package com.pitchedapps.frost.internal import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FB_USER_MATCHER import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FbItem import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.get import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.requests.RequestAuth import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.requests.getAuth import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.frostJsoup import io.reactivex.Completable import org.junit.Assume import org.junit.Test import import import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import kotlin.reflect.full.starProjectedType import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue import /** * Created by Allan Wang on 21/12/17. */ private const val FILE = "" val PROPS: Properties by lazy { val props = Properties() val file = File(FILE) if (!file.exists()) { println("$FILE not found") return@lazy props } println("Found properties at ${file.absolutePath}") FileInputStream(file).use { props.load(it) } props } val COOKIE: String by lazy { PROPS.getProperty("COOKIE") ?: "" } val USER_ID: Long by lazy { FB_USER_MATCHER.find(COOKIE)[1]?.toLong() ?: -1 } val AUTH: RequestAuth by lazy { COOKIE.getAuth().apply { println("Auth:\nuser:$userId\nfb_dtsg: $fb_dtsg\nrev: $rev\nvalid: $isValid") } } val VALID_COOKIE: Boolean by lazy { val data = testJsoup(FbItem.SETTINGS.url) data.title() == "Settings" } fun testJsoup(url: String) = frostJsoup(COOKIE, url) fun authDependent() { println("Auth Dependent") Assume.assumeTrue(COOKIE.isNotEmpty() && VALID_COOKIE) Assume.assumeTrue(AUTH.isValid) } /** * Check that component strings are nonempty and are properly parsed * To be used for data classes */ fun Any.assertComponentsNotEmpty() { val components = this::class.members.filter {"component") } if (components.isEmpty()) fail("${this::class.simpleName} has no components") components.forEach { when (it.returnType) { String::class.starProjectedType -> { val result = as String assertTrue(result.isNotEmpty(), "${} returned empty string") if (result.startsWith("https")) assertTrue(result.startsWith("https://"), "${} has poorly formatted output $result") } } } } fun > List.assertDescending(tag: String) { assertEquals(sortedDescending(), this, "$tag not sorted in descending order") } interface CompletableCallback { fun onComplete() fun onError(message: String) } inline fun concurrentTest(crossinline caller: (callback: CompletableCallback) -> Unit) { val result = Completable.create { emitter -> caller(object : CompletableCallback { override fun onComplete() = emitter.onComplete() override fun onError(message: String) = emitter.onError(Throwable(message)) }) }.blockingGet(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) if (result != null) throw RuntimeException("Concurrent fail: ${result.message}") } class InternalTest { @Test fun concurrentTest() = try { concurrentTest { result -> Thread().run { Thread.sleep(100) result.onError("Intentional fail") } } fail("Did not throw exception") } catch (e: Exception) { // pass } }