diff options
authorAllan Wang <allanwang@google.com>2019-08-15 16:04:14 -0700
committerAllan Wang <allanwang@google.com>2019-08-15 16:04:14 -0700
commit5aefeee08f68777dd07a16bd42a7d2392db6bbc9 (patch)
parent85e9e1f253bb14512ae404989c45cbc199eb1eba (diff)
Apply spotless
27 files changed, 49 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/AboutActivityBase.kt b/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/AboutActivityBase.kt
index 452d28c..d17c3ec 100644
--- a/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/AboutActivityBase.kt
+++ b/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/AboutActivityBase.kt
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ abstract class AboutActivityBase(val rClass: Class<*>?, private val configBuilde
pageStatus = IntArray(panels.size)
- pageStatus[0] = 2 //the first page is instantly visible
+ pageStatus[0] = 2 // the first page is instantly visible
if (configs.textColor != null) about_indicator.setColour(configs.textColor!!)
with(about_pager) {
adapter = AboutPagerAdapter()
@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ abstract class AboutActivityBase(val rClass: Class<*>?, private val configBuilde
var libPageTitle: String? = null
set(value) {
field = value
- libPageTitleRes = INVALID_ID //reset res so we don't use our default
+ libPageTitleRes = INVALID_ID // reset res so we don't use our default
var faqXmlRes: Int = INVALID_ID
var faqPageTitleRes: Int = R.string.kau_about_faq_intro
var faqPageTitle: String? = null
set(value) {
field = value
- faqPageTitleRes = INVALID_ID //reset res so we don't use our default
+ faqPageTitleRes = INVALID_ID // reset res so we don't use our default
* Whether new lines should be included
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ abstract class AboutActivityBase(val rClass: Class<*>?, private val configBuilde
override fun onDestroy() {
- AnimHolder.decelerateInterpolator.invalidate() //clear the reference to the interpolators we've used
+ AnimHolder.decelerateInterpolator.invalidate() // clear the reference to the interpolators we've used
diff --git a/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/CutoutIItem.kt b/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/CutoutIItem.kt
index d51db46..d92f6a7 100644
--- a/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/CutoutIItem.kt
+++ b/about/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/about/CutoutIItem.kt
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class CutoutIItem(val config: CutoutView.() -> Unit = {}) : KauIItem<CutoutIItem
with(holder) {
cutout.drawable = null
- cutout.text = "Text" //back to default
+ cutout.text = "Text" // back to default
diff --git a/core-ui/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/widgets/TextSlider.kt b/core-ui/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/widgets/TextSlider.kt
index 51f7ab9..726f5b6 100644
--- a/core-ui/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/widgets/TextSlider.kt
+++ b/core-ui/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/widgets/TextSlider.kt
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class TextSlider @JvmOverloads constructor(
init {
setFactory {
TextView(context).apply {
- //replica of toolbar title
+ // replica of toolbar title
gravity = Gravity.START
ellipsize = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END
diff --git a/core/src/androidTest/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/KPrefTest.kt b/core/src/androidTest/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/KPrefTest.kt
index 143b83f..64c4a37 100644
--- a/core/src/androidTest/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/KPrefTest.kt
+++ b/core/src/androidTest/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/KPrefTest.kt
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class KPrefTest {
pref { one = 2 }
assertPrefEquals(2, { one })
assertPrefEquals(6, { prefMap.size }, "Prefmap does not have all elements")
- pref { reset() } //only invalidates our lazy delegate; doesn't change the actual pref
+ pref { reset() } // only invalidates our lazy delegate; doesn't change the actual pref
assertPrefEquals(2, { one }, "Kpref did not properly fetch from shared prefs")
// Android pref only
androidPref.sp.edit().putInt("one", -1).commit()
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/permissions/PermissionManager.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/permissions/PermissionManager.kt
index 96adfa3..b549523 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/permissions/PermissionManager.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/permissions/PermissionManager.kt
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ internal object PermissionManager {
if (!manifestPermission(context).contains(it)) {
KL.e { "Requested permission $it is not stated in the manifest" }
context.toast("$it is not in the manifest")
- //we'll let the request pass through so it can be denied and so the callback can be triggered
+ // we'll let the request pass through so it can be denied and so the callback can be triggered
val activity = (context as? Activity)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/RelativeSlider.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/RelativeSlider.kt
index 0b1dd88..9f23b63 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/RelativeSlider.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/RelativeSlider.kt
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ internal class RelativeSlider(var curPage: SwipeBackPage) : SwipeListener {
* Set offset of previous page based on the edge flag and percentage scrolled
override fun onScroll(percent: Float, px: Int, edgeFlag: Int) {
- if (offset == 0f) return //relative slider is not enabled
+ if (offset == 0f) return // relative slider is not enabled
val page = SwipeBackHelper.getPrePage(curPage) ?: return
if (percent == 0f) {
page.swipeBackLayout.x = 0f
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackHelper.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackHelper.kt
index 1c6de12..0cb6935 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackHelper.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackHelper.kt
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ internal object SwipeBackHelper {
fun finish(activity: Activity) = this[activity]?.scrollToFinishActivity()
internal fun getPrePage(page: SwipeBackPage): SwipeBackPage? {
- //clean invalid pages
+ // clean invalid pages
pageStack.kauRemoveIf { it.activityRef.get() == null }
return pageStack.getOrNull(pageStack.indexOf(page) - 1)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackLayout.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackLayout.kt
index 1f564ce..400f60a 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackLayout.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/swipe/SwipeBackLayout.kt
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ internal class SwipeBackLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(
dragHelper = ViewDragHelper.create(this, ViewDragCallback())
val density = resources.displayMetrics.density
val minVel = MIN_FLING_VELOCITY * density
- //allow touch from anywhere on the screen
+ // allow touch from anywhere on the screen
edgeSize = Math.max(resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels, resources.displayMetrics.heightPixels)
minVelocity = minVel
// maxVelocity = 2.5f * minVel
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ internal class SwipeBackLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(
super.onViewPositionChanged(changedView, left, top, dx, dy)
val contentView = contentViewRef.get()
?: return KL.e { "KauSwipe cannot change view position as contentView is null; is onPostCreate called?" }
- //make sure that we are using the proper axis
+ // make sure that we are using the proper axis
scrollPercent = Math.abs(
if (horizontal) left.toFloat() / contentView.width
else (top.toFloat() / contentView.height)
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ internal class SwipeBackLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(
override fun onViewReleased(releasedChild: View, xvel: Float, yvel: Float) {
var result = Pair(0, 0)
if (scrollPercent <= scrollThreshold) {
- //threshold not met; check velocities
+ // threshold not met; check velocities
if ((edgeFlag == SWIPE_EDGE_LEFT && xvel > MIN_FLING_VELOCITY) ||
(edgeFlag == SWIPE_EDGE_RIGHT && xvel < -MIN_FLING_VELOCITY) ||
(edgeFlag == SWIPE_EDGE_TOP && yvel > MIN_FLING_VELOCITY) ||
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ internal class SwipeBackLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(
result = exitCaptureOffsets(edgeFlag, releasedChild)
} else {
- //threshold met; fling to designated side
+ // threshold met; fling to designated side
result = exitCaptureOffsets(edgeFlag, releasedChild)
dragHelper.settleCapturedViewAt(result.first, result.second)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/CollapsibleViewDelegate.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/CollapsibleViewDelegate.kt
index b2a0d27..b00d951 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/CollapsibleViewDelegate.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/CollapsibleViewDelegate.kt
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class CollapsibleViewDelegate : CollapsibleView {
override fun collapse(animate: Boolean) = setExpanded(false, animate)
override fun setExpanded(expand: Boolean) = setExpanded(expand, true)
override fun setExpanded(expand: Boolean, animate: Boolean) {
- if (expand == expanded) return //state already matches
+ if (expand == expanded) return // state already matches
val target = if (expand) 1f else 0f
if (animate) animateSize(target) else expansion = target
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/MeasureSpecDelegate.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/MeasureSpecDelegate.kt
index 6481306..61e6f30 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/MeasureSpecDelegate.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/ui/views/MeasureSpecDelegate.kt
@@ -113,17 +113,17 @@ class MeasureSpecDelegate : MeasureSpecContract {
var width = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec).toFloat()
var height = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec).toFloat()
- //first cycle - relative to parent
+ // first cycle - relative to parent
if (relativeHeightToParent > 0)
height = relativeHeightToParent * parentFrame.height()
if (relativeWidthToParent > 0)
width = relativeWidthToParent * parentFrame.width()
- //second cycle - relative to each other
+ // second cycle - relative to each other
if (relativeHeight > 0)
height = relativeHeight * width
else if (relativeWidth > 0)
width = relativeWidth * height
- //third cycle - relative to each other
+ // third cycle - relative to each other
if (postRelativeHeight > 0)
height = postRelativeHeight * width
else if (postRelativeWidth > 0)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ActivityUtils.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ActivityUtils.kt
index 21141f1..fe210b2 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ActivityUtils.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ActivityUtils.kt
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ inline fun Activity.restart(intentBuilder: Intent.() -> Unit = {}) {
- overridePendingTransition(R.anim.kau_fade_in, R.anim.kau_fade_out) //No transitions
+ overridePendingTransition(R.anim.kau_fade_in, R.anim.kau_fade_out) // No transitions
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.kau_fade_in, R.anim.kau_fade_out)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ColorUtils.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ColorUtils.kt
index 3de0297..ab7b341 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ColorUtils.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ColorUtils.kt
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fun String.toColor(): Int {
return Color.parseColor(toParse)
-//Get ColorStateList
+// Get ColorStateList
fun Context.colorStateList(@ColorInt color: Int): ColorStateList {
val disabledColor = color.adjustAlpha(0.3f)
return ColorStateList(
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ContextUtils.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ContextUtils.kt
index d002fb8..62e5716 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ContextUtils.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/ContextUtils.kt
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ fun Context.startLink(vararg url: String?) {
fun Context.startLink(@StringRes url: Int) = startLink(string(url))
-//Toast helpers
+// Toast helpers
inline fun View.toast(@StringRes id: Int, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG, log: Boolean = false) =
context.toast(id, duration, log)
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ inline fun Context.toast(text: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG, log: B
const val INVALID_ID = 0
-//Resource retrievers
+// Resource retrievers
inline fun Context.string(@StringRes id: Int): String = getString(id)
inline fun Context.string(@StringRes id: Int, fallback: String?): String? =
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ inline fun Context.animation(@AnimRes id: Int) = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(th
inline fun Context.plural(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Number) =
resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity.toInt(), quantity.toInt())
-//Attr retrievers
+// Attr retrievers
fun Context.resolveColor(@AttrRes attr: Int, @ColorInt fallback: Int = 0): Int {
val a = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(intArrayOf(attr))
try {
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt
index aaef160..fac9421 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/Kotterknife.kt
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ private fun <T, V : View> requiredResettable(ids: IntArray, finder: T.(Int) -> V
private fun <T, V : View> optionalResettable(ids: IntArray, finder: T.(Int) -> View?) =
LazyResettable { t: T, _ -> ids.map { t.finder(it) as V? }.filterNotNull() }
-//Like Kotterknife's lazy delegate but is resettable
+// Like Kotterknife's lazy delegate but is resettable
private class LazyResettable<in T, out V>(initializer: (T, KProperty<*>) -> V) : Lazy<T, V>(initializer) {
override fun getValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>): V {
KotterknifeRegistry.register(thisRef!!, this)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/PackageUtils.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/PackageUtils.kt
index 4055847..0bd534e 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/PackageUtils.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/utils/PackageUtils.kt
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ fun Context.isAppEnabled(packageName: String): Boolean {
fun Context.showAppInfo(packageName: String) {
try {
- //Open the specific App Info page:
+ // Open the specific App Info page:
intent.data = Uri.parse("package:$packageName")
} catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) {
- //Open the generic Apps page:
+ // Open the generic Apps page:
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/xml/FAQ.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/xml/FAQ.kt
index 73d7d6c..afde735 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/xml/FAQ.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/xml/FAQ.kt
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ fun Context.kauParseFaq(
resources.getXml(xmlRes).use { parser: XmlResourceParser ->
var eventType = parser.eventType
var question: Spanned? = null
- var flag = -1 //-1, 0, 1 -> invalid, question, answer
+ var flag = -1 // -1, 0, 1 -> invalid, question, answer
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
flag = when (parser.name) {
diff --git a/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/DebounceTest.kt b/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/DebounceTest.kt
index c406901..d43901f 100644
--- a/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/DebounceTest.kt
+++ b/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/DebounceTest.kt
@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ class DebounceTest {
fun multipleDebounces() {
var i = 0
val debounce = debounce<Int>(20) { i += it }
- debounce(1) //ignore -> i = 0
+ debounce(1) // ignore -> i = 0
assertEquals(0, i)
- debounce(2) //accept -> i = 2
+ debounce(2) // accept -> i = 2
assertEquals(2, i)
- debounce(4) //ignore -> i = 2
+ debounce(4) // ignore -> i = 2
assertEquals(2, i)
- debounce(8) //accept -> i = 10
+ debounce(8) // accept -> i = 10
assertEquals(10, i)
diff --git a/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/StreamsTest.kt b/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/StreamsTest.kt
index 4dc4a34..e3d4e5b 100644
--- a/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/StreamsTest.kt
+++ b/core/src/test/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kotlin/StreamsTest.kt
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ class StreamsTest {
items.add(3, thePotato)
assertEquals(result.size + 1, items.size, "Invalid list addition")
assertEquals(2, items.filter { it.id == 9 }.size, "Invalid number of potatoes with id 9")
- items.kauRemoveIf { it === thePotato } //removal by reference
+ items.kauRemoveIf { it === thePotato } // removal by reference
assertEquals(result.size, items.size, "Invalid list size after removal")
assertEquals(result, items)
- items.kauRemoveIf { it == thePotato } //removal by equality
+ items.kauRemoveIf { it == thePotato } // removal by equality
assertEquals(result.size - 1, items.size, "Invalid list removal based on equality")
diff --git a/fastadapter/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/FastItemThemedAdapter.kt b/fastadapter/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/FastItemThemedAdapter.kt
index 5531f59..be98ffa 100644
--- a/fastadapter/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/FastItemThemedAdapter.kt
+++ b/fastadapter/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/adapters/FastItemThemedAdapter.kt
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class ThemableIItemDelegate : ThemableIItem, ThemableIItemColors by ThemableIIte
override fun bindBackgroundRipple(vararg views: View?) {
val background = backgroundColor ?: return
val foreground = accentColor ?: textColor ?: backgroundColor
- ?: return //default to normal background
+ ?: return // default to normal background
val ripple = createSimpleRippleDrawable(foreground, background)
views.forEach { it?.background = ripple }
diff --git a/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/KPrefActivity.kt b/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/KPrefActivity.kt
index f11afde..800a355 100644
--- a/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/KPrefActivity.kt
+++ b/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/KPrefActivity.kt
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ abstract class KPrefActivity : KauBaseActivity(), KPrefActivityContract {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
- //setup layout
+ // setup layout
supportActionBar?.apply {
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ abstract class KPrefActivity : KauBaseActivity(), KPrefActivityContract {
statusBarColor = 0x30000000
- //setup prefs
+ // setup prefs
val core = CoreAttributeBuilder()
val builder = kPrefCoreAttributes()
diff --git a/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefCheckbox.kt b/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefCheckbox.kt
index f4f4a65..a867d06 100644
--- a/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefCheckbox.kt
+++ b/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefCheckbox.kt
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ open class KPrefCheckbox(builder: BaseContract<Boolean>) : KPrefItemBase<Boolean
val checkbox = holder.bindInnerView<CheckBox>(R.layout.kau_pref_checkbox)
checkbox.isChecked = pref
- checkbox.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() //Cancel the animation
+ checkbox.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() // Cancel the animation
override val type: Int
diff --git a/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefSeekbar.kt b/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefSeekbar.kt
index 5de1f83..9abdf09 100644
--- a/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefSeekbar.kt
+++ b/kpref-activity/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/kpref/activity/items/KPrefSeekbar.kt
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ open class KPrefSeekbar(val builder: KPrefSeekbarContract) : KPrefItemBase<Int>(
text.text =
- builder.toText(seekbar.progress.fromProgress) //set initial text in case no change occurs
+ builder.toText(seekbar.progress.fromProgress) // set initial text in case no change occurs
seekbar.progress = pref.toProgress
seekbar.isEnabled = builder.enabler()
diff --git a/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaItemBasic.kt b/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaItemBasic.kt
index 873289f..e801848 100644
--- a/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaItemBasic.kt
+++ b/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaItemBasic.kt
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class MediaItemBasic(val data: MediaModel) :
fun bindEvents(activity: Activity, fastAdapter: FastAdapter<MediaItemBasic>) {
fastAdapter.getSelectExtension().isSelectable = true
- //add image data and return right away
+ // add image data and return right away
fastAdapter.onClickListener = { _, _, item, _ ->
diff --git a/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaPickerCore.kt b/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaPickerCore.kt
index dceb1df..9b8bdfa 100644
--- a/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaPickerCore.kt
+++ b/mediapicker/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/mediapicker/MediaPickerCore.kt
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ abstract class MediaPickerCore<T : GenericItem>(
- //Sort by descending date
+ // Sort by descending date
var sortQuery = MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_MODIFIED + " DESC"
override fun onCreateLoader(id: Int, args: Bundle?): Loader<Cursor> {
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ abstract class MediaPickerCore<T : GenericItem>(
}.mapNotNull {
}.joinToString(prefix = "(", separator = ",", postfix = ")")
- //? query replacements are done for one arg at a time
- //since we potentially have a list of ids, we'll just format the WHERE clause ourself
+ // ? query replacements are done for one arg at a time
+ // since we potentially have a list of ids, we'll just format the WHERE clause ourself
query(baseUri, MediaModel.projection, "${BaseColumns._ID} IN $ids", null, sortQuery)?.use(
diff --git a/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/MainActivity.kt b/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/MainActivity.kt
index 11d19e5..4fe941b 100644
--- a/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/MainActivity.kt
+++ b/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/MainActivity.kt
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class MainActivity : KPrefActivity() {
companion object {
- //some of the most common english words for show
+ // some of the most common english words for show
val wordBank: List<String> by lazy {
"the", "name", "of", "very", "to", "through",
diff --git a/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/PermissionCheckbox.kt b/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/PermissionCheckbox.kt
index 7cf6cc1..68dde2a 100644
--- a/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/PermissionCheckbox.kt
+++ b/sample/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/sample/PermissionCheckbox.kt
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class PermissionCheckbox(val permission: String) : KauIItem<PermissionCheckbox.V
holder.text.text = permission
holder.checkbox.isChecked = holder.itemView.context.hasPermission(permission)
holder.checkbox.isClickable = false
- holder.checkbox.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() //Cancel the animation
+ holder.checkbox.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() // Cancel the animation
class ViewHolder(v: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(v) {
diff --git a/searchview/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/searchview/SearchView.kt b/searchview/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/searchview/SearchView.kt
index da06ec4..f468ea8 100644
--- a/searchview/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/searchview/SearchView.kt
+++ b/searchview/src/main/kotlin/ca/allanwang/kau/searchview/SearchView.kt
@@ -294,9 +294,9 @@ class SearchView @JvmOverloads constructor(
* These are calculated every time the search view is opened,
* and can be overridden with the open listener if necessary
- var menuX: Int = -1 //starting x for circular reveal
- var menuY: Int = -1 //reference for cardview's marginTop
- var menuHalfHeight: Int = -1 //starting y for circular reveal (relative to the cardview)
+ var menuX: Int = -1 // starting x for circular reveal
+ var menuY: Int = -1 // reference for cardview's marginTop
+ var menuHalfHeight: Int = -1 // starting y for circular reveal (relative to the cardview)
init {
View.inflate(context, R.layout.kau_search_view, this)
@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ class SearchView @JvmOverloads constructor(
internal fun cardTransition(builder: TransitionSet.() -> Unit = {}) {
- //we are only using change bounds, as the recyclerview items may be animated as well,
- //which causes a measure IllegalStateException
+ // we are only using change bounds, as the recyclerview items may be animated as well,
+ // which causes a measure IllegalStateException
TransitionSet().addTransition(ChangeBounds()).apply {
duration = configs.transitionDuration