/** * Context menu for links * Largely mimics click_a.js */ (function () { let longClick = false; /** * Go up at most [depth] times, to retrieve a parent matching the provided predicate * If one is found, it is returned immediately. * Otherwise, null is returned. */ function _parentEl(el: HTMLElement, depth: number, predicate: (el: HTMLElement) => boolean): HTMLElement | null { for (let i = 0; i < depth + 1; i++) { if (predicate(el)) { return el } const parent = el.parentElement; if (!parent) { return null } el = parent } return null } /** * Given event and target, return true if handled and false otherwise. */ type EventHandler = (e: Event, target: HTMLElement) => Boolean const _frostCopyComment: EventHandler = (e, target) => { if (!target.hasAttribute('data-commentid')) { return false; } const text = target.innerText; console.log(`Copy comment ${text}`); Frost.contextMenu(null, text); return true; }; /** * Posts should click a tag, with two parents up being div.story_body_container */ const _frostCopyPost: EventHandler = (e, target) => { if (target.tagName !== 'A') { return false; } const parent1 = target.parentElement; if (!parent1 || parent1.tagName !== 'DIV') { return false; } const parent2 = parent1.parentElement; if (!parent2 || !parent2.classList.contains('story_body_container')) { return false; } const url = target.getAttribute('href'); const text = parent1.innerText; console.log(`Copy post ${url} ${text}`); Frost.contextMenu(url, text); return true; }; const _getImageStyleUrl = (el: Element): string | null => { // Emojis and special characters may be images from a span const img = el.querySelector("[style*=\"background-image: url(\"]:not(span)"); if (!img) { return null } return (window.getComputedStyle(img, null).backgroundImage).trim().slice(4, -1); }; /** * Opens image activity for posts with just one image */ const _frostImage: EventHandler = (e, target) => { const element = _parentEl(target, 2, (el) => el.tagName === 'A'); if (!element) { return false; } const url = element.getAttribute('href'); if (!url || url === '#') { return false; } const text = (element.parentElement).innerText; // Check if image item exists, first in children and then in parent const imageUrl = _getImageStyleUrl(element) || _getImageStyleUrl(element.parentElement); if (imageUrl) { console.log(`Context image: ${imageUrl}`); Frost.loadImage(imageUrl, text); return true; } // Check if true img exists const img = element.querySelector("img[src*=scontent]"); if (img instanceof HTMLMediaElement) { const imgUrl = img.src; console.log(`Context img: ${imgUrl}`); Frost.loadImage(imgUrl, text); return true; } console.log(`Context content ${url} ${text}`); Frost.contextMenu(url, text); return true; }; const handlers: EventHandler[] = [_frostImage, _frostCopyComment, _frostCopyPost]; const _frostAContext = (e: Event) => { Frost.longClick(true); longClick = true; /* * Commonality; check for valid target */ const target = e.target || e.currentTarget || e.srcElement; if (!(target instanceof HTMLElement)) { console.log("No element found"); return } for (const h of handlers) { if (h(e, target)) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return } } }; document.addEventListener('contextmenu', _frostAContext, true); document.addEventListener('touchend', () => { if (longClick) { Frost.longClick(false); longClick = false } }, true); }).call(undefined);