package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook import com.pitchedapps.frost.internal.COOKIE import com.pitchedapps.frost.internal.assertComponentsNotEmpty import com.pitchedapps.frost.internal.assertDescending import com.pitchedapps.frost.internal.authDependent import com.pitchedapps.frost.parsers.* import org.junit.BeforeClass import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertNotNull import kotlin.test.assertTrue import /** * Created by Allan Wang on 24/12/17. */ class FbParseTest { companion object { @BeforeClass @JvmStatic fun before() { authDependent() } } private inline fun FrostParser.test(action: T.() -> Unit = {}) = parse(COOKIE).test(url, action) private inline fun ParseResponse?.test(url: String, action: T.() -> Unit = {}) { val response = this ?: fail("${T::class.simpleName} parser returned null for $url") println(response) } @Test fun message() = MessageParser.test { threads.forEach { it.assertComponentsNotEmpty() assertTrue( > FALLBACK_TIME_MOD, "id may not be properly matched") assertNotNull(it.img, "img may not be properly matched") }"thread time values") } @Test fun messageUser() = MessageParser.queryUser(COOKIE, "allan").test("allan query") @Test fun search() = SearchParser.test() @Test fun notif() = NotifParser.test { notifs.forEach { it.assertComponentsNotEmpty() assertTrue( > FALLBACK_TIME_MOD, "id may not be properly matched") assertNotNull(it.img, "img may not be properly matched") }"notif time values") } }