttributeContract` | `NA` | `textColor` `accentColor` | Defines stylings that are added in every item
+`CoreContract` | `titleRes` | `descRes` `iicon` | Implemented by every item
+`BaseContract` | `getter` `setter` | `enabler` `onClick` `onDisabledClick` | Implemented by every preference item
+`KPrefColorContract` | `NA` | `showPreview` | Additional configurations for the color picker
+`KPrefTextContract` | `NA` | `textGetter` | Additional configurations for the text item
+The kpref items are as followed:
+Item | Implements | Description
+:--- | :---
+`checkbox` | `CoreContract` `BaseContract` | Checkbox item; by default, clicking it will toggle the checkbox and the kpref
+`colorPicker` | `CoreContract` `BaseContract` `KPrefColorContract` | Color picker item; by default, clicking it will open a dialog which will change the color (int)
+`header` | `CoreContract` | Header; just a title that isn't clickable
+ `text` | `CoreContract` `BaseContract` `KPrefTextContract` | Text item; displays the kpref as a String on the right; does not have click implementation by default
<a name="changelog"></a>
## Changelog XML
diff --git a/library/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt b/library/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt
index fca5677..247bbc7 100644
--- a/library/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt
+++ b/library/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt
@@ -20,69 +20,97 @@ import android.support.v4.app.Fragment as SupportFragment
fun <V : View> View.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> DialogFragment.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<DialogFragment, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.Fragment.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.Fragment, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> View.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> DialogFragment.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<DialogFragment, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.Fragment.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.Fragment, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> View.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> DialogFragment.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<DialogFragment, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.Fragment.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.Fragment, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> View.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> DialogFragment.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<DialogFragment, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> android.support.v4.app.Fragment.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<android.support.v4.app.Fragment, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
@@ -103,16 +131,16 @@ private val android.support.v4.app.Fragment.viewFinder: android.support.v4.app.F
private val ViewHolder.viewFinder: ViewHolder.(Int) -> View?
get() = { itemView.findViewById(it) }
-private fun viewNotFound(id:Int, desc: KProperty<*>): Nothing =
+private fun viewNotFound(id: Int, desc: KProperty<*>): Nothing =
throw IllegalStateException("View ID $id for '${desc.name}' not found.")
private fun <T, V : View> required(id: Int, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
- = Lazy { t: T, desc -> (t.finder(id) as V?)?.apply { } ?: viewNotFound(id, desc) }
+ = Lazy { t: T, desc -> (t.finder(id) as V?)?.apply { } ?: viewNotFound(id, desc) }
private fun <T, V : View> optional(id: Int, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
- = Lazy { t: T, _ -> t.finder(id) as V? }
+ = Lazy { t: T, _ -> t.finder(id) as V? }
private fun <T, V : View> required(ids: IntArray, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
@@ -125,6 +153,7 @@ private fun <T, V : View> optional(ids: IntArray, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
// Like Kotlin's lazy delegate but the initializer gets the target and metadata passed to it
private class Lazy<T, V>(private val initializer: (T, KProperty<*>) -> V) : ReadOnlyProperty<T, V> {
private object EMPTY
private var value: Any? = EMPTY
override fun getValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>): V {